View Full Version : Pick your Apocalypse
08-13-2009, 10:37 PM
Ran this poll on the old site, thought I'd run it again.
Pick as many choices as you like -- this can represent a mixed campaign or multiple campaigns, as you wish.
Categories are from d20 Apocalypse.
08-14-2009, 12:04 AM
Anybody who does not pick Nuclear Armageddon will be taken from this forum, placed against a brick wall and shot!
08-14-2009, 12:06 AM
As I like more natural (realistic settings;)), I picked three: Asteroid strikes, natural cataclysm and nuclear strike.
However, you can count that the three will occur more or less simultaneously. The supervolcano at Yellowstone unexpectedly blow up in an explosion equal to 2000+ time that of Mont St Helens. As two of the US missile base (if not three) are located nearby, the computers or men (communication cut) confuse that event for an attack and several missiles are launched toward Russia and China before this can be cancelled. Both countries also try to cancel their counter attack but they fail to do it before it's already too late and several missiles are launched toward US and Europe (A number of commanders, especially at sea, refuse to cancel the launching sequence and fire their missiles). This remain a limited exchange but a serious one nonetheless.
As a result, most capitals and several large cities in the northern emisphere are blown up, while 70% of the US are covered with ashes. Also when the erruption ends (4 or 5 weeks after it started), a nuclear winter is affecting the northern emisphere. The nuclear exchanges destroyed the various coordination agencies and casualties are high. They are especially dramatic in the US and in Canada. Nevertheless, the world slowly starts to organize and rerscue missions are taking place all over the northern emisphere, including Russian rescue team being deployed to the US. An emergency UN has been created at Geneva (Switzerland) and every country does its best to help. Rogue officers on all sides have been eliminated and surviving government officials are now collaborating to save what can be saved.
A few weeks later, earth is hit by multiple asteroids and this bring all these efforts to an end. Several hit the southern emsiphere, at least two hit the ground and several go deep in the oceans. As a result, a number of natural cataclysm are triggered (earthquakes, Tsunamis...). As the world was already hard hit, the situation goes out of control. Panic spread everywhere, entire countries (such as Japan and Taiwan are almost wiped out). Old vocanoes that were thought to be long extinct such as these in central France become active again, forests are burning worldwide, and the nuclear winter now expend to the entire world... Finally, diseases get into the picture while little can be done.
When everything is over, the casualties are well above 90% and the survivors are facing plausible extinction...:D
08-14-2009, 12:08 AM
Anybody who does not pick Nuclear Armageddon will be taken from this forum, placed against a brick wall and shot!
As you seem to be a threat, one of the asteroids hit Tasmania.:D
08-14-2009, 02:23 AM
I'd have to pick both Environmental Cataclysm and Nuclear Armageddon (at the last phase), but I'd also have to add Economic Collapse, Increasingly-Scarce Resources, and Mass Migration.
TiggerCCW UK
08-14-2009, 02:43 AM
As I like more natural (realistic settings;)), I picked three: Asteroid strikes, natural cataclysm and nuclear strike.
However, you can count that the three will occur more or less simultaneously. The supervolcano at Yellowstone unexpectedly blow up in an explosion equal to 2000+ time that of Mont St Helens. As two of the US missile base (if not three) are located nearby, the computers or men (communication cut) confuse that event for an attack and several missiles are launched toward Russia and China before this can be cancelled. Both countries also try to cancel their counter attack but they fail to do it before it's already too late and several missiles are launched toward US and Europe (A number of commanders, especially at sea, refuse to cancel the launching sequence and fire their missiles). This remain a limited exchange but a serious one nonetheless.
As a result, most capitals and several large cities in the northern emisphere are blown up, while 70% of the US are covered with ashes. Also when the erruption ends (4 or 5 weeks after it started), a nuclear winter is affecting the northern emisphere. The nuclear exchanges destroyed the various coordination agencies and casualties are high. They are especially dramatic in the US and in Canada. Nevertheless, the world slowly starts to organize and rerscue missions are taking place all over the northern emisphere, including Russian rescue team being deployed to the US. An emergency UN has been created at Geneva (Switzerland) and every country does its best to help. Rogue officers on all sides have been eliminated and surviving government officials are now collaborating to save what can be saved.
A few weeks later, earth is hit by multiple asteroids and this bring all these efforts to an end. Several hit the southern emsiphere, at least two hit the ground and several go deep in the oceans. As a result, a number of natural cataclysm are triggered (earthquakes, Tsunamis...). As the world was already hard hit, the situation goes out of control. Panic spread everywhere, entire countries (such as Japan and Taiwan are almost wiped out). Old vocanoes that were thought to be long extinct such as these in central France become active again, forests are burning worldwide, and the nuclear winter now expend to the entire world... Finally, diseases get into the picture while little can be done.
When everything is over, the casualties are well above 90% and the survivors are facing plausible extinction...:D
Now thats a cheerful scenario.....
08-14-2009, 05:38 AM
As I like more natural (realistic settings;)), I picked three: Asteroid strikes, natural cataclysm and nuclear strike.
However, you can count that the three will occur more or less simultaneously. The supervolcano at Yellowstone unexpectedly blow up in an explosion equal to 2000+ time that of Mont St Helens. As two of the US missile base (if not three) are located nearby, the computers or men (communication cut) confuse that event for an attack and several missiles are launched toward Russia and China before this can be cancelled. Both countries also try to cancel their counter attack but they fail to do it before it's already too late and several missiles are launched toward US and Europe (A number of commanders, especially at sea, refuse to cancel the launching sequence and fire their missiles). This remain a limited exchange but a serious one nonetheless.
