View Full Version : 29th -31st JANUARY : Season 6 is nigh !! S06E01 !! "BLOODSTORM ASSASSIN"
12-02-2009, 03:08 AM
Everybody knows that a good show never really runs more than 6 season -seven tops..
(Who the hell said this was a good show anyways ..?)
It is time to set a date for SEASON 6 EPISODE 1 guys .
I would like it in January - but I am open for suggestions.
Here is a recap of the events of the last session of 2009:
The party is embroiled in a deadly firefight that sees some crucial NPC personell as KIAs , and damn near buries one or possibly two of the PCs too. Heroic -and not so heroic - efforts all around ensure that everyone walks out of there alive and leave heaps of dead NDP and smouldering tank wrecks to testify of the madness in crossing the party .
A 48 hour rest and reorganization is in order and the battallion takes up a position not far from the Free City of Orland ,CA. The locals are cautious and allow no support to be shown for the Eureka column lest -they fear reprisals from the dreaded rapid response forces of the NDP .But they are greatly impressed that the party has taken out Deputy Agent Johan and his troops of die hard NDP cadre.
The Free City of Orland states had a coordinator -rather than a leader as it is composed of former personell from many factions in a loose confederation - and she has taken quite a liking to the international mega star
that is the Iron Man Post Apocalyptic RoadShow 2019 Tour . After some liasoining followed by some fraternization it is made clear that the city will support the partys forces on the condition that they venture further south and relieve the city of Kettleman -well inside NDP controlled areas -a city that has risen against NDP openly and is not on the fence like 95 % of the rest of the population are .
The party is denied the chance to recruit troops ,but a single combat contest is held and the winner gets the job as Iron Mans personal assistant.
Upon approach of Kettleman,the party find dead and dying in ones,twos and small groups littering the road .Soon they fins out why there are so many dead.Kettleman is a burnt out husk ,everyone and everything inside is dead .A crater of app 100 meters across sits in the dead center of the walled city .One hit has killed everyone ,including those in the well prepared and dug in firing positions around the still standing city palisades.
The party retreat and call it in -geiger counters buzzing .A haggard looking major from WillisCommand arrives a few hours later via helicopter and delivere staggering news. The NDP has revealed their secret weapon at last -it is a 203mm howitzer with Neutron bomb shells. Because of this ,NDP is advancing rapidly as The Unified Eureka forces cannot concentrate for fear of being nuked .
The enemy has one weakness though ,the weapon is so powerful that the LEADER ( Haussmann) has decided to split it into separate compartments .The gun is one place ,the ammo another.That way he think he has safeguarded himself against treason .WillisCo has -through undisclosed means - obtained intel on the location of the cache of neutron bomb shells.
It is situated in the batural fortress of SHANDON ,CA ,not far from /ca.20 KM EAST of ATASCADERO ,CA.
These weapons are supposedly a development of the W-33 artillery shell .
More about the effects can be read here :
The party decided to turn to unconventional tactics to try to infiltrate the position rather than attack all out with all available forces .The battallion cmdr assembles a die hard crew and orders the rest of the force to run diversionary attacks against targets of opportunity some 20-50 km to the North and South and East of Shandon . This draws several companies out of the position to support outposts and convoys outside the NDP perimeters.
In the mean time Iron Man attempts to infiltrate overtly as a spy in the stream of refugees and manages to slip into SHANDON .Inside he discovers that everyone is processed through checkpoints and taken West towards ATASCADERO for unknown reasons .He then hides in the rotting cornfields for hours ,NDP guards constantly patrolling around him.
The others,General Pain,DeCorba,Cowboy-Tex and Takashi sneak through the lines under the nose of the guards during the night .
Disturbing events take place during this stealth mission as it is revealed that General Pain believes he has paranormal powers and that he can control his surroundings with this.Madness or not , the party makes their way to the bunker entrance and link up with the unarmed Iron Man in his rags .
They then assault the gates and storm the bunker under the cover of a pre planned air raid from EUREKA .It is soon revealed ,however that the bunker is part of an extensive fortification and that finding the nukes will not be straightforward.Soon an alarm is sounded and fierce firefights with the fanatical NDP cadres inside the bunker erupt .
