View Full Version : twilight 1964
Cpl. Kalkwarf
12-05-2009, 04:49 PM
Does anyone remember this website alternate for twilight or have it archived?
My archive hardrive crashed realy bad and no longer have my archived copy or the info that was on it.
If you have it archived I would very much like to get it again, since the original website is down.
12-05-2009, 07:51 PM
Here's a dead link to the place that maybe you are thinking of, unfortunately it's a geocities site and I have no idea if the owner transported it to another site.
I believe Decke was the persons last name
12-05-2009, 07:52 PM
Yep, remember it, but Nope, don't have the archived info you need. Lot's of good sites have pissadeared in the past few years for one reason or another.
12-05-2009, 09:06 PM
I didn't know about this one-- is it an alternate timeline wherein the Cuban Missile Crisis went wrong?
Does anyone remember this website alternate for twilight or have it archived?
The guys name is Nathan Decke, but unfortunately his webpage is now gone along with Geocities.
If you have it archived I would very much like to get it again, since the original website is down.
I think I have archived it onto disk along with his morrow project work. If you want it I can e-mail it to you once I find it.
General Pain
12-07-2009, 09:31 AM
The guys name is Nathan Decke, but unfortunately his webpage is now gone along with Geocities.
I think I have archived it onto disk along with his morrow project work. If you want it I can e-mail it to you once I find it.
I'd like a copy too,.
Cpl. Kalkwarf
12-12-2009, 07:47 PM
I found mine archived on a memory stick. While looking for something completely different.
Cpl. Kalkwarf
12-12-2009, 07:53 PM
The file size is approximately 2.4 meg by the way. If some one wants to archive it also. Let me know how to send it too ya.
Cpl. Kalkwarf
12-12-2009, 07:54 PM
I didn't know about this one-- is it an alternate timeline wherein the Cuban Missile Crisis went wrong?
Yes it is.
I've actually pasted the whole lot onto a word file. If anybody wants I could just post it on here in segments.
12-13-2009, 11:00 PM
Absolutely! Love to see it.
Rainbow Six
12-14-2009, 03:08 AM
I've actually pasted the whole lot onto a word file. If anybody wants I could just post it on here in segments.
Go for it!
Here we go with Nathan's work. Its very long but a great read. Just think that he actually became ashamed of it in the end as nobody seemed interested in it.
TWILIGHT: 1964 An alternate history expansion module for Twilight: 2000, that excellent game of post-apocalypse role playing in the aftermath of a nuclear WWIII.
A special note about blatant plagiarism, intellectual property and copyright thievery: While most of what follows is my own imagination, there is much that is not. As you read this you will see that in some places I have out-and-out stolen ideas, names, whole sentences, and everything in between from a variety of sources. These include a lot of websites, literally hundreds of books, movies, and articles. As this is all based on Twilight: 2000, I have of course robbed from the modules with reckless abandon. Why, you ask? Because there is such a wealth of good post-nuke stuff out there on the net and in the media that it would be a shame not to use it. The challenge is adapting it all to my 1964 timeframe, and good lord what a challenge that has been. If I tried to footnote and document every stolen concept and co-opted idea this project would be totally unreadable. Therefore, if you read something in here and say, "Hey, what the hell!!!! That's my idea!!!!" then please don't sue me. In fact, if you have any other ideas to add, let me know and I'll work them in. Thanks for not bankrupting me.
The premise here is that the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 went terribly, terribly wrong. Russia nuked us, we nuked them and the whole world fell apart. The game time is late October of 1964, near exactly two years since the bombs fell. The last two years in the USA have seen the collapse of the government and social structure, a schism between the military and the civilian governments and invasion on two fronts, and it will be many decades (if ever) before America is anywhere near normal again. Not as many nukes hit America as you might expect, nothing like the tens of thousands of warheads in a 1980s-era exchange, but they were certainly enough to devastate the nation. The projected nuclear winter, blessedly, turned out to be more of a nuclear autumn and the skies cleared rapidly and the radiation was soon contained to the immediate craters. While the nuclear bombs and the two terrible winters that followed killed off approximately 65% of the population of America, the War had a deleterious effect upon modern society far beyond the already unimaginable annihilation of millions and destruction of property. Following the collapse of civil authority, widespread violence swept through the land in a dog-eat-dog frenzy of looting, rape, theft, and murder. With the availability of firearms and general decline in order, large parts of the nation are positively chaotic and there are areas that are completely lost. There are many areas that are still functioning, though at very different levels than before the war. Nearly everything can be had-for a price, though currency is of limited use with barter being carried out with food, ammunition, gold nuggets, drugs and fuel. To cope with this disaster, local strong men and women, sometimes someone with pre-existing authority like a mayor, a police chief, or the commander of an army post, and sometimes just a person of natural authority would take charge of an area. Organizing, protecting, and controlling food supplies was the key to an area's success or failure and from those group who succeeded came the new social and political entities that dominate the post-nuclear world of 1964. These nuclei take many forms: military governments, local strong man dictatorships, small local democracies, slave-owning aristocracies, and even criminal and biker gangs. Groups with pre-existing social cohesion, such as the Mormons and other religious groups, those with popular leaders, and military bases that were not attacked, all have a considerable edge in survival. Early attempts to consolidate the United States failed due to poor communications, total discrediting of the federal government that fought the war and the lack of a leader with political legitimacy. As the nation's power bases split themselves between the civilian government and military leadership camps, endemic warfare between them began as they jockeyed for scarce resources. This cycle of small-scale warfare and needless destruction helped continue the downward slide of population levels and the loss of technological and economic capabilities. Much like a hundred years ago, the individual states wield the most power in the remaining cities and the relationship between federal and state parliaments is one more of mutual distrust than cooperation. However, the federal government still largely controls the armed forces and communications so they have an advantage over the states. The Road Warrior is a bad analogy; things are only that bad out in the hinterlands. The rest of the nation is a mix of The Day After and Whitley Streiber's War Day. Watch the British movie Threads from the mid-eighties, it will put you in the right mood. But that doesn’t do it justice, either, you'll just have to form your own vision in your mind after you begin reading all this.
This gazetteer is organized into nine generalized geographic regions, with some helpful appendices at the end. The exclusion of a city from these state-by-state lists does not mean that it is intact. Civil unrest, hostile military action, and other factors have caused severe damage in regions otherwise untouched by the war. There are many open-ended descriptions and entire cities and areas left blank to allow you to use your imagination. This is exclusively a "where to go, things to see, people to kill" sort of document, basically selected plot ideas within a general framework. It is not an attempt to explore the social dynamics of the world or the politics of those in control; it is just a travel guide, pure and simple. I won't go into the details and philosophy of such common post-apocalyptic terms such as marauders, radiation, air bursts and the like…if you don't already know them then you are reading the wrong document. Go read Jane Austin. For the rest of you, enjoy…
Nikita put missiles in Cuba in 1962 to give us a taste of our own medicine, and things took on a life of their own. First the word of the missiles, the speech by Kennedy, all those meetings by the UN. The U-2 photos and the blockade around Cuba. Troops being sent south to Florida and reserve units activated. A very scary time. Then, on October 27, Cuba shoots down one of our U-2s. Kennedy had several days earlier made plans to retaliate with air strikes against any SAM site that fired on a US plane. However, diplomacy was working by this time and Kennedy sought to resend that retaliation order to preserve the chance for peace. A call was placed to Air Force General Curtis "bomb them back to the stone age" LeMay to ensure that his planes would not attack Cuba without a direct order from the President. But General LeMay had other ideas and his own hawkish views of America's place in the world. Over the president's wishes, he ordered his planes to attack the SAM site, along with several others. The ball started rolling. Kennedy burned the midnight oil to get a cease-fire, but it was to no avail, the invasion was on. By the next day, the Marines were storming ashore in the biggest amphibious operation since Inchon, and the units of the 82nd and 101st Airborne were dropping in and around Havana, trying to secure airfields. Bombs were being dropped on the Cuban missile sites and our blockade fleet started sinking the Soviet subs that had been shadowing the blockade line. Total victory over the Cubans was projected to take only a few days. Surprise! The Cubans put up a ferocious fight, and even had some small-scale tactical nukes on Frog missiles, which they used on our landing forces and navy support vessels, inflicting horrific casualties. Once the Frogs let go then hell came for a visit in that October. As soon as the nuclear genie was released in Cuba, our SAC began a response against selected military targets in the Soviet Union in retaliation for the Frogs. Our naval forces in the Mediterranean clashed with Soviet ships and Soviet troops marched into West Berlin. Cuba was in chaos, with no real news coming out of that burning island. Kennedy was on the air continuously, speaking to the nation and the world. He was offering an immediate armistice and stand-down, a summit meeting, trade concessions, anything and everything to stop the war, to stop the war from hitting America. But it was too late.
Russia had decided that a massive first strike was the only way to survive the rapidly coming global war and late on October 28, Nikita pushed the button. At least a dozen of the medium range missiles in Cuba had become operational and were flying north towards America. Soviet nuclear-armed bombers took to the air and headed over the pole. Soviet submarines began firing SLBMs at coastal cities and ICBMs began blasting off from pads all over Russia. With our nation under attack, SAC engaged in a full, retaliatory response on civilian targets in the Soviet Union. Then a nuclear missile found the White House in Washington DC and the civilian government was destroyed. As acting chairman of the Military Joint Chiefs, General LeMay stepped into the power void and led the nation out of the dark. Despite the little known fact that he started the war by disobeying Kennedy, LeMay to his credit ended the war quickly by launching every bomber, ICBM and SLBM we had and utterly destroying the Soviet Union with thousands of nuclear warheads and bombs, some 30,000,000,000 tons of TNT all told. The so-called "missile gap" was a myth (see Appendix 2) and the Russian first strike was barely an eighth of the US counterattack. Nuclear weapons, and especially missile technology, of the early 1960s was a science in its infancy. Many rockets malfunctioned as soon as they were launched, others landed hundreds of miles off course, and still others failed to explode with the expected force or even were duds. But enough worked as designed to ruin our nation (see Appendix 1). The fledgling ABM systems were proven to be utterly useless in anything less than perfect laboratory conditions and the conventional air defense network relied too heavily on fragile radars and vulnerable electronics. With the first few nuclear explosions over the nation, both from Russian attacks and from US nuclear ABM and anti-aircraft weapons, the majority of the radar networks collapsed. With the Air Force virtually blind, the waves of over-the-pole Russian bombers found the going much easier than they had dreamed possible. USAF and Canadian interceptors took a heavy toll on the bombers, but on many occasions were having to hunt for their targets visually, and many Russian planes escaped. For days after the start of the exchanges, individual Mi-4 Bisons and Tu-95 Bears managed to slip into cracks in the failing radar coverage and drop their atomic bombs on targets. The Russians had a number of ballistic missile submarines, several of them even lurking off the coast of Cuba, and these were responsible for much of damage to the coastal areas of the country. In many cases, their strikes came days after the ICBM and bomber raids, as it took longer for them to get into position. As the exchanges wound down by the last day of October, General LeMay ordered the US Navy to pull the remnants of the invasion force off the beaches and brought hundreds of them home. LeMay then assumed control of the US government "until such time as a lawful civilian government could be reconvened", though he perhaps knew that such a time might not come again in his lifetime. In Europe and the Far East, WWIII was in full swing. Despite the desperate conditions here at home, numerous US military units (both regular army and National Guard) were shipped overseas to shore up the fronts in Europe and Korea. For nearly sixteen months the NATO countries in Europe waging a nasty, brutal war to liberate the former Warsaw Pact nations from the remaining Soviet forces.
The missiles and bombs came quick, but their effects last until today. The physical damage to the nuclear target sites was horrific and the initial loss of life was shocking, but it was the epidemics, famines and the social disruption that by far has claimed the most lives in the last two years. Total casualties since 1962 are 124.2 million, or 70% of the population of the United States in 1962. Again, this includes both initial fatalities and subsequent deaths from injuries, in addition to deaths from disease, starvation, and civil unrest up to the winter of 1964. Over the next thirty years, cancer and leukaemia cases in the United States will increase by over 2,500%. There will also be a dramatic increase in deformities at birth and failed pregnancies. Not a pleasant place to live. There will not be, however, any radiation-spawned mutants or forty-foot tall spiders running around. This is not science fiction, this is science fact.
With its government left powerless and its economy destroyed, America quickly slipped into chaos. In late 1962, the surviving civilian leadership attempted to regain control, the military wouldn't give it up. There has, therefore, been a schism at the federal government level, with the remains of the elected civilian government (CivGov) and the military hierarchy (MilGov) both claiming rightful authority. Roughly speaking, CivGov controls most of the Northeast and the Great Lakes states from the new capital at Mount Weather and MilGov controls the rest from their new capital at Colorado Springs. Some state governments often were left on their own and have done well, but most quickly collapsed under the burden. It can generally be said that "government" of any form in America exists only as far as a bullet will travel. Outside of that, everyone is on their own in this brave new world.
The only cohesive force on the entire continent anymore is the US military and it is rare that any large organized survivor community is not connected with the army somehow. The military took over after the collapse of society, as the strong and well-armed often do, though ostensibly the military was there to serve and protect the citizens. The army filled the vacuum of power and became the de facto government in most areas and this state of affairs still largely exists today. Troops established cantonments in strategic areas and regulated food production and distribution inside their cantonments but abandoned the regions outside. Even with the Cold War build-up of the early 1960s, there were still only about twenty active US Army divisions which were in full strength, spread all over the world. While many other Reserve and National Guard divisions were raised following the start of the war, these new units frequently were pitifully short of men and material from the start. Soon after the war started, LeMay ordered all National Guard units mobilized, both for homeland security and to be sent overseas to fight WWIII. Quickly seeing what a meat grinder the war in Europe was shaping up to be, many states refused to let their troops leave their states where they were needed. As well, in many areas mobilization was not even possible due to the chaos and destruction of the nuclear attacks. Rates of desertion have been high, especially amongst those National Guard and Reserve units that were organized after the war started, as soldiers drifted off to find family and loved ones. Many others, sometimes entire units, turned marauder and lived on banditry. Central control is virtually nonexistent with most units, especially those in isolated or rural areas, largely operating on their own. By the fall of 1964, most military units are practicing extensive local recruiting in an attempt to keep up to strength, and stragglers are often incorporated into units regardless of past record. Nominal titles of units (brigades, divisions, etc.), too, have little bearing on the actual size of the unit. Most large units are down to approximately 15-30% of pre-wartime strengths. Most intact divisions are still clinging to their pre-war TOE's, and are probably down to 2-3 battalions per division, and 3 companies per battalion. Usually it was at the battalion level that the units were consolidated, so that you would still have standard sized companies and platoons, but it could also likely that the battalions are under staffed. As troops settle into areas and begin farming and small-scale manufacturing to meet their supply requirements, local civilians are hired to farm and carry out many administrative functions in return for security from the increasing numbers of marauders roaming the countryside. In other areas, the security the military unit provides to its civilians is from the unit itself, a post-nuclear version of the ancient "protection" racket. Most smaller military bases have been abandoned in favor of concentrating forces in more strategically placed areas and many of these bases today are virtually Medieval castles.
The US Navy in 1964 is still strong, despite having taken horrifying losses during the battles in Europe and by tactical nuclear weapons at sea. While Russia's war machine took a large toll on the navy, it has been the lack of fuel and maintenance that has done in the navy. Most ships still in existence by 1964 are not at all fully operational, but most are at least afloat and capable of generating internal power. As many of the nation's naval bases were nuked, there is a critical shortage of electronics spares, missile reloads, and dry docks for repairs. The lack of necessity for a large navy is also apparent now with the Russians destroyed. Men that might otherwise be on ships are needed ashore in reconstruction and recovery efforts. In most harbors there are any number of warships and auxiliaries rusting at anchor with the barest of skeleton crews.
World War III saw incredibly high attrition rates amongst US Air Force units. The Russian Frontal Aviation in Eastern Europe was qualitatively a match for Western air forces and quantitatively far more than a match. By the end of the war in April of 1963, most USAF and Air National Guard units available had been thrown into the fire in Europe. Today, though there are a lot of remaining aircraft in America that are capable of flight operations, in many cases the lack of regular maintenance has degraded radar and electronics to the point that they are dangerous to fly. For example, the F-4 Phantom II jet fighter (typical of USAF jets) is a very complex, maintenance-intensive aircraft, requiring 135 man-hours of maintenance in the shop for each hour in the air. The lack of spare parts caused by the collapsed transportation and manufacturing systems, the horrible attrition in battle, plus the general lack of adequate numbers of trained maintenance personnel make keeping sophisticated airplanes flying almost impossible. Jets can't run on alcohol fuel, so aviation fuel is a vital commodity, severely limiting flying operations. Most airbases in America have numbers of stranded jets rusting away on aprons and in hangers. In addition, the USAF is woefully short of missile reloads and guided munitions for the aircraft, another result of the war in Europe, but retains a steady supply of crude iron bombs and cannon reloads for those planes still airworthy. Over the past year, several of the Air Force ICBM missiles that were offline or damaged during the nuclear strikes have been reactivated by MilGov.
The continental forces have been augmented by the withdrawal of most (though not all) US forces from Europe early in 1964. With WWIII winding down in Europe and the obvious need for troops at home for reconstruction, the choice was clear for General LeMay, despite the protests of his NATO allies. Operation Omega was conducted to bring them home, mostly landing them at Savannah, Georgia on May 20, 1964. Task Force 34 was formed of what was left of the US Navy's Atlantic Fleet, a few dozen ships at best, and thirty or forty assorted merchant ships--mostly the remnants of the West German Merchant fleet--that were scraped together and used to evacuate US military assets from Europe and given to the US in exchange for most of the units' armor and heavy weapons. Most of the forces evacuated from Europe were released from service upon arrival in the US. However, at least 30% of the returnees opted to remain in US service, many being career soldiers without any place to go. As well, most surviving US naval and air assets in Europe were withdrawn with the ground forces, helping to rearm America. As nearly all the overseas units were strongly MilGov (as the evacuation was ordered by LeMay) this influx of men and material will surely shift the balance of power firmly to Colorado Springs in the coming years. A similar, but less organized, plan has been ongoing to bring men back from Korea and other Far East and Middle East theatres.
One of the most crippling effects of the 1962 attack was the destruction of over 70% of the country's oil refining capacity. This, in combination with the EMP bursts, effectively eliminated electrical power generation and all but the most crude industrial facilities. Without fuel and lubrication, the modern mechanical age ground to a halt. Oil facilities not affected by the nuclear strikes or conventional military attacks were fought over by numerous rivals (former national governments, marauders, "new" national governments, and tin-pot local dictators). Those lucky enough to avoid the ravages of war suffered from the forces of nature--workers don't tend to shut things up properly when fleeing for their lives. Dirt, wind, rain, and rust are finishing the job started by plutonium and TNT. Petroleum is available in some areas due to operating oil wells, which are mostly closely guarded by the military. Refinery capability, however, is limited and transport of oil by road is subject to attack and is not often carried out. The main limiting factor for the US military currently is this lack of fuel. Many vehicles have been converted to grain alcohol and the wood-burning still has become a common sight in army enclaves as units seek to keep their armored vehicles operating. Aircraft, however, cannot run on alcohol and by 1964 they are mostly grounded or used only sparingly. The same goes for fuel oil for the navy, and while strong US Navy forces still exist, they are often unable to leave port.
As the smoke from the bombs rose into the atmosphere, impairing sunlight, a limited nuclear winter affected the climate throughout the northern hemisphere to this day, although the climactic changes were not as calamitous as some scientists had feared. These problems are further increased by lingering radiation, the lack of fuel, spare parts for farm machinery, and fertilizer, all of which are required by the heavily mechanized farming practiced in North America. Those farms that were once heavily specialized, such as poultry or beef, now must produce their own feed, thus reducing their output. Those farming communities that have managed to retain enough production to support themselves face even more problems. The massive numbers of refugees from the abandoned cities demanded a share of the meagre supplies of food. These refugees tended to be armed, and they often appeared in sufficient numbers to overwhelm the farmers defending their food stocks. Some farmers have had all their crops stolen, including the seeds, and their livestock slaughtered, preventing them from rebuilding their farms. The net result is that by 1964 most farming communities are hostile to outsiders, refusing entry to even small bands of starving refugees. Some farming towns have had to accept rule by larger bands of refugees and marauders, or even the US military, paying for protection with food. The farmers may suffer under this overlordship, but at least they are relatively safe from outside attacks. Most of the nation's transportation network collapsed immediately after the bombs fell. Modern civilization requires food to be moved from areas of production to areas of consumption, and with the railroad hubs destroyed, roads and bridges rendered unusable, and ports flattened, some areas had massive stocks of food, while most went short. Roads between major cities are often kept open but travel is hazardous at best. The especially cold winters of 1962 and 63, the radiation, the famines, the marauders, the epidemics, and the invasions all reduced the number of mouths to feed to the point that by 1964 the food situation has stabilized and people are eating well again in most areas. Since you can't grow crops in urban areas that well, most of the larger cities have been abandoned to the scum and scavengers. It's all about food. The drought in the eastern half of the nation is growing worse by the day and its long term effects won't be known until next planting season.
Disease is perhaps the biggest and most deadly problem in America today. Most of the dead were left unburied during that first winter and began to decompose when the snow melted, leading to an immediate outbreak of cholera and typhoid and even a resurgence of black plague in many areas. The breakdown of a central medical system and the loss of many public services only fuelled the fire. In some areas, especially in urban areas and in the deep south, the epidemics killed off tens of thousands each month, drastically thinning the population of the nation like nothing ever before. Most of the worst epidemics have burned themselves out by 1964, but medical supplies and personnel are extremely rare and thus valuable today.
Even in the areas not directly affected by the attack, there was severe consequences. EMP effects from high-altitude airbursts ruined electricity supplies and normal communication lines for some time, although some areas--particularly in the central and northeastern United States--largely escaped this disruption. EMP proved to be more powerful than the most conservative pre-war estimates, affecting even the supposedly shielded military and government equipment. Enough was on standby, and enough adequately shielded, to enable the Joint Chiefs of Staff to remain in touch with their scattered forces (for a time).
Between late 1962 and the middle of 1963, close to a thousand nuclear weapons of various sizes were detonated by various warring sides in WWIII. Beyond the tangible destruction of the blasts, scientists warned of more far-reaching effects, such as the postulated "nuclear winter" or fatal damage to the ozone layer. Speaking specifically of North America, in the immediate aftermath, the "nuclear winter" turned out to be more of a "nuclear autumn", with nationwide temperature variation, but nothing like the deep-freeze conditions expected. The ozone layer has been damaged, but it is assumed that its own natural ability to reassemble with render that problem harmless in a decade or so. Until then an increased likelihood of skin cancers should be expected. And then 1964 came. Beginning in this year, noticeable discrepancies in aggregate rainfall have been noted throughout North America. These events are difficult to measure and their ramifications are difficult to predict because of a lack of data and a dearth of experts and equipment. However, it has become apparent that there has been a definite shift in rainfall patterns, and a very dry spring of 1964 was experienced in those areas. From the data that can be gathered and assimilated, several remaining meteorologists agree that the jet stream has shifted out of its normal position. This, combined with a slight increase in certain particulate atmospheric contaminants, has caused the small-scale shift in rain fall patterns in the USA. It will perhaps take up to a decade for the jet stream to drift back to its original position.
Following the collapse of national authority, there was a period where the borders became porous, and for the first time since 1812, foreign powers were on the soil of America. In early 1963, the Russians invaded Alaska from the sea. This was not anywhere near a WWII-style amphibious operation, but rather a piecemeal landing of scratched-together troops and scavenged equipment. The reason for the Russian push was more to escape the radioactive devastation of the Pacific coast of Russia than any grand military planning. The invasion went well initially, with the Russians capturing Juneau and Anchorage and driving towards Vancouver, before the Americans could counterattack. By late 1963, the invaders had been stopped and isolated in small enclaves throughout the state. Over time, the Russians gave up their plans of conquest and settled down to find wives and raise crops. Other than these paragraphs, I will make no attempt to detail the two (north and south) invasions any further. What happened and why are beyond the scope of this document, having taken place in the past, and only the present consequences of the invasions need be included. The GM is free to flesh the invasions out to his liking.
On the southern borders came another enemy, the Mexicans. Egged on by Marxist elements in the Mexican government, the Mexican army stormed across the border in the first day of May, 1964, just six months before game-time, aiming to reclaim the territory lost to America in the Mexican-American war in the 19th century. In retrospect, the invasion had more to do with the horrible conditions in Mexico in 1964 than any dreams of renewing Mexico's glory years. The Mexican economy collapsed when the US did, leaving the nation full of starving refugees and seething discord. The best way to keep the nation from dissolving into civil war was to focus efforts to the north. A four-pronged effort was mounted, one into each of the border states. Forget visions of grand armies marching north, the Mexican drive was more shotgun-toting peasants in trucks and VW Beetles led by ill-armed and ill-trained army units. There were initial successes, perhaps mainly because the lingering EMP effects over the US continued to severely limit US troop’s ability to coordinate large-scale defenses and communicate with the front. The US military was tied down with transportation problems, ammunition, equipment, troop shortages, and home industry in ruins, and disaster relief. The southern border is quite long and units and towns are naturally quite isolated. Even with the limited mobility of the Mexican Army, many American units and militias were easily flanked and had a hard time getting the word of the invasion through to the command structures. The Mexican army had no idea what they were doing and as soon as the Americans got over the shock of being invaded and mounted counterattacks, the drives quickly stalled and the front stagnated. The Mexicans had strategic surprise but no real strategic goal. They wanted to capture the food-growing areas of the American Southwest but had no defined stop-line. The invasion was more a political device to unite the country--from that standpoint, the move worked, at least for a time. But the Mexicans never had a good shot at capturing the Central Valley in California--the richest prizes were either heavily defended by the Americans or sabotaged (like the water supply for the Imperial Valley). Aside from a few well-watered areas in Texas and in mountain valleys throughout the Southwest, the Mexicans have found themselves in charge of a lot of useless desert. In California, they reached as far as Los Angeles before stopping. In Arizona, they managed only Tucson. In New Mexico they were smashed south of Albuquerque and nearly driven out of the state. In Texas they fared better where the open plains and the large numbers of sympathetic Hispanic civilians helped the drive. They were aided by the Division Cuba, a unit of Cuban and Russian soldiers from Cuba. The push finally was stopped along a Lubbock-Waco-Houston line, in part due to the use of tactical nuclear weapons by the US Army. Back home, the pressures of mounting such an extensive military operation taxed the feeble Mexican economy and infrastructure past the breaking point and Mexico slid into civil war by the end of the fall of 1964. Several factions rose up claiming power in Mexico, and the scattered military units in America chose one or the other to follow, or just gave up and went marauder. By today, the Mexicans are still strong in south Texas and southern California, but are really just trying to survive more than anything. The main result of these two invasions was that Army units that were once keeping civil order throughout the country were sent to the front lines to fight. Without their authority and security, many areas left behind quickly descended further into chaos and anarchy.
Maybe one of the most disturbing aspects of the collapse of civil society is that the racists and bigots of the nation were now free to act without fear of legal prosecution. Across much of the south, and really in every state, the KKK has been reborn as a frighteningly effective and powerful force. Calling themselves "New Americans", the Klan leadership has reorganized into cells and has spread across the nation with the goal of taking it over. In some areas--Northern Arkansas, West Virginia, Tampa etc…---the NA cells have complete control over the population. The remaining governments and the military have been pressed to deal with these flare-ups but so far attempts have been largely unsuccessful, often due to a sympathetic military. In the next decade or so, unless something is done to prevent it, New America might just turn the clock back to 1864.
The rest of the world? Who cares? Just know that there is no one left strong enough or stupid enough to try and invade us anymore, so don't worry about it. Over most of Europe, World War III still smoulders. NATO, led by West Germany and Britain stormed across the borders to "liberate the oppressed citizens" of the former Warsaw Pact block. The Soviet forces left in these nations, with no home to return to, fought savagely and reduced nearly all of Europe to a horrible wreck. Russia might have been short of strategic nuclear weapons, but they had thousands of small tactical nukes that devastated the cities of Europe. General LeMay finally broke the Russians by sending every available SAC bomber to nuke Eastern Europe into the dark ages once again. On April 6, 1964, LeMay announced to the world that he had managed to reach an armistice agreement with Marshal Sergei Lavenkov of the Strategic Rocket Forces, the highest surviving authority--either civilian or military--left alive in the ruins of Russia. World War III was officially over and the troops could finally come home. Since the end of active hostilities in Europe, nearly all the Americans overseas, civilians and military alike, who wanted to come home have and brought everything they could carry with them. The largest military evacuation was in early 1964 in Operation Omega. International trade and travel is a thing of the past and the radio is generally your only link to the outside world, but there are interesting things afoot on other continents. In North America, Canada is still our ally, but unable to help much because of their own problems feeding their people. Cuba is a radioactive heap and Mexico has dissolved into civil war following their ill-fated invasion of us. Perhaps at a later date I'll try to detail some other parts of the world.
Rough Timeline:
October 27, 1962--The branch point. US planes bomb a SAM site in Cuba in the evening after it shot down a U-2 that morning.
October 28, 1962--Black Sunday. US forces invade Cuba and are repulsed by the use of nuclear weaponry. Late that evening, the first ICBMs lift off from Russia bound for the USA.
November 1, 1962--By this day the nuclear exchanges are over and the world is demolished.
January 3, 1963--First Russian troops invade Alaska
The last two months of 1962, all of 1963, and the first third of 1964--The world rages with WWIII. US troops are fed into the war and are destroyed at alarming rates. At home, the fabric of society collapses and violence is the order of the day in most areas.
April 6, 1964--WWIII is official ended by an armistice.
May 1, 1964--The Mexican Army storms across the southern border.
May 20, 1964--Operation Omega brings the troops home from Europe.
October 28, 1964--Game time.
Appendix 1--Nuclear targets in America hit in the 1962 exchanges.
Location Weapon(s) type Target type
Mobile, AL 3xSS-4 MRBMs (All duds) Port facilities
Admiralty Island, AK 5 mT bomb (Missed) (aimed at Juneau)
Barrow, AK SS-4 MRBM (Missed, dud) DEW Line Radar HQ
Tucson, AZ SS-N-4 Davis-Monthan AFB
Eaker AFB, AR SS-7 SAC bomber base
San Francisco, CA SS-N-4 Port facilities
Los Angeles, CA SS-7 Port facilities
San Diego, CA SS-N-4, SS-6 Port facilities and military bases
Vandenburg AFB, CA AS-3 ALCM Satellite launching base
Dorris, CA 5 mT bomb Unknown
Denver, CO 2xSS-7s Industry and capital facilities
Punkin Center, CO SS-7 (Overshot) (aimed at Fort Carson)
Washington, DC Frog White House
Key West NAS, FL 2xSS-4 MRBMs (Both duds) Area command center
Homestead AFB, FL SS-4 MRBM (Dud) SAC bomber base
Orlando, FL SS-6 McCoy AFB
Tampa, FL SS-4 MRBM MacDill AFB
Cape Canaveral, FL SS-7 (Missed) Space Center
Atlanta, GA SS-7 Industry and capital facilities
Honolulu, HI SS-N-4 Pacific Command HQ
Near Arco, ID Atlas F Missfire
Chicago, IL 2xSS-7 Industry and capital facilities
Kannapolis, KS Atlas F Missfire
Fort Knox, KY 1 mT bomb US gold reserves
Fredrick, MD SS-N-4 (Overshot) (aimed at Washington DC)
Biloxi, MS SS-N-4 Keesler AFB
Saint Louis, MO SS-7 Industry
Kansas City, MO AS-3 ALCM Industry
Offutt AFB, NE SS-6 SAC HQ
Albuquerque, NM SS-7 Kirtland AFB
New York City, NY 5 mT bomb, 2xSS-N-4s Port and industrial facilities
Toledo, OH 1 mT bomb Industrial and oil facilities
Lima, OH 1 mT bomb Industrial and oil facilities
Philadelphia, PA SS-7 Port facilities
Pittsburgh, PA 1 mT bomb Industry
Charleston, SC SS-7 SSBN support base
Hot Springs, SD SS-7 (Overshot) (aimed at Ellsworth AFB)
Fort Campbell, TN 1 mT bomb Army staging base
Dallas, TX SS-7 Industry
Houston, TX SS-7 Port and oil facilities
San Antonio, TX SS-7 Randolph AFB
Corpus Christi, TX SS-4 MRBM Port and oil facilities
Salt Lake City, UT SS-7 Industry and capital facilities
Norfolk, VA SS-7 Atlantic Command HQ
Seattle, WA SS-N-4 Port facilities
Lake Geneva, WI SS-7 (Overshot) (aimed at Chicago)
FE Warren AFB, WY SS-7 SAC base
Bridger Peak, WY SS-7 (Overshot) (aimed at FE Warren AFB)
Jackson Hole, WY SS-7 (Overshot) (aimed at FE Warren AFB)
Appendix--2 Total nuclear forces available on October 28, 1962.
30-- 1.4 mT Atlas D ICBMs
27-- 4 mT Atlas E ICBMs
60-- 4 mT Atlas F ICBMs
54-- 4 mT Titan I ICBMs
8-- SSBNs carrying
128-- 600 kT Polaris SLBMs
675-- B-47 Stratojets
36-- B-58 Hustlers
555-- B-52 Stratofortresses
carrying some 2,920 nuclear bombs of varying yields
Uncounted numbers of tactical weapons
4-- 3 mT SS-6 Sapwood ICBMs
32-- 6 mT SS-7 Saddler ICBMs
2-- SSBNs carrying
6--1 mT SS-N-4 Sark SLBMs
28--SSBs carrying
57--1 mT SS-N-4 Sark SLBMs and
21--100 kT SS-1b Scub SLBMs
80--Tu-95M Bear A
15--Tu-95K-20 Bear B
24--Mi-4 Bison A
56--Mi-4-3M Bison B
carrying some 392 nuclear bombs of varying yields
Uncounted numbers of tactical weapons
Some 500 assorted IRBMs and MRBMs in Russia
In addition, in Cuba there were
36--1.2 mT SS-4 Sandal MRBMs
6--IL-28 bombers with 6 12 kT nuclear bombs
12--2 kT Frog rockets
36--12 kT Sopka cruise missiles
Appendix--3 Nuclear forces as of late 1964
While America's once massive nuclear arsenal has been drastically reduced, it is still formidable by 1964 standards. There still remains about a half dozen operational ICBMs, mostly ones that suffered mechanical failures in 1962 and have been since repaired. In most cases, however, the warheads have been removed and shipped to Colorado Springs for safe keeping. A few Polaris missile submarines are still around, but most of their SLBMs have been expended. The Strategic Air Command suffered horrendous losses in World War III, but much to General LeMay's pride, they succeeded in pounding Russia into the Stone Age. Today, all the remaining serviceable bombers are based at Colorado Springs, along with what atomic bombs are left. As huge multi-engined bombers drink so much fuel, flying one is out of the question for the time being. There are a number of tactical nuclear weapons around, though most are securely in the hands of the US military.
Virtually nothing remains of Russia's nuclear arsenal now. What wasn't expended during the war has long since rusted away or been lost under the snows. All the available ICBMs were launched, all the submarines accounted for by ASW forces and nearly every one of the strategic bombers shot down or destroyed on the ground. There are probably some atomic air-dropped bombs still sitting in a hanger somewhere but there are certainly no planes capable of handling them left in flying condition. Some of smaller tactical weapons certainly survived and may even still be operational, but again, there is no value in using them. Perhaps in a decade or so Russia can think again about being a nuclear power.
Appendix--4 Locations of major US Army units in late 1964
1st Marine Division--Anchorage, Alaska (2025 men, 4 AFVs)
------2/1st Marine Regiment--North Carolina (370 men, 12 AFVs)
2nd Marine Division--Bialogard, Poland (3400 men, 14 AFVs)
3rd Marine Division--Iraq (4000 men, 5 AFVs)
4th Marine Division
------16th Regiment--Okinawa (300 men, 3 AFVs)
------23rd Regiment--Inchon, South Korea (700 men, 7 AFVs)
5th Marine Division--Kaesong, South Korea (2000 men, 9 AFVs)
6th Marine Division--Weijei, North Korea (600 men, 4 AFVs)
7th Marines Cavalry--Fort Meade, Maryland (450 men)
1st Infantry Division--Savannah, Georgia (5000 men)
2nd Infantry Division--Seoul, South Korea (200 men, 4 AFVs)
3rd Infantry Division--Savannah, Georgia (5000 men)
4th Infantry Division--Phoenix, Arizona (4000 men, 19 AFVs)
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)--Colorado (10530 men, 112 AFVs)
------3/70th Armored --Camp Pendleton, California (900 men, 8 AFVs)
6th Infantry Division--Fort Ord, California (2,200 men, 8 AFVs)
7th Infantry Division--North Korea (500 men)
8th Infantry Division--Riga, Latvia (1000 men, 14 AFVs)
9th Infantry Division--Albuquerque, New Mexico (3475 men, 34 AFVs)
24th Infantry Division--Germany (2000 men, 9 AFVs)
25th Infantry Division--Northern California (6725 men, 95 AFVs)
26th Infantry Division--Boston, Massachusetts (2000 men)
28th Infantry Division
------2nd Brigade--Harrisburg, Pennsylvania (1550 men, 6 AFVs)
------55th Brigade--Central Pennsylvania (865 men, 6 AFVs)
------56th Brigade--Eastern Pennsylvania (450 men)
29th Infantry Division--Virginia (3200 men, 40 AFVs)
31st Infantry Division--?
32nd Infantry Division--Destroyed in Europe
33rd Infantry Division--Southern Illinois (3625 men, 74 AFVs)
35th Infantry Division
------134th Infantry Regiment--Omaha, Nebraska (600 men)
------35th Engineer Brigade--Missouri (825 men) 36th Infantry Division--North Texas (1195 men, 8 AFVs)
37th Infantry Division--Central Ohio (1656 men, 6 AFVs)
38th Infantry Division--Indiana (5600 men, 23 AFVs)
39th Infantry Division--NE Louisiana (2000 men, 24 AFVs)
41st Infantry Division--Destroyed in Europe
------161st Infantry Regiment--Western Washington (4135 men, 40 AFVs)
42nd Infantry Division--Split, Yugoslavia (3000 men, 6 AFVs)
43rd Infantry Division--Bremerhaven, Germany (1000 men, 7 AFVs)
45th Infantry Division--Oregon (850 men, 2 AFVs)
46th Infantry Division--Destroyed in Europe
47th Infantry Division--Destroyed in Europe
49th Infantry Division--?
51st Infantry Division--Jacksonville, Florida (300 men)
63rd Division (Training)--Destroyed in Los Angeles
70th Infantry Division--Detroit, Michigan (3000 men, 5 AFVs)
75th Maneuver Area Command (Training Support)--Destroyed in Houston, Texas
76th Infantry Division--Titograd, Yugoslavia (1000 men)
77th Infantry Division--Fort Dix, New Jersey (1050 men, 11 AFVs)
78th Division (Training)--destroyed in New Jersey
79th Division (Training)--?
80th Infantry Division--Split, Yugoslavia (3000 men)
81st Infantry Division--?
85th Division (Training)--Destroyed in Chicago
84th Infantry Division--LaCrosse, Wisconsin (2500 men, 20 AFVs)
87th Maneuver Area Command (Training Support)--?
89th Infantry Division--Wichita, Kansas (4000 men, 24 AFVs)
90th Division (Training)--?
91st Division (Training)--Destroyed in San Francisco
94th Division (Training)--?
95th Division (Training)--Muskogee, Oklahoma (1160 men, 12 AFVs)
96th Division (Training)--?
98th Division (Training)--?
100th Division (Training)--Fort Smith, Arkansas (300 men, 23 AFVs)
102nd Division (Training)--?
103rd Division (Training)--?
104th Division (Training)--Portland, Oregon (4695 men, 4 AFVs)
108th Division (Training)--?
1st Armored Division--Atlanta, Georgia (8000 men, 72 AFVs)
2nd Armored Division--Destroyed in Europe
3rd Armored Division--Savannah, Georgia (2500 men)
4th Armored Division--?
27th Armored Division--Buffalo, New York (2100 men, 30 AFVs)
30th Armored Division--Tennessee (1950 men, 13 AFVs)
40th Armored Division--Bakersfield, California (6000 men, 46 AFVs)
44th Armored Division--Savannah, Georgia (2000 men)
48th Armored Division--Destroyed in Europe
49th Armored Division--Sherman, Texas (1200 men, 16 AFVs)
50th Armored Division--Kolobrzeg, Poland (2000 men, 33 AFVs)
1st Cavalry Division--Korea (3000 men, 48 AFVs)
82nd Airborne Division--Iran (3000 men, 5 AFVs)
101st Airborne Division--Iran (4000 men)
29th Infantry Brigade--Hawaii (3500 men, 20 AFVs)
193rd Infantry Brigade--Fort Amador, Panama (1000 men, 6 AFVs)
197th Infantry Brigade--Fort Benning, Georgia (1500 men, 4 AFVs)
2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment--Savannah, Georgia (100 men)
3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment--Weilheim, Germany (100 men, 1 AFV)
11th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Fulda, Germany (500 men, 4 AFVs)
107th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Cleveland, Ohio (1050 men)
108th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Middle East?
116th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Idaho (800 men, 8 AFVs)
150th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Destroyed in Europe
163rd Armored Cavalry Regiment--South Korea (300 men, 4 AFVs)
111th Military Police Brigade--Fort Huachuca, Arizona (635 men)
221st Military Police Brigade--Stockton, California (400 men, 5 AFV)
59th Ordinance Brigade--Huntsville, Alabama (1060 men, 15 AFVs)
Cadet Brigade--Colorado Springs, Colorado (800 men, 20 AFVs)
School Brigade--Hays, Kansas (550 men, 12 AFVs)
"First Cavalry Division"--Texas (425 men)
SECTION ONE: The Pacific Coast (Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, California)
10/29/62---Aerial Bomb---Admiralty Island
1st Marine Division--Anchorage (2000 men, 4 AFVs)
---315th Marine Force Recon Company--Fort Wainwright (25 men)
2nd Battalion/9th Infantry Regiment--North Slope area (100 men)
297th Infantry Regiment--Juneau (600 men, 6 AFVs)
Total Russian forces in Mat-Su enclave/Valdez area (245 men)
6th Guards Air Assault Division--Alaska Peninsula (150 men)
14th Motorized Rifle Division--Petersburg (150 men)
41st Motorized Rifle Division--Angoon (100 men, 1 AFV)
76th Tank Division--Prince of Wales Island (250 men, 3 AFVs)
2301st Special Air Landing Brigade--Nome (217 men)
War, chaos and invasion:
The state's largest city was occupied by the Russians in early 1963, then changed hands several times during the American counterattack in late 1963 before finally being retaken for good in early 1964. The first Russian soldier stepped foot on American soil on January 3rd, 1963. As it became clear that the Russians were going to land in Alaska, despite the US military's efforts, the population of Anchorage panicked and civil control was lost. Nearly 75,000 people poured out of the city, many headed south on the Seward Highway. A massive traffic accident near Whittier caused a traffic jam that stretched all the way back into Anchorage, further panicking the civilians. During the first hours of the Russian invasion, the Mayor ordered the thirteen civilian airliners still at the Anchorage International Airport fuelled, taxied onto the runways and terminal approaches, and set ablaze to deny the enemy the use of the airfield. He also decided to dynamite the dam across the Campbell Creek in downtown Anchorage to deny its crossing to the Russians. In retrospect, he went too far, and these two acts only served to further impede the flow of civilians out of the city. The city was further cut off when the adventurous Soviet Romeo class submarine S-34 crept into Cook Inlet and sank two large car ferries in shallow water, blocking access out by sea. With virtually no way out of the city, and whipped into a frenzy by fear, the citizens of Anchorage turned on themselves in an orgy of bloodletting and destruction. By the time the Russians did arrive in the city, much of it was in flames.
Anchorage now: Severely damaged by riots and conventional fighting, the city is a ruin today. About 10,000 civilians still live in and around Anchorage, with the majority of them involved in farming or scavenging.
The Loopers: During the Russian occupation there sprang up a religious sect of Fundamentalist Christians with a rather Puritan strain known as the "Loopers", who offered passive resistance to the Russians. Their leader, the True Pastor Philip McGrath, an authoritarian ex-military person, has kept his tightly-knit community together with an iron hand and they have survived. After the US military returned and the Russians evacuated to the more fertile areas to the east, the Loopers attempted to take control of the Anchorage bowl from the rest of the riffraff and thugs that the Russians left behind. In a low-grade war of attrition, the Loopers are still working towards that, and now control a large area of the city. Their territory encompasses the two military bases (Fort Richardson and Elmendorf Air Force Base), Russian Jack Spring Park, the University of Alaska-Anchorage campus, the length of Ship Creek, the railroad yards, and Government Hill. Local actions still occur between the Loopers, local gangs, hold-out Russians and US Marines as they all try to secure the limited food growing areas.
The Prevoites: The other large competing power in Anchorage is the "Prevoites", a Baptist militant group formed in late 1963 by Jerry Prevo. They have the backing of several of the leaders of the 1st Marine Division and have begun to reclaim sections of the western part of the city with Marine support. This has brought them the ire of the Loopers and conflict is brewing.
The US Marine Corps: Anchorage is currently home to the US 1st Marine Division (2,000 troops, and four M50 Ontos tank destroyers). On paper this unit seems powerful, but they pretty much keep to their cantonments in the southern part of the city and are more worried about eating than anything. This division was in fierce combat in Korea and northern China until late 1963, when it was pulled out and sent to Alaska. This was not what the marines had in mind when they left the Far East, they all wanted to go back home at that point, and few are happy to be here. The marines were able to recapture Anchorage more than anything else because the Russians were ready to leave it anyway. The rigors of life in Alaska have broken the division into a number of local defensive militias and petty dictatorships. The unit has effectively ceased to exist as a federal division and growing number of its strength now consists of local civilian recruits. A small number of its veterans are former Russian soldiers who have been taken in because of their skills.
The densely forested Kenai Peninsula lies to the south of Anchorage. The oil storage and shipping facilities at the southern terminus of the Alaska Pipeline at the Cook Inlet and along the Valdez Bay were rendered unusable during the Soviet invasion of Alaska and are still rusting today.
Hold-outs: The small Alaska native towns of Sand Point, King Cove and Cold Bay on the tip of the Alaska Peninsula are all controlled by several random companies of the Soviet 6th Guards Air Assault Division (about 150 total men) which landed here about a year and a half ago. Their heaviest weapons are machine guns.
Seward: Flattened by the Russians during the invasion, Seward attracts little attention from the unsavory elements that still pass through the area. However, hidden and protected by switchback roads that teeter over deep ravines is an old ski lodge built into the overhanging mountainside. It is now occupied by four families who survive by remaining unseen. They loot Seward's remains at night, farm small gardens, and tend a handful of domesticated animals.
Whittier: Home to the huge Liberty lumber and paper complex, with ovens, sawmills, and all manner of auxiliary industries around the town. A cement factory supported local construction and two coal-fired power plants were in operation, one dedicated just to the logging and processing operations. Russia had sparse air assets by the time Whittier became a viable target, so only the power plants received detailed attention, while the vast Liberty complex was only slightly damaged by misguided ordnance. With their power source heavily damaged, the plants and mills ground to a halt. Casualties from the bombings were relatively light, but disease and malnutrition took its toll, especially among the very young and old. Whittier was occupied by a Soviet engineer company for a short time in March 1963, but they only stayed a few weeks before pulling out for safer areas. By 1964, only 5,000 civilians live within a fifteen mile radius of Whittier. While most of them are local skilled workers from the paper industries, most now work as farmers in the local fields.
Kodiak: Offshore is Kodiak Island, and the town of Kodiak today is a trading center known for its bars and overactive Kodiak Militia (KOM). There is an airfield here with a number of rusting floatplanes waiting for fuel and repairs. An antique arms museum in Fort Abercrombie State Park was emptied by the locals, and some of the operational long rifles now are militia weapons. The old fortress now houses some 400 KOM militiamen. Five thousand civilians live in and around the Kodiak, their efforts making the town self-sufficient in most daily needs. The town's control extends down to the village of Old Harbor, now abandoned save for 50 militiamen. The rest of the island is a no-man's-land which is mostly barren of human life.
Aleutian Chain: The Aleutian chain is mostly abandoned, having been hastily evacuated ahead of the Russian invasion. Adak Island Naval Station was a major US naval base, boasting underground submarine pens and complexes, an airfield and a heliport, and also extensive coastal and antiaircraft batteries. The base was the target of repeated Russian air and conventional ballistic missile strikes during the early stages of World War III. While it survived the attack, the base was abandoned after the Russians landed on the mainland. The Americans booby trapped everything they couldn't take with them, making the island an extremely unattractive place to go souvenir hunting. The once bustling airfield is dark and disused with a few piles of wreckage that were once aircraft and helicopters. At the old refueling strip at Cold Bay there is just one soldier left alive. Left behind when the strip was evacuated in 1963, this sad old man still patrols the island and keeps the flames going.
The Mat-su enclave: In late 1963, the Russians evacuating from Anchorage ahead of the US counterattack set up an enclave in the Matanuska Glacier State Recreation Site to the east of the city, centering on the port town of Valdez. Valdez was occupied very early in the invasion by the Russians, too quickly to be really damaged. The subsequent bombing by the US Air Force also caused some damage, but the worst destruction was caused by the civilian population panicking when the Russians stormed into the town. The town's courthouse is now the headquarters of the Russian Alaskan Landing Command with nominal control over all Russian forces in North America. Russian power in the Mat-su enclave includes the combined remnants of numerous units, many reduced to just handfuls of soldiers, and any official pre-war unit designations are virtually meaningless. Nonetheless, the units represented here include the 1st Arctic Mechanized Brigade (20 men), the 2nd Arctic Mechanized Brigade (25 men), the 1st Naval Infantry Brigade (75 men), the 7th Motorized Rifle Division (75 men), the 113th Motorized Rifle Division (50 men), and some remnants of the HQ staff of the 18th Hovercraft Transport Regiment. They are mostly still heavily armed and also have a few surviving BTR-60s. Without support from home, however, the Russian invaders still in Alaska are slowly being assimilated into the local population to survive. The Russian leadership in Valdez is mixed on their opinion of what to do in the coming spring. Some of the men are wanting to "switch sides" and are probably looking to find a place to settle down. Others are steadfastly loyal to Mother Russia and either want to get home, or want to accomplish what they were sent there to do and drive on to Seattle. The possibility of internal revolt in the invader's camp is strong and the spring thaw will be very telling. Perhaps 2,000 civilians (farmers, fishermen and their families) live in the Mat-Su valley with the Russians. Clustered in small farms of three or four families each, they raise grain and vegetables or harvest fish from the lakes and rivers. They are apolitical and are merely trying to survive these hard times, even if it means feeding the Russians from time to time.
The chain of islands and strip of land along the coast of British Columbia, including the former capital of Juneau, were the sight of some fierce conventional action during the war. Today, remnants of the aborted Russian invasion force that was stopped north of Vancouver is still rumbling around the area south of Juneau. The Alexander Archipelago has also been the scene of numerous marauder attacks. Tenakee Springs, for example, was burnt to the ground just this year by the pirate band the "Great Humongous' Sea Rovers."
Juneau: A medium-range Tu-16 Badger carrying an atomic payload meant for Juneau was intercepted over the North Pacific by US Navy fighters on October 29, 1962. On fire and doomed, the bomber dropped its 5 megaton bomb on Admiralty Island, sparing the city. The Soviet mechanized ground offensive, however, came through here in early 1963 and caused enough destruction even without any nukes. The Russians captured the city, but abandoned it soon after, choosing instead to march south on Vancouver and Seattle. Although severely damaged by street fighting in 1963 (destroying a third of the city), Juneau now serves as the center of what is left of the Alaskan state government, which actually controls little beyond the valley around the city. The current population of the city and surrounding foothills numbers roughly 25,000. Juneau is prospering these days and lacks the usual filth associated with surviving towns of the postwar era. Except for the blockhouses at entrance points, the city does not sport the fortifications and mobs of armed troops which sprawl everywhere else. While Juneau is an "open city", outsiders will be noticed, politely questioned by the militia, and subjected to a moderate degree of scrutiny and interrogation. Operating industries include a large steel mill and a dozen factories that were only lightly damaged during the war. However, shortages of everything prevent any sort of decent production levels and most of the skilled workers' time is spent keeping the machines from falling apart rather than manufacturing or repairing anything new. Juneau was the transportation hub of lower Alaska, with a single-track, standard-gauge railroad (built in 1848) that ran from Juneau north to Anchorage, then south through Vancouver all the way to Seattle. The majority of rolling stock and engines were obliterated during the Soviet march through the area and those remaining are slowly rusting in various towns in the region, unable to move on the shattered lines. Though no engines remain, some rolling stock has been converted into horse-drawn vehicles to form a trolley of sorts to run along the line in sections. The road system and most of the bridges in the city remain in excellent shape (for 1964), though their primary traffic is horse-drawn due to a lack of gasoline for civilian autos. The city is mostly self-sufficient in food and energy, and have even taken in numerous Soviet refugees from the invasion force who wished to defect. The city garrison consists of 800 militiamen (serving part time and spending most of their time engaged in reconstruction work or guarding warehouses and silos) and the 297th Infantry Regiment. Previously an Alaska National Guard regiment, this unit is made up of mostly Alaska Natives and is known for their prowess in battle. The 297th now has 600 men and six M47 tanks, as well as eight towed 155mm howitzers, though with little ammunition either the tanks or the artillery. Recently, the militia has been raiding nearby British Columbian towns, stealing equipment and food. The harbor is still active with trade, though apart from 30 small coastal sailboats (all under 75 tons) only five large (250 to 400-ton) merchant steamers are available to the city. These are all jury-rigged coal-fired and rigged with at least one sail mast. A US Navy destroyer, torpedoed early in the war, is still beached south of the docks and there is talk of trying to refloat her next spring. Norstad Field is now jammed with aircraft flown here from all over the region, though only a few are still operational. These include a few fighters and delta-wing interceptors, and even fewer bombers, old B-47 Stratojets, a tangle of civilian airplanes, small amphibians, light-planes, old prop-jet transports and airliners. The only craft that still fly on any regular basis are a single helicopter and a Boeing 707 airliner. The Boeing, formerly of Great Alaskan Airlines, now runs shuttle service to Seattle with USAF stars painted on the wings and fuselage.
Sitka: Sitka was originally a fishing village converted to a luxury "hotel community" in the 1950s. Throughout the war it was held in turn by the US Army, refugees from Juneau, marauders and Russians. The last group, who had been using the historic Baranof Castle as a hospital and rear-area headquarters, were massacred in late 1963 by guerrillas. History has come full circle now, and Sitka is once again a home to fishermen. Some 300 live in the town, along with their families. Each night their two dozen sailboats are anchored in the bay, just off the sandy beaches. The Baranof Castle is now guarded only by a militia unit. Though still picturesque from a distance with its hewn-log roofs and old gray stone, Sitka now exists in a medievalesque squalor of chimney smoke, trash and stench.
Angoon: The Russian 41st Motorized Rifle Division (100 men and one tank) is wintering in the small Alaska Native community of Angoon. This unit, realizing that they were deep in enemy territory, ill-prepared for the type of fighting, and realizing that further pushes by the Americans would probably wipe them out, they have recently defected and have expressed their desire to join the American forces in the area. They are currently making offers to the Juneau government to trade their experience and weaponry for citizenship in the city.
Prince of Wales Island: The loyal Russian 76th Tank Division (250 men and three tanks) has relocated to the southern part of Prince of Wales Island for the winter, utilizing several small Alaska Native communities as cantonments. The towns currently under Russian influence are Hydeburg, Craig, Klawock, Thorne Bay, and Kasaan.
Petersburg: This large town at the head of Lynn Canal was overrun by Russian forces after fierce fighting and the native Aleuts and Americans were driven out. The loyal 14th Motorized Rifle Division (150 men along with a few dozen irregular militia and partisans) is in winter cantonment here. The partisans come from the "Red Maple" organization, a militant arm of the Canadian Communist Party who trekked up here to join their "comrades". Though there are strong picket posts of Russian troops all around Petersburg, the town has no walls or large fortifications as it is too spread out.
Ketchikan: During the Russian invasion in early 1963, the local naval base and airfield were destroyed by the Russian 41st Motorized Rifle Division. Much of the town was comprised of ancient buildings, already weakened by a 1949 earthquake, and they crumbled when the token resistance to the Russian landing was crushed. Most of the population of 8,000 perished in the sudden attack. The Russians only stayed here a few days, before pulling out and heading south on their disastrous march on Vancouver. Currently, the only life in the area is a small militia garrison in an old lighthouse overlooking the bay. The garrison is armed with Russian small arms, acquired when some Russian units retreated back to this area and dissolved in late 1963. Other mementos of the collapse are the hulks of army vehicles on the roadsides and several vessels sunk in the harbor, visible from the bay's heights. Further out toward the straits where the fishing is better, there is a Russian merchantman capsized on the north side of the channel, one of the landing ships that was sunk by Canadian Air Force bombers during the landing. Laying in only five fathoms of water, it's hull acts as an artificial island. The locals have already cut holes in the plating and salvaged what they can.
The northern and central parts of the state are great stretches of evergreen forests, snow and ice, sprinkled with native Inuit settlements and Kodiak bears. The vast forests have not yet been hunted to near-depletion like those of the lower 48, and many small towns still survive. The Alaska Pipeline and most of the oil storage facilities along the North Slope were damaged during the Russian invasion of Alaska, and are currently inoperable, even though they were not targets of nuclear bombs. As the Russians invaded, the overtaxed US military pulled out of the North Slope, leaving the civilians to fend for themselves. While they have retaken Anchorage, the Americans have still not made any moves towards the isolated Russians in the north of the state. The only American forces in the area are the remains of the all-Eskimo Alaskan National Guard 2nd Battalion/9th Infantry Regiment (100 men), currently in the North Slope trying to survive the winter.
Fairbanks: Both the small power plant was located to the west of the town and the major airport/airfield to the southwest were targets of Russian air strikes during the invasion and all both destroyed. Fires burned for months afterward, and the local casualty rate ran close to 30%. With the loss of electrical power, the US military evacuated the area and headed south to Anchorage and east into British Columbia. Fairbanks is now unpopulated, but scavengers still comb the rubble for useful equipment and material.
Fort Wainwright Military Reservation: This abandoned, picked over and looted military reservation is now home of the 315th Marine Force Recon Company. The 315th is the remains of the 1st Marine Division's MFR unit that merged with a mangled Alaskan National Guard recon platoon two months ago. In addition to the three NCOs and fifteen troopers of the NG unit, there are seven Marines and three Inuit guides in the company. The 315th is now doing recon work for the division staff, looking for usable salvage and watching for Russian incursions.
Fort Greely Military Reservation: Now abandoned, this installation was incinerated with air/fuel munitions by the Russian Air Force early in the invasion. Bits and pieces of salvage can still be picked up from these ruins, provided one is wary of dogs and the occasional marauder.
Barrow: On October 29, 1962, a 1.2 megaton SS-4 MRBM was fired from a Russian base on the Kamchatka Peninsula at the DEW line HQ at Barrow. It both missed badly and was a dud that shattered on impact, forty miles to the west along the coast, leaving a just a small crater and some twisted metal. Two days later, a damaged B-52 returning from a raid on Russia crash landed here. The townspeople, already enraged by the war, killed the crew in horrible ways, leaving only the plane's navigator alive. This airman proved that he could make explosives and has been kept prisoner since then, although he is basically a member of the community by 1964. The current population of 800 civilians is busy salvaging machines and parts from the local oil refineries, none of which are operational.
The DEW line: Few of the individual Distant Early Warning stations, spread about the state, were hit by any weapons. Once the exchanges were over, the remaining Air Force personnel based at the stations evacuated south. Those that made the trek to Barrow were most likely killed by the locals. The other crews who ended up in Fairbanks or Anchorage, were soon given rifles and sent to defend the lines against the Russian invasion and were scattered. Today, the DEW line stations sit empty, full of expensive radar and communications equipment that would be a boon to anyone who want to go to the effort to salvage them.
This region is currently home to a band of Communist renegades. Due to the poor condition of the roads and general lack of inhabitants in the area, this area is infrequently traveled and is perfect for a band of marauders. Forty of them call the tundra home and live in relative splendor on what they loot from ruins along the roads. Typical of the bands that plague the mountains like gnats, these people are vicious but less than competent. Some were former Russian Cossack soldiers, but most are displaced refugees. The marauders are heavily armed with a bizarre collection of small arms, each walks around festooned with pistols, grenades, crossbows and pairs of rifles or light machineguns. This habit had caused some casualties in the past, through accidents and duels. These marauders have 30 horses, mules and donkeys, as well as three civilian trucks converted to run on alcohol. They also have five stills, half a dozen captives from a merchant caravan they ambushed some time ago, and a nice 50/500km radio that they use to spout Communist propaganda to anyone listening.
Point Hope: Typical of the villages on the Arctic coast where all the white people left after the war, leaving only the native Inuits to revert to their old ways, including whaling. Point Hope hosts some 3,000 residents, mostly fishermen, ship-builders and their families.
Nome: The only area of stability in the region is now the town of Nome, which is occupied by the Russian 2301st Special Air Landing Brigade (217 men). Equipment includes one towed 23mm anti-aircraft gun, one BTR-50 APC, one BTR-152 halftrack, and one 5 ton truck. The unit has relied extensively on skis and dog sleds for perimeter patrols, saving what fuel they have for emergencies. The Russians also have two captured aircraft at the small airport; an ancient bush Piper seaplane and a Fokker corporate turboprop owned by Shell Oil that was there refueling when the Soviets landed. Nome was home to oilfields, including wells, a pipeline, storage tanks, and a small power plant. All were targets of conventional air strikes ahead of the Soviet landing and were largely destroyed. The remaining civilian population is surly and only half-subdued. New America even had a cell operating in Nome, but it was found out by the Russians and destroyed in late 1963, though scattered sympathizers still roam the mountains. The leadership of the brigade has grand plans for their corner of North America and have even proclaimed the annexation of all of Alaska and named it the "Socialist Soviet Republic of Bering
This tropical island paradise is anything but in 1964, but it shows signs of a faster recovery than most other states due to its isolation.
10/31/62 SS-N-4 Honolulu
As noted below, the bulk of the US military on Oahu was evacuated to the mainland, leaving only the Hawaii National Guard to maintain order in the state.
29th Infantry Brigade--Hawaii (3000 men, 16 AFVs) ---443rd Oahu Battalion--Pearl Harbor (500 men, 4 AFVs)
Oahu nuked: The main island of Oahu was touched by the horrors of atomic war when the Pacific Command Headquarters at Fort DeRussy Military Reservation in downtown Honolulu was nuked by a 1 megaton SS-N-4 SLBM ground burst. The hit came on October 31, 1962, one of the last of the war, fired by the Russian Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-113. From the Kamehameha Highway all the way to Diamond Head, the city is flattened and charred and everything south of Highway 1 is tangled rubble and burnt-out buildings. Melted skyscrapers lean over a wide fused sheet of glass where the sandy beaches used to be. The international airport is a gutted shell, littered with the burnt skeletons of airliners. Oahu since: In the chaos following the nuking of Honolulu, a large group of the mostly-native Hawaiian National Guard on Oahu rebelled and tried to take over. In the end, they just sparked a civil war of sorts with the mainly off-island military forces stationed here (principally the 25th Infantry Division). By January 1, 1963, the rebellion was brutally crushed and the US military was firmly back in control. For the next year or so, Hawaii served as a staging point for the war in China and Korea until the fighting died out. In the spring of 1963, as food and fuel dwindled, it was decided that to keep valuable personnel and equipment out on an island far away from anything was a waste of resources. As such, the majority of the remaining men and material here were freighted back to the mainland or to Japan and Korea, leaving only some token forces behind. The 25th ID, the largest unit in the islands, was shipped to San Francisco to form the core of MilGov's west coast operations (see that city). Left behind was the Hawaiian National Guard 29th Infantry Brigade, who assumed control of the state's functions.
Pearl Harbor: While Pearl Harbor Naval Base and environs are technically still open, it has been looted extensively by locals since the Navy pulled out. The token garrison contingent is the 443rd Oahu Battalion with 500 men, a few APCs and four old M41 Walker Bulldog tanks. This battalion was formed by volunteers from the 25th ID and US Navy personnel who wanted to stay in Hawaii and is subornate to the 29th Infantry Brigade HQ at Hilo. They are occasionally menaced by members of the local Tau Fin tribe and largely keep to the base. There are a few operational American warships and merchantmen still in Pearl Harbor, officially there to keep an eye on things, but really lacking fuel to go anywhere else. These include the John C. Butler class DE-532 Tweedy, the stubby, rust-covered amphibious ship LST-1164 Walworth County, three LCMs and three PT boats.
The Big Island: The remaining local power in the chain is on the big Island of Hawaii, with the new state capitol at Hilo. The 29th Infantry Brigade (HI NG) with 3,000 men, including 1,000 local levies, and sixteen M48A2 Patton tanks, keeps the trains running on time in the city. They also have two aging DC-3 cargo planes that flew out here from Los Angeles in 1962 that they use to keep tabs on the rest of the islands. Mostly loyal to the military government in Colorado Springs but still suspect after the rebellion of 1962, the 29th IB pretty much serves as the de facto government of Hawaii.