As a result, most capitals and several large cities in the northern emisphere are blown up, while 70% of the US are covered with ashes. Also when the erruption ends (4 or 5 weeks after it started), a nuclear winter is affecting the northern emisphere. The nuclear exchanges destroyed the various coordination agencies and casualties are high. They are especially dramatic in the US and in Canada. Nevertheless, the world slowly starts to organize and rerscue missions are taking place all over the northern emisphere, including Russian rescue team being deployed to the US. An emergency UN has been created at Geneva (Switzerland) and every country does its best to help. Rogue officers on all sides have been eliminated and surviving government officials are now collaborating to save what can be saved.
You know up to this point I think the long term effect would be extremely good for the worlds overall economic development and general sociopolitical outlook. The asteroids are pretty bad news. Of course I'm safely in the southern hemisphere which may influence my views :D
08-14-2009, 08:10 AM
Had to go with buddies always say if zombies DO happen, I'm the first one they're calling/finding...
08-14-2009, 05:52 PM
Now thats a cheerful scenario.....
I only said plausible extinction but the survivors can count on their intelligence... Gosh, we are doomed.:;):D
08-14-2009, 05:55 PM
I only said plausible extinction but the survivors can count on their intelligence... Gosh, we are doomed.:;):D
Human intelligence is what got mankind into our present mess to begin with -- intelligence without wisdom is dangerous.
08-14-2009, 06:03 PM
Human intelligence is what got mankind into our present mess to begin with -- intelligence without wisdom is dangerous.
Paul, at last you uncover yourself: you are an optimistic. You qualify mankind for intelligence, I'm not convinced (not even about my own:D).
Wisdom?? Vague, really vague concept. Probably a fantasy of our imagination.;)
A supernatural or alien invasion is always comforting...It's not our fault.;)
08-15-2009, 12:14 AM
A supernatural or alien invasion is always comforting...It's not our fault.;)
Not that sure. If an alien vessel was to show up with real peaceful intentions, our first move will probably be to shoot at it. Else, we might try to take it over and, as a result, they might consider us to be no more than pirates.;)
08-15-2009, 12:30 AM
Well Hell!! I find AFTER I voted I could have selected several scenarios. I chose the Nuclear for the one. Now I am an avid follower of a series by S. M. Stirling called Dies the Fires in which the survivors are thrown a huge curve in that all electrical, internal combustion, steam (at least high pressure), nuclear and explosives are useless. And NOBODY knows who's to blame, but for practical purposes technology, not the knowledge of it, just applications available, are pretty much 13th century pre-gun powder.
Now THAT is a survival crisis... and one hell of a curve ball to throw at a game set up for gun and shoot.. muahahahahahahaaaa
08-15-2009, 02:21 AM
Would Biological Disaster include a pandemic, or just zombies?
08-15-2009, 02:22 AM
Well Hell!! I find AFTER I voted I could have selected several scenarios.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough about that.
In retrospect, I should have folded Rogue Planet into Asteroid Strike and renamed it Death From Space.
08-15-2009, 02:24 AM
Here's an interesting Rise of the Machines scenario: Gray Goo.
You'd be some of the last people, or even living things, left on earth (perhaps because of an isolated location or a technological defense).
08-15-2009, 02:30 AM
Would Biological Disaster include a pandemic, or just zombies?
Yes. I just made the zombie notation since there are a lot of zombie fans and most modern zombies have a biological (virus) cause rather than supernatural cause. Frank Herbert's "The White Plague_ would also qualify as a biological apocalypse, I think.
08-17-2009, 02:11 PM
"Judgement Day" - what is that? Am I right in thinking some kind of religious thing?
I'm presuming "Rise of the Machines" is a Terminator / Reign of Steel type of thing. I got the GURPS Reign of Steel but it didn't strike me as one of David Pulver's best efforts, and I never read the original.
I'm inclined to go with good old fashioned Nuclear Armageddon - it's hard to beat!
08-17-2009, 03:18 PM
"Judgement Day" - what is that? Am I right in thinking some kind of religious thing?
I'm presuming "Rise of the Machines" is a Terminator / Reign of Steel type of thing. I got the GURPS Reign of Steel but it didn't strike me as one of David Pulver's best efforts, and I never read the original.
Yes to both.
08-18-2009, 02:27 PM
I know this is a T2K forum. But the best Morrow Game I was ever in was a nightmare that we played on a PBEM.
BASIS: The U.S.A. collapses in an economic freefall due to wild overspending by the government. (It made the chaos in Zimbabwe look like a pillow fight.)
With the economic collapse, the govt. "invited" the UN to intervene to help "stabilize the situation". :tank:
Our bolthole was in Florida. We were tasked with the recovery of the library at the U. of Fla. The bolt hole was powered by the local power grid with a massive battery backup. The idea was that after the power quit in a war scenario, the battery would keep the bolt hole functioining for 30 days. At that point we would be awakened and our mission was to begin.
Well, of course, Murphy HAD to step in. The power grid survived...sort of. It would rotate power outages. That kept us in deep sleep for five years...
We woke to a Florida that was reduced to abject poverty with any survivors trying their best to live as subsistance farmers. Also, the UN had managed to amend the Constitution so that ALL of the first ten amendments were null and void.
All I will tell you is that our mission went up in FLAMES!!!
We died defending several small towns from a massive UN military intervention. It seems that the UN had a SERIOUS case of the a** about ANYONE who owned and used firearms.
08-18-2009, 03:56 PM
I'm thinking that scenario would go under Rogue Planet...except it's more like Rogue Government...
08-18-2009, 06:38 PM
I'm thinking that scenario would go under Rogue Planet...except it's more like Rogue Government...
You better believe it. Would you believe that it was against the law to build new housing for people? How about improving water sources? Improving power supply?
All of those actions were illegal.
08-19-2009, 12:53 AM
It seems that the UN had a SERIOUS case of the a** about ANYONE who owned and used firearms.
Isn't that a pretty widespread conspiracy theory in the US? That there is a plot by the UN to step in and take away Americans' freedoms by taking away their guns? I have to tell you, as a non-American whenever I hear those sorts of conspiracy theories I feel simultaneously amused at the ridiculousness of it and horrified at how worked up some people seem to get when they believe it. I get visions of Charlton Heston in my head - "...from my cold, dead HANDS!".
