View Full Version : Careers after the nukes fly .
10-19-2009, 03:30 AM
What will careers look like after the TDM / nukes are flying ?
I am thinking about character generation in the case where
using prewar careers isnt practical anymore -or postwar careers could be used in combination with the careers as pr core rules.
I.e a survivor that starts his game or an NPC that is introduced as someone with a pre war background and a postwar background.
Maybe he was a bank clerk before the nukes flew and a gatherer/fisherman after ?
Please post your takes on all sorts of post apocalyptic occupations that can be used in character generation .I am thinking jobs like hunter,farmhand,rad-zone scout ( has a nice 80s post apoc ring to it ),medicine man,enforcer etc etc .
Minimum requirements to get into that career/line ,
points that are available,
and special notes could be listed as examples .
I am aware that everyone has their own take and that variables are limitless as to what could be .Maybe someone sees it the way that there will be no jobs but toiling in a slightly radiated field and others see more exotic jobs like caravan guard. I would like to see it anyways .
10-19-2009, 03:36 AM
Having just read the novella that the movie Damnation Alley is based on (only a vague resemblance to the movie, by the way), a post-nuke job might be high-risk driver or courier.
10-19-2009, 04:22 AM
(based on the Homeless career from Dark Conspiracy)
Urban Scavenger
Entry: No prerequisites
First Term Skills:
* Melee Combat 1
* Observation 1
* Streetwise 2
Subsequent Terms: A total of four levels from the following:
* Language
* Lockpick
* Mechanic
* Melee Combat
* Observation
* Persuasion
* Scrounging
* Small Arms
* Stealth
* Streetwise
Contacts: One per term, criminal or law enforcement.
Special: Double starting rads.
10-19-2009, 05:28 AM
good one .Thanks .
(based on the Homeless career from Dark Conspiracy)
Urban Scavenger
Entry: No prerequisites
First Term Skills:
* Melee Combat 1
* Observation 1
* Streetwise 2
Subsequent Terms: A total of four levels from the following:
* Language
* Lockpick
* Mechanic
* Melee Combat
* Observation
* Persuasion
* Scrounging
* Small Arms
* Stealth
* Streetwise
Contacts: One per term, criminal or law enforcement.
Special: Double starting rads.
10-19-2009, 05:29 AM
Having just read the novella that the movie Damnation Alley is based on (only a vague resemblance to the movie, by the way), a post-nuke job might be high-risk driver or courier.
If you dont mind - how would you stat this ?
10-19-2009, 05:30 AM
What will careers look like after the TDM / nukes are flying ?
I am thinking about character generation in the case where
using prewar careers isnt practical anymore -or postwar careers could be used in combination with the careers as pr core rules.
I.e a survivor that starts his game or an NPC that is introduced as someone with a pre war background and a postwar background.
Maybe he was a bank clerk before the nukes flew and a gatherer/fisherman after ?
Please post your takes on all sorts of post apocalyptic occupations that can be used in character generation .I am thinking jobs like hunter,farmhand,rad-zone scout ( has a nice 80s post apoc ring to it ),medicine man,enforcer etc etc .
Minimum requirements to get into that career/line ,
points that are available,
and special notes could be listed as examples .
I am aware that everyone has their own take and that variables are limitless as to what could be .Maybe someone sees it the way that there will be no jobs but toiling in a slightly radiated field and others see more exotic jobs like caravan guard. I would like to see it anyways .
Do you mean for tw2000 and if so are you talking about careers for characters who might not have been drafted in the last term? Or do you mean for a campaign that is set much after the nukes have gone off (a decade or so).
In any case, marauder is an obvious choice, so are the other archetypes that appear on the random tables like merchants, smugglers, slavers, slaves, primitive, hunter. I'm not proposing stats for these at the moment, but you have stirred my interest in doing so.
Maybe also: scavenger, gang member, some form of resistance fighter.
General Pain
10-19-2009, 05:33 AM
(based on the Homeless career from Dark Conspiracy)
Urban Scavenger
Entry: No prerequisites
First Term Skills:
* Melee Combat 1
* Observation 1
* Streetwise 2
Subsequent Terms: A total of four levels from the following:
* Language
* Lockpick
* Mechanic
* Melee Combat
* Observation
* Persuasion
* Scrounging
* Small Arms
* Stealth
* Streetwise
Contacts: One per term, criminal or law enforcement.