Other islands: Despite Hilo's efforts, the other islands in the chain are not under any centralized control and often ruled by various criminal factions. Many natives have reverted back to tribal customs and turned to slave-ownership and banditry, both ancient Hawaiian trades.
Kauai: Ruled by a man named John Dodge. He has about 200 armed men and many slaves working a large cattle ranch. His prize is a 41-foot long sail sloop called the Short But Happy, which he keeps as an escape option.
Molokai: Held by a gang led by a former US military lieutenant. In 1962, he was caught selling secrets to Russia, but before he could be sentenced the war erupted and he escaped when Honolulu was nuked. At the one airport, there are numerous dilapidated planes all with flat tires and other problems but mostly repairable. The hangers are unused and the control tower is a windowless shell. It is here that the gang is staking it's future on as it tries to repair some of the planes to possibly get back to the mainland.
Lanai: In Lanai City there is a largish refugee population with all the problems associated with that. The three or four hundred survivors here are suffering from bandits, pirates, adventurers and the like.
Maui: Maui is a haven for thugs and slavers, with the West Maui Forest Reserve especially infested.
Midway: This former strategic island is now the private domain of a man named Roger Cavanaugh. The harbor is mostly empty, with just a few rusty fishing craft here, including a sailboat that he uses to trade with other islands.
10/28/62 SS-N-4 Seattle
2) ORGANIZED MILITARY FORCES 41st Infantry Division
---2nd Battalion/161st Infantry Regiment--Seattle area (4000 men, 40 AFVs)
------Able Company--Bellingham (110 men)
---------1st Alternative Cavalry Platoon--Bellingham (25 men)
---------Platoon 3 (Rogues)--Richland (100 men)
31st Provisional Marine Battalion--Bremerton (500 men)
Stretching from the Seattle metroplex south and west to the state capital at Olympia, the Puget Sound area was and still is the economic hub of Washington and the Pacific Northwest. This area has suffered greatly but is also seen by most as the hope of the future.
The war: Late in the night of October 28, 1962, the Russian Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-109 snuck past ASW screens and fired her two nuclear missiles at the city. The first SS-N-4 was intercepted by a Nike guided missile over Vancouver Island and destroyed. This, incidentally, was one of the extremely rare occasions that the Nike ABM system actually worked as advertised. The second Russian missile made it through to the city, despite being chased all the way there by several more Nikes. The 1 megaton warhead, aimed at the port facilities, missed a little and high-air burst above Lake Sammamish in the eastern suburb of Bellevue. Eastern Seattle along Lake Washington was badly damaged by the blast and firestorms, with bricks and mortar from blown-down buildings spilling over into the lake.
The city today: Much of the infrastructure of western and southern Seattle is still intact and it is in these areas that the bulk of the activity and population still exist. The city today is run today by military-supported granola collectivists who are busy collectivizing the city. Unfortunately, while they have the right idea at heart, they are just as greedy as the bourgeois capitalists that they claim they are seeking to replace. They are beginning an ambitious project to harvest kelp in Puget Sound to feed a growing population. Other parts of the city are not as organized. Large areas of the northern part of the city, especially in the Lake Forest Park area, have been abandoned to scavengers and roving packs of feral canines. In the downtown Seattle area, the 74-acre Seattle Center was abandoned, most of the buildings extensively damaged by the elements and neglect. In the middle of the Center the Space Needle, pride of the city, is rusting and tilting several degrees to the west, having been damaged by the pressure wave. No one lives in Bellevue today and the area is still considered off limits. Not even rats live in the rubble zone and nature is fast reclaiming the ruins.
The Army in Seattle: The MilGov forces in the Seattle area consist of the main bulk of the Washington National Guard 2nd Battalion/161st Infantry Regiment of the 41st Infantry Division. The 41st ID, with units in both Washington and Oregon, was mobilized in late 1962 and a number of components were trucked to ports along the coast and shipped to Europe. This battalion was not shipped off with its parent division in 1963 due to the horrible condition of the state at the time and the need to secure the Seattle area's vital ports and airfields to conduct the war in the Far East. At the same time, the 4th Infantry Division was also in the city, quartered at Fort Lewis. This division was moved at great expense to Utah in 1963, leaving the Washington National Guard to care for the city, causing much complaint with the men who wanted to go home. The 2/161st Infantry is now part of the reconstituted 5th Army (headquartered in San Jose, California), and the northernmost unit of that Army. Total strength is about 4,000 troops, which includes numerous local recruits, large numbers of soldiers left behind when the 4th Infantry Division moved out, and former Air Force and Navy personnel. Equipment includes forty tanks and twenty APCs, as well as numerous trucks and jeeps, many of which are armed, or can be armed, with machineguns to provide internal security. The 2/161st Infantry has devoted itself to providing security to the region, as well as salvaging high-tech equipment from the various laboratories in the Seattle area. They also run frequent convoys north to Bellingham and south to the Portland-area Army enclaves and provide security on the roads between the two. The 2/161st Infantry has had it's troubles, however, many of them internal. Late last year the battalion's commander severed ties with MilGov, held a purge of uncooperative officers, and declared himself to be the "Proconsul of the Northwest". Within a few weeks, however, when it became obvious that the self-proclaimed "Proconsul" had gone quite mad, the battalion's command staff personnel overthrew him, elected a new CO and repledged loyalty to MilGov. 5th Army HQ has not forgotten this incident and still keeps a wary eye on the unit.
The Navy in Seattle: Seattle is now home to a displaced force of US Navy ships, most of them remnants of the Seventh Fleet, and all docked at Bremerton. Operational vessels include:
George Washington class ballistic missile submarine
SSBN-602 Abraham Lincoln
Nautilus class attack submarine
SSN-571 Nautilus
Skate class attack submarine
SSN-584 Seadragon
Forrest Sherman class destroyer
DD-933 Barry
John C. Butler class escort
DE-359 Woodson
One minesweeper
Five LCMs
Eight PT boats
All these vessels are handicapped by a scarcity of fuel and regular maintenance, but occasionally one will make the long trip south to the San Francisco area to exchange vital supplies. The Barry still goes to sea on a restricted basis, and has often patrolled Western British Columbia at the request of the Canadian Pacific Command to deal with captured coastal shipping being used by the Russians (her 5" guns rip up such ships very easily). As well, the Nautilus has gone on missions to recover friendly and enemy equipment and personnel in the Russian Far East and other locations. The 31st Provisional Marine Battalion (500 men) provides security to the Bremerton naval base and the area is relatively safe with the marines patrolling the streets even at night. The Navy has placed a large number of mines outside the shipping lanes into the port of Seattle, to keep any remaining Russian ships or subs out of the area.
The Air Force in Seattle: The enclave also has about thirty operational airplanes, all based at McChord Air Force Base in the southern suburb of Tacoma. These assets include three former Canadian Air Force planes (two fighters and an old B-17G bomber), four F-4 Phantom II jet fighters, a few private jets, a C-119 Flying Boxcar transport, an old T-6 trainer, and a dozen CH-47 Chinook helicopters. The 62nd Troop Carrier Wing was based at McChord before the war, and many of the staff and support personnel are still here helping to keep the planes flying. A number of pilots have been gathered, some Army, a lot of Air Force and even a few Marines. Until just this summer, the T-6 pilot was a former US Navy pilot from VMF-611 from the carrier Forrestal. As well, NAS Whidbey Island still operates a few A-1 Skyraiders, which are the remains of two PACFLT replacement training squadrons, who were pressed into flying combat missions against the Russian invasion Alaska and British Columbia.
The bad side: Beneath this veneer of civilization there is an undercurrent of violence in Seattle and there are several large groups of armed people who oppose the way things are run. The largest gang is called the "Sharks" and they are in tacit control of a large part of the city east of I-5 and south of Lake Union. They have about 325 effectives and are based out of the old Seattle Arboretum. The northeastern Seattle suburbs are home to the "Razorbacks" marauder gang, composed of ex-convicts who broke out of the Matsqui Penitentiary near Vancouver and thugs recruited since they came to Seattle. Tom "Fang" Strakes is the maniacal leader and those in his inner circle are all fellow escaped cons, while most of the lower ranking members are recent additions. The Razorbacks have adopted as their standard a blood-soaked, inverted British Columbia provincial flag as a symbol of their incarceration by the Canadian government. Including their leaders, the gang boasts some 130 members and are armed with a wide assortment of civilian and police weapons (sporting rifles, shotguns, revolvers, a few assault rifles and automatic pistols). A few members (Fang among them) have police-issue body armor. Most wear civilian clothes, although some take a sick pride in still wearing their old prison uniforms. Not all the trouble in Seattle is from gangs of civilians, however. Since last week, a food warehouse in Tacoma is currently under the control of a platoon of Army soldiers with half-a-dozen AFVs who have mutinied from Fort Lewis.
Bellingham: Large tracts of Bellingham were razed during the refugee migrations in late 1962 and early 1963. The northern parts of the town, including the airport, were spared because the citizens there fought the refugees to a standstill more than once in running battles. They were eventually saved by the arrival of a US Army unit from Seattle. Now, about 1,000 people live in Bellingham's eastern quarter in and around the Army's cantonment. They conduct trade with other coastal towns and with the few traveling merchants brave enough to wander the Seattle-to-Vancouver route. Bellingham's northern reaches are home to the detached Able Company of the 2/161st Infantry Regiment from Seattle (110 men). This unit is detailed to watch for any southern moves by the scattered Russian Army forces in British Columbia and protect the trade routes from marauders. The company has recently formed the "1st Alternative Cavalry Platoon" with 25 men and three Indian elephants. The elephants, originally belonging to the Bishop Brothers Circus, were set free in Bellingham in late 1962 when the crew and performers fled into the countryside. The town counsel is not entirely sure that the Army here is going to stay long and they have been making plans to protect themselves in that event. Based at the Bellingham airport is a functioning DNC-6 Twin Otter aircraft, along with 500 gallons of avgas, and pilots, parts and mechanics to maintain and fly it. They have dynamite, grenades, and Molotov cocktails stocked up to drop as bombs. The citizens will use their secret weapon only as a last resource to save their enclave, and fearing that they will requisition it, they have kept it secret from the Army unit in the town.
Russians: Elements of the Russian invasion force are still to be found in Washington state. While they were stopped far short of the border, a few small groups have managed to penetrate as south as Tacoma and can still be found in the area. These forces are little more than recon elements which are more concerned with survival than war.
Though heavily depopulated, the small scattered communities on this rugged peninsula are surviving in these difficult times by the independent spirit that they are known for. The ample game in the forests provide enough food to assure their making it through this winter.
Forks: Forks is home to the largest survivor community in the area. A mixture of whites and Indians working together have turned the town into a fort. The 100-man Forks Militia is composed of civilians led by a small number of State Policemen and they maintain vigorous patrols of the nearby countryside. Militia members are armed with a variety of civilian and police small arms. They control the area up to and including Sappho to the northeast and they have a small airfield that they have maintained in the hope that someday it might be needed.
Port Angeles: The winter home of a large survivalist/marauder group called "Whitman's Raiders". They have recently found at Cape Flattery a secret cache of weapons placed in the 1950s by Communist Party agents for use by Russian commando units during a potential war.
Tree houses: A group of survivalists have formed a commune in the upper reaches of the Redwood forest, a village of rope bridges and Tarzan swings.
The central plateaus of Washington are notable for wide-open deserts and scattered survivor communities. Lice-type typhus is breaking out in the central highlands near the Canadian border.
Richland: Richland is now home of the secessionist-minded "Republic of Hanford", led by Sergeant DeHaven and his collection of turncoat National Guardsmen, survivalists and rogues. In the days after the nuclear strikes, DeHaven, as commander of the town's NG unit (Platoon 3 of the Able Company of the 2nd Battalion/161st Infantry Regiment) assumed almost dictatorial powers and organized the citizens into an effective militia using his National Guard platoon as a cadre. When the sea of refugees from Seattle arrived, they were faced by strong obstacles patrolled by armed guards. After trying unsuccessfully to bulldoze into the town by sheer numbers, they went around it and the town was saved. Now Richland has a shaky trading system established with other towns in the state, and the militia will allow small groups of people inside to conduct business. About 1,800 people now live in Richland and the NG platoon has expanded to about 100 men. Sergeant DeHaven legitimizes his power by claiming he is the "Washington State Government in Exile", and as such has the legal right to loot and pillage the countryside. His militiamen operate along the rugged, mountainous frontier of the Cascades, launching small scale raids, often hard to distinguish from the small bands of slavers and bandits that infest the frontier. They have recently set up an outpost in Ephrata, with some 40 impressed citizen militiamen here and have strung together the buildings on the outskirts to create a wall of sorts.
Hanford Site: To the northwest of Richland is the US Department of Energy's Hanford Site, now almost completely abandoned. This huge government reserve is rumored to be the home of a secret underground complex. There have been rumors circulating the region that President Kennedy himself has been seen at the base in recent months, though few believe it to be true.
Moses Lake: This town rests on the Wanatachee River and recently a strange violet algae has been spreading in the Potholes Reservoir that provides the town's water. The citizens are nervous because the gunk is spreading upriver and the fish have begun to disappear. There is much speculation that the old Hanford Site, roughly two days travel south from the reservoir, is causing the problems.
Larson Air Force Base: This air base near Moses Lake was obliterated by the masses of refugees which flowed over the valley in 1962 and 1963, looking for food and guns. Many of the building were gutted by fire and many more are simply abandoned. The sole occupant of Larson AFB is Willie, a friendly but half-crazed old hermit. Located in the woods around the air base are three empty Titan I missile silos. These ICBMs were launched at Russian targets and their silos abandoned soon after.
Spokane: This small city has never had it easy. It was devastated by the hordes of refugees streaming east after the nuclear attack on Seattle in 1962. Looting, rape and murder drove out the inhabitants who survived, and the city is now almost completely abandoned. A small settlement in the Morgan Acres area of northeast Spokane has so far been able to fend off the ravages of the refugees and marauders. Approximately 600 people still live in this enclave, though their numbers are dwindling. Spokane is suffered horribly from the recent droughts and it is possible that by the new year the city will be largely abandoned to the scavengers. Fairchild Air Force Base, just west of Spokane, is now a mess. There are, however, some as yet undiscovered underground bunkers here containing thousands and thousands of cases of MREs, winter clothing encased in heavy plastic bags, M2 carbines, .30 cals and ammo, all for the taking. The empty Atlas E ICBM silos of the Fairchild Complex are spread about the countryside surrounding the city. The silos, abandoned after their missiles were launched in 1962, are located in the towns of Deer Park, Newman Lake, Rockford, Croskey, Lamona, Bluestem, Wilbur, Egypt and Crescent.
Oregon is under MilGov control and, unlike most of Washington and Idaho, is actually getting a little too much rain. This is causing poor quality crops, but not nearly as desperate a situation as elsewhere. Combined with a terrain that discourages outside invasion, and a fairly well-armed populace, people out here should make it. The MilGov 5th Army (headquartered in San Jose, California) has garrisons scattered about the state at strategic places.
Most of the state's 41st Infantry Division was shipped to Europe to be mauled in 1963, leaving a void in the state's defenses. The 104th ID has since taken over the majority of protection and security duties in the Portland area, buttressed with some manpower returned from Korea.
104th Infantry Division--Portland (4000 men, 23 AFVs)
41st Infantry Division (units left behind when parent division shipped out)
------Baker Company, 1st Battalion/186th Infantry Regiment--Klamath Falls (130 men)
------201st Military Intelligence Company--Umatilla (75 men)
------141st Support Battalion--Astoria (490 men, 4 AFVs)
45th Infantry Division--Hood River (750 men, 2 AFVs)
------1st Battalion/179th Infantry Regiment--Burns (100 men)
Able Company, 1249th Engineer Battalion--Bend (60 men)
More fertile than before, thanks to the changed climate, the area is teaming with life and the problems that come with it. At the north end is the US Army and peaceful enclaves around Portland, Salem and Corvallis, while at the southern end are the marauders and survivalists who have their own claim to "civilization". Linking them both is I-5, in places a major trade route thick with caravans and vehicles, and for other long stretches a hobo's highway, a migration route for the homeless and hopeless and the road bandits who prey on them.
Portland: Portland is one of the largest west coast cities still functioning near pre-war levels, a healthy companion to Seattle and San Jose. The current population of the Portland area is around 208,000. The US military is strong in this area, comprising units of the reconstituted 5th Army. Despite it's relative prosperity today, Portland has suffered much in the last two years from massive riots and the near collapse of city infrastructure following the nuclear strikes. Open street fighting took place between the police and units of the National Guard in those first terrible winter months. A quarter of the city was burned and significant marauders, looters, rioters and refugees have caused additional damages since. Today, most of the population of the city lives in the Old Town region, the original center of the city on the west side of the Willamette River, and in a wide band along the east bank. The main US Army unit in the city is the 4,000-man 104th Infantry Division. In early 1963, to fill in the gap caused by the departure of the 41st ID, the 104th Infantry Division was formed by redesignating the 104th Division (Training) which was barracked in Vancouver, Washington, across the river from Portland. The new division was originally tasked to support 8th Army in Korea following its conversing from a training unit, but a shortage of transportation fortunately delayed and eventually cancelled deployment. The division was then made responsible for a variety of internal security and civic action roles in the Oregon area. Currently the unit has five companies of M57 APCs, three M60 tanks, twelve M48A2 Patton tanks, six old Sherman tanks, nine M-8 armored cars, three rocket-launcher trucks, two M-42 Duster AA tanks, and numerous transports. They run frequent convoys north to the Seattle enclave and provide security on the roads between the two, as well as supply and humanitarian convoys south to the Salem and Corvallis areas. They also keep in relatively close contact with the Hood River garrison via a train system, but less so with the other enclaves in the state due to the distances. Recently two big freighters from Japan have been making fairly regular runs from Asia to Portland delivering manufactured articles from factories in Japan and China. The main opposition to the military's rule in the city is "The Green People", a criminal gang mostly consisting of the poorer class of Portland, radical environmentalist types, and socialist scum. China Town on the water front is a major provider of weapons and heroin to the group and a constant source of trouble for the military.
Astoria: Near Astoria is "Fort Stevens", an Army base recently built to help control traffic at the mouth of the Columbia River and regulate trade and travel into Portland. The garrison includes the 141st Support Battalion, a unit of the 41st Infantry Division that remained behind when the unit was shipped overseas in 1963, detailed with salvaging machinery and vehicles from around the Portland area. The 141st nominally takes orders from the 104th ID staff, but considers itself still loyal to the 41st ID. A large repair yard has been built east of Astoria, defended by a 40mm AA gun and a quad .50 cal AA gun and ringed by a minefield to keep the scavenging refugees out more than the enemy. The unit currently has 490 men and a wide variety of repair equipment including 24 six-wheel trucks, twelve trailers fitted out as mobile workshops, two eight-wheel trucks fitted out as mobile radar/radio repair shops, two more eight-wheel trucks fitted out as mobile 20-ton cranes, six six-wheel trucks fitted with comprehensive gas and arc welding kits, three M59 APC conversions for medium recovery work, two Sherman ARVs for larger wrecks, and two old surplus M3 Lees fitted with heavy mortars and bulldozer blades for demolition work. They are currently on a program of refurbishing as many semi trucks and commercial construction equipment as possible for anticipated trade and reconstruction plans.
Salem: Though Portland is the economic hub of the state, the state government and the Oregon National Guard's headquarters is still in Salem. The city and its defenses are now under the control of Colonel Weintritt, who was the organization's SACO and safety officer. Only through attrition was he able to rise to the rank of Colonel and eventual command of the ONG. He has great experience in organization, but he is not overly bright nor imaginative and often looks to the staff of the 104th ID for advice. In Salem he has some 670 assorted troops gathered from all over the state. As well, personnel from the Oregon Justice Academy and the Oregon Military Institute in nearby Monmouth have been integrated into the city defenses.
Corvallis: Due to the wonderful climate and relative peace, there are numerous prosperous trading towns along the I-5 corridor. At the southern end, Corvallis is a relative well-off city that is the center of learning and trade for the northern Willamette Valley. Like many other areas, the strength of the city is the university (OSU), and their smarts to go along with the brawn of the people. Corvallis and environs are divided into independent boroughs, each supporting about four or five hundred people. All the land around here is cultivated or ranched and they have electricity in most public areas. Frequent supply convoys arrive and leave for Portland and the city's security forces are supported by 5th Army advisors.
Eugene: While Corvallis is prospering, however, her sister city of Eugene is a charred and rat-infested ruin. Throughout the winter of 1962, led by an unlikely alliance of college students and country rednecks, Eugene held out against the wave of looters from Portland much better than anyone expected. Then the refugees got organized (helped by US Army deserters with knowledge of explosives) and blew the Fall Creek and Lookout Point dams, draining those reservoirs and cutting off power and potable water as well as sending a torrential flood sweeping through the city. Fires then took care of what the flood missed. Eugene is now largely deserted except for salvage parties from Corvallis and bandits. The rains have long since washed away the fire stains and the streets are still covered with flood-born mud now being overgrown with trees and vines.
The relative security of provided by scattered military enclaves and the wide open spaces have helped numerous survivor enclaves in the eastern part of the state survive.
Enterprise: Home to a burgeoning White Supremacy enclave under control of, or at least sympathetic to the New American Movement.
Hood River: Along the Columbia River, the town of Hood River is now home of "Camp Clark", a US Army fort constructed last year to help watch traffic on the river into Portland. The main garrison here is the shattered remains of the 45th Infantry Division (750 men). This division was called up and sent to Korea when the war started and was heavily engaged in the Second Korean War. Once that war ground to a stop in late 1963, the unit was evacuated from Korea when it was deemed pointless to defend it any more. The 45th was mangled in Korea and the survivors of the component battalions were consolidated and shipped to Portland in January of 1964 to join the new 5th Army. They were assigned duties in the state, despite the division commander's desire to let his men go back home to Oklahoma. There were many desertions in Portland, but the rest of the division was trucked west to Hood River to garrison that town. The men are mostly National Guardsmen from Oklahoma and war-weary veterans, some of the most seasoned soldiers on the west coast. As with most units in these times, the manpower mix includes a few Marines, sailors and even civilians, and even the divisional second-in-command is a US Navy Commander. In Hood River they have set up several fuel dumps, dug mortar pits, and gathered some M101 105mm and 155mm howitzers and .50 caliber machine guns to provide a potent deterrence for marauder bands. They also have two M-8 armored cars and some truck transport. The town has a dawn-to-dusk curfew imposed on it, but it is still a miserable place. Gangs rove the streets at night and the military has to sometimes go in and clean the streets up. Because of the isolated nature of the town, morale in the 45th ID is currently at an all-time low, and the few overworked MP's are caching more and more deserters. There is a railhead west of Hood River and several old steam locomotives are being used to move troops and supplies between here and Portland.
The Dalles: Held by a group of survivalists and granola-crunchers called the "Columbia Coalition", led by an ex-con named an Greely. The Warm Springs Indian band is also active in The Dalles area, raiding on horseback as far as Hood River.
Bend: In the center of the state, Bend is a refugee relocation center with severe shortages of just about everything. They are especially in dire need of medicines and food and think that the local Army garrison is hoarding it all. Home of "Camp Grey", stockade built to house the garrison. The garrison troops are all Oregon National Guardsmen of Able Company of the 1249th Engineer Battalion (60 men), led by Major J.E.B. Collingwood. They are understaffed, under-equipped, trained for something completely different, and have no clear idea what they are supposed to do here. They have half-a-dozen halftracks, some armored jeeps, .50 cal HMGs, and flame throwers, but the tracked vehicles are useless in the thick forests.
Umatilla Army Depot: Current home of the 201st Military Intelligence Company (75 men), a unit of the 41st Infantry Division that was never shipped overseas. The 201st has several M59s APCs and some truck transport, but most of it is kept parked at the depot. All the chemical weapons were moved out of the depot to Portland in 1963. An interesting note is that just last month, the 201st guys went in force to the nearby town of Pendleton and brought something back to the depot on an old railway maintenance car. Nobody knows what it was, but rumors are that it was either full of nukes or dead alien bodies. There is also some suspicion that the 201st is planning on going marauder soon as several of its NCOs are avowed neo-Nazis with ties to the Aryan enclaves in Idaho.
Burns: In the extreme eastern part of the state, Burns has prospered somewhat since the war, when survivors from the areas towns and farms came together under the leadership of Father Joseph Bozeinski to preserve their town. Some 5,400 residents live here now and more are moving into the area each month. Burns is also home of "Camp Lewis", a US Army base just built this summer to monitor travel along Highways 20 and 395. The garrison is a detachment of the 45 ID at Hood River, the 1st Battalion of the 179th Infantry Regiment (100 men), led by Lt. Colonel Unger. Much like their mates at Hood River, these Oklahomans are not happy with being out in the middle of nowhere so far from home, and desertions are increasing as the men seek to make their way east back home. They are largely on their own these days, with the long distances almost precluding any close contact with other units in the state.
East of the Cascade Mountain range: The "John Day Indians" are the most notorious group of people living along the Cascade frontier. Named after a river in the area, their stomping grounds stretch throughout central and eastern Oregon, where they make their living by small-scale farming and nomadic herding, heavily supplemented by pillaging frontier settlements and striking convoys. They have also been known to sell female captives to the biker gangs across the Rockies to the east. They live in small bands, traveling constantly to avoid attacks by the military troops and at most are several hundred strong in well-organized companies. Interestingly, the John Days are not properly an Indian tribe at all. Instead, they are a mixture of outlaw biker and bandit gangs that coalesced around a charismatic survivalist leader known to his followers as "Old Buffalo Breath" sometime in early 1963. Buffalo claimed that the only way to survive in the post-apocalyptic world was to follow the ways used by earlier men, in his case what he felt the pre-Columbian Indian ways. To this basic concept, he added Social Darwinian ideas that helped reinforce the ruthless patriarchy of his rule.
Grants Pass: The scenically beautiful Rogue River valley has always been a wild and wooly place known for independent people and well-armed survivalist groups. Beginning last spring, many of the smaller groups have banded together to form one large survivalist enclave, about 1,500 to 2,000 strong, centered around Grants Pass. Once they chose Grants Pass, they disarmed the remaining populace and set up a little kingdom of their own, renaming the city "The Province" and their organization the "New American People's Alliance". There are about 4,000 civilians still here and they are seething with resentment. They have pillaged a National Guard armory somewhere down the line and have amassed supplies in the town, including thousands of MREs, clothing, weapons and ammo and have done a good job of fortifying the town.
Medford: The Grants Pass enclave is only loosely associated with another group of survivalists holed up further east in Medford. These burgeoning patriots have proclaimed the city the new capital of a Northern California/Oregon separatist movement calling itself "Jefferson". The Jefferson State movement started in the 1910s and was an effort by southern Oregonians and northern Californians--both disgruntled with the way the more populous other ends of their states dominated politics--to separate and form a new one. The security and relative peace the Jeffersonians have brought has swelled the population of Medford to around 43,000. Competing for power in this town is a neo-Nazi fascist group called the "American Knight Movement", but they fall into the thug category rather than the survivalist.
Wiccans: The forests of extreme southern Oregon are home to the "Realm of Wicca", an organization of neo-pagans and riffraff with roots that go back into the nineteenth century. Recently, their chief priestess declared that they need to pilgrimage south en masse to build a Stonehenge in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Plans are currently being laid to do so with the spring thaws.
Klamath Falls: At Kingsley Field Airport near Klamath Falls, a US Army base has been built to watch the southern approaches to the state. The current garrison is the 130 men of Baker Company of the 1st Battalion/186th Infantry Regiment (OR NG), another component unit of the 41st Infantry Division. The company is led by Colonel Brandon, a Reservist called up into the Oregon National Guard in 1962 and given command of the garrison this summer. The compound is ringed by barbed wire barriers and patrol regularly to keep the bandits at bay. Air assets at the airport consist of a scrubby collection of Oregon Air National Guard trainers and two Cessna crop dusters. Up until a few months ago, the garrison was in contact with the Northern California MilGov garrisons strung along the Sacramento Valley, but marauder attacks along the roads have stopped this. Klamath Falls itself is the stopping point for trade caravans on their way to the villages out in the hinterlands, and serves as a place where members of those towns can come and exchange information, goods, and news about the larger world. Around 2,000 civilians still live in Klamath Falls, making a good living through trade and lodging. Recently, a few cases of anthrax have cropped up and there is some worry as there is little serum available.
Diamond Lake: The summer retirement home of former General Robinson and his wife. The general's wife was here when the war started and the General was in Washington on business. He returned with some of his staff and has been building up a little empire here on the slopes of the Cascades north of Crater Lake. He has a local oil well operating and has carved out a rough airfield. His plans for the future of the nation are grand but so far he only has a few men and limited power beyond his own front porch.
Southwestern coast: This area is know home to a growing trading network. As the chaos reigned in 1962, three small port towns (New Gale Port, Gold Beach and Cape Blanco) banded together for mutual survival in a stockade policy of keeping everyone out who didn't originally live there. Today, they have an international trade business going with ships from as far away as Japan frequenting the ports to trade for salmon and timber. Currently a Japanese Provisional Government trade office is set up in a warehouse in Gold Beach. The Japanese have rented a dock and have a torpedo boat and three armed merchantmen (the Kukuahima Maru, the Suttsu Maru, and the Matsue Maru) based here, running the Japan-to-Oregon route. There are survivalists in the woods who have raided the towns for food, but they have never been a major problem, and the presence of the armed Japanese have kept them honest.
California can be easily divided into two regions. The large industrial and technological base and vast agricultural potential of Northern California is mostly intact, so much so that the region is MilGov's main hope for reconstruction in the future. As such, the military presence in NoCal is strong. The 5th Army Headquarters has been reformed in the state, centered in the southern Bay area and the Stockton/Sacramento area. North of the cities and away from the interstates, the land is held only tenuously in the federal grasp, limited to a chain of garrisons in a few small towns in the Sacramento Valley floor. Southern California is a mix of trashed, radiation poisoned urban areas and the wild deserts. The land in between is a no-man's-land guarded by military units trying to keep travel north and south to a minimum.
10/28/62 SS-7 Los Angeles
10/28/62 SS-6 San Diego
10/28/62 SS-N-4 San Diego
10/29/62 SS-N-4 San Francisco
10/29/62 5 mT bomb Dorris
10/31/62 AS-3 Vandenburg AFB
The 91st and 63rd Training Divisions were both destroyed in the nukings of the large cities, with only scattered men making their way into other units. The California National Guard was federalized in November of 1962 and numerous units were sent to the Far East. The largest, however, the 40th AD, was kept in the state to aid in recovery. Today the state is thick with military men. In the south are hold-out Marines and Mexican Army enclaves and in the north are the reconstituted 5th Army based in the Bay area.
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)
------3rd Battalion/70th Armored Regiment--Camp Pendleton (900 men, 8 AFVs)
6th Infantry Division--Fort Ord (2,200 men, 8 AFVs)
25th Infantry Division
------HQ, DISCOM, 1st Battalion/14th Infantry--San Francisco (3000 men, 48 AFVs)
------2nd Battalion/19th Infantry--Sacramento (1000 men, 20 AFVs)
------------Platoon 1, Able Company--Davis (40 men)
------1st Battalion/27th Infantry--Redding (575 men, 11 AFVs)
------1st Battalion/35th Infantry
------------Able Company--Yreka (100 men, 6 AFVs)
------------Baker Company--Red Bluff (100 men)
------------Charlie Company--Chico (60 men)
------2nd Battalion/21st Infantry--Herlong (250 men, 2 AFVs)
------3rd Battalion/69th Armor--Madera (600 men, 4 AFVs)
------32nd Marine Battalion (Provisional)--San Francisco (900 men)
------221st Military Police Brigade--Stockton (400 men, 5 AFV)
40th Armored Division--Bakersfield (6000 men, 78 AFVs)
316th Engineer Combat Battalion--Camp Pendleton (300 men)
33rd Marine Battalion (Provisional)--Camp Pendleton (800 men)
899th Infantry Battalion--Travis AFB (300 men)
900th Infantry Battalion--Yuba City (320 men)
Mexican 2nd Army
---1st Brigada (Mechanized)--Ventura (700 men, 2 AFVs)
---2nd Regimento Caballeria--Santa Clarita (1000 men, 8 AFVs)
---La Paz Brigade--Escondido (1200 men, 2 AFVs)
---Ensenada Brigade--San Diego (800 men)
---Tepic Brigade--Pine Valley (2000 men, 1 AFV)
---Regimento Infanteria Activo Tijuana--Twenty-nine Palms (1000 men)
---Hermosillo Brigade--Mojave (1400 men, 2 AFVs)
Northern California has stabilized somewhat under MilGov control, and the weather pattern has made this region fertile again. The larger central valley towns are all under titular federal rule, but beyond that, the large areas of national parks and Indian reservations are dotted with small communities which live in almost total isolation. Cut off by easily blocked mountain roads and sheer distance, most small towns have seen few refugees and bandits, while those near major highways tend to be more defensive, since they see more traffic. Many communities have seen little or no outside contact since the bombs fell, and prefer it that way. The mountain population tends to be independent-minded, with little patience for urban life or central authority, and many have sympathies for the various "Mountain Confederacy" groups, in much the same way the Old South viewed itself in the Civil War. As a result, federal authority generally extends no further than line of sight in the mountains. A vicious war is brewing in the stunning forests of Northern California, as separatists of several stripes have acted to throw off any degree of federal control.
The Bear Republic: Most of these bands support a movement called the "Bear Republic", aiming towards independence for northern California. The "Bear Republic" is the name given to the diffuse network of militia groups that sprang up during the early Cold War era. After the nuclear attacks these militias stepped in to fill the vacuum left by the collapse of civil authority. These militias follow diverse leaders and particular ideologies, but all are devoted to the idea of an independent state of Northern California. Bear Republic militias tend to know their territory very well, and make use of ambushes, but will try to avoid stand-up fights or attacks against well-defended targets. They are generally well behaved towards the locals in their territories, relying on sympathizers for provisions and information. Support for the Bear Republic tends to be strongest in mountain country, away from farmland or towns. In these areas, the militias are able to move with impunity. A typical Bear Republic militia group might claim sovereignty over a single county, and will name itself after that area. It will usually consist of 50-200 fighters, with an equal number of family members and noncombatant supporters, with well-concealed encampments in a mountain valley, often near one of the myriad abandoned mines or caves of Northern California. Equipment is mainly civilian hunting gear, usually limited to sporting arms, police equipment, and the occasional bit of captured Army equipment. They rarely have a uniform or body armor, though many of the larger units have adopted a standard camouflage pattern or even patches and distinctive headgear.
The NAF:The truly dangerous people, however, are part of the growing White Separatist movement, the same which infests many parts of rural North America. The New Aryan Front (NAF) in Northern California is a Christian Identity paramilitary organization, a large, well-coordinated faction which has embraced Wotanism (the worship of Norse gods such as Thor, Odin, and so forth) in the years since the nukes. Like their KKK predecessors, the NAF is virulently racist and hateful and has rejected modernity entirely, following a creed of strength over all. They are not interested in creating an independent state, instead, they wallow in the chaos, believing that humans are better unfettered and unweakened by civilization. Those inclined towards intellectualism read the works of Nietzsche, Hitler, Franklin Hart, and others. In many ways, the NAF is more of a cult than a paramilitary faction. The code they follow is more Viking than anything else, but it makes them individually fierce fighters. NAF groups are usually known as "war bands", a typical war band will consist of 20-50 fighters, with a lesser number of dependents, slaves, or support personnel. They usually camp in mines or take over small towns in mountain valleys, and live by exacting tributes from surrounding communities. A few smaller bands are nomadic. An individual fighter is often an experienced fighter, well-trained in close combat, and equipped with light body armor and well-maintained military and civilian gear. Fighters in a war band tend to adopt similar camouflage patterns, favoring "tiger stripe" or old Nazi camouflage obtained from various sources. Interestingly, a few war bands have moved away from racialist ideology to focus more on the philosophical aspects of the warrior lifestyle. These groups are even more ferocious combatants, but tend to respect strength in their enemies, so even a black enemy might be considered honorable, but not an equal. The stereotypical image of an NAF fighter, however, is still a white man in a ghillie suit with a long knife.
The wayward nuke: Even in this area of isolation, the nuclear war came home. Late on October 29, 1962, a Tu-95M Bear A bomber flew in at 30,000 feet and dropped a 5 megaton nuclear bomb over northern California. The target is still unknown but may have been due to an accidental drop or a moral change of heart on the crew's part. Set upon by interceptors, the damaged Bear crashed mostly intact south of Red Bluff where locals captured one crewman alive. The bomb smashed into the ground and exploded, along Route 97 directly on the tiny town of Dorris right on the Oregon border. The crater formed is about two miles across, and in all directions radiate stands of fallen, charred timber and rubbled plateaus. The fallout cloud spread southwest, forcing towns from Macdoel, to Weed and as far south as Mount Shasta to be abandoned.
The Army in the northern Sacramento Valley: In 1964, the US Army has adopted a strategy of controlling the remaining infrastructure, the roads, the rails, and the airfields in the Sacramento Valley, and virtually abandoning everything else. The nearby mountain ranges and national parks are claimed by several NAF warbands, and federal forces rarely patrol beyond the major roadways. Nighttime travel is especially dangerous beyond the valley floor, and the locals claim to have an unusually bad problem with wolves. The valley is now home to three battalions of the 25th Infantry Division, detached from the main body this summer and spread out in the Sacramento Valley. The 1st Battlion/27th Infantry Regiment is in Redding, the 1st Battlion/35th Infantry Regiment has detached companies in camps in other towns, and the 2nd Battalion/21st Infantry Regiment has been sent to Herlong. Garrisons are set up in towns on vital road junctures, patrols are sent out along the main roads, and large forces are maintained only where necessary. Operations in the region are technically managed from the 5th Army's HQ in San Jose through the Regional HQ at Redding, but by and large the individual garrisons are left to their own devices unless in trouble. Because of the security they offer, the garrison towns have absorbed large refugee populations and have remained stable, but they still suffer predation by marauders on occasion. Most communities now turn away outsiders at gunpoint, federal troops or not, and few refugees try anymore. Interstate 5 and Highway 99 are used daily to run supplies and men from the northern garrisons, south to Sacramento and both are maintained very well by engineers and maintenance crews. Up until a few months ago, the string of garrison towns extended up into Oregon to Klamath Falls, but marauder attacks along the roads have stopped this. In many ways, the situation is more akin to the early 19th Century than the 21st Century...and away from the main roads, the situation is frankly more like the 8th or 9th Century.
Redding: The center of federal operations in Northern California, "Fort Redding" is formerly the Redding Municipal Airport. It is now home to three battalions of the 25th Infantry Division, detached from the main body this summer and spread out in the Sacramento Valley. The 1st Battalion/27th Infantry Regiment is garrisoned here. Manpower for this over-strength battalion is about 575 troops and recruits from the Redding population. Virtually all of the battalion's heavy equipment is obsolete 1940's vintage equipment stripped from depots and military museums around Northern California. The AFVs stationed in Redding include three M4 Shermans, an M5A1 Stuart, and seven M3 halftrack variants (AT, AA, etc). A newly-formed Artillery Platoon has seven guns, all towed and a mix of 155mm, 105mm, and 75mm. As well, there is the "Dragoon Company", composed of four "troops" of forty soldiers each mounted on police- and cavalry-trained horses with old Army Garand rifles. It is deployed in the mountains around the Central Valley, conducting patrols and ambushes against the numerous marauder and guerilla bands. Additionally, there are about 200 militiamen of one sort or another, armed with small arms and some rifle grenades, most of which are involved in transporting food and resources which are collected at the various points further south. Fort Redding has a fairly good medical facility and ample alcohol fuel for it's vehicles. Unfortunately, the population of Redding is restless and chafes under the presence of the Army and militia, and sabotage and outright guerilla attacks are a problem. There are some 14,000 civilians still in town, led by Mayor Harris.
Yreka: Yreka has about 12,000 civilians living here now. Led by a man known simply as Chuck, they are organized, and have a clinic, schools, some electricity, and water and sewer service back online. The US Army unit here is Able Company of the 1st Battalion/35th Infantry Regiment. It has 100 men with four M103 heavy tanks and two M48A2 Patton medium tanks. The unit has recently been showing signs of turning marauder, having been influenced by local survivalists.
Red Bluff: Further south, Red Bluff is a small town on the Sacramento River, at the junction of I-5 and State Hwy 99, the two north-south corridors through the region. Location alone makes it important and roughly 100 soldiers and some impressed former California Highway Patrolmen from Baker Company of the 1st Battlion/35th Infantry Regiment, are encamped at the "Idlewheels" RV campsite. The garrison has fifteen trucks and a single 105mm mortar to control the groves to the south as well as the approaches to the town, which they use in lieu of extensive patrols. Most of the opposition that the garrison faces comes from Bear Republic militias, though a single warband of NAF fighters is believed to be in the area.
Chico: Along the Highway 99 route, Chico is now a large fortress town of 9,000 citizens who walled off their city from refugees early on. "Camp Chico" is dug in on the campus of CSU-Chico, and consists of a garrison of about 60 soldiers from Charlie Company of the 1st Battlion/35th Infantry Regiment, plus a number of local recruits. The garrison has fifteen trucks, two 81mm mortars and two M101 105mm pack howitzers, all of which make their position quite secure. The population is a bit friendlier to the federals than other areas, and Chico can be considered fairly safe. The countryside to the east of Chico is infested with Bear Republic militia groups, however, and more than a few small marauder gangs. The main Bear Republic cell in the area has undergone a major leadership change in the past few months. The moderate leader was killed by a homicidal maniac that has began to attack the more isolated towns in the area, burning and pillaging them. So far they have completely razed several towns, including Graeagle, Cloverdale, and Quincy. The Army in Chico is making plans to hunt them down, something that no one feels like doing.
Yuba City: Yuba City itself has a lot of refugees, and the 320 troops of the 900th Infantry Battalion here spend a lot of time holed up in their impromptu fortress. This battalion was formed from excess personnel from Travis, Beale and McClellan Air Force Bases and are responsible for local security and escort for convoys. This group has had several skirmishes with marauders lately, though the marauders are of a more random sort than normal, mostly desperate refugees, escapee gangs, and so forth rather than the guerillas found elsewhere. Many of these marauders are escapees from Folsom and New Folsom Prisons, both located near Sacramento. About twelve miles east of Yuba is the ruins of Beale Air Force Base. This was formerly an ICBM and B-52 SAC base, though now it is mostly abandoned and in a state of disrepair, picked over a thousand times over the years. The empty Titan I ICBM silos are located three each near the towns of Lincoln and Chico and in the Sutter Buttes near Live Oak. The silo crews abandoned them soon after they fired their missiles.
Williams: To the west of Yuba, located at the crossing of I-5 and Hwy 20, the small agricultural town of Williams is garrisoned by about 20 soldiers rotated from Redding who are charged with protecting traffic on the interstate. This garrison is unusually busy, thanks to the proximity of the Mendocino National Forest and the numerous militia groups that reside there. The farm communities either sympathize or are frequently raided, so the garrison is often in action. The main asset available to them are three two-seater ultralights piloted by friendly local aviators. This allows them to scout and patrol the large expanses of open land. "Camp Williams", despite being fairly small, is very heavily fortified, built in a small business park along the side of the highway. South of the town is a large abandoned area where militia troops turned back a large refugee mob that tried to ambush a MilGov convoy a month ago, at heavy cost. Bones still lie by the roadside, as no locals will go there.
Lakeport: Lakeport is one of the most remote of the various MilGov outposts in the region. Lakeport is mainly used as a staging area for operations along State Hwy 101 and into the coastal mountain range. It doesn't control a particularly valuable agricultural area, though the lake is good fishing, it's purpose is solely strategic. There are 30 soldiers here rotated from Redding, including a squad of Rangers. The local populace is at best sympathetic to the Bear Republic, so the area is beautiful but hazardous. The garrison has a single UH-1 helicopter, and a large number of small mortars that they have to use more frequently than they'd like. The UH-1 is used mostly to deliver the Ranger squad to assault sites.
Herlong: This garrison is outside of the Sacramento Valley, on the east side of the Sierra Nevada chain even, but vital because of the Sierra Army Munitions Depot located here. The garrison is the 250 men of the 2nd Battalion/21st Infantry Regiment enclaved in "Firebase Nicholson". The 2/21st has three five-ton cargo trucks, an M3 halftrack gun truck with a bad motor, a few jeeps and LWB Land Rovers, and one "throw together" howitzer-on-a-farm-truck fire support vehicle (but despite all the tons of ammunition at the depot, only one shell for it). The battalion commander is Captain Richard Sutherling. Being a competent leader, Sutherling was transferred to the 2/21st when the former CO was killed when his jeep was ambushed near Genesee. In addition to the troops of the 2/21st, the town is populated by 500 civilians, mostly farmers and their families. It is rumored that there are still some stocks of chemical and biological weapons at the depot, and most see this as the reason for the garrison. They are now patrolling Highway 395 north to Alturas in an attempt to encourage more trade and travel. Alturas, however, is not willing to risk it as the area is thick with bandits.
Donner Pass: This high mountain pass east of Lake Tahoe (which is really beautiful and is a survivalist’s dreamland) is defended by a powerful farmer's militia, often patrolling a hundred miles into the desert to keep marauders at bay. A single-engine prop plane is used sporadically to patrol the vast swaths of desert, communicating with termination squads on the ground.
Sacramento: Sacramento is still the official capital of the state, with about 40% of the original population having returned and now living and trading within its defended walls. A state government council convenes here weekly to pass whatever legislation it can. In reality, of course, the Army has a final say in everything, although it is not uncommon for the two organizations' goals to be similar, creating an air of co-operation. The city is dirtier and emptier than it once was, and a slow process of decay is happening, creating large slum areas which both the Army and local police are having difficulty controlling. Sacramento's northern neighborhoods were the most badly damaged in the chaos, and a concentrated but slow process of rebuilding is taking place here. Sacramento has also tended to avoid the problems other cities experience in this post-war world due to the presence of constant trade, active political control and a large military body keeping the trouble to a minimum. The intelligent men on the staff of Sacramento State University are working with the local leaders to improve crop yields. The Sacramento area is protected by the bulk of the 2nd Battalion/19th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division. The battalion has around 1,000 men and is heavily mechanized with twenty M48A2 Patton tanks, two M75 APCs, twenty M59A1 APCs, four M20 armored cars and some mortar carriers. The battalion is commanded by Colonel John Callister, a former California National Guardsmen from the Bay area, who often sends his men out to look for missing members of his family. The city is the southern end of the supply chain supporting the garrisons up along the Sacramento Valley and is busy in this activity.
Davis: Garrisoned at the trashed campus of UC-Davis is the 40 men of Platoon 1, Able Company, 2/19th Infantry from Sacramento. They are currently overseeing the salvaging of the campus buildings.
Stockton: This agricultural city's large pre-war population suffered heavily from fallout from the San Francisco area strike. With losses replaced by refugees fleeing both San Francisco and Sacramento, Stockton has remained at about the same number since. The city is ruled by the US military, who have a strong presence here in the 400 California National Guardsmen of the 221st Military Police Brigade, which recently absorbed the remnants of the 63rd Infantry Division and is responsible for security and the distribution of foodstuffs in the area. This brigade is now attached to 25th ID HQ in San Francisco and takes it's orders from there. The unit's HQ is currently at the FMC fabrication plant, once known for building M113 personnel carriers. The 63rd ID was a Reserve unit originally from the Los Angeles area. When the nuke hit that city, the division tried to mobilize and assist in evacuating the civilians, but the chaos was too much and the division was crushed under the flood of refugees. A few dozen men of the unit made their way north and reorganized in Stockton. When the 221st MPB was moved to Stockton from San Francisco in late 1962, there were no armored vehicles to be had anywhere for the brigade other than one training tank, with no turret, from nearby Sharpe Army Depot. After realizing that there was no immediate need for all of the banks in Stockton or the armored cars that carried their money from place to place, the brigade CO ordered that enough armored cars be commandeered from the civilian sector to equip the brigade. The armored cars were then modified by the army engineers and turned into armored personnel carriers. The weird APC's are dubbed "Brinksmobiles" by the men of the brigade, and the other troops in the area call the men the "Golden Boys" because of their vehicles. The training tank has been armed with a 120mm mortar as well. The poor vehicle situation was alleviated somewhat when the 25th Infantry Division arrived in San Francisco in 1963. The 25th supplied the Stockton garrison with much equipment, including one M60 tank, one M48A2 Patton tank, two M41 light tanks, two M8 armored cars, one M113 APC, two 5 ton trucks, and four deuce-and-a-half trucks. Air assets at Stockton's modern airport include the 144th Fighter Wing with six F-86L Saber jet fighters and two C-123 Provider transports. The 144th FW was originally a California Air National Guard unit responsible for regional air defense. Activated following the nuclear strikes, the F-86s of the unit provided CAP for much of the west coast from San Diego to the Canadian border. As loses mounted in the war in Korea, many aircrew and aircraft were siphoned off to other units abroad. When the Mexican Army invaded in 1964, the 144th FW tangled with the small but rested Mexican Air Force. Upon achieving air superiority, the unit changed missions to provide interdiction strikes and close air support for the local garrisons until the fuel and targets became scarce. Most of Stockton's population lives in the crowded and dirty tent cities which surround the town, with food and water trucked in by the military. Large numbers of sick and radiation-scarred people can be found here, and mass graves and crematory pits dot the countryside. The MPs are no saints in these refugee slums. Called "white mice" for their white helmets, the refugees chafe at their heavy-handed rule. Known for their hoarding of resources and lack of regard for civilians, are just as hated in the city as the marauders and Mexicans are. Many believe that Stockton is only kept "online" because it keeps the refugees from overflowing into the valleys to the south. South of Stockton is a control zone, which is being mined and fortified, to prevent refugees from moving south without army permission.
Santa Rosa: A major refugee camp still filled with survivors from the San Francisco area. Just this fall the authorities are releasing large numbers of refugees from the camps. They say it is because the countryside is safer now, but the rumor is that the supplies have dried up and the town's leaders are afraid of the refugees rioting. People with homes in Santa Rosa have been making them into little forts with whatever they can find. The town is under martial law and everyone carries a gun.
The mountainous spine of the San Francisco peninsula, stretching from the Golden Gate bridge in the north to San Jose in the south, is a mixed bag of ruin and rebirth. The military has returned and has built up a strong enclave as a power base for reclaiming all of California. Scattered throughout the western side of the bay are numerous groups of hold-outs and survivors, some good and some not so good.
The nuke: Late in the chilly night of October 29, 1962, central San Francisco took a SS-N-4 SLBM fired from the Soviet Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-93 (who the night before had nuked Tucson). The 1 megaton warhead ground burst south of Market Street and left nearly the entire city in tatters. Most of the survivors on the mainland side of the bay fled into the surrounding countryside and much of the area was nearly completely burned to the ground in the chaos and riots that followed.
The city today: The zone of total destruction caused by the nuclear hit was massive. East to west from 3rd Street to Great Highway and north to south from Market Street to far down the peninsula to Pacifica and San Bruno there is nothing but charred stumps and scorched foundations, thanks to the firestorm. Most all of the city south of Golden Gate Park and Market Street lies in ruins, with few buildings over three stories high poking up out of the rubble field. Most of the streets in the city are impassable to all but foot traffic, but north of Market Street the situation is much better. While the tall buildings are gone--the TransAmerica Pyramid is little more than a skeleton sans glass--many of the smaller buildings remain. Many were knocked down, though, and the streets are no more passable here than further south, being little better than cow paths between busted-down buildings. Golden Gate Park, Lincoln Park and similar places went up like dry tinder, spawning mini-forest fires all over the city, adding their destructive power to the atomic firestorm. The small communities on the south side of the peninsula were spared both blast and radiation, but were quickly overwhelmed by refugees. Route 101 and I-280 heading south out of the city are both choked with burnt and abandoned cars and are impassible for large stretches. The San Mateo and Dumbarton Bay Bridges are still up, and are controlled at both ends by the Army. The San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, however, is down in the water, blocking most ship traffic into the southern arm of the Bay. Both Naval Station Treasure Island and Hunters Point NAS were mostly destroyed by the blast over the peninsula in 1962 and are now abandoned.
The Army: The military initially tried to help in the chaos, and for about a year things were looking up. But in 1963, the first major outbreak of bubonic plague occurred in the San Francisco area, pushing many of the survivor communities over the edge. Faced with something they couldn't handle, the remaining military pulled out to save itself, heading south and east to regroup. By late summer 1963, the epidemic had burned itself out and the 5th Army HQ returned to the Bay area. San Jose was still relatively intact and provided a large base of industry and manpower, and Moffitt Field became the HQ. This is part of the massive MilGov plan to make northern California the center of reconstruction. The Moffett Field garrison comprises the HQ, DISCOM and the entire 1st Battalion/14th Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division (some 3,000 men all total), which was stationed on Hawaii when the war came and was shipped here when those islands were abandoned in the spring of 1963. Four of the division's battalions have been assigned to other locations in northern California for garrison duty while the 1/14 is kept in the Bay Area as a strategic reserve of sorts. The division was able to load up virtually every running vehicle on Oahu and take them with them to California, where most have been kept with the 1/14 in San Francisco. The San Jose garrison's equipment includes some 90 vehicles with four dozen Patton tanks and even an M65 280mm "Atomic Annie" howitzer, an enormous 85-ton monster designed to fire tactical nuclear shells and one of only twenty originally produced in the 1950s. Much other equipment has been given to other local garrisons and sent to Fort Ord to help equip the newly raised 6th Infantry Division (see below). Other units in the Bay area include the 900-man 32nd Marine Battalion (Provisional). This battalion was formed from several Marine Corps and Navy support units based in Hawaii, as well as from several Marine Corps and Navy bases in the Northern California region. As attrition mounted and supplies dwindled, specialized support units were no longer needed. As an expedient measure, all excess personnel assisted federal and local law enforcement agencies in riot control and security. Once they islands were evacuated, Fleet command authorized the use of all excess personnel in Hawaii to augment Army troops once they got to San Francisco. Detachments now provide security in the Bay area at the various naval anchorages and the roads between them and San Jose while the bulk of this battalion is involved in anti-piracy work throughout the region. Also in the area are the remnants of the 1st Special Forces Group (50 men). The 1st SFG is a United States Army Reserve unit activated in Okinawa in1957, mangled in China and Korea during the war and then shipped to Hawaii and then on to the states with the 5th Army in 1964.
The Air Force: Based at Moffitt Field are some operational aircraft collected from around the Bay, including fifteen A-4 Skyhawk ground attack jets, two F-4D Skyrays, six P-2 Neptunes, one old TBM torpedo bomber, and twenty assorted transport helicopters including two CH-37 Mojaves. Moffitt is a rather active airbase for 1964, with some small refineries operating in central California, there is fuel to fly aircraft on a semi-regular basis, even if the Mexicans have few targets worth hitting. With aviation fuel in short supply, and the need for high-tech planes lessened, the enclave has been experimenting with other forms of air support. They currently have a squadron of ultralights and a small blimp corps of three blimps for patrolling the sea lanes. The ultralights have been hardened to carry bombs and are capable of a pilot and a maximum 200lb bomb load. The blimps are restored airships from the blimp museum at Moffett Field and confiscated commercial blimps. They are currently being fitted with contact bombs, contact torpedoes, depth charges, and even anti-tank missiles. They are also being modified to carry small auto cannons and machineguns.
The Navy: The Bay area also hosts a considerable naval group, based mostly at the naval bases at the northern end of the bay that are still assessable. The southern arms of the bay are a maze of downed bridges and sunken hulks, they are not accessible to large ships. Most of these vessels here are the remains of the Seventh Fleet, which was thrashed during the war, it's carrier groups nuked hard by medium ranged ballistic missiles. With the abandonment of Hawaii, the remaining units of the Fleet have moved here. There is some talk amongst the command structure of converting some of the oil burning ships to coal burning, and several trials have been made this fall, though it is probably impractical for the larger vessels. A list of operational vessels based in the Bay area follows, but note that the bay is also filled with uncounted non-operational ships rusting at anchor for lack of fuel and need. The following are those ships that are still kept at a state of readiness in the event that they are needed:
Kitty Hawk class carrier
------CVA-63 Kitty Hawk (Seventh Fleet flagship) 1
Essex class carrier
------CVS-12 Hornet 2
Skipjack class attack sub
------SSN-591 Shark 3
George Washington class ballistic missile sub
------SSBN-601 Robert E. Lee 4
Baltimore class cruiser
------CG-11 Chicago
Cleveland class cruiser
------CLG-8 Topeka
Leahy class destroyer leader
------DLG-23 Halsey 5
Charles F. Adams class destroyer
------DDG-3 John King 6
Mitscher class destroyer leaders
------DL-4 Willis A. Lee
------DL-3 John S. McCain
Farragut class destroyers
------DLG-13 William V. Pratt
------DLG-8 MacDonough
John C. Butler class escort
------DE-358 Mack
Escambia class oiler
------AO-134 Mission Santa Ynez
Suamico class oiler
------AO-79 Cowanesque
Seven minesweepers
Four LCMs
Eleven PT boats
Notes: 1 The two carriers are technically operational, but in reality these fuel hogs will probably never leave the Bay again. Their remaining air wings have been dispersed to shore installations and their fuel bunkers are bone-dry empty, having been emptied to feed smaller ships. Out of habit alone, the Seventh Fleet flag is still kept aboard the Kitty Hawk, and the Admiral and his staff still hold daily meetings in the wardroom of the virtually empty carrier. 2 The Hornet's captain and the 25th ID CO have recently decided to moor the Hornet in the center of the San Francisco Bay--a better means of being able to use the vessel in the future should excess fuel become available. She now acts as a floating fortress of sorts, having a 360 degree field of fire and view. The flight deck can be used as a gun platform and even a massed mortar platform. 3 The Shark, being nuclear powered, is the only vessel here that has a worthwhile radius of action and as such is kept in very good repair. 4 The Robert E. Lee returned from patrol some months after the war ended and has been immobile in the Bay ever since, her reactor offline for repairs that may never come. All her SLBMs have been fired and she has only torpedoes left. 5 The Halsey was fitting out in the Bay in 1962 and was badly damaged by the nuke over the city. Most of her electronic equipment and weapons were trashed and the hull was badly damaged. The Navy has recently been using the destroyer as a coastal transport ship, with all of her equipment removed and every possible space converted into cargo holds. Her maximum speed is now just eight knots and thus the ship cannot operate during high sea states. 6 The John King was also damaged by the nuclear blast while docked off the Hyde Street pier. Most of her external arrays were either torn off by the blast or melted by the temperature (she looks like there was a fire on board) as the ground zero was only four miles away from the destroyer, and no one really knows how she survived. However, while the external damage is massive, most of internal facilities are still in quite good condition and the ship is still able to operate. Like the Halsey, this ship is used as a costal transport between the Bay area and other ports and only when weather conditions are good.
With total control of the sea lanes, the enclave has begun to engage in trade with Canada, South and Central America and even receives a few ships from Asia, mostly Chinese and the odd tramp steamer from Japan.
Padre's enclave: A large civilian survivor enclave exists on the northern end of the peninsula, where the quirks of the blast damage left a strip along the waterfront semi-intact. They are about 200 strong and are centered around the waterfront, from the Municipal Pier to the Trans Bay Tube, the North Beach neighborhood and Telegraph Hill Park. The militia is about 20 strong with their HQ at a former seafood restaurant in Fisherman's Wharf. The enclave has many intelligent leaders who have worked hard to rebuild their little corner of the world, foremost a man called "Padre" who first organized a resistance out of the chaos. Padre is really George Fisher, an Episcopalian priest from Nob Hill and a former US Army surgeon. A seagoing tugboat has been tied up to the Pier 43 and it's generators have been hot-wired to keep the lights burning in the Fisherman's Wharf area. They also have a windmill from a museum exhibit on alternative energy set up on the Hyde Street Pier to supply backup power and to provide some running water from pumps. In the boardwalk of warehouses, the survivors found a supply of canned food and they now have a large store of food and supplies locked up in the west end of the BART tunnel. They can't really defend it but they have made it known to all that they will dynamite the tunnel if it is attacked, and that threat has kept it safe for now. They have a hospital of sorts in the Coit Tower building in Telegraph Hill and the Padre often operates on patients himself. Their prize possession, no doubt, is the Priscilla, an old 1888 oyster schooner that was a tourist attraction in the wharf area before the war and is now being refitted for sea. How this wooden ship survived is a mystery, as the blast wave played havoc with the shipping at the docks along the northeast edge of the city. The whole area is still choked with ships broken in half or shoved under the bay by falling debris, their mangled, burnt superstructures barely sticking out of the water. Due to a difference in opinion on relocation, the Padre's group receives very little support and even less concern from the large US military forces in the Bay area. This has left them resentful of the Army and pretty much on their own, thus the desire to get the schooner up and running. They are under pressure from rival bands of survivors on the peninsula but are holding them off for now.
Barbarossa's gang: Their main rivals are a large gang based to the west in the Golden Gate National Park area. The park is now just open scrub land dominated by burnt, dead trees and thick weeds, bordered on the southern edge by a dead zone of crushed buildings. They number hundreds of effectives and their leader is a man calling himself "Barbarossa". He is efficient, if crazy, and very dangerous, a former fundamentalist preacher who has become crazy from radiation poisoning and now fancies himself as a cross between Charles Manson and Napoleon. He has looted several firearms stores and has set up a medieval-style rule in his territory. His followers are armed mostly with shotguns and handguns and have a handful of motorcycles, Barbarossa himself drives around in a 1961 Mercury convertible. They are mostly based in the ruins of the Presidio Military Reservation, which was totally destroyed by fires following the nuclear blast. They also control the southern half of the remains of the Golden Gate Bridge, which remarkably is partially intact, although just barely. One of its twin trestles has collapsed across the roadway, which cants perilously to one side and it is fit only for foot travel by the brave at heart. The northern half of the bridge is more intact and allows for ships to sail under it into the bay. They have wisely refrained from trying to stop this travel or firing on the Navy ships and often hang from the bridge watching the ships go by.
The White Shirts: To the south is another survivor group known as the "White Shirts", more or less a loosely organize gang of looters and gleaners eking out a living at the edges of ground zero. Their HQ is in the old Greyhound bus depot on Mission and Seventh Street, south of Market Street. The depot is a battered concrete hulk with the upper reaches eaten away by the firestorm but the lower levels are stable enough to provide safety. They have untold numbers but are so unorganized that they pose less danger than expected to the Padre's enclave and kill each other more than anything.
Starving artists: There is also a population of former starving artists, disenchanted people from various places, and some ex-military personnel that have taken over an old oil tanker still floating in the Bay. They will usually trade expertise for goods, although they prefer to be left alone.
Hubologists: Another group, which does not seek contact at all, is a religious community called the "Hubologists", led by a man called "Blind Sunflower Jim". They are obsessed with an old B-17 bomber they found parked at the ruins of the San Francisco International Airport. They are attempting to make it fly again, so they can join their "gods" in the heavens above.
Japanese: Half Moon Bay on the western coast of the peninsula is now home to a small population of Japanese, survivors of a Japanese Navy submarine, damaged in battle in 1963, which drifted east until it landed on the west coast of America. They call themselves the "Shi", and have are working to contact their government without dealing directly with the US military, who they distrust.
Russians: Along the southwestern edge of the blast area the murky waters of Lake Merced still provide some fish and fresh water. A group of Russian-American immigrants has recently settled here, obviously keeping a very low profile due to the political climate. They number about 70 total and are led by Sergei Yusupov. About a dozen of their members have some military training from when they were in Russia and they have kept them safe so far.
Arabs: Broadmoor, south of Lake Merced, is home base of a small group of about 50 Iranian and Syrian Islamic fundamentalists, mostly former students from San Francisco State University and their families, who are becoming increasingly more militant and desperate as the food runs out. They haven't made any hostile moves yet, but it is just a matter of time now. They have been raiding unlooted sporting goods and gun stores for weaponry and have now amassed a considerable cache of small arms. They are led by Mohammed Yahzdi, a former Iranian fishpacker-turned-leader. It is his virulent Sunni Muslim rhetoric above all else that will push the enclave into action.
Gays: Daly City is home to the "West Coast Gay Alliance", survivors of the Bay area's once-thriving gay population. They are led by a man named Francis Pelf, a former corporal and tank mechanic in the US Army.
Blacks: Fort Baker Military Reservation, at the northern end of the Golden Gate Bridge, is now held by an all-black gang known as the "Natty Bumpo Brigade". Their leader is a man named Norman, originally a doctor from Sausalito. Although they nominally control the northern part of the bridge, they are aware that Barbarossa has plans to take it all from them.
Burlingame: Now an outpost of the military, and a growing induction and training center for recruits "volunteered" from the local refugee population. Most of the recruits are being used for reconstruction and salvage teams.
Belmont: A farmer has just recently found a missile in his field while plowing, buried under a thin layer of soil where it crashed back in 1962. It is a nuclear-armed Nike anti-aircraft missile that misfired and burrowed into his corn field. The farmer is selling of the components for a penny a piece, there are thousands in the guidance system alone, but doesn't realize yet that he has a nuclear warhead in his barn that is slowly poisoning him and his family.