08-19-2009, 01:40 AM
OK, Targan, I'm about to make you go stark, raving mad:
While the absolutely worst idea that mankind has ever come up with was religion, the second-worst idea we've ever come up with is the whole idea of countries and nation-states. Between those two, you can account for virtually every war in history, plus a lot of murders by nut-cases and fruitcakes.
A good, workable world government would one of the best ideas mankind could ever come up with. I'm not talking about the nutty UN/black helicopters/conspiracy theory government that various screwy folks believe is happening, but one, well-functioning, democratic government with a UN-type body to form a sort of Congress. Eventually, a whole lot of the crap in this world resulting from national competition would be exposed for what it truly is -- a massive collection of bullshit. And the human species could get on with trying to become better than what we are. As long as there are individual countries on this planet, we will remain bound to the Earth, and, like 99% of all the species that have ever existed on the Earth, become extinct.
08-19-2009, 01:51 AM
I hear you Paul and I have a lot of sympathy for your view but do you honestly think the world's most powerful nation-states (especially your own) would ever willingly allow their vast wealth and power to be more equally shared? It isn't going to happen any time soon.
Edit: I know Kato has been trying to keep a lid on more political discussions so I want to add that these are just my opinions, I'm not attempting to persuade anyone else to adopt them, I'm not criticising the USA and as an Australian I value very much the steadfast friendship between our countries.
08-19-2009, 09:20 AM
Isn't that a pretty widespread conspiracy theory in the US? That there is a plot by the UN to step in and take away Americans' freedoms by taking away their guns? I have to tell you, as a non-American whenever I hear those sorts of conspiracy theories I feel simultaneously amused at the ridiculousness of it and horrified at how worked up some people seem to get when they believe it. I get visions of Charlton Heston in my head - "...from my cold, dead HANDS!".
IMHO there are enough people in the US who want to take our guns away. We do not need the UN to cause any problem. I am NOT a member of the NRA. But I do believe in my right to own a gun for my self defense. I do not believe that the Second Amendment to the US Constitution says that I am guaranteed a fully automatic weapon. I do, however believe that my rifles and shotgun are MINE.
I know how to use a weapon. I believe I know WHEN to use a weapon. Thank God I have never been put into a situation where I needed to use a weapon. I did come close one night because of the sickening NOISE in my house. It turned out to be nothing, but I was prepared and willing to use my gun to defend my wife from whatever was on the other side of that NOISE.
08-19-2009, 10:01 AM
I hear you Paul and I have a lot of sympathy for your view but do you honestly think the world's most powerful nation-states (especially your own) would ever willingly allow their vast wealth and power to be more equally shared? It isn't going to happen any time soon.
Oh, I harbor no illusions; I'm quite certain most nations would not want to give up their sovereignty to a world government. But it would be the best thing for the world.
08-19-2009, 11:11 AM
Oh, I harbor no illusions; I'm quite certain most nations would not want to give up their sovereignty to a world government. But it would be the best thing for the world.
I agree on both things. However, founding a world government is not a problem of having nation-states wanting it or not (IMO).
If someone designs the proper propaganda and can convinced people (anywhere in the world) that they are part of the same community it will be done and achieved in no time. Nation states being the best proof that all this lay on nothing serious outside faith (back on what Paul said in the first place).
I still wander how someone could convinced people in France or US that they belong to a same nation.
When a frenchmen refers to a stranger, he is not talking of someone from outside the country but simply of someone from outside his village (or community). For exemple, where I live you find nine villages in the county (I use county to make this more understandable to all). Seen from my village (and the elders would tell you exactly that), 3 are allied, 3 are ennemy villages and 2 can be considered neutral (in fact located too far to be either ennemies or allies). And I'm not even talking of regional particularism.
Nevertheless, in France as in US when you start to touch to the nation people become nationalistic.
Of course, for France it's normal as its history goes back for more than 2000 years. What a joke!:D.
- It's still well known that the "Gaulois" are our ancesters. it may be true for a few people in Britany but that's all. Hopefully it became so obviously false that we stop teaching that about 30 years ago. Any Algerian who had been in school before 1962 also learned the same thing.:p
- Then our first well known leader was Clovis, a guy who drove the Roman outside of France. Great but he was frankish (Germanic tribes). He was also a roman leader and administrator engaged in a civil war.
- After, we had a great emperor named Charlemagne (Carlus Magnus). The only problems come from the fact that he was born near Liege (Belgium), that his capital was Aachen (Germany), that he ruled over half of Europe and that he was Emperor of the Western Roman Empire (soon to become the Holy Roman Empire).
- Then the first time a slight idea of France came to existence was in 1181AD when the king ruling Westfranken dropped the title "King of Francs" (Rex Francorum) for that of "King of France". (Rex FranciƦ).
- Finally, the country as it still is today starts to appear only after the hundred years war (1453AD). Only about 70 years before the first settlers in what is to become the USA and 150 years before the establishment of the 13 colonies.
The last amusing thing is the name "France" which is dirived from the "Francs" (a germanic tribe). Of course, for many frenchmen, Germans are still very foreign to them, so foreign that they remain the Teutons or the Schleus, but that is explained by the 1870 war and by 1914-1918.
If you dig a little more you'll find out that all this is probably also false but that is of course directed toward all Americans on this forum. Can you stop repeating that European countries have a long history (strange how Australians don't seem to be feeling that way). Yours is as long as ours and often longer than that of many European countries inlcuding Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland...
Sorry for that small digression. Nothing about Politics, it's only about History and Philosophy.
08-19-2009, 02:54 PM
- Finally, the country as it still is today starts to appear only after the hundred years war (1453AD). Only about 70 years before the first settlers in what is to become the USA and 150 years before the establishment of the 13 colonies.