The session ends with the party killing a squad of NDP guards that try storm them in brutal HtH combat with assaultrifles in close quarters .The party is in control of a section of the bunker ,but trouble is brewing. There are still NDP survivors inside the bunker ,and Takashi who advances ahead of the party runs up an access ramp only to see -- --
(scary music )
lets set a date folks
12-03-2009, 02:26 AM
I'll be in Thailand until 13th of Jan.
After that everything goes, I guess.
I would also nominate Mr. DeCorbas cabin in the countyside as the optimal location.
12-03-2009, 03:20 PM
I'll be in Thailand until 13th of Jan.
After that everything goes, I guess.
I would also nominate Mr. DeCorbas cabin in the countyside as the optimal location.
have a good trip -remember if all the animals flee -run in the same direction and buy bottled water on the way !
DeCorbas cabin is a good choice.
Everybody - go kill something we can cook on teh occasion!
12-08-2009, 03:18 AM
I nominate one of the following weekends in January for consideration :
friday 15 -17
friday 22-24
friday 29 -31
DeCorba has said that he will consider applications for his house to be used.
I am thinking we stick to tradition and make a hefty feast from game or fowl this time too.
Chime in guys - I know Sanchez is game already .Who else is up for it ?
edit: just bought 2 kg deer and 1 kg marrow bones of deer for the caserole.
hjortekjøtt in Norwegian
12-09-2009, 03:57 AM
reciepes welcome .
the meat is caseroll type -grytekjøtt av hjort -
if you find anything you like post your suggestion or PM it .
I found a seemingly simple and possibly delicious reciepe at -its gryte no II when you scroll down.
We shall be needing a nice red for that - something to balance the stout and rich sauce with all its cream and butter .
I think I will go so far as to say that a nice starter and dessert would be good too .
suggestions ?
General Pain
12-11-2009, 04:37 AM
Regarding season 6.
epsiode 1 : 28th till 31st jan is the first possibility for me
22-24 is a no-go (Telehus samling)
around the 16th is my b-day so some nasty partying is in order ;)
12-11-2009, 08:02 AM
Regarding season 6.
epsiode 1 : 28th till 31st jan is the first possibility for me
22-24 is a no-go (Telehus samling)
around the 16th is my b-day so some nasty partying is in order ;)
Just let us know which date is good for every single one of you -ASAP.
It would seem that General Pain and Sanchez both can make it 28 of January.
The rest of you - please chime in so I can arrange with my bosses and buy tickets.
I dont like it when people are a long time in waiting to reply on these requests.
12-16-2009, 09:17 AM
It seems that three of us can make it the 29th -31
If another date is more convenient for a higher attendance, lets hear it guys !
I havent heard anything from the others so I cant rightly say wether or not they are in or out - but I am counting them out as long as no reply is given .
Sadly this means that we do not have confirmation on DeCorbas place in the woods - but I understand that we do have confirmation from Gen Pain in the Somali-mugger-infested-no-go zone.
So I suggest that we set up a plan B with Gen Pains pad as the location for 29-31 of January .
Those not in attendance will be played as NPCs ( yes..the NPCs tend to not last very long ..) and will get a short recap of the session at their first attendance after .
Pain - Sanchez please confirm .
Anyone else please chime in .
12-17-2009, 10:07 AM
I'm in town at that time.
General Pain
12-22-2009, 06:05 AM
I'm afraid I can't join if the session is another place than mine own...No offense to DeCorba or anyone else..,but it seems that I can't guarantee that I do not have the dog or have to work that saturday,so I cannot say any else.
Anyway I am now in the weatherbeaten south norway enjoying my first day of Xmas Holliday.
12-22-2009, 06:43 AM
There seem to be a few small problems with the dates I suggested.
So far only Sanchez has confirmed - that is alot -but not enough .
I hereby ask for all players to post their preferred dates for next session and we can continue discussions to find a date from there .
As always -I prefer to know as soon as possible to make this fit with work,at home ,the army and ticket prices etc .