Horror story: The eastern suburbs of the Bay area have all been badly damaged by the chaos. The nuke over the peninsula set the population to panic and it quickly got out of control. As the radioactive fallout fell in a swath directly on Oakland and Berkeley, civil authority melted away and the scared residents fled their homes, burning and looting everything in their way out of town. Riots and famine raged through the area and by the winter, most of the area was abandoned to the unburied dead. Once the situation stabilized in the middle of 1963, the eastern fringes were slowly repopulated and the area now supports a modest population of salvagers and squatters. The thick urban zones along the shore of the bay still remain mostly abandoned, save for a few isolated communities of refugees who have found pockets to stay in, gleaning the ample salvage. The various MilGov enclaves avoid the area when moving convoys and rarely venture into the worst parts of the destruction.
Oakland: Devastated by fires all the way to the Berkeley Hills and nearly depopulated. Around the area of the City of Oakland ferry pier there is an enclave of refugees, numbering some 100. They survive on fishing the Bay and catching rats in the city ruins.
Alameda Naval Air Station: Badly damaged by the nuke blast in 1962 and now abandoned.
Hamilton Air Force Base: Salvage teams from the 25th ID have recently been combing the ruins of this airbase. They are looking for a suspected cache of small observation blimps that were stored here before the war.
The Governor: California Governor Jerry Brown was on a campaign tour in Oakland when the nuke fell, spending the night in a hotel near the shore. The following morning he tried to get back to Sacramento as the city burned around him. His motorcade was unable to get trough Oakland's streets and was stopped by a group of policemen who demanded that he give up his car to them. Brown has not been seen since, though there are consistent rumors that he is still alive and living somewhere in the Oakland area.
Travis Air Force Base: From 1963 on, the MilGov enclave at Travis AFB northeast of the Bay area has been the companion to the Moffitt base in controlling refugees in the area. The garrison is the 300-man 899th Infantry Battalion. This unit was formed from surviving Air Force personnel from Vandenburg, Los Angeles, March and Edwards Air Force Bases, as well as local facilities, formed into an infantry battalion in mid-1963. They mostly serve a military police function and also provide security for remaining aircraft at the base. As most of the personnel have technical backgrounds, contingents can be found throughout the Silicon Valley area, helping in salvage operations. Operational air assets currently based at Travis include a single F-4 Phantom II fighter bomber, six C-130 transports, four C-135 transports, a C-141 heavy-lift transport, four KC-135A tankers, a KC-10 tanker, and six H-25A Army Mule light cargo helicopters. Fuel is available but limited, and the big, thirsty transport planes only fly when absolutely necessary.
The San Joaquin valley is mostly uncontested and heavily patrolled by MilGov forces, who keep open the vital trade and travel routes between Bakersfield and Stockton. Interstate 5 is the main convoy route, Highway 99 is used but you have to bypass the mess that is Fresno.
Madera: A small oil field and refinery complex here is occupied by a strong MilGov garrison. The garrison is the 3rd Battalion/69th Armor Regiment, detached from the 25th ID in San Francisco, tasked with protecting the refinery from the roving gangs in Fresno. They are based at "Camp Stewart Udall", a collection of liberated house trailers and tents in a fortified ring around the refinery. The battalion has about 600 soldiers total, with a dozen or so M3A1 White scout cars, numerous assorted trucks, jeeps, and cars, but despite being an armored unit, has only four old M41 Walker Bulldog tanks. The battalion commander drives around in an old German Kubelwagen jeep. The oil pumped and refined from here is shipped north along Highway 99 to Stockton where it is distributed further and is a major reason why the vehicles up north keep running. Just this month the 3/69th leadership has been informed by MilGov command in Colorado Springs to prepare for possible action against the 40th AD to the south in Bakersfield (see below). As they are aware that they cannot compete with the 40th in battle, this news has the men of the battalion very worried.
Fresno: Fresno was the scene of some of the nation's worst race and food riots following the nukings. For months, Hispanics and whites fought it out in the streets, with police and local military units helpless to stop it, and in some cases actively participating on one side or the other. Years later, the city is still largely a rubbled wreck and the few less-spoiled parts are controlled by several large, well-armed Chicano gangs. While not much on discipline or organization, they have a high number of hard-core criminals and deserters from both US and Mexican Armies who brought their weapons, including some machineguns, mortars and bazookas. The main gang leader is a man named Victor Sama and the city under his rule has been even more trashed and looted. Most of the surviving white residents fled north or south or moved into the northeastern suburb of Clovis where they have a small fortified enclave. MilGov has largely bypassed the city and convoys passing by the city have to swing wide to the west on Highways 198 and 145 to avoid the mess.
Mystery: At a small private airfield at North Fork, about 30 miles northeast of Fresno, up in the rugged Sierra Nevada mountains, sits an intact B-52 strategic bomber. On October 30, 1962 this plane left March AFB headed for targets in Siberia, but massive engine trouble forced it into an emergency landing at this airstrip. The crew tried to get a repair team up to them, but the poor state of communications and the general chaos throughout California thwarted their efforts. Soon, they just wandered back south to find their families and disappeared. The plane is still intact, though still with three bad engines. The real prize is the four nuclear bombs she still has inside. The plane captain took the detonating fuses with him when he left but the weapons are still intact and just waiting to be found.
Emptiness: Between Fresno and Bakersfield there is nothing, towns such as Tulare, Delano and Calico are long-ago deserted and looted. As well, the nearby Lemoore Naval Air Station is abandoned and looted. MilGov convoys who run up and down Highway 99 barely notice the dusty ruins alongside.
The city: A large and strong survivor enclave at the southern end of the valley, Bakersfield is a thriving city and the hotbed of southern independence talk. Southern California had the most population, but the effort to evacuate these survivors was met with strong resistance from central California cities like Bakersfield. The local National Guardsmen were called on to keep the migrations manageable and they have stayed ever since. Due to the security and economic stimulus of the Army, people have been flocking to Bakersfield and today the population hovers around 160,000, a virtual megalopolis by 1964 standards.
40th Armored Division: The California National Guard's 40th Armored Division, one of the best equipped and well-trained NG divisions in the nation, was gathered in Bakersfield by the end of 1962 and quickly began to seal the borders. In 1964, division has some 6,000 men under arms, with many more making up a well-armed militia. Divisional equipment includes ten M60 tanks, thirty M48A2 Patton tanks, fourteen M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks, eight M40 155mm SPGs, and sixteen M88 ARVs along with numerous support and transport vehicles. There are several oil fields in the area, located in Taft, Buttonwillow and McKettrick, all vital in keeping the division's vehicles running. The 40th AD's commander is General Lake, a decorated veteran and bonafide war hero. Also here with the unit are a large number of technical experts from the Fort Irwin Field Training Equipment Concentration Site. The 40th AD has a good deal of equipment with which the Irwin folks are intimately familiar and they have found very gainful employment with 5th Army since being forced out of the Barstow area.
Governor Lake: General Lake is intelligent, insightful, a brilliant tactician, and very independent. He is also a power-hunger bigot with big plans, and as commander of the city's defense force, he has probably more power than anyone in the city. Lake, who has begun to call himself "Governor" behind closed doors, has began a ruthless consolidation of power within the civilian leadership in Bakersfield. Lake is very much an "end justifies the means" sort of person, believing the United States needs to become one again, and the only sure way to do it is militarily and he is just the man to carry it out. There is a lot of concern amongst the MilGov leadership in Colorado Springs that Lake is going to turn independent soon, but they are afraid to remove him because his troops are fiercely loyal to him, and perhaps aware that if it came to it, Lake's division could probably defeat anything they can throw at them. On the surface, Lake continues to pay lip-service to MilGov, and keeps his supplies of oil and food running north, but everyone knows this won’t last.
Independence Day: Lake is upset with Colorado Springs and considering going independent because of what he sees as General LeMay's favoritism towards fellow Air Force generals. In recent months, LeMay has made it known that he "trusts more" the men from his own pre-war branch. He is slowly replacing Army generals with Air Force generals, even in command of field units, whether or not they have any experience with ground units or not. In September of this year Lake was told by an informant in Colorado Springs that LeMay was going to replace him before the year was out for "insubornation". This has only fuelled Lake's ambitions of setting up an independent state in Bakersfield.
Plans and schemes: General LeMay is now aware that Lake knows of his plan to replace him and is deeply afraid that Lake with take his division with him. LeMay needs the 40th AD, both as a check on Mexican expansion and because he eventually would like to use it to push the Mexicans out of California altogether. To assure that it remains loyal to the MilGov goals, LeMay has been quietly laying plans to take out Lake by force. He has sent in several hit-teams and is preparing other Army units in California for the prospect that they might have to fight the 40th if that fails. The 6th Infantry Division is being hastily reformed at Fort Ord right now, and they will probably march towards Bakersfield before the year ends.
Hidden dagger: General Lake has an ace in the hole, however, one that he hopes to use against LeMay if he decides to go independent. Lake has an intact 1.4 megaton W-49 warhead from a malfunctioned Atlas-D ICBM. The warhead, recovered by Lake's agents amongst the ruins of nearby Vandenburg Air Force Base, is not active, and in fact is inert, that's why it was left at the base to begin with. Lake knows that it is a paper weight, but has kept it a secret and just the potential of the weapon might be enough to deter any moves against him.
Bakersfield Militia: In a city this large, finding enough able-bodied men to serve in a militia is not hard, especially when the militiamen know that the Army will bail them out if they get into trouble. As such, the city's militia now stands at about 1,600 members, with many tending to be young and inexperienced, but there are a large number of experienced older soldiers who retirement ended when the militia was formed. They are officially known as the "Voluntary Police", to lend an air of civil service to them. General Lake has recognized the importance of the militia, both to help in securing the city and as possible allies if LeMay decides to attack the city to get at him. He has instituted a rigorous training program for the militia and NCOs and specialists from the division rotate monthly into advisor positions with the citizens. In theory, the militia is not under General Lake's direct control, but in reality, Lake tends to get his way in matters which concern defense. More importantly, Lake has armed the militia from his own stocks, further strengthening the militia's loyalty to him. Along with quantities of M14 and M1 rifles, he has provided them with a dozen trucks and an M75 APC to act as a command post for the militia leader. He also turned over twelve tanks that were in the back lot of a National Guard motor pool in Bakersfield. These tanks are all at least twenty years old (five M4A3 Shermans, four M5A1 Stuarts and three M3 Stuarts) and only one of them (an M3) can be considered fully operational. The other tanks have been dug into the ground along the entrances to the city as pill boxes, manned by militiamen. It has not been lost on these men that General Lake ordered seven of the tanks dug in on the northern approaches to the city, away from the Mexicans but towards the other MilGov enclaves.
Mexican concerns: The remains of the Mexican 2nd Army are strung along the southern limits of the 40th Armored Division's patrol range, waiting and watching for any moves. Much like the situation to the south at Camp Pendleton (see below), it is quite obvious that General Lake could easily roll over the Mexican Army elements at anytime he wished. The reasons for not doing so are simple--Lake knows that the Mexicans will never try and engage him in open fighting and they provide a vital buffer for marauders and refugees that would otherwise be a burden on Bakersfield. As such, as long as the Mexicans don't try anything funny, Lake is content to coexist with them until such time as it becomes necessary to take action. The Mexican do have spies in the city, however, and they have learned that Lake is thinking about going independent.
Monkey Wrench: There are many other players in the Bakersfield area. Glenn Anderson, the former California Lieutenant Governor, is also in the city and has own hopes of setting himself up as the co-emperor of a new California that Lake creates. Anderson fled Sacramento during the chaos, shirking his duties and removing any chance he had to return to power legally, and has been living in Bakersfield ever since. His deep, dark secret is that he is really a member of the Communist Party and a sleeper agent for the KGB. Anderson now has a secret weapon at his disposal, a squad of fanatical Russian-American Communist Party commandoes, who were on the way to blow up the Japanese embassy in Sacramento when the nukes fell and have been with him ever since.
Monterrey peninsula: On the Monterey peninsula, most of the lovely old towns have been burned and looted by refugees from the San Francisco area. The plaid waters of Monterey Bay are now home to the "Sea Gypsies", a collection of private boat and yacht owners from the coastal areas working together for mutual survival.
Hunter Ligget Military Reservation: Abandoned in 1963 as unneeded by 5th Army Command, with everything that wasn't welded down moved north to Fort Ord. The base is now held by a mixed bag of petty thieves and squatters.
Fort Ord Military Reservation: This former basic training center is now a major link on the chain of MilGov enclaves stretching down the coast of California. Just this year, Fort Ord has become the home of the new 6th Infantry Division (2,200 men). The old 6th ID was deactivated here in 1956 and reactivated in late 1963, though it is an Infantry Division in name only. In reality, it is no more than regimental or even battalion strength, composed largely of administrative MOS soldiers, trainees, and service troops reinforced by local militia units impressed into federal service. Vehicles are in very short supply, almost all of them have been transferred from the San Francisco garrisons to give the new division some level of mobility. Currently the 6th ID has four M48A2 Patton tanks, two M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks, two M88 ARVs, one M8 armored car, one M113 APC, eight M75 APCs, one M559 ammunition carrier, two towed M101 105mm howitzers and a towed 20mm anti-aircraft gun. The majority of the troops will be transported in 25 5-ton trucks and eleven deuce-and-a-halves, and commandeered civilian vehicles not suitable for entering a combat zone but sufficient to get the men close to where they need to be. The unit commander is Major General Gerald Plaspohl, who is trying hard to build an effective fighting force but feels like he is not getting much support from the main enclave in San Jose. Recent actions with marauders in the mountains have caused casualties, but the bandits are poor fighters and the soldiers have always came out on top. The division has just this month received orders to being preparing to move south towards Bakersfield. General LeMay in Colorado Springs has personally contacted General Plaspohl and warned him that perhaps one day soon the 6th ID might be called upon to contain the 40th AD if it leaves the MilGov fold. General Plaspohl has already heard that Lake in Bakersfield is thinking about going independent, but he finds it hard to believe that it will come to Americans fighting Americans.
Vandenburg Air Force Base: The massive satellite launching facilities at Vandenburg AFB were nuked by a AS-3 Kangaroo cruise missile fired from a Tu-95K-20 Bear B strategic bomber that came over the Pacific from Siberia, avoiding much of the radar cover by swinging so far out to sea. The hit came on October 31, 1962, three days after most of the strikes, surprising everyone who thought that by that time Russia was out of bombers. The 800 kiloton warhead ground-burst almost dead on top of SPACECOM's hardened command center, causing extremely localized heavy damage and wildly indiscriminate fallout. Vandenburg also had a secondary ICBM role, but the three Atlas D ICBM launchers were caught still on the ground and destroyed. Local damage was severe and towns as far away as Ventura, Santa Barbara and Santa Maria were damaged by the resulting forest fires that swept through the area. There are today just a handful of personnel still left at the base working to salvage what is left. The real treasure here has yet to be uncovered. It is a cache of some 20 nuclear artillery shells that were stockpiled at the facility awaiting retirement. All 20 are Mk-9 15 kiloton warheads for the Army's M65 280mm howitzers. The shells stand about 5 feet high and weigh about 800 pounds each, so moving them any distance would take an organized effort. This is a potentially power-swinging find. Considering that General Lake already has one nuke from Vandenburg, it is safe to say that he would be interested in having these as well.
Castle: Along the coast, west of San Miguel, is San Simeon, a ruined town now home to about 165 marauders and bikers called the "New Brotherhood Army" who occupy the former palace of William Randolph Hearst. They are led by a former captain in the California State Police and a Black Muslim civil rights leader from Los Angeles named Alim Nassor, and they claim to be the legitimate government of California. They lead a very difficult life and suspicion is that they have resorted to cannibalism for food. San Miguel itself is home of the "Free Love" group, beatniks who have so far avoided being killed by the bikers in the castle.
In the rolling hills and valleys of this pine forest north of LA, there are numerous isolated survivor enclaves, living off the plentiful game and fish to be had. The larger towns in the forest have mostly been abandoned as being to vulnerable to marauder attacks and fires. Neither the US Army to the north nor the Mexican Army to the south send patrols too deeply into the forest--they most likely won't come back alive.
Santa Barbara: This coastal town is now held by three separate outlaw gangs, all of which hate each other. The north of the city is held by the "Bandits", a couple hundred strong. The center is held by the "Rats", who require you to eat a rat to gain entrance, and the south is held by the "Dinks", who are known for stringing up victims around their territory as a warning to others. Around them they have little but ruins to fight over and this winter will probably kill them all off.
Ventura: This coastal town along the southern edge of the forest is now a cantonment of the Constitutionalist Mexican 2nd Army (all of the Mexican Army units in the state are loyal to the Constitutionalist faction). The unit is the 1st Brigada (Mechanized), detailed to watch for incursions from the US military in central California down Highway 101, and to pretty much ignore anything to the south. They have heavily fortified the northern approaches to the ruins of the city and concentrate their firepower there. Manpower is 700 men, with six M8 armored cars, three M2A1 halftracks, one M8 self-propelled howitzer and four towed 75mm howitzers. They receive very infrequent supply ship traffic from Mexico, but keep part of the docks open nevertheless. Ventura under Mexican rule has a squalid, Third World feel to it. Power is erratic, fresh water and food are hard to come by, and order is fragile, but most people make do anyhow. Crime is rampant, and at night, gunfights are prone to erupt without warning. Because the "lights have stayed on", people are beginning to return to Ventura, which only adds to the problems of the struggling Mexican garrison.
Santa Clarita: The 2nd Regimento Caballeria, the largest Mexican Army unit in the area, is enclaved in this city along I-5 north of Los Angeles, detailed to watch for incursions from the US military to the north. The regiment currently has some 1,000 men, with two M4 Sherman tanks, eight M8 armored cars, four M2A1 halftracks, two M3A1 White scout cars, twenty-five jeeps and numerous civilian vehicles. With such a large mechanized potential, this regiment is also used as an emergency reserve to rescue any threatened Mexican unit.
The Channel Islands: Just 25 miles offshore from Ventura is Anacapa Island, the easternmost of the Channel Islands. In 1962, immediately upon news of the first nuclear strikes, the crew of an Amsterdam-flagged oil freighter off Oxnard moved out to Anacapa Island to wait out the war, finding a little spot nestled away to anchor. Taking a vote, the crew decided that they would go ashore and the 20-man crew dispersed, leaving their ship to rust at anchor. This tanker is still afloat two years later and 75% full of crude oil, constituting a big asset to whoever finds it first. The Mexicans at Ventura are beginning to use local fishing boats to feed their troops and it is just a matter of time before one of them spots the tanker.
From the Mexican border to Bakersfield the state is occupied by the Mexicans, a few marauder gangs, scattered small farms and farming communities and wild animals. Heavily effected by the nuclear exchanges, the southern half of the state melted in upon itself. Southern California was then invaded by the Mexican Army in 1964, adding to the misery. Refugees coming to the state looking for food and better conditions turn north to Sacramento. Food and fuel shortages across the western states have caused erroneous rumors about the lack of such shortages in southern California. Civilians are moving back into the LA area looking for food, not knowing the deplorable situation there. Currently, you have a cantonment system, with the Mexicans holding all of Southern California except for a pocket centered on Camp Pendleton and the northern heights above Mission Valley. The Mexican 2nd Army in southern California is in poor condition with very low troop densities due to the limited number of units in the area vis-*-vis the tremendous acreage they have to control. They have settled into their own cantonments across SoCal.
Too many hungry mouths:Lack of food is the biggest problem in the region today. Without irrigation, agriculture is a tough prospect here. Southern California, and most of the Southwest in general, has suffered a higher loss of its population than wetter places in the country, 60-75% casualties by 1964 are not unreasonable. Some locales (like San Diego) have even higher losses, while a few rainy locations in the mountains are still able to support most of their pre-war population. Depending on location and the water situation, perhaps 50-75% of the surviving population is now working in agriculture year-round. This doesn’t leave a lot of excess labor for supporting the machines of war, even if all the local labor is turned to supporting the Mexican Army units in the cantonments. As well, the Americans pressed into servicing the Mexican vehicles and equipment often inflict high sabotage losses on the Mexicans. Beyond the confines of the fire-bombed cities only a few hardy farmers and small-town dwellers have stayed to keep their land. Most of the refugees from the fires, famines and deaths of LA and San Diego fled north to the less-heavily hit areas of San Francisco and Sacramento where government aid was more accessible. Those farmers that stayed armed themselves and set about wresting food from the soil without the aid of pesticides, fertilizers and the other assistances of techno-farming. The farmers did well enough to feed themselves and poorly enough to dissuade the government from trying to redistribute their crops. This self-reliance lasted until the summer of 1964 when the weather turned dry and the Mexicans invaded. What crops were grown in the areas invaded were then "requisitioned" by the Mexicans. By the fall of 1964, the military situation stabilized into a stalemate with the Mexican and US forces firmly entrenched in their respective bases, glowering at each other across central California. Both sides patrol and raid, engaging each other on a sporadic basis. The Mexican invasion provided the farms and the still-settled communities with the one commodity that they needed to survive--guns. When military engagements were over, the townsfolk would scavenge the battlefield to find weapons and ammunition. Eventually those farms that acquired enough firepower to repulse raiders survived, those that didn’t were destroyed.
On October 28, 1962 a Russian SS-7 Saddler ICBM dropped in western Los Angeles in the area between Inglewood and Venice. The flash was seen as far north as Ventura and as far south as Newport. The 6 megaton warhead airburst relatively high, causing massive firestorms and destruction but leaving many outlying hard structures such as warehouses, some freeway infrastructure, and massive amounts of rail and railways intact. Within seconds, millions of tons of stored petroleum products in Torrance, Carson, El Segundo and Wilmington and elsewhere burst into flame. Fuel lines leading to offshore oil rigs snapped, setting the floating crude aflame. The results were predictable, within minutes the city burned with uncontrollable fires as the surviving residents fled the metropolis for higher and safer ground. The survivors ranged out into the countryside, where they threatened to overwhelm the smaller rural communities. The situation hopeless, the remaining US military forces (except for the garrison at Camp Pendleton) were pulled out of the area and shipped north and west. The city was left to the scavengers. When the fires burned out many of the citizens returned to salvage what they could, and some of these stayed in the ruined city, having no where else to go. Despite the lack of utilities of any sort, people survived, improvising for sustenance. The state and federal governments initially tried to sent aid and help in cleaning up the damage. They barricaded the areas most heavily hit, mostly to keep down on radiation related deaths. The abnormally cold winter of 1962 (it snowed four times in southern California that first winter) and the lack of proper food killed off many of the aged and infirmed. The following summer of 1963, plague and disease swept the city, killing off people trying to rebuild the industry and population. When the Mexicans moved north from the border in the summer of 1964, the city was a ghost town that they could ignore, its reputation as a plague-nest motivated both sides to avoid it. LA did not die entirely, however. A few souls stayed in it, unwilling to move elsewhere. For the brave, the city still holds treasures of technology--weapons, working machinery, undamaged circuitry, preserved food and other remnants of the golden age of America. The unearthed resources are often traded with outlying communities for food and water, two of the rarest items in all of LA. Some stayed to loot the city, others came to raid the looters, taking their finds and paying for them with violence. The gangs, which LA was famous for, that stayed in the concrete canyons fought amongst themselves for the best areas and the newest finds. With law and order vanished from the streets, the gangs armed themselves and established their own areas of the city where none dared enter without their permission. Outside of the gang areas only the crazed or daring roam.
The city today: The problems of the city in 1964 are symptomatic of the conditions of the rest of the country--lack of food, lack of order, barbarism, and deterioration of technology. The situation is worsened in LA by the radioactive dust which still coats parts of the city. There is much irradiated metal in the blast area and the dust is still fallout-tainted enough that everyone in the city has elevated radiation levels of some sort. The city is characterized by the burnt-out remains of its once proud buildings. The nuclear blasts that hit the west side only started the damage, unfought fires did the rest. Under the hypocenter, the area from Inglewood to Venice on the coast is completely demolished, a desolate rubbled wasteland of no buildings or hills. Most of the remaining inhabitants acquire water from the rivers and the reservoirs in and outside of the city, though drinking reservoir water is not safe due to the level of pollution in it. The only food left in the city is preserved canned goods and the feral animals (mostly rats) that still live in the city. LA in 1964 is a crazy, violent and exciting place to be. The city is now divided between dozens of armed factions, each organized along racial, cultural, or ethnic lines. Many were built around a core membership of former street gangs. Estimates of total population hover around the 35 to 50,000 range, which seems large but it is spread out.
The gangs of LA: The social order in LA is now very violent, feudal, and barbaric. There are about 150 or 175 gangs in currently the LA basin, ranging in size from 5 to 50 or more people, but that number changes almost weekly. Most are unfriendly with each other and fights over turf and spoils are common.
Weirds: Perhaps the largest of the gangs is the "Great California Weirds". Survivors of both the nuclear attack and the collapse of society that followed it, the Weirds have developed a peculiar lifestyle of scavenging and predation. There are perhaps 1,000 members who claim to be Weirds, though that number is fluid, and they can be found all over the metroplex. Although they will fight ferociously when cornered, as a rule, Weirds avoid direct confrontation with outsiders, and thus live a very isolated and timid existence. To supplement their diet of passing strangers, they grow small vegetable gardens in isolated plots scattered about the ruins. They also hunt rats, coyotes, pigeons, and other wildlife that inhabit the ruins ecosystem. Despite this precarious-sounding lifestyle, the Weird population is actually growing. In the last year, they have increasing turned to trade, exchanging scavenged items for food and clothing with their neighbors. People on the run, such as military deserters and criminals, find that the Weirds are willing to take in strangers who prove themselves useful, though these people usually have to perform an apprenticeship as a near slave for a number of months before being fully accepted.
Who?: Any attempts at listing of the resident gangs of the city are formidable and maybe useless, but here are some of the more prominent ones. Rich leads the 500-strong "Dukes", Chico leads the "Swords", Manuel runs the "Mayans", Bull leads the "Busters", Hal leads the "Fifth Street Lords", Dicky runs the "Blades", Sally runs the "Mixers", Josh runs the "Angels", Ruth runs the "Macys", Chang runs the "Tokyos", Fang runs the "Hill Street Avengers", Brute runs the mostly gay "White Men", Leroy runs one of the larger all-black gangs, the "New Africans", Carmine runs the mostly lesbian "Women", Cash runs the "Surfers", Jimmy runs the "Indios", Stan runs the "Flat Rocks", Bobby runs the "Ponys", DeeDee runs the "Pocos", Ishmal runs the "Boogies", and Junkyard runs the "Skulls". After the Mexican invasion several street gangs banded together to fight the invaders, some fighting for patriotism, some fighting because they found the Mexican army intolerant of non-Mexicans. By late 1964, the Mexican Army is attempting to gain a loose control over greater Los Angeles through a series of feudal agreements with local warlords sympathetic to them. Time will tell how smart this is.
The suburbs are all different in terms of physical condition and the numbers and attitudes of their inhabitants. Below are a few of the more notable suburbs, focusing on the people who live in that particular part of the city.
San Bernardino: The city of San Bernardino was ravaged by food riots and panic during the weeks after the chaos, and it shows clearly in the number of wrecked buildings, burned-out skyscrapers, and highways leading in and out cluttered with column upon column of old abandoned cars, trucks, and other vehicles left to rust and disintegrate under the ugly yellow sun. Despite the eerie appearance of this lost ruin and the horrific sight of its crowded, congested roads, San Bernardino has become a major outpost of the trade. The city is now home to the "West Side Posse" (300 men). This group was formed from the remnants of several Southern California street gangs, and operates in Mexican-held territory from San Bernardino in the east to Long Beach in the west and from San Fernando in the north to San Diego in the south. Several members of this group are Mexican-American and have put their language skills to good use the actions against the Mexican Army. San Bernardino is also home of the 100-man "Raiders", which has formed an alliance with the Mexican army. This group exists for more base reasons than the West Side Posse, power, food and shelter. They and the West Side Posse are blood rivals and when one side encounters the other, no quarter is given. The Raiders serve as scouts and advance warning of a U.S. attack. The Raiders patrol I-15 through the San Bernardino National Forest, ambushing the weak and shadowing the strong. They have many Mexican-supplied rifles and even a 75mm recoilless rifle mounted on a pick-up. This support has made them greedy and they have great dreams of uniting all of SoCal under their rule.
Hollywood: In the Hollywood area is the "Hollywooder" gang operating out of the old studios and silent-film stages of the Paramount complex. They have 60 members and are strong enough to resist aggression from other gangs and mobile enough to raid for food and fuel. The Hollywooders do everything in style, preferring extravagant dress and flashy vehicles (meaning the rust spots are painted over). Hollywood itself is a shambles with many of the larger buildings crumpled by the blast wave and fires played havoc with the wooden sets.
Compton, Lynwood, Carson, Torrance and Lomita: These suburbs were all burned badly in the fires after the nuclear strike in 1962. Few people still live in these areas and reconstruction is a distant dream.
Santa Ana: Santa Ana is home to the "Brighton River Reavers", a strong but localized gang. They have a peculiar fondness for using motorboats and rowboats to voyage up the Santa Ana River on their raids. Reaver armaments are typical of other LA gangs, consisting of improvised bombs, melee weapons and a few firearms.
Sunset Beach: The "Sunset Beach Boys" are an all-male gang who make their livelihood fishing from the beach and spend most of their free time surfing and sunning. They live relatively well, scavenging the ruins and bothered by few other gangs.
Seal Beach: The "Seal Beach Girls" are a all-female gang holing up inside the old Rockwell Intelligence Facility outside the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. They survive by hunting the wildlife that still occupies the wildlife refugee next to them.
South Gate: Badly burned by the fires in 1962, South Gate is home to a struggling survivor enclave known as "Dogtown" because of the numerous packs of wild dogs in the area.
Downtown: The LA Zoo is a mess, the pens full of skeletons. Man's Chinese Theatre is in ruins. Thugs occupy the City Hall. Dodge Stadium is littered with trash and skeletons. Little Tokyo is a field of cinders from a fire tow years ago. The University of Southern California campus is wrecked. A religious sect called the "Followers" live in the ruins of the main branch of the Los Angeles Public Library.
El Toro US Marine Corps Airfield: Used for evacuating refugees and the temporary local military HQ during the crazy last months of 1962, this large airfield is now abandoned and littered with junk.
Disneyland:This old amusement park is held by insurgents, who have some old WWII artillery.
Irvine: Irvine is home to the "Holy City" of the Reverend Norton Jaybush and his "Church of the Resurrected Republic", who demand cannibal sacrifices of their followers.
Anaheim: The suburb of Anaheim is still home to some 10,000 people, mostly in the northern part of the city as the southern half has been heavily burned.
Garden Grove: Just a few people are still living in the ruins of the suburb of Garden Grove.
Ontario: The big airport at Ontario is destroyed.
Signal Hill: This area was home to numerous oil refineries which burned and devastated the whole area.
Los Angeles Harbor: The harbor is a mess, though not as bad as expected. The half-sunken remains of a Navy destroyer, a freighter and several smaller ships are still visible, as well as a large passenger liner still lying on her side. A tug boat is up on the waterfront, clear in the middle of a street, pushed there by a storm this summer. The famed liner Queen Mary sits in the silty mud off the mouth of Los Angeles River in Long Beach, where she was beached following the nuclear attack on LA that damaged her. She is slowly being broken by wave action and the eroding of the sand, soon the vessel will snap under her own weight.
March Air Force Base:This former SAC base is completely abandoned, having been looted to the extreme over the years. The desert has done a good job of reclaiming the airbase, and stubby cactus, pinion, and scrub brush have taken over the runways. Scattered across the base are a number of derelict, weather-beaten aircraft, including an F-104A Starfighter and several dozen four-engined bombers. The only planes that might even remotely be salvaged are three C-123B Provider transport planes which have been protected from the elements in hangers.
Catalina Island: Some 20 miles off of the coast of Los Angeles, Catalina was far enough away from the Los Angeles-area strike to be unaffected by the blast effects, and the steady onshore breeze protected it from any fallout. The residents of Catalina have survived largely by fishing the surrounding waters and farming some of the nearby islands. What the islanders can't produce is acquired through selective (and clandestine) looting of the nearby city. The islanders’ fishing fleet consists of sixteen small sailboats, nine small motorboats, and eleven medium motorboats, all of which use alcohol fuel. The island is protected by the "Avalon Naval Guard", which is commanded by retired Navy Admiral John Dumas and composed largely of former Navy and Coast Guard personnel who had been living on Catalina. With the war, the military veterans living in Avalon and Two Harbors gravitated towards Dumas’ leadership. Although Dumas refused to take charge of the communities, he did agree to assume leadership of the hastily-raised militia that maintained order on the island and protected it from the few mainlander attacks that occurred. He also organized the salvage teams that brought back much-needed items from the mainland, including specially selected animals and the heavy weaponry used to defend the island. Admiral Dumas is now 72 years old, although he appears to be in his mid to late 40s due to his active outdoors lifestyle. He is a tall, rangy man who can often be found riding along with one of the horse-mounted beach patrols. Although he favors MilGov, Dumas has agreed with the Avalon City Council that the island should remain neutral and keep a low profile. The backbone of the Naval Guard is a five-vessel “flotilla”. The primary patrol craft are the gunboats Taurus and Sea King, both medium motorboats each armed with a .50-caliber machine gun and manned by a crew of six. The Taurus is based out of Avalon, while the Sea King is based out of Two Harbors. The gunboats are backed-up as necessary by the 12-man crew of the USCGC Point Francis, an 82-foot long Coast Guard patrol boat that had been visiting Avalon when the war occurred and now serves as the flagship of the Avalon Naval Guard. Another pair of medium motorboats (the Lady Macbeth and the Freeloader) that have been stripped down to the bare minimum are used primarily to bring back salvage from Los Angeles. These cargo vessels themselves are unarmed, but the 4-man crews are armed with revolvers and assault rifles. Both vessels are based out of Avalon, and are usually deployed together under the protection of the Taurus. Admiral Dumas has been showing some recent interest in the wreck of the liner SS Queen Mary, though he is keeping his plans a secret. The Mexican Army forces occupying Los Angeles do not possess any significant naval capability, so the Mexicans have been more-or-less ignoring (if they have not completely forgotten about) Catalina Island.
Between the metroplexes of LA and San Diego are rolling, forested hills and farms. There are numerous survivor enclaves in this area. Lately the Indians on the LaJolla Indian Reservation have been moving out into the Cleveland National Forest to the north, claiming the land as their own.
Palm Springs: A strong survivor enclave, this desert resort town survives because of the wealth of its mostly affluent residents. Soon after the chaos started, the town formed a militia to aid the police and barbed wire barricades and pit bunkers were erected along the roads leading into the town to discourage marauders and violent refugees. The Mexican invasion curiously bypassed Palm Springs, probably because the current mayor is Hispanic and has expressed a desire to live in peace with both nations. The town now has 50 full-time police officers and some 100 part-time militiamen who drill once a week and keep themselves armed and ready.
Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base: The dominant feature of this area has to be this huge base. When the Mexicans invaded in 1964, the US military pulled back to the mountainous terrain of this base and dug in. During their initial push across the border the Mexicans wisely bypassed the enclave, realizing that it would be suicide to try and crack that nut. From the beginning, the units here could have easily moved north, but their position was so secure and homey that they have chosen to stay. MilGov Command in Northern California is content to keep them here, sure that one day they will link up with them when they finally decide to kick the Mexicans out.
US Military at the camp: The main combat unit is the 3rd Battalion/70th Armored Regiment (900 men, eight M60 tanks and four M57 APCs). This was one of the 5th Infantry Division's tank battalions which was stationed at Fort Irwin supporting the Combat Developments Command's test and evaluation programs and formed the OPFOR training cadre at Fort Irwin Field Training Equipment Concentration Site, where it was known as the “60th Guards Motorized Division”. Much of the battalion stock was siphoned off as vehicle replacements for active units during 1963 and the unit hade to make do with trucks, jeeps and other vehicles. On May 1, 1964, the battalion received frantic orders to deploy to Chula Vista and hold San Diego against the advancing Mexican Army. The battalion never made it there in time, but did manage to meet the Mexican thrust just north of San Diego. They performed well despite a lack of heavy weapons and superior numbers of the Mexican Army. It held for a week, enabling significant numbers of civilians to flee northwards. The battalion then retreated to Camp Pendleton in a series of skillful rearguard actions. Here they took in the armored vehicles that were pooled at the base, distributing them between the battalion 's component companies. These included the tanks and APCs, along with dozens of Marine Corps Amtrak's and some 105mm artillery pieces. It prefers to be referred to as the 60th Guards Motorized Division, a title that the men are strangely proud of. Along with the armor, the forces here have a lot of wheeled transport and mobility is possible through a carefully husbanded supply of gasoline at the base. Other units "stranded" here include the 300-man 316th Engineer Battalion (Combat), which was providing relief to the Los Angeles area when the Mexican invasion occurred. Also here is the 33rd Marine Battalion (Provisional) (800 men), which was formed with excess personnel from several Marine Corps and Navy support units based at Camp Pendleton, as well as personnel from the former Marine Corps and Navy bases in the San Diego area that were evacuated here following the Mexican invasion. Operational air assets at Pendleton MCAS are limited to seven planes (three F-3D Skyknights, one F-9 Panther, three A-1 Skyraiders, and a small Caribou transport plane) and eleven helicopters (six UH-1s, three CH-43s and four CH-47s). Avgas is strictly rationed and only the Caribou and the helicopters fly on any regular basis. The garrison was augmented in late summer 1964 by troops from the Naval Training Center and Twenty-nine Palms base, who the Mexicans coming west through Arizona pushed back towards Los Angeles. The Marines and NTC troops managed to fight a very long, very bloody withdrawal south to Orange County, eventually reaching the Pendleton enclave. At the base's docks are three ships, one of them a LST, which sometimes make resupply runs north to San Francisco. Water is scarce, but rationing works, there are creeks in the mountains, and the Marine engineers eventually got the San Onofre power plant back online and their first customer was their desalination facilities. Much like the situation to the north at Bakersfield, it is quite obvious that the base's troops could easily roll over the Mexican Army elements attempting to siege them at anytime they wished. They choose not to because there is really no need to as yet.
Escondido: Home of the Mexican 2nd Army's La Paz Brigade, tasked with watching and nominally besieging the Camp Pendleton base. The commander is Commandante Jorge Vasquez and he is under no pretenses who is besieging who. Manpower is 1,200 men, with one captured M41 Walker Bulldog light tank, three M8 armored cars, three M2A1 halftracks, six jeeps and numerous civilian vehicles.
The war: This vital port city and US military town was hit by two nuclear weapons during the night of October 28, 1962. The first came from the Russian Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-103. The 1 megaton SS-N-4 SLBM targeted at the naval installations missed a little to the south and detonated in an airburst just offshore of Imperial Beach. The resulting shockwave pummeled Coronado, the Silver Strand State Beach, and miles of beachfront into radioactive dust before the angry waters of the Pacific, foaming in superheated steam, rushed in to fill the crater. A few hours later, a SS-6 ICBM came flying in from central Russia. The 3 megaton warhead ground burst inland, glassing over San Diego's East County into a broad, curving plain of smooth-cooled rock. Flash-lit grass fires and bursting natural gas lines devastated large portions of the north side of the city and from Imperial Beach, north to the Soledad Freeway, and from the Pacific east to the Sweetwater River, all was charred into rubble by the firestorms.
Today: The eastern part of the city from La Mesa down through Lemon Grove to Chula Vista is a vast stretch of urban ruins and broken radioactive terrain with entire ranges of hills and small mountains that once characterized the region swept clean. What remains is slowly being reclaimed by nature, either as tangled mutant forests or vast tracts of blowing sand and ash. The actual bomb crater is still there, now half-filled with stagnant, radioactive water. Food and water are both fairly scarce, and the city's population has dwindled to about 12,000. Central San Diego, below Balboa Park is a confused mix of semi-ruined buildings, burnt-out shells, and vast rubble fields. Some of the old San Diego street grid remains, and desperate squatters still live in the shattered tenements atop Kyu-Do Hill. The twisted remains of humanity and life exist on a day to day basis here--ragged refugees farming open plots and scavenging the ruins for canned food. Ruthless downtown gangs, most armed only with hammers and crude spears, make this area their hunting ground, culling the weak. More refugees hide underneath the streets, finding its warrens of abandoned sewers and buried city sections a haven from the bandits and Mexican Army patrols. The West Mission Bay Causeway is down, blocking the entrance to Mission Bay and sometimes, when the tide is low, the twisted and forlorn arch of the Coronado Bay Bridge is visible, awash in currents of refuse and dead seabirds. The rest of Coronado and the bridge's onramps are completely submerged as far south as the amphibious base where the Mexican garrison is. The world-renown San Diego Zoo is now animal-free, the exhibits having become dinner for hungry survivors, and the empty buildings and paddocks are now home to refugees and bandits. At the city’s old heart, huge steel towers of former dockyards rise right from the waters like drowned skeletal giants. The Imperial Beach nuke played havoc with the Navy Fleet based here, and today the harbor is choked with the half-exposed, grounded remains of rusted and burned-out transports and warships and even two nuclear submarines. Tidal changes often reveal the presence of unexploded but leaking nuclear warheads from sunken Navy ships still submerged off the coast and throughout the city’s harbor.
Invasion and occupation: If twin nuclear attacks weren't enough, in 1964, the Mexican 2nd Army crossed the border almost without a shot fired and occupied the city ruins. "Aztlan" rebels (Chicano nationalist gangs) in the southern suburbs took to the streets, attacking the remaining local police and other authorities, and welcomed the Mexican forces across the border The Mexican Army for a time tried to clean up the city before giving up. They collected untold thousands of the dead and disposed of them to cut down on disease, trucking them to a huge dumping ground south of Spring Valley and north of the reservoir and let the rats eat them. The area is still infested and the reservoir still provides water to many in the city, furthering the disease problem. The Aztlan gangs still control the southern edges of the city. They are armed with rifles, pistols, shotguns, grenades, and machine guns. They also have some artillery, and many shells looted from the military bases, but they don't know how to use them and the Mexican Army wisely won't teach them.
Mexican enclave: Today, the bulk of the Mexican troops are holed up on Coronado Island at the old USN amphibious base. The main unit here is the Ensenada Brigade (800 men). The brigade has recently renamed itself the "Peoples' Army" in light of their new conversion to the cause of Hispanic justice, though only the officers are committed to the cause. The soldiers here are deathly afraid of the looming mass of the city to the east. Any day now, they are sure, the rabble hiding in the ruins will band together and swarm the island with their rakes and clubs and kill them all. They are a motley bunch, with mismatched uniforms and ancient Springfield carbines and they have just six large military trucks for transport. Despite their weaknesses, they have tried as best they could to repair the fences around the base and have dug in emplacements to guard the approaches. They operate an old former LST renamed the Spirit of May 5, and they use it occasionally to move supplies around. At North Island Naval Air Station is one surviving F-3H Demon fighter jet of VF-213 "Blacklions" squadron, now owned by the Mexican Army. There is ample fuel for the jet but it rarely flies anymore, the one qualified pilot refusing to fly for the Mexicans unless bribed with women and booze. Recently, some Russians have made their way across the Southwest and are looking for transport across the Pacific.
From the Sierra Nevadas south to the Mexican border, the arid Mojave desert of southeastern California is nearly empty today. Most of the smaller towns have been deserted and looted with the surviving residents moved into the larger towns along the rivers.
Pine Valley: The Mexican Army operates several cantonments in the mountains west of San Diego. The biggest is here at Pine Valley, home of the Tepic Brigade (2,000 men and one M-8 armored car), formerly a component unit of the Mexican 2nd Army. In late August, the commander was murdered by a group of mutineers who support the Nationalist faction of the Mexican government. They have started to plan a move back to Mexico City to take control. The unit is a motley crew, even by 1964 standards--Cavalrymen ride with loot strapped to their saddles, captured Studebakers and Dodges tow light field guns, open Chevrolets hold tarp-covered mortars in their beds, and farm tractors haul great howitzers. Disciple has collapsed in the wake of the mutiny and former Tepic Brigade soldiers-turned-marauders can be found ranging from San Diego down to Baja and as far east as Las Vegas.
Mount Palomar Observatory: Following the nukes, the facility was looted and trashed by punks, with the museum burnt and the telescope sadly riddled with bullet holes. The mountaintop complex is now the home of a survivor commune known as the "Stronghold". The area has become a fortified enclave of safety through the works of California State Senator Jellison and his staff, who were instrumental in pulling together the right people during the chaos and moving out to the observatory. They have cleared fields for food and control their boundaries well. They have a well-stocked armory that includes two field artillery pieces (though with no ammunition for them) looted from a National Guard training center. Their main goal for now is to be left alone to grow and prosper.
Twenty-nine Palms Marine Corps Base: The 1,000-man Regimento Infanteria Activo Tijuana of the Mexican 2nd Army has occupied the base since late summer. The unit arrived here in June of this year, finding it abandoned, the American troops here having evacuated west for the Camp Pendleton enclave. The base, a graveyard of outdated military vehicles, equipment, and discarded wrecks, is fast becoming a trade city of sorts in the region, lying as it does along the routes to the west and east. The Mexicans have repaired the base's water-treatment plant and fortified the perimeter. Enough electric power has been restored to power the watchtowers and searchlights to guard the approaches, and fences of barbed wire, burned-out cars, sandbags, and even old crates and concrete road blocks surround the base buildings in an improved perimeter. The Mexicans sell off minor military items (old web gear, helmets, body armor, and sometimes arms and munitions) in exchange for water, foodstuffs, and other goods not readily available among the junk heaps. They also possesses a small fleet of refurbished jeeps and cars and have two old USMC World War II-vintage F4U Corsair fighters still in flying condition.
Needles: Needles is a small town that has big problems. With almost no goods to trade, Needles is little more than a small tribal community, although one that believes in the high ideals of pre-War America. About 2,000 people still call Needles home. Recently they have been under siege by a large motorized gang known as "Red Horse". The gang is large but swift with a variety of vehicles and they sport some serious weaponry.
Blythe: A town of 5,000 under the control of a 250-strong marauder gang called the "Patriots", holed up in an abandoned subdivision. Led by a Colonel "Texas Jim" Holland, formerly of the US Army Reserves, the gang is armed with assault rifles, grenades, and light mortars.
Mojave: Home of the Mexican 2nd Army's Hermosillo Brigade which patrols I-40 east to Barstow and maintains a defensive line along the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The vehicles available to the brigade are spread thin and mostly concentrated on the eastern approaches to confront the US forces in Bakersfield. Manpower is 1,400 men, with two M8 armored cars, five M2A1 halftracks, six jeeps, and numerous civilian vehicles and unarmored trucks. Things are a little better around Mojave, mostly because of the protection of the Mexican military. There is some trade going on and Mojave still receives water from the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The town "officially" belongs to the Mexican Army, and pays taxes to it. This irks the townspeople to no end, but those taxes "pay" for the water that the Mexicans assure arrives, so nothing is done about it. Many farmers distrust any water coming down from what is left of the Aqueduct, since at one time it was heavily contaminated from nuclear fallout. The town is very organized and relatively populous because the local farmers have access to farm equipment, fertilizers, and pesticides.
Barstow: To the east of Mojave is the town of Barstow. Local residents have started to call their town "The Hub", as Barstow has become the hub of trade in the area. A large community of traders, barterers, gamblers, and other interesting scum, Barstow is a stop-off point for caravans north to central valley enclaves, east to Las Vegas, and south to Los Angeles. At any time there are around 12,000 to 14,000 people in town. Police presence isn't strong, and the wide variety of people passing through ensures that there is always something interesting going on. The rail lines through town are somewhat preserved, but would require a great deal of maintenance and repair before they would ever pass rail traffic again.
Desert training areas: Located north of Barstow, Fort Irwin Field Training Equipment Concentration Site and China Lake Naval Weapons Station are now just empty, barren lands. These large areas were used to train troops, but there is little evidence left that such took place. Most military hardware was parceled out by the US Army a year ago and the remaining forces shipped to the Camp Pendleton enclave ahead of the Mexican invasion. However, there are still some rusted-out tanks and armored personnel carriers, plus twisted wreckage of unknown origin to be found on both bases.
Edwards AFB: Out amongst the dummy target tanks of the desert gunnery training area of the base there is a small enclave of survivors. They are New Age proto-hippies from Texas called the "Dreamers' Collective" who have settled in the area to practice their alternative drug culture.
"The Lost Brigade": This group was originally comprised of US Army personnel cut off from their parent organization, the 91st Training Division, but now includes marauders, Mexican Army deserters and others with a total number near 300. This unit lives a semi-marauder existence, having lately fought both the Mexican Army and US government forces, but preferring to stay out of hostilities. Located mainly in the southeastern part of the state, small raiding parties can be found attempting to infiltrate into central California.
Later: The Rocky Mountain States!
SECTION TWO: The Rocky Mountains (Idaho, Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona)
Idaho in 1964 is a wild frontier of valley cities, sleepy mountain towns, disorganized marauders and organized survivalist enclaves, really no more than bandits seeking fresh loot and plunder. The changing weather patterns over the past two years have made Idaho warmer but dryer, prompting many civilians to leave the area in search of more stable food supplies. Most of the federal military and civilian leadership went also, leaving the residents to fend for themselves. Today, many areas are populated only by scavengers and die-hard farmers and ranchers.
10/28/62 Atlas-F Little Lost River valley Missfire
116th Armored Calvary Regiment--Twin Falls (800 men, 8 AFVs)
---2nd Battalion--Twin Falls
------Baker Company--Big Lost River valley (85 men, 3 AFVs)
Boise: Boise is still the capital of post-nuclear Idaho, with the highest population density and more businesses (legal or illegal) than any other city in the region. A bulk of the remaining Idaho National Guard is here, making the city secure and keeping the marauders out. The military here works closely with the men in Twin Falls to help patrol and clear out the Snake River valley. On the outskirts of Boise lies the old industrial district where before the war, large companies produced nearly everything from Coca Cola bottles to high-tech electronics in the now abandoned and run-down factories. The industrial district is inhabited by dozens of small looter gangs, ghouls and everybody who isn't accepted by the government of Boise. Neither law nor order are being enforced out here, giving everybody the freedom they want--if they can survive.
Nampa/Caldwell: To the west of Boise, the Caldwell and Nampa areas are now in ruins and the domain of looters and gleaners from Boise. Bits and pieces of useful salvage can be found in the remains of these cities, as well as scattered diehards who refused to become refugees and the occasional militia patrol from Boise. Just this fall, a survivalist group from Oregon, known only as the "Fighting 655th", moved into Nampa.
Mountain Home: Further down I-84, Mountain Home is now home of an outlaw gang called the "White Aryan Brotherhood" (locally known as the "Wabbies") who control everything in a twenty-mile wide circle, including the scant trade and travel along I-84. They are in conflict with the Boise defenders, but so far it has been a stalemate. The Wabbies have enslaved most of the locals who were still in Mountain Home to work the fields for them. To the west, the abandoned Mountain Home Air Force Base was once home to a complex of Titan I ICBMs. These missiles have long ago been sent on their way to targets in Russia and the empty silos are located in Bruneau, Oreana, and up near Boise.
Rupert: Rupert is held by a survivalist group called the "Starfighters", most of whom are the remains of a pre-war militant gay commune that was in the area. They now patrol everything for a ten-mile circle and strictly control the food-producing fields in their area.
Burley: Under control of a small marauder gang called the "Hellraisers". They are in a verbal war with the Starfighters in Rupert, who they consider to be subhuman.
Twin Falls: Currently a mostly empty, heavily looted city known for holding a eastern cantonment of Idaho National Guardsmen. The remnants of the 116th Armored Calvary Regiment (800 men, 8 AFVs), headquartered before the war in Twin Falls, have made the camp a fortified enclave. They are working with the Boise government to clear the Snake River valley of bandits and marauders. To this end, a winter offensive has been mounted against a particularly worrisome band of marauders to the north. The regiment's Baker Company of the 2nd Battalion has moved north to set up defensive positions. See below.
Challis National Forrest: The marauder band in question is called the "First Idaho Brigade", which is either a band of patriotic freedom fighters or a gang of cutthroat bandits, depending on your point of view. They are currently holed up in the dense woods around Borah Peak in the Lost River Mountain Range. They number some 300 effectives and include crack woodsmen, frank American Nazis, Republican farmers, meeting house fundamentalists, and radical libertarians along with opportunists and plain ol' thugs. They are led by Benedict Arnez, a WWII veteran and dreamer. They are well armed for a marauder band, having hit several armories and supply convoys over the last year, collecting several bazookas and light antitank weapons. They are aware of the Idaho National Guard's efforts to catch them, but are not too worried as they know the land and have the upper hand.
The Hunters: Baker Company, 2/116th ACR (85 men, three AFVs) is currently spread along Highway 93, roughly from Mackay Dam north to Milner. They are preparing to more east once they have established winter bases in the Big Lost River valley. The Mackay Dam garrison is just a squad of nine soldiers and a single M113 APC. The Milner garrison is the bulk of the company with forty men and two M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks and two armored personnel carriers. The regiment's Aviation Company is based in Chilly, providing air support and rapid troop transport with the limited fuel stocks available. Current strength is four CH-21 Shawnee assault helicopters, and the Chilly base is defended by a security platoon with 26 men, an M41 Duster antiaircraft tank, a jeep and a truck. Compared to other areas of the country, however, aviation fuel is plentiful and these helicopters will prove to be the best weapon for hunting the marauders in the thick forests.
In the rugged mountains of central and northern Idaho, the land is owned by a variety of survivalist and racist anti-government bands, mixed with hold-out ranchers and isolated Native American groups. There are also smaller out-of-state outlaw gangs wintering in and around the northern towns of Coeur d'Alene and Lewiston.
Ketchum: Home to a platoon of 38 Idaho National Guardsmen from Boise which is up here searching for raiders. They are planning on leaving the area soon and returning to Boise before the weather turns bad.
Own goal: On the night of October 28, 1962, a USAF Atlas-F ICBM was speeding northwest from the Lincoln missile complex in Nebraska towards Russia. Over Idaho the missile lost altitude control at 22,000 feet and began tumbling downwards. It impacted in the Salmon National Forest in the Little Lost River valley northeast of Arco, exploding in a 4 megaton atomic fireball, shattering the tops of many nearby mountains and setting the forest ablaze. As an effect of this wayward nuke, a survivalist compound burrowed into the crest of Blue Dome Mountain to the southeast was badly damaged. Fallout seeped in and killed off all the survivors, leaving a huge cache of food and weaponry for someone to one day find.
Nevada, never very populous before the war, is now even more empty. Irrigation once made semi-arid south Nevada fertile, but without water the land is rapidly returning to desert. The cities have largely been abandoned due to lack of food and clean water. The mountain ranges were home to ranches and drifters, and those that remain are secluded and fortified.
777th Engineer Utility Company--Warms Springs (45 men)
The war: Once the glittering jewel of the desert, this city is now demolished. After EMP knocked out electricity for pumping water, and the chaos removed any chance of it being fixed, Vegas was doomed. The city’s economy wasn’t based on anything useful, and few people were likely to put any resources into keeping the place going. Everybody who could, jumped in their cars and headed out into the desert, where many of them perished in short order as they ran into huge traffic jams out in the middle of nowhere. Those who remained in the city faced the threat of neither food nor water for an extended effort at survival. Once the water ran out in the middle of the hot summer of 1963, the last remains of civil authority pulled out west, leaving the city to the scavengers and die-hards.
The Mafia: The mobsters, rich with material and money, wisely evacuated Las Vegas as the chaos blossomed and moved south to where the water supply was more secure. By late 1962, most of the mobsters and their followers were out of the city. Today, they control the fertile area from Lake Mead down to Lake Mojave and Bullhead City, running it like a feudal state.
Those left behind: After the police with their guns and the Mafia with their money and leadership pulled out, the city was quickly looted by the scavengers. Whiskey and money being the first to go, despite the fact that money was then worthless. The looters wrecked the place in the process, with lots of infighting amongst the rival scavenging groups. The remaining power in the ruins of Las Vegas now is "Sheik" Abdullah X. Shabazz. The Sheik was once a low-level thug in a Vegas crime family. When the mobsters pulled out, he was left to fill the power vacuum. Consolidating all the criminal elements left in the city, he quickly took over, kicked out the scavengers and now rules with a firm if benevolent hand. He has dreams of reopening the casinos one day for the crowds of tourists that he is sure will return. His second-in-command, Randall Flagg, was once his boss, the head of the family that the Sheik worked for. Now he is bitter and plotting revenge against the Sheik. The Sheik has formed a militia of a rag-tag bunch of former Hispanic dish washers and janitors turned soldiers. Most of his soldiers are teenagers, all full of wonder and awe at having the run of this once fabled city. Their weapons are mainly old small arms, civilian mostly, with a few M-14s, one handmade mortar and one .30 cal LMG mounted on a beat-up old civie pickup truck. Shabazz's hangers-on included some smarter types and they have helped him restore some limited electrical power to his palace in the Desert Mirage hotel. The motel is surrounded by sandbags and barbed wire. Frank Sinatra is still in town and he still gives two shows a week at the Stardust, vocal only, of course, but the locals still flock to see him. Despite his best efforts, however, with the lack of steady water and the dwindling supply of food, there is little hope for Shabazz's kingdom. I-15, running through Las Vegas and across the state's lower point, is now a derelict-choked shooting gallery. Gangs of outlaws prey on the scant traffic on the road, avoiding only the areas controlled by the local powers. The largest gang, called the "Nine Hells" and led by a warlord named "Caliban" has been looking to clear out the area of competitors to make way for expansion of "the chosen".
Nellis Air Force Base: The Sheik's followers have also taken over the abandoned Nellis AFB to the north of the city and are currently trying to refurbish some aircraft that were left behind by the military when they left. These include three helicopters--two Huey gunships and a Navy Sea King--and three Nevada Air National Guard A-4 Skyhawks. They have had some success with restoring the planes, but only have one qualified jet pilot in the city. This man, a former Marine and PanAm pilot, is aware of his value to the Sheik and is maneuvering his way into a position of power within the Vegas scene. There are an estimated 150 to 200 of the Sheik's soldiers here now guarding his prizes. To the north of the base, the abandoned underground base beneath Nellis is now home to a group of Neoluddites who have renamed the base "Earthwomb". They basically just sit around and do drugs and wait for the spaceship to return for them.
To the northwest, towards the capital of Carson City and Reno, things are a little better than they are in Vegas. In the wild high desert scrub lands that make up about 90% of the state, most towns, like Ely and Wells, are deserted and looted.
Indian Springs Air Force Base: Abandoned and utterly stripped and looted, having been swamped by refugees and marauders that overran the remaining guards in 1963.
Nellis AFB Test and Bombing Range: Now home to only one soldier, the rest having fallen prey to a rat-borne plague.
Reno: Reno, with some 16,000 people, is a gambling city still run by gangsters and drug dealers. Four crime families control Reno today--the Mordinos, the Wrights, the Bishops, and the Salvatores. The Salvatores control the illegal weapons trade, the Mordinos control drugs, the Bishops deal with prostitution and the pornography industry, while the Wrights try to grab whatever is left. The street violence can be severe in a place like this and lot of the buildings have been burnt down or blasted. The main drag is pretty well cleared of rubble and garbage to allow some peaceful trade. It also serves as a base for the "Slavers Guild", a group that deals in Hispanic slave laborers. Without any police at all, Reno exists in a state of near anarchy, although a street-smart person could do very well here, especially if they found work with one of the crime families.
Jackpot: Jackpot, on the Idaho border, was once a gamblers paradise. Many nature lovers would visit here to experience nature at its best and have a chance to win it big in the casinos. After the bombing stopped, the survivors, the majority of them being citizens of Jackpot, dug in for a long winter. Now Jackpot is a thriving community with a solid work force of 3,000 and plenty of food. Jackpot has survived as a thriving community mainly due to the Sawtooth National Forest (found in Idaho), located fifteen miles east of Jackpot, which is rich in wildlife and has a few clean fresh water streams still running.
Ruth: Home to a growing “pseudo-society” of nearly 1,000 refugees, raiders, and slavers, all from a number of now-emptied towns and cities all over the state. The indistinct leadership of the town is currently converting a massive copper strip-mine on the town’s outskirts (almost five miles wide at its largest point) into a huge, open-air “tent city” for incoming refugees. The copper pit itself lies in the shadow of a great mountain, surrounded by old walls of stucco reinforced with metal plate, razor wire, and even the odd mine or two to keep out marauders.
Nevada Nuclear Test Site: Well-known among the local survivors in southern Nevada are the so-called “Mercury Caves ”, located near Mercury in the heart of the nuclear test site. The caves are said to cover hundreds of miles underground beneath otherwise unassuming desert country. Wild stories abound of hideous, super-powerful creatures with batteries of mutations caused by the radiation of the tests that every now and again find their way out of the caves and into the desert to prey on outlying communities.
Dust Devils: The central Nevada towns of Battle Mountain, Austin and Winnemucca have been recently overrun by a largish marauder gang called the "Dust Devils". This has resulted in large numbers of refugees immigrating eastward to the towns of Elko and Wendover. Population levels in these towns have reached dangerous levels.
Warm Springs Prison: On the same day that the US and Russia were attempting to extinguish each other, the Nevada National Guard 777th Engineer Utility Company was in the southwestern Nevada deserts building transportation bridges over dry river beds. They worked deep in the inhospitable desert valleys, surrounded by a number of survivalist communities. Located directly north of their position on that day was a newly constructed federal prison at Warm Springs. In addition to housing many of the nation's criminals condemned to death, the prison contained light industrial manufacturing facilities. Shortly after the nuclear attack began, the Engineers, seeking shelter, took over the federal prison and expelled the prisoners into the desolate desert to complete their sentences. As the weeks passed, and it became obvious that they were on their own, they invited the nearby survivalist communities down from the mountains to join them and to help them build a new society. Because of each community's suspicions towards one another, times were difficult at first. As time nurtured trust, however, this settlement--which has come to be known as "Ranger Center"--grew to be one of the civilized strongest outposts in the state. Ranger Center even proved powerful enough to repel the bands of rancorous criminals who repeatedly attacked in attempts to reclaim what was once "rightfully theirs." The citizens of Ranger Center, after first believing that they were the only ones who survived the nuclear maelstrom, soon realized that communities beyond the desert's grip had also survived. Because they had such success in constructing a new community, they felt that for the time being it would be unsafe to seek contact with other survivors for fear of loosing what they have built. There are now only 45 members of the company still alive, but there are five times that many residents of the enclave. The base commander is named Whittington.
Wide open and traditionally wild, Montana missed out on most of the rampaging refugee of the chaos times but still suffered pains of famine and strife.
Great Falls: The largest city in the area, Great Falls is now home to about 7,500 people. The Great Falls International Airport is strangely in good shape, though not functioning, and there are half-a-dozen 35-passenger commercial airliners here rusting but in flyable condition. Northeast of the city is Malmstrom Air Force Base. Groundbreaking for the base's Minuteman I ICBM complex was in March of 1961, and some work was done on the silos and command bunkers before the exchanges in October. No missiles were ever at the base, but a lot of valuable support equipment is still here. Some of these concrete holes are now used as food bunkers and shelters by locals and Indians.
Malone's marauders: The rugged foothills and wide plains of the Marias River valley north of Great Falls are the home range of a large band of White Supremacy survivalists, augmented with biker scum and mercenaries, led by a man named Malone. Malone was a former writer of pulp adventure books, mostly thinly veiled racist rantings, who had a vacation home up in these Montana hills. His fame, fortune and assumed skill made him flypaper for the dregs of humanity once the chaos came and he was quick to grow an army. Their HQ is in Conrad, with outposts stretching in a line from Fort Benton to the south, up to Harve, through Chester, Big Sandy and Box Elder to the east, Shelby to the north, and to Cut Bank to the west. Their numbers fluctuate but there are roughly 3,000 of them in various degrees of effectiveness. They are well-armed but have no heavy weapons save .50 caliber HMGs and light mortars. They are in constant conflict with local communities, the Great Falls militia and with encroaching Canadian forces from across the Saskatchewan border.
The plains of the east have always been dry, and the drought has made it even more so. Nevertheless, population pressures have stabilized and food supplies remain fairly secure for the time being. Several towns in this huge expanse of rolling prairies and river valleys are home to burgeoning White Supremacy enclaves, the most notable at Glendive in the far east. There are, however, long stretches where there is absolutely no human life and every town is deserted and looted. There are small survivor communities scattered about, such as Harlowton, home to a few hundred survivors, and Lewistown, home to a rabble of scavengers and refugees about 2,000 strong and armed with hunting rifles and pistols.
Jordan: Of special note in this area is the isolated town of Jordan, the site of a crash-landed but relatively intact B-52 strategic bomber and a repairable Beechcraft 18 light plane. The locals are in conflict with a local biker gang, and they are working to get the Beechcraft flyable, planning on loading the tail Vulcan cannon from the B-52, and smash the bikers from the air. The bikers go by the curious name of the "Road Knights for Jesus" and are led by the "Reverend" Peter Plitt. Needless to say, the group's actions are far from those of Christians.
Billings: The largest concentration of survivors in the eastern half of the state is at Billings. Today the town supports some 8,000 people and have formed a militia called the "Montana People's Protective Association" to defend the surrounding ranch land from interlopers and refugees. Recently there has been conflict with another band of wandering city refugees who used to live in the area who want to return but are apparently carrying the plague.