Unlike most of my fellow Americans, I am quite grateful to the French -- without their aid, we probably would have lost to the British. And we thanked the French at the time by defaulting on the massive debt we had run up to France, which was one of the factors leading to the French Revolution.
But so far, it seems to have worked out okay...
08-19-2009, 03:46 PM
Oh, I harbor no illusions; I'm quite certain most nations would not want to give up their sovereignty to a world government. But it would be the best thing for the world.
Whereas I think a world government would be a terrible thing ;)
08-21-2009, 09:31 PM
I don't think that one day people of the various countries or even their leaders will wake up and say, "Enough of all this bickering, let's just all be one big country!". Of course for a unified world government to form that doesn't need to happen. We are seeing it grow around us now. The rise of Europe, the growth of international trade consortiums, and the moderating effect of the world bank and international monetary fund are all parts of the growth towards interdependence which will ulitmately see us all within one world government in substance if perhaps never in name. I think it will be a good thing, though it won't solve all our problems. At least it might allow us to waste a little bit less money on 'defense' from our neighbours
08-25-2009, 04:35 PM
I don't know if this is of interest to other people but I have a different variation on the Apocalypse options in this poll in a campaign I run.
In that campaign there has been an asteroid strike on the Earth but there is evidence that the asteroid was "directed" by some alien force and (the PCs haven't discovered this yet) there are now alien forces on Earth, who are also using terminator like machines to infiltrate survivor communities.
The aliens have also introduced a bio-plague to kill lots of humans and have genetically engineered plants to create "triffids".
Essentially the reason for my post is to consider combining multiple apocalypse options in your campaign - it's certainly got my PCs wondering.....:D
08-25-2009, 05:46 PM
With a statistically significant number of votes it, it appears that the "consensus" apocalypse is a biological disaster and nuclear strike (probably in that order).
As a sidenote, while most people think of something like Independence Day for an alien invasion, The Thing (1982) would be far nastier ...
Mmmmmmm... A campaign based on the old UFO computer game and using the Twilight set of rules could be an interesting idea...
08-26-2009, 10:05 AM
As a sidenote, while most people think of something like Independence Day for an alien invasion, The Thing (1982) would be far nastier ...
Even more disturbing might be a Gremlins (1984) outbreak...
08-26-2009, 01:45 PM
even more disturbing might be a gremlins (1984) outbreak...
tha horra!
08-26-2009, 04:36 PM
Even more disturbing might be a Gremlins (1984) outbreak...
It's not just a disaster, it's a comedy!
Nowhere Man 1966
08-29-2009, 05:25 PM
Rogue Planet, sounds like the setting that started "Thundarr the Barbarian."
Chuck M.
General Pain
09-14-2009, 11:21 AM
OK, Targan, I'm about to make you go stark, raving mad:
While the absolutely worst idea that mankind has ever come up with was religion, the second-worst idea we've ever come up with is the whole idea of countries and nation-states. Between those two, you can account for virtually every war in history, plus a lot of murders by nut-cases and fruitcakes.
A good, workable world government would one of the best ideas mankind could ever come up with. I'm not talking about the nutty UN/black helicopters/conspiracy theory government that various screwy folks believe is happening, but one, well-functioning, democratic government with a UN-type body to form a sort of Congress. Eventually, a whole lot of the crap in this world resulting from national competition would be exposed for what it truly is -- a massive collection of bullshit. And the human species could get on with trying to become better than what we are. As long as there are individual countries on this planet, we will remain bound to the Earth, and, like 99% of all the species that have ever existed on the Earth, become extinct.
IMHO - I think the whole global warming shit is just bullshit - it's all invented by AL GORE - and the other moey hungry bankers of the current staff of Obama,.,,,,a tad political I know but after I saw "the Obama Deception" I must admit I was convinced.
09-14-2009, 10:55 PM
IMHO - I think the whole global warming shit is just bullshit - it's all invented by AL GORE - and the other moey hungry bankers of the current staff of Obama,.,,,,a tad political I know but after I saw "the Obama Deception" I must admit I was convinced.
You're kidding right?
You can disbelieve it all you like but that disbelief is going to be hard to maintain by the time you are an old man. You'll either have to learn to swim well or move to higher ground.
I understood the mechanisms behind global warming when I was in primary school. Take a look at Venus in the night sky. Notice how it is so bright? That is because it is covered in CO2 cloud. The surface temperature of Venus is higher than the melting point of lead. And that isn't because of Venus' closeness to the sun, it is because of runaway greenhouse effect, caused by all that CO2 in Venus' atmosphere.
The alternative to accepting the truth when it is put in front of you is to close your eyes, cover your ears and yell "la la la" really loud.
Edit: Ah look man, that was harsher on my part than you deserve. I apologise. I don't want to be part of starting some intense political debate that gets everyone all riled up and ultimately does none of us any good. I'll chalk this one up to my ongoing journey of learning to be more accepting of opinions that do not coincide with my own.
09-14-2009, 11:36 PM
My understanding is that the planet is coming out of an ice age. Human activity might have sped things up a bit, but it was going to happen anyway.
All we as a species can hope to do is slow it back down to the natural rate and enjoy the ride until the next ice age.
In other words, learn to surf! ;)
09-14-2009, 11:38 PM
My understanding is that the planet is coming out of an ice age. Human activity might have sped things up a bit, but it was going to happen anyway.
All we as a species can hope to do is slow it back down to the natural rate and enjoy the ride until the next ice age.
In other words, learn to surf! ;)
Great I will not have to drive 20 miles anymore to go diving and to the beach:D.
09-15-2009, 02:53 AM
IMHO - I think the whole global warming shit is just bullshit - it's all invented by AL GORE - and the other moey hungry bankers of the current staff of Obama,.,,,,a tad political I know but after I saw "the Obama Deception" I must admit I was convinced.
09-15-2009, 03:28 AM
IMHO - I think the whole global warming shit is just bullshit - it's all invented by AL GORE - and the other moey hungry bankers of the current staff of Obama,.,,,,a tad political I know but after I saw "the Obama Deception" I must admit I was convinced.