Special: Double starting rads.
homeless as a carreer hahahahahahahaahh
10-19-2009, 05:54 AM
homeless as a carreer hahahahahahahaahh
It fits the Dark Conspiracy setting well, actually.
10-19-2009, 05:57 AM
Thats the kind of thing I am after - careers to generate characters after there are no more academies,or national militaries to train people.Bear in mind all sorts of civillian type occupations are of interest to
Do you mean for tw2000 and if so are you talking about careers for characters who might not have been drafted in the last term? Or do you mean for a campaign that is set much after the nukes have gone off (a decade or so).
In any case, marauder is an obvious choice, so are the other archetypes that appear on the random tables like merchants, smugglers, slavers, slaves, primitive, hunter. I'm not proposing stats for these at the moment, but you have stirred my interest in doing so.
Maybe also: scavenger, gang member, some form of resistance fighter.
10-19-2009, 05:59 AM
It fits the Dark Conspiracy setting well, actually.
as I said - good.
I would think that is a common fate for people after T2K is a fact.
(Gen Pains next character might have to base his skills on that list ).
Got anymore -please post .
General Pain
10-19-2009, 07:09 AM
let's say living in a post-nuke environment is like beeing a criminal - u maybe put in jail depending on term-scheduled INT checks - the same should go for a post apoc character,but in this case you roll against INT or any other score the GM allows - if you fail the roll - the GM can deliver some of these wonderfull career choices:
-Madmaxian (MadMax/the Road)
or perhaps a nice combo of 2 or more of the above.....
just suggestions....
General Pain
10-19-2009, 07:14 AM
as I said - good.
I would think that is a common fate for people after T2K is a fact.
(Gen Pains next character might have to base his skills on that list ).
Got anymore -please post .
what do you mean "General Pain's next Character" - I thought we all agreed that GP is an immortal demi-god roaming the radioactive wastes in search for enemies,wealth and the occasional post-apoc wench....
here is a new post-apoc career btw:
The Post-Apoc Humanitarian....heheh
Canadian Army
10-19-2009, 07:19 AM
Here is what I came up for Law Enforcement Careers:
Justice of the Peace/Magistrate, who would dispense summary justice and deal with local criminal issues.
Arbitrator, who would resolve non-criminal disputes by hearing arguments and evidence, and rendering decisions.
Sheriff, who is the highest law enforcement officer of a county and commander of militia in that county.
Militia Member, an ordinary citizen who provide defense, emergency law enforcement, or paramilitary service, in times of emergency.
Deputy Sheriff, who assist the Sheriff in his/her duties.
10-19-2009, 11:09 AM
How about the Traveling Hero? The guy (or gal) who roams the country, alone, helping people with sticky problems or enemies in return for a place to stay and some food for a little while? I grant you, almost any highly-skilled character could fill this role, but it's an interesting archetype.
10-19-2009, 11:24 AM
skill points ? contacts ? etc ?
let's say living in a post-nuke environment is like beeing a criminal - u maybe put in jail depending on term-scheduled INT checks - the same should go for a post apoc character,but in this case you roll against INT or any other score the GM allows - if you fail the roll - the GM can deliver some of these wonderfull career choices:
-Madmaxian (MadMax/the Road)
or perhaps a nice combo of 2 or more of the above.....
just suggestions....
10-19-2009, 12:08 PM
How about the Traveling Hero? The guy (or gal) who roams the country, alone, helping people with sticky problems or enemies in return for a place to stay and some food for a little while? I grant you, almost any highly-skilled character could fill this role, but it's an interesting archetype.
Dark Conspiracy has the Drifter career ;)
10-19-2009, 08:46 PM
Traveling Hero (based on the drifter and mercenary from DC)
Prerequisites: CHA 5+, prior military or law enforcement career
First Term Skills:
* Observation 2
* Streetwise 1
* Vehicle Use 1 or Horsemanship 1
Subsequent Term Skills: Four levels from the following:
* Demolition
* Heavy Weapons
* Horsemanship
* Interrogation
* Language
* Mechanic
* Medical
* Melee Combat
* Observation
* Persuasion
* Small Arms
* Tracking
* Vehicle Use (motorcycle, wheeled)
Contacts: One per term, any type. On a roll of 9+ the contact is foriegn.