And of course - I want everyone there for this one .
It will be a biggie.
12-30-2009, 11:49 AM
29th -31 Is fine with me. You're all more than welcome at my rustic homestead should it suit the discerning tastes of the majority. I am after all semi-democratic.
As for Gen.Pains avoidance of arranging specific dates regarding the neurotic dog.. Suppose the session was to take place in another part of the country entirely, what would you do then? Perhaps... well, just fix it.
12-31-2009, 03:54 AM
It has been decided!
TIME : 29th-31st of JANUARY
PLACE : Gen.Pains pad / DeCorbas pad depending on the many variables in Gen Pains wild life .( Wildlife)Eastern Norway has been confirmed.
DeCorba has given the go-ahead.
General Pain has given the green light.
Sanchez has Okeyed it
TheDevil has concurred.
Headquarters confirms.
Willis has been incommunicado for some time -possible lost comms- we can only hope...
Well then ,Gentlemen, there it is.
Ordering tickets etc etc .
General Pain
01-12-2010, 05:38 AM
cry havoc and release the dice of war....
Rupert Willies
01-12-2010, 08:23 AM
I'll be joining the session.
After battling my way through the dark portals of Odderøya, and by hand beating down the ghost of overtime and service orders, I have only the remaining obstacle of Årsavslutning to keep me from joining you in this first instance of the glorious and most honored tradition of HQ's T2K campaign special: Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trial, season 6.
I have to leave, briefly, for a dinner on Saturday, but I'll return in force later in the evening. After having discussed the matter with deCorba and General Pain, it's been decided to move the event to the generals Grotto, in Old City, Oslo.
01-12-2010, 06:16 PM
I shall slaughter the traditional goat-kid as soon as the moon is favourable.Most auspicious gentlemen !!Let no årsavslutning stand in your way !!
Unleash the dice of war indeed.
Good one.
be seeing you guys.
01-14-2010, 06:04 AM
I will arrive in the early evening the 28th -Thursday .
I see Friday afternoon and night as the most auspicious time for running my session .Possibly a little aftermath-something saturday if it happens -but no biggie there .
Friday is better since then everyone is available for the duration of the session.
Eureka Oct 10th 2019 Temperature : + 2 C*
The frantic hustle and desperate whispering voices of the central Command Officers in the war room did not distract Charirman Rupert Willis .His good eye was focused intently on the top secret report that a trusted courier had just delivered.After authenticating it and clearing his study of staff he had popped the lid off his pills and downed two with a liberal amount of pre war Scotch .He was down to his last case of the stuff .
After the pills had started to ease the knot in his neck and clarity relieved the stress he felt from a week of no sleep and constant news of retreat and defeat from the front, he read in anticipation .
The report was from a deep infiltration resource that he had gotten inside the NDP several years ago .Or rather the MIA Col Sanchez had gotten him inside - Willis Co had inherited several of the assets and networks from el Colonel.
(He had a brief vision of a half crazed Sanchez storming out of his nuclear bunker - or crater really - and hollering at him to give them back- clothes smoking form the radiation and hair all wild and white on his head.)
He chuckled.
Good old crazy,paranoid and sly Sanchez. Buried under a million tons of radioactive debris.Probably dead.
His source confirmed the breach at Shandon .
The attack had lasted over 2 hours at the time of the report.Willis` haggard and scarred face twisted into a joyous smile.He was still in the game ! Haussmann might have the firepower ,but now the baddest and craziest indiviuals he could think of were inside the NDP system - wrecking havoc in the innards of Haussmanns organization like intestinal worms from some horror movie.
He felt like a player at the poker table who just got 4 cards in a straight at the first deal.Just one more card and he would be the winner.
They were inside . He pictured them all bloodied and crazy with adrenalin shouting and screaming at eachother and the raw laughter in between the bursts of automatic fire .
They would bickering possibly - as the hordes of enemies attacked -bodies everywhere- and agonizing screams of frustration when their efforts were countered.
A bloddy mess .He took a long zip of Scotch and sighed.