For the record the concept of global warming was around for decades before Al Gore took up the banner about it. The vast majority of scientists in the world agree that the current acceleration of global warming is man-made. And if you are ascribing money as a reason behind the positions of the global warming believers or sceptics just ask yourself this - who stands to make more money, those who say global warming is real and we should do something about human-caused CO2 emissions, or those who want to maintain the status quo and have us continue to burn fossil fuels? The answer is blindingly obvious. The the rich old men with the greatest investment in the burning of fossil fuels will be dead and gone by the time global warming really starts to destroy the world as we know it so they really have nothing to lose.
Listen to the scientific consensus. Follow the money trails. Question motives. And don't fall into the trap of saying "If God wants the sea levels to rise there is nothing we can do about it". In this case, the future is in our hands, not the almighty's. And God helps those who help themselves.
These are my beliefs and opinions and are no more or less valid than anyone else's.
09-15-2009, 04:25 AM
who stands to make more money, those who say global warming is real and we should do something about human-caused CO2 emissions, or those who want to maintain the status quo and have us continue to burn fossil fuels? The answer is blindingly obvious.
The answer is indeed obvious IMO. The second one of course.;) However, the first wanting to take the place of the second the answer will be: The first one as well.:D
Then my own answer is none of them are to be trusted and my opinion is:
- Don't know if we are exeperienciig Global Warming but obviously the climate is changing as it has done constantly since Earth exist (Great news, houray for the scientists:D).
- Scientist are all fools. Copernicus as been contested by almost every scientist of its time. So were Pasteur, Einstein, Darwin... (just name them). Therefore, Targan I don't follow you and as long as several scientist remain opposed to the conclusion, these conclusions stand a good chance to be wrong (Nothing New:p).
- Does humanity has a hand into this? no doubt, we were 3 billion in 1980, we are 6 billion 30 years later. Only by farting are we acting on the climate. However, oil consumption per capita has been going down for these same 30 years (People are concerned but they are still pushed to make more babies:confused:).
- Can we do something about it. I strongly doubt it and if we consider that We Can. The end result will be catastrophe (Cool??:cool:).
- Can we do something for ourselves. No doubt in my mind than Yes and we must prepare and change our ways. If we don't the end result will be extinction (good news for the planet:p).
Honestly, I don't give a S... about our planet without us. Something else: I currently need my car and my computer is constantly working. I won't change that and I'm willing to fight for it. Make better cars and better computers!!
By the way, I have faith in what I'm saying here but that is valid for myself only and I can be absolutely wrong. That's a philosophical opinion no more. :)
09-15-2009, 04:56 AM
Honestly, I don't give a S... about our planet without us. Something else: I currently need my car and my computer is constantly working. I won't change that and I'm willing to fight for it. Make better cars and better computers!!
Well said.
09-15-2009, 04:59 AM
We are not likely to solve the issue of whether climate change is significantly affected by Man here.
This said...
I studied Environmental Science at University 12 yrs ago and it was a hot topic then (sry for the pun) and we had some real uber 'green' folk on my course but I was open minded.
The upshot of my interest, my studies, and numerous TV documentaries and reading is that we (Man) are altering an already changing climate to some degree. Whether this is potentially disastrous is uncertain however the logical thing to do would be err on the side of caution imo and work harder on the 'how' whether it be basic CO2 emission or even, as Mohoender mention, reduce the number of people (not by nukes! :) and their impact on resources.
09-16-2009, 10:30 PM
Wow! I just got emailed a post notification, and the post isn't actually there! Nowhere Man, did you delete your post, or are there ghosts in Kcdusk's machine?
Nowhere Man 1966
09-21-2009, 09:07 PM
Wow! I just got emailed a post notification, and the post isn't actually there! Nowhere Man, did you delete your post, or are there ghosts in Kcdusk's machine?
Well, I posted but I deleted it, in the human caused global climate change issue, I don't believe in it or at least our effect is so little, it cannot really be measured. I just didn't want to ruffle more feathers than they were already as I thought about it. I got into a real donnybrooke last time.
I just see it, the powers that be behind "climate change caused by humans" as a ploy by the powers pushing it as another way, forceable interference (borrowing a term from noted libertarian of the 1970's, Robert J. Ringer), to control the lives of free people. I tend to be conservative/libertarian in my views, more so the latter on many things. Federal government should stay within its Constitutional boundaries, maybe with an addition of a sundry thing or two, like space exploration, and not be influenced by such forceable interference groups and so on.
Robert J. Ringer wrote books, one of which, Looking Out For #1 (1977) puts a lot of what we were discussing into perspective. Ayn Rand is another influence too, she has a lot of important takes in Atlas Shrugged and so on. I'm not a true Objectivist either, I think that is going too far but she makes a lot of points and I do disagree on her atheism, I tend to be religious at times as well. I guess I would be hard to place so I see myself as conservative/libertarian. When it comes to moral issues, I think the Federal government should be silent on many of them with very few exception, as long as it does not go past the Constitution, things should be left to the States or local entities.
That's my take on a lot of this stuff, although I disagree on this climate change stuff, human caused that is, I don't want to debate it here but since it was brought up, I figure I'd state my position anyways. If anyone wants more insight into my thoughts and so on, I can go private.
Chuck M.
Nowhere Man 1966
09-21-2009, 09:10 PM
BTW, I picked Nuclear Armageddon, you just can't go wrong with that. :D
Chuck M.
scholar rat
10-02-2009, 10:10 AM
I picked Nuclear and biological which would cause a geological and environmental disaster.
10-02-2009, 12:09 PM
I pick that the entire Western world is unable to lift themselves from the couch due to all the fried and fatty food they have ingested through their lives.:D
07-19-2010, 02:47 AM
I pick that the entire Western world is unable to lift themselves from the couch due to all the fried and fatty food they have ingested through their lives.:D
one night when there is a particularily enticing and lewd reality show on the television ,all slouch to the same side in their couches by random accident ,thus tilting the worlds axis with immense planetary devestation as a result .