Special: None
10-19-2009, 10:00 PM
It is conceivable that many people will still identify with their prewar occupations even a year or two after they are no longer actually employed. A mechanic for example, is likely to remain a mechanic, in fact as well as thought, while a banker purely out of pride, etc may fool themselves into thinking they're still a banker right up to the point where he's been robbed of all his food and useful goods (possibly even after).
It's not until Autumn of 1998 (roughly September) that the last of the nukes were fired off, "targeting surviving industrial centres in the UK and Italy". Therefore, it's very likely a LOT of people would still be employed both directly and indirectly in these areas (and many other un-nuked areas for months, even years to come).
Production, as discussed elsewhere, is definately going to be seriously limited, but whilever there is a functioning governement (or some sort of supply chain for the troops) industry is going to continue to the best of their ability.
It is my belief that civilisation, although virtually bankrupt in 2000, is still going to be limping along in 1997-98, and possibly having it's last gasp in 1999.
10-19-2009, 11:04 PM
It is conceivable that many people will still identify with their prewar occupations even a year or two after they are no longer actually employed. A mechanic for example, is likely to remain a mechanic...
I think in T2K, a good mechanic would be able to write his own paycheck, so to speak. People who need their vehicles and generators fixed might come long distances with lots of goodies for the mechanic in exchange for repairs, or just to bow and scrape in front of him in return for repairs. He would be a very rich and powerful man, by T2K standards.
Which makes me think that some of his employees might be expert scroungers to find all the spare parts he needs. They may be able to almost extort the mechanic into giving them extra-special treatment.
Another rich and important T2K man might be a fuel scrounger.
BTW: The ideas I've come up with for post-World War 3 professions would fit many skill sets -- that's why I haven't put down any skills. There's the PC's job, and then there are his actual capabilities.
10-19-2009, 11:08 PM
How about the Traveling Hero? The guy (or gal) who roams the country, alone, helping people with sticky problems or enemies in return for a place to stay and some food for a little while? I grant you, almost any highly-skilled character could fill this role, but it's an interesting archetype.
The thing that made me think of this idea was a movie starring Yul Brenner from the 1960s or 1970s. I don't remember the title, but the thing that drew him to join with the community in the movie against their violent neighbors was the supply of cigars that the leader of the community had stashed away. Anyone know the movie?
This also tells you that a lot of items that were ordinary before the collapse might become more outrageously valuable than one might think.
10-19-2009, 11:27 PM
I think in T2K, a good mechanic would be able to write his own paycheck, so to speak.
I agree. Same with the scroungers but that probably depends on the area and availablity of useful items (and relative ease in aquiring them).
There's the PC's job, and then there are his actual capabilities.
Same goes for NPCs too. A job title doesn't say what a persons capable of - I'm living proof of that having had more than a dozen jobs in the past 15 years, all in different fields and requiring different skills.
It's how you use what you know that's most important.
10-20-2009, 03:08 AM
I totally agree with Paul and Legbreaker on this - but I feel that this is more of a theme for AFTER the character has been generated and is in play so to say .
The careers you mention are good examples of what I am after - say if you are a sturdy fellow or gal for that matter and you start out as a scroungers apprentice some time after the last ratteling gasps of civilization -but you have little or no experience with say fuel,scrounging etc .
What stats could you possibly milk out of a stint working as a hand for an experienced fuel scrounger etc ?
In other words- where you generate a PC or NPC say some 15 years after the nukes in game time ?That PC might not have had any pre war career at all.
"savage careers " so to say .
I guess scrounging and observation must be plausible.
10-20-2009, 03:54 AM
A job title doesn't say what a persons capable of - I'm living proof of that having had more than a dozen jobs in the past 15 years, all in different fields and requiring different skills.
Same here. I've done all kinds of odd jobs.