Canuck invasion: In recent months, the Canadians, mostly using relayed rail track, have been pushing into the northern edge of Montana as far south as Route 2. These cavalry troops are mostly from the Toronto Scottish Regiment based in Swift Current, Saskatchewan. Their main purpose is to acquire food producing areas and loot. As they go, the isolated survivor communities along the border are given the choice of tribute or being "removed". Most have joined, but scattered anti-Canadian guerilla forces have started to spring up.
This rugged forest of towering peaks and lush valleys is now a veritable garden of Eden populated by bears, survivalists and Native Americans. As early as 1963, the Flathead Indian tribe, the largest and most militant in the state, decided to expand from their reservations and take over territory in the western half of the state lost to the white man in the last century. Most of the whites in the area either fled east or were killed, though there are still pockets of them throughout the area. Today, the Flatheads occupy and maintain a virtual empire stretching north-south from border to border. This border is vastly undefined, however, and real control only extends to line-of-sight.
Kalispell: Though they have abandoned the larger "white man's cities" within their territory, and they are mostly falling into disrepair, they have chosen Kalispell as their "capital". Abandoned during the post-chaos days, and then reoccupied from the south, the city is now home to some 6,000 Indians who hunt and farm the surrounding land and fish the large Flathead Lake to the south.
Anaconda: One of the scattered white enclaves is Anaconda, where a marauder band called the "Sons of Hayduke", led by a Pete Jones from Dallas, Texas is barely holding on, having gathered together a collection of several hundred bikers, outlaws and vagrants who just wouldn’t leave.
Butte: Another white enclave, where a wealthy Wyoming doctor has set up a clinic here in the ruins of the city. Despite him being white, this oasis is protected by all the surrounding villages and clans as the man is known for his sensitivity to the Indian peoples. The doctor pilots a World War I biplane.
Glacier National Park: The Indians have long ago given up this area at the northern edge of their territory to the survivalists and it is now held by a collection of White Supremacy nuts and punks. Numbers are about 2,000, with about half of them being true die-head hardcore militant racists and the rest just hangers-on looking for food. They have complete control over the park, having driven everyone else out and they have the guns to back their claim up. The old park ranger's visitor center off Highway 2 is their fortified HQ and the various luxury ski lodges and hotels scattered throughout the park are local centers of power, each fortified and well-stocked. The Prince of Wales hotel is one, the Many Glaciers hotel (held by 70 men) is another. The Granite Park Chalet was once only accessible by horse or foot, but the survivalists have cut a road up to it. Other survivalist outposts include the towns of Essex, Polebridge, and the Logan Pass visitor center in the center of the park. As well, they have some 800 prisoners, half women and kids, from the surrounding areas under guard working fields and providing labor. With the Flathead Indian capital of Kalispell being only 30 miles or so from the park, the survivalists are anxious to eliminate this threat.
This state was strangely one of the most heavily nuked, having seen four mushroom clouds. The missile fields in the Cheyenne area were actual targets, but do to a quirk of Soviet technology, most of the ICBMs missed to the west. Today, Wyoming is nominally under MilGov influence, but really a wild-west throwback of outlaws and ranchers. The changing weather pattern has made parts of this region fertile again. About a quarter of the state is under direct MilGov control, but most of the controlled communities are fortified mines and facilities for the extraction of fuel from the local oil-shale. Not all of the facilities are complete by late 1964, but a small quantity of fuel is being produced and fed to the Colorado enclaves.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Cheyenne
10/28/62 SS-7 Jackson Hole
10/28/62 SS-7 Bridger Peak area
The state's National Guard headquarters and nearly the entire command structure was in Cheyenne and was obliterated by the nuke hit there. As such, the state's military resources were slow to mobilize and most units were forced to rely on local control. Many units were consolidated and others disbanded, and others just melted away in the harsh winter of 1962 and the resulting epidemics. By 1964, the only remains of the Wyoming National Guard are a few scattered groups of artillerymen and construction engineers still maintaining the peace in isolated towns. These units are basically only loyal to the towns they live in and have little interest in the politics of the outside world. There are a also few MilGov advisors in Casper working with the government there, and a few small survey teams scouring the oil lands, but nothing coming close to an organized federal unit.
Battery B, 3rd Battalion/49th Artillery Regiment--Casper (175 men)
Cheyenne: The entire city of Cheyenne was essentially destroyed in the first few seconds of the war. Three Russian SS-7 ICBMs were targeted at the Atlas E ICBM fields surrounding the city on October 28, 1962. The 4th Air Division Headquarters at Francis E Warren Air Force Base to the NW was blasted by the first 6 megaton ground burst. The other two other SS-7s, targeted at the command bunkers for the silo groups in the area, each went awry due to guidance system failures, or perhaps caused by EMP interference from the first strike. One took the top off of Bridger Peak, (making the remainder still glow today), and the other fell on the "Hollywood of the Rockies", Jackson Hole. The damage to the AFB spilled over into Cheyenne and beyond. The destruction was absolute, nothing lives here, even after two years, and all is now just charred rubble, a belt of built-up, soot-blackened ruins, the land scoured and scorched. The ruins of the city itself are buried under a thin layer of black glass into which the silicates in the topsoil have been melted and the crater has through erosion and time created a large radioactive lake. The secondary effect of this was to poison the water supply for the entire area, further depopulating this corner of the state. Most of the small towns in the area were abandoned due to fallout from the strikes and the handful of survivors still living in the outlying areas have posted quarantine signs and are quietly waiting to die. An area roughly 120 miles in area has been declared dead land. The ICBM silos, saved being nuked but empty, are located at Chugwater, Lagrange, and Pine Bluffs. As well, one Atlas E launcher was located in Nebraska and five launchers were placed in Colorado at Grover, Briggsdale, Nunn, Greely, and Fort Collins. It is rumored that several of these missiles misfired and still sit in their silos, but one would assume that MilGov scouts have already checked this out.
Laramie: Between plague zones to the south, the blasted radioactive wasteland to the east, ravagers and hostile groups of marauders of all types, Laramie is a very dangerous place. Due to its nature and layout, it is not easily defended and many groups have controlled it over the past two years. The slow exodus of people trying to escape this mess has made Laramie into a virtual ghost town. At this time it is home to several hundred weary survivors, under almost daily attack by gangs and bikers looking for loot and slaves. They are led mayor Brookerman, a former biology professor at the University of Colorado. He organized the survivors and got them up and farming and rounding up animals so they could feed themselves. Some help has recently arrived from the MilGov-supported enclave at Casper (see below). The Wyoming Territorial Prison in the city is currently a garrison building for a detachment of Casper Confederation troops detailed to help secure the area. Structurally sound, it serves as a haven for weary and often hotly pursued survivors. The troopers inside render as much aid as is possible, given the circumstances. The Laramie County Community College, though looted and trashed, still holds many books of value and over the last few months there has been an initiative to transfer books and other education material to the Casper State College. It has met with varying degrees of success as MilGov would prefer that Casper concentrate on oil and guns.
Rawlins: To the west of Laramie, Rawlins is a haven for a large outlaw gang that terrorizes the southern part of the state. Led by "His Majesty Tybalt I, King of the Cats", they are several hundred strong and are armed with everything including mortars stolen from NG armories. They keep their slaves and women in the old 1903 prison in town.
Saratoga: A town on the edge of the North Platte oil fields. Though the wells are no longer producing and the local refineries have been gutted and stripped, MilGov agents are here now working to reopen some. The marauders in Rawlins are being closely watched for interference.
The wild and rugged mountains are characterized by the strong will of the people still living here. Many small isolated mountain towns of hearty ranchers and mountain folk have banded together to keep secure and have collectivized all the surrounding ranches for the common good. People that live here are used to being on their own, and to making due with what they have. With time, patience, and a spirit of innovation, the people of this area have built new lives.
Jackson: The wayward 6 megaton nuke that ground burst just outside Jackson Hole sufficed to effectively kill the entire populace of that resort town. Due to the nature of the mountains and the detonation characteristics of the warhead, however, there was very little actual physical damage done.
Yellowstone National Park: The Catholic Cardinal for Denver was vacationing here when the bombs fell and was trapped deep in the backcountry. He has since founded "New Rome" in Yellowstone with a small Catholic survivor enclave. The Hot Spring still flows and is a needed source of natural clean water--the Catholics consider the water to be holy. The Cardinal believes he is holding the Christian faith in trust until communication can be re-established with Mother Rome and the Pope.
The isolated plains of Northern Wyoming have given rise to several anti-social groups.
White Action!: To the west of Meeteetse, up in the Absaroka Mountains, is the camp of a White Supremacy group called "White Action!". Counting dependents there are about 80-100 survivalist holed up here. They are all well-armed and train diligently to protect their claim.
Buffalo: Buffalo has almost completely reverted to an Old West atmosphere and way of life. This change didn’t happen gradually, it was almost overnight. The 500 or so civilians still here are currently being held hostage by the "Sisters of Lesbos", an all lesbian biker gang. The bikers have several WWII-vintage Mk 19 mortars, some MGs and enough ammo to last through the winter.
Sheridan: Approximately 75% of the original population of Sheridan has either died or left to seek relatives or other fortunes. Today it is the home base of a very strong White Supremacy-leaning marauder/biker group led by a man who calls himself "Satan". They number about 1,250, and the men and women share equal duties as fighters. The HQ is at a fortified ranch house to the north of the town, where there are always 50 to 75 of the most trained marauders acting as bodyguards for Satan. In the town are several hundred slaves.
Casper: The breakdown in social order with its accompanying looting and chaos, just didn’t happen in Casper. These people were tough, they quietly took stock of their situation and started over. Once it was clear to the civic leaders that the world had been destroyed and they were on their own, they made their own plans to survive. The town was home to the Wyoming National Guard's Battery B of the 3rd Battalion/49th Artillery Regiment with it's accompanying armory, and these men helped keep the peace and security in the early days of the chaos. Organized by the NG leaders, a large number of vehicles were mustered together for a trip to Camp Guernsey Military Reservation to the west at Guernsey. As the largest ammo and equipment store house of military equipment in the area, it was the logical first move. After ferrying over as much as they could, they began “enlisting” the remaining staff of Camp Guernsey to come to Casper to help them. Today, the Battery has some 175 men under arms and the command structure works closely with the civic leaders to keep the area safe. Thankfully they didn’t have much refugee traffic come through during that first winter, the radioactive band at Cheyenne kept refugees from the Denver area away. The city began to gather the small towns surrounding it into a protective association, building anti-marauder outposts in a picket ring around the city. Sometime in 1963, the locals started calling it the "Casper Confederation" and the name stuck. Today, Casper is a little known paradise on the plains. Surrounded by empty lands on all points of the compass, most trading is done within a hundred mile radius and as such costs of goods are very reasonable. MilGov agents from Colorado Springs realized early that Casper's strength would be invaluable to any attempt to reclaim the state. A flow of arms and material to the militia here began in early 1964, and Casper returns the favor by helping MilGov to reopen the coal and shale oil fields in it's area.
Wind River Indian Reservation: Now completely deserted. The reasons for this are unknown to those non-Indians in the area. There are any number of theories, but no actual proof. On the rare occasions that the Casper Confederation or others have attempted to learn the reason, their spies haven’t returned.
Salt Lake City had no real military value and the ICBM hit came as something as a surprise to the residents of the state. There is a general feeling amongst the most pious that the nuclear strike was God's wake-up call to the Mormons, a visible show of His displeasure with the secular way the faith had been turning in the 20th century. Despite the horrendous damage and loss of life, many will tell you that the nuke solidified the faithful into the dominant power that they are today. With their largest city in flames, Utah has become a virtual religious police state to survive. The true power in Utah is and always has been the Mormon church. They were amongst the best set up of all of America's social groups, since are a hostile, paranoid lot that are determined to survive, and part of their doctrine called for each member to keep a year's supply of food on hand. The Church organized the citizens quickly following the destruction of Salt Lake City, and began setting up local militias and food distribution centers throughout the state. All remaining federal offices, property, power-generating facilities, mines, and other industrial facilities have been taken over by the state government until the present emergency is over (if ever). Food, clothing, electrical power and petroleum are strictly rationed, with the lion's share going to native Mormons. Most of the elected officials in Utah were church members, and slowly the state government was replaced by the church elders. Acting on tacit approval of Governor George Dewey Clyde, the President and Prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints declared the former state of Utah the "Holy Mormon State of Deseret" in an official ceremony in 1963. Strong pressure was put on the remaining gentile population of the area to convert or emigrate. Utah has become a militant theocracy, with a strict set of rules based on the Book of Mormon similar to that of Brigham Young in the early days. Alcohol and tobacco are forbidden, but polygamy is making a comeback. Outsiders are welcome, but only if they adhere to the religious laws that govern the area. Utah has a strong military, but so far have shown no interest in expanding their territory. Utah recognizes the authority of the military government in Colorado Springs but acts under it's own agenda nearly all of the time. MilGov has made assisting Utah’s government to recover a top priority for 1964. Despite what MilGov thinks, however, Utah doesn’t need their help at all. With their high level of organization, security and forward thinking, even a blind man can tell that the "Mormon Nation" will most likely survive better than any other group in the country.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Salt Lake City
None, though in reality the entire Mormon Nation is an organized military force, armed well enough to keep virtually any army at bay.
The fist of God: Late on October 28, 1962, Salt Lake City was nuked by a Russian SS-7 ICBM. The 6 megaton warhead was a low-air burst which blossomed above North Temple Street in the northern part, obliterated the airport, the monorail interchange, and most buildings almost to the Salt Palace and the State Capitol. Today the northern half of the city is a devastated graveyard. Fire-blackened, twisted metal skeletons that had once been skyscrapers rise like ghosts, and interspersed between them are the ragged stumps of what were smaller buildings. Vehicles of every description litter the highways and roads throughout the urban area. The earth surrounding the actual crater has been melted and fused to glass and is visible from the air. Despite the damage from the nuke, the area is still home to some 1,000,000 citizens spread out across the northern third of the state from Provo to Logan. Much damage has since been repaired through prayer and twelve-hour shifts by Mormon workers. The northern ruins are now prowled by a number of gangs, including an ultra-violent one led by a man called "Dead Head", because of his badly scarred face, a result of radiation.
Overflow: The nuke-damaged northern areas of the city are slowly becoming inundated by a greatly expanded Great Salt Lake that has risen far out of it's normal lake bed due to the nuclear autumn and the heavier than normal snowfall in the Wasatch Mountains and is on it's way to filling the prehistoric lake bed of Great Lake Bonneville. Jagged skyscrapers jut out of the salty water and the Salt Palace is half-inundated. The golden treasures salvaged from the Palace have been moved into undisclosed safe places in the mountains.
Leadership: As noted, the leaders of the church are in complete control over most of the state's population and resources. The "Deseret White House", the HQ of the Mormon Nation's leadership, is located deep beneath the Wasatch Mountains near Granite in the eastern suburbs of Salt Lake City. The massive repository of Mormon genealogical records buried in a vault in Big Cottonwood Canyon is just as important in light of the religion's emphasis on genealogy.
Army: The urban area was also home of a large MilGov enclave centered on the 4th Infantry Division, which was moved down here in mid-1963 from Seattle with the difficult mission to re-establish relations with the Utah state government. After almost a year of trying, it was obvious that MilGov wasn't going to have much luck here and the unit was pulled out and moved south to Phoenix (see that state).
Natives: To the east and north of the cities are a couple of small Indian tribes trying to eke an existence out of hunting, primitive farming and trading. Mormon townsfolk trade the Indians medicine, technological trinkets, ammo, metals for produce and meats. Relations are good, both sides trust each other and there are even some intermarriages--much to concern of the Mormon church. Essentially, townsfolk pity the Indians a little for their hard and primitive lifestyle, and the Indians are amused at townsfolk trying to survive in the cities, but neither side is hostile to each other.
Baptism: There is a rumor going around the western United States (and soon the rest of the nation) that the salty waters of the Great Salt Lake can wash away the keliods and scarring of radiation burns. While this is totally untrue, it has been a beacon of hope for so many people. For the better part of a year now, trickles of radiation-poisoned refugees, mostly terminal cases, have been coming into the state to cure themselves beneath the waters. The Mormons, always forgiving people, have set aside the northeast shore of the expanding lake as a refuge for these people. Although the Utah government officially is not helping them in any organized way, many altruistic Mormons are doing what they can to ease their suffering.
The Last Resort: This huge ski resort, located in the Ashley National Forest north of Vernal, is now the home of a growing number of Utah's anti-Mormon thugs and criminals. These punks were driven out of the cities and have found a home up here in the mountains. They are led by a quadriplegic dwarf named the "Poet", an escaped ex-insane asylum inmate who is a genius at organization and leadership. His real name is Ezekiel Sherman Dustan, from Pennsylvania, who was on the western leg of a multi-state crime spree when the bombs fell. The resort has limited electrical power, thanks to several alcohol-burning generators that the Poet has rigged up. He has gathered a considerable army of former street criminals and thieves, about 1,000 by now, and more are straggling in every week. Fortunately, they are more concerned with drinking and killing each other in duels than causing any trouble for the Mormons.
The Saint George-Washington-Hurricane area is now ruled by an ultra-fundamentalist Mormon sect under the watchful eye of Prophet Malcolm Briggs. His lieutenants rule over the individual towns in his name, but overall command is in Briggs' hands. Life under the fanatical religious rule is tough and brutal, civil rights are unknown, the citizens being treated as slaves, even the professing Mormon ones are subject to arrest. Oppression and suppression are common facts of life as Briggs tries to "purify" the populace of secular thoughts. Naturally, many resisted at first. Brutal actions soon stopped such resistance, and now the people live in constant fear. Only a few continue to resist, under the banner of the "Southern Utah Liberation Front", but they are hampered by the size of the Prophet's forces and by their lack of equipment and training. The Mormon leadership in Salt Lake City is aware of Prophet Briggs' actions, but as long as he stays away from the cities and keeps proclaiming the faith (now matter how twisted his interpretation may be) they are closing their eyes.
Cedar City: Now a small, wretched, dirty, rubble-laden pest-hole full of bitter, frightened people. Its seeming abundance of junk piles and ruins, as well as a huge junkyard set against its northern wall has earned Cedar City the nickname "The Heap" by it's inhabitants.
Despite the nuking of Denver, overall damage from radiation and famine was not as severe as other areas, and the state still has about 70 percent of its pre-war population. The rich mineral wealth of the Rocky Mountains, combined with a good agricultural base in both grain and livestock, has made Colorado a keystone for MilGov's recovery plans. As previously mentioned, the capital of MilGov is at Colorado Springs. Petroleum is available from the Wyoming shale deposits, minerals and coal are available in western Colorado, and agricultural land is available in eastern Colorado. Ranching land abounds for the remaining sheep and cattle, machine shops and other manufacturing facilities exist in the Colorado Springs-Pueblo protected area. With such a large population base, Colorado can provide recruits for the Army and specialists for many skilled tasks of the reconstruction effort.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Punkin Center
10/28/62 SS-7 Denver
10/28/62 SS-7 Denver
5th Infantry Division (Mechanized)--Colorado Springs (9,770 men, 112 AFVs)
------1st Brigade (BDE HQ and rest of unit in Colorado Springs)
------------1st Battalion/11th Infantry Regiment--Louisville (400 men)
------------52nd Engineer Battalion--Louisville (200 men)
------------140th Signal Battalion--Louisville (45 men)
------------759th Military Police Battalion--Louisville (50 men)
------Cadet Brigade--Colorado Springs (800 men, 20 AFVs)
------Charlie Company, 5th Battlion/9th Special Forces Group (Training)--Colorado Springs (65 men)
Battery P, 5/14th Marine Regiment--Lowry AFB (60 men)
143rd Signal Company--Grand Junction (100 men)
Nearly two years of neglect, rain, snow and ice, and minor earth tremors have taken their toll on Interstate 70 west of Denver and the small towns and resorts located in this stretch of the Rockies. In many areas, the Interstate is buried below tons of rock and gravel from avalanches and rock slides, and in other areas the road is so badly cracked and broken it is all but impassable. Still, the interstate is in good condition for long stretches and is the artery that pumps trade into the area. Many of the small towns and resorts along the interstate are simply gone. Many were lost due to natural causes, such as mentioned above. Many more were destroyed during that first terrible year, as people fought each other and stripped the towns of everything useful. Many more of the towns did survive, these people shot first and asked questions later and strangers were not even given a chance to explain themselves.
The People's Freedom Movement: Northern Colorado has always been known for large groups of well-armed citizens militia and survivalists. After the nukes fell, one of the most organized of these survivalist groups, known as the "People's Freedom Movement", began to mark off a section of the mountains of northern Colorado as their own territory. Today, the PFM's holdings cover an area roughly rectangular starting from the ruins of Kremmling at the intersection of highways 40 and 9, east to the ruins of Silver Creek which is at the intersection of Highways 40 and 125, then south east to Interstate 70, west along I-70 to the ruins of Dillon and Silverthrone at the intersection of I-70 and Highway 9, and finally all the way up Highway 9 back to Kremmling, completing the rectangle. They also control the Argo Mills mining site, just to the southeast of the intersection of I-70 and Highway 125. Because the Eisenhower Tunnel has long since collapsed (see below), the survivalists have found an alternate route on the old highway to the south of the tunnel. They patrol this area on a regular basis, usually on horseback. By 1964, the total number of survivalists in this area has grown to just over 2,500 men, women and children. Since the situation has stabilized, the PFM have begun to hire out their guns for a fee for hunting purposes, trader convoy escort, and as body guards. On top of this, many of the survivalists have become bounty hunters, traveling all over Colorado and the surrounding states, bringing criminals, murderers, thieves, rapists, and other scum to justice or death, with the MilGov enclaves offering much of the bounty. The PFM have built quite a reputation for themselves as being not only tough, but highly dependable and trustworthy.
The Eisenhower Tunnel: Seismic events following the bombing of Denver caused rockslides to block off both ends of the Eisenhower Tunnel, trapping several hundred fleeing motorists inside. Once they calmed down and dug a way out, they realized that the tunnel provided a strong defensible home in a newly unsafe world. The motorists were from all walks of life and the combination helped to form a core of strong leaders. Today the "tunnel community" is vibrant and growing, and they jealously guard their secrecy.
To the south of the area controlled by the survivalists, there is only violence and death. Many of the scattered mountain towns that run down the spine of the Rocky Mountains are either deserted and looted or under marauder control. The extremely rugged mountains and rocky ravines of the area help preserve the isolation of most of the surviving communities.
Buena Vista: Home to a hundred or so marauder bikers armed with handguns and rifles. They have many slaves held here and the municipal airport nearby has been looted, and the few planes left in the hangers destroyed.
Aspen: An island of safety here, the former ski Mecca of Aspen is home now to an isolationist community that has posted the roads into town as dangerous for strangers and have the armed muscle to back up the threats. The militia is led by Colonel Wheelock of the Colorado National Guard. There are roving bands of marauder scum in these parts and they have attacked the town six times already this year. These renegades are not well-armed and mostly horse-mounted.
The War: During the night of October 28, 1962, the once lovely city of Denver was pounded into ashes by two 6 megaton warheads atop two Russian SS-7 ICBMs fired from the same complex in Siberia. The first was aimed at the state capital building but low-air burst over Commerce City in the northern part of the metroplex, obliterating a large swath of the area and laying a heavy pall of fallout over the eastern part of the city. The second missile aimed at Lowry Air Force Base missed and ground burst on the Cherry Creek Dam in the southeast part of the city. In a microsecond, hundreds of thousands of lives were snuffed out. The city was pretty well rubbled by the twin firestorms and shocks as far south as Littleton and Southwood. The blast-mirror effects of the mountains to the west hadn't helped matters any. Moreover, it had been raining on the night of the strikes and the bombs had gone off under the clouds, which meant that the thermal flashes had been intensified, though there had been fewer fires with the rain. The strong winds served to spread the fallout around, blowing most of it in a wide rooster tail extending east-southeast away from the city. About a million people were dead within two weeks.
Denver today: The inner core is still deserted except for scattered scavengers digging out canned foods and killing each other over them and the area is rife with cholera, typhus, and plague. Some suburbs are better off, having some degree of stability and protection from Army units, while others are dangerous and violent. The Cherry Creek crater is still a yawning blackness of vitrified slag a thousand feet across and two hundred feet deep.
The US military in Denver: Since returning to the city in force in late 1963, the military has done a number of small things, and is planning in the next year to do great things, including reopening the Federal Mint, working on radiation cleanup, and opening at least three new power plants (mostly burning trash) to allow surviving factories in the Denver area to began to put out limited products again. At this time, however, the military presence in the city is limited to enclaves in Louisville and at Lowry AFB.
Downtown Denver: A group of some 300 former citizens have reoccupied the old State Capital building and are beginning the arduous task of rebuilding their shattered city on their own. They might not survive the winter.
Northern Denver suburbs: The northern suburb of Louisville is now home of a US Army enclave called "Fort Gamble". The main muscle of the garrison is the 400 men of the 1st Battalion/11th Infantry Regiment, detached from the 5th Infantry Division's 1st Brigade. Other units here include the 52nd Engineer Battalion (200 men), the 140th Signal Battalion (45 men), and the 759th Military Police Battalion (50 men), all subornate to the 1st Brigade's HQ in Colorado Springs.
Eastern Denver suburbs: In Aurora, the scavengers are actively fighting each other over salvage rights with firearms and homemade bombs. At Lowry Air Force Base in eastern Aurora are some US Air Force specialists salvaging the airbase. They are protected by the 60 men of Battery P of the 5th Battalion/14th Marine Regiment. These are the only US Marine Corps soldiers in Colorado and there is a lot of curiosity why they are here in the blasted suburbs of Denver and not south in Colorado Springs. General LeMay has a well-known anti-Marine bias. The Air Force personnel here are currently refitting a civilian Starliner airliner that was recovered intact from Lowry, scavenging parts from other wrecked planes and cutting out the windows to mount machine guns. Wrecked planes are plentiful at the AFB, row after row of them sit rusting, victims of EMP and radioactive fallout. Lowry's long-empty Titan I missile complex is located approximately 15 miles southeast of Denver, in Arapahoe County. These silos are next to be stripped.
Western Denver suburbs: In Lakewood is the huge Denver Federal Center, now occupied by the zealots of the "Church of the New Dispensation", who took over the abandoned building in early 1963. There is no electricity, with light in the complex coming from kerosene lamps, and the treatment plants are all gone but there is water from reservoirs and a food stockpile. The several hundred zealots here are earnestly, if ominously, working to help the sick and hungry and spread the faith to all in western Denver. Led by missionary shock troops called the "Brothers of Mercy", they have some military trucks and Wells Fargo armored cars to move around in. There are rumors that agents of the zealots have looted some mustard gas canisters from the ruins of the Rocky Mountain Arsenal for whatever reason.
The scattered cities north of Denver, stretching up towards the hard-nuked Cheyenne area, were ravaged during the chaos and coated with radioactive fallout. There are empty and abandoned Atlas E silos in Fort Collins, Greely, Briggsdale, Grover and Nunn. These silos have yet to be looted extensively.
Fort Collins: Fort Collins received heavy fallout from the Cheyenne blasts and was severely depopulated. By 1963, the city had been claimed by a group of 2,000 survivors, many Vietnamese refugees who were willing to trade the increased health risks for the opportunity to stake a claim. They are mostly with salvagers, a dusty and sore-covered lot willing to root around in irradiated lands for treasures from the past.
Greely: Now home to a large band of marauder crud led by an ex-con thug named Gene Booker. They are about 400 strong and are armed with everything including M-14s, Thompson's and Sten guns.
Loveland: 1,000 determined survivors here have turned the town into a fortress against the marauder gang from Greely. They are led by Jon Anderson, a former Colorado state government official.
Dodging a bullet: On October 28, 1962, the Russian 6 megaton SS-7 ICBM aimed at Fort Carson military reservation suffered an error (how and why can been argued forever), instead of striking it's primary target it instead overshot and obliterated the tiny town of Punkin Center out on the southern plains. Thanks to this fortunate turn, the Colorado Springs area is today one of the most secure and prosperous in America. In the time of chaos, much of the city of Colorado Springs had been affected. Many of the civilians, together with everything that could be moved, gathered at the massive half-built military complex at Cheyenne Mountain. It was felt that the underground base would be opened up for them as a fall-out shelter, but they were wrong. The Air Police unit guarding the complex refused to let anyone in and a bloodbath looked to be brewing. However, the valiant sacrifice of a few Colorado National Guardsmen and the desperate efforts by police and volunteers prevented the wholesale massacre of this group, and also gave the more scattered survivors something to head toward. Despite their advantages, in the two years that followed, hunger and disease took their toll and the city's population fell by 20%. The base has been fortified crudely but successfully, some basic manufacturing is taking place, and food production has finally risen to meet the falling population.
New Home: With the nuke missing, the major facilities here are still intact with a large reservoir of military personnel and civilians to draw from--a prime area for relocating to. In late 1962, after the split with the civilian government, General LeMay ordered the Alternate National Military Command Center moved from Mount Weather to Colorado Springs. With him came a large number of troops and most of the surviving strategic nuclear capability of the nation. With the military presence the civilians are starting to return and the very presence of this many soldiers is instrumental in maintaining law and order. The troops quickly expanded out from Colorado Springs and by the fall of 1964 they control large parts of Denver and Pueblo and all roads in between. The sphere of direct influence is the I-25 corridor north to Denver and environs and a rough triangle from Colorado Springs to Pueblo to Canon City. All the areas under their control are virtually trouble free and probably the safest places in the world in 1964 and the people living in the Colorado Springs area are some of the most contented in America. Though the Army's long term goal is to reunite the USA, at the present, it's aims are less ambitious--keep the population fed, secure the immediate area from external (and internal) attack, proceed with reconstruction and recovery, and to keep CivGov contained to the east.
The President and the General: They have a veneer of political authority here with what MilGov believes to be the legitimate President--the former Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare Abraham A. Ribicoff, who was in Colorado Springs vacationing when the bombs fell. He is now the Acting Chief Executive and makes frequent radio and TV announcements as such from the newly named Civil Defense Headquarters in Colorado Springs. He is, of course, a figurehead, a tool used to convince the populace that the military junta is working for their benefit. The real power, however, continues to be General Curtis LeMay, who rules with all authority and the total loyalty of his men.
NORAD: The massive Cheyenne Mountain NORAD complex is more of a trophy than an actual facility of use. Groundbreaking on the mountain complex began in May of 1961, and by the time of the exchanges, a large volume of rock had been removed from the mountain's interior. While this was little more than a huge man-made cavern at this point, MilGov has found valuable use for these caverns as ultra-secure storage points for nuclear weapons and other valuables. The excavations at the facility were carried out by highly skilled American and Canadian engineers and workers, many of whom stayed in the area for safety. These personnel are valued for their knowledge as well as technical abilities and this pool of manpower was snatched up by MilGov when they moved into the area, giving them an immediate edge on personnel and capabilities.
The 7th Army: The headquarters of the 7th US Army is here now, comprising some 2,000 staff personnel, operating out of Fort Carson Military Reservation. The main unit here currently is the 5th Mechanized Infantry Division (9,770 men including 4,000 local militia, and a whopping 112 assorted AFVs collected from around the nation). This division was formally reactivated on February 19, 1962, as the Army's first mechanized infantry division to be organized under the "ROAD" (Reorganization Objectives Army Division) concept. Under command of General Herbert Welsh, the 5th ID is currently in charge of internal and logistics security in the area, and also provides honor guards for the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Other units here include the "Cadet Brigade" (800 men and twenty AFVs) and the 65 men of Able Company of the 10th Special Forces Group (Training). The Cadet Brigade is technically Air Force, but in practice there is no difference between it and other MilGov ground units. Until just recently, the 9th Infantry Division was also in Colorado Springs, but it was moved south to Albuquerque to stop the Mexican drive there. This has helped ease the logistics and food supply nightmare of the area.
Eagles: Strong air assets are based at Ent and Peterson Air Force Bases and at Flacon Field on the grounds of the Academy. Commands include the Air Force Space Command as well as several Colorado Air National Guard headquarters including those of the 140th Fighter Wing and the 302nd Troop Carrier Wing. Operational air assets at Peterson AFB include six B-52 Stratoforts, four B-47E Stratojets, ten F-102C Delta Daggers, eight F-84 Thunderjets, one U-2 spy plane, four C-130 Hercules, ten C-119 Flying Boxcars, and six KC-135A tankers. At Ent Air Force Base are at least a dozen F-104A Starfighters, some Colorado Air National Guard Sabres, a few Air Force Voodoos, and six big B-52 Stratoforts. At Falcon Field are based a number of active strategic aircraft, including some fourteen B-52 Stratoforts with air-to-ground missiles, a civilian 707 airliner, and a lumbering Air Force C-54 Skymaster transport used to ferry personnel to Denver. The various strategic bombers and the tankers, along with the remaining stocks of nuclear bombs stored in various places, provide MilGov with a powerful nuclear deterrence. These planes are kept active mostly through the cannibalization of the hundreds of inoperable aircraft that are stacked in rows all over the area, having been flown here from all over the nation.
Mystery: Currently there is an ongoing research effort under the name "Project: Looking Glass" at Falcon Air Force Base, security there has been stepped up and a number of non-military personnel have been sighted in barracks there. The project is tentatively under the control of the Air Force 18th Intelligence Squadron.
Pueblo: Forming the southern arm of the MilGov enclave security zone, Pueblo is home to many civilians and a strong garrison. The Pueblo Army Depot is being used to store some of the enclave's weaponry. Bunkered here are tons of mustard gas canisters, seven Nike anti-missile systems and ten Redstone medium range tactical missiles. The nuclear warheads for the Redstones are stored up north in Colorado Springs for safe keeping. The main assembly building at the depot has been converted into a fortress, detailed to guard the southern approaches to Colorado Springs. The large brick building has been fortified and, in a cleared circle around it, eight old tanks have been buried hull-down, their fields of fire overlapping. Some 1,000 armed troops are in Pueblo at any time, cycled in four month rotations from the Colorado Springs garrisons.
Home range of a strong local protection group with their HQ in Trinidad. They are basically armed ranchers and farmers on horseback, but since they serve as valuable pickets for the Colorado Springs area, they are funded and armed by MilGov. They are waging a continuous battle with marauders and have outposts out as far as Raton, NM to the south, east to La Junta, and to Springfield to the southeast.
La Junta: The La Junta garrison (some 100 horsemen) is led by Curtis Redfeather, a Pawnee and Korean war veteran who has worked many of his Pawnee brothers into the garrison's command structure. The town itself is a fortified enclave of 1,000 people once little more than one of so many communities struggling to stave off the raiders. Though nominally open to all comers, La Junta is slipping slowly towards martial law. Visitors are welcomed only with a suspicious stare from Redfeather's militiamen (armed to the teeth with automatic rifles and grenades) from nearly every makeshift tower and stretch of wall. Lone travelers, often suspected as spies, are subject to interrogation before even allowed entrance into town. And once inside, one can definitely feel the effect a heavy-handed militia presence has.
This part of south-central Colorado is controlled and patrolled by the "Northern Rio Grande Federation", a collection of armed ranchers and farmers which has been working to form a central authority in the valley. They have outposts to the south at the La Veta Pass on Highway 160, and to the north at Poncha Pass on Highway 285, controlling entrance into the valley. The valley is also the home of a survivalist commune called "The Freehold", a proprietary community of 150 households living on the west side of the valley, just south of the Garitas Mountains in a cluster of mostly subterranean adobe dwellings. They are armed with automatic weapons and well trained to use them. The Freeholders have a small airfield and a hanger containing a small state-of-the-art five-seat Cessna canard prop plane with a backwards propeller and swept forward wings, a gift from a wealthy benefactor. They have named it the Sparrowhawk and retrofitted it with two Browning M-1919A4 .30-caliber machineguns to act as a fighter. They have been recently pressured by the Northern Rio Grande Federation to share the wealth. North of the Freehold in the valley is a cluster of other smaller survivalist compounds, the largest being a band led by an ex-Minuteman colonel. Many of them disagree with the Freehold's politics but they treat each other civilly, even helping from time to time. Occasionally roving bands of road gypsies and bikers harass the people in the valley. Alamosa, in the southern part of the valley has been completely depopulated by a viral plague and is a virtual ghost town. This is scaring the valley.
Grand Junction: Grand Junction is the home of the Colorado National Guard's 143rd Signal Company, mostly made up pre-war residents of Grand Junction. Whether or not this unit has gone rogue is debatable, but it is doing some odd things for sure. The unit was in training exercises at Camp Williams in central Utah when the war came and has relocated back to Grand Junction at the end of 1962 after a vote was taken by the men to return to their homes. Troop strength is now around 100 effectives with .50 cal HMGs, mortars, four 75mm recoilless rifles and even a few flamethrowers. They have a large number of vehicles at their disposal, including twenty jeeps, many trucks, a dozen prime movers, and six towed 155mm howitzers left behind in a local armory. The leader is General George Patton II, the son of the famous WW II general of the same name. Patton is a little demented but confidant in his plans to rid western Colorado of thugs and bandits. General Patton, however, is not what he seems. His eventual goal is not only to drive off the criminals, but also all those who he considers to be inferior--minorities, Native Americans, Hispanics. He has a bigger secret as well, the General is in fact no relation to the famous Patton at all, just a Captain in the Utah NG who was slick enough to step into the confusion of the post-nuke months at Camp Williams and assume command of the Signal Company by pulling rank. He did, however, lead them out of the wilderness and back here to Grand Junction mostly intact and as such gained the loyalty of his men. In Grand Junction, Patton has built a strong fortified camp and has a field hospital set up to help the locals. In the coming spring, he is planning on moving against a large marauder camp at Glenwood Springs that has been a thorn in his side. What he is forgetting perhaps is that his men are mostly artillery soldiers with little training in actual combat and the last two years of inactivity in Grand Junction has made them soft.
Glenwood Springs: Unbeknownst to Patton, this marauder group is quite large and powerful and would be a serious challenge for him to take on. It is known as the "Army of Excellence" and is led by a Colonel Macklin. Macklin is a former USAF pilot, a Korean war vet and POW and more than a bit crazy. His troops, mostly rabble and refugees gathered from eastern Utah and western Colorado, follow him religiously because he provides them with food and loot from raiding area towns. They have many trucks and cars and a large supply of looted gas and diesel and Macklin has an Airstream command trailer from which he issues orders. His troops number in the thousands, all of them linked by Macklin's leadership and their want for food and shelter.
The climate of New Mexico has always been dry, and the recent drought has only made it worse. There are a few cantonment settlements in the grazing lands of the western part of the state, and semi-nomadic groups wander throughout the rest, but the cities are pretty much the only place humans still live. The towns contain the usual mix of white, Hispanic and Indian groups found pre-war, with all the class differences and racial troubles as well. In May of 1964, elements of the Mexican Army raced up Interstate 25 towards Albuquerque, only to be stopped by the US Army, crushed and driven back nearly to the border.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Albuquerque
9th Infantry Division
------HQ/DISCOM--Manzano WSS (275 men)
------1st Brigade--Albuquerque (1050 men, 16 AFVs)
------2nd Brigade--Albuquerque (1150 men, 8 AFVs)
------3rd Brigade--Albuquerque (730 men, 10 AFVs)
------9th Aviation Battalion--Kirtland AFB (270 men)
Albuquerque Militia (1740 men)
Battery C, 1st Battalion/202nd Field Artillery Regiment--White Sands (100 men)
Tercio Torreon--Southern New Mexico (400 men, 1 AFV)
Santa Fe: Soon after the bombs fell, Mayor Juan Perez ordered the National Guard units in the city to go into the streets and maintain order, declaring a strict curfew and shooting looters on sight. Following the winter and the riots, he started recruiting starving Hispanics to create heavily-armed bands of "official" looters to scour neighborhood areas for food and fuel. Despite this, the last two years have not been kind to the city. Food prices are outrageous, scars of fires and looting mark every street and the darkness is prowled by bands of scavengers. In an effort to survive by trade, Santa Fe has been turned into an open city, with little local law enforcement and a lot of dirty deals and violence. The state government still survives in Santa Fe with a local militia based on a 300-man cavalry unit of the New Mexico State Guard, barracked at Saint John's College.
Los Alamos: The remains of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment are here, what was not sent off to Germany in 1963. This unit has been pulled around the nation for the last year until finally settling here last spring. They have some three platoons of soldiers with rifles and shotguns, a single tank and three troop carrier helicopters and one big cargo helicopter. They were near panic when the Mexicans invaded this summer, and on the verge of evacuating to Colorado when word came that the 9 ID was coming to the rescue. The cavalrymen stood there posts and waved as the infantry drove past heading south. There is still much for them to guard here at Los Alamos atomic weapons labs, but there is also much that is missing. Ahead of the Mexican invasion this past summer, a pair of workers at the Los Alamos labs, who may have been Mexican spies, made off with some two tons of powdered plutonium. Today they are still missing, but the potential of that much plutonium, enough to make eighty bombs, is unnerving.
Snake Flat:Among the citizens of this small town there is a rumor circulating that there is a nearby secret cache of nuclear weapons or material hidden away by scientists from Los Alamos. They claim that they are buried in a cavern beneath an old run-down miner's shack on Sierra Peak, outside of Snake Flat. While the claim seems dubious, it is a fact that a 20-man unit from the 3rd Cav came through here just this September looking for something. The truth is that this is where the missing two tons of plutonium are hidden.
Terrero: Home of a "re-education" camp for some 200 criminals and dissidents guarded by the 17th Reconnaissance Squadron, a horse cavalry militia unit from Santa Fe. They also have a 57mm recoilless rifle, several scout cars and a halftrack weapons carrier with a howitzer mounted in it.
Gallup: Gallup has been taken over by a half-a-dozen gangs of punks, thugs and Hispanic looters, all fighting each other for control of what is left of this small city, terrorizing the 1,500 remaining citizens.
Apaches: After the bombs fell, the Jicarilla Apaches of northwestern New Mexico "went on the war-path" (remember, they are Apaches). They absorbed the Zuni tribe and stretched their territory out to the towns of Aztec, Bluewater and Coyote. Total population of the tribe now numbers some 6,000 people. The Apaches are currently at peace and no longer have any plans for further expansion. They believe in living in total harmony with the land and nature, but they will use guns to keep out strangers. They are very observant and keep an eye on their territory, using "smoke signals" to signal each other of intruders.
The war: During the night of October 28, 1962, the city was nuked by a 6 megaton SS-7 that popped its payload over the northeastern quadrant of the city, with the hypocenter a few miles east of Arroyo del Oso Park. The sheer, mile-long face of the Sandia Mountains fortunately reflected much of the blast and heat away the city, saving much of it from destruction. While much of Albuquerque's civilian population was killed outright, large areas of the city situated in the protected valley of the Rio Grande River survived unscathed. As such, the city was able to recover quicker than most that had been nuked.
The invasion: The Mexican invasion reached northwards towards the city in 1964, with strong infantry and mechanized forces thundering up I-25. The Mexicans, however, found that the New Mexico was not going to submit without a fight. The US Army chose to make a stand here and quickly moved the 9th Infantry Division south from Colorado to take up blocking positions south of the city. Faced with a large, well-armed American force, the Mexican drive was blunted, bloodied and finally smashed with the use of tactical nuclear weapons. The invasion threat was broken after the Mexican troops panicked and ran after receiving two howitzer-delivered nuclear ground bursts on their staging areas one mile west of Los Lunas. There are still two small craters to been avoided here, both so close together that from the air the craters overlap.
Today: Despite the severe damage from the nuke and the aftermath, Albuquerque is still a relatively prosperous, teeming city. It's population has been infused with refugees from the south and the surrounding countryside and now numbers some 50,000--mostly miners, merchants, and workers and their families and the families of the members of the 9th Infantry Division and the attached units. Of that,15,000 live in a well-built shantytown of adobe huts to the northwest. An additional 5,000 people, Native Americans mostly, live and work in the western suburbs. Surprisingly, there is little disease and few have starved this year. There is running water for three hours every afternoon and electricity for some public buildings. Hospitals, schools, and roads are in reasonable repair, food is in good supply, and trade is flourishing. Oil wells in the immediate area provide more than enough diesel fuel for military needs and a local munitions factory produces explosives, detonators, 105mm projectiles, and mortar shells of all sizes. Due to the large amount of trade and traffic, Albuquerque is naturally a hotbed of black market activity.
The ADD: The main security force is the 9th Infantry Division, victors of the battle against the Mexican invasion this past summer. This is a relatively new division, only raised after the nuclear strikes in late 1962 using scratched-together men and equipment from around the state of Colorado. As such, it is short on training and experience, though they are well-led. Albuquerque is the key city in what the military calls the Albuquerque Defense District (hereafter referred to as the ADD). The ADD includes the towns of Casa Blanca, Los Lunas, and Escabosa. The 9th ID is a strong force by 1964 standards and is heavy on armored vehicles. The three brigades are in separate cantonments in different areas of the city. The 1st Brigade has a strength of 1,050 men and two M48A2 Patton tanks, five M41 Walker Bulldog tanks, nine M42 Dusters, two M75 APCs, six M59 APCs, five old M3 halftracks, five M3A1 White scout cars, two 8-ton trucks, four 5-ton trucks, 43 deuce-and-a-half trucks, 77 jeeps, three civilian 4x4s, four towed M101 105mm howitzers, sixteen 120mm mortars, 21 81mm mortars, thirteen 20mm auto-cannons. The 2nd Brigade has a strength of 1,150 men with three M48A2 tanks, five M41 tanks, six M113 APCs, an M75 APC, five M59 APCs, three M3 halftracks, fifteen M3A1 White scout cars, sixteen armored dump-trucks, three 5-ton trucks, 55 deuce-and-a-half trucks, two 32 jeeps, two towed 75mm howitzers, and two 40mm auto-cannons. The 3rd Brigade is the smallest of the three and has a strength of 730 men with six M41 Walker Bulldog tanks, four M42 Dusters, five M3A1 White scout cars, two armored dump-trucks, six 8-ton trucks, seventeen deuce-and-a-half trucks, 26 jeeps, and four towed 75mm howitzers. The Divisional HQ and DISCOM is based at the nuke-proof underground bunkers of the thousand-acre Manzano weapons storage complex at Kirtland AFB. Total strength of the HQ and DISCOM is 275 men with four M75 APCs, an M59 APC, three 8-ton trucks, two 5-ton trucks, six deuce-and-a-half trucks, 22 jeeps, and ten civilian 4x4s. Providing internal security are four locally-raised Albuquerque Militia Battalions with a total of 1,650 men having two towed 155mm howitzers, one captured Mexican Army towed 75mm howitzer, six 120mm mortars, eleven 81mm mortars, only with small arms and machineguns. Transport is provided by sixteen captured Mexican Army wheeled APCs--these "APCs" are Volkswagen Beetles with thin sheets of armor nailed to the sides. The CO of the division is General Bayclock. The division's muscle is augmented with seven solid-fuel Honest John surface-to-surface missiles and launchers. These weapons are in moderately good repair and are armed with conventional warheads.
Kirtland Air Force Base: A freak of over-pressure dynamics meant that the AFB was spared most of the effects of the nuclear blast. Not only had most of the structures survived, but also a fair number of aircraft, and the entire east-west main runway remains useable. Kirtland is now guarded by a 90-man assemblage of former New Mexico Air National Guardsmen and Albuquerque Militiamen with two deuce-and-a-half trucks and seven civilian 4x4s. There are also 270 men of the division's 9th Aviation Battalion here working on salvage and reconstruction projects. They have twelve jeeps, ten deuce-and-a-half trucks, and three civilian 4x4s. The base still has a considerable supply of aviation fuel in underground tanks, and they have four F4 Phantom II fighter bombers, two operational C-130 Hercules cargo planes, and eight UH-19 Chicksaw helicopters. The planes fly rarely and the helos are from the Aviation Battalion. The main prize here was two Atomic Energy Commission transport trucks from the Los Alamos labs that were here awaiting transport from the base. Each was carrying enough materials to make several very large crude nuclear devices or perhaps a dozen smaller ones. They were whisked off to Colorado Springs ahead of the Mexican invasion and are presumably there today.
The deserts: Large tracts of the southeastern and eastern parts of the state are almost totally depopulated. Drought, constant banditry and disease have taken their tolls and nearly all of the area's smaller towns, like Vaughn, Ramon, Clayton and Clovis, are deserted and looted. Other towns have become refugee havens, like Conchas Dam, most living on the edge of starvation.
Tucumcari: A convenient stopping point for caravans, and home to one of the largest open-air bazaars in the state. Peace is maintained by fragile agreement between the militaristic mercenaries paid to watch the roads and the ruthless, profit-seeking locals. The town is fast becoming a sprawling one, barely contained within a series of walls that have been expanded again and again every two or three months and current population is nearly 5,000. At the town’s heart, oil containers and crude stockyards are jealously guarded against theft and sabotage, as is a complex of water tanks (above and below ground) used by the town to trade with the locals of the desert as well as passing caravans.
Roswell: Roswell is held by a collection of Hispanic ranchers and settlers. They are doing well despite the raids of marauders and bad weather, and have began trading as far as El Paso and Albuquerque. Their militia is horse-mounted and very active in patrolling their borders. Their leader, a man named Horace de Vaca, fancies himself the new Governor of New Mexico. He is a former rancher who still loves to ride the fences in his territory. On the southern outskirts, there is an extensive tent city of about 800 assorted thieves and thugs. The community is centered around a dozen old SCTA busses and plywood sheets made into shelters. These are mostly local Milagro Beanfield-types out of Chama and Espanola and Tres Peidras.
ICBMs: Between Roswell and Ruidoso, there are several empty and abandoned Atlas F ICBM silos of the nearby Walker Air Force Base complex. While abandoned, Walker AFB is notable for having an untapped underground fuel bunker of gasoline waiting to be found. Roswell nuke silo…One of the silos still contains its missile. Whether it malfunctioned or was not fired deliberately, no one knows, but the silo was abandoned by its crew soon after the exchanges started. Today, the silo is occupied by two men, named Monitor and Lou, who stumbled upon the site in 1963. Monitor is a very smart man and realizes that this ICBM could be his ticket to glory if he can fix it. He has been studying the manuals and checking all the parts, even sending Lou out to the other silos in the Roswell complex to hunt for spare parts. His dream, however, probably going to fail. He is thinking that it is a mechanical problem, but it is really a software problem caused by a flub of the fingers. A single comma was misplaced when the base code was written for the launch sequence, causing the missile to abort at the critical moment in 1962.
White Sands Missile Range: When the bombs fell in 1962, White Sands became a refuge from the storms. Scattered bands of refugees, most from the cities to the north, gravitated towards the base, lured there by the promise of military protection and help. The base's huge underground missile storage complex has become the center of the enclave and today over 4,000 people call the base home--Indians, drifters, stragglers from the war, malcontents from the cities and loners who just couldn't make it anymore in the open deserts. The defenses are from the fragments of Battery C of the 1/202nd Field Artillery Regiment (New Mexico National Guard), about 100 strong, led by a Colonel named Marcus. They have some 30 vehicles, mostly old trucks and a few jeeps, with automatic weapons and grenades. They also have three working C-47 transport planes salvaged from the base's old storage hangers. A whole pack of thieves is now active in the base, the stealing and violence between refugees is getting out of hand and is straining the security. The Mexican invasion last summer bypassed the base, considering it not worth wasting time on in the drive for Albuquerque. Since then, the base has been in regular contact with the US Army unit in Albuquerque, going by the radio codename of "Sierra".
Alamogordo: For the last two years, crime, disease and famine have ruled as families attempted to survive in the chaos of collapse. The local city government, after its initial attempts of stabilization, faded away. By late 1964, things have stabilized somewhat. The population has been reduced to 3% of pre-war levels. No longer do the local factories produce goods for the public. If you want food, you must find it or grow your own. If you want to survive, you must either join one of the tiny communities scattered throughout the suburbs, or be well-armed. The deserted countryside is full of Hispanic biker gangs driving ethanol-powered machines, snatched from the first few days of anarchy.
The deserts of this part of the state are just as formidable as they was before the war. In addition to the lack of water and the fierce heat, there are wild reports of radiation zones that have melted the flesh of unwary travelers. Left-over biker gangs, rabid survivalists, crazed religious zealots, and all sorts of feral animals make their home in the desert. Traveling in the desert nowadays without an experienced guide is plain suicide.
Mexican Army: Home range of the Alliance Faction's Tercio Torreon (400 men and one AFV), formerly the Torreon Brigade of the Mexican Nationalist Army. This brigade was the spearhead of the Mexican drive for Albuquerque who were trapped in southern New Mexico after the defeat at Albuquerque and splintered. The unit has been out of contact for nearly three months now. It is known, however, they are actively planning to make their way south this spring for Mexico to help their Alliance Faction in it's fight to free Mexico. Mexican control over southern New Mexico is shaky at best, most large towns are ghost towns, so the Mexicans get control by default. The local economy is based almost entirely on ranching and scavenging. By today, the Mexicans maintain control with roving patrols (mostly on horseback) and by taxing the local ranchers at gunpoint.
Carlsbad: A struggling survivor enclave that than a few nearby settlements are depending on food from to survive. The town is also planning on serving as the hub of a new mail service and is now looking for folks to start braving sleet, snow and dead of night.
Los Cruces: This once thriving college city has become a refugee haven with serious problems. Now home to some 45,000 people or more, Las Cruces is ruled in a military dictator-style by a charismatic former Mexican Army officer named Timon. Timon is known to employ an army of about 3,000 conscripts and local collaborators, as well as mercenaries from where ever he can find them.
Lordsburg: This abandoned and shattered small city has, in some places, begun to loose its foothold over Mother Nature. Weeds, cacti, and sagebrush cover isolated buildings. Lordsburg is gritty, hard, and storm-blasted in some areas, and feral in others.
Elephant Butte Dam: The settlement here is willing to trade time at the remaining generators in exchange for supplies and ammo needed to defend them against the local raiders.
12-15-2009, 10:07 AM
WYOMING The 500 or so civilians still here are currently being held hostage by the "Sisters of Lesbos", an all lesbian biker gang.
......ahh jeeze.
By 1964, Arizona is pretty well depopulated. Except in locales where there is sufficient rainfall for crops (in the mountains) or sufficient law and order to allow irrigation (like Phoenix) there wasn't much food and water after 1963 to be found in the hot dry deserts. The relative scarcity of water sources can serve to isolate locales from each other, which helps to preserve them.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-N-4 Tucson
4th Infantry Division--Phoenix (4000 men, 19 AFVs)
111th Military Police Brigade--Fort Huachuca (635 men)
1404th Transportation Company--Northern Arizona rogues (25 men)
Nogales Brigade--Tucson (1200 men, 1 AFV)
The northern third of the state is desolate and empty. Summer movement on foot or even by horseback across the arid and semi-arid regions is a risky venture. Many small towns are deserted and stripped clean down to their nails by scavengers. Most of the Indian reservations, like the Kaibab and the large Hopi and Navaho Nations have much reduced populations, many of the Indians having left for more fertile areas.
Rogues: There are increasing indications that a rogue Arizona National Guard unit is currently terrorizing isolated Indian towns in northeastern Arizona. The rumors are unfortunately true, as the remains of the 1404th Transportation Company (25 men and several old troop carrier trucks) from Showlow has gone marauder over the summer.
Canyon De Chelly National Monument: Filling with Pueblo and Navaho refugees from neighboring states. They have come here to escape the "White man's problem" and reconnect with their old ways. The upper south rim of the canyon is home of a group of bandits and killers holding the US Cavalry Museum and the old restored fort at the monument visitor's center. They are led by a brutal ex-con named Curt Stossel and many of his men have taken up the uniforms and 1800's-era weapons of the Seventh Cavalry honored at the museum. They have began renewed fighting with the Indians, raiding small settlements in the canyon floor for supplies and women.
Winslow: Home base to an army of motorbike raiders that has started preying upon the travelers. Known as the “66 Knights” from the highway that runs through the town, they are fast becoming a threat to the continued survival of trade in the area. The pack is some sixty strong, running the gamut from former police bikes to dirt bikes. They are led by a man named Nigel, a British citizen and former mercenary in Africa in the 1940s. The Knights raid in large, well-organized packs using horses and vehicles as well as their bikes, and have been known to field military firearms scavenged from National Guard armories (though they use the heavy stuff sparingly as ammo is impossible to come by).
The Mafia in Arizona: When the chaos came, the mobsters wisely evacuated Las Vegas and moved south. Today, they control the area from Lake Mead down to Bullhead City and run it like a feudal state. (see Las Vegas).
Mystery: Up north along the Utah border there is a possible mystery brewing. Deep in the territory of the Navaho Nation, just east of Grand Gulch, there is a large, abandoned trading post out in the desert. This seemingly worthless building is now occupied by a small contingent of Mexican Special Forces troopers who are combing the area for "something special". The unit is forty men strong with some portable machineguns and one bazooka. They came up here in two troop trucks.
In the thick pine forests of the central part of the state, plentiful game and rainfall have allowed numerous small communities to survive, and even to prosper.
Flagstaff: North of Phoenix, up in the evergreen forests, Flagstaff was the site of a marauder raid three months ago and much of the town is burned out. Now mostly jumbled ruins along a derelict-filled Interstate 40, home to just 500 to 600 survivors. The Flagstaff town leadership is vainly trying to control what remains with a relative handful of militia made up of local volunteers, former Phoenix police, and National Guard people.
Sedona: A mountain town largely unaffected by the last two years, though many buildings have fallen into disrepair. No fewer than 3,500 people remain, surviving by farming and hunting in the wooded hills. The 4th Infantry Division in Phoenix has helped to train a large militia armed with sporting rifles and bows.
Camp Verde: Lying on I-17, this town sees some road traffic between Phoenix and parts to the north. It has a militia organized and trained by the 4th Infantry Division from Phoenix and led by a retired USMC Sergeant-Major. They have a prisoner of war in town, a Major Hector Ajo--one of the few Mexican Air Force pilots to see combat, his P-47 Thunderbolt having been shot down over the area by ground fire.
The war: Phoenix was a growing city in 1962 that has suffered because of it's isolation. When Tucson was nuked, the citizens of Phoenix panicked and fled north for the mountains. The removal of military forces from the area to help out in the southern part of the state rendered the civic government incapable of controlling the situation. The city underwent food shortages, medicine shortages, riots, and the deprivations of competing gangs. Any citizen with any brains fled the city before the winter. Uncontrolled fires raged though the city, burning down large tracts of Glendale and North Phoenix, further depopulating the area. The remaining police and National Guard units tried to maintain order and help with the evacuation, but they were soon overwhelmed. By the spring of 1963, Phoenix was largely deserted except for scavengers and falling into ruin under the hot sun.
The death of a city: Into this void stepped a grocery stocker turned would-be warlord. As the world collapsed on that horrible night in 1962, a young man named Terry Griffith took steps to assure his survival in this new era. An anti-government survivalist and gun collector before the war, Griffith had constructed a fallout bunker near the small farming town of Apache Junction, east of Phoenix. Awoken by the towering flash of light to the south during the night of October 28 that signaled the atomic destruction of Tucson, he quickly jumped into his bunker and sealed it up, sure that the bomb aimed at Phoenix was on its way as well. Even when the nuke never came, he stayed holed up for nearly three months, eating beef jerky and polishing his guns, waiting for the day when he could emerge and conqueror the world. To his fortune, by staying underground until January, he missed out on all the rioting and carnage of the immediate post-nuke chaos that would have probably killed him. A malfunctioning dosimeter also convinced him that Phoenix was a radioactive ash pile. By the time he realized that the instrument was wrong and popped the seal on his bunker, Phoenix was mostly an empty shell. Gathering together the surviving remnants of trailer trash and six-tooth rednecks from the Apache Junction area, Griffith forged a rag-tag army of misfits and conspiracy nuts. The army, eventually taking the quizzical name of the "United Welshmen Brigade", was armed with a hodgepodge of civilian weaponry and the occasional illegal assault rifle and rode in a variety of VW buses and horse-drawn carts. By the summer of 1963, Griffith was ready to expand. He marched his brigade west into Phoenix to loot and plunder, his scouts having assured him that the city was populated only by scavengers and looters. For some eight months, the United Welshmen engaged in a city-wide orgy of bloodletting and pillage, massacring any who opposed them and putting large swaths of the city to the torch. The locals begin to call Griffith "El Diablo Blanca"--the White Devil--and a certain mythology rose up about him as stories of his birth from the flaming pits of Hell circulated. But soon, as with most conquering armies, the wheels began to come off. Ideological differences between Griffith's lieutenants and an increasing scarcity of women fractured the United Welshmen. By March of 1964, the city was again abandoned to the elements and the scavengers, the brigade having killed each other off or wandered out into the desert to die. Only Terry Griffith himself and a core of dedicated followers remained, having returned to his bunker in Apache Junction to await the Second Coming.
Liberation: When the Mexicans invaded in May of 1964, it was naturally assumed that they would occupy the city. Hispanic refugees from all over the area flocked to Phoenix to greet and support the Mexican Army. But then the Mexicans turned west on I-8 and headed for California, sending only a few small units north towards the city. The legions of Hispanic refugees in the city were disappointed but decided to rebuild the city nonetheless.
Damn Yankees: The Mexican Army's decision to bypass Phoenix also came as a surprise to MilGov command in Colorado Springs. In a stroke of good fortune, as early as May, it was decided to try and reoccupy Phoenix as a regional power base. The changing weather patterns in the western half of the hemisphere had brought a tenfold increase in southern Arizona's rainfall, making the Phoenix valley fertile again. On the eve of the Mexican invasion the MilGov 4th Infantry Division was working its way down I-17 in a long journey from Salt Lake City to garrison the city. Hearing of the invasion, the division commander took a risk and pushed his mechanized troops forward, leaving his supply train behind, in a mad dash to beat the Mexicans to the city. Double timing it into the valley, the division hastily prepared defensive positions on the southern edge of the city and waited for the Mexicans to come. When they never came, the soldiers were relieved. In the past few months the incredible influx of refugees returning to the city was kept the unit very busy.
Free city: Today, some four months after first entering the city, the division has worked tirelessly to revitalize the area. To this end, they have created a "free city" or sorts where people of all nationalities are welcome as long as they keep the peace. Much like Casablanca or Lisbon during WWII, Phoenix is now flourishing on the wavering front line of battle. The population has soared to some 80,000 by this fall and more are straggling in each day, most from south of the border. However, Phoenix has suffered much, as detailed above, and many buildings are still empty shells and several large burnt-out tracts have yet to be reclaimed. Scavengers, thugs and marauders live in these areas, and they are not safe to travel in, especially at night.
The power: The 4th Infantry Division today is a strong and well-trained unit, more than capable of maintaining the peace in the city and keeping all outside forces at bay. Total strength is 4,000 soldiers with another 875 militiamen trained and armed by the unit working in close cooperation. Division equipment includes nineteen tanks, of which only five are currently operational. The other fourteen are dug-in in strategic points around the Scottsdale and Tempe areas and act as immobile pillboxes. Two of the operational tanks and five of the dug-in tanks are M60s, the rest are M48A2s. Other divisional assets include an M113 APC, two M59A1 APCs, fifteen deuce-and-a-half trucks, and numerous jeeps and civilian transports. There are also seven towed M101 105mm howitzers, six towed 75mm AT guns and numerous mortars available for the city's defenses.
Scottsdale/Tempe: These two suburbs are now the hub of life in Phoenix. Nearly every open area has been planted with some food crop or another and more farming plots are being cleared daily. The military is thick here, as the bulk of the division is barracked in the area. This area is also home to many of Phoenix's growing light industries--including the manufacturing of bicycles, alcohol, mortars, mortar bombs, reloaded ammunition, drugs, and farming tools. Electrical power for these factories is provided by an alternate power plant powered by an archaic steam boiler salvaged from a junkyard. The ASU hospital is home to the city's few remaining medical personnel and equipment.
Camelback Mountain: This distinctive sandstone mountain in the center of Scottsdale dominates the landscape. A huge mansion built on its summit by a wealthy publisher has become the headquarters of the division, and by default the center of civic government. The division commander has his personal residence here. A single UH-1 Iroquois helicopter is also kept at the mansion, a hanger having been specially converted from a garage for it. The helicopter and the small amount of avgas for it is carefully kept maintained and is mainly a way for the division commander to escape if something terrible happens to the city.
Avondale/Glendale/Goodyear: These suburbs were damaged to a great extent by rioting and marauders. Military patrols are infrequent and almost all buildings are in a state of moderate to extreme damage. Crime is high amongst the remaining refugees here and life has little value.
South Phoenix/Guadalupe: These suburbs have been largely abandoned, having been mostly burnt down during the chaos. Military check points are maintained at some crossroads. The few inhabitants are mostly involved in scavenging for scrap to trade for food with Scottsdale.
Chandler/Gilbert/Mesa: These eastern suburbs are in better shape than the western side. There are more occupied buildings and relatively less crime, especially as one gets closer to Scottsdale and Tempe. A large distillery has been built in eastern Mesa, producing methanol and alcohol for the division's vehicles.
Williams Air Force Base: Home to a ragtag collection of old military piston planes including T-6 trainers, two ancient B-25 Mitchells, a P-51 Mustang and a few cargo and observation planes. The Mustang has been rigged to carry a heat-seeking missile and has several extra machine guns mounted.