The outcry and despair over the cancellation of said show is without comparrison to any disaster that has thus far befallen man.
And TEOTWAWKI is also lamented.
07-20-2010, 12:26 AM
one night when there is a particularily enticing and lewd reality show on the television ,all slouch to the same side in their couches by random accident ,thus tilting the worlds axis with immense planetary devestation as a result .
The outcry and despair over the cancellation of said show is without comparrison to any disaster that has thus far befallen man.
And TEOTWAWKI is also lamented.
You mean,
"As if millions of voices cried out in terror and then were suddenly silenced?"
07-20-2010, 01:47 AM
You mean,
"As if millions of voices cried out in terror and then were suddenly silenced?"
Hundreds of millions going : "What! ?? No second season!!??!!" and then :
07-20-2010, 03:14 AM
Or ... <shudder> ... the world ends in a battle between angsty teenage vampires and werewolves ...
07-20-2010, 11:54 AM
Or ... <shudder> ... the world ends in a battle between angsty teenage vampires and werewolves ...
And they're fueled by Burger King food!
08-14-2010, 11:44 AM
As I was reading the world news today, it struck me that the seeds of WWIII have been sown in the India/Pakistan dispute over Kashmir.
Pakistan has been ravaged by moonsoon rains. According to CNN and others, 20 % of Pakistan is now flooded.
So.... India wants the area known as Kashmir. Pakistan's Army is probably ineffective. India invades, the Western Powers dither, China and Russia probably don't REALLY care. Seeing no alternatives, Pakistan releases its' nukes. India, of course, retaliates....
And the match is lit, the fuse is burning.
Cpl. Kalkwarf
08-15-2010, 04:32 PM
Swat valley? Isn't that were the Taliban and al qaeda are supposed to be operating out of ?
Must of been the gubmint weather control satellites flooding them out and it got out of control. ;):p:rolleyes::)
08-16-2010, 02:06 AM
Another contributor to WWIII (certainly in the T2013 timeline) is problems with food supply.
Therefore the news from Russia about a ban on grain exports is very interesting:
Brother in Arms
03-10-2014, 10:20 PM
I'm kind of a deadly flu (although it's an imunities crap shoot) or exploding volcano (read yellowstone) as far as realism is concerned. As much as I love limited nuclear exchanges I feel like surviving the initial attack would be paramount and a lot of people just won't make it.
and while I'm really scared of biological weapons and chemical weapons ( especially poison gas) things like being beaten to death by marauders or sold into slavery by them and starving to death or being consumed by cholera are sort of my jam.
Brother in Arms
03-11-2014, 07:29 PM
Ya see, here's what happened:
Aliens with intent to planet-o-form Earth to their own ecosystem style redirect an earth-grazing asteroid to impact the planet. The lowly monkey-boys infesting the planet detect the incoming rock of ages and attempt to destroy/deflect it by firing every nuke on the planet at it. Of course certain first-world wannabee's quality control being what it is, some don't detonate exactly where they should (that's right, they fall back to Earth and go Boom!). Well, the rock is deflected a little bit, just enough to have it intersect the planet at one of its biggest thin spots--the Yellowstone Caldera. Hit two rocks together, you get a spark. Hit two BIG rocks together, you get a megavolcanic eruption.
This is not quite what the aliens wanted, so they sow lots and lots of biological agents and nanobots to correct the environment. Some of the upper strata of the land-dwelling species are affected, primarily primates. Voila! Apocalypse flustercluck!
Rainbow Six
03-13-2014, 08:39 AM
There's an article in today's Daily mail about how viruses thought extinct could become active again
General Pain
03-25-2014, 03:55 AM
After testing Plague Inc. on android.
I would guess a virus or bacteria that spreads around the planet and ends up in nuclear assaults to thwart the progress is very likely.
03-25-2014, 08:20 AM
Ah, Plague Inc. I'm up to Prion. Just can't beat it as New Zealand or Iceland always survives somehow.
03-25-2014, 07:22 PM
Ah, Plague Inc. I'm up to Prion. Just can't beat it as New Zealand or Iceland always survives somehow.
Well if anyone was going to survive a pandemic it would Maoris and Vikings.
Panther Al
03-25-2014, 07:37 PM
Well if anyone was going to survive a pandemic it would Maoris and Vikings.
So agree.. you'd have to use Nukes, and odds are all you will do is piss off the survivors.
03-26-2014, 08:59 AM
Nukes ain't in the game, I'm just a biological disease hoping for the big time of wiping out all life as we know it.
05-11-2014, 09:18 AM
Biological and nukes for my votes. :p I'm looking at a map of hub airports now. Whether it's a new Ebola or zombie variation modern transportation will be vital in spreading it. "Shamblers" were done by T2013's Halloween special and are in another thread. I guess I'll try "Ragers". BTW, "Shamblers" are traditional walking dead, "Ragers" are living infected. It would take some effort but the zombies could be translated over to T2K2.2. :) I put off polling to make sure I could spark good ideas, I can be socially clumsy. Twilight 2000 can support quite a few scenarios and I wish that GDW had started their attempt earlier.
05-11-2014, 10:30 AM
Twilight 2000 can support quite a few scenarios and I wish that GDW had started their attempt earlier.
Well I suppose they wanted to keep Twilight strictly in context of the Cold War because when they did play around with more fantastic scenarios (i.e. Twilight Nightmares), they specifically implied that if the player group did not want them to be, they were not to be regarded as the normal state of affairs for the Twilight World.
With GDW's desire to unite a group of games under the one rules system, I suppose you could also go with the notion that Dark Conspiracy (aside from being the techno/horror/conspiracy game that it was) was always available to allow more unorthodox scenarios to be run in T2k.