At the coast the 1st californian Volunteer Regiment had turned back an NDP assault along Highway 1. The coastal ranges were still a raging battlefield -and the succesful action that had stopped the NDP drive was just temporary -he knew that .
But it bought time and provided a crucial bit of information.
His thoughts went to his former comrades in arms .Hunted by a thousand men - fighting of overwhelming numbers .Wounded probably -keeping up through willpower and combat stimulants.Trapped underground .
He couldnt let his old friends go out like that .
They had history .
Before this they had battled MilGov together in bloody campaigns in the deserts and jungles and freezing mountains of Pacific USA.Before that they had dismantled CivGov in brutal battles in the ruins .They had stood knee deep in mud in the trenches and taken on Holnist assaulttroops. They had starved and bled together when they were all alone in the howling wilderness a thousand miles from home.They had plotted against evil men together and made pacts to stand as allies and comrades in arms.They had faced odds and perils that would have killed all lesser men-and women.
And if they made it out , it would not look good if he hadnt prepared anything to help them .Not to mention that they might make it out carrying nuclear weapons-and those needed to be accounted for as well..
He dialled the unlisted number to the commander of A-section special operations detachment on his phone and got Major McAllistar .
"I have an assignment for you - I want to send a relief column to get our forward team in Shandon safely out of there "
"Uh..Yes Sir.But I thought.."
"Never mind what you thought man!Get an operation running to get them out this minute!"
"Yes sir !"
McAllistar hung up .And rubbed his chin .Who the hell was going to be crazy enough to venture into that area and try something like that ? It would have to be someone motivated by more than duty.More than bravery.Greed would not do it either - no chance of ever spending the rewards. .He would need someone driven by something else..
Family obligation.
In his office Willis watched the report burn in the tin bucket by his desk .He rather liked the look on the faces of his staff when 4 feet tall flames rose from the trash can. The fire upset their office routines he guessed.They would much prefer a shredder instead.Like the fire represented something out of control.Something wild.
The small victory at Highway 1 had revealed that the NDP command had moved their nuclear artillery - or else it would have been used on their positions like had happened earlier in the week.
But where would they move it ?
He opened the aerial reconnaisance photo folder again and studied the black and whites.
Rupert Willies
01-14-2010, 06:27 AM
I just got laid of at work today, so there is no need for me to attend the company dinner on saturday. I'll be joining you for the whole ride.
General Pain
01-14-2010, 08:56 AM
im sooooo there......
01-26-2010, 05:47 AM
I will arrive thursday at 1800hrs at GPs pad .
Beers ,beef stew and bullet time will commence shortly after .
looking forward to it .
DeCorba racked and tapped his carbine and raised it to his shoulder .He held his sight on the corner of the bunker hallway 20 feet to his front, and clung to the wall.His right leg hurt like hell where the NDP soldier had gotten him with his trashing kicks before the last rounds in DeCorbas magazine had stopped him moving forever.Blood was still trickling down his face from that one -the NDP soldiers blood -not his own .Only now did he notice a bullet lodged in his protective vest right over his heart .
Probably a ricochet since it hadn`t penetrated.
He shot a quick glance behind him and surveyed their position and its carnage.
They were in a hallway with a corner 2o feet down from him ,and another one app 30 feet further up from him .Halfway from the corners his team -the team he had selected when he ordered the assault - had taken up firing stances in a small perimeter .Inbetween them, on both sides of them and at the corners lay the bodies of the slain NDP defenders.All in all 8 enemy soldiers had paid with their lives for trying to stop them .Two had gotten away further into the bunker. He lamented that one .No rapid advance possible now .And judging from the sounds at the entrance where they had come in , a platoon of infantry was preparing a counter assault to get them . So then - enemy at their backs and enemy in front .And still 1/2 a mile to go to the central bunker with its deadly stocpile.
General Pain was on one knee covering the front with his two sawed of ten gages. His armor had bulletimpacts in it ,and blood and brains had soiled it in manyplaces.Still the General felt at ease.Now, locked in mortal combat with an enemy of overwhelming strength he could relax .The pressures of everyday life far away .leading a death cult faction and trying to seize power through countless nefarious schemes was taxing .