Casa Grande: Located south of Phoenix, this town is home to a large population of poor refugees. The large Amtrak station is now home to a marauder band called the "Pirates of Penzance", split off from Terry Griffith's UWB. The leader is Nathan Decker and was once one of Griffith's most trusted lieutenants whose ideological disagreements with his leader caused him to leave the UWB, taking a number of others with him. The gang is some 40 strong and all-white, making them stand out amongst the mostly Hispanic refugees. They are all well-armed with a variety of military arms including five BARs and an 81mm mortar.
Queen Creek: Much of Phoenix's food comes from the growing regions around this town and the lowlands to the southeast. As has always been the case, Hispanic workers tend to the fields and the products are shipped north to Phoenix to feed the city dwellers. The fields and the roads between are heavily guarded by military men.
Apache Junction: Home of Terry Griffith's rejuvenated United Welshmen Brigade, growing stronger daily with the influx of refugees and the marauders that prey on them to the area and is now up to some 120 effectives. They have been raiding for some time and have gathered a large supply of weaponry and supplies including five trucks and a battered but serviceable M47 Patton tank scavenged from a National Guard armory (the tank is primarily a hollow threat as they have only four HE rounds for its gun). Supporting him is a survivor enclave made up of dirty locals with a fluctuating population of about 400, mostly known for its large open-air trade market. Griffith has big plans for the future, including starting up the old copper mines northeast of Phoenix and even blowing the Salt River Dam to create a huge lake in its old bed in the middle of the Phoenix Metroplex. It is doubtful that he will ever accomplish anything so grand. Griffith is very irate at Decker for splitting the Brigade and has sworn to capture and kill him in inventive ways. To this end, he is planning on marching the Brigade to Casa Grande soon to force Decker into battle. The fact that this overt display of force so close to Phoenix will surely bring the full power of the 4th Infantry Division down on him has yet to sink in.
This summer the Mexicans came across the border in force, but made it only as far as the southern reaches of Phoenix before turning west and moving into California. Outside of Tucson, the southern deserts are now almost entirely devoid of life. The lack of commerce and food has forced nearly everyone north, leaving ghost towns behind. The Mexican military is scattered across areas in the extreme south, mostly battling marauders and deserters rather than the Americans.
Tucson: A nuclear weapon smashed the city on the night of October 28, 1962. The Russian Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-93 slipped in close to the coast of Baja California and fired a missile at the SAC bomber base near the city. The B-93 then continued south and successfully nuked San Francisco the next evening. The 1 megaton SS-N-4 SLBM ground burst to the southwest of the city. Fires swept through Tucson as the citizens that were still alive fled north. The remains are now a barren tangle of twisted girders, fused brick, broken stone and rusted metal with only the metal skeletons of the largest buildings standing. Radiation has dropped in the last two years but the city is still mostly populated by roaches and rats. In 1964, the Mexican Army crossed the border and drove up I-19. The Nogales Brigade was tasked to occupy the abandoned ruins and the remains of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base southeast of the city. The Brigade now has 1,200 men and one AFV and has declared for the Constitutionalist faction in the civil war in Mexico. The garrison troops are known locally as the "Iron Guard". There are still four operational aircraft used by the garrison, all former Arizona Air National Guard observation planes. A large refugee community led by a former district attorney named Mike Gorgas has popped up in the area of the AFB, brought here by the security of the army. Things in the camp are tough but tolerable. Disease is a problem, but VERY tough enforcement of sanitation (involving gunfire in a few cases) is keeping the worst of the problem under control. Some four thousand of these refugees, some of them whites, have been impressed to do clean-up and repair work by the garrison. The Mexican unit here keeps a careful eye on the US 4th Infantry Division in Phoenix, sure that one day they are coming south for them.
Yuma: The right wing of Mexican 2nd Army invested heavily in destroying Yuma MCAS during the summer to knock out the Marine garrison there and to capture the Colorado River bridges. Now held by a 500-strong Mexican Army-organized militia known locally as the "Pumas", though going under the more respectable title of the "Yuma Guard Corps" when dealing with outsiders. They ride around in a collection of vehicles, including about two dozen cars, vans, RVs, three semi-trucks, and four old busses. They have looted the remains of the Yuma Marine Corps Air Station to add to their weaponry and now possess some heavy ordinance, including some light artillery.
Globe: Burnt to the bedrock by the "Asphalt Avalanche" road gang last year. Only occasional scavengers passing through from time to time can be found here.
Gila Bend: Abandoned during a typhus outbreak about a year ago and then burned to the ground by marauders since, nothing remains but blackened rubble. Fear of marauders from Phoenix also helped to keep people away. During the Mexican invasion in May, a Mexican convoy was caught here and destroyed by one of the rare USAF air strikes. The interstate up from Tucson is littered with burnt vehicles and ordinance craters from this strike.
Lost Base: Anywhere you go, stories about lost super-secret military installations run unchecked. One prevalent rumor in the Southwest is that, deep within the Sonora desert, just southeast of Signal Peak, an entire, intact "special weapons" installation sits untouched since the beginning of the war. Some guides reportedly know exactly where it is, but can't or won't take anyone there. They say nobody has ever come out of that desert alive. There is indeed truth to the story, though the base in question is little more than a secret post built for monitoring radio intercepts. It is called "Redoubt Echo-Gamma-Five" and by 1964 is held only by a small cartaker force of USAF personnel. They have cultivated and spread the rumors about the base being death to all visitors to keep from getting overrun by refugees or the Mexican Army. The base's CO is Colonel John Fargaze, formerly of the US Air Force Intelligence service. Fargaze is an Apache Indian and still follows much of his peoples' ancient religion. He was able to organize a treaty between the increasingly militant local Apache Indians and his small group of white men, preventing a massacre.
In the mountains of southeastern Arizona there are just scattered settlements of survivors living off the land. Towns like Tombstone, Douglas and San Manuel have long ago been deserted, while other towns like Clifton and Safford are still supporting small populations. They are generally isolated from the rest of the world and they want it that way, though they occasionally go out on small raids in the Tucson area. These people are often seen as "freedom fighters", as their targets are usually Mexican Army occupation forces.
Sierra Vista: Sierra Vista was abandoned when fallout from the Tucson drifted across the area. A few people have moved back into the town and live amongst the intact but empty buildings, but many are sick and most are starving.
Fort Huachuca Military Reservation: Still the home of the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade (635 men) and sizeable local militia. The 111th survived for a year and a half after the nuclear strikes on stockpiles assembled at the base, then managed to switch over to arid agriculture techniques combined with gathering and ranching. After the exchange, the post rounded up a handful of 105mm howitzers, some mortars, a handful of light AFVs, and other equipment necessary to turn the 111th into something resembling a light infantry brigade. It has also managed to keep a handful of M41 Walker Bulldog light tanks and other AFVs functional through late 1964. The men have constructed rammed earth-and-concrete bunkers, revetments, and pillboxes to protect the post. On numerous occasions, this post was in danger of being devastated by swarms of Hispanic refugees from across the border, but some brilliant negotiating and crowd-control have helped it survive and even to gain a good reputation amongst the Mexican population. Related to this, the 111th no longer takes orders from MilGov. As the 4th ID took over control of Phoenix in May, MilGov ordered the 111th to pull up stakes and move west to Phoenix to join forces with the 4th ID. The 111th's commander replied, “Are you mad?” and things have been pretty frosty between the Brigade and MilGov since then. The 111th conducts a number of anti-bandit sweeps throughout Cochise, Pima, and Santa Cruz counties. The post is learning how to do things better, and so an increasing percentage of the population is becoming available for tasks besides food production. Though life is hard by pre-war standards, people generally have enough to eat, a place to sleep, and overall physical safety. The big problem for the post in 1964 is that they are running out of stuff. Critical stocks are in low supply. The post needs more metals, chemicals, and other raw materials of every kind. Local expedients are helping, but it isn’t enough.
SECTION THREE: The Great Plains (North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri)
North Dakota is probably as empty and barren in 1964 as it was in 1764. After the chaos destroyed the communications net, local communities were thrown on their own devices. The hearty frontier folk of the state were able to handle this better than most, but the refugees and the droughts have been tough on them. North Dakotans are still determined to solve their own problems without outside help. Many of the larger towns out in the open plains are now deserted the locals having moved to more defensible towns closer to the military garrisons.
"1st Sioux Cavalry Regiment" (375 men)
164th Engineer Battalion (840 men, 10 AFVs)
Easy riders: Numerous outlaw gangs prowl the open prairies, such as the "Barbed Wire Brotherhood", a group of bikers and military deserters armed with automatics, pistols, and riot guns who are currently terrorizing small communities in west-central North Dakota.
Tower City: A biker gang called the "Blackouts" controls the ruins of Tower City. They have 250 men, but there are few weapons save some automatics, two homemade PIAT projectors and a few hand grenades.
White men at arms: Like many other states, North Dakota defederalized its National Guard units in the first weeks of the chaos to protect the state's citizenry and prevent the federal government from pulling the units to other areas. The state's NG, however, was very small to begin with and of limited value. The only real unit of any strength was the 164th Engineer Battalion based in Minot, which had been called up to active service in 1961 for the Berlin Crisis and only released from federal service in August of 1962, so most of the unit's infrastructure and equipment was still in place. Reformed in late 1962 and merged with the remains of various other units, the battalion now boasts 840 soldiers and serves as the backbone of North Dakota's battles against the bandits and even as a tenuous check on Canadian expansion. While short on modern armored vehicles, they have acquired ten surplus M4A3E8 Sherman tanks which had been long garaged in Bismarck for "parades and ceremonial functions". Recognizing their value, the 164th quickly converted the vehicles into full readiness, giving them a strong armored component. They are pro-MilGov (not surprising in a very conservative state) and their main focus right now is bandit control and helping recent MilGov attempts to restore oil production in the region. They are mostly based in Bismarck but small detachments are garrisoned across the state at strategic locations. The Governor's mansion is the HQ of the city's leadership. Barb wire encircles the whole area. Watchtowers and sentry posts, some with searchlights and others with radar sets, are at regular intervals around the perimeter. A single operational Army helicopter is kept here along with the bulk of the unit's motorized assets, including the twelve tanks, an armored car, seven heavily armored and armed trucks, two gasoline tankers and two flatbed trucks. The battalion commander drives around in a snow-white turbine Cadillac convertible.
Red men at arms: Also in Bismarck is the newly raised "1st Sioux Cavalry Regiment" (375 men), a unit of dubious loyalty and means, but still a force to be dealt carefully with. The regiment is mostly native Sioux with white leaders and much internal grumbling because of that perceived slight.
Bismarck: Bismarck itself is a haven for whites and Indians alike. While communication is good inside the town it is virtually impossible to send a message to someone outside of town without having to deliver it yourself. The people of Bismarck work hard to keep their city in good shape--vandalizing carries a stiff fine with a possible year in prison. Bismarck specializes in medicine, on almost any block you will find some sort of medical treatment area. Located in the less-developed area of Bismarck is a poor section that is kept hidden to most people, in it contains almost anything money can buy.
Minot and Minot Air Force Base: This former SAC base is now little more than a refugee camp. With the perceived security it offers, the air base has attracted large numbers of refugees looking for protection from the elements and marauders. Since the base lacks anything of strategic value anymore (the Minuteman I ICBM silos at Minot were still under construction when the war came and while no missiles were ever at the base, a lot of valuable support equipment has been looted and destroyed over the years), the state government or the military hasn't tried to evict the squatters yet. Seeing the value in self-support, the mob of refugees are currently organizing a protective militia under the guidance of some former soldiers. The militia is ill-armed, with the odd shotgun or ancient military rifle and bows of varying sizes, but most of them bear nothing more than spears, crude swords, axes and clubs. The city of Minot itself boasts a population of some 2,200 civilians, many of them dependants of the military personnel at the base. The city has survived the chaos relatively intact, having been bypassed by any roving bands of marauders. Minot is still a farming town, they trade their crops to local towns and Indian settlements.
Fargo: A surviving city with barely 15% of the pre-war population left. Most concrete and brick buildings will still be standing. However, many wood buildings have been substantially decayed and hazardous to enter. Major roads are only easily passable where they have been at least partially maintained. The Red River again provides important transportation via barges and small boats. Some public busses and steam trains are also in service. Truckers still haul goods on some roads that have been kept in good condition. Conversion to alcohol has been important for many vehicles. Electricity is available to varying degrees, though it is usually only locally available.
Williston: Located in the extreme northwestern corner of the state, Williston is the growing home of a group of post-war profiteers and die-hard merchants who have taken advantage of the town's isolated location and untapped resources. Following the war, junkyards and abandoned towns on the surrounding plains were scavenged to make walls and fortifications, and some oil wells in the town's vicinity were quickly brought back online to begin production. It is this oil, ultimately, that has brought power and influence to the town and its population has swelled to nearly 5,000. While a strong and powerful bastion of civilized trade and ideals, it is also physically a gray and grotesque sight. Towering derricks and oil wells dot the landscape, obscured only by the dust kicked up by motorized patrols crisscrossing the region to ward off bandits and collect refugees wandering into their lands. Huge encampments sit in the shadow of these oilfields, where groups of homeless and destitute survivors are drawn by the promise of food. The town itself gleams with a thousand pinpoints of light fuelled by an oil-fired power plant at the town’s heart, but its streets and buildings are choked with soot and oily smoke, day and night.
Fort Yates: This dirty and violent town on the Missouri River south of Bismarck is now almost entirely Native American. In the first bad winter of 1962, the whites left for the cities and the Sioux Indians took over the town. Today, Fort Yates, has a population of some 5,000. Despite the lack of outside, Western influences, the town is slowly collapsing in upon themselves. The town is ruled by the "Council of Chiefs" which is lead by the "Grand Chief". Some 80% of the tribal officials are corrupt and easily swayed by women and alcohol, making any effective governing difficult. Fueled by the Council's proclamations of racial power, the citizens view themselves as the eventual rulers of North Dakota and they are militantly xenophobic towards any whites who dare to stray into their area. When the Council makes laws they apply to all of North Dakota even though the rest of North Dakota might not be aware of this. Their tribal militia armory contains mostly bows and shotguns, and infighting amongst the militia leaders has left it a paper tiger. A strong move by the military in Bismarck would crush the town, though no plans for that are in the making as long as Fort Yates continues to leave the valuable Missouri River traffic alone.
A strongly independent state, South Dakota would prefer to just be left alone. Bad weather, marauders and displacement have cut the state's population down below a third since 1962, and at these reduced levels the food supply is just sufficient. A CivGov-financed "invasion" in the fall of 1964 only strengthened a distrust and suspicion of outsiders which has always been a salient feature of the state.
Date Type Target Note
10/28/62 SS-7 Hot Springs Miss, aimed at Ellsworth AFB
None. The state's National Guard was mostly construction engineers and artillerymen. The artillery units were mobilized and fed into the European war early on, leaving just a few local garrisons in the state.
In the height of the chaos, the Native Americans in the state--a large percentage of the population--sought to band together first to survive, and then to reclaim what was once theirs. In March of 1963, representatives of the Lakota bands met at Dupree on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation, and putting aside their internal political disputes, formed a joint council called the "Oceti Sakowin" (Seven Council Fires) to coordinate the survival activities of all seven Lakota bands in the state. With Frederick One Horn elected chairman, the first act of the Oceti Sakowin was to reoccupy the sacred Black Hills region, driving off interlopers, by force if necessary. A hastily raised Ogallala militia from the Pine Ridge Reservation overran the southern part of the Black Hills during the following summer. Non-Lakota were expelled, at gunpoint sometimes. There was relatively little violence at this stage of the operation, however, as many of the non-Lakota had already died from radiation from the Hot Springs strike, exposure, starvation, and violence and the military around Rapid City was busy leaving. The Lakota, who had suffered a much lower death rate due to their isolation, suddenly had an overwhelming advantage in numbers. Taking pity on some of the less obnoxious survivors, the Lakota permitted some of them to remain and orphan children and young people were often adopted into Lakota families. By the late fall of 1963, the Black Hills had been secured. The Indians today are mostly concerned with keeping what they have. They patrol daily their borders and regulate who comes and goes from the area. The white-held Rapid City area is left alone, and even traded with, and the peaceful ranchers around Pierre are tolerated.
Sturgis: The larger town of Sturgis is now home to a force of about 475 militant Lakota Indians, mainly Ogallala, under General Sebastian Big Head. The town was captured in early 1964 in an unsanctioned attack by General Big Head, who was angry at what he perceived as a lack of ambition in the Seven Council Fires leadership. This blooming power struggle will probably shape the history of the state in the coming year.
Rapid City: Ellsworth Air Force Base near Rapid City was the home of a Titan I ICBM complex, with the launchers located in the towns of New Underwood, Hermosa, and Sturgis. On the night of October 28, 1962, the air force base was targeted for a Russian ICBM, but the 6 megaton SS-7 missed badly and hit the town of Hot Springs about 35 miles to the south. That area now is just a vast field of dirt and dust populated by mutated bugs and weeds, the fallout rooster tail leaving a swath of death and suffering across the southwestern corner of the state. With the drought and instability in the area, MilGov has abandoned the empty ICBM silos and the air base except for some Air Policemen, leaving the area to the natives. Today, the population of Rapid City has stabilized at about 8,000, mostly engaged in trading with the Lakota Indians who surround them. There are many shanty towns around the city and in a place where most everyone carries a gun, the frontier spirit is strong. To the northwest of the city there is a large, mostly Filipino refugee camp, a rare sight in this part of the country. The sole remaining MilGov stronghold is at the South Dakota National Guard camp in the city, but is really just a small garrison of armed militiamen anymore.
CivGov invasion: Last spring, troops of the Iowa Reserve Militia (on orders from CivGov command in Virginia), moved north to occupy the abandoned Ellsworth SAC base. They were there check on a rumor that there still some unfired ICBMs in the complex. The force cut through the empty grasslands of southwestern South Dakota, virtually unseen by the thinly spread Lakota sentry posts. The Iowa militia, through force of numbers rather than any military skill, forced the remaining Air Police garrison at the air base to withdraw into Rapid City. The unprepared and overmatched MilGov soldiers at the SD NG camp wisely stayed out of the action, instead just assuring that the invaders would not enter Rapid City proper. The expedition was fruitless, however, as any surviving nuclear weapons had been long ago moved to the Colorado Springs enclave. The men were extremely careful not to engage any of the Lakota, or to cause any concern in the Indians that their lands were in danger. No one in Iowa wanted the Indians raiding into their state. The militia troops are planning on heading back to Iowa before the winter snows come.
South of Rapid City are a cluster of natural wonders and historical sites.
Crazy Horse Mountain: Home to a crashed B-52 strategic bomber with a cluster of eight B86 200-kiloton nuclear free-fall bombs. Despite the crash and the passage of time, two of these warheads are still capable of detonation, making them extremely dangerous and valuable to whoever might find them.
Wind Cave National Park: About 500 Sioux make their home here presently, including about 60 warriors. The upper levels of the cave are used to store food and other supplies. The Sioux have a variety of small arms for hunting and defense, consisting mostly of hunting rifles and shotguns, and a small quantity of military and police weapons. They also have close to 100 horses and about half as many pack mules--extremely valuable in the harsh terrain around the park.
Jewel Cave: The world's fourth longest cave, with over 80 miles of explored passages. Originally, a large elevator carried passengers from the visitor's center to the entrance into the cave, some 290 feet below the surface. Though it was 20 miles away, the nuke over Hot Springs jammed the elevator half way down, which has been enough to deter any visits to the caverns below since then. The cave holds a secret government cache, designed to be a "last ditch" stockpile in the event of a major crisis. Unfortunately, those who knew about it all died in the strike on Washington. Deep within the cave is a well-preserved stockpile of foodstuffs and seeds, as well as crates of small arms, tools, ammunition and limited quantities of petroleum products (3,000 gallons of gasoline, 2,000 gallons of diesel, 800 gallons of motor oil and a number of other lubricants). When the Eisenhower administration placed this stockpile, it was well-hidden and protected by several traps (including a particularly nasty one involving an anti-tank mine and a chemical blood-agent gas canister). The cache is of immense value to whoever can recover it.
Mount Rushmore: The mammoth sculpture of Mount Rushmore portrays the faces of four American presidents: Washington, Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Lincoln. Anyone exploring the site may notice that all the electrical wiring has been removed from the area. The view from the top of the mountain is commanding, and the area is frequently used by both Sioux and Lakota scouts, though neither group maintains any kind of permanent outpost at the site.
The Badlands: From all outside appearances the badlands looks the same as it was in pre-war time. It is still dry and desolate with little or no growth, the land carved out from ancient rivers. Most people stay away from the Badlands. Recently a new rumor has been spreading across the region--an old miner went into the Badlands in search of gold the week the bombs fell in 1962. At some point in the next year, the man found the mother load. Unfortunately all he had was a mule to carry out the gold, so he only carried out a small percentage. Before he could return to get the rest of the gold, he died of an illness in early 1964. So to this day people are still trying to find the gold mine. At least 100 expeditions have gone into the Badlands searching for gold. Most of the adventurers have not returned. Even though people don't comeback it hasn't stopped people from going into the badlands. People are willing to risk their lives just so it might be easier later on in life.
Although the destruction of governmental control was tremendous, it was not complete. Pockets of civilization still remain in the open lands of the region, some even seemingly oblivious to the nuclear exchange. There are several local "armies" in this area, including the "South Dakota Militia Association" in Huron and the smaller "South Dakota League" in Baltic. Sioux Falls is the home of several large marauder gangs, centered around the State Penitentiary and the newly-constructed Sioux Falls Arena. Aberdeen and Watertown are both home to large survivor enclaves.
Pierre: As the chaos reigned in 1962, a wealthy and well-known Pierre rancher organized his neighbors into a vigilante group to combat the wandering bands of marauders. They forced out the punks and to this day have kept the state capitol and much of the open plains around it safe for travel. Not that there is much out in the open prairies to protect, with its sparse patches of timber and occasional devastated farmstead barely breaking the flat expanse of nothing. The "Ranchers", as they are called, have a standing force of 400 horsemen, with most everyone in the area pledged to join in if needed. They are vastly outnumbered by the Lakota to the west, but as long as they keep out of the Indians' lands, the two sides coexist. Today, the population of Pierre is around 20,000, thanks in large part to the security the Ranchers provide. A small group of Satanists, however, have recently set up home in the ruins of an old high school on the outskirts of the city and are doing terrible things to captives.
Dusted with radiation, pillaged by refugees and abandoned by the natives, Nebraska is just now beginning to recovery from two years of chaos. Once the breadbasket of the nation, the state is seeing a dramatic decrease in rain fall as a result of the nation-wide drought and is now relatively barren. Even in the areas that are still fertile, the infrastructure and manpower to work the fields simply no longer exists.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-6 Offutt AFB
Except for the unit in Omaha, there are no organized forces in the state. West of Highway 81 it is rare to find anything more than occasional patrols on horseback, both from the Omaha enclave and from MilGov forces in western Kansas.
35th Infantry Division
------134th Infantry Regiment--Omaha (600 men)
Omaha: On October 28, 1962, a Russian SS-6 "Sapwood" ICBM arched in from a silo in central Asia. The 3 megaton warhead detonated high over the near center of the Strategic Air Command Headquarters at Offutt Air Force Base, to the south of Omaha. Despite the size of the nuke, the damage to Omaha itself was surprisingly light and here and in Lincoln the state government is holding on to what it has. The 134th Infantry Regiment, a Nebraska National Guard component of the 35th Infantry Division, is the main protective force in the area. The manpower of the regiment, some 600 men, reinforced by considerable local militia levies, is dispersed throughout Omaha and in the surrounding counties. Its outer patrols used to range far out into the Great Plains looking for salvage, but these deep recons have become increasingly rare as the fuel for them dwindles--edible material is no longer available for ethanol distillation, and methanol is a less-efficient fuel. The horse has therefore become the reconnaissance vehicle of choice these days. The 134th is staunchly CivGov and has come into clashes with several rival MilGov units over the past year. The irony of a CivGov force currently occupying Omaha, the former site of the Strategic Air Command headquarters, is a constant irritation to MilGov's leader, General LeMay. SAC was LeMay's creation and pampered baby and he is annoyed that he doesn't have control of the site, even though there is nothing left of it but charcoal. Despite the strong state government and military presence (or perhaps because of it) there is a great disparity between the haves and have-nots in the city. Outside of the fortified compounds, in the back alleys and slums, there is violence, starvation and poverty. Rage and rebellion are fomenting here every day and the city government is getting concerned. Omaha is currently trying to repair a pair of water treatment plants damaged by the Offutt strike and is looking for parts as far away as South Dakota. It is hoped that these plants will help ease the lives of the citizens and stop the rebellion.
Offutt AFB: Offutt AFB is now just a sad and radioactive memorial to the war. The crater is approximately 200 yards in diameter and 40 yards deep and the area is still largely abandoned, the outskirts of the blast area patrolled irregularly by elements of Omaha's militia to keep scavengers from bringing back irradiated loot into the city. There are three empty and abandoned Atlas D ICBM silos of the Offutt AFB complex northwest of the city, at Mead and Arlington, with three more silos are across the river at Missouri Valley, IA.
Empty Breadbasket: The Omaha area is the only region in the state still practicing large-scale farming, though the crazy weather this year has made that difficult. The drastic decrease in rainfall over the summer has made planting unproductive, and it is generally feared that the winter will be just as dry. This means that the winter wheat crop might not receive enough snow cover to protect it from the freezing temperatures, causing all the seeds to die in the ground. The fear of this has caused the local authorities to place Omaha under a state of emergency rationing, though they know that there is not enough stored food to last to the next summer.
Lincoln: The state government moved to Omaha in 1963 to take advantage of the better situation, leaving Lincoln to the refugees and looters. The ruins of Lincoln are now the home of the "American Allegiance", a fundamentalist Christian group that has taken over an abandoned shopping mall in the south of the city. They are led by the Reverend Billy Graham, a former TV evangelist and Bible thumper from California. Graham gives almost daily sermons to anyone who comes, numbering three or four hundred at many times, usually filling up the parking lot where his podium is set up. Since his message is peace and harmony, and his followers are not likely to be a problem, the CivGov forces in Omaha leave the American Allegiance alone. Surrounding Lincoln Air Force Base was an Atlas F ICBM complex, now long abandoned, their missiles spent. These launchers were sited near the towns of Elmwood, Avoca, Eagle, Nebraska City, Palmyra, Tecumseh, Courtland, Beatrice, Wilber, York, Seward, and David City.
Cedar Rapids: This otherwise ordinary small town 150 miles east of Omaha has an interesting story. After the nuclear attacks, Cedar Rapids was abandoned by its inhabitants when they panicked. People took what they could carry and left, leaving an intact, unlooted jewel in the heartland. In late 1962, as the town was emptying, the staff at Willowview Mental Hospital released the 150 patients, reasoning that their only chance of survival lay in escape. Most of the inmates chose to stay when the other citizens left and about 100 still live there. Daily life is admittedly somewhat bizarre, but the inhabitants do their best to emulate a normal town.
The fallout from the strikes in Wyoming and Colorado cast a pall of radioactive ash over the western half of the state, killing crops and driving people east and south. The death toll and the displacement was catastrophic and the region has yet to recover. The droughts that have smacked the Midwest have further ruined the area and by 1964, most people in western and central Nebraska have long ago decided to move when it became clear how bad the food situation would be. Much like Kansas and South Dakota, the open highways of the plains are the domain of marauder bands, many of them biker gangs.
Kearny: Home to a sizeable biker gang known as "Bray's Bandits". Under their control, the town is a rotten hellhole of crime and disease.
Grand Island: Home of a nasty and brutal marauder band called the "Simple Horde". Their leader is Brother Simon, a ex-con and former preacher from Kansas City. They do have some sort of organization and more than most marauder bands, are trying to keep local farm production up and keep the 4,000 remaining citizens working.
North Platte: This town's 200 citizens are currently under the thumb of a biker gang led by a thug named "Pistol". Pistol's gang is called "Team Hydra" and they are executing blacks, Hispanics, Orientals, Jews and everyone else the consider foreign.
Ogallala: Home of a community of some 240 survivors who have walled the city center in for protection. Many of the people here are converting to a new militant form of Christianity brought to town by a man who calls himself "Pope Gordon the First of the Plains".
Broken Bow: In Broken Bow there are a group of survivors who are currently traveling across the state to the presumed safety of Omaha from Scottsbluff, where they were burned out by marauders during the summer. The leader is named Franklin Hayes and they are about 600 strong, although about half of those are women and children. They have decided to winter in Broken Bow. The group has many rifles and melee weapons and are entrenched enough with barbed wire and pit trenches to ward off nearly any marauder attack.
Scottsbluff: Deserted since the abovementioned marauder attack during the summer. The old drive-in movie theatre outside of town is now the shanty home of some 60 wandering vagabonds from Wyoming who are wintering here.
Chadron: This small college town drew in upon itself into a tight communistic dictatorship to survive the chaos. Strangers were met with gunfire and most of the starving masses were kept out. Despite this, however, the population has fallen to about half the pre-war level through privation, battle and sterility.
Date Type Target Note
10/28/62 Atlas-F Near Salina Missfire
"School Brigade"--Hays (550 men, 12 AFVs)
89th Infantry Division--Wichita (4000 men, 24 AFVs)
3) EASTERN KANSAS (Kansas City covered under Missouri listing)
The small urban centers west of Kansas City are now the home of a large, semi-organized society led by a man who calls himself "King Louie". His power center is at the former state capital of Topeka and he controls an area stretching roughly from Manhattan in the west to Lawrence in the east and to Batesville and Chanute to the south, with tendrils stretching to both the Nebraska and Oklahoma borders. Total population within this area is about 70,000. The militia is large and effective, organized into three "battalions"--two made up of basic cannon fodder and one composed of well-trained mercenaries led by Colonel West, a long-time professional soldier. King Louie himself is crazy but smart--he has a degree in Economics from KU, spent time in the Marines and was a Wall Street broker for several years. He is also a sadistic tyrant who enjoys torturing and killing on a whim. He is, however, also a coward at heart and behind the scenes is ruled by his Security Advisor, a man named Ashley. A coup by Ashley is most likely just over the horizon. Despite all this, the average person in his domain is relatively well-fed and strangely content. King Louie has reopened some schools and hospitals, restored limited electricity and been aggressive in keeping farming up. He has, however, enslaved the surviving Fox, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, and Sac Indians from the local reservations due to his own racist views. Rebellion amongst these Indian slaves is fomenting daily. There have been frequent clashes with MilGov patrols from Wichita and militia units from Kansas City, but so far no real open fighting as everyone needs the area's crops and rightly fears Colonel West's battalion. There are some pockets of resistance within his area of control, such as Iola, which is an organized town of around 1,000 people which have managed to stay independent.
This area was thickly sown with empty and abandoned Atlas E and F ICBM silos of the Forbes and Schilling Air Force Base complexes. The Atlas F silos were located in the towns of Bennington, Abilene, Chapman, Carlton, McPherson, Mitchell, Kannapolis, Wilson, Beverly, Tescott, Glasco, and Minneapolis. The Atlas E Forbes complex silos were located in the towns of Valley Falls, Dover, Waverly, Osage City, Delia, Wamego, Overbrook, Holton, and Bushong. All of these missiles were launched and the silos now are nearly forgotten as the Air Force personnel manning them have been long ago evacuated.
Nuke in the corn: During the night of October 28, 1962, as the missiles left their silos bound for Russia, one Atlas F emerging from a cornfield outside Kannapolis malfunctioned. Due to faulty programming, instead of detonating 1,000 feet over some Russian city, the 4 megaton warhead detonated when reaching 1,000 feet out of it's own silo, roughly over I-70 east of Salina. The resulting nuclear fireball created a tornado of fire and heat that set ablaze a large acreage of farmland and mostly destroying the town of Salina with it. There were few casualties, since the land was sparsely inhabited, but this crater is very hot still. While exploding away from large population centers, this misfire caused much disruption in the flow of refugees by effectively cutting I-70. With a whole lot of people in shape to get their cars stuck in immense traffic jams trying to escape the fallout on either end of the state, I-70 became a continent-spanning traffic jam bottlenecked by the radioactive crater outside Salina. Seeking alternate routes around the mess, refugees turned to the normally little-used country roads to the north and south, soon packing them with derelict cars as well.
Salina: Blast effects and fallout from the misfired ICBM to the west made Salina a ghost town overnight. The town was badly damaged by fires, and when people slowly started to return, they found that no buildings over one story were left standing. The present population is struggling to survive. A militia is being formed, based around an old police station, and a low wall of rubble is being built around the station. This so-called "Militia" is commanded by Jacob Von Puttkamer, a former landlord and reservist. He and his "officers", many dressed in their uniforms from Korea and WWII, have their own personal firearms. Their men, mostly farmers and shop-keepers, are mostly unarmed, just armbands designating them as militamen.
Hutchinson: This city and the immediate area are currently the home of numerous warring gangs. The "Razorbacks" cycle gang is camping in the ruins of Medora and staging ferocious battles with a gang calling themselves "Hell's Cavalry". The Cavalry seems to be repairing and building armored cars and vans in the remains of Hutchinson. From somewhere in the burned buildings of Willowbrook, the third gang involved is the aptly named "Ghost Marauders", who have seemed to have perfected the art of surprise attacks
The fallout rooster tail from the Salina nuke spread a thick blanket of radioactive ash over southeastern Kansas. Death and distress were soon to follow and now many communities are empty ghost towns. In recent months, some have been returning to some small towns in the area now that the radiation has died down. The largest survivor community is now Coffeyville, a town with a very effective militia that has kept the town free of marauders. Population is several hundred people. There is some influence here from the King Louie domain further north but it is minimal.
Wichita: Wichita has slowly recovered and is now home to around 24,000 people. Internal security is provided by the "Wichita Guard", a militia-type organization with semi-professional training which is about 400 strong with 30 police cars. The lure of the numerous oil wells in the Wichita area have also brought a military garrison force, comprising the MilGov 89th Infantry Division (4,000 men). Formerly the 89th Division (Training), the unit was re-designated as an infantry group in 1962 to fill the gap in state security caused by the departure of the military units at Fort Riley. This unit is responsible for the occupation and operation of the remaining oil fields and refinery facilities, and the transport of the fuel to other MilGov units on the Great Plains. The division has collected every armored vehicle it could find and now has hundreds of all types with them. These include an M60 tank, an M48A2 tank, ten M46 tanks, twelve M40 155mm SP howitzers, numerous APC's, 81mm mortar carriers, M548 cargo carriers, jeeps, deuce-and-a-halves, and many requisitioned civilian vehicles. They posses a number of towed 8inch artillery pieces and have nuclear shells for them, one of the rare field units to still have tactical warheads. They also have a unique air component based at McConnell Air Force Base, made up of old WWII-era planes scavenged from across the state. They have two B-17s, two B-26s, and some P-51s and P-47s along with many transport planes, both military and converted civilian. The only real modern combat aircraft are three AC-130 PUFF planes. Easy to maintain and fly, and armed with Gatling guns, these planes provide the enclave with considerable striking power. Across the way from McConnell field is the huge Boeing airframe plant where the B-47 and B-52 bombers were built. While the plant has been idle for two years, the invaluable machinery and dies have been kept secure and covered by the former plant managers in hopes that one day they can be put back into service. The division's efforts to restore oil refinery capacity has met with only limited success because of a lack of trained personnel, but a trickle of refined fuel began to be available this past spring. Like his counterpart in Cairo, Illinois, the division's commander resents the petroleum he is required to send away to support MilGov activities elsewhere. Groundbreaking for McConnell AFB's Minuteman I ICBM complex was in late 1961 and site excavation on the silos and LCC bases was completed but work stopped after the exchanges in October. No missiles were ever here, but a lot of valuable support equipment is still at the scattered sites.
The great western deserts of Kansas from Highway 81 west are just as boring as ever--an endless white world of bone-like towns and grain silos. The drought has been severe in the western part of the state and there are often no living people for many hundreds of miles. Most of the smaller towns, like Dodge City and Great Bend, have been long ago deserted and looted. The plains are the domain of small biker gangs, who roam the highways looking for loot and fun. Anyone who resists usually ends up dead. Case in point is the small northern Kansas town of Belleville, where all the residents were recently killed and buried in a mass grave by a biker gang called "Nolan's Raiders". The various MilGov units in the area run infrequent patrols along the interstates and state highways, but usually only when a convoy is coming through. Otherwise, they leave the roads to the bikers.
Hays: This town is now home to the MilGov 550-man "School Brigade". The School Brigade was originally a mixed bag of training instructors and recruits organized after the nuclear strikes at Fort Bliss, Texas but was forced north by the Mexican invasion this past summer. This brigade is now assigned the area from Hays north to the Republican River on the Nebraska border, here to watch for marauders and help guard the transport routes from the oil fields around Wichita to Colorado Springs. Outer patrols sometimes encounter patrols from the CivGov forces in Omaha and firefights have been reported. The area, due to its sheer size, has been increasingly difficult for the brigade to administer. Marauder raids have been increasing and the unit is beginning to experience difficulties providing security for the oil convoys. Although the brigade has no tanks, it still has a dozen assorted antiaircraft artillery vehicles and numerous civilian and military trucks and small cars. The ADA vehicles are a legacy of Fort Bliss' pre-war role as a training base for anti-aircraft gunners. Shipments of fuel from Oklahoma and Wichita have been reduced and the brigade will probably be forced to cut back its perimeter patrols in favor of a reactive defense. What this means is that they will only chase marauders when the core food-production areas in its area are threatened, instead of conducting punitive sweeps beyond its borders.
Wrong side: On October 28, 1962, one of the Atlas E ICBMs from the Forbes complex suffered a guidance failure when launched and pitched over to skid along to a stop in Crooked Creek east of the small town of Plains in the southwest corner of the state. The errant missile was tracked by radar but was lost just before impact. A number of reports have filtered into the Colorado Springs area of an intact 4 megaton warhead in a creek in Kansas and a small unit was sent out to look for it. The small town of Plains is now home base to this Nuclear Recovery Team with 10 men with a jeep, a deuce-and-a-half, and an five-ton truck with a one-ton cargo trailer with a section of a pontoon bridge with an outboard motor. So far they have not found the warhead, which is indeed buried in the shallow creek.
The land of a thousand lakes is today the land of a thousand refugees. The relative isolation brought in a major influx of refugees early in the post-nuke chaos years. By 1964, however, many of these have moved back south to warmer climes to where food production is steadier. The state now is about 80% empty wild woods, with scattered settlements. Large groups of marauders are rare as there is little to loot.
None. The state's 47th Infantry Division was shipped to Europe in 1963 and crushed beyond recognition. There is a small, rotating CivGov garrison at Red Wing from the LaCrosse enclave, and occasional patrols into the hinterlands, but no large standing forces exist in the state.
The northern woods and lakes provide a wonderful place for wandering groups of hunting/fishing parties. The area still receives some lake-effect rains. A few small coastal communities on Lake Superior are thriving fishing towns. The wild north is also home to numerous survivalist retreats. Of note is a 30-acre survivalist compound on the outskirts of Lake Bronson State Park and another in the deeps of the Red Lake Wildlife Management Area built by a visionary man and survivalist named Bob Carter. It is mostly underground, with tunnels several dozen feet beneath the surface.
International Falls: Typical of survivor communities in the northern reaches of the state overflowing with hundreds of refugees from the Twin Cities and Winnipeg. They survive by fishing and hunting and sporadic trade with other towns. They have been known to waylay travelers and raid surrounding villages when food is short and have as such garnered a reputation as a dangerous place for strangers to visit.
Duluth: In the aftermath of the chaos and plagues, only one out of every ten people survived in Duluth. Today, distribution of scarce resources is managed by the former officer candidates and instructors from the ROTC program at UMD, who felt it necessary to declare martial law in late 1962. At first, the ROTC remained responsible to the chancellor of UMD and to local police authority. In time, however, they realized that they held real power and refused to be controlled. They took control of the resources and materials of survival, formed a militia and set the stage for the return of a feudal society. Duluth today is still known for its active iron foundries. The supplies of raw iron for Duluth come from the taconite mines near Virginia some 70 miles to the north. Virginia itself is an almost deserted town, serving simply as a garrison for the mines and a supply depot for the militia. About 100 militiamen operate out of the town; half to guard the mines, the other half to protect the town and Highway 53 south to Duluth.
Intrusion: Some Canadian military units have recently launched raids against marauder formations into northern Minnesota, which have been of no great concern to the individualistic citizens of those states glad to be rid of a few more marauders. These troops are mostly elements of the Royal Canadian Regiment and the 3rd Battalion Toronto Regiment both based in Thunder Bay, Ontario.
4) THE TWIN CITIES: The state's lone metro area are a shambles. Abandoned in the chaos after the nuclear exchanges, the city was left to the dregs. Even when it was clear that the city was not to be nuked, most citizens chose not to go back, and many of those that did just went back to loot and burn. Groups of crazies and thugs fighting over spoils for the last two years have left many of the buildings in ruin and everything of real value destroyed. If 4,000 people are still alive in the metroplex then it's a miracle. As with most large urban centers in 1964, the city is under the sway of a plethora of warring gangs and marauders and infested with rats and packs of wild dogs. There is no electricity, guns are plentiful and ammunition is common. The area around Hennepin Avenue and Lake Street in Minneapolis is held by the "Porns", a 600-strong gang led by a former porn-chain and adult movie-house owner and organized crime boss named Creel. Most of Saint Paul is held by the "Horns", an organized group of former members of the First Church of the Nazarene who stayed in the city when everyone else fled. The Horns are about 400 strong and are led by the Reverend Paul, they control the areas around the Concordia University campus and Harding High School. The southern suburbs of the metroplex are the warring grounds of the "Wacks", a group of escaped mental patients from an asylum in Bloomington. The gritty downtown areas are no-man's-lands that are constantly warred over by all the groups. The University of Minnesota and the three hospitals are in the center zone and are the frequent targets of salvage raids. The northwestern suburbs are loosely held by the "Nomads", made up mostly of former Porns and Horns who are tired of the fighting and are trying to settle down around the lakes and creeks around Anoka. They are 200 strong and led by a man named Zahner, they have all of three rifles, having forsaken the violence for a peaceful way.
Military: The large CivGov enclave across the border in LaCrosse, WI runs patrols throughout the rolling hills of southern Minnesota, with a permanent outpost centered in the town of Red Wing southeast of the city. These men make it a point not to get involved in the mess there.
Iowa in 1964 is much like Iowa in 1864--rolling farmland and scattered Midwestern-style towns. It was this that attracted many refugees to the state during the chaos following the nuclear strikes. The local population resisted this invasion, and open warfare soon erupted. Some towns managed to force back the refugees, but in the majority of cases, sheer weight of numbers won the battle. When the refugees did get into the towns, they found that the situation was not as good as they had been led to believe, and fighting for the few good spots broke out amongst the refugee groups. The fighting died down as winter approached. The winter of 1962 in the Midwest was one of the worst on record, and many of the refugees died of exposure. The next year saw the survivors trying to improve their lot, but numerous marauder bands (mostly small bands of 50-100 men) had sprung up and the state degenerated into chaos again. With the changing weather, the brutal drought of 1964, much of the state is a barren dust bowl now, and hundreds of communities are deserted and looted. Only along the rivers are their functioning towns and populations, some of them quite large and well-defended. The fallout rooster tail from the Offutt AFB strike stretched across western Iowa, leaving in its wake abandoned farms, derelict cars and skeletons. Army patrols from Omaha have been entering the interior of the state lately.
Des Moines: This ruin has long been recognized as a true “ghost city ”, a hollow, largely intact ruin where only scavengers and vagabonds are known to travel. Though much of the western part of town is badly decayed from wind and the trespass of travelers over the past two years, some of the city is still a pot of loot.
Ottumwa: There are islands of security, however, like Ottumwa, which is home to a well-organized survivor community of farmers. They are 600 strong and are all armed with side arms, shotguns and hunting rifles. They have running water, some electricity and are determined to hold onto their homes.
Decorah: In this small college town, nestled into the valley of the Upper Iowa River in the northeast corner of the state, a very unique society is growing. In early 1963, the town's population had stabilized at about 3,900, with those that left having been replaced by refugees from the Twin Cities and Wisconsin. Amongst the refugees was a former History professor from the University of Minnesota, a world renowned expert on ancient Greece. Within a short period of time he had influenced the town's civic leaders to adopt a Spartan-style militia to keep out bandits and to keep morale high. The militia that developed with his help is by now one of the most efficient fighting forces in the Midwest. The leadership corps is based on a small number of Wisconsin and Iowa National Guardsmen who had straggled in over time. Some 900 men serve in the militia, mostly part-time, and they drill and train weekly. They have some M-14s and one hand grenade, but mostly they use civilian arms and bows.
Sioux City: Western Iowa along the Missouri River is a heavily CivGov area, and it's militia has been called upon by the civilian leadership in Northern Virginia to project power in the last few months. Units of the Iowa Reserve Militia from Sioux City are currently up in South Dakota (see that state), though they are planning on returning soon.
Waterloo: With the horrible drought in the area, Waterloo has withered away into nothing, leaving only dry empty ruins of what was once a potential boomtown. The remaining 50 inhabitants subsisted on scavenging (and venturing south to Ames and north to Fargo to trade these pitiful items).
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Saint Louis
10/29/62 AS-3 Kansas City
35th Infantry Division
------35th Engineer Brigade
------------Bde HQ/175th Military Police Battalion--Saint Louis (425 men)
------------220th Engineer Company--Saint Louis (100 men)
------------1138th Engineer Battalion--Saint Louis (90 men)
------------1140th Engineer Battalion--Saint Louis (110 men)
------------203rd Engineer Battalion--Springfield (100 men)
Engineers--Fort Leonard Wood
The war: The McDonald Douglas aircraft assembly plant on the north side of town was nuked by a 6 megaton SS-7 low-air burst late on October 28, 1962. The blast destroyed surrounding property, Lambert Airport and thousands of commuters on I-70. Every man-made structure with six or seven miles of ground zero was instantly disintegrated by the blast wave. To this day, the northern wedge of the city is still radioactive and charred.
Today: Saint Louis is a study in desolation and ruin in 1964. Time, nuclear fire and assorted vandals and punks have turned the city into a wasteland, firestorms, fallout and riots have reduce much of the city to charred embers. The suburbs are bad enough, but the inner city is just horrible. The roof of the baseball stadium has collapsed, City Hall looks like it was hit with a giant hammer, some of the older buildings, brick office buildings and hotels, have collapsed into rubble. There doesn’t seem to be a single intact window in the city. The Gateway Arch was blown into the Mississippi River by the blast wave and now sticks up like a giant, twisted pretzel and boaters on the river have to be careful not to hit it. The city's three largest hospitals have been demolished. The only bridges across the Mississippi River still standing are the Jefferson Barracks Bridge to the south and the I-270 bridge to the north and both bridges are well-guarded by local Missouri National Guard forces. Forrest Park and Tower Grove Park are full of refugees. Forrest Park is now a wild place, home to many animals escaped from the zoo. Because of its strategic location in the center of America, Saint Louis has become a natural catch-basin for refugees from the eastern seaboard and the Midwest.
Army in the city: MilGov has several garrisons throughout the city, all of them elements of the Missouri National Guard's 35th Engineer Brigade, a component of the 35th Infantry Division with some advisors from MilGov Command helping. Its pre-war home, the brigade HQ is with the 175th Military Police Battalion, based at the St. Louis Planetarium/Chandolet Park with some 425 men, a few M-113 APCs and two UH-1 Iroquois helicopters. The 1138th Engineer Battalion (90 men) is at the Battalion headquarters in Jefferson Barracks, the 1140th Engineer Battalion (110 men) is at the stump of the Gateway Arch currently working to clear the river for better barge traffic, and the 220th Engineer Company (100 men) is based out of the Science and Technology building on the campus of Saint Louis University.
Gangs: Several, less friendly, forces are vying for control of the rest of city today. The largest gang in the city is the 300-strong "Leather Knights", a motorcycle gang that controls the area around the St. Louis Library. A less powerful gang called the "Thunder Gang" is based in the ruins of Union Station and the tram tunnels beneath. The "Omega Force", led by former Missouri Senator Mason Bragdon with about 50 members and three civilian 4x4s is based in an abandoned shopping mall in South County and in the sewers. The large "Blitzkreigers" biker gang have a base just over the bridge in East St. Louis and at the Anheiser Busch Brewery which was claimed the brewery by squatter's rights in 1963 and have been making their own beer. They also are beginning to convert the huge stills to produce ethanol and methanol to run their bikes. They have something of a deal with MilGov to help police the refugees. The Blitzkreigers also are sitting on a gold mine and don't know it. Across the river, in the gritty industrial run-down suburb of Sauget there is a former gasoline-additive plant with an underground bunker holding 250,000 liters of number 6 fuel oil. The bikers control this area but have never bothered to loot it systematically.
The war: During the night of October 29, 1962, two Tu-95K-20 Bear Bs broke through the EMP-ravaged radar coverage and got to within a hundred miles of Kansas City before being detected. Interceptors were vectored to stop them but one Bear launched a AS-3 Kangaroo nuclear cruise missile at the city. That Bear was then brought down by a ramming attack by a USAF fighter. The missile impacted nearly on top of the Highway 291 bridge across the Missouri River in the northern part of the suburb of Independence. The blast was about 100 kT, far less than designed 800 kT due to a design flaw in the warhead, but still wiped out about a quarter of the metroplex. Between one and two hundred thousand people died as a direct result of the bombing, but the population of the city has remained high. The rest city was spared much of the fallout thanks to a storm front and the prevailing winds that day.
Holding together: Abandoned by the state and federal governments during the chaos, KC found salvation in the strong leadership of Municipal Judge Dexter White. He organized the survivors and his strict rule kept things from falling apart too much.
Today: In 1964 now-Mayor White has both sides of the city under control and is well into the process of rebuilding and cleaning up. The total city population, swelled by refugees lured here by the reports of safe haven, now number some 750,000. An aficionado of the Middle Ages, White has dreams of creating a feudal state in KC, but for now is content with restoring infrastructure and there is now running water in most areas and electricity for three hours a day for the common citizen if they pay their "power taxes". KC is now either the best police state in America or the worst dictatorship, depending on who you ask. Mayor White has put most able-bodied people to work across the city. Numerous work gangs are clearing wrecks and ruble and moving the dead to reduce the outbreaks of disease while other groups are scavenging gas from car tanks and collecting food to bring to centralized locations where it is doled out to the needy. In some areas they have repaired the broken water mains and gotten pressure up. Often these work gangs are escorted by armed policemen to protect them from marauders. The total number of trained police under uniform in the city is around 2,000, counting auxiliaries, and they are very well-armed. They also have an old UH-19 Chickasaw chopper with a 2.75" rocket pod bolted onto one side. There is still a uniformed fire department with at least one pumper truck as well. While most city streets and lesser highways are still choked with cars and wrecks, the I-635 bridge across the Kansas River and the I-35 bridge across the Missouri River are both open for travel, though there are roadblock checkpoints on either ends manned by police. The tenement blocks of North Kansas City are deserted, the remaining populace having moved into the southern suburbs. Of the western suburbs, Shawnee has been neglected the most by the Mayor because of all the work to be done still in the city proper and is now a ghost town with only a 1,000 or so refugees holed up here.
The Army arrives: Recently arrived in the metro area is a 123-man company of soldiers who have recently returned from Europe with the USAEUR evacuation and comprising mostly of men originally from the Kansas City area. These men remained loyal to CivGov even though the evacuation was MilGov sponsored, and have made a long arduous journey overland from Savannah. They are tired, wore out and ready to find family and renew old friendships. They have an M75 APC, a jeep with a 75mm recoilless rifle and a jeep-towed M101 105mm howitzer. The unit is led by Colonel Derkszoon, a Dutchman, and they are fiercely loyal to him. Despite being such a small unit compared to the city militia, Mayor White isn't too happy about the soldiers being in his city, he thinks it is a challenge to his power.
Mysteries: Of special note, of the two Tu-95K-20 Bear Bs that attacked the city in 1962, the one that wasn't shot down amazingly landed at KC Downtown Airport and the crew had tried to surrender. One of the crew spoke English and was negotiating the surrender on the runway when an enraged citizen grabbed a Tommy gun from a police officer and mowed down the whole crew. It was found later that the Bear was strictly a photo recon plane and carried no nuclear weapons. The current whereabouts of the plane are not known. In the northern suburb of Gladstone is the remains of a Nike-Hercules missile battery. There are rumors that the underground missile magazine at the base hides an intact nuclear warhead.
Between the two cities was once a land of open farmland and rolling fields of corn and wheat that have been emptied due to refugee rampages, disease, fallout and brutal droughts. Caught between Saint Louis and Kansas City, northern Missouri was crushed in a vise-grip of refugees fleeing the cities. Current populations of the scattered survivor enclaves range from just a handful, like in Trenton and Princeton, to over a hundred in Chilicothe.
Columbia: Once a fair sized city, now strikingly devoid of human life except for a few stragglers combing the ruins for salvageable materials. This city was smashed by panicking refugees heading west from Saint Louis and east from Kansas City who met here and fought each other to death over Columbia's food and resources. The University of Missouri campus is deserted except for one senile old professor and several young students who had elected to stay behind and care for him.
Moberly: This town is surrounded by a high wall of earth and junked cars, and the surviving 120 locals greet strangers with hostility (if not outright gunfire). They will tolerate only a few merchants, those from neighboring counties only, and even these are not welcomed warmly.
Marshall: Holed up in the old Missouri Valley College campus here is a group of more than a hundred refugees, most from South Dakota.
Hannibal: Along the Mississippi River, Hannibal is remarkably well preserved and mostly unlooted and a large boat here takes people and vehicles across the Mississippi River but it is expensive. Of special note, the Lock and Dam Number 22 to the south of Hannibal was the site of a major battle between MilGov and CivGov forces. The area is still littered with burnt out tanks and bomb craters.
Whiteman Air Force Base: Groundbreaking for the base's Minuteman I ICBM complex was in April of 1962 and some work was done before the exchanges in October. No missiles were ever at the base, but a lot of valuable support equipment is still here.
The southern half of the state, from Columbia south to the Arkansas border. While the open plains of northern Missouri were quickly and easily overrun by refugees, the rugged mountains and valleys of the southern half of the state kept most of the refugees out. A well-armed local populace also served to steer refugee in other directions. The Ozark Mountains region is now home to a large number of anti-government and anti-social splinter groups. Hiding in the forests are groups ranging from rural moonshiners and dope farmers to cult religions and neo-Nazi camps.
Mark Twain National Forest: It’s a wilderness in there. Mountains and hills covered with forest and grass. The water is clear and cold with the hills full of all the game you want. Some settlements even have their own electricity, run from old gristmills on the rivers. These red-necked Ozark hillbillies are as stubborn as they come, and they don’t move easy. Their places are isolated and hard to get to. And generally, they’re well defended.
Jefferson City: The former state capital of Jefferson City is a now rubble-strewn, looted and trashed. Though still home to some 3,600 survivors, civic organization is lacking, with people splintered off into little groups, in some cases in open fighting with each other. Any form of state government is long gone and the capital has been burned. A wicked bout of typhoid swept through the hill country south and west of Jefferson City this past summer, taking away many of the people who thought they had a chance to rebuild.
Rolla: Home to some 300 well-armed but generally good people who make their living farming and fishing. Rolla does possess a valuable resource--a fairly advanced chemical laboratory on the campus of the University of Missouri-Rolla capable of turning out modest quantities of smokeless powder for the manufacturing of ammunition and other explosives. This lab, run by a couple of ex-high school teachers, and it's products are Rolla's primary trade goods.
Fort Leonard Wood Military Reservation: Home of a group of US Army engineers, mostly support and staff of the engineer training school there. They mostly just try to stay fed and rarely venture off post.
Springfield: This small city is now garrisoned by the 100 men of the 203rd Engineer Battalion, a Missouri National Guard unit officially subornate to the 35th Engineer Brigade in Saint Louis but in reality completely on its own. They often sends convoys up I-44 to Fort Wood to trade with the soldiers there.
Ash Grove: Home to the "Ash Grove Boys", a violent marauder gang.
Branson: A perfect settlement, with their own water supply and electricity. They raided the hillbilly Silver Dollar Theme Park nearby and from the old technology saved from the past, they now have leather working shops, bakeries, a place to cure meat, and enough farm land around close to raise wheat for bread.
This swampy patch of land has been severely depopulated by disease and refugee migrations. Many towns are now deserted and looted, while others, like Poplar Bluff (300 people), Campbell (500 people), Sikeston and Kennett, are homes to just rabbles of dirty survivors. Lake Wappapello is home to fifty or sixty thugs who are terrorizing the area.
Caruthersville: An island of safety and an active river trading town on the banks of the Mississippi River. Jeremiah Starking has close to five hundred men, women, and kids here. Maybe a hundred of them are fighting men. He’s ex-military and knows what he’s doing. His people haven’t turned raider yet, but they’re not far from it.
Later: The Oil States (Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana)
A Quinn Martin Production !
SECTION FOUR: The Oil States (Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana)
The state's 45th Infantry Division was shipped to Korea in 1962 and ravaged. Since that unit returned to Oregon in 1963, numerous deserters have made their way back home to Oklahoma. For the most part, these veterans just want to be left alone.
95th Infantry Division--Muskogee (1160 men, 12 AFVs)
The buckle of the bible belt, Oklahoma City today is a thriving metropolis by 1964 standards. After the nuclear fallout and the paralyzing EMP waves, the rains came to wash and scrub the air clean. Once the derelict cars and buses were cleared away, the city began to go about its business again. Oklahoma City now has a number of operating oil wells within the city limits, including some derricks on the Capital grounds itself. Whatever the state of the rest of the nation, Oklahoma City did not starve for fuel in the chaos years, preserving its safety. The city is still home to the TV evangelist Oral Roberts who rules from his citadel in the city's northwestern Village suburb. His religious fervor is carried across the country by his KFSU radio station. Despite the prosperity, there are miles upon miles of deserted neighborhoods of overturned cars and weed infested streets. The western suburbs are largely depopulated and the southern suburbs are infested with gangs, including the "89th Street Bombers", who control the old Crossroads Mall off I-35. Things are starting to break down, however, threatening the security that the citizens have worked so hard for the last few months. The main reason could be the governor's refusal to allow the 95th Infantry Division (see below) back into the city after it returned from Texas this fall, which helped ease the food problem but also removed a large police force from the city. Competing forces of the state and city governments are beginning to fight for the city's valuable oil fields, using mortars in some cases. The area around Tinker Air Force Base was fought over by competing factions for days and is still a tangle of twisted girders, burnt-out buildings and piles of bricks and stones.
From the north-south stretch of Highway 81 west to the Texas border and along the Panhandle there is virtually nothing. Nearly all the towns in between have been long ago abandoned, the residents that were not killed by fallout or marauders moving south.
Enid: Now a deserted and trashed city. To the south, Vance Air Force Base has been looted so many times that it is not worth mentioning.
Chickasaw: The town of Chickasha is now home to a survivor enclave led by a man named Jesse Boston. There are four or five thousand people here and it seems that they are all heavily armed. They are, however, a racist bunch of punks who have run off or killed every non-white in the immediate area, enslaving several hundred for nefarious deeds. Grudgingly to his credit, Boston has cleaned up the town, restored sewer and water service and even turned the electricity back on. The main industry here is the manufacture of bicycles and ammunition, and trade with Oklahoma City is frequent and profitable.
Lawton: Lawton is now under the control of this tyrant and his death squad soldiers. It is a nightmare growing more hellish by the day. Dark masked thugs go door-to-door in the shantytown suburbs arresting refugees and citizens alike who refuse to submit to the will of the supposedly "popularily elected" Mayor. Everyone knows that if you want your rations of food and want to drink clean water that you have to submit to the Mayor. But not everyone submits. Corrupt power resides behind 20-foot high walls constructed around a ten-block section of downtown where electricity had recently been restored with the help of archaic-looking windmills and where partially-rebuilt buildings of rebar and concrete slabs are covered in thick ivy and banners displaying the smiling picture of the new Mayor. The Mayor has some old artillery guns used to put down riots and to just let people know he was master of their lives. The guns came from nearby Fort Sill. People are often grossly tortured and all remnants of the old American way were no longer visible here.
Fort Sill Military Reservation: Though close to the chaos and tyranny in Lawton, this base has been kept clear of that mess due to some treaties. The local base commander here, a Major Dugan, is still biding his time declaring for CivGov or MilGov, keeping his remaining troops busy policing the area in the meantime. His forces, mostly training staff of the Field Artillery Training Center, number only in the company strength by 1964. Many of these men are survivors of the 107th Signal Company, a Delaware National Guard unit that was sent here during the Berlin Crisis and was still here in 1962. Trapped by the chaos, most of the unit agreed to stay put.
Altus Air Force Base: A former B-52 base, now abandoned with all remaining aircraft and personnel having gone to Colorado Springs in 1963. Also the home of a twelve-missile Atlas F ICBM complex. The empty silos are located in the towns of Lone Wolf, Hobart, Snyder, Cache, Mantiou, Frederick, Creta, Hollis, Russell, Willow, and across the river at Fargo, Texas.
Elk City: A town under siege. The past three months have seen over a dozen well-executed marauder attacks on the small enclave, most of them coming from a motorcycle posse called “The Hello Nastie” based in the Black Kettle National Grasslands nearby. Elk City is running out of bullets.
Tulsa: When the state government failed and crashed in the chaos, Tulsa was hit by severe rioting. The entire north side practically went up in flames, leaving just the skeletons of buildings. Marauder gangs then came in and all but took over some areas of the city. The police managed to regain some control by the summer of 1963, bringing law back into most of the city except for scattered areas of the north. Since then, Tulsa has seen dramatic population growth with most of the people coming in from rural areas in Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, and the eastern portion of Oklahoma and the total Tulsa-area population is now nearing 100,000. In 1964, Malcolm Xavier, newly elected mayor, redefined Tulsa city proper as being anything south of I-244 to Harvard Avenue, and east of US-75. All territory outside of this boundary is not patrolled by the Tulsa police and is given up to the gangs and scavengers. To the north of the city is Mohawk Park, now home to biker gang called the "Wild Bunch". There are rumors that something "out of the ordinary" may be going on in the park, maybe something unnatural...
Bartlesville: North of Tulsa, Bartlesville is a strong survivor community that is protected by security forces of the Osage Indian tribe, which have kept the town safe from most of Tulsa's more adventurous marauder bands.
Muskogee: Now a MilGov US Army enclave. The city is home of the newly formed XI Corps HQ with the eventual mission to retake the Oklahoma oil fields and redeploy and protect Oklahoma and northern Texas. They are currently drawing up plans for this endeavor, set for next spring. The main component is the 95th Infantry Division (1,160 men, twelve tanks), a unit formed in Midwest City in late 1962 by redesignating the 95th Division (Training). The 95th was in Oklahoma City until last summer when it was sent south to stop the Mexican invasion. Plagued by bad leadership and mauled by the Mexicans, the division retreated back across the Red River, moving to Muskogee when the state government in Oklahoma City balked at having all those mouths to feed again. XI Corps is also keeping their end of the I-40 corridor to the MilGov enclave at Fort Smith, Arkansas open and there are frequent convoys between the two. The citizens of Tulsa are upset that the army units in Muskogee are not in their city instead, helping them against the gangs. The army, however, has no intentions of becoming a police force when it has better things to do just now.
The southern edge of the state is a wild land of swamps, forests and lakes. Many of the small towns in the region, like Pauls Valley and Ardmore, are deserted and looted, while others are still hanging on. The whole area is home range to the "All-Caucasian Army", a white-only rabble led by "Generalissimo" Renquist that is terrorizing the area. They have two old Buicks with metal welded on as armor, a few M-14s and a 3.5" bazooka.
Haileyville: Empty except for an old couple living in their farmhouse on the edge of town. They appear harmless and defenseless but they are not. The wife is a former surgeon and nurse, and the husband was a career soldier, ex-SF and Green Beret. They have three .30 cal and two .50 HMGs set up in the house to cover all possible routes and a short wave radio to keep up on events.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Dallas
10/28/62 SS-7 Houston
10/28/62 SS-7 Randolph AFB
10/28/62 SS-4 Corpus Christi
The state's two main National Guard units, the 36th Infantry Division and the 49th Armored Division, were both left in Texas throughout the war. As such, they were here to help defend the state against the Mexican invasion in 1964, though they were largely unsuccessful at that task.