And if you want to go in another direction again, there was always Traveller: The New Era with it's AI virus and vampire fleet if you want to go far-future tech. Or even Cadillacs & Dinosaurs if you wanted to go in a totally different direction.
05-11-2014, 12:30 PM
I thought about DC's empathic viruses, but thought I might try to make one for the infected scenarios.
04-14-2016, 02:12 PM
I think I posted the link to a relevant article in another thread (can't remember which, though), but at least a few top minds think that environmental stressors will lead to competition for resources which, in turn, will lead to armed conflicts around the world. All things considered, it seems so highly plausible that it is probable. The article I mentioned made some persuasive claims that the current conflict in the Levant was brought about by such factors. I'll try to find it and repost it here.
I voted for Environmental Disaster -> Nuclear Armageddon
04-14-2016, 03:06 PM
I stated in the GPS thread that I believe we can do source books for each variation, the amount of knowledge and passion here makes it possible. Also a lot of good info generated to boot!
The Zappster
04-04-2018, 03:12 PM
Mmmmmmm... A campaign based on the old UFO computer game and using the Twilight set of rules could be an interesting idea....
That's the game I'm running for my group.
04-04-2018, 09:19 PM
That's the game I'm running for my group.
For the sake of clarity, I'm going to refer to the UFO games by the title they were published under here in Australia (and some other parts of the world apparently). Here they were released as "X-COM" so for example, UFO: Enemy Unknown was titled X-COM: Enemy Unknown.
The reason I bring that up is because there was a British TV series from the early 1970s titled "UFO". Filmed in the early 70s, it's supposed to take place in the "future" 1980s however there's a lot of 1960s/1970s fashion used throughout and because it's an old series, nobody should expect amazing special effects!
I watched this show as a kid/teen when I was just starting to understand that I liked science-fiction a hell fo a lot. This show basically foreshadowed X-COM and is probably part of the reason I loved the early X-COM games (I wasn't so fussed on the later games).
Rather than try to explain the UFO series, I'd recommend a quick read through the wiki page for it: -
But this fanpage is far more interesting in my opinion and would be better for a more indepth reading!
This page from the fansite about a proposed 1990s revival of the series might be helpful in creating personnel & organizations as well as providing some "what if" type questions for your game: -
This fan wiki for the show is also worth reading through: -
The show had plenty of interesting vehicles such as SkyDiver. It is of my favourite sci-fi vehicles and consists of a submersible aircraft mounted to a submarine.
From the fan wiki:
I own the series on DVD because I'm such a fanboy for it but it's also available for watching via the Internet Archive. It's worth reading through the main page at the Archive because it sums up the series better than the wikipedia page.
While the X-COM games give plenty of information for running a game, the UFO TV series is just as good for inspiration. There's no claim that the developer of the X-COM game was inspired by the UFO series, they share a similar premise but that doesn't mean he ever saw the TV show or was even aware of it. But regardless of that, because of those similarities, the TV series does provide a lot of material for inspiration that can be used to compliment anything developed from the X-COM games.
The Zappster
04-05-2018, 04:19 AM
Who can forget commander Striker, king of 70s cool. One of my favorite episodes is the one where ground forces move in on a downed UFO.
My game is based on the computer game, elite multi national special forces jumping off the back of a skyranger into a hail of plasma fire.
For the sake of clarity, I'm going to refer to the UFO games by the title they were published under here in Australia (and some other parts of the world apparently). Here they were released as "X-COM" so for example, UFO: Enemy Unknown was titled X-COM: Enemy Unknown.
The reason I bring that up is because there was a British TV series from the early 1970s titled "UFO". Filmed in the early 70s, it's supposed to take place in the "future" 1980s however there's a lot of 1960s/1970s fashion used throughout and because it's an old series, nobody should expect amazing special effects!
I watched this show as a kid/teen when I was just starting to understand that I liked science-fiction a hell fo a lot. This show basically foreshadowed X-COM and is probably part of the reason I loved the early X-COM games (I wasn't so fussed on the later games).
Rather than try to explain the UFO series, I'd recommend a quick read through the wiki page for it: -
But this fanpage is far more interesting in my opinion and would be better for a more indepth reading!
This page from the fansite about a proposed 1990s revival of the series might be helpful in creating personnel & organizations as well as providing some "what if" type questions for your game: -
This fan wiki for the show is also worth reading through: -
The show had plenty of interesting vehicles such as SkyDiver. It is of my favourite sci-fi vehicles and consists of a submersible aircraft mounted to a submarine.
From the fan wiki:
I own the series on DVD because I'm such a fanboy for it but it's also available for watching via the Internet Archive. It's worth reading through the main page at the Archive because it sums up the series better than the wikipedia page.
While the X-COM games give plenty of information for running a game, the UFO TV series is just as good for inspiration. There's no claim that the developer of the X-COM game was inspired by the UFO series, they share a similar premise but that doesn't mean he ever saw the TV show or was even aware of it. But regardless of that, because of those similarities, the TV series does provide a lot of material for inspiration that can be used to compliment anything developed from the X-COM games.
If you love the original xcom games, may I suggest xenonauts it's essentially xcom in all it's glory, but a little updated, plus some balancing and fixes. It basically is xcom, just without using and copywritten material. All the game mechanics,
and fear you love, but new again.
04-06-2018, 08:08 AM
@ The Zappster. Ah I see I'm preaching to the converted then hehe. Loved the show then, still love it now even with the daggy 60s fashions and the purple wigs but yes Straker was cool, just like his car! :D
@ Draq. Yep, I bought Xenonaughts some years back and while I enjoyed it in the early stages, I got disenfranchised with the later stages when it pushed you to progress your tech levels so that you could compete with the increasingly harder enemy threat.
It wasn't the same as the older games (and yes I am very guilty of succumbing to nostalgia for those earlier games) where you could ignore the harder incursions for a little while to build up your resources.