I want to see the T2K char gen stats for the "Dement" career :D
Interpreter: Are you blessed with an innate talent for foreign Languages? Or perhaps you are one of the few privileged survivors with parents of different nations and the proper formation in other languages? Or perhaps are you a teenager, working in a caravan, and you started to learn, since childhood, to speak broken half a dozen of different languages? And more important, you have learned when to talk and when to shut-up and which attitudes can offend or can be suitable at every moment when talking with a foreigner. Perhaps you know about those little but important gestures, that contain more information than an entire speech. In some situations you could be the key piece. In a difficult deal or a delicate negotiation your ability to understand the two parts can make the difference. With time, intelligence and “savoir-faire” you could become a true diplomat, an spy or the shadow at the side of the power. . But be aware, your tongue could be the cause of a nasty end, too…
Entry: Charisma 6+ or (EDU 7+) and 2 foreign languages.
First term package (post-nuke): (Characteers educated "before the nukes" can choose a suitable career from the Education section).
Observation 1
Persuasion 1
Interrogation 2
Language 2
Promotion: 8+, DM+1 if CHR7+, DM+1 if INT 7+
Contacts: 3 per term. 1D10 for 5+ for the contact to be foreign.
Subsequent term skills:Observation
Note: For this career, I miss some of the skills included in the skill list for Traveller:TNE like: Act/Bluff, Admin/Legal, Liaison or Carousing.
10-20-2009, 09:18 PM
I want to see the T2K char gen stats for the "Dement" career :D
I want to see that too! I fit that one!
10-20-2009, 10:49 PM
I want to see that too! I fit that one!
Hmm, I dunno. If you were a real dement you would be eating your dogs, not feeding them. I don't think dements have a capacity for love or compassion and their dress sense truly sucks.
10-20-2009, 11:01 PM
...their dress sense truly sucks.
Only when they bother! :D
10-21-2009, 12:48 AM
Hmm, I dunno. If you were a real dement you would be eating your dogs, not feeding them. I don't think dements have a capacity for love or compassion...
You're confusing a demented person with a sociopathic person.
10-21-2009, 01:53 AM
You're confusing a demented person with a sociopathic person.
I'm not talking about people suffering from dementia or any of the milder mental illneses, I'm talking about dements as they are described in T2K. "Dement" isn't a very accurate term for the dements as described in, say, Armies of the Night. Those sorts of dements are probably mostly suffering from extreme PTSD and/or have had serious underlying mental illnesses exacerbated by the trauma they have suffered. Some might be pre-war street people/druggies/urban riff-raff who have gone even deeper into anti-sociality as a result of the effects of the war.
My point is that dements strike me as people who are so far gone that conventional pharmaceutical and therapy treatments probably wouldn't help them much, if at all.
10-21-2009, 02:09 AM
Interpreter: Are you blessed with an innate talent for foreign Languages? Or perhaps you are one of the few privileged survivors with parents of different nations and the proper formation in other languages? Or perhaps are you a teenager, working in a caravan, and you started to learn, since childhood, to speak broken half a dozen of different languages? And more important, you have learned when to talk and when to shut-up and which attitudes can offend or can be suitable at every moment when talking with a foreigner. Perhaps you know about those little but important gestures, that contain more information than an entire speech. In some situations you could be the key piece. In a difficult deal or a delicate negotiation your ability to understand the two parts can make the difference. With time, intelligence and “savoir-faire” you could become a true diplomat, an spy or the shadow at the side of the power. . But be aware, your tongue could be the cause of a nasty end, too…
Entry: Charisma 6+ or (EDU 7+) and 2 foreign languages.
First term package (post-nuke): (Characteers educated "before the nukes" can choose a suitable career from the Education section).
Observation 1
Persuasion 1
Interrogation 2
Language 2
Promotion: 8+, DM+1 if CHR7+, DM+1 if INT 7+
Contacts: 3 per term. 1D10 for 5+ for the contact to be foreign.
Subsequent term skills:Observation
Note: For this career, I miss some of the skills included in the skill list for Traveller:TNE like: Act/Bluff, Admin/Legal, Liaison or Carousing.
great work - cheers ! Just the sort of thing I am after .
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