As it stood right now,he could see no possible escape from certain death -although he wouldnt mention this to the others just yet .Chuckling he pictured their faces when he broke the news -".. we are in a bunker inside the NDP lines and they know we are here - we are all going to die.."
Anyways - he had a card up his sleeve that would put the others of their dinner for a long time if they ever found out.
Even if he wasnt to be around to see it .
Strange .The gnawing fear he had feltthe last few years when going into combat was gone .He holstered a 10 gage and took out a pack of combat stimulants with his free hand to check its contents. Nope - he hadnt taken to many .Nor had he had to much Scotch - ha had "checked " the silver and kevlar flask in his vest just a minute ago .Still 3/4 full.
He just felt great .
Takashi was creeping up the hallway along the wall in front of Pain with her two custom 10mm autopistols on outstretched arms .As she neared the corner of the hallway that lead into the adjacent room she looked back .And nodded.
Then she was gone around the corner.
Every step she made left a small bloody print on the concrete floor.
Hers or the NDPs- it was hard to tell.
Covering the area infront of her ,she carefully sliced the pai on her corner so that she only gradually exposed herself .An accesramp led up to the main tunnel of the bunker system .The corridor on top af the ramp had two corners.For a moment she paused and a glimmer of doubt raced through her mind .Images of her children.Memories of her hopes for herself as a young girl
But then the years of strict discipline made her mind reel from the images as if though having seen a ghastly sight.Her fate was to fight and ensure the future of those in her memories by acting with courage now.
.Going into a room like that alone and with multiple angles to cover made the tactical training alarm bells chime like they were hyperactive .It went against all shehad been thaught.It was foolhardy.
It was dangerous.
She took a deep breath and started up .
In the perimeter , Iron man was busy looting the dead and dying NDP troops that lay everywhere inside and around the little position they had set up in the bunker hallway .6 dead NDP and 1 dead San Simeon man was the result after the NDP cadres had tried to rush them and had gotten inbetween them .
Bloody hand to hand fighting at pointblank ranges had ensued , sawed of shotguns ,pistols and carbines used as clubs or fired with the muzzle in contact with the target had sprayed the concrete corridor with blood and gore -and the men and women still standing too..
He looked around and counted the heads.Not many of the original assault force left .A combat engineer and his assistant, the general,the fieldmarshall,the aristocratic lady - a nice troupe for what looked like it was going to be a final act .Nice script though .."all important mission to save the world in a nuclear weapons bunker infested with fanatics.." If only he could have gotten someone big to produce it .Like Fox or Warner.This thing needed a budget.He suddenly noticed that his refugee disguise smelled like rotten fruit.Typical lousy prop and custome department .Grabbing some old rags from a heap of garbage and rotting food.He clenched his teeth and pulled on another NDP army boot .Good leather boots were hard to come by .
His torn refugee shoes just were not going to cut it the rest of this fight he decided.
And more importantly -he was hell bent on going with his boots on.
After all - there would eventually be an eulogy in Variety when the world got back on its feet, and Hollywood got rid of the pesky cannibals that were currently using his favourite skin care treatment center as a ritualistic barbecue den.
Going out the hard way was the right way for Iron Man .After all,he wasnt "Cry your heart out Man" .He had worked too hard for the Iron Man image to have any question raised now. " God,I hope they dont get me in the face", he muttered.
The far sounds of NDP cadre firing suppressive fire all the way back athe bunker entrance where he and his comrades in arms had made their entry made him flinch.
He swallowed hard and finished lacing up his boots.
General Pain
01-26-2010, 06:33 AM
nice writeup...
sadly there is still some hours left before the dice can be rolled, the roles can be played and the rules interpreted...
01-28-2010, 04:12 AM
nice writeup...
sadly there is still some hours left before the dice can be rolled, the roles can be played and the rules interpreted...
As usual ther are slight bumps in the road - but I am assured the game is on its way .
To night we pop the beer cans and roll the dice at GPs pad from app 1800 .
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