36th Infantry Division--Dallas (1100 men, 4 AFVs)
------Able and Bravo Companies, 2nd Battle Group/142nd Infantry Regiment--Stratford (95 men, 4 AFVs)
49th Armored Division--Sherman (1200 men, 16 AFVs)
"1st Free Texas Motorized Volunteers"--Amarillo (75 men)
"First Cavalry Division"--Fort Hood, TX (300 men)
Company--Pasadena, TX (125 men)
Mexican Army:
2nd Brigada--Austin (1000 men, 3 AFVs)
Veracruz Brigade
------1st Infantry Battalion--Pearsall (600 men)
------2nd Infantry Battalion--Uvalde (800 men)
------Bde HQ/3rd Infantry Battalion--Crystal City (600 men, 9 AFVs)
San Luis Potosi Brigade
------Bde HQ/1st Infantry Battalion--Falfurrias (400 men)
------2nd Infantry Battalion--Raymondville (100 men)
------3rd Infantry Battalion--Rio Grande City (180 men)
Saltillo Brigade--Beeville (400 men)
Tampico Brigade--McAllen (600 men)
------2nd Infantry Battalion--Harlingen (300 men)
Matamoros Brigade--Brownsville (400 men)
3rd Regimento Caballeria--Carrizo Springs (600 men,3 AFVs)
Tercio Vanguardia--Larado (800 men, 2 AFVs)
Agrupacion Jimenez--Larado (600 men, 3 AFVs)
Tercio Liberdad--Corpus Christi (200 men)
"Division Cuba"--San Antonio (1500 men, 9 AFVs)
Nuked: On October 28, 1962, the metroplex was struck by a Russian SS-7 Saddler ICBM, which landed amidst the defense industries along Singleton Boulevard in western Dallas. The 6 megaton warhead dug into the earth before exploding. The blast area today is just low hills of rubble with only the major streets, forming intersecting patterns, remaining passable. For miles around the edge of the blast zone, all is blackened earth and shattered trees, a vast charcoal radius with the buildings perched along the edges of the zone mere twisted skeletons of concrete and steel girders standing like sentinels over the rubble field.
Today: Dallas now resembles most of the major cities in America. Ravaged in the aftermath of the chaos, with no will or way to fight fires, thousands of buildings were destroyed and neglect has brought down many more over the years. Dust now cakes the streets, broken bits of glass lay under every window, trash and debris litter the sidewalks and streets, and the rusted hulks of cars and garbage clog the avenues. Packs of feral dogs and cats now prowl the alleys of the twin cities area, far outnumbering the 10 to 15,000 people still alive in the city today.
The Army: The eastern edges of Dallas are now home to a US Army cantonment, situated around the Rockwell-Forney Dam at the south end of Lake Ray Hubbard. The garrison is the remains of the Texas National Guard 36th Infantry Division. The 36th ID has suffered greatly since the war, being chopped up in riot control operations in the Dallas area, mangled near Tyler in marauder operations, and further smashed by the Mexican invasion this summer. They did, however, manage to halt the Mexican drive at Waco and have gained much local praise and support for that. Since they retired here to rest and recover, the division has recovered nicely. Currently, they have some 1,100 soldiers here, along with two old M26 Pershing tanks, two older M4 Sherman tanks, and few jeeps mounted with 75mm recoilless rifles. They also have a small Piper scout plane. Many of the soldiers are originally from this area so they have received a better welcome than many US Army units have. The unit is loyal to the Texas state government and the governor in Sherman (see below), and they have frequent contact with the military units in that city. They are also working to reopen and control the I-30 corridor from Dallas to Texarkana, where they have set up a small outpost.
The gangs: The still occupied areas of Dallas are cut up into fifty or sixty vaguely defined zones, each with a different "warlord" in control. You go a half dozen blocks in either direction and someone else is in charge. Control changes frequently, one gang will go out on a raid and another gang will move into their territory and then there will be a fight when the first returns. There are three notable large gangs in the downtown Dallas area today whose actions affect the whole dynamics of the city. "The Chosen" (150 men) live in the old Cotton Bowl and in the summer they like to run around naked and be crazy. The "Chains" (80 men) are led by second-rate warlord called "Blackeye" Farrel and they control the area around the intersection of Midway Road and Forest Lane north of I-30. The "Stompers" (70 men) by a man named MacNally, control much territory around Buckner Blvd and I-20, with his HQ in a warehouse. The Chains and Stompers are mortal enemies, constantly fighting each other, raiding turf and taking women. The.
Fort Worth: The western half of the metroplex, Fort Worth is thriving on a limited basis, though still ravaged by years of neglect and chaos. The gangs, such as the "Arlington Vipers" who have raised packs of pit bulls to patrol their turf, still control some of the streets, but they are less active and dangerous than the ones in Dallas. Lake Worth is still relatively clean, and the fishing on the lake is still good. Both Forth Worth Meacham Field and Carswell Air Force Base have been abandoned, everything of value being trucked off to the enclave at Sherman. Carswell was also home to several large aircraft plants, mostly all stripped of the most valuable machinery and portable tools. These machines, vital for the fabricating of airframes, are kept warehoused in Sherman for the eventual day that the plants can be reopened. Once the military pulled out, the remains of the airfields and the plants were quickly looted by locals looking for anything that was left behind.
Outside of the cities and a few isolated oasis towns, the wide open plains of North Texas are a forbidding land of dust and guns. Think of a wasteland of beached hills and scorched scrub, with summer temperatures over 110 degrees and more rattlesnakes than people. The war didn’t cause all this, but the horrible droughts of 1963 and 1964, combined with the lack of commerce and security, have made it worse. The war did force most of the people living here out, moving them north and east to more fertile areas. Behind them they left vast deserts of parched and blistered earth where once rolling grasslands that fed a million head of longhorn cattle. Numerous abandoned towns dot this landscape, tumbled down buildings and rusted cars are everywhere. North of Dallas, along the more fertile tributaries of the Red River, are two competing power centers in Sherman and Wichita Falls. Each claims to be the legitimate new capital of Texas.
Sherman: In Sherman, north of Dallas, Price Daniel, the pre-war Governor, is still claiming power. The consolidated 49th Armored Division (1,200 men and sixteen tanks), a Texas National Guard unit, provides the muscle for Daniel's claims. The entire 49th AD was in Louisiana when the bombs fell and was called home to help the Texas government stabilize the situation. Desertion and constant action weakened the division to the point where when the Mexicans invaded in 1964, they were unable to stop them. They pulled out north, and settled in Sherman on the orders of Governor Price, who was concerned with protecting himself. Three of the division's sixteen remaining M48A2 Patton tanks are parked in reserve near the new state capital building. The tanks are all operational, as are five M113 APCs, but fuel and spare parts are in short supply and they are held for emergencies. The division is also short of ammunition, especially for the tanks and howitzers, but they are working to build up the industry in Sherman needed to produce more. At the local Perrin Air Force Base is the bulk of the Texas Air National Guard, now reduced to one B-66B Destroyer, four B-45A Tornados and a C-130 transport. The military is Sherman is in conflict with the Wichita Falls group, roving gangs from Dallas, and a host of marauder bands from Oklahoma. They have sentry posts between Sherman and Dallas to control immigration out of the metroplex with the four block posts located in north Dallas--one along I-35 about fifteen miles north of Dallas, one each along Highways 289, 75 and 78. They also work closely with their brothers in the 36th ID at Lake Ray Hibbard, and there is a fairly regular exchange of supplies and men between the two units.
Wichita Falls: The other self-proclaimed new capital of Texas is at Wichita Falls. This "Governor" is James Thomas, who was the pre-war head of the Texas Department of Public Safety who has claimed power due to an obscure provision of martial law in the state's constitution. Thomas and his supporters, however, control only the immediate area around Wichita Falls. He has no plans for expansion as yet, and is truly concerned with building a better life for the people in his state. As such, there is little actual conflict between his group and the Sherman group. Wichita Falls is a neat little city of 11,000 people led by forward-looking people who have reopened schools and have produce enough food for a surplus. They also have a staffed and adequately equipped hospital, the former Wichita Falls State Hospital, now probably the best civilian hospital in the state.
Abilene: East of Dallas, Abilene was the home of Dyess Air Force Base, now just empty, dust-blown ruins. Dyess was the center of an Atlas F ICBM complex, with the silos located in the towns of Abilene, Albany, Clyde, Oplin, Lawn, Bradshaw, Winters, Shep, Nolan, and Anson. All the silos are empty, their missiles long ago fired off. These abandoned sites have made great places for marauders and survivalists to hold out.
The Republic of North Texas: A more fertile than most section of the open plains of north-central Texas is now the dominion of the grandly-named "Republic of North Texas". This is mostly a loose organization of ranchers, farmers and cowhands from area towns who have banded together for mutual protection and the common good. Towns in the republic territory include Childress, Tampico, Jayton, Quanah, Crowell, Chalk, New Delwin, Matador, Medicine Mound, Farmers Valley, Rayland, Lockett, Paducah, Grow, Rhineland, Vernon, Chillicothe, and Kirkland. The total population of the Republic is now probably 30,000 people total. Much of the Republic's current leadership comes from former members of the American Quarter Horse Association, a prominent and wealthy group of ranchers and horsemen in the area before the war. The Republic's HQ is now at a ranch outside of Paducah. The ranch now looks more like an old frontier post, with a fortified perimeter, lookout posts, and stake-filled moat. The leader is "Pop" Ewell, an old rancher in his seventies. An artesian well provides clean water for the enclave, a valuable commodity. The real prize here, however, is a tanker truck with some 5,000 gallons of gasoline siphoned from old underground storage tanks at an old drilling site near Greenville. Taking members from almost every town, they have formed the "North Texas Militia" to patrol the plains and rivers. The area is pretty isolated so the militia is content with dealing with the stray marauder and drunken cowpoke. Important assets of the Republic include a twin-engine Beechcraft airplane and a helicopter.
"Nates": This fall, a new group of people have begun to enter the Republic of North Texas' territory. They are the "Nates", short for "Natives", the nickname of a large group of Kiowa Indians from Oklahoma who have moved into the area looking for fresh pastures. They currently have settled the area along the North Wichita River as far west as Hackberry. So far, they have yet to cause any trouble, though the militia is watching them closely.
Haskell: This small town on the southeastern edge of the Republic of North Texas' territory is home to an unusual community of foreigners called the "Zealanders". These are native new Zealanders, former students and families who were attending colleges in Texas. When the bombs fell in 1962, they were meeting in Haskell for a kind of group retreat organized by the New Zealand Student Association at Baylor University. Many have left for other places since then, but most of them, realizing that getting back to New Zealand is out of the question for now, have stayed here and have formed a tight-knit community of traders and farmers. In 1964, they took over the abandoned power station at Lake Stamford and are refurbishing it. Many of them still long to go back home, but the dangers of the trip keep them from trying to hard.
Comanches: Recently a war band of Comanches have entered the area, led by Chief Drawoher. They are raiding the area around Cross Plains and Rising Star, southeast of Abeline. These Indians are unconnected to the "Nates" mentioned above, and even are hostile to them.
Tyler: Now home to the "Texian Congress", a right-wing nationalistic organization with roots as disunited bands of brigands and opportunists organized under the leadership of a man named Randan Soames. Though formed only in late 1963, the Texian Congress was strong enough by early 1964 to have ambushed and defeated a battle group-sized attempt by the 36th Infantry Division to clear them out. From this encounter, the military arm of the Congress, known as the "Texian Legion", acquired a fair number of US military equipment and vehicles. The Legion includes a healthy percentage of US Army veterans and avid hunters in their ranks, and they are fighting on terrain with which they are intimately familiar, making them dangerous and effective opponents. Due to this strong defensive presence, Tyler today is a clean, rebuilding town of about 50,000 people, still filled with cowboy hats and pick-up trucks. They have elected leadership within the Legion and are getting back on their feet.
After the initial lawlessness following the bombs, the people of the Texas Panhandle settled down to live the best they could. After the first winter most of the people who depended on medical supplies for their survival (epileptics, diabetics, drug addicts, etc.) died and left a fairly healthy populace to carry on. There was plenty to eat in the area--before the war 25% of the nation's fed beef came from this area. All the survivors really had to do was plant some vegetables and wait for them to come up. The two companies of Texas National Guard infantry that were in the area did what they could for the civilians and refugees never really were a problem. Things went very well for the first year or so, the local police continued to do their job, the cattlemen and farmers continued to produce food, the refineries continued to produce limited amounts of fuel for local consumption and life continued. Granted, the people didn’t have the luxuries they once enjoyed, but they were alive, good wholesome people taking care of each other and getting on with their lives the best they could. But, things began to change once the harsh droughts of late 1963 began to affect the area. The young white men started to blame the minority groups in the area for the weather and the food shortages. The Hispanics and Laotians who had for generations worked the farms, ranches, and the refineries were targeted as being the problem. From there it spread to the small African-American population, they were to blame too. Then the violence started as the spring crops failed in the first brutal drought of 1964, first isolated fights between different race groups, then more serious violence. Martial law was declared and the police and Guardsmen took over the running of the area. Although the refineries still produce some refined fuel, most of the vehicles have fallen on disrepair due to lack of spare parts. Horses and wagons have returned as a primary means of transportation throughout the panhandle. Refined fuel is still used for lighting (kerosene lamps), heating (fuel oil) and fuel for the few remaining vehicles (fuel oil). Most trade is between towns within and surrounding the panhandle, traders from outside are rare (most fall prey to the bandits or elements before reaching the towns). The entire population of the panhandle has topped at about 15,000 people at this time. Those that live in the towns are well off as compared to their counterparts outside of the towns. In town the police keep the peace and generally let the people go about their business.
Perryton: The northeast corner of the panhandle is home to a particularly large following of redneck trash, about 1,500 strong, led by an avowed racist named John Masters. They pretty much just tend their fields, tinker on their oil wells and generally keep to themselves. This won't last, however, as they are planning on spreading their hate soon. There are encamped in and around the town of Perryton.
Borger: A small part of the Phillips Petroleum and Diamond Shamrock oil refining and storage facilities at Borger still work and are still able to produce small quantities of low-grade kerosene on a continuing basis. The Chief of Police patrols on horse back and still has the ceremonial sidearm of his office, a .45 Colt revolver. He has reverently maintained this sidearm and carries it everyday, but has no ammunition for it. With a population of 2,000, Borger has become the crossroads of the western panhandle, it is here that goods are brought to be sold to wandering traders.
Stratford: Stratford is now home to the combined remnants of the Texas National Guard units that were stationed in the panhandle before the war, some 95 men total. These were Able and Bravo Companies of the 2nd Battle Group/142nd Infantry Regiment, a 36th Infantry Division component totally out of contact with the division HQ in Sherman. For the past year or so, the unit has basically gone native, settling down in this town and not answering the radio anymore. The 1,500 civilians help feed the unit in exchange for the protection. The Guards have heavily fortified the town, and this is now a tough nut indeed. Covering the approaches to the town are two immobile M-24 Chaffee light tanks. They are permanently hull-down, and their turrets are fully functional on manual backups; therefore night fighting will limit their firing to what they can see by starlight or from muzzle flash. They also have two more mobile M-24 tanks, five jeeps, a deuce-and-a-half truck, a 3.5" bazooka with one rocket, five BARs, and two M2HB heavy machineguns. The vehicles are relics from local Texas National Guard armories. In the past year the unit has been augmented by several groups of deserters from the 49th Armored Division, men whose home were in the area and left their unit to go home.
Amarillo: The only real city in the panhandle is Amarillo, though today its not much of one anymore. The ruins here rise abruptly from the powdery yellow wasteland and reach into the sky, the tops of their once-magnificent glass and steel skyscrapers now little more than dusty skeletons of buildings. Filth litters the streets and the stench of death hangs everywhere. Amarillo College has been looted and vandalized by gangs of punks and the small Tradewind Airport is blocked and cluttered. In a district of warehouses and light industry that hadn't been too badly damaged by the rioting, various traders using the interstates through the city have set up a kind of “fortified community”, occupying several city blocks and encircled by a makeshift wall of old cars, barbed-wire fences, and fiberglass partitions scavenged from the ruins. Here, trade is conducted regularly during the day with local inhabitants and passing caravans, and shelter is offered (for a price) to those seeking it in one of the city’s boarding houses. There are about 3,000 men, women and children living in this camp. Armed with shotguns and the odd military rifle, the locals here often conduct raids into the surrounding downtown area to hunt bandits, which seem to be unusually abundant in the ruins. The military recently has sent details to nearby Amarillo Air Force Base salvaging what they can find and even steeling supplies from survivors one the east side closest to the base. They have gotten one of the runways patched up enough to allow in flights, they have three aircraft here: a one-engined airplane, an old twin-engine CH-37 Mojave and an older UH-19 Chicksaw chopper. Working with the military contingent is some irregular forces. A motel complex off I-40 is the base camp of the 1st Free Texas Motorized Volunteers (75 men). This half patriot-half road vigilante group is responsible for local security and patrol in the Staked Plains area. They are nominally loyal to the Republic of Texas government in San Antonio, but they are in reality much on their own. They have numerous civilian vehicles, many set up to act as "Q ships" for ambushing biker gangs, and a .30 cal armed jeep, and have two 37mm anti-tank guns liberated from National Guard armories. The commander rides in a jeep with a 57mm recoilless rifle on it. Personnel weapons are a mix but include some M2 carbines.
Waco: South of Dallas, Waco was the furthest extent of the Mexican advance towards Oklahoma. The drive stalled more because of the Mexican's overstretched supply line final snapped than any efforts on the American military's part. Soon after the Mexican entered the town, it was shelled to pieces by the 36th Infantry Division, and they looted and burned with gusto when they "recaptured" Waco after the Mexicans pulled back south after a few days, Waco was then thrashed again by rioters and scavengers when the 36th ID abandoned the city and headed back north to Dallas. Ravaged by all this, barely one-percent of the population still lives here.
Fort Hood Military Reservation: South of Waco, this base was one of the largest military posts in the nation. Mostly abandoned when food supplies became scarce in late 1963, the base was stripped of everything of value, shut down and only a caretaker force of stragglers and volunteers was left behind to basically fend for themselves. Under the command of Colonel Killian, the 300 or so remaining soldiers left here formed a patchwork division operating under the unofficial name of the "First Cavalry Division". While they are mostly horse cavalry, they have scratched together an armored platoon with four old M26 Pershing tanks and a few M75 APCs. When the Mexican Army came up I-35 in 1964, the First Cavalry Division put up such a strong show of force that the Mexicans wisely bypassed the base and headed on north to Waco. Along with the military personnel, the base is now home to some 1,600 scraggly refugees squatting on the base perimeter. Living conditions are miserable and the Army men can do little for them. Colonel Killian is firmly MilGov and has recently aligned his unit with the government in Sherman. His loyalty is more than lip-service, and he has sent a detached company down at the Space Center near Houston at the request of the Sherman leadership.
Austin: The radiation fallout rooster tail from the Randolph AFB strike severely depopulated Austin in 1962, and riots and the predations of refugees in later years have left it a gutted shell. A former rail transportation hub, the majority of rolling stock and engines were obliterated during the war. Those remaining are slowly rusting in the city's rail yards, unable to move on the shattered lines. Despite being so severely damaged, Austin today serves as the northernmost stronghold of what is left of the Mexican invasion force. The city's garrison consists of 800 Hispanic militiamen (serving part time) and the NATIONALISTS' 2nd Brigada (1,000 men and three captured American M41 tanks). The troops here have a fair amount of motorized transport with ten or twelve big one- and five-ton troop trucks, ten semi trucks, and three big tanks liberated from the US Army. The officers are Hqed in the Ney Museum, with troops barracked around the city. They have done little to control the population except for roadblocks at major roads. While they actually control little beyond the valley around the city, they occasionally patrol as far south as San Marcos, where they have a small outpost. They are currently hunting the countryside west of the city for a rumored treasure. There are a number of armed Americans in town now, deserters from the 49th Armored Division. So far they are not a problem, they just want to be home. In a deep-shaft shale-oil mine complex are supposedly several tons of supplies and food placed there by the Texas state government in the 1950s. When the Randolph nuke hit, the seismic wave collapsed the mine entrance and no one is left alive to pinpoint the exact location.
Randolph Air Force Base to the northeast was nuked by a 6 megaton SS-7 low air burst late on October 28, 1962. The bomb landed a bit off center, but close enough to wipe the airbase and the surrounding area off the face of the planet. A 200 foot wide and 150 foot deep crater remains at the spot underneath where the bomb went off. Though hammered by the nuclear strike, the riots and the chaos, San Antonio kept on its feet though the long dark months. By mid-1963, the city was well on the way to recovery. Over 200,000 people were still in the city and were determined to rebuild. Rebuilding is a major task--the eastern half of the city towards the AFB is a radioactive ruin, the northern suburbs are full of rows of burnt-out tract houses, and cannibalism is still a problem.
Revival: In late-1963, the city became the new capital of the secessionist "Republic of Texas", led by "President" George Bush, a former Texas oil tycoon and master organizer. Bush, and his two sons Jed and George Jr., have worked to clean up the city, concentrating on the downtown area within the I-410 ring road, which hadn't been too badly effected by the nuke and the chaos. Press-gangs of civilians are clearing out rubble and pushing car wrecks to the side to open up roads. The Bush's rule from the Spanish Governor's Palace in the middle of the Military Plaza, as the top half of City Hall was taken off by the Randolph strike. He has over 3,000 armed men at his disposal, along with a lot of salvaged support weapons. There are two local TV channels working in town, both repaired after militant Hispanics blew them up earlier, with power coming from natural gas pumps. They have recently began trading with the Russians encamped southeast of the city, trading for food and fuel. In the parts of the city not under the Bush's control, various minor gang leaders and Hispanic street warlords are the local power bosses, but they are small enough to not be a threat.
Invasion: Then, in May of this year, the Mexicans crossed the border. As it unfolded, and became obvious that the Mexicans were going to reach San Antonio, the city panicked again. President Bush worked to quiet the civilians and get them to build up the southern defenses. The hasty preparations probably would have stopped the Mexicans anyway, but they had already decided to bypass San Antonio and head for Dallas.
Nuclear deterrence:As the Mexicans drove around the eastern side of the city, a local US Army commander in Austin decided to use ultimate means to stop the drive in his sector. He fired two low-yield tactical nuclear artillery shells at the suburb of Selma, then hosting a concentration of Mexican troops and vehicles. The Mexican drive didn't fragment, however, and was still able to push on to Austin. The nukes burned out several square miles of land, leaving radioactive craters to poison the survivors. For lack of information, many people in San Antonio believe that the Mexicans had nukes.
Hotbed: Today, San Antonio and it’s citizens are a major pain for the Mexicans and Soviet Division Cuba, from 80-year-old grandmas to teenagers who were being taught by cadre from the ROTC departments of the three colleges in town. There were a large number of military vets that had settled down in San Antonio that have taken up arms again. There are even some urban gangs that have turned into patriots.
Division Cuba: The San Antonio area is also the home of the remnants of the Russian "Division Cuba", now held up in the far western reaches of the city and content to scheme and plot a way back home. These men are former Russian, Hungarian, Czech, and even Chinese "advisors" and trainers who banded together after the smashing of Cuba. At the time of the invasion there were about 42,000 men in Cuba, and they gave a good account of themselves in defending the island. Unfortunately, the SAC nuked the island hard after the war started and by the end of the year only about 5,000 of them were still alive. The division, or what was left of it after the mess in Cuba, worked its way across to Mexico in early 1964, escaping the radioactive horror of that island with every piece of equipment they could scrounge up. In Mexico, they found a Marxist-leaning government who was excited at having a Russian Army unit help them in their plan to conqueror Texas. The Russians went along with the plan, and were trapped in South Texas when the Mexican drive fell apart. The unit called it's own independent ceasefire and began looking for a place to encamp. They found it around the prime fishing grounds of Calaveras Lake, just a dozen miles southeast of San Antonio. They have total control over their immediate area, comprising the entire lake shore and the towns of Palm Park, Sasparnco and Elmendorf, but have little interest in any more offensive operations and have even began to trade with the civilians in San Antonio. In some ways, the Russians are good neighbors--they don't cause much trouble and their presence helps keep many marauder bands away from the city. Their strength is now about 1,500 men with seven operational tanks (mostly captured American but with some Cuban T-34/85s), two captured M19 anti-aircraft tanks, three BTR-60s, twelve assorted former US and Mexican APCs, ten trucks, fourteen jeeps, and two 10,000-liter tank trucks full of carefully husbanded diesel. The division's commander is General of the Army Issa Pliyev, a stodgy old warhorse best know for his command of cavalry forces in Manchuria in 1945. He was the commander of the Russian forces in Cuba when the war started and was the one who authorized the first use of tactical nuclear weapons against the invading Americans. Rumor has it that the Russians are planning on marching west for California in order to find shipping home, perhaps turning over their heavy equipment to the Americans or Mexicans for a ride much like the Americans did in Germany. A small group of Russians made the overland trip early this fall and are now in San Diego trying to contact their comrades in Texas.
South Texas between San Antonio and the border is a patchwork of abandoned and looted towns, Mexican army garrisons and marauder enclaves. As the invasion built up speed, most of the whites in South Texas wisely headed north, and today the area is probably 90% Hispanic. When the Mexican government disintegrated into the competing CONSTITUTIONALIST, NATIONALIST and ALLIANCE factions, the invasion abruptly stopped. The various garrisons now have different allegiances to the various factions in Mexico based on the affinities of each unit's leaders. Manpower figures given for individual units usually include large numbers of local levies from amongst the more militant young Hispanics.
The CONSTITUTIONALISTS in South Texas: The CONSTITUTIONALIST faction controls the 1,600-man Veracruz Brigade, with 1st Infantry Battalion (600 men) in Pearsall, the 2nd Infantry Battalion in Uvalde (800 men with four Cuban 122mm howitzers but little ammunition for them), and the brigade HQ and the 3rd Infantry Battalion (600 men) in Crystal City. Today Crystal City and the surrounding valley are rich in agriculture, the area having been spared much of the radiation and fighting. With such an opportunity for prosperity, the townspeople have risen to the occasion and today the city feeds much of the surrounding countryside. The nearby state prison, the Connally Institute for Correction, was transformed into the Brigade's fort. It is now very formidable and would be difficult to take. The Mexicans have assembled a hodge-podge of armored vehicles here, hoarding them for some eventual use, though most of them are museum pieces or refugees from the Mexican National Guard. They have one of the last running M3 Lee MBTs, an M8 75mm self-propelled howitzer, an M3A1 Stuart, an M5 Stuart, five M4 Shermans, and a captured M75 APC. The local airfield has three Mexican Air Force planes but no fuel for them, but the Mexicans guard them day and night just the same. Just recently entering the CONSTITUTIONALIST fold are two smaller units. The 3rd Regimento Caballeria (600 men with an M4 Calliope fire support vehicle and two other AFVs) is in Carrizo Springs, they have several mortar squads but little ammunition and their HQ is set up in an old architect's office. To the south is the San Luis Potosi Brigade, also recently converted to the CONSTITUTIONALIST credo. The brigade is now split with the brigade HQ and the 1st Infantry Battalion (400 men) in Falfurrias, the 2nd Infantry Battalion (100 men) in Raymondville, and the 3rd Infantry Battalion (180 men) in Rio Grande City.
The NATIONALISTS in South Texas: Along with the Austin garrison, the NATIONALIST faction controls the Saltillo Brigade (400 men) in Beeville. The Brigade HQ is in a large ranch house just north of town, amidst a large Mexican refugee camp of perhaps 40,000 people living in cardboard and tent shanties. The Brigade is under the command of General Rivera and has twelve jeeps, four two-and-half ton trucks, eight three-quarter ton trucks, a 10,000 liter tank truck carrying methanol, and five appropriated civilian cars--all vehicles converted to run on alcohol. The troops are armed with an assortment of weapons, including 7.62mm M1954 bolt-action rifles, AK-47s, M-14s, and Mexican-made hunting rifles. They watch over the many refugees who farm the fertile and well-watered land below Lake Corpus Christi and the Wesley-Seale Dam. The have outposts at George West and Mathis and run frequent patrols through Victoria. South along the border, the NATIONALIST movement also controls elements of the NATIONALISTS' Tampico Brigade, split with the brigade HQ and the bulk (600 men) in McAllen and the 300 men of the detached 2nd Infantry Battalion in Harlingen. McAllen is a particularly large town, now supporting a population of 50,000, about half Mexican refugees, with most of them living by working the surrounding citrus groves for the Mexican government and the local army units.
The ALLIANCE in South Texas: The ALLIANCE faction controls the large city of Larado, still home to 30,000 residents, mostly refugees, mostly starving and living in temporary camps along the Rio Grande River. The Alliance unit here is the Tercio Vanguardia (800 men, 2 AFVs), formerly the Monterrey Brigade of the Nationalist Army, and also the Agrupacion Jimenez (600 men, 3 AFVs), formed from deserters from the Saltillo and Tampico Brigades. Their HQ is in the old Federal Building in Jarvis Plaza close by the US end of the International Bridge, with a large supply dump located on the grounds of the former Larado Air Force Base. Laredo is constantly under attack from bandits and marauders and a cholera epidemic is brewing in the slums, 8,000 people have died this year already and are buried in shallow mass graves north of the city. As well, the ALLIANCE is the only faction that has troops in the Corpus Christi area.
Banditos on the loose: Several other Mexican units have turned marauder in the area. The Bandera Rodriguez, a 400-man Mexican marauder band (formerly the 2nd Regiment of the Nationalist Ciudad Victoria Brigade), is holed up in Kingsville. They also control the Chase Field Naval Air Station to the NE, but all buildings here have been destroyed by fire, and the rubble has been picked over many times by parties searching for food, fuel and weapons. As well, the Bandera Benito Juarez (100 men), formed from elements of various Nationalist defectors and local guerrillas, is currently wintering in Gonzales.
The beautiful port city of Corpus Christi was nuked by a 1.2 megaton SS-4 MRBM launched from Cuba on October 28, 1962 that air burst over the gas and oil fields and the refineries west of the city. Fires burned for months afterward, and the local casualty rate ran close to 70%. Anyone who survived fled inland, leaving the ruins to the rats and roaches.
Today: The western districts of the city still contain small amounts of residual radiation, but the remainder of the city is now free of radiation danger. The ruins have been searched by dozens of marauder bands, soldiers and local defense groups over the years. Still, much of the city, and particular the outlying suburbs and nearby towns to the east and north, has sustained little damage. Few people live in Corpus Christi now, though a handful of rugged individuals farm areas which once were parklands or landscaping by the entrance ramps for highway interchanges.
Mexican Army: The ruins today are home of the ALLIANCE's Tercio Liberdad (200 men), formed from defectors from the Nationalist Saltillo Brigade, led by Corporal Huerta. They have a variety of sporting and military small arms, but no military vehicles and just a few horses.
Corpus Christi Naval Air Station: Abandoned and destroyed by Americans during the general withdraw in 1963, it is now the home of a band of marauders called the "Baby Squad". Almost 200 bandits, led by Grady LaMarr, are quartered here among the modern "hotel" barracks which formerly housed naval pilot trainees. Rubble from destroyed buildings has been piled up by hundreds of civilians forced to labor under the marauders' guns to make a fortified wall around the control tower building, which LaMarr uses as his HQ. The men are heavily armed, with six .30 cal machine guns, a number of rifle grenade launchers, and two 60 mm mortars with about thirty rounds. Extra weapons are stored in an arsenal bunker behind the tower and a motor pool includes two M59 APCs. The MGs have been stripped from the APCs but they are otherwise in working order. Also in the pool are eight civilian cars and eight jeeps. About 600 civilians are held outside the fort behind a barrier of rubble and concertina wire which encloses a number of barracks.
The major Mexican holding in Texas is Brownsville, with a current population is around 70,000, almost entirely Hispanic. The city is not currently aligned with any of the political factions, but all are actively trying to convert the leaders in the town. Work gangs of civilians under guard are building a sandbag and rubble wall around the town now. The International Bridge is guarded by barricades on either end, and manned by armed troops with machine guns and a toll of food or ammunition is collected for travelers. The real power in town is a former Mexican drug cartel sect called "La Familia". They number around 400 mercenary types and they are armed with a variety of submachine guns, civilian sporting guns, and a small number of heavy machine guns and military weapons. The cartel's leader is known as "El Jefe", and his power base is in the City Hall and Market Place in the center of town. Brownsville is also home of the Matamoros Brigade, a 400-man Mexican Army unit (nominally NATIONALIST) that now answers only to El Jefe and can be considered mercenaries. Numerous trucks, jeeps, and APCs are used in Brownsville, most converted to methanol use, though a few still use gasoline and there are small quantities of gas and oil still available. The troops are armed with a mix of automatic rifles, Mexican M1954s and assault rifles, Browning .30 cal and DShK machine guns, and a small number of Russian Bazookas and US recoilless rifles. They have also deployed 60mm mortars at key defensive positions around the city perimeter.
Port Isabel: Down the Rio Grande River to the Gulf of Mexico, rumor has it that Port Isabel, now home to about 5,500 people, mostly refugees, is now held by a Swedish mercenary group also paid by El Jefe. There are armed fishing boats and launches anchored at Port Isabel on the mainland side of the Laguna Madre.
Brazos Santiago: Offshore, the Brazos Santiago Coast Guard Station and the lighthouse that lies between the southern tip of South Padre Island and Brazos Island are occupied by at least 60 El Jefe marauders. There are a number of small craft-motor launches, pleasure craft, fishing and shrimping boats armed with machineguns and grenade launchers that are used as an ad-hoc coast guard.
Hebbronville: Home of the "Jim Hogg Irregulars", a racist organization of local thugs that are determined to purge all Hispanics from the area. They patrol an area roughly 30 square miles, centered around the town. They are armed with a variety of weapons, including M-14s, AK-47s, Mexican military rifles, shotguns, and sporting rifles.
Shiner: This town, north of Victoria, is known for producing a locally-brewed beer called Shiner Bock. Owing to it's location, Shiner is plagued by attacks from Mexican marauder gangs to the south. Local residents have been kidnapped and held for ransom. This usually includes several barrels of Shiner Bock. Shiner is protected by the town militia. The militia, guided by the mayor Bob Kreiger, has been able to stave off most threats to the town proper. Kreiger is a former Texas Ranger and has strong contacts within the Texas Department of Public Safety at the capital of Wichita Falls. The militia consists of 60 volunteers organized into four platoons. Militia armament consists predominantly of old hunting rifles and shotguns with some automatic rifles. Most of the recruits are young people between the ages of 18-25. Normally the town militia fields only the scout platoon fulltime, with the other platoons dividing their time evenly between military drilling, town projects and apprenticeships. The militia commander is currently Captain James Kreiger--the mayor's youngest brother. The mode of transport used by the militia varies from an ancient 1920 patrol cruiser to Palomino ponies and rebuilt motorcycles. The brewery has managed to continue operating on a limited basis by using locally grown ingredients.
Goliad: An old P-51 Mustang, restored by a private collector, still runs recon and ground-attack missions on rebels patrols and refugees.
Victoria: The most notable city not under direct Mexican control in South Texas is Victoria. A virtual metropolis by 1964 standards, Victoria now has a population of nearly 84,000, many of whom are refugees from San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and south Texas. Many of these refugees live in temporary camps south of the city along the banks of the Guadalupe River. It serves now as a trading center for goods coming into Port Lavaca destined for other parts of Texas and holds a strategically important position between it and San Antonio. There is some evidence of the war in Victoria--numerous factories and industrial plants, including DuPont, Alcoa, and Union Carbide, now stand stripped and empty or burned out. Two rival groups are HQed in Victoria today, the "South Texas Grange" and a 200-man local branch of the "Texian Legion". Though not openly at war with each other, harassment on both sides has erupted into low-level warfare with riots, stonings, and gunfire on several occasions. The Legion has its HQ in a warehouse on the east side of town. The Grange is established in an apartment complex two miles to the west. Neither group is strong enough to challenge the nearby Mexican Army enclave at Beeville, which runs occasional patrols through Victoria but otherwise leaves the city alone. Government is carried out by a town council which includes both Grangers and Legionnaires, and by an armed militia numbering several hundred. There is a local Mexican military governor, but he is in the pay of the Victorian town council, and turns his back on most activities. Trade is carried out through barter, Mexican Pesos, or gold or silver.
Port Lavaca: The ocean port of Victoria is Port Lavaca. Small, ocean going craft still trade out of this port and some cotton is harvested and traded out of the area. The city supports a population of around 22,000 and food is plentiful. Many of the refugees live in shantytowns of plywood, cardboard, canvas and sheet metal throughout Calhoun County as a large number of the buildings in the town proper were destroyed in the riots after the nukes fell. The city is ruled by "Mayor" James Calhoun, with a town militia of several hundred. The harbor is crowded with shipping, with several freighters, ocean tugs, and oil rig motor launches having come here to wait out the war now unused or abandoned, and large numbers of fishing and shrimp boats. The refineries and oil storage tanks in the area have long since been emptied and most oil wells have been shut down and capped off, though a few small wells have been reopened and produce small amounts of poor-grade crude. A causeway connects Port Lavaca with Point Comfort, home to the ruins of chemical and aluminum plants. The town has been ravaged by two years of riots, looting and fighting.
Matagorda Air Force Base: Off shore of Port Lavaca, Matagorda Island is now completely desolate, exposed, and deserted. Matagorda AFB was stripped and blown up when US forces evacuated from the area and nothing remains but crumbling brick shells and the charred frameworks of empty Quonset huts and hangars.
The war: A vital port city and oil production center, Houston was nuked by a 6 megaton SS-7 that airburst low over the northeastern part of the city during the night of October 28, 1962. The northeast Houston skyline is now mostly unobstructed by skyscrapers and other creations of man. Many skyscrapers have been flash-melted to molten slag as seismic waves made the ground heave, rupturing gas lines to feed the firestorm. Of many other buildings, only the foundations remain. Thousands of cars and buses have been contorted into rusted abstract forms, their paintwork uniformly scorched black. Millions of tons of incinerated rubble mercifully conceal the numerous skeletons beneath, although one doesn’t have to look far for signs of human destruction. Vast stretches of rubble now lay between the charred structural-steel skeletons as whole city blocks were leveled by the shock wave. The warhead burst over Jacinto City and the zone of total destruction extends from there four miles in every direction. The only fortunate thing to happen to the city was that on the night of the nuke, a gusty wind blew most of the heavy fallout southeast out to sea.
Houston today: Despite the damage to the city, there is a considerable population living in the ruins, especially around the city's western and southern outskirts where both radiation and ruin are not as bad as in the northeast area. Former park areas have been cleared and are used for agriculture, and rubble and many standing buildings have been converted into small fortresses both to keep people in and out of the city. Today, there are still over 23,000 people in the Houston area, a surprisingly large number all things considered, but they are well spread out and mostly in the suburbs, and all fighting each other. There is a salvage swap-meet of sorts in the still-radioactive hypocenter of the burst, where the fires and the pressure waves have created a large clearing in the center of the city. The meet is open to both blacks and whites.
Black and white: Houston was also ravaged by race and food riots, the winters of 1962 and 63 were especially brutal, even this far south, and many died from exposure. The whites controlled the suburbs, the blacks the inner city and during the chaos the whites cordoned off the ghettos and wouldn't let the blacks out. Expressways were blocked and guarded, the same with bridges and avenues, and the ghettos became unlivable deathtraps. The whites raided National Guard and Reserve armories to get mortars and cannons, and began shelling the inner city. It was a regular war. In early 1964, a force of whites invaded the ghettos and downtown areas, slaughtering all the blacks they could find before retreating to the suburbs again. The race wars have created a physical wall to separate the two sides, started by the black communities south of I-610 in the first brutal months of the chaos. The wall runs down the middle of the I-610 inter beltway, with white militias patrolling north of it and black militants below. It stretches from Lawndale Avenue near the Houston Ship Channel (where it consists only of barbed wire) westward to where the road curves north in Bellaire (where it finally ends in another loose skein of wire in a white neighborhood). In between the wall is built of cement and cinder blocks, wrecked and stolen cars, burned and stripped semi-trailers, upended furniture, broken concrete, bricks, and skeletons. Every major road in the inner city is unfit for vehicular travel and fires often rage through large parts of the city.
The Black Aces: The black neighborhoods in South Houston horrible human remains are now ruled over by a violent bandit gang called the "Black Aces". The Aces are led by a man named Jonas Williams. Williams quickly forged his empire out of the chaos following the nuclear strike and the ensuing racial violence, eliminating all the smaller gangs in the southern ghettos and forcing tribute from others until he had sovereignty over them all. He has nearly quadrupled the size of his "army" since then and it is he who built the wall down I-610 to keep his territory separate. His HQ is now in a miraculously intact Holiday Inn and has worked to fill it with the choicest of loot and salvage and enjoys looking down from his penthouse at the carnage that he rules through a powerful telescope. Oddities in his collection include a Mercury space capsule from the NASA center in Pasadena, a stuffed woolly mammoth from the Museum of Natural History and even a yellow cab. His main cohort is a man named "Schizo" Streczov, a former surgeon at the Manned Spacecraft Center who now is his torture specialist. The Baron has amassed a large amount of weaponry scavenged from all over the city.
The Brotherhood: The southwestern suburbs of Houston are the home range to a group of Hispanic bandits called "The Brotherhood", a very strong force of rabble that pushed their way up slowly from Mexico behind the Mexican Army drive this summer. The Brotherhood is run by a man whose title is "Kamfyurer". The Kamfyurer's real name is Jorj, and apparently is quite the tactical genius. His force is estimated at twenty thousand people of various sorts, mostly Hispanic Americans looking for food and Mexicans who were lured across the border by Jori's promises of plunder. They wear no uniforms and their weapons range from fancy assault rifles to bolt-and-lever actions rifles of odd calibers. His trump cards are two M41 tanks (one of them without it's turret) and three M59 APCs that he claims he "bought" from the First Cav in Fort Hood. No one is quite clear how he got them, however, as the Americans surely wouldn't sell him anything.
NASA Manned Spacecraft Center: Located southeast of the sprawling rubble of Houston, this center is in decent repair, in fact it's condition is far better than actually can be expected and has been just recently reoccupied by a small salvage team from the government in Sherman. The facility is lightly defended by seven US Army Green Berets from Sherman, and a company of the First Cavalry from Fort Hood (125 men and two M75 APCs). The overall commander is named Pale. To aid in the defense, they have armored and armed several earth movers found at the site. They have had to beat off several strong attacks from rag-tag elements of the Brotherhood recently and are now extremely low ammunition--they are down to a clip per man. The military presence has brought out the civilians looking for protection from and now there is a sizeable number (200 plus) of women and children within the center complex.
Texas City: Looted, savaged, fought over and shelled numerous times and finally burned, there is not much left standing. The port is wrecked, with dozens of ships having been sunk in the harbor. Starvation is rampant in the few survivors here. The I-45 bridge across to Galveston is down, isolating the latter from the chaos in Texas City.
La Porte: Home of a growing body of marauders, led by "Surtur, the King of the Raiders". They are being encouraged and supplied by the Jonas William's Black Aces in Houston to soon attack Galveston. Right now there are some 500 here, armed with light arms, a few heavy machineguns and some mortars. To help accomplish this, Williams has gathered a small "navy" to blockade Galveston when the time comes. The navy consists of about 25 former pleasure and fishing craft, armed and armored, and one US Navy PT boat. The PT has no torpedoes but it's cannons are operational.
Galveston: The Houston Ship Channel from Galveston Bay almost to the San Jacinto Monument is a huge black scar. The waters still shine from leaking oil and the shallows are clogged by years of charred flotsam and sunken ships. At the ocean-end of the channel, Galveston, which has escaped much of the chaos, retains much of it's former identity. Isolated from the mainland by the downed I-45 bridge, the city has been growing. Though depopulated, the port still has some trade ongoing and fishing boats still ply the waters off here. It is most noted for being a pirate base and clearing house for their looted goods. The pirates, generally known as the "Shrimpers" because so many of them were once shrimpers operating from Galveston, number about 1,500 total including dependents and captives. The pirate "fleet" consists of five sailing schooners rigged with small arms and boat hooks. The flagship is the 140-foot Lucia, a fast and agile sailing yacht. The most heavily armed (and sluggish) boat is the 125-foot Tooth of Horan, which mounts three small cannons starboard and three more at the stern. The other boats of the fleet are the Windon Wait, the Darwip, and the 40-foot Kapinta. Offshore, the scattered oil rigs have become the home of these pirates and renegades. The largest is now called "Paradise Cove" and is the main pirate stronghold in the gulf. They have many armed boats that operate from here. Their prize is a medium-sized oil supertanker that they recently found wandering in the Gulf of Mexico. They want to try and get it operational again to make a floating traders' bazaar for the remaining port towns. They also want to try and get it armed and make a floating fortress.
Mystery: Sometime in the last six months an abandoned submarine washed up ashore on the coast southwest of Galveston. It is a World War II-vintage Balao class diesel sub. The pirates there haven't found it yet, thankfully, but several local fishermen know of it, but they are afraid of it and avoid going near it. The sub is empty of crew, but otherwise intact. The logs will say that she was abandoned off the coast of Brazil in 1963 by her crew after a mutiny, though how she made it all the way here is a mystery. The engines are still operational and there are five torpedoes still aboard
Notable only for ribbons of cracked pavement stretching into the deserts, passing though deserted and looted towns. For hundreds of miles there is nothing but rattlers and armadillos. The rule of thumb is that to survive in West Texas you need two of three things: brains, numbers, or big guns. Communities exist in the area, though they rarely are larger than small hamlets. All the same, these villages are home to over half of the region's population. These societies sustain themselves by either gathering or, more commonly, subsistence farming. There are also bandit and raider groups that live by praying on small communities; these groups are rare near areas with strong infrastructure. Some survivalists, Mexican Army deserters, nuts, individualists, and poor shmucks live in alone or in very small groups in West Texas. Like others, they usually survive on subsistence farming. The Rio Grande Valley on the border with Mexico south of Highway 90 is an empty quarter with nearly all the small towns being deserted, burnt and looted. The Mexican Army this summer was able to rush through this area almost unopposed because there was no one there to even notice them.
Midland: Home to a small petroleum operation run by the locals. They sell their oil to anyone with food.
Big Springs: Now home to a struggling survivor community, 105-strong. The surrounding area is being terrorized by an outlaw bandit force led by a Hispanic warlord called El Sangre Dio, "The Blood God", as he is called. At last report, the Blood God could field over a dozen jeeps and light trucks, nearly 100 motorcycles, over 150 foot soldiers, and at least one modified tractor-trailer. Reports of a helicopter are unconfirmed. Dio had been a mechanic at the race track near Lake Dallas before the war, and this knowledge of engines has helped him maintain his gang's cycles and vehicles.
Webb Air Force Base: This airbase to the south of Big Springs was devastated by a rat-borne plague, and there are now only five surviving servicemen here.
San Angelo: This former city of a million people has seen some rough and tumble times. The city core is littered with the ravaged shells of banks and state offices, and surrounded with a ring of filth and dust. The southern suburbs of the city are now nearly completely abandoned to the dogs and the snakes, the majority of the remaining citizens clustered in the downtown business area. These helpless people are now controlled by a marauder gang called the "Angelinos" led by a man named Mekong Mike. Mike used to be a big-time drug runner from Mexico, now his business is women and guns, much more valuable products. He has built a low wall around parts of the downtown area and the northern freeway approaches are controlled by roadblocks. Just this fall, there was a schism in the gang, with a group of forty or so marauders under "Mad Dog Michigan" splitting off and moving northeast to Strawn, west of Fort Worth. Here they have built a fortress out of an old truck stop and are planning on attacking San Angelo next spring to get revenge on Mekong Mike.
Lubbock and the nuke: Out on the barren plains of northwest Texas, Lubbock is a ghost town with lingering radioactivity keeping all but the most desperate refugees away. Early this past summer, as an expeditionary force of Mexican cavalry pushed though the area, the US Army commander in the section authorized the use of nuclear weapons to halt the drive. A 10 kiloton nuclear demolition charge severely damaged the industrial section of the city. Most of the transportation network through the city remained intact, however, when the Mexicans reformed and occupied the hulk a week later. Soon after, the city was the target of two American nuclear artillery shells which devastated what was left. After that the Mexicans left Lubbock for good and headed back south. It is a radioactive ruin now, inhabited by barely 50 scavengers.
The Caverns of Sonora: These deep caves are now inhabited by a band of cannibals.
Fort Stockton: What little of this town that has survived the droughts and refugee migrations was burned by a marauder gang last summer. Fort Stockton is notable for having a hidden treasure. In an abandoned and forgotten warehouse missed by the marauders, there sits a bank armored car containing some 30 million dollars in now-useless cash.
El Paso: In the far western spur of Texas is El Paso, now occupied by Mexican forces. The whites fled the city as the Mexican invasion became certain during the summer of 1964, leaving it almost 100% Hispanic. This historic border city is now the home base of the popular religious movement known as the "Army of Christ the King", led by a sixteen-year old virgin prophet girl named Hermana Luz. She showed up in August of this year and has quickly galvanized the city's Hispanic population. She has promised the immediate return of Jesus and is organizing the populace to rebuild the city before the Second Coming. In 1964, she has at least 20,000 converts, mostly from the urban slums around central El Paso and they have in just a few months made the city stable again. The military arm of the "Army" is led by a former Israeli Navy Captain who is more interested in adventure than religion. His "Sword of God" is a mixed brigade of uniformed soldiers, Indian auxiliaries, and Mexican freebooters. They are armed with the best weapons and material that looted National Guard armories and Fort Bliss can provide. Vehicles include two M-113 APCs along with a large number of jeeps and trucks. The civic leaders here have begin to re-open the Community College campus, having scavenge needed equipment and texts for the new center of learning from the old University of Texas-El Paso campus. Scattered about the hills to the north and east are the mangled remnants of the US 2nd Armored Division, which was sent here from Fort Hood to try and contain the invasion last summer and was crushed by a combination of bad planning and ambushes.
Fabens: This town now guards the eastern approaches to El Paso along Interstate 10. A force of soldiers of the "Sword of God" have built a fortified wall blocking the freeway consisting of auto wrecks filled with earth and broken chunks of concrete stacked three deep. Along the edges, pits have been dug to trap any vehicles attempting to bypass the roadblock. The troops here also have a single 106mm recoilless rifle with several dozen shells to further deter any gate crashers.
Always culturally and historically backwards, the war and chaos has only sent Arkansas further back in time. Ravaged by starvation and banditry, the state is now the haven for various fringe groups, like New America (a well-organized white supremacy structure) and other radical extremists.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-6 Eaker AFB
Arkansas' major National Guard units, their part of the 39th Infantry Division, were called up the day after the nuclear strikes to help the Governor maintain peace and order. In December, the three battle groups were tapped to go to Europe and were shipped down the Mississippi River to New Orleans for embarkation. They were fed into the furnace there and never seen again. Left in the state then were mostly service and support units, and most of these concentrated in the state capital of Little Rock.
100th Division (Training)--Fort Smith (300 men, 23 AFVs)
Eaker Air Force Base: This SAC bomber base, the state's lone nuclear target, was destroyed by a 6 megaton SS-7 ICBM ground burst late on October 28, 1962. The nuke mostly flattened the town of Blytheville and the fallout forced the surrounding area to be evacuated. Every single building has suffered damage of some sort. Towns to the west as far as Paragould are still empty and radioactive. Since then the base has been picked clean by scavengers and military salvage crews.
New America in Northern Arkansas: Home to a large and growing pocket of New America which has designs on more. They have garrisons in most all the important towns in the area, controlling the population with a combination of protection racketeering and heavy-handed force. Minorities and those that do not agree with the NA philosophy have been largely run out or eliminated. There sphere of influence stretches from the Missouri border south to roughly Interstate 40, east to within fifty miles or so of the Mississippi River and west to nearly Fayetteville. The military and civil governments in Little Rock, Fort Smith, and Memphis are complacent to the NA advances, and it is widely known that many high-placed politicians and military commanders are NA sympathizers. The HQ of the Ozarks New America cell is somewhere along the shores of Lake Conway just north of Little Rock. This closeness to the state capital has fuelled the rumors that the state leaders are in bed with the NA. The leader is named Emile Hite, a former used car salesman from Chattanooga. Hite saw the ICBM streaking in for Atlanta and in a haze of illegal drugs, interpreted it as a sign from God that he was destined to rule the nation. In many towns the townsfolk despise the heavy-handed soldiers and a rebellion is seething, while in others there is abject surrender. In many areas, neighbors have turned on each other, trying to gain favor with the NA soldiers, and violence is common. It is estimated that only about 10% of the regions population has converted to the New American philosophy, and many of those in name only. The part of the population that has converted to the New American credo has begun to wear blue armbands. The area is patrolled constantly and it is difficult for strangers to pass unnoticed. Towns that resisted occupation were often burned or dynamited, the citizens killed or carted off.
NA Air Force: The Ozarks New America cell can claim some 1,800 fighters, of varying degrees of skill and fervor. About a third maybe are hard-core racists and the rest are just thugs with guns. The key to their power, however, lies in unique airpower. The NA cell has several large dirigibles and ultralights that are used to move men and patrol the area. The main blimp base is in the Lost Valley State Park. The airships, supplies and manpower quarters are located in the many caves in the park. There are 250 soldiers in the park, and 250 more noncombatants which include technicians, laborers, executives and slave workers. Vehicles include jeeps, pickup trucks, autos and a few military trucks. The security forces are well organized and armed with a huge arsenal of M2 carbines, M3A1 grease guns and Thompson SMGs, rifle grenade launchers, 60 mm mortars, a few towed 37mm anti-tank guns, and a miscellany of shotguns, hunting rifles, and such. Also stored in the caves are five air-launched Bell GAM-63 Rascal cruise missiles stolen from the ruins of Eaker AFB before the salvage teams arrived. The Rascal ALCMs are retrofitted with crude warheads and guidance systems and are planned to be launched by the airships. There are three airships in the valley, two in operation and one fitting out. A large New American garrison of 500 watches the vital town of Harrison and the airport northwest of town, the main staging area for the New American air force. Supplies for the airship fleet (weapons, ammo, food, fuel) are stored here. Airships frequently resupply here rather than enter the tricky Lost Valley canyons, as well as during bad weather. The airport is also site of most ultralight activity. There are always 20-30 ultralights available here, either disassembled, assembled, parked in hangers or stored in a supply shed. The population is tightly controlled, with escaping civilians hunted down by ultralights and then retribution exacted on hostages.
Fayetteville: The NA cell's next major push is at the large town of Fayetteville on the western edge of their territory. The population here numbers 56,000, mostly refugees from Fort Smith and Tulsa and they are understandably worried about the spread of the NA to the east. There is a militia in town armed with shotguns and hunting rifles. NA leaders are currently studying the best way to take over such a large population without creating alarm within either the US Army or local governments. Several towns just east of Fayetteville, such as Eureka Springs and Huntsville, have recently been emptied of civilians and repopulated by soldiers and sympathizers to be used as staging areas for the planned takeover of Fayetteville.
Little Rock: Still remains the seat of government, protected by the remaining bulk of the National Guard. The Capital Building is still in use, but the lawns are crowded with the tents of the militia now. Parts of the city are suffering from a wave of recent riots, but the militia polices the streets and maintains order, rationing food, electricity and fuel. The Cammack Village and the Allsop Park District have been completely razed by fires. The new governor is Felix Morris, an outspoken supporter of MilGov and the leader of the State Militia. The militia is armed with a variety of weapons and even has a few Israeli-modified Sherman tanks with 105mm guns that were at Camp Robinson Military Reservation for trials when the war started. Governor Morris is, however, unwittingly controlled by advisors who are New America plants.
Fort Smith: There are now 100,000 people in the Fort Smith area, mostly refugees from the west and south. They live in shanty towns north and east of the city. The local militia is led by retired US Army colonel William Simms and 2,000 men, mostly former police, National Guard, civilian vigilantes, and borrowed troops from nearby Fort Chaffee Military Reservation. The city itself is not particularly run down, although not much is getting fixed or improved. The government in Fort Smith has nothing to do with the government in Little Rock. Fort Chaffee is also the home of the MilGov 100th Division (Training) (300 men) currently helping fend off any marauders and to act as a check on New American advances in the area. They are also keeping their end of the I-40 corridor to the MilGov XV Corps in Muskogee, Oklahoma open and there is frequent convoys between the two. In October 1961, this Army Reserve Training Division was ordered to active military duty to open the training center at Fort Chaffee and it is still here today. The division is a tight, compact unit, with some 300 men, and has become more of an armored unit than a training one, with nine M60 tanks, four M48A2 Patton tanks, seven M47 tanks, three old M-36 tank destroyers, eight M113 APCs and a battery of four M109 SP howitzers. Despite the relative peace of Fort Smith, the division is slowly disintegrating as a coherent military unit. Morale is quite low and numerous groups of soldiers have already split away and gone back to their homes.
The wild frontier: In the areas of the north not under NA or state influence towns are usually either abandoned or each occupied by a small number of people. They mostly survive by fishing, farming, and hunting and regard all outsiders with deep suspicion and are little effected by the events in either Little Rock or the rest of the world. The social and political patterns resemble the early 1800s. Justice and law are very basic, the "he stole the horse so we hung him" type of law is in effect. Barter is the universal form of exchange. Bullets, antibiotics, fuel, and whisky are worth their weight in gold. They will often trade food and homemade booze for guns and ammo, but will be generally wary of strangers. In towns close enough to larger cities to be inundated with refugees, conditions are terrible with starvation and disease rampant. Typhus, Yellow Fever and dysentery are especially bad. Notable among the last is Russellville, home to about 8,000 miserable refugees, mostly from Fort Smith, and Batesville which boasts eight or nine thousand struggling citizens.
This is a region of muddy flats, fetid swamps and cotton fields. The area has suffered much since 1962, with the low level of medical services and general bad sanitation making the epidemics of 1963 and 64 especially harsh. By 1964, uncounted small towns in Jefferson, Desha, Drew, Lincoln and Ashley counties are deserted and looted, their residents either succumbing to disease or their desperate neighbors. As well, the Arkansas and Mississippi Rivers have seen some massive flooding in the past year and many small communities have been completely washed away. A few of the ones that still survive note follow.
Monticello: The main enclave of security and civilization in southeastern Arkansas is centered on the University of Arkansas at Monticello campus. The survivors at the university have managed to create a self-sustaining society that is prospering in these tough times. Before the war there was a large SCA medieval recreation group active on the campus and in the post-chaos years their organization and low-tech knowledge were valuable. They now hold places of honor on the campus when before they were geeks. The ROTC cadets and the Campus police became the militia and the surviving faculty stayed in charge and oversaw everything, led by the school's former Vice-Chancellor Donald Strumm and a counsel of Deans. The rest of the students and the surrounding population became citizens. The old Central Administration Building of the university serves as the seat of government now. There is also a functional hospital on campus, with a staff of seven physicians and 23 nurses and medical assistants. The fields of the area are ordered and sufficient and a couple of mills are going to process the grain. They have more than enough to eat, and if they wanted to, they could probably really dominate the area agriculturally. Their militia is rather effective. The militia is well-trained but their weapons aren't the best--they have some M2 carbines but a lot of their troops carry old bolt-action rifles, M-1s and Lee-Enfields. They have six old surplus M-8 Greyhound scout cars and some jeeps and two deuce-and-a-halves. They've got They have a lot of cottage industry: little cotton mill, dying, light metal industry, a distillery to make ethanol/methanol for their vehicles, and a small setup where they reload empty rounds. The radio network is basic and they use a telegraph to reach nearby outlying areas.
Pine Bluff: Protected by earthworks and other fortifications, including one or two large caliber guns. A quiet city of farms, fields, and horse-drawn plows that makes things for trade but pretty much keeps to themselves. Pine Bluff is run by a town council of mostly Catholic church folk. Of note, to the south of the town is a mysterious sealed-off cave, rumored to be a Presidential Emergency Bunker. A few local boys found an air shaft and entered the cave one day last summer. They swear that the bunker had five concrete and steel rooms, as well as several rough hewn caves extending from the walls. Several sets of human remains were there and the bunker appeared to have been picked over. Except for the rusted remnants of a large black limo, there was nothing of worth. Inside the limo were the skeletal remains of four people and a worn, rotted briefcase with a rusted handcuff attached to it (the "football"--the bag with all the Presidential War Codes?). As well, in a second rotted leather bag, was the Seal of the Office Of The President Of The United States Of America. The boys didn't bring any of this to the town--but won't say why--but do claim that they found the remains of the last President Kennedy. True?
Saint Charles: An old riverboat steamboat on the White River now serves as the community center for this town. The people here have a working Ag-Cat biplane cropduster floatplane, with a .30 cal LMG mounted WWI style over the upper wing and an old WWI-veteran pilot flying it.
Stuttgart: Stuttgart was destroyed by refugees and fire leaving the city is a shell. Almost two years of erosion and decay show their handiwork on the small city, abandoned and overgrown suburbs are being taken over by the vegetation. The ruins are still home to a number of rough survivors and thugs. To the north of the town is an old abandoned power plant. Riverside, south of Stuttgart, still supports a population of some 40 farmers clustered mainly around the ruins of a motel/shopping plaza.
Murfreesboro: Home of the Crater of Diamonds State Park, now controlled by a local white supremacy group called the "Confederate Commando Corps". They have pressed most of the remaining 3,800 citizens into working the diamond mines for their own gain. The CCC are ruthless taskmasters, working their slaves to the point of death under highly dangerous conditions.
Camden: Home base of the ultra-fundamentalist Christian sect called the "Children of Caanan". They suspect everyone to be Satanists and kill all unbelievers they come across. The leader is called the Prophet and he currently has over 300 fanatical troops.
Hot Springs: One of the biggest survivor enclaves in the area, run by a man who calls himself "The Gov'ner". Dumas goes through Gov'ners pretty quick these days, but this last one has been around about a year and he's got potential. They have 130-160 men in a militia but are woefully short of firearms. They do have a Civil War relic cannon.
39th Infantry Division
------1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battle Groups/156th Infantry Regiment--NE Louisiana (2000 men)
Monroe: This area is now the home base for the largest MilGov force in the region. Enclaved here are the 2,000 Louisiana National Guardsmen of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battle Groups of the 156th Infantry Regiment, a component of the 39th Infantry Division. The HQ is in Monroe, and is known as "Base Camp One". The territory that they actively patrol extends from the Arkansas border south to about forty miles south of Monroe then east to the Mississippi River. They have been trading with the survivor enclaves in Vicksburg and Jackson, both in Mississippi, for some time now and have several representatives in each town.
Shreveport: Now home to some 5,000 remaining citizens, most in the outskirts as the city center was burned to the ground during the chaos. The community is now run by a strange counsel of men known as the "Ranks of the Fit". A small motorcycle gang of white supremacy skinheads is based out of the suburb of Bossier City and are the main threat to the survival of the city. They are well armed with automatic weapons and such and their bikes are in good shape.
After the nuclear strikes and the breakdown of civil government, the ORFCS (Old River Flood Control System), a complex system of levees, dams and controlled flood plains, broke down and "Old Man River" did what it had been trying to do since the 1840s--change course. In 1964, the Mississippi River now flows into the Gulf through the mouth of the Atchafalaya River near Morgan City. This course change radically affected the water table in the old delta (which was the man reason for the ORFCS). Most of the fresh water supplies of the cities downstream of Baton Rouge were hopelessly contaminated with salt water. Life in the old delta quickly became untenable and the population was forced elsewhere. The former delta is now drying up as the river flow has slowed to a trickle. With the lifeblood river having left, the people of the delta fled in droves, leaving the swamps to the mosquitoes. The drought has been incredibly brutal in southern Louisiana, further depopulating the area and today only a few coastal fishing villages survive. Radiation has made the sawgrass and cattails grow at accelerated rates over the last two years and in some areas the boglands have swelled so much as to dry up much of the standing water. In a few decades there might not be any open water for miles in some places.
Baton Rouge: The state capital of Baton Rouge was hit hard by epidemics and is also now largely depopulated.
New Orleans: New Orleans is now largely empty and large parts of the outer suburbs are being reclaimed by Mother Nature. When the Mississippi River changed it's course, this city died. The Gulf of Mexico quickly rushed in to fill the empty river bed, causing widespread flooding and destruction. Most of the city was built on mud flats and landfills, and these were eaten away, taking whole city blocks with them into the muddy water. With this came disease and pestilence, even small pox, further depopulating the city. Today there are around a thousand, maybe just a few hundred, people still left in the half-sunken city. Based in an apartment block of one of the drier suburbs is the Brazilian Expeditionary Force Exercito Centrale led by General-de-Brigada Carlos Alberto Pinto Silva with a company of soldiers and one EE-11 APC. They are here just to salvage and explore, though their presence in itself is a mystery. The real dominant power in the damp, battered city is probably the "Black Snake Society", a voodoo cult brought into New Orleans in the last year by refugees from the southern Louisiana swamps.
Donaldsonville: This Mississippi River town between Baton Rouge and the New Orleans bayou is home to a group of pirates living in the remnants of the small shipyard. The bandits, known as the "Iron Society", have been plundering villages along the waterway for some time. They have eight large recreational boats and have shown over thirty well-armed individuals. There are questions, however, about where the pirates are getting their seemingly ample fuel supply.
Lafayette: This city, which managed to avoid most of the radioactive contamination of the Texas strikes due to some lucky fluke of wind and weather, has had it's population swollen to the breaking point by some 50,000 refugees. Sanitation is the main problem here, with disease killing hundreds a week and the dead piling up in the streets.
Port Sulphur: Just west of town, in the rapidly drying former river delta, is an old petroleum plant. While the installation has definitely been hammered by the weather and the grounds are a haphazard mess, there does look to be some reasonable chances for reopening it as the pumps themselves are intact.
The Cubans in Louisiana: Franklin, in south-central Louisiana, is now home of the remnants of the Cuban 21st Motor Rifle Regiment. This unit has been stranded here since November 1, 1962, when the Skate-class nuclear attack sub USS Sargo attacked the Bulgarian freighter A.B. Buzko off the western coast of Cuba. The A.B. Buzko was begin used as a makeshift troop transport for the 21st MRR evacuating devastated Cuba for Mexico. The ship lost two props and a rudder from a Mark-37 torpedo and was lucky to stay afloat. Carried by the currents, the ship drifted north to Louisiana and eventually beached on a sand bar in Atchafalaya Bay. The Cubans moved quickly north into the town of Franklin and proceeded to subjugate and isolate the town. For many long months now, the citizens have been under the thumb of the erratic commander and his force of Cuban troops; forced to serve their every whim. Those that resist often find themselves in a concentration camp of sorts that the Cubans have established in the coastal swamps. Have recently made contact with what is left of the Cuban government, the Cuban leadership dispatched a ship just last month with reinforcements. The ship is the ex-Soviet Kotlin-SAM class guided-missile destroyer Bessledny, now renamed Cienfuegos by the Cubans who took her over when she was found adrift. There are 200 Cubans aboard the destroyer and they have come ashore to join with the Franklin garrison. They have big dreams of eventually conquering America for Cuba.
SECTION FIVE: The Great Lakes (Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio)
The state in 1964 is a wild and wooly place, but perhaps the hope of the future as well. The state suffered a nuclear strike and large areas of the state are empty and barren today. Disease, shortages and exposure took their toll during the chaos and many local communities were left to their own devices. The predations of marauders have made life tough, but the land is good and food was plentiful until recently when some shortages began to be felt due to the drought. Despite these problems, Wisconsin is heaven compared to most of the rest of the nation
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Lake Geneva (overshoot)
The state's 32nd Infantry Division was mobilized and shipped out the Saint Lawrence in 1962 and demolished in the European theatre. In late 1962, the 84th Infantry Division was formed in Milwaukee by redesignation of 84th Training Division (US Army Reserve) and was employed to internal security and disaster relief missions. Pressures of the job and the unstable supply net caused the unit to move out of the cities and relocate to LaCrosse in 1963.
84th Infantry Division--LaCrosse (2500 men, 20 AFVs)
Eh?: Some Canadian military units have recently launched raids against marauder formations into northern Wisconsin, which have brought protests by both CivGov and MilGov but no great concern from the individualistic citizens of those states glad to be rid of a few more marauders. There is some question where these incursions are official sanctioned by the Canadians or the actions of rogue units.
Lake Geneva: Hit by an overshot 6 megaton SS-7 ground burst aimed at Chicago on October 28, 1962, and is now just a radioactive windswept ghost town, picked clean by wary survivors. A vast, glass-lined crater is all that remains today of the city.
Madison: The former state capital is now a gutted ruin. Around the city buildings are broken and blackened from fire.
Milwaukee: Destroyed by riots, the city of Milwaukee now consists of three isolated enclaves of survivors surrounded by a burnt-out urban husk. The enclaves are centered around the Saint Francis Seminary, the old breweries, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee campus. The group controlling the breweries still turns out limited amounts of beer, but the main product is a limited amount of ethanol and methanol for burning in engines. The market for this is large in the city.
Menominee: Home of the "Free Republic of Wisconsin", founded and led by Kari Mortikai, an Asian woman in her 30's.
LaCrosse: The unchallenged oasis of security in this state is the river town of LaCrosse. The outskirts are fortified and the town is in fairly good structural shape and boasts an ever-growing refugee population, many from Minneapolis and Chicago. The number fluctuate but are about 52,000 by now. Currently garrisoned by the CivGov 84th Infantry Division. An former training unit with 2,500 men, a number significantly boosted by reinforcements from local militias, overall division command is under General Leger. This is an all-Wisconsin unit that has worked hard to make the town's defenses formidable. While strong on manpower, the unit is even stronger in armored vehicles and firepower. At the east entrance, five M48 Patton tanks are barricaded by a low brick wall, the engines won't start, so they are basically metal pillboxes. They also have ten other M48s which operate--one stationed on the north wall and the other on the west wall. Other assets include a WWII-era M24 Chaffee tank with no rounds for it's 76mm main gun, two M88 Armored Recovery Vehicles, six M59A1 APCs, two M40 155mm self-propelled guns with it's tracked FAASVs, four LVTP-5 amphibious tractors armed with MGs and grenade launchers, and a pair of elderly 75mm-armed M3 GMC anti-tank halftracks dug in behind the city's wall. Additionally, they have six WWII surplus M3A1 White scout cars, and numerous deuce-and-a-halves, five-ton trucks, and civilian pickup trucks. Personal weapons are mainly M-14s, but several homemade Sterling-type weapon types are being introduced to their numbers. The base defenses include at each side of the compound a well-riveted and dug-in mortar pit, each holding eight 81mm tubes. In the dead center of the base, not far from HQ, is another pit with six 4.2 inch mortars in place. Each pit is well-manned and those crewmen are very competent. They have .50 caliber and .30 caliber MGs along the town's perimeter wall. They are low on the munitions, however, as they have been battling marauders virtually non-stop for months and are just now beginning to set up reloading industries. For their 90mm tank guns they are down to basically a vehicle's base load per track and have scarcely fifty 155mm rounds left for the self-propelled guns. They also have very little 75mm left for the GMCs and are down to a couple of hundred rounds for each machinegun type. Ammo for personal weapons and grenades are okay. The enclave here runs frequent cross-border patrols throughout southern Minnesota, with a permanent outpost being centered in the town of Red Wing.
Illinois in 1964 is an interesting place. In the south, the rolling hills are held by MilGov, the central plains are a scattering of independent city states, and the north is dominated by the crumbling ruins of the Chicago metroplex and strong CivGov forces. The state government is trying but pitifully weak and the few remaining functioning cities manage their own affairs. Outside of the organized areas, the vast majority of the area's populace are hungry and desperate. Food, weapons, and medical supplies are the three most sought after commodities.
Date Type Target Note
10/28/62 SS-6 Chicago
10/28/62 SS-6 Chicago Missed
Total CivGov forces at the Naval Training Station (435 men)
33rd Infantry Division--Cairo (3200 men, 61 AFVs)
------1st Battle Group/178th Infantry Regiment--Robinson (400 men, 13 AFVs)
The war: A trio of 6 megaton SS-7 were launched at the city during the night of October 28, 1962. The first undershot and hit far to the north at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin (see that state for details). The second ground burst in Garfield Park in downtown Chicago. The third missile was also off-target but not by as much and landed in Lake Michigan off Glencoe. The radioactive water sprayed for miles up and down the waterfront, causing many casualties, but also putting out many of the raging fires caused by the Garfield Park strike. This fortunate rain of quenching lake water saved much of the structures along the upper waterfront.
The nuke: The Garfield Park strike was the death of the city, exploding over the most built-up area of the city. Being a ground burst, it caused massive localized damaged but not as widespread if it had been an airburst. The zone of total destruction extends from Lincolnwood in the north, to Cumberland Avenue in the west, to 55th Street in the south, and all the way to the lakefront in the east. The hypocenter area is a wreckage-strewn moonscape, with the impassable streets, buildings bent giants, hulking shadows of burned brick and sagging beams. No building is recognizable at this point, everything is a uniform layer of charred rubble. Nothing of value exists here anymore.
Death of a city: In the weeks following the nuke hit, most of the outer city was in flames. The firestorm swept through those areas of the city which were not in rubble, destroying many of the structures that had survived the blast. The destruction was nearly complete. Over half the native population died in the first two weeks. Those who remained alive had to flee into the countryside, where disease and marauders took many more. As the radiation died down to tolerable levels in early 1963, people began to slowly move back into Chicago. Very few of the returning citizens could give a rational reason for their returns to a blasted hulk like Chicago, but those went back never thought of an alternative. Chicago was their home, and that was reason enough. These "settlers" began to hack out a bleak living from the ruins, trading such things as metal and stone to their neighbors in the countryside. Their numbers were small at first, due to a justified fear of radiation, the presence of tens of thousands of unburied corpses and the accompanying diseases, an the skyrocketing rat and insect populations. By the late spring, however, the situation was somewhat better. The settlers began to dig up rubble in order to farm the land under it. The easiest locations for this were parks and greenbelts, both common in Chicago. Separate communities began to form around the largest of the cleared plots, mostly conforming roughly to the pre-nuke suburbs. Within these communities craftsmen and specialized laborers quickly appeared. Over time, the population of the inner suburbs rose to some 3,000 total and things were looking up.
To take it all away: Unfortunately, all was not to remain happy. A marauder warlord known as the "Black Baron", originally from the area of Milwaukee, moved into the city in the fall of 1963 to make it the base of his operations. The Baron was once a part-time riot-duty policeman in Milwaukee named Thad Black. His original army of marauders, cutthroats, deserters and hangers-on moved in virtually unopposed, settling in the Broadview area around the old VA hospital where the Baron had once been a patient. To supply his troops, the Baron began to extort what food and other supplies he could from the various communities in the region in exchange for "protection". The protection, of course, was from the depredations of the Baron's own soldiers. By the beginning of 1964, the Baron's army had swelled to nearly four times the size it had been when he first arrived in Chicago just three months before. He now virtually rules the inner suburbs and is thirsty for more.
The inner suburbs: There are now a number of communities of settlers and original residents in Chicago, each under its own government system, if any, and each possessing different attitudes towards the Black Baron. These include…
Broadview: While it was extensively damaged by the nuke, the topography of the immediate area saved a large part of the suburb from the blast effects. Fires did race through the area, but there are many larger buildings still standing. It is here that the Baron has set up his empire, basing it out of the old Veterans Administration hospital. The VA hospital is an imposing concrete block building, now fortified and bristling with guns. Marauders once used this building as a base before the Baron. The main roads are being cleared to promote travel. The problem is that the Baron has spent too much time and effort this year building up his army and not enough time planting food. The winter looks to be difficult for him, and he is understandably worried that if his troops start to starve, they will revolt against him. To solve this, he is working up a drive on the productive farming areas in Elmhurst.
The Baron's Army: The Baron's forces are a mix of Army deserters, street punks, hungry refugees, violent thugs and well-intentioned but misguided young men. It is roughly divided into three groupings--the Baron's personal guard (90 men), the loyal shock troops (565 men), and the unwashed rabble Janissaries (varies but about 200 men). The men are all well-armed with a variety of military small arms and civilian rifles and shotguns, and some heavy equipment is available, including six 3.5" bazookas, eleven heavy machineguns, and six 81mm mortars. Vehicles are nearly useless in the rubble strewn streets of Chicago but the Baron does have a collection of military vehicles looted from a National Guard armory. These include an M48A1 Patton tank, four M59 APCs, an a M20 scout car. The tank is operational but only has eighteen rounds for the main gun and is severely limited in where it can travel. The real prize is a single M101 105mm howitzer, which the Baron has been using to occasionally shell Elmhurst. As of now he only has twenty HE shells left for the gun, but he is working to find more. Most of the troops can be found in and around the Broadview suburb, with frequent patrols and attacks in all directions.
Elmhurst: By far the largest and most productive of the inner suburban communities. It is also the most opposed to the Black Baron's expansion. This are received very little damaged from the nuke and is relatively intact except for fire damage. Some 1,100 people live here, led by Philip Christopher, and they are all active in clearing rubble and planting crops. The area is almost completely under the plow, the rubble having been used to almost completely ring the parks with a defensive wall. There are some 300 men under arms in the Elmhurst Militia. Except during plant and harvesting times, every person in Elmhurst is subject to duty in the Militia or with one of the reclamation and salvage teams to are rebuilding Elmhurst from the ruins. This summer's harvest provided plenty for the community and enough for a large surplus. The Baron has his eyes on this surplus and the fields as well.
Franklin Park: This area received relatively minor damage. Most larger structures have been damaged, but most are still standing and inhabitable. The banks of the Des Plaines River and parks have been cleared for planting by the 500 or so people who live here. The community is very anti-Black Baron, with "mayor" Ludwick Starsinski being at the forefront, and has so far been able to resist his rule. The militia here is strong and active, having enough arms for 115 of the citizens, and are masters at small scale ambushes in the rubble.
Melrose Park: Melrose is notable for the large greenbelt along the Des Plaines River. The area received somewhat les destructive force from the blast, and was therefore easier to clear out. The community here numbers some 150 people, all involved in clearing the greenbelt and planting crops. There is no overall government and no militia, and as such has not attracted much attention from the Black Baron.
Forest River: A few sturdy buildings are still standing here, mostly part of the Concordia and Dominican University campuses. All other larger buildings have had their interiors caved in. All parts of the suburb are choked with the rubble filling the spaces in between them. The parks are all being farmed by a community of some 1,000 people. Their leader is named Victor Ryback, a former social worker. He has organized a campaign of passive resistance against the Black Baron's forces--small ambushes and disinformation. He is worried that the Baron will try and take his fields or force him to give up a share of the crops, which are just enough to feed the community as it is. The community has a militia of about 100 men under arms, though they suffer from a lack of training.
Elmwood Park: This suburb has been severely damaged. Large buildings are just shells, the smaller structures have been all but wiped out and the roads are blocked with rubble. The area is completely abandoned, patrolled only infrequently by the Black Baron's forces.
Oak Park: This suburb of tenement blocks has almost been completely leveled. The rubble is especially deep in the area, as the housing developments were not well constructed. There is no organized community still in Oak Park, though there are twenty or so families who have cleared enough of the rubble to plant enough to stay alive. These are generally not multi-family efforts. The Black Baron is happy to leave these people alone.
Maywood: This area is completely in ruins, receiving very heavy damage overall. Several parks and greenbelts have been cleared and planted, however, the largest of them being in the Miller Meadow. The Maywood community numbers some 300 individuals, most living around the Meadow. They have no actual government, but are allied around one Simon Crow, a former Longshoreman. Maywood is firmly under the Black Baron's thumb and he controls all that happens. Crow is quietly building a resistance movement amongst the people.
Bellwood: The explosion of gasoline storage tanks during the Chicago firestorms demolished most of the buildings, leaving little but rubble. The ruins here are dangerous, consisting of many twisted steel frameworks and pools of toxic chemicals. No civilians live here at all.
Cicero: This suburb suffered extensive damage from the nuke. Only the skeletal remains of the larger buildings rise above the rubble. Rubble at street-level is especially treacherous, all the smaller buildings having been lost in the debris. There are approximately 30 civilians living in a cleared park. The park itself is completely surrounded by rubble, making it a very isolated community. The Black Baron has sent patrols to meet with the people and have determined that they pose no threat to him at all.
Marquette Park: Home to the Chicano marauder gang called the "Marquette Park Marauders".
Urban rats: Though not considered an organized group, the "Street People" have a large camp in the wreckage of a block of low rent apartments north of the Loop. They are armed with an assortment of improvised melee weapons.
The outer suburbs: Further out in the western suburbs there are more survivor enclaves. Most of these have little or no contact with the Black Baron and prefer it that way. Agriculture further out is better and the people here have had an easier time of it over the last two years. These include…
Geneva: Now run by a local marauder force calling itself the "Liberation". Their leader, known simply as Michael, has organized the town into one large labor camp for his own purposes. His troops number about 100, which easily enough contains the 200 or so citizens. Michael realizes that he has to hole up here for the winter but has plans to expand come the spring.
Lisle: Lisle has become a religious retreat and a fortress town. Soon after the chaos began, the local Catholic priests from Benedictine University declared themselves the ruling counsel of the town after marauders killed off the elected officials. The town's small 15-man militia, which are all militant Catholics, will allow no one to pass through without the consent of a priest. The town seems to be doing well for itself, farming the nearby countryside and parks.
Pirates: There are some fierce pirates southwest of the city along the Fox River. None know how many put they have numerous military-style weapons. The pirates get around the problems of the dams along the river and the often shallow water by utilizing large numbers of canoes and rubber rafts, as well as a number of WWII-surplus amphibious DUKWs.
Midway Airport: Home to the “Confederation”, a group of survivors numbering near 600. They have a number of repaired cars, trucks, and buses, as well as a small airplane that they run cargo for people back east. They run a small trade bazaar on the airport grounds.
Loyola University: On the north side at Loyola University, there are group of scholars and teachers. There are trying to teach the world in their image. They have some automatic weapons, mostly rifles and shotguns, some cars and school buses. There numbers is around 3000 people.
University of Chicago Medical Center: Protecting the grounds of the hospital is a group of about 70 people calling themselves the “Emdees.” They offer their medical services to the local population for a fee. They are peaceful people, but will defend themselves or will contract with the local gangs to go after people who own them money.
Aurora: Home to "The General's Forces", a small group of resistance fighters numbering about 200, armed with civilian rifles and some older US military weapons. They regularly patrol the far western suburbs.
Bolingbrook: Home to "The "Duchess's Band", numbering around 80 with assorted weapons. This group is originally from southern Wisconsin and is lead by "Duchess Ona". She is looking to set up a "Grand Duchy of Chicago" in southwestern Chicago but is a long ways from realizing that.
Skokie: The Aryan Brotherhood of KKK is around the Skokie area. There is a small band of some 300 followers here, armed with everything from melee weapons to firearms. They mostly use horses but have a few automobiles.
Joliet: After the nuking of Chicago, literally hundreds of thousands of people flooded through Joliet. The population sympathized with them and took in as many as they could, but the numbers of sick, wounded, and hungry people simply overwhelmed them. That first winter, disease and starvation wiped out both the refugees and the locals, until the city became a ghost town. Today, the neighborhoods are littered with stripped and torched cars, paved with buckled and pockmarked streets. The Duchess's Band keeps a small garrison here to keep Highway 53 open to allow merchants to get to Bolingbrook.
The Army in Chicagoland: In mid-1964, the Civilian government began an earnest effort to reclaim the city from the anarchy it had fallen into. The problem is that from their desks in northern Virginia, they did not realize how strong the Black Baron's grip is and how devastated the city really is. There had been since the war a small number of National Guard and naval cadets holed up at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station north of the city who had done quite well for themselves. The forces at the NTS number about 435 total men, all remnants of a dozen Illinois National Guard units, the 85th Division (Training) and the staff of the NTS. Here they have marked off several clear strips of runway to fly in planes, even using rows of flares to guide planes in at night. Equipment here includes six M20 armored cars retrofitted with .50 cals and two M59 APCs. They also have two C-130 Hercules cargo planes and one De Havilland prop cargo plane, but they are grounded for a lack of fuel. CivGov has grand future plans for 1965 to eliminate the Black Baron and restore order in the city. Good luck…
In downstate Illinois there are a number of large independent "city states" that have sprung up. Food shortages were not severe in these small cities, and most deaths occurred from disease and rioting.
Ottawa: Following the nuclear strikes, the army unit in this city declared marshal law, thus saving it from much of the chaos. By 1964, there are some 30,000 people plus another 3,000 in the surrounding farming communities remaining in Ottawa. The military unit is still here and now has 700 people with trucks, jeeps, and some light tanks. The unit is a paper tiger, however, as they have no commander, as he has recently died, little ammunition, and their vehicles have nearly all broken down. The city's main commerce comes by selling food stuffs up the Illinois River to the Chicago suburbs in exchange for manufactured goods and weapons. By now, they have gathered an impressive number of river barges (fifteen) plus five more armed escort barges each mounting a M2HB machinegun, two .30 cal LMGs and one 81mm mortar each to keep any adventurous river pirates at bay. The merchants are armed with M14, M1, shotgun, hunting rifle and side arms.
Springfield: Springfield is now home to some 15,600 survivors who are in rough shape, fractionalized and helpless and in need of direction. There are some 12 different biker gangs in the city. They range from 25 to as large as 250 per gang.
Decatur: Decatur is now home to 30,000 rather paranoid people. There are five groups of truckers that work in the city. They have between 15 and 30 trucks per groups. They are independent contractor. They will transport anything anywhere. They have automatic weapons and a number around 500 per group.
Rockford: Today Rockford is home to around 50,000 people. It is only half a city now as the eastern half perished in the ensuing riots and is a nest of marauders and road gangs. The two most dangerous gangs are the "Spinners" and the "Sweeps", but they are in such a state of near-constant warfare with each other that they rarely bother the western half.
Peoria: Peoria has a large wall around it and Peoria proper is home to some 20,000 people known as the "Free Peoples" and is the seat of a power base that extends to neighboring towns. The area surrounding Peoria is all farmland and the small outlying towns such as Mossville, Pekin, Eureka and Hanna City serve as a picket line to help control marauders. The southern suburb of Bartonville, home to another 16,000 refugees living outside the city's fortifications, has a thriving country market that serves the Peoria area. They have cars, trucks, buses, armor, some watercrafts, and aircrafts. They carry automatic weapons and machinegun. This a weapon free zone except for the militia. You can find, buy, or trade anything.
Quincy: Currently under siege by a large group of bandits called the "Beastlords". The Beastlords have taken over certain parts of Quincy and are using hostages to ensure they have control over the rest of the town. The mayor and his family are among those captured.
Along the eastern border with Indiana there are a number of active survivor communities, including Momence, Paris, Lawrenceville (1,000 people), and Watseka. Watseka is home to a ragged band of armed survivors, over three dozen strong, they are known for ambushing travelers on Highway 24. As well, Pinkstaff is the home of a group called "The Deformed Ones", along with Marco, IN, who supplement their food stocks by trading recovered items of technology. Scattered across the southern half of the state are other survivor communities, including Breese, and Litchfield.
Bethany: This town is currently held by a group of marauders originally from Urbana. They are about 2,000 strong including dependents and "General" John Mitchell is their leader. They are equipped mainly with rifles, captured weapons, M14s, M-1s and Springfields and they have no motorized transportation, just horse-drawn wagons. Last year, they were driven out of Urbana by a stronger gang, and bringing all the remaining people with them, they moved south, taking what they have needed from the land, stopping to winter in Bethany. The town’s stores are being used up with the sudden influx of two thousand people and the 400 townspeople are being held captive. To the south, Lake Shelbyville has expanded at least a quarter mile over it’s pre-war boundaries.
Cairo: At the extreme southern tip of the state, the strategic river town of Cairo is home of the main body of MilGov's 33rd Infantry Division. The unit has some 3,200 men with 36 modern M60 tanks and 25 other AFVs, plus a detached battle group at Robinson. The 33rd ID is made up of men from Illinois, and has suffered some desertion being so close to the soldier's homes, but has largely stayed intact. Cairo is large town, with several hundred residents and is walled, gated, and well-patrolled. Under the leadership of the 33rd's staff, who effectively run the town, Cairo is slowly gathering power, controlling ten oil wells in southern Illinois and several villages to the north. This ready supply of oil allows for the abnormally large amount of working tanks in the unit. It is a center of trade and commerce for the area, attracting business from all over the region, a hustling and bustling place, with regular ship traffic both up and down the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers. Trade occurs at several points in the city, and overland cargo comes down from Illinois, while trade boats arrive and depart up and down all three river ways. All this trade and relative prosperity is possible due to the protection afforded by the Army unit and they are well-respected.
Marauders: The Shawnee National Forest in Southern Illinois is an area of strange rock formations, dolomite hills, caves, narrow valleys and tiny isolated towns. It is a wonderful place to hide, and several groups of bandits keep the Cairo garrison busy running them down. The towns of McClure, Ullin and Grand Chain (populations 500, 600, and 1,100 respectively) have been fortified as picket posts to control the flow of overland traffic.
Islands: North of the garrison's picket lines are several independent communities, including Murphysboro, Carbondale, Mount Vernon, and Harrisburg, where the survivors have come together and have started to rebuild and trade with Cairo. The area around Harrisburg is also home of the "United Ranchers", an independent community that still raises cattle. They are under occasional ambush from the CivGov forces in Evansville, IN who rustle their cattle.
Black gold: The 33rd has earlier this year sent out the 1st Battle Group/178th Infantry Regiment (400 men and 13 M60 tanks) to occupy the intact oil refinery at Robinson. This refinery, and the few functional oil wells surrounding it is a major source of oil for MilGov and the division considers the site it's top priority. Just this fall an accident, blamed on a lack of properly trained personnel, severely damaged the plant's last operating catalytic converter used to extract the maximum proportion of gasoline from crude oil, and the refinery is now operating at only about one percent of it's designed capacity. The division formerly traded oil for food with communities in southern Illinois and Indiana, but the accident has forced them to choose between cutting back off this trade or cutting back on it's fuel shipments to Memphis. With only a trickle of oil being produced now, it is just enough to keep the division's own vehicles running, but not enough to supply Memphis and other areas. The 33rd's command staff, growing more reluctant about parting with "their" oil, is rumored to be considering moving the entire division to Robinson and even cutting ties to MilGov and going independent.
Michigan is in a state of flux. At one end, the main city of Detroit is under the quasi-marauder control of a rogue military unit, while at the other end is an active CivGov Army enclave in the northwestern part of the state. In between, there are mostly isolated survivor communities and picked-over ruins. A deep-seated distrust of the federal government has made any type of reorganization of the state difficult.
The state's 46th Infantry Division was mobilized and subsequently shipped to Virginia by rail and then off to Europe to be chewed up. To fill the gap in the state's defenses, the 70th Infantry Division was formed by redesignating the 70th Training Division at Livonia in early 1963, and took over control of Detroit.
70th Infantry Division--Detroit (3000 men, 5 AFVs)
107th Engineer Battalion--Manistee (500 men, 6 AFVs)
Chaos: While not nuked, Detroit was typically burned and looted in the post-war chaos as the citizen fled to the countryside to escape catastrophes real and imagined. Much of the city's famed car industries are intact, though fire, rust and looters have all taken their toll and it might be a decade or more before any more cars roll off the assembly lines.
All the King's men: The city is now firmly under the grip of the "King of Detroit", better known as Lieutenant General Julian Philips, the commander of the 70th Infantry Division. The 70th ID is a formed training division that was sent into the city in early 1963 to try and restore order. The division basically just held onto the lakefront region and let the rest go to hell. With the state of the union at the time, the division was on its own from the start and soon began to see itself as a independent unit, not obligated to any government. The King, so named by his subjects in jest, is based out of a Hyatt Regency hotel on Gratiot downtown, with a field headquarters in the old General Motors building on Grand Boulevard. Out of a total manpower of some 3,000 men, the unit has a standing force of 900 armed soldiers with enough weapons stored to arm nearly a thousand more on short notice. Division equipment includes five M60 tanks, eight M75 APCs, ten M3 halftracks and some twenty-four 105mm mortars. His men have recently cleaned out the last of the organized resistance in the city and are expanding outward in an attempt to gain more farming area--all the available parks and even the zoo have already been planted. They have already occupied portions of Windsor, Ontario.
The King afloat: The King, despite his name, is really interested in fostering peaceful relations and trade with the surrounding country and has realized that water transport is the way to go. The division is currently acquiring a fleet of ships to trade on the Great Lakes. Vessels already collected include river tugs and huge bulk carriers, and two field-expedient gunboats with M101 105mm howitzers bolted on their decks to provide encouragement for uncooperatives. Today a trading outpost on the opposite side of the state at Benton Harbor run by the division. Based here is the Manitowac Ferry, an armed cargo ship, the biggest ship in his fleet.
The gritty industrial towns in the southern quarter of the state west of Detroit have suffered greatly from refugee swarms and rioting.
Kalamazoo: Looted and is now infested with several hundred punks and gangers. The toughest gang is called "Martin's Legion" and is led by former US Army Lieutenant Peter Martin. The gang is 215 men strong and has two older-model APC's stolen from the Michigan National Guard.
Ann Arbor: During the post-nuke chaos, University of Michigan president Martha Bridgeport organized the students into a fighting unit and took over the defense of Ann Arbor, providing a rallying point for those citizens who chose to join them, making Ann Arbor relatively safe today.
Flint: Once a large industrial city, Flint is now home to just a few thousand, who try to eek out a bare living in the parks and open areas remaining in the city. Large sections of the city lie in ruins.
Lansing: Destroyed by riots and refugees over the years. The center of the city is not inhabited, but the outskirts support a modest population. Home to the 2nd Howitzer Battalion of the 182nd Artillery Regiment. This Michigan National Guard battalion was virtual destroyed before it could even form up during the chaos. It withdrew with what personnel it had to Lansing in 1963 and has been here since. It has 315 men today, and no howitzers but two 81mm mortars. The commander has set up an agreement with the local merchants to provide security and convoy escort services in return for food and shelter. Over the last year, he has become increasingly oppressive as food stocks have dwindled, and the local populace has been correspondingly restive, but open rebellion has been avoided.
Grand Rapids: The self-styled "Barony of Grand Rapids" is barely surviving. What with a population of just 2,000, they can barely run their own enclave, let alone pose a threat to other towns.
Militia: The resurgent "Michigan Citizens Militia" is operating along the shores of Saginaw Bay, sending out patrols as far as Highway 10. This is a very dedicated pre-war group of survivalists and constitutionalists who are also rebuilding the area. The MCM is formed into loosely organized Rifle Companies. This was done by former US military personnel who were either too old or too cripple to be recalled. They operate watercrafts and snowmobiles in the winter.
Surrounded as it is by lakes, the northern half of the Michigan peninsula was less troubled by the mass refugee migrations and the island and coastal communities have been able to supplement their food stocks with fishing. Nevertheless, homegrown marauders still trouble communities in the thick forests.
Northwest Michigan coast: There are just some 500 souls spread over the area from East Jordan to Boyne City to Petoskey, surviving mostly by hunting and gathering. What little livestock they have are a few and some hogs. The people seem to only be organized in small groups of 40 to 50 people at any place. These small groups living in the areas are organized in defense of each other.
Traverse City: There are about 3,000 refugees in this area at this time. The locals that are left in the town are not using the schools or parks for anything. They have been living large houses with big yards that they have been using for small garden plots. A fire that ravaged the town north of the bridge and looters ravaged some of the southern part of the town. There are many buildings with broken windows and ransacked interiors. For arms the citizens are armed with hunting rifles and shotguns mainly. Some even seem to hunt with bow and arrows. They also have an old converted LST from WWII that was used in the area for ferry work.
Charlevoix: Much of the northern part of the city was destroyed by fire. The canal to Round Lake and Lake Charlevoix is open but is barely navigable. Perhaps 500 people are still in the area. Most of them are people who lived in the area before the war began and are fiercely independent. There is an active USCG launch here helping the populace.
Oscoda Air Force Base: Abandoned by the USAF in 1963, the base is now empty of all aircraft. The remnants of the Michigan Air National Guard at Oscoda are doing light patrolling along the coast when they can, and hunting and gathering for themselves and their families. They have limited resources, just two working jeeps, a duce-and-a-half, and forty M1 Garand rifles with about 8,000 rounds of ammo.
Camp Grayling Michigan National Guard Reservation: The military personnel at this NG base in the central highlands of the state were overwhelmed by the influx of survivors looking for both help and an authority figure in late 1962. Unknown to the soldiers and the survivors, several refugees brought the plague with them. Within days the entire camp was infected and the population was dying off. Soon, marauder forces entered the scene and a battle broke out between them and a combined force of still-healthy armed survivors and soldiers. It was a massacre. The better armed marauders wiped out most of the civilians and soldiers within a matter of hours. They did take losses of their own though, and to make matters worse, they contracted the same disease that was beginning to take its toll on the base. The marauders began to strip the base of any useful equipment. This took several days, as they were being harassed by survivors using guerrilla tactics, and during that time the plague spread quickly in the marauder ranks. Within three days, every living person on the base died. It was only in the spring of 1964 that anyone ventured into the ruins of the base. Early in the year, the "North Michigan Wolverines", a powerful and brutal partisan army formed in this region, numbering some 3,000 strong with controlling influence over various small feudal fiefdoms, renegade gangs and packs of marauders, and terrorizing the remaining pockets of civilians. Scouts from the Wolverines had heard rumors of a large amount of weapons at the base and went in to find out. Fear of the disease was still strong, fuelled by numerous hand-painted warning signs posted around the base perimeter, but they realized that without a host, the disease will have died out--or so they hoped. To their surprise, it had died off and the scouts brought back the good news to their boss. Today the remains of the base are occupied by the main body of the Wolverines. They have housed their vast cache of assorted small arms, military equipments, and "essentials" of post holocaust survival in an 40's era ammunition bunker on the base. Millions of rounds of ammunition, crates upon crates of small arms, power tools, generators, assorted rare metals and alloys, as well as a rumored 3 million gallons of high grade diesel fuel, stored in underground government-grade holding tanks. They even a have few vehicles, as they had been stored in the intact buildings on the base.
Manistee: Home of "Fort Rosson", formerly Camp Riverton Army Reserve Depot. This the home of the remains of the Michigan National Guard 107th Engineer Battalion (500 men), a unit that was in extreme northern Michigan when the war started and moved down here in 1963 to take advantage of the better weather and fishing off Manistee. The unit commander is named Villars. The recent completion of the first true airstrip here at Fort Rosson should also help the area. Based at this airfield are two CH-21 Shawnee troop carriers, a CH-34 Choctaw, four CH-37 Mojaves and a newly rebuilt UH-19 Chickasaw. They also have a wide collection of tanks. Formed up as two troops of armor, they include a defected Canadian Army Centurion driven all the way here from Ontario, three M48A1 Pattons that were at the depot since the war, all the way down to some Sherman types that were formerly owned by museums. Most of them are in working order, except for one of the M48s that has ignition problems. Add to that about a battalion's worth of APC's and a pair of M-40 155mm self-propelled guns as well. Other forces in the town include the Mason County Militia. Formed at and stationed around Fort Rosson, this unit is made up of volunteers who serve at Fort Rosson, and at small two man-sized outposts throughout the local area. The local militia totals about battalion strength now, but their arms aren't the best, most of the militia is armed with M1 Garands, some Sterlings, and quite a few bolt-actions. Furthermore, they are strictly foot-mobile, there's a few horses among them, but that's the best they have. Also in town is the "Nonnewaug Resistance", a tribe of American Indians numbering about 200 counting noncombatants and their leader is Paul Sender. Finally, there is "Mack's Clan", a small resistance force, a little over 30 members, and under the command of their leader Mack.
The lost fighters: Unbeknownst to these forces, to the east at an old Park ranger Fire fighting camp in the Manistee National Forest, sits six F-104B Thundercheifs formerly based in Grand Rapids. When the nukes came in 1962, the squadron was flying maneuvers. The pilots, knowing that someday the jets may be needed, decided to fly them to a remote location, far off any beaten track to hide them. The old Park ranger Fire fighting camp and its airstrip proved to be just what they were looking for. The Camp had several large hangers, maintenance sheds, and a long runway (even if the Thundercheifs wouldn't need that). Setting down, the pilots managed to open the hanger doors and taxi the Thundercheifs inside. They spent several days removing the weapon pods and shutting down the aircraft's systems. Satisfied that they completed their tasks, they covered the jets in camo netting, to protect them from casual observation. Having completed their task, the pilots left the camp and headed towards the town of Manistee. Here, they got rid of their gear, donned civilian clothing and blended in with the other survivors. The next few years were a terrifying fight for survival. Out of the six pilots, when the nuclear winter finally ended, only two managed to survive. Both have taken wives and are doing their best to carve out a meager existence in the harsh new world. They have also vowed to keep the existence of the jets a secret from the CivGov garrison, who they believe are trying to carve out their own empire rather than help the nation recover.
The inhabitants of the UP have always considered themselves a state apart, and the chaos has only emphasized that separation. The hardy, mainly rural folk of the region are used to harsh winters and isolation, so they survived better than most Americans. Several petty kingdoms are growing around Saint Ingace and Newberry. A large en-masse prison escape from Michigan State Prison in 1962 spawned many marauder "armies" across the Upper Peninsula. Most of these aren't larger than 50 men but there are a few that have upward to 700 men. Marauders still operate in small bands in the eastern Upper Peninsula, especially in the Hiathawa National Forest and between Raco and Hulbert in Chippewa County.
Marquette: Marquette, the only large town on the peninsula, is protected by "The Badges", a militia of former police officers. This group consists of nineteen men and seven women. They travel via five old, but well maintained highway interceptors. They also have two old pickup trucks which they use to carry extra fuel, food, and their personal belongings, which also includes a fairly large collection of old law text books. The Badges carry a variety of weapons, but mainly old .38 revolvers, 12 gauge shot guns, and four M2 carbine's. They also have a half dozen fragmentation grenades. The pride and joy of their weapon collection are 3.5" bazookas (one tube per vehicle). They all have hand held communication gear, and each vehicle has a built in radio system. There is much popular support in the western part of the UP for forming what they are planning on called Superior State with its capital in Marquette.
Sault Sainte Marie: Now know locally as the "Free City of Sault Ste Marie", and protected by a group made up of militia members, civilians, and with support from both the MilGov and CivGov forces. The "Sault Militia" started up in late 1962 on both sides of the Saint Mary River, and by early 1963 it was fairly well-organized, even if it lacked equipment. Despite the lack of heavy weapons in large part and lack of uniformity the Sault Militia is probably one of the best militia in both US and Canada. The twin city councils formed the Joint City Council and almost immediately took over the running of Chippewa County, too. The Sault Militia has also received numerous M14s, Springfields, and M-16s from the US Government in 1964 just after it declared itself a "Free City". Personnel from the US Army Corps of Engineer keep the Soo Locks operating and the Saint Mary River free for navigation. By late 1964, most of the eastern UP under the control of the Free City with several detachment of militia in the communities. This also means the Free City had to take over basic services and policing in these communities too. To this extent the Sheriff Departments of Chippewa, Luce, and Mackinaw Counties along with the four Michigan State Police Posts, the Ontario Provincial Police Post and the City Police have been formed along with several ex-Prison Guards into a Military Police organization that handles internal security operation in the Sault and other communities and keeps one prison in operation in Kinross. In the city and in the immediate area power is still supplied by the Sault Edison plant. Also the Soo Line railroad that travels through the Sault and Eastern UP is still in operating order, but on a limited basis. The Sault City Council also has two tug/barge outfits that can move supplies on the lakes. It is hope that these tugs/barges can be put to use to move goods from place to place in the future. Both of the tugs (named the Salty Bride and the Marchinko) have been converted to steam power with either wood or coal as a power source. There is plenty of food, enough, in fact, that they are exporting what we don't need to Sudbury, ON and Marquette, MI. The Sault Council also operates two hospitals, one on each side of the St Marys River. The International Bridge sees limited use (emergency) since regular maintenance stopped in 1963. Now a limited car ferry operation works between them. Also the same type of thing has happened with the Mackinaw Brigade with car ferry and passenger ferry now operating out of both St Ignace and Mackinaw City. The newly finished Sault Arms Factory runs several plants on both side of the St Mary's River and they make ammo, homemade explovisive, homemade grenades, and weapons systems. The Sault Militia was never supplied with any heavy weapon from the US or Canadian Government(one of many reason why they declared a Free City). For artillery the Militia has only home made mortars. They make 60mm, 81mm/82mm and 120mm. As for basic weapons they have the tools and dies to produce the M14 rifle, M2 carbine, M3 submachine gun, as well as several types of auto-pistols. Yet at this time only 30% of the Sault Militia is armed with these type of weapons (only the Airborne "Regiment" is complete "refitted"). The other 70% is armed with a wide variety of arms including several shotguns and civilian rifles that have been deemed fit for military use. They also can make several types of .22LR, 5.56N, or 7.62N sporting rifles or various types of shotguns. Air assets for the city have come from K.I. Sawyer and Kincheloe Air Force Bases and from Sander Army Airfield. In 1963, these bases were evacuated to the MilGov enclaves in Colorado, taking every plane that was operational. Those that were broken were left behind and teams from Sault have since recovered and repaired several of them. Currently the city has three C-130 transports, eight CH-21 Shawnees, three UH-19 Chickasaws, and six CH-37 Mojaves that were put back into operational order from the equipment left behind. These are all now at Sander Airfield in Sault. The US Navy Sault Group operates a collection of five Rescue Boats, seven PT Boats, and five Riverine Patrol Boats. They operate from two bases with one being in the Sault and the other in Saint Ignace (Isn't uncommon for these to be at Mackinaw Island or Mackinaw City). The city is also home to a Canadian Army unit, the 1st Provisional Battalion (Reinforced)/The Cheshire Regiment. The 350 men of this unit are most often in the northern areas of the enclave but also do duty on the American side. Led by Colonel Lindsay. Vehicles include two light tanks, two 75mm self-propelled guns, and some troop carriers. They have a few handheld rockets and mortars. The CIA, DIA, and Canadian Intelligence all have active cells in the Sault. The City Government doesn’t mind for now as long as they keep their spy activities outside of the Sault and the CIA and DIA don’t shoot at each other in Sault Militia protected areas. The city is also home to representatives of the Sault Indian Tribal and Bay Mills Indian Tribal Militias.
Indiana in 1964 is a mix of small independent towns and military-garrisoned cities with a lot of open and empty territory in between. The northern part of the state is dominated by the trashed coast of Lake Michigan, the central plains by a strong military presence, and the wooded southern area by a preponderance of small independent towns and villages, many of whom have banded together for mutual protection. Most of the state's cities were not badly damaged during the last two years since food was relatively easy to get to them, but civil unrest (early on) and marauders (more recently) have reduced the urban populations to about 40 percent pre-war levels. State government was broken by the strain of the chaos, and "government" is now almost entirely limited to military enclaves and rural farming/village communities run by local strongmen and defended by locally raised militias. Some isolated communities pay lip service to one government or the other, but most prefer to straddle the fence or do what they must to survive. The key to the state's recovery has been the Indiana National Guard's swift reaction to the nuclear strikes on America. One of the first acts of Governor Matthew Empson Welsh after the bombs fell was to call to muster and defederalized all National Guard that were still in the state. Thankfully, the federal government had not yet called up many of the units for duty overseas and the NG was able to concentrate on in-state duties. The NG is now deployed in communities around the state working to stabilize the state. The State Government declared for the civilian federal leadership (CivGov) soon after it was forced to move from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne and the state is considered a bastion of CivGov power. MilGov has to work through spies and turncoats, of which there are plenty.
For what ever reason, Indiana's National Guard has remained mostly intact when most other states have had theirs dissolve. The main unit is the 38th Infantry Division, now headquartered in Fort Wayne with the new state government. This has given Indiana a leg up in recovery and is one of the reasons that CivGov is so keen on keeping the state in it's fold. There are no regular Army units in the state and no large marauder bands to speak of.
38th Infantry Division
------DIV HQ/DISCOM--Fort Wayne (1050 men)
------1st Battle Group/151st Infantry Regiment--Fort Harrison (550 men)
------------Able Company-- Muncie (60 men)
------2nd Battle Group/151st Infantry Regiment--Fort Wayne (950 men, 16 AFVs)
------------Able Company--Gary (100 men)
------------Baker Company--South Bend (100 men)
------2nd Battle Group/152nd Infantry Regiment--Evansville (425 men)
------------Platoon 1--Charlestown (55 men)
------------Platoon 2--Jefferson Proving Grounds (80 men)
------2nd Battle Group/293rd Infantry Regiment--Crane (900 men)
------1st Howitzer Battalion/139th Artillery Regiment--Grissom AFB (300 men)
------1438th Infantry Battalion--Camp Atterbury (700 men, 7 AFVs)
------2nd Reconnaissance Squadron/138th Armored Regiment--Terra Haute (85 men),
------3/24th Marine Corps Reserve Regiment
------------Bravo Company--Terra Haute (120 men)
------438th Chemical Company--Terra Haute (15 men)
------38th Quartermaster Company--Terra Haute (40 men)
------434th Security Forces Squadron (Motorized)--Grissom AFB (70 men)
The northern part of the state from Chicago east to South Bend and the new state capital of Fort Wayne is a relatively stable CivGov-controlled pocket. Being this close to Chicago, this area was naturally badly affected by the chaos and rioting and large stretches were leveled and burned. Today, two companies of the 2nd Battle Group/151st Infantry from Fort Wayne are spread across the area doing garrison duty.
Whiting: This lakeshore town was smashed by looters and rioting from nearby Chicago. The nuclear blast over the city also set afire the string of productive oil wells along within the city, sending firestorms racing through the town and surrounding area. Today the area is completely deserted and in ruins, with eighty-percent of the buildings burned down. One or two of the oil wells still burn fitfully, however, and this has attracted the attention of CivGov agents, who want to know if the wells can be reopened. A small survey team from the Chicago-area enclave is currently in Whiting, studying methods of extinguishing the two year-old fires and capping the well-heads.
Gary: The lake port of Gary was ravaged by looters and rioting from Chicago and the port facilities have been largely burnt to a crisp. It was further abandoned in late 1963 when the few survivors were struck by a epidemic of bubonic plague. Today, barely 1,000 people remain on the southern fringes of the city, most of them subsistence farmers trying to eek out a living. The 100 soldiers here--Able Company of the 2nd Battle Group/151st Infantry from Fort Wayne--make only a small additional load on the food producing capacity on the community. Almost all the company's duties consist of overseeing salvage operations in the destroyed industrial areas and they are currently trying to get a small arms manufacturing plant in the city back online.
South Bend: Sickness and famine have taken their toll on this city over the past two years and now less than 6,000 people still live here, including a large group of refugees from Chicago. The town, however, is well-run and the people here are quite happy and fee lucky. They have a strong local militia with a little over 450 volunteers. The men are armed mainly with rifles and they have dynamite available but little else in the way of explosives. The town's true muscle is the 100 soldiers of Baker Company of the 2nd Battle Group/151st Infantry from Fort Wayne. The soldiers are carrying out civil recovery and anti-bandit duties within a 20 mile radius of South Bend and have cleared the town of malcontents, thieves and bushwhackers. South Bend merchants now has feelers out in all directions to spread their influence. Five surrounding towns now even have a garrison of sorts of South Bend Militia in them now, being Elkhart, Plymouth, Michigan City, Goshen and Niles, Michigan. The garrisons (each with a few National Guardsmen for advisors) help patrol the towns against bandits in exchange for food shipped to South Bend. The Goshen enclave is currently suffering from a cholera outbreak, which has South Bend very worried.
Fort Wayne: This good-sized city is now the largest and most stable urban area in the state, as well as the new state capital and residence of Governor Welsh. When the Indiana government (which moved here from Indianapolis) declared for CivGov, the local civic leaders in Fort Wayne began a training program so that civilians would have something to do and to replace much-needed specialists. They also recovered a number of secret caches in the area, some dating back to the late 1940s, that the government had buried and forgotten about. Fort Wayne now has working hospitals and good doctors, making it the object of much praise in the area. Led by Police Commissioner Lisette Hogan, who many say is more powerful than the governor, the citizens are strong and well-protected. An active police force patrols the local area in patrol cars and Commissioner Hogan can often be seen patrolling in an UH-19 Chickasaw helicopter with machinegun pods mounted on each slide (a gift from the army). The real power in the city is the National Guard and the city serves as the overall state command center for all operations. Based at Fort Wayne International Airport, the garrison is centered around the Headquarters and DISCOM of the 38th Infantry Division (1,050 men) as well as the main body of the 2nd Battle Group/151st Infantry (950 men). The 2/151st here has 16 tanks, six of which are inoperable and are presently serving as pillboxes around the battle group's headquarters at the airport. Several surrounding towns are under Fort Wayne police protection as well, including Columbia City and Huntington and the 2/151st has companies rotating garrison duties in South Bend and Gary.
Bluffton: This smallish farming town south of Fort Wayne and neighboring farmers were overrun with refugees from Fort Wayne and Indianapolis early in the chaos. The people of Bluffton were not hospitable and the refugees were desperate--townspeople were badly beaten and often killed for their cars, homes and food. In general, this time is looked upon by the residents of the town as a fight for survival, and although many people were lost, the town pulled itself together once winter stopped the worst of the refugee movement. By the time things settled down, the town leaders realized that steps had to be taken to keep the town safe from further attacks by outsiders. The remaining 2,000 people, aided by those peaceful refugees who found a home here, set to work fortifying their town. The looming stone town hall was sandbagged and stocked with supplies and arms and a thirty foot wide, ten foot deep moat was built around the town center using far equipment and heavy machinery from local construction sites. The dirt from the moat forms a continuous hill ten feet in from the moat, and the moat is now about half filled with rain water, making the whole thing extremely difficult to cross on foot and impossible by vehicle. There is only one opening, along Highway 1 on the north edge of town, and one bridge over the moat that is heavily guarded. Most of the town is in average condition, and it has plenty of empty buildings and businesses. The security of this town has been noted by the Indiana state government in Fort Wayne, and a small detachment of State Police rotates with the town's own militia. Bluffton now makes a comfortable living by overproducing food and selling it to Fort Wayne. During the winters, they over hunt and sell the meat to the city as well.
Berne: The inhabitants of the small town of Berne and its environs are mostly Swiss-German immigrants, and they have been trying since the chaos started to carve out a Germanic enclave in northeastern Indiana. Ruled by a man known as “The Kazir”, they mostly speak German amongst themselves and take the great Bavarian empire of the last century as their inspiration. In the last two years, they have expanded and organized around this immigrant population, and by now their territorial holdings are considerable. Many of the citizens are avowed Nazis, people who left Germany following WWII to find better jobs but never gave up their beliefs. Now that the world is a mess, they are free to publicly espouse their racist views again, and in this community, those views have taken root. The Berne militia forces are known colloquially as the “Jaegers”, and other than protecting the area against marauders, the Jaegers' sole purpose seems to be tracking down and capturing “Mexis” (people of Mexican heritage who worked the fields of the area in years past). This seems to be a case of well-meaning citizens taking survival too far. The area was home to a large number of Hispanic migrant farm workers and these people have become virtual slaves of the ruling class. The pride of the town is the railroad line that connects the town of Decatur to Berne, and two steam-powered locomotives and many boxcars run on it, carrying goods and slaves. As such, these two towns are very powerful despite their sizes. South and east of Berne, in numerous small farm towns, outposts of Berne influence have been set up. As a result of their ideology and methods, they are in conflict with everyone around them. The military and state leadership to the north at Fort Wayne have been keeping a careful eye on them for years, though there is much mutual trade.
Decatur: This town is now a major Berne base and concentration camp, which is the central holding facility for nearly 5,000 ill-fed men, women, old ones and children, mostly Hispanic slaves. Militia forces include around 500 armed Jaeger overseers, a troop of cavalry, and twenty pickup trucks, most with pintle mounts for various kinds of weapons. Several factories are located in the town and are worked by the Hispanic prisoners (think of it as a Mexican "Ghetto"). The militia HQ and the camp dominate the western part of town while the factories, small businesses and silos fill the east with residential neighborhoods to the north and south. There are also rail yard rail repair shops in the northern part of town. There is also a small coal-fired power plant and many streetlights stay on all night. There is a new draft program recently in effect to beef up the Jaeger force here. As a client town of Berne, the train is used to take the Hispanic slave farm hands back and forth to Berne's fields. There is also a Berne security group here presently to help keep the populace under control. They are about 30 strong and have two armored buses and an industrial-size dump truck with an old 37mm cannon mounted up top. They are pretty much running a local protection racket that is taking most of the food supplies from farm families in exchange for nothing. They also come looking for runaways and the town has given them a hundred or so of them this year in exchange for some rifles and ammunition.
Central Indiana is a mix of isolated farming outposts and sprawling Midwestern-style cities. Out in the open plains you still have a lot of rural farms, most folk have a rifle or shotgun for hunting and varmit control. If they are still alive by 1964, then they are definitely wary of strangers and many smaller communities have banded together to deal with their own problems when law enforcement and or the military is not around.
The National Guard in Central Indiana: Across the area there are scattered garrisons, representing a variety of units, usually small in size but capable of exerting influence over their immediate areas. They are all elements of the 38th ID headquartered in Fort Wayne and take their orders from there. Most are in at least limited convoy contact with the other garrisons in their region.
Indianapolis: In 1962, this city was the recipient of a rain-borne cloud of fallout from the strike on downtown Chicago, killing many and panicking the population into a mass exodus. The state government left for Fort Wayne soon after, taking everything they could with them. Even when the danger of being nuked passed, the city was barely repopulated, and then only by die-hards and scavengers. Today, two years later, in the capital city there is still quite a bit of lingering radiation, and the ruins are still prowled by those searching for valuables, like unopened bank vaults and the like. The White River Park area has been razed by recent fires, leaving a wide scar. There are several strong Latino groups as well as rumors of roving bands of cannibals. At Fort Benjamin Harrison there is a military garrison consisting of the HQ and main body of the 1st Battle Group/151st Infantry (550 men), who mainly try to keep the urban gangs in the city and out of the countryside. While in the military-controlled areas things are better, in the other areas of the city ragged bands of survivors survive on whatever can still be found.
Muncie: An independent-minded town and a trouble spot full of local thugs, rowdies, marauders, army deserters, and God knows what else. The southern edge of Muncie is now home of Able Company (60 men) of the 1st Battle Group/151st Infantry detached from the battle group's enclave at Fort Benjamin Harrison to try and keep the peace.
Camp Atterbury Military Reservation: To the northwest of Columbus, this base had been inactive since 1955, but it's good location and intact facilities made it ideal for reopening by the state government following the chaos. The camp is now home of the 1438th Infantry Battalion (700 men and seven M48A2 Patton tanks). They also have some operational helicopters maintained by Army mechanics. The 1438th IB is an Indiana National Guard unit formerly known as the 1438th Transportation Company that was pressed into serve during the chaos. They are currently subornate to the 38th ID HQ in Fort Wayne. The unit has been augmented by impressed militias and levies over the years and the tanks originally came from the Camp's vehicle pool. The city of Columbus itself still has a large civilian population and the military at Atterbury funds and supplies the town's hospital.
Grissom Air Force Base: This large air base is now home of the CivGov Air Mobility Command Acting HQ. US Air Force assets here include the 434th Troop Carrier Wing, though the title is more impressive than any real operational ability. The planes rarely fly due to the enormous amount of fuel they require even to get off the ground. Base defense is provided by the 300 men of the 1st Howitzer Battalion/139th Artillery Regiment (IN NG) and the 70 men of the 932nd Security Forces Squadron (Motorized), both suborate units of the 38th ID in Fort Wayne.
Crane: The remaining assets at the Naval Surface Weapons Center near Crane are currently garrisoned by the 900 men of the Indiana National Guard 2nd Battle Group/293rd Infantry Regiment. This battalion is subornate to the 38th ID HQ in Fort Wayne but mostly handles it's own affairs. No armored vehicles are present but numerous trucks are available to transport personnel and supplies.
Logansport: Just 20 miles from Grissom AFB, this town is not doing well, and is currently being held by a marauder group called the "Yunguns" as they are all in their teens or early twenties. The leaders change with the times and whoever is strongest. There are at least forty motorized vehicles ranging from motorcycles to pick-up trucks amongst the gang, most all gasahol powered. They are armed with mostly old shotguns and bolt-actions rifles with a few pistols thrown into the mix. They do not have a great ability with the firearms and they are indiscriminate with the amount of ammunition they use. The military at Grissom are watching them closely.
Richmond: A group of survivalists now controls Richmond and the 3,000 remaining citizens of this large town are virtual slaves. The bandit leader is a man by the name of Anderson Pike and he runs the place very close to what Stalin or Hitler probably did with their governments. His gang controls a significant, though not overly extensive area to the immediate south of that town stretching along the Ohio border to Brookville Lake, as well as small portions to the north and east. Pike has about 400 effective fighting men, some machineguns and some pre-fab armored trucks. Richmond is Malone's HQ as his pre-war house is here. Around this modest suburban home, Pike has built a six-foot tall log wall with MG-armed guard towers at the corners. He also have an antique 10-pounder cannon inside the wall, formerly a civil war memorial, that is more for executing people than defense. He does have about three gunsmiths working for him repairing weapons and making some new ones.
Terre Haute: The industrial works in this city have been severely damaged by looting and neglect and the population has been reduced to some 12,000. CivGov Air Force air assets based at Hulman Regional Airport include the 181st Fighter Wing, though the lack of maintenance and fuel has drastically reduced its effectiveness. Ground forces garrisoning the city and the airport are all subornate to the 38th ID HQ in Fort Wayne and are centered around the 2nd Reconnaissance Squadron/138th Armored Regiment (85 men), Bravo Company of the 3rd Battalion/24th Marines (120 men), the 438th Chemical Company (15 men), and the 38th Quartermaster Company (40 men). Many of the soldiers are currently helping to guard the Newport Chemical Company in the city as it is salvaged, as well as trying to restore electrical power to a less damaged part of the industrial facilities. They are severely short of tools and supplies, however.
Bloomington: Now (still) ruled by a benevolent council made up of the community's best and brightest. They are called the "Bloomies" by the local populace because the council is almost entirely faculty from Indiana University. Their leader is "King" Bobby Knight, the university's half-mad basketball coach.
Lafayette: Now run by a Council of Deans from Purdue University. Their militia is well-trained and has heavy machineguns and M-1 rifles. They are actively trading for more arms and ammo with neighboring towns. Lafayette is sort of like a Israeli-style kibbutz now. The Deans are encouraging folks to move here and take up farming with hopes to build a self-governing community that can both care for and defend itself. The only real thing they have to offer right now is land and protection. There is a newly established farmer’s market in Lafayette for the locals to come and trade food, clothing and necessities. This market is free for all to use. Near here is a man-made cavern system once belonging to a company called CONEX, which dealt with the commercial use of explosives. Several of the chambers are underwater, but the ones that aren’t have large quantities of explosives of various types. Some appear to be useable while others may be highly unstable. Fifteen chambers are above the waterline. Of those, nine have construction grade explosives that are stable enough to use; two are questionable and one is definitely hazardous. This is a valuable prize to find.
Notable for aspiring empire-builders and small town power bosses.
Evansville: Now a xenophobic and extremely defensive community at odds with most of it's neighbors, especially the Kentucky State Militia. Home now of a small CivGov garrison which includes the remaining bulk of the 2nd Battle Group/152nd Infantry Regiment minus two platoons stationed in other towns in the state. This Indiana National Guard unit is 425 men strong and have four M101 105mm and one 155mm howitzers as well as four jeeps, ten deuce-and-a-half trucks, four 18-wheeled fuel trucks, a large panel truck, an old-style bazooka and at least fifty M1 Garand rifles. This unit is pretty much turned rogue in the last year, thanks to the undermining efforts of MilGov spies. They frequently go on bloody foraging expeditions to get supplies from surrounding towns, further alienating the population. Due to the rapacious nature of the troops, many citizens have fled the city. The battle group's parent unit, the 38th ID in Fort Wayne, is very concerned, but aware that there is little that can be done short of armed conflict. The citizens here are slowly realizing that the army here is really little better than the marauders they say they are keeping out. The battle group commander feels like he owns the town and everyone in it. He is an atrocious womanizer and he forces the townspeople to work longer hours than is necessary. The strain between the soldiers and the citizens is becoming critical.
Mount Vernon: The Evansville unit's next target is the old Country Mark oil refinery near Mount Vernon to the west. The current owners are a group of bikers who have been terrorizing the area. There are at least 50 of these bikers here, with 22 bikes; three pick-up trucks with pintle-mounted machineguns, some M2 carbines, a few BARs, and at least one .30 cal LMG in a guard tower. They have a number of captives from the town working the refinery for them. The surrounding communities are lining up to become paying customers for their fuel, although the customers don’t trust the bikers as far as they can throw them. As well as the oil refinery, in the remains of Mount Vernon, there is the remains of a Bristol Myers-Squibb factory on the east side of town. Much of the equipment is still useable, if power can be brought back to the plant. The Evansville army unit has been trading food for fuel with the bikers controlling the refinery, but plan to take it over soon for themselves.
Loyal men of the 2/152nd: Two reinforced platoons of the 2nd Battle Group/152nd Infantry Regiment were dispatched from the main body in Evansville to two different Ohio River towns (Charlestown and Madison) over the summer and have dug in. These men have not gone rogue as their parent unit back in Evansville has done and they remain loyal to the state government. They are in constant danger from marauders and adventurous units of the KSM.
Charlestown: The Indiana Army Ammunition Plant here is home of Platoon 1 of the 2/152nd (55 men). Being only ten miles from Louisville, this garrison is on constant watch for any hostile moves by the KSM. A “company town”, Charlestown is centered around the ammunition plant, the only functioning industry of note in the region. It's operator, Dirk Baize, appears to be a on his way to being a local strongman, but with definite connections to the Kentucky State Militia. The potential benefit of the plant for aiding local recovery operations cannot be overstated. The presence and demands of the army platoon on the local food supply have caused bad feeling amongst the local civilian population.
Madison and the nuke: The Jefferson Proving Grounds north of Madison are now home of Platoon 2 of the 2/152nd (80 men). As a side note, the town of Madison suffered a mysterious low-yield sub-kiloton nuclear explosion last fall, cause unknown but suspected to be an accidental explosion of some weapon at the nearby Jefferson Proving Grounds that was somehow moved into the town. There is, however, some speculation that the KSM was responsible for the blast. The explosion badly damaged the town and polluted the fields to the east. The northern one-third of the city is still relatively intact, though it is largely uninhabited except for a few scavengers and harmless (or are they?) loonies around the outskirts.
The KSM in Southern Indiana: While the state of Kentucky pledged early to not interfere with any of it's neighboring states, that is slowly beginning to change. In August of 1964, small units of the Kentucky State Militia crossed the border in force to "liberate some wrongly imprisoned peace loving freedom fighters" in the Hoosier National Forest. Despite protests from local authorities, they are still here and look to stay a while. They have set up a permanent camp in Leavenworth with barracks and quarters for their officers and sandbagged emplacements. As well, the river town of Maukport is now a KSM outpost, with a unit here guarding the valuable Highway 135 bridge across the Ohio River. The garrison here is very strong with 300 troops, four modern M60 tanks and at least three artillery pieces. Communication is horrible in this part of the state and it is not known whether the state government in Fort Wayne is really aware of how large the KSM force is or even where they are exactly. A general letter of complaint has been sent to Danville and Fort Wayne is waiting for a reply to it now.
As with many other states, the Ohio state government collapsed under the storm of refugees and chaos. Once the winter killed off the weak and the food situation stabilized, the state began to rebuild. Ohio is now divided into a series of fortified enclaves controlling various population centers or key positions and which attempt to control the surrounding territory via patrols and friendly contact with inhabitants. They are often several towns grouped together by location, sharing resources and defenses. These are often operated and controlled by various Ohio National Guard and Ohio Military Reserve units still loyal to Governor Michael DiSalle and the federal civilian government. (The Ohio Military Reserve was authorized in the late 1950s as a backup force in case the Ohio National Guard was called up. This unpaid, volunteer force consisted of retirees, those unfit for service in the active branches and those who just wanted to play soldier). Much of the state is not controlled by the state's enclaves and is inhabited by small bands of farmers, hunters and refugees from all over. In addition, there are several active marauder groups, both former military and civilian. Most of the groups, however, are small in both size and area of operation. The New America Cell in Ohio has a few friends in the Ohio government. The real strengths in the state are Cleveland and the WP enclave.
Date Type Target
10/29/62 1 mT Bomb Toledo
10/29/62 1 mT Bomb Lima
33rd Infantry Division
------Platoon 1, Baker Company, 2nd Battle Group/130th Infantry Regiment--Defiance (25 men)
37th Infantry Division--Columbus (1600 men)
------1st Gun Battalion/174th Anti Aircraft Artillery Regiment--Lancaster (56 men, 6 AFVs)
107th Armored Cavalry Regiment--Cleveland (1050 men)
324th Military Police Company--Oxford (45 men)
1486th Transportation Company--Middletown (40 men)
1st Military Police Group, OMR
------OMR HQ/1st and 3rd Battalions--Dayton (110 men)
------2nd Battalion--New Richmond (55 men)
2nd Military Police Group, OMR--Zanesville (210 men)
2nd Infantry Battalion, OMR--Findlay (55 men)
3rd Military Police Group, OMR--Lucasville (80 men)
Cleveland: This city is one of the most intact in the Great Lakes region today. Oddly not nuked in the war one of the reasonably largest collections of urban survivors, with more than 1,250,000 people here--many refugees from other places. In the immediate post-nuke months, the mayor of the city coordinated with the local Ohio National Guard commander (the colonel of the OH NG 107th Armored Cavalry Regiment which was stationed in the city when the bombs fell) to garrison vital city functions (power plant, water plant, etc.). The ACR commander, initially having no contact with any higher authority, chose to assist the largest civilian population center that he knew was still intact. Once contact with the civilian chain of command was reestablished, the ACR was ordered to stay in Cleveland and try and keep the place together. This solidified the unit as a CivGov supporter. Shortly the water and power problem became apparent and the Armored Cav secured the local reservoirs and reconned the rail lines running from Cleveland down to West Virginia and it's coal fields. West Virginia was selected rather than the mayor's first choice of Pennsylvania because the 107th's armories ran down the east side of the state and had one of it's squadrons stationed in West Virginia. The Cleveland rail yard workers were hired by the city and with some RR crews and assistance from some Combat Engineers and Air National Guard Civil Engineers they got to West Virginia and made trade arrangements with the miners to exchange coal for manufactured products and pharmaceuticals. Agreements were also made with any crop and dairy farmers who could get there products to the railroad to trade food. Several small grain elevators were refurbished or re-opened to accommodate the trade, and the Cavalry found it needed to recruit soldiers to man forts that needed to be built along the line to protect the miners and farmers from bandits and scavengers. Lack of sufficient gasoline and diesel fuel resulted in it being confiscated for military and emergency use only. When the realization finally settled in that 1) everything's gone to hell and 2) there was no eminent Soviet Invasion, a restructuring of society was called for if the majority were to survive, mainly an employment restructuring. Almost all office workers were out of a job so some were sent to the farms to train as field workers since farming became more labor intensive since fuel was restricted. Lumbering and replanting trees became important and regulated by the new government. Murder and rape were punished by public hanging. Deliberately killing a horse and other anti-survival crimes were jailing offenses. Great Lakes vessels were hired by the government to explore the Great Lakes and return with reports of the situation, and to establish initial trade deals if they had something the Clevelanders needed. (The boat captains were given a list of items most needed, and a Geiger counter). The city recommisioned some railroad steam engines that had been pulling tourist or dinner trains, or sitting in museums as soon as they could so that they could use coal for rail transport rather than diesel fuel. And, extrapolating off of that, a new little country has been born in eastern Ohio. They have expanded some, but prefer to trade with the Appalachians rather than risk a possible guerilla war. The calvarymen are divided into well-armed and defended "forts" spread around the city. 175 men are at the Regimental HQ at the City Police Building, 70 men at Case Western Reserve University, 20 men at a tankworks, and 20 more at a motorworks. As well, 150 men are detailed to patrol the northside docks, 40 more patrolling the rather peaceful eastern suburbs, and 140 patrolling the more dangerous western suburbs. The "Army Camp" in the downtown area holds around 300 soldiers at any one time, along with three tanks, fifteen armored cars, ten troop carrier trucks, twenty motorcycles and machine gun and mortar emplacements and even a multiple rocket launcher. There are a further 2,000 or so militia that can be called up within the city. The militia is armed with rifles, carbines, pistols, grenades, and homemade bombs. The Ohio National Guard has joined with the 107th ACR and is tasked with keeping the city safe and have numerous forces in town, operating roadblocks and checkpoints throughout the city. One of the biggest entry checkpoints is at the I-80 and I-71 overpass, which is manned by troops and an M103 heavy tank. The 107th ACR now has some 1050 soldiers. The ONG forces in the city are armed with a variety of weapons including 4.2" mortars, recoilless rifles and an old M41 tank. The city has come under increasing scrutiny by the Civilian Government recently, as they consider a massive relocation of the leadership from Northern Virginia to the Great Lakes area.
Marion: Presently inhabited by several hundred refugees and deserters from various military units in the area. The area is a fairly rich agricultural area, however, and the people here have had better than average food crops this year. The town is defended by 40 former soldiers.
Bucyrus: North of Columbus, this town represents the largest independent force in the state, trading with Cleveland, Columbus, and Dayton. Due to a difference of opinion with the state government, no OMR or OH NG troops are in this growing town. Bucyrus is extensively overcrowded but has new facilities under construction. Local agriculture is now barely adequate to support the population and more people come every month. The town can muster about 120 fulltime local militiamen and 160 part-time local militiamen, but they are all of limited effectiveness.
Upper Sandusky: Abandoned when fallout from the Lima strike panicked the residents into fleeing. A few people have moved back but not very many.
Marysville: This town northwest of Columbus is only controlled by its own local militia and police force. The town has 60 full-time local militiamen, and 80 part-time local militiamen as well as four deuce-and-a-half cargo trucks and five jeeps.
Kenton: Initially abandoned when Lima was nuked and the fallout drifted in, Kenton has since become a haven for refugees and a prime target for marauders. Its buildings have suffered considerably from neglect and the occasional firefight.
Mansfield: An active survivor community strongly augmented by refugees from the northeastern part of the state. The militia is efficient, although not well-trained as they are mostly farmers and businessmen.
Mount Vernon: To the northeast of Columbus, between there and Cleveland are a number of independent communities. Inspired by the science fiction classic novel A Canticle for Leibowitz, by Walter M. Miller, in which a religious order preserves the knowledge of a pre-nuclear holocaust world, a small group of college students, headed by Baptist Minister Gerald F. Foster, founded the Order of St. Leibowitz in Mount Vernon in early in 1963.
Marauders: The largest bandit gang in the state has taken the curious name of "Bandito Yankee". They number nearly 500 and operate in the northwestern Ohio/southern Michigan/northeastern Indiana region. They are led by former US Army General Robert Newman. They used to have a large number of ad-hoc armored cars but when it became a hassle keeping them running they switched to horses. They have two machineguns, a number of M14s and several crates of rifle grenades.
Toledo: Early in the morning of October 29, 1962, a single Mi-4-3M Bison B bomber slipped past the USAF interceptors and flew into Ohio. It dropped a 1 megaton nuclear bomb on the oil fields and refineries to the west of Toledo before continuing south to Lima. Today, only the northern third of the city is remotely intact and even there large areas of residential districts are burnt-out or severely damaged. The rest of the city is a mass of rubble, still dangerously radioactive. This city is not under any organized control and is very chaotic, occupied by handfuls of scavengers desperate enough to brave the radiation. The southern suburb of Perrysburg is home to the largest biker gang in the area.
Bowling Green: This small city south of Toledo was abandoned when fallout from the Toledo strike drifted over. The buildings are largely intact and several groups of people have returned to the town lately. They are under constant marauder pressure, however, and may not last long.
Findlay: This large town south of Toledo was flooded by refugees from the Toledo and Lima nuclear attacks in 1962 and thus it lacked all the basic necessities and facilities to deal with the influx. The state had no unit to send to aid the town, so the townspeople relied upon local police forces and the civic government to keep order. The plan failed miserably, and the half-trained, ill-equipped, 2nd Infantry Battalion, OMR was eventually committed to suppress the rioting and restore order in Findlay. They quickly learned how to rule through intimidation and force, and their efforts resulted in many deaths. Today the town has improved slightly and has been extensively fortified. The 2nd Infantry Battalion, OMR has 55 soldiers and about 60 impressed militiamen. They mount no exterior patrols after dark and have become extensively raided by bikers from the Toledo area.
Defiance: To the southwest of Toledo, this town is currently the home of the MilGov Platoon 1, Company B, 2nd Battle Group/130th Infantry Regiment, 33rd Infantry Division. This is a recon group dispatched from the main unit's enclave at Cairo, Illinois to Detroit a month ago to gain spare parts for the 33rd's vehicles. They were ambushed by bikers and withdrew to Defiance awaiting support, which is yet to come. They have 26 soldiers, 20 local recruits, one M59A1 APC and five jeeps. They are still loyal to MilGov and they are aware that they are in a heavily CivGov area and are keeping a very low profile. The men have been good to the local population and have made a very favorable impression in their short time here.
Lima: The same rogue Mi-4-3M Bison B that hit Toledo dropped it's second 1 megaton nuclear bomb on Lima, extensively damaging the city's oil refining and storage facilities and armored vehicle repair and manufacturing facilities. The bomber then crashed. Lima was half destroyed by the blast that hit just to the southwest of the city. With most of the city in rubble and much of it uninhabited due to the radiation, the scavengers and thieves operate out of the northeast corner of the city, where the tank plant is located. This area is controlled by the "Lima Constabulary"--a group of escaped convicts from the state prison led by Bruce Alexander. They have gained control of the long-idle Lima Tank Plant, but no one knows the value of what they hold. They have about 35 experienced men and numerous small arms, mostly shotguns, pistols and some M14s but no heavy equipment except for a handful of tear gas grenades. The tank plant, deactivated since 1955, consists of several large buildings, one housing the assembly line, one housing administrative offices and one housing a substantial foundry. In addition, behind the facility is a large parking lot (to house vehicles until they were shipped out), a railroad spur (to ship the vehicles out on) and several driving ranges. The only tanks still at the plant today are three elderly M-24 Chaffees, and only one has complete armament. The real treasure is the buildings have hardly been touched by vandals. The tools and dies are more valuable than the tanks themselves, as they could be used to one day make more tanks.
Sidney: These community south of Lima pulled in on itself in late 1962 for protection from marauders. The citizens actively support the state government with food, and in return they get advisors and material. Consequently, they now have about 65 militiamen. They still cannot mount patrols and are easy prey for marauders.
Dayton: The large city of Dayton and it's suburbs are controlled by the 1st Military Police Group, OMR (1st and 3rd battalions only--the 2nd being down near Cincinnati). Dayton is also the HQ of the OMR. The life of this area is now dominated by the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base enclave in the northeast part of the city. Dayton drew in around WP AFB during the chaos, leaving much of the city to lie in ruins. There are today some 150,000 people in the area, with many of those not around the AFB being in the relatively undamaged southern suburb of Kettering. Overcrowding and supply shortages are becoming a major problem in these areas due to the refugee camps there and packs of wild children are a common sight. Some inhabitants have even expressed a desire to break with the state government and join with MilGov. The two MP Battalions have about 110 trained soldiers, 100 fulltime militia and 200 part-time militia.
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: Located in the northeast corner of Dayton, the Wright-Patterson AFB (known as the WP Enclave) is a bastion of CivGov power in the state. The enclave has grown, necessarily, to incorporate Fairborn, which sits between the Wright and Patterson airfields. By today, Wright Field has ceased to function as a viable airfield. Much of the electronics and equipment has been transferred to Patterson Field. The runways are overgrown and cracked due to lack of maintenance, and the grassed areas have been converted to small farms, which produce vegetables and fruit used by the base. Also, a small herd of cattle, some chickens and a few hogs call Wright Field their home. Many of the hangars, originally designed to house the mighty B-52 Stratofortresses, have been converted to housing. Hanger 18, however is still classified, closed and closely guarded. The base hospital, which sits near Wright Field's main gate, is still open. Patterson Field has many small farms occupying its infield, producing lettuce, potatoes, cabbage and carrots. The WP Enclave's defenses are organized in three rings. The outer ring, encompassing the entirety of the base and the city of Fairborn, consists of guard posts along the roads, plus outpost bunkers that are mostly monitoring stations for electronic surveillance systems. All roads entering the perimeter have guard posts, with field-expedient concertina wire stretched across the road and sandbagged bunkers on either side of the road. The second ring of the WP Enclave's defenses circles the air force base. All areas of the perimeter are covered by MG pits and a nine-foot-high chain link fence topped with concertina wire surrounds the perimeter. More remote areas are covered with minefields and hidden trip flares. Perimeter bunkers are located every 1,500-2,500 yards. The base's two entrances are covered by single roadblock bunkers. Located 1,000 yards behind the main entrance is a supporting bunker which houses a towed 75mm anti-tank gun. The WP Enclave's inner defense ring is a rapid reaction force, centered around two ground surveillance radar systems, one covering each airfield. Four-man (or two-man/two-dog) teams patrol inside the perimeter. An emergency response team consists of two armored cars with 57mm recoilless rifles, 15 air force security police and 35 recruits. The airfield control/operations building and the base headquarters are sandbagged and heavily guarded, backed by two M60 LMGs and one M2HB .50 cal heavy machinegun in sandbagged emplacements. The base headquarters houses the armory, which has a 90mm anti-aircraft gun among its more interesting items.
Columbus: The largest of the survivor enclaves still controlled by the state government. It is actually composed of a ring of suburban towns now, as the center of the city has been given up to scavengers. The area between the German Village and the State Fair Grounds has been completely razed by fires. The largest of these refugee camps is in the Dublin-Hilliard corridor, just northwest of the city, The second largest is in the Reynoldsburg area, with others at Sunbury, Pataskala, Grove City and Westerville. The situation in the Columbus metroplex is now stable, and the camps have been fortified. The senior unit in Columbus is the CivGov 37th Infantry Division, an Ohio National Guard unit which had just been stood down from being mobilized for the Berlin Crisis when the war came. It has 1,600 men in four firebases, along with 250 full-time militia and 450 emergency militia. They mount patrols, both out of Columbus and into the city center, and have regular messenger service with Lancaster.
Springfield: This refugee-swollen city west of Columbus is among the most productive of any in the state and is a major supplier of food to the Dayton area. The town is overcrowded, but not excessively so--at least not at the present. Springfield has established its own militia using former soldiers and police officers as leaders and currently has about 90 local militiamen.
Washington Court House: This town southwest of Columbus is among the best developed under state control. While the refugee camps are large and they have been gaining population faster than most, order has been maintained. The town is under their own control and has been heavily fortified over the last few months. Patrols are nonexistent, but a well-established militia has come into being with some 50 full-time local militiamen.
Zanesville: This town is massively overcrowded, and living conditions are among the worst in the state. The town is controlled by the 2nd Military Police Group, OMR, but it is so under-strength that external patrols are impossible and most of the soldiers spend their time with refugee squabbles. The MP unit has 70 soldiers and about 30 full-time local militiamen in each. The town has yet to be fortified and is a prime target for raiders. The fishing grounds around Dillon Lake north of Zanesville are home to a group of bikers known as the "Sons of the Knife". They have a huge APC they had put together known as the "Leviathan". Zanesville is coming under sporadic attacks from these men.
Coshocton: The small, independent community of Coshocton has constructed its own fortifications. It has a well-established agriculture base, with a universal military conscription for all members of the community between the ages of 16 and 60. They are equipped with a wide variety of paramilitary and civilian arms, and are extremely leery of all strangers.
Lancaster: This large town, located along Route 33 southeast of Columbus, is a state-controlled refugee camp. The town is heavily fortified, and the area surrounding it is extensively patrolled. Almost the entire population is involved in the agriculture system and the camp is expanding daily to meet the influx of refugees sent here from Columbus. The town is controlled by the Ohio National Guard 1st Gun Battalion/174th Anti Aircraft Artillery Regiment, subornate to the 37th Infantry Division in Columbus. The unit has 56 soldiers with six operational M42 Duster antiaircraft vehicles and one towed 75mm AA gun. The town also has about 50 full-time local militiamen. The NG unit has been functionally independent for several months, owing little allegiance to division HQ in Columbus or anyone else, but cooperates with everyone for mutual benefit.
Marietta: Along the Ohio River, Marietta was deserted in 1963 and it has never officially been repopulated. Recently, however, a group calling itself the "River People" has moved into the city to scavenge and gain shelter. The River People have proved to be hostile to all strangers and have attacked individuals, Ohio military patrols and marauder raiders. They have built up a defensive position along the Ohio River and patrol their territory using an old converted river tug. The River People consist of about 200 militiamen, deserters, survivalists and people attracted to the area's seeming tranquility.
Lucasville: This refugee camp was established in 1963 to control the Ohio Correctional Facility at Lucasville and escalated into a major penal colony for riffraff from around the state. Law and order are maintained by the heavy hand of the 3rd Military Police Group, OMR. The 3rd MP Group has established a heavily fortified camp at Lucasville and has 80 trained soldiers (and former corrections officers), plus 100 full-time militia.
Portsmouth: The river town of Portsmouth has been the site of numerous raids from groups such as "Jameyson's Irregulars" and the "Kentucky Mountainmen". Even though hurt by the raids, the residents have done quite well. The town is heavily fortified on all sides and is defended by some 320 militiamen of the "Ohio Defense Corps".
Middletown: Overrun with refugees from both Cincinnati and Dayton during the bombings. The Ohio National Guard 1486th Transportation Company, which was stationed there at the time, stepped in and took effective control over the situation. Without state aid, the group established housing, farms, and fortifications for the population and in exchange, inhabitants gave the company their loyalty. They have subsequently quit taking orders from the state government. The 1486th has about 40 men, six jeeps and three .30 cal LMGs. This is a Shaker town and the presence of men with guns is unsettling for many of the locals.
Oxford: In 1964, after a break with state control and several unsuccessful raids, the CivGov 324th Military Police Company (OH NG) turned marauder and settled in Oxford. This former college town has been used ever since by the 324th MP Co to raid in Ohio and Indiana. There are about 45 soldiers and 60 recruits, with six jeeps and four .30 cal LMGs.
Hamilton: The western half of Hamilton is populated but the eastern sections have been scavenged and picked over extensively over the years. The population in the area is only about 700 people and most of the land is not cultivated. Most of the old buildings have been torn down and the courthouse, library, city hall and the post office all have been ransacked and gutted by flames. The campus of Miami University at Hamilton is occupied by squatters who want to be left alone. East Hamilton across the bridge is abandoned and most of the buildings are little more than debris. The brick buildings close to the bridge have been carted off brick by brick to make more sturdier structures on the western side of the river and in the northern part of town all the wooden buildings are long ago burned. Hamilton is now the home of a Special Forces recon team tasked with hunting suspected marauders and rogue soldiers in the area. They have an armored police riot squad van and two jeeps.
Cincinnati: Once the "Queen City of the Ohio River," Cincinnati now lies sacked and nearly deserted. Gutted, burned-out buildings, overturned cars, uncountable human skeletons are common sights here. The Delhi Hills section has been completely razed by fires. The only inhabitants are scavengers and those under control of the Cincinnati Pirates, a group of marauders which has taken over the bridges and occupied the riverfront areas of the city. The marauders have established a river toll and a river crossing tax, enforced by 60-80 men headquartered at several fortified areas. In addition, they have managed to obtain an 75mm recoilless rifle and several rounds of ammunition. There is one river freighter at the docks today, as well as several smaller barges. At the former campus of the College of Mount Saint Joseph, the US Army is building a base camp to help control the area. The 2nd Battalion, 1st Military Police Group, OMR, detached from its parent unit in Dayton, has established extensive defenses around the construction site to prevent marauders from gaining equipment. There are 55 men with eight .30 cal LMGs here. They are also wary of troops from Kentucky trying to loot the city.
SECTION SIX: Appalachia (Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina)
After the bombs fell, the Kentucky state government moved quickly to preserve their state's assets. The Kentucky National Guard was defederalized and reformed into Regiments as the "Kentucky State Militia", subornate only to the state government and Governor Bertram Thomas Combs. It has been successful in keeping much of the chaos out of the state, but has gained a reputation as being brutal and heavy-handed with out-of-state refugees. As the two main federal bases in the state (Forts Knox and Campbell) were both nuked, there were only a few federal troops in the state and these were asked to leave. Realizing that the state was too big to effectively control, Governor Combs wisely abandoned the eastern half of the state, moving everyone who wanted to west of the Kentucky River. Control of the bridges over this natural barrier allowed the KSM to keep most of the marauders and disease out of the core of the state. With this eastern boundary, and the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers to the north and west, only the southern border was open. Governor Combs made pledges to both national governments and to the states surrounding Kentucky to not interfere with them if they did so also. However, as time passes, Kentucky is eyeing resources across it's state borders. The drought has not been as hard in most parts of Kentucky, ensuring that the core of the state will survive the coming winter intact and fed, making it a real danger to expand in the spring of 1965.
Fort Knox 10/29/62 Bomb 1 mT
The Kentucky National Guard was defederalized in November of 1962 and all associated personnel were reformed into four Regiments numbered First through Fourth. The Regiments follow established US Army organization and structure and are allowed to function independently of each other.
First Ranger Battalion--Louisville (300 men)
First Regiment--Danville (1000 men)
Second Regiment--Louisville (1700 men)
------Detachment--Fort Knox (100 men)
Third Regiment--Bowling Green (1000 men)
Fourth Regiment--Lexington (1000 men)
Tenth Regiment--Mayfield (750 men, 25 AFVs)
------Benton--Fourth Calvary Squadron (50 men)
Most of the western areas of Kentucky are not under the KSM's direct control and conditions here much more harsh and difficult. No effective government exists above the local level. Many rural towns are deserted and looted and food shortages due to a localized crop blight are decimating the remaining populations of larger towns such as Owensboro and Henderson. The nuclear strike on Fort Campbell polluted a large area of southwestern Kentucky, driving the population out of the area. A bad flood of the Mississippi River last year also caused extensive damage to western Kentucky, the flood waters rolling over and completely razing numerous towns on the banks of the river. Individual towns are basically self-sufficient and rule themselves, though most are nominal members of the Kentucky Free State. Marauders are often a major problem due to the ineffectiveness of the KSM patrols. Trade with Illinois and Tennessee has recently began again and attempts are being made to cash in on the lucrative Mississippi River trade.
Mayfield: The KFS forces in western Kentucky are centered here in the town of Mayfield, with patrols going as far as the rivers and the Tennessee border. The unit here is the Tenth Regiment under Colonel Franz. This is an understrength regiment, just some 750 men in five company-sized units and some 25 tanks, most dug-in at strategic intersections. They have had some firefights lately with holdouts at the Fort Campbell area, many of them straggles from the 101st Airborne.
Benton: Home to the KFS Fourth Calvary Squad (50 men) under Corporal Jenkins. This unit takes orders from the Tenth Regiment HQ at Mayfield but has the authority to operate on it's own.
Paducah: Destroyed by raging wild fires in 1963 that raged through this river town. The oil storage tanks down on the river exploded, turning the central business district to charcoal.
While Kentucky is a large state, in reality all that survives intact is the central flatlands where most of the surviving population and industry is located. This area stretches roughly with a rectangle stretching from Louisville south to Bowling Green, then east to London and back north to Lexington. Nearly everything of value left in the state is now concentrated in this rectangle, as well as the bulk of the KSM forces.
Danville: The new capital of Kentucky is soon to be Danville, the state government currently moving from Frankfort after that city was severely damaged by a flood of the Kentucky River this summer. Home of the KSM First Regiment (1,000 men), tasked with protecting and policing the capital. At the moment, many of the soldiers are helping with the move. By now, the citizens of Danville are beginning to call their city "New Manhattan" because of its relative prosperity.
Frankfort: Frankfort, meanwhile, is currently rebuilding and some 30,000 people live here now.
Louisville: Severely damaged in the aftermath of the nuclear strike on Fort Knox, Louisville tore itself apart in rioting and violence. The Muddy Fork section has been almost completely razed by fires. Now, Kentucky State Militia forces are being slowly built up in and around the ruins of the city, and more importantly around the vital I-64 bridge to New Albany, IN, the only bridge available to vehicle traffic for many miles in either direction on the muddy Ohio River. Two other largish highway bridges had been blown up in the earlier, paranoid days of the state, and there had also been some railway bridges, but those had all fallen in on their own accord. The area around the southern terminus of the I-64 bridge is home to the extremely well dug-in First Ranger Battalion (300 men). There are also some locally-raised Border Guards here, though they are mostly rejects from the Sheriff stations, and most of them have little more than pistols and shotguns. A rotating platoon of Border Guards man a guard shack and inspects all traffic entering and leaving Louisville across the bridge. Ordinarily, the normal traffic is a caravan or two a week and at least six or seven farmers each day driving a wagon-full of produce south into the city for sale. As to be expected in a city the size of Louisville, not all is peaceful under KFS rule. There are a number of semi-organized groups in the depths of the city, either supporting the KFS policy or opposing it in their own ways. The largest, the "Greenwood Gang" led by "Randall One-Eye", control an area of the waterfront. Other prominent groups include the "Satan's Stormtroopers" and the "Knights of the White Magnolia", a KKK offshoot led by "Imperial Grand Wizard" Bertrand Fassett.
The Second Regiment: The KSM's Second Regiment, the largest of the state's four regiments, is based in southern Louisville with 1,700 total men. The Second Regiment arrived in Louisville in mid-summer of 1964, taking over for the Fourth Regiment which was cycled down to Lexington for rest and refit. The Second moved into the established positions in the city, concentrating in the more intact southern suburbs. The men of the Second Regiment are armed with small arms which run the gamut of pre-war National Guard-issued weapons. Regimental equipment includes two M59 APCs, fourteen M3 halftracks, eight towed 75mm howitzers, four towed 75mm anti-tank guns, plus numerous jeeps and motorcycles.
Fort Knox Military Reservation: This large Army post southwest of Louisville had the misfortune of being nuked by a 1 megaton free-fall atomic bomb dropped from a Mi-4-3M Bison B late on October 29, 1962. Today only the northwestern portion of the fort is remotely intact. Even there, large areas of base housing are burnt out or severely damaged. Current radiation levels (in the neighborhood of 200 to 1,000 rads) make most of the base an extremely unattractive place to go souvenir hunting, but it has to be done and there are many slaves to do it. The nearby town of Muldraugh is now home base of a detachment of the Second Regiment from Louisville (100 men, three M59 APCs) tasked with salvaging the base. They are brutal in their treatment of the some four or five hundred squatters who still try to survive in the area, impressing many of them in salvage operations. The soldiers are currently refurbishing the hulls of the M48 Patton and M41 tanks they have dug out of the ruins of Fort Knox (the things are almost indestructible). What they have to replace are the engines and internal organs.
Bowling Green: The southern most intact city in Kentucky today. The KSM Third Regiment (1,000 men) is based here and operates training camps at several locations around the city to train new recruits.
Lexington: Home of the KSM Fourth Regiment (1,000 men). At the University of Kentucky, like all universities down through the ages, is a hotbed of activity. The "Children of Liberty" are an underground anti-government/anarchy group here.
Pulaski: Home to a company of KFS infantry. Most of these men are local farmers who train as soldiers on the weekends. This is typical of many of the KFS units.
Rebels in the fold: Not everyone in the Kentucky Free State, of course, is happy with the government's oppressive policies. Large bands of "freedom fighters" have sprung up over the last two years. Many of them have been hunted down but others have survived including one large one led by "Eric the Lame.".
The move into Indiana: While the state of Kentucky pledged early to not interfere with any of it's neighboring states, that is slowly beginning to change. In August of 1964, small units of the KSM crossed the border in force to "offer humanitarian aide" to some communities on the Indiana side of the Ohio River. The Kentucky unit, comprising some 300 troops, four M60 tanks and at least three artillery pieces, crossed the Highway 135 bridge at Maukport east of Louisville and followed the river bank north to Leavenworth where they have settled in for the winter. A general letter of complaint has been sent to Danville from Fort Wayne.
The new Kentucky state government, once they chose to take matters into their own hands, quickly realized that the underdeveloped and mountainous eastern third of the state had to be sacrificed. All those that wished to were moved west of the Kentucky River, though most of the hearty mountain folk chose to stay put. Today, this area is characterized by small isolated towns and shotgun-toting farmers. Few marauder groups operate in these highlands, as the populace is well-armed and travel is difficult even in summer.
The state today is a mix of survivor towns and open countryside. Tennessee is considered MilGov territory but is not physically held by them. The drought has not come as hard to large parts of the state, helping to support the population but also bringing in waves of hungry refugees.
Fort Campbell 10/30/62 Bomb 1 mT
Federal MilGov units are limited to small patrols from the Cairo, Illinois garrison. Tennessee's National Guard units were called up in the weeks following the nuclear attacks, though attrition and desertion have thinned them out considerably. The state's biggest city, Memphis, is now held by a National Guard force, but they rarely step foot out of that city. Other than two garrisons at Nashville and Knoxville, and the men in Memphis, the rest of the state is virtually empty of any organized group of troops.
30th Armored Division--Memphis (1500 men, 13 AFVs)
------117th Infantry Regiment--Nashville (400 men)
------------Able Company--Knoxville (50 men)
In December 1962, during the height of the chaos, a brutal warlord named "Count" Forman Beaufort took over the city. The Tennessee National Guard was being mobilized at the time and the bulk of the Tennessee National Guard's 30th Armored Division was sent to besiege the city. The warlord and his men in the city held out for some eight months before being driven west into Arkansas. Though the military was successful in retaking the city, there was not much left of it. Two years of looting and neglect, the heavy hand of a strong a feudal-style overlord, and finally a siege by the military were enough to ruin this once fine city. Most of the buildings are vacant and dilapidated and packs of wild dogs run the streets and rule the nights. The residential districts of South Memphis have burned numerous times over the years, the mostly-wooden structures easy prey for wild fires. The business districts are wrecked and the residential neighborhoods are in disrepair--rusted, derelict vehicles are everywhere. While a lot of the rubble has been cleared away since the Army broke the siege, there has been little rebuilding. The 30th AD is still here with 1,500 men and thirteen M60 tanks, victors of the siege. While the large armored contingent is impressive, it is also a liability due to the amount of fuel needed to run them. Some fuel arrives downriver from the refinery at Robinson, Illinois, but that has slowed to a trickle since the fall. Without it, the tanks are increasingly relying on less-efficient methanol, or being left as stationary pillboxes. The Division HQ is located in the old Memphis Defense Depot. The soldiers keep to the areas they control, rarely venturing out of their compounds. The 30th's commanding officer has gone off the deep end lately. Never very stable, the rigors of the new world have made him crazy. Though still a dedicated officer and excellent soldier, he has taken up the persona of "The King" behind closed doors, and fancies himself as Elvis reincarnated. He has recently moved himself into the Graceland Mansion and is increasingly detached from the day to day operations of his unit. Civilian government is conducted from the partly intact Civic Center and a warehouse near the riverfront has been converted into a hospital, both are supported by the military. The total population of the inner city is now about 1,800 survivors occupying decayed, ramshackle structures in the areas along the waterfront. Around 20,000 refugees live in shantytowns east and south of the city, most, but not all, citizens of Memphis who have come back now that the warlord is gone. Ample land lies fallow, and it is unlikely that the Mississippi will ever run dry, therefore, many more refugees will undoubtedly relocate to Memphis in the coming year. Count Beaufort is rumored to have survived the siege and is holed up in a fortified mansion somewhere to the east of Memphis plotting his revenge.
Fallout zone: North of Memphis is a virtual dead zone caused by the fallout from the Eaker AFB nuke in 1962. Many towns in the area, such as Covington and Union City, were trashed as the gangs of looters and thugs preyed on the confusion of the evacuation. By late 1964, however, people have begun to return to the area as the bandits have moved on and the drought has forced people to look for every possible way to get food. There are now several active communities in the area, such as the river trading town of Golddust.
Dyersburg: Home to a mangy bunch of survivors, some 800 strong, perhaps the largest surviving town in the area. constantly hassled by marauders and bandits. The town militia boasts around 300 effectives and has several one-ton trucks fortified with welded-on sheets of metal.
Nashville: Once the center of country music, Nashville is now the center of crazy people. In the aftermath of the nuclear strikes the city was mostly sacked and burned by a combination of marauders and rioters. Today, with a population of 8,000 (not counting slaves), Nashville is a struggling city of traders, gambling dens, gunfights, cage matches, and gang warfare. There are plenty of places for drink, barter, rest, and entertainment and most of them will get you killed. Just as before the war, religion is everywhere and twice as oppressive. Several new sects have arisen since the war, most common is "The Divine Church", who control quite a bit of the remaining police force and numerous businesses, and who claim to have a divine mission to redeem the world by prayer, fasting, and flagellation. Another sect, the "Armageddonists", have a rather large mission close to the Riverfront, a prime spot to bring in the downtrodden. Although the state government dissolved early in the chaos, the remnants of it still claim power in the city, though really just control the few square blocks around the capital building. Protecting this small enclave in the ruins are the 400 men of the 117th Infantry Regiment, a Tennessee National Guard unit detached from the main body of the 30th AD in Memphis. Currently Able Company is at Knoxville (see below).
Fort Campbell Military Reservation: Early on October 30, 1962, a Russian Mi-4-3M Bison B bomber, flying low over the ground to avoid the fighters, dropped a free-fall atomic bomb on this army post. The 1 megaton bomb ground burst in the base's parade ground, sending a huge mushroom cloud of radioactive debris into the sky. The raid was sort of a waste in that the post was virtually empty at the time of the attack, with its resident 101st Airborne Division being in Cuba at the time. It is now known to the locals as "Fort Crater" for obvious reasons, since all it is now is a big crater. Travelers are advised to be wary of it, since anything that gets within a quarter-mile of the crater is as good as dead. The fallout cloud left many area towns, such as Clarksville and Stewart, deserted ghost towns to this day.
Murfreesboro: A town unsafe to visit, as it is held by a strong force of around 100 marauders. These are not your average road-trash, however, they are mostly army deserters and are well-armed with mortars and a heavy machine gun.
Chattanooga: Chattanooga itself mostly died when Atlanta was nuked in 1962. Due to confused upper air wind patterns, the mushroom cloud full of radioactive fallout came to earth just over five hours later, with the swath of the primary fallout zone extending past Chattanooga. Almost 95% of those exposed in Chattanooga died before the end of the year. What was left was further depopulated after a plague outbreak in 1963, which the survivors called the "Fidel Flu". The city's outskirts have been the home of roving gangs since, and the entire area of the city north of the Tennessee River is demolished and empty.
Eastern Tennessee between Nashville and the North Carolina border is a mountainous forest full of xenophobic rednecks and roving gangs and anyone who wants to remain safe has banded together for protection. Streams still hold fish and plentiful game is to be had in the forests, so this area will hold a stable population for the foreseeable future.
"Brown Mountain Boys": An extremely ruthless raider band that operates freely in the Great Smokey Mountains, severely hampering travel through them. They seem to be more like outlaw woodsmen than real bandits, wearing leather and skins and wielding less advanced weapons such as spears, bows, and axes and even frequently use dogs in combat. Evidence points to the raiders being holed up in some cavernous mountain stronghold.
"The Mongols": Another marauder band in the eastern part of the state, with some 60 effectives led by an ex-con named Douglas "Khan" Wyoming. They are a highly mobile group with three converted dump trucks used to raid isolated towns, overwhelming their defenses with sheer weight. The vehicles' engines and cabs have been armored with steel plating, and the sides have been sandbagged.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Following the nuclear attacks, waves of angry and frightened refugees stormed the facilities, looking for revenge on the scientists who split the atom. Overrunning the security guards, they killed off nearly everyone and ransacked the place thoroughly enough that there is nothing left of value anymore. Fortunately (or not, depending on your point of view), in the hours before the mobs came, the fissionable materials were crated up and shipped by air north to Griffiss AFB outside Rome, New York, where they remain today (see that state). The city of Oak Ridge has been smashed. Building foundations, steel girders, fire-blackened rubble, and blanched trees mixed with scrub undergrowth. Norris Dam, northeast of the city, has been burst, and the river has shifted south around the massive concrete structure. The majority of the former population, including many of the technical and engineering staff of the labs, scattered, many of them staying in the area. Today, there are some large Oak Ridge survivor concentrations at Olive Springs to the northwest and at Solway to the west. With the passing of time, the locals now sort of fear the ruins as a superstitious place of death. Perhaps because of the fear of radiation, much the area around Oak Ridge is still deserted. The wooded hills north Oak Ridge are still home to many small bandit gangs, however, the largest of which is 50 strong and led by a fifteen-year old boy named Ferret. Ferret has survived the past two years by his cunning and woodsmanship and, despite his age, is followed religiously by the older members of his gang.
Knoxville: This large city was trashed by riots and fires in the chaos, forcing the population to flee for their lives and reducing the city to just haunted, shattered ruins. The fires wrought unprecedented damage and today, Knoxville's main attractions are diseases and piles of charred bones scattered about. Hit by an epidemic of anthrax this past summer. A small MilGov enclave is centered on the Tellico Hydroelectric Dam on the Tennessee river just southwest of Knoxville, having moved here in a futile effort to reclaim Knoxville in 1963. It is the 50 Tennessee National Guardsmen of Able Company detached from the 117th Infantry Regiment in Nashville, who have converted the massive structure into a mighty fortress with several defensive howitzers on the roof.
Cookeville: A small city totally destroyed by neglect and forest fires. Today, only debris-filled basements and a few lonely brick chimneys stand above the grass.
Bristol: A notable exception to the anarchy rule in the Smokies is Bristol, a prosperous town of several hundred citizens up in the mountains. Home of some extensive mining operations, run by experienced coal miners from North Carolina and West Virginia, that keep the town lit and warm in the winter. Bristol is clean, organized, well-defended, and powered by a coal-fired generator. The townspeople have huge, well-cared-for gardens to feed the populace, and have reopened a small clothing factory to trade with local towns. Ricky Owens, a former USAF fighter pilot, is the town's undisputed leader and has organized the militia into an efficient fighting force.
West Virginia is still a wild backwater of racism and clan infighting, a region of scenic beauty and less than beautiful people. The rugged mountains appear to be mostly devoid of life, but on closer inspection the state teems with life in the secluded hollows and isolated mountain canyons. Travel through the steep hills, except along established roads, is difficult in the summer months and nearly impossible after the snow starts failing. Roads of any sort through the mountains were formerly few--improved roads, even fewer--and multilane hardtop highways were the rarest and were a key ingredient to a successful trade and travel. Complete passage by vehicle from point to point is usually impossible, and by mule or foot it is difficult. In addition to collapsed tunnels and bridges, the remote sections are often clogged with the rusting wrecks of abandoned vehicles. Another common sight on these roads are skeletons as thousands upon thousands of refugees who died here in the first months of the chaos--city folks who underestimated the harsh climate of the West Virginia hills. The marauders that infest these hills usually travel in small groups (from three to 60 members), are indifferently armed, and are usually not too experienced, bright or healthy. They can, however, be dangerous to those who let their guard down. None of the larger cities are intact, and little civic leadership is seen above the town and family level.
The West Virginia National Guard contained the 150th Armored Cavalry Regiment. Called up for the Berlin Crisis in 1961, this unit was one of the first shipped to Europe to counter the Warsaw Pact's aggression in 1962. It was crushed in action there and has ceased to exist as a unit. The state's National Guard was small to begin with, and most of the personnel were long-time residents who had families to feed and protect before they went off to serve the nation. As such, there are virtually no organized military units left in the state, and that is just how the citizens want it.
157th Military Police Company--Wheeling (53 men)
Charleston: The former state capital is now mostly a collection of burnt-out and empty buildings with a brackish river running through it. The northern suburbs are home now of "Jameyson's Irregulars", a large 250-strong marauder band, which, despite the name, is led by a man called "Moose". They are well-armed with a mixture of civilian and military equipment, as many of it's members are deserters.
Wheeling: While the city proper is only occupied by about 1,400 survivors, there is a useable bridge across the Ohio River here. The bridge is heavily fortified on the eastern end and controlled by the West Virginia National Guard 157th Military Police Company (53 men). This unit is just about the only organized National Guard group left in the state, and is really an independent force using the NG name to help it extort tolls from the bridge traffic.
New America in West Virginia: If the state were a teapot, then the spout would be firmly under New American control. In fact, New America's national leader, Carl Hughes, has a fortified residence in Charles Town. Hughes’ home is virtually a supply cache in of itself, filled with all kinds of loot, tons of food, thousands of rounds of ammo, and hundreds of weapons, as well as a number of mainframe computers still in operation. While he has grand plans for West Virginia, so far Hughes has been content to monitor the success of his followers across the nation from the safety of his castle.
Mystery I: In the deep coal mines of Pocahontas County, just across the state line with Virginia, there is the craggy ridge of Warwick Mountain. Rumor has it that there is a secret government base hidden down in the bowls of the mines on the crest of the ridge. Some even say that this is where President Kennedy is, still hiding out from a vengeful nation. In a small lake in the valley east of Warwick Mountain it is said that Air Force One crash landed, backwoods trappers have seen it's rusting tail plane still sticking up out of the lake.
Mystery II: Rumors abound in the region of a secret US military base hidden somewhere in the Paylaytion Mountains. It was code named "Pine Bough Farm" in the records and it was officially listed as a "Rest and Relaxation Facility" for government big wigs. However, Department of Defense supply and requisition forms had too much military grade, top-of-the-line equipment moving into that location throughout the late 1950s for anyone to believe that.
Virginia is still one of the most important states on the east coast, home to great industry, national leadership and large military bases. Though severely damaged by the war and the chaos, Virginia still remains a center of recovery in the area. The CivGov capital is in northern Virginia, and the state government is still in control of most of the state's larger urban areas with the governor still running things at amazingly efficient levels from Richmond. Outside of these areas, however, there is much anarchy and death, though no more than in any other area and in many ways less due to the large military presence in the state. There are areas that are for the most part devastated (specifically Hampton Roads and Washington D.C. belt-way regions) and these areas are generally abandoned. Major highway systems are in relatively good repair west of Richmond and east of Roanoke (I-64), on northward to Winchester (I-81). East of Richmond the loss of a great many bridges has rendered I-95 useless to vehicular travel. The use of water craft has grown as a way to travel within the state. In the mountains west of Roanoke, rock slides and erosion have rendered nearly all of I-64 and I-77 useless to vehicular travel, even to hitched teams. The far western regions of the state, always difficult to reach, are almost totally insular. By 1964, the population has dropped to just 2.2 million, augmented by thousands of refugees from the north. Control of the state is firmly in the hands of Governor J. Lindsay Almond, a staunch CivGov supporter, and the driving force behind Virginia's recovery plans. As such, MilGov presence in Virginia is restricted to a few sympathizers scattered about the region.
Norfolk 10/28/62 SS-7 6 mT
With the civilian government capital in the state, and the governor strongly supporting them, it is no surprise that CivGov forces in Virginia are numerous, and are more often of a higher reliability than else where in the region. The state's main muscle is the Virginia component of the 29th Infantry Division, a Virginia National Guard division that is spread across the area. Forces are not necessarily "federal", since Virginia defederalized their National Guard and ceased sending recruits to embarkation areas, but they do claim loyalty to the civilian government in Mount Weather. Virginia State Police have converted from pre-war missions to ensuring order and security state wide, but specifically in areas of refugee sheltering. By executive order, state-wide gun retailers were closed and their owners employed by the government, their stocks interned for police and militia use. The Virginia Defense Force has become a state-wide militia force to supplement the National Guard. The VDF is a pre-war organization that monitored armories when National Guard units deployed overseas. After the loss of several armories during rioting in 1962, the governor ordered an increase in manning and to better arms for the VDF. With nearly 500 regulars and 2000 part-time members, including many former members of Virginia National Guard, law enforcement and regular Army units, they are tasked with monitoring commercial roads on the frontier, supporting the State Police against internal strife, and providing security details for state management agencies.
3rd Infantry Regiment--Mount Weather (800 men)
29th Infantry Division
------1st/83rd Armored Regiment--Richmond (3000 men, 40 AFVs)
------116th Infantry Regiment
------------1st Battalion--Roanoke (50 men)
------------2nd Battalion--Charlottesville (65 men)
------229th Engineer Battalion --Norfolk (200 men)
Virginia Defense Force--Statewide (500 men)
The nation's premiere underground emergency facility and the relocated CivGov administrative center. Hidden in the carved-out innards of a heavily wooded mountain ridge, on a 434 acre site on the borders of Loudon and Clarke counties near Berryville. Intended to shelter the nation's leaders in the event of a nuclear attack, Mount Weather is a self-contained city, with it's own power plant, TV and radio station, computer network, stores of dried, canned, and preserved food, underground reservoirs of drinking water, living quarters, offices and a direct link to the White House Security Room. It's residents include computer programmers, engineers, fire fighters, security personnel, craftsmen, secretaries, and mostly importantly, bureaucrats. Originally both the Civilian and the Military Governments were here, both having ended up here following the destruction of Washington, but when the split came, the military left for Colorado Springs. Not only did they want to get to a dedicated military facility that was more centrally located, they also recognized that feeding Mount Weather was eventually going to be a problem in the arid and radioactive northeast. Once the military command staff and personnel pulled out, the civilian government structure took over fully. The National Emergency Council is in now control, being made up of those surviving cabinet members and national lawmakers who escaped the Washington-area blasts on October 29, 1962. The surviving bureaucrats of the NEC assembled in Mount Weather within the week, but by then it was too late, the military had taken over and was running the nation without them. It was more than three weeks before Secretary of State Dean Rusk was located and sworn into office in the sublevels of Mount Weather. The Military (in the person of General LeMay) refused to recognize his authority and the MilGov/CivGov split was born. Once the military left Mount Weather, things improved somewhat, but it was short-lived. On December 13, 1962, President Rusk suffered a nervous breakdown, and stepped aside in favor of Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara. McNamara was not in good health and suffered a fatal heart attack only a week later. His successor, Secretary of Commerce Luther Hodges was so overwhelmed by the task he would commit suicide by the end of the year. A number of other former members of congress attempted to take the job but all failed and no body outside of the immediate area even cared. Through early 1963, the Federal Government was attempting to find pre-war Senators and Congressmen to establish the next in line and set up elections. This was largely unsuccessful and the lack of a firm voice only assured that MilGov would be able to take over most of the nation. April 1963, saw Congress finally reconvened in Mount Weather. There were considerable irregularities over credentials (including one old-style gunfight on the halls of the new capital) and many questioned its legitimacy, including General LeMay. Only New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania were able to send participants, the rest of the nation was unable or unwilling to make the effort. As such, this "Rump" congress is little more than for show. To this day, the CivGov leadership is fractured over their role and course of action and as such is rather ineffective outside of a few select areas. Direct security for the facility is provided by the "Old Guard" 3rd Infantry Regiment, a ceremonial unit that helped the government evacuated Washington in 1962 and has stayed loyal to their pledge to protect the civilian leadership of America. The unit commander is Roger Caldwell and many believe that is in reality the de facto President of the USA, due to his influence over the current president. Manpower stands at about 800 and while they have no heavy weapons or tanks, they do have a lot of wheeled transport and civilian trucks. The climatic conditions in the region, the uncentralized location of Mount Weather, and the strong New American forces in West Virginia have had the Civilian Government recently considering a massive relocation to the Great Lakes area. The Cleveland area, with its good location, intact industry, and healthy fishing stocks is first on the list.
The war: The Atlantic Command Headquarters and port facilities at the Norfolk Naval Base Complex were nuked by a Russian SS-7 ICBM late on October 28, 1962. The 6 megaton warhead was mistimed and actually smashed through the deck of a tugboat before exploding at nearly sea level. Despite this, the very large mega tonnage of the warhead ensured the end of the city. The hit reduced the city's population from 300,000 to 30,000 in a blink of an eye and destroyed what ships of the US Atlantic Fleet that were still in port. The urban area is basically flattened and rubbled and the Hampton Roads channel all the way over to the mouth of the James River is totally obstructed by ocean-going vessels sunk by the blast, either partially submerged or lying on the silty bottom. Current radiation levels (in the neighborhood of 200 to 1,000 rads) make Norfolk an extremely unattractive place to go souvenir hunting, but there are many desperate enough to do it.
Today: Few lights twinkle across the water and many houses and buildings are collapsed ruins. The Highway 13 causeway connecting Norfolk to the peninsula of Northampton was severed in three separate locations. I-64, connecting Norfolk to Hampton and Newport News, suffered the same fate but in only one place. In mid-1964, despite the dangers, the military finally returned to Norfolk to salvage and survey. The 229th Engineer Battalion (200 men) of the 29th ID in Richmond has set up a forward base of operations in Chesapeake at the Fort Stalwart Military Reservation and is the acting HQ for all salvage operations in the city. Most of these men have engineering backgrounds and know what to look for in the salvage-rich docks. The remains of the US Navy Atlantic Fleet command staff are here as well, working more as consultants than anything. They have recently brought in the floating crane VK-27, herself salvaged from Baltimore, to help clear away some of the sunken hulks of merchantmen and warships from the docks. Little Creek Amphibious Base and NAS Oceana received minimal damage from the strike over downtown Norfolk and are being salvaged as well.
The USS Massachusetts: The blast over the Norfolk Naval Base sank every ship in the harbor, including the South Dakota class battleship BB-59 Massachusetts, which was docked at the far end of the bay rusting in mothball status. The ship's superstructure was blasted off, but the tough steel hull held tight. It since has settled into the shallow, muddy dock and today sits with the deck line only a few feet above water. Still the ship is reasonably intact inside. In early 1963, a group of scavengers, many of them former dock workers, found that it was a well-armored and easily-defended sanctuary from the bandits that wandered the area at the time. More people began arriving as the word spread, some bringing their families. There was plenty of room as new tenants began shaping their defenses. Scavenging parties went looking for food, tools, machinery and weapons and work began on transforming the ship into a home as well as a fortress. The state government in Richmond was aware of the ship, but had too many other things to do. There have been numerous attacks on the Massachusetts. First desperate gangs, trying to find food or shelter from the epidemics of late 1963. Next unfriendly scavengers, hungry for the ship's resources. Finally more organized groups as petty warlords arose and fell in southeastern Virginia. There were often casualties from the raids but also weapons and ammunition were gleaned from the fallen. The "crew" is currently trading with the Special Detail, and they are benefiting from offering guides to the military as they prowl the ruins.
Williamsburg: The reason that no weapons were targeted near Williamsburg was that the Russian Premier once visited Williamsburg. He liked it so much that he instructed his missile command to spare it. He wanted to use it as his colonial capital after his invasion. Williamsburg is home to a major reconstruction movement. The leader is a Fundamentalist preacher with hidden aspirations to be a king. He would prefer not to be messed with.
Richmond: The capital of Virginia and probably home to the most intact state government on the east coast, still led by the capable and charismatic Governor J. Lindsay Almond. The city is thriving and growing daily, serving as the center of trade and commerce in the region. Nearby Fort Lee Military Reservation is now home of the Virginia National Guard's 1st/83rd Armored Regiment of the 29th Infantry Division (3,000 men, 28 M-48 tanks, twelve M88 ARVs). The brigade has been augmented with additional manpower coming from assimilated Army regulars, veterans, deserters from MilGov units and even former VMI cadets. Fort Lee is also the state headquarters of the Virginia Defense Force (see above). Air assets based at several different operational airfields in the Richmond area include six F-102C Delta Daggers, one F-89J Scorpion, six F-101 Voodoos, one KB-29 tanker, four P-2 Neptunes, and eight CH-43 helicopters. Aviation fuel is strictly husbanded and the jets rarely leave the hangers anymore. Training has virtually ceased and there is some question whether the pilots even remember how to fly.
The VDF across Virginia: The VDF has barracks established in several key towns across the state, being Emporia, Fredericksburg, Onancock, Fort A.P. Hill, Fort Pickett, and Roanoke. Overall command is from the Fort Lee HQ and regular supply convoys are made to the garrisons from Richmond.
The 29th ID across Virginia: The 29th ID's 116th Infantry Regiment's two battalions are one each billeted in the cities of Roanoke (1st Battalion with 50 men) and Charlottesville (2nd Battalion with 65 men).
New America in Virginia: Numerous New American sympathetic cells exist in the northern and western mountains but are mostly held in check by the popularity of the sitting Governor. It is rumored that the State Police has penetrated these cells and that Governor Almond knowingly has not attempted to disband them due to some future purpose being feasible.
Roanoke: Hit by an epidemic of anthrax this past summer, crippling essential services.
The area around South Hill and La Crosse are populated by mostly mixed-blood Native Americans who are part of the "Creek Nation". The Creeks are unpredictable, they have one focus--the Creeks--and anything not good for the Creeks is crushed. With that kind of system it would be kind of hard to avoid trouble. They don't dicker, they don't negotiate, no treaties or deals. They figure the whites screwed them but good the last time and they are determined to be on the upper end next time. Or at least not let there be a next time. So far they have kept to themselves and not attracted the attention of the military, which would surely repeat 1880 on them if need be. To the north of them is the home range of the so-called "Central Virginia Alliance". This group is focused on keeping democratic conditions going. They are generally good people, holding onto the old values, laws, and ways of doing things.
Staunton: Home range of a survivalist militia group called the "Thomas Jefferson Legion". They are well-trained and militant and virulently anti-government.
North Carolina was swamped with refugees from the northern states during the great chaos. This, along with internal problems caused by racial injustice, tore the state apart. Food riots, disease and famine have culled both the refugee population and the state's own citizens down to low levels by 1964. The drought of this year has hit the central and western parts of the state hard, drying out the fields and turning the forests into tinderboxes. As winter nears, large parts of the state are descending into a swirling morass of roaming marauders and fortified villages, all fighting over the few fertile plots of land.
The state's major National Guard division, the 30th Infantry "Old Hickory", was mobilized in late 1962 and shipped off to Europe to be decimated. The remaining NG forces in the state mostly fell apart by 1963, leaving a serious lack of organized military forces to protect the state from marauders, with the exception of a few spots along the coast. The US Marines have recently come to southeastern North Carolina and perhaps in the future more will follow them.
1st Marine Division
------1st Marine Regiment
------------2nd Battalion--Wilmington (250 men, 12 AFVs)
----------------Echo Company--Clinton (70 men)
----------------Fox Company--Camp LeJeune (50 men)
During this past summer, one of the driest on record, the western farming areas of the state were devastated by a disastrous series of combination forest and grass fires, which local officials were powerless to control. In one stroke, more than a third of the state's food reserves were wiped out, forcing many people to migrate east in search of food. Those who are staying are mountain people up in the Appalachians, simple folk who watch out for their own and shoot first. The fires have only served to isolate them further, and that's just the way they like it.
Greensboro/Winston-Salem: In mid-1963, a combination of factors, including the summer heat, dwindling food supplies and unfounded rumors of blacks hoarding food and ammo, caused the Greensboro and Winston-Salem areas to explode in violence. In what is known as the "Greensboro Massacre", white militias, with visible KKK and police support, slashed through black neighborhoods, killing and pillaging. Though such racial violence hasn't been seen since, the scars of that summer are still open today. There are still more than a quarter million people in Forsyth and Guilford Counties and the two cities have combined resources to mount an effective Highway Patrol on horseback. Once a center of textile production, the area still produces textiles, but neither in the quantity nor in the variety of former days. The main competing force today is a fast-growing sect of religious fanatics calling themselves the "Legion of Argos", led by Pearl Lazenby, who calls herself the "Eye of God".
Durham: Swept by an epidemic of anthrax this summer. The rat population has blossomed and typhus is certainly coming soon.
Wilmington: Home of the main MilGov enclave in the state, and one the strongest on the entire east coast. With its docks, fishing fleet and airport all untouched by the bombs and the majority of the chaos, Wilmington is a very important place today. During the early fall of this year, it was decided that the large numbers of excess personnel at Savannah could be used to secure another port further north up the coast. With the eventual goal of obtaining a port between Savannah and Cape May, it was decided to occupy Wilmington. A force of Marines from the Savannah enclave was assembled and shipped up along the coast to Wilmington, arriving there in early August. The city is now the home of the 1st Marine Division's 2nd Battalion of the 1st Marine Regiment (one of the units that originally founded the Savannah enclave in 1963) with 250 men, twelve AFVs and numerous trucks and jeeps. Wilmington's garrison is loaded with seasoned combat veterans, as the Battalion was reinforced with men who had returned from the European theatre and were still looking for some action. The HQ of the Battalion is now at the Sunny Point Ordnance Depot, at the actual mouth of the Cape Fear River, though a new command post is being considered at the city's airport.
Clinton: In the first step towards building a corridor between Wilmington and Charlotte, the battalion staff has just sent the 70-man Echo Company north to Clinton, which sits at the juncture of six state highways. Clinton was the pre-war HQ of the 30th Infantry Division and the facilities are now being used by the Marine command. The marines here are continually chasing some kind of bandits or rustlers into the interior of the state. From this stepping stone, it is hoped that the interior of the state will be opened by next spring.
Camp LeJeune Marine Corps Base: Abandoned in 1963 as extraneous and a waste of resources, this camp is now being considered for reopening. The Wilmington enclave has recently sent the 50-man Fox Company to Camp LeJeune to see what needs to be done. The base could have been a radioactive crater back in 1962 were it not for good luck and bad Soviet engineering. The Soviet Golf I class ballistic missile sub K-110 which was assigned to fire her two missiles at Camp LeJeune and Fort Jackson spent three days dodging the Tang class attack submarine SS-565 Wahoo in the waters off the North Carolina coast. When she finally fired her first SS-N-4 SLBM, a fault in its propellant system caused it to implode and sink the sub, saving Camp LeJeune and Fort Jackson to boot.
Morehead City: A city being swallowed by the resurgent forest and grassland greenery of nearby Croatan National Forest. This sleepy port town is on it's own, separated from the rest of the state and not yet in close contact with the Marines down south. In 1962, Morehead City received a large number of refugees from Norfolk and Washington and the situation was chaotic for some time. The town is now controlled by a company of North Carolina National Guardsmen, heavily augmented by local policemen and impressed civilians. There about 120 men under arms with six troop carriers and numerous automatic weapons. The town has some electricity but it is mostly routed to military uses and very little fuel is available to the general population. This lack of fuel has left the bay full of stranded fishing trawlers and shrimp boats. There is a small Coast Guard station at Fort Macon offshore, and the cannon-armed cutter Avenger occasionally patrols the Intracoastal Waterway for pirates and smugglers. Immediately following the war, two US Navy ships were forced to dock here, the Farragut class DLG-11 Mahan and the Rudderow class DE-231 Hodges. Both were off Norfolk when it was nuked and were badly damaged and heavily irradiated--the Mahan's superstructure is torn and tattered and the Hodges is listing to port and slowly settling into the mud. Anything of value has been removed from the ships long ago and now they sit rusting in the turning basin, still somewhat radioactive, both their crews having died off soon after docking.
SECTION SEVEN: The Deep South (Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Florida)
Mississippi in 1964 is a backwater of racism and violence, heavily effected by the drought and the epidemics that characterize the deep south. Mississippi is considered MilGov for no other reason than the fact that her neighbors are all MilGov.
Keesler AFB 10/28/62 SS-N-4 1 mT
The Mississippi National Guard contained the 108th Armored Cavalry Regiment, and this unit was called up in late 1962. Sent to the Middle East in 1963, this unit has still not been able to return home. The only real organized force left is the Jackson city militia, detailed below. There is virtually nothing left in Mississippi that either federal government feels like spending their limited resources to protect. All the military facilities in the state have been abandoned due to the difficulty in feeding and supplying them, and reoccupying them anytime in the near future is a dream. In the various river communities there are a few MilGov commercial agents and militia advisors but nothing close to an organized force exists outside of Jackson. Most of these advisors come from the MilGov enclaves in northeastern Louisiana and Memphis. CivGov is represented in the state only by a few CIA agents in Jackson.
"City Armored Corps"--Jackson (1700 men, 21 AFVs)
Several communities along the river at the various lock sites serve as portages for the vital barge traffic that flows along the river. Since nearly all the barge traffic is sponsored or affiliated with MilGov in some way, many of these communities are controlled by militia garrisons who pay lip service to MilGov. Many are purely independent trading towns, however, who will deal with anyone.
Greenville: An active river trading community, fairly typical of the smaller river towns in the area. Greenville receives much trade and travel from Memphis upriver and is steadily growing in size. The Highway 82 bridge spanning the river to Arkansas collapsed last year and much of the cross-river traffic is done by a large ferry that uses a horse-drawn rope system capable of carrying anything up to a five-ton truck.
Vicksburg: A bustling survivor community home to 20,000 souls and the largest river enclave between Memphis and the Gulf. The barge traffic is steady and the city has become a vital stopping point on the Mississippi River for both commercial and travel purposes. As the I-20 river bridge is still up, there is also a fair amount of overland travel and trade into and out of Louisiana from here, especially with the 39th Infantry Division being just across the river in northeastern Louisiana. Vicksburg's barge and caravan-carried goods are traded with Jackson for that city's natural gas, and Vicksburg has thus been able to restore electricity to many parts of town. On the northern outskirts, in an area of trailer courts, used car lots and swampy tributaries of the Yazoo River, there is an old forgotten WW I-vintage ammunition bunker. The bunker still holds stocks of mustard gas and some crazy survivalists have recently discovered them and are plotting how to use them against the Vicksburg government that refuses to give them respect.
The northern parts of the state have seen fields dry up and people flee in large numbers over the last year, leaving much pickings for marauders and bandits. Many refugees escaping the violence in Memphis have scoured the area of nearly anything left of value.
Grenada: The largest survivor community in the northern half of the state, Grenada is controlled by a racist overlordship led by a man named Neely Green. Green has set himself up as "king of his own country" and is busy enslaving minorities and taking tolls on I-55. His troops number some four or five hundred, well-armed but complacent with having it so easy lately. Grenada was the pre-war home of the 631st Field Artillery Brigade (MS ARNG), and while that unit was shipped to Europe, there was ample equipment left behind to outfit Green's militia. He is very short of ammunition and that is usually what he takes as toll fare. The drought is reducing his prey daily so it is just a matter of time before Green pulls up stakes and moves his operation elsewhere, much to the relief of the citizens of Grenada.
Columbus Air Force Base: Abandoned in 1963 as too difficult to defend and feed, this air base is now just a deserted shell. The total population is now only four soldiers, although one of them a general, who mainly spend their time playing cards.
A wasteland of bone-dry fields and small scattered survivor communities. The epidemics of 1963 hit this area hard, severely reducing the population. The state capital of Jackson is still functioning and is the only large city left in the state.
Meridian: Almost completely abandoned as the drought depleted the food reserves to the point where the town collapsed. Many of the residents moved west to Jackson to crowd into the refugee camps there.
Jackson: The largest pocket of civilization away from the river and the home of the reorganized state government. Some 40,000 people still live in Jackson, along with probably 20,000 more impoverished refugees from the drought-ravaged lands around the state camped at the outskirts in huge tent cities. Jackson has a large supply of natural gas that has helped it through fuel oil shortages, providing some basic electricity and water pumping. This gas supply is heavily guarded by the "City Armor Corps"--a combination of strong municipal militias and the fragmentary remains of a few Mississippi National Guard units that were in Jackson before the war (some 1,700 total men under arms plus 21 AFVs left behind when the 108th ACR shipped out). The gas will be tapped out in a decade or so, but for now it keeps the city alive and worth living in as well as giving the city something of value to trade. There is much commerce with Vicksburg (just 45 miles away) for goods shipped up and down the river, and even with the 39th Infantry Division in Louisiana, with Jackson's energy resources being the main commodity.
In the southern part of the state, the nuking of Biloxi disrupted the fishing trade along the Gulf Coast for a year or so, but desperation brought on by the drought is causing people to reoccupy the coastal communities again.
Biloxi: On October 28, 1962, the Soviet Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-121, lurking off the southern coast of Cuba, launched a SS-N-4 SLBM at Keesler Air Force Base. The 1 megaton warhead airburst low over the air base, the damage was enormous and the fires raged for days. The area of total devastation stretches from I-110 in the east to I-10 in the north to Popps Ferry Road in the west. Into November, the surviving citizens buried their dead as best they could, until the sheer numbers got out of hand and the survivors fled to the north. The dying did a fair amount of pillaging and looting on their way out and most of the city is now in ruins. The residential districts on the other side of Biloxi Bay from the AFB are especially devastated and no one lives between the bay and I-10 at all. Through a freak of wind patterns, much of the initial fallout fell out to sea, and today Biloxi's radiation levels are relatively low, though this is not common knowledge. The empty streets of downtown Biloxi are roamed by a group of thirty escaped mental patients from Gary, Indiana under the sadistic leadership of "Carl the King". How they got from Gary to here is an epic story of stolen cars, hijacked river tugs and a trail of violence and murder along the way. They are holed up in a luxurious waterfront resort hotel, the Edgwater, which they have filled with the choicest loot from the city, and take pleasure in hunting the few remaining refugees in the area.
Gulfport: In the immediate aftermath of the nuke on Biloxi just fifteen miles away and the crazed rioting and panic that followed, the US Navy evacuated the naval base here and has never returned. There has been some planning by MilGov Command about how to try and salvage the naval docks and shipyards, but there are currently no resources available for such an undertaking. After two years of neglect and looting it is doubtful that anything of value remains, anyway. US Navy forces from Pensacola occasionally visit the base looking for specific items they need.
Alabama in 1964 is heavily contested and severely depopulated. The drought that has laid much of the deep south bare has hit Alabama hard in the last year, leaving once-fertile fields bone dry. This, coupled with the epidemics and civil unrest of the year before, has reduced Alabama's population by nearly 90%. Most of the remaining citizens have moved into the larger cities where there is still salvaged food to be had, leaving vast tracts of countryside empty dust bowls. The only real oasis of security is the MilGov enclave at Huntsville. The southern port city of Mobile was the target of three Russian nuclear weapons, but they all turned out to be duds.
Mobile 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
Mobile 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
Mobile 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
Alabama was fairly well abandoned by the US military as the drought and famine took hold. Today only around Huntsville are there any organized military units left.
1st Battalion Alabama Volunteers--Huntsville (800 men)
2nd Battalion Alabama Volunteers--Athens (245 men)
59th Ordinance Brigade
------159th Marine Rifle Company--Huntsville (60 men)
------259th Mechanized Company--Huntsville (250 men, 13 AFVs)
------359th Mounted Reconnaissance Company--Huntsville (75 men)
------787th Military Police Battalion--Huntsville (500 men)
------832nd Ordnance Battalion (Infantry)--Guntersville Dam (175 men, 2 AFVs)
The war and aftermath: The main MilGov enclave in the state and one of the largest in the immediate region, Huntsville is the hope for the future. During the initial post-nuke chaos, looting and panicked citizens rampaged through the city. By the end of 1962, however, the US Army units in the city had consolidated enough power to evict the worst of the looters and convince the peaceful citizens that remained to trust that the army would protect them. The clean up job was enormous and goes on even today.
Army umbrella: Huntsville is home to the MilGov 59th Ordinance Brigade, a pre-war US Army training unit, headquartered at Redstone Arsenal, and the overall umbrella unit designation for all the military units located in the city environs. The unit is augmented with troops from the Chemical and Military Police Schools, surviving personnel and equipment from training brigades that were evacuated from the US Army Chemical Center and School at Fort McClellan and from Anniston Army Depot to the south, and by scattered National Guardsmen from all over the state.
MPs: Personnel evacuated here from the various Fort McClellan training units, despite their pre-war jobs, were consolidated into the newly formed 787th Military Police Battalion (500 men). The 787th is currently the primary garrison for Redstone Arsenal and responsible for internal policing of the city at large. It has no organic heavy weapons or artillery assets but is well-equipped to police the streets.
Tracks and wheels: The 259th Mechanized Company (250 men) was formed in the spring of 1963 to gather all the enclave's AFV assets into one unit. Before the war, Redstone Arsenal was the home of a number of tactical missile projects which required a small number of vehicles and weapon systems for testing purposes. The vehicles that survived the chaos were pooled to create the Brigade’s Mechanized Company, with additional vehicles obtained by putting obsolete target vehicles and even vehicles from other countries (also present for testing purposed) into service. The personnel are a mix of US Army soldiers, civilian contractors, and military veterans recruited from the local area. AFVs