My favourite will probably always be X-COM: Apocalypse
@ The Zappster. Ah I see I'm preaching to the converted then hehe. Loved the show then, still love it now even with the daggy 60s fashions and the purple wigs but yes Straker was cool, just like his car! :D
@ Draq. Yep, I bought Xenonaughts some years back and while I enjoyed it in the early stages, I got disenfranchised with the later stages when it pushed you to progress your tech levels so that you could compete with the increasingly harder enemy threat.
It wasn't the same as the older games (and yes I am very guilty of succumbing to nostalgia for those earlier games) where you could ignore the harder incursions for a little while to build up your resources.
My favourite will probably always be X-COM: Apocalypse
I totally understand. Xcom apocalypse had some interesting new features.
04-07-2018, 05:50 AM
i picked all because that would just be epic.
04-07-2018, 09:37 AM
i picked all because that would just be epic.
Life with you as a friend or SO must be fun!
04-10-2018, 02:40 PM
As I like more natural (realistic settings;)), I picked three: Asteroid strikes, natural cataclysm and nuclear strike.
However, you can count that the three will occur more or less simultaneously. The supervolcano at Yellowstone unexpectedly blow up in an explosion equal to 2000+ time that of Mont St Helens. As two of the US missile base (if not three) are located nearby, the computers or men (communication cut) confuse that event for an attack and several missiles are launched toward Russia and China before this can be cancelled. Both countries also try to cancel their counter attack but they fail to do it before it's already too late and several missiles are launched toward US and Europe (A number of commanders, especially at sea, refuse to cancel the launching sequence and fire their missiles). This remain a limited exchange but a serious one nonetheless.
As a result, most capitals and several large cities in the northern emisphere are blown up, while 70% of the US are covered with ashes. Also when the erruption ends (4 or 5 weeks after it started), a nuclear winter is affecting the northern emisphere. The nuclear exchanges destroyed the various coordination agencies and casualties are high. They are especially dramatic in the US and in Canada. Nevertheless, the world slowly starts to organize and rerscue missions are taking place all over the northern emisphere, including Russian rescue team being deployed to the US. An emergency UN has been created at Geneva (Switzerland) and every country does its best to help. Rogue officers on all sides have been eliminated and surviving government officials are now collaborating to save what can be saved.
A few weeks later, earth is hit by multiple asteroids and this bring all these efforts to an end. Several hit the southern emsiphere, at least two hit the ground and several go deep in the oceans. As a result, a number of natural cataclysm are triggered (earthquakes, Tsunamis...). As the world was already hard hit, the situation goes out of control. Panic spread everywhere, entire countries (such as Japan and Taiwan are almost wiped out). Old vocanoes that were thought to be long extinct such as these in central France become active again, forests are burning worldwide, and the nuclear winter now expend to the entire world... Finally, diseases get into the picture while little can be done.
When everything is over, the casualties are well above 90% and the survivors are facing plausible extinction...:D
Hmmm. Small numbers of humans move into prepared underground shelters, and live for several generations using stored supplies and technology. Some eke out survival on the surface, without technological support.
Meanwhile, on the surface, several lifeforms that had not been active for millions of years return...
One tribe returns to the surface, based in a city of the old one, with ancient towers of glass, steel and stone standing forth in the sea, supported by Old Blood Mechanics who have both the ancient knowledge to return ancient machines on the surface or in storage (like a Cadillac) back in to working order, and a new approach of learning to live with the environment and its new creatures (like a dinosaur) to avoid the excesses of the old world.
Welcome to the Xenozoic Era!
What? You say it's been done?
Uncle Ted :D
04-10-2018, 07:28 PM
Hmmm. Small numbers of humans move into prepared underground shelters, and live for several generations using stored supplies and technology. Some eke out survival on the surface, without technological support.
Meanwhile, on the surface, several lifeforms that had not been active for millions of years return...
One tribe returns to the surface, based in a city of the old one, with ancient towers of glass, steel and stone standing forth in the sea, supported by Old Blood Mechanics who have both the ancient knowledge to return ancient machines on the surface or in storage (like a Cadillac) back in to working order, and a new approach of learning to live with the environment and its new creatures (like a dinosaur) to avoid the excesses of the old world.
Welcome to the Xenozoic Era!
What? You say it's been done?
Uncle Ted :D
OH... for Christ's sakes! Now I have to mount my "ballista project" in the bed of a truck AND build an "anti-bite" cage out of 3/8" high-tensile Steel around it! This project is getting more expensive by the day! :)
04-10-2018, 08:01 PM
You could add any of the following to a Twilight adventure
Dengue fever
Yellow fever
Hand, foot, and mouth disease
04-10-2018, 09:08 PM
Hmmm. Small numbers of humans move into prepared underground shelters, and live for several generations using stored supplies and technology. Some eke out survival on the surface, without technological support.
Meanwhile, on the surface, several lifeforms that had not been active for millions of years return...
One tribe returns to the surface, based in a city of the old one, with ancient towers of glass, steel and stone standing forth in the sea, supported by Old Blood Mechanics who have both the ancient knowledge to return ancient machines on the surface or in storage (like a Cadillac) back in to working order, and a new approach of learning to live with the environment and its new creatures (like a dinosaur) to avoid the excesses of the old world.
Welcome to the Xenozoic Era!
What? You say it's been done?
Uncle Ted :D
Ah I loved that game, I just couldn't get anyone else interested in playing it. After buying Cadillacs & Dinosaurs I got hooked on Schultz as a comics artist and bought a compilation set of the Xenozoic Tales just to read the story behind the game.
Although I never did get to run a game of it, I did get to use some of the creatures for use in Dark Conspiracy - the benefit of all those GDW games using the same rules set.
04-19-2018, 10:23 PM
You could add any of the following to a Twilight adventure
Dengue fever
Yellow fever
Hand, foot, and mouth disease
And let's throw in the new mutated air-transmission form of herpes to boot!
05-09-2018, 12:15 AM
And let's throw in the new mutated air-transmission form of herpes to boot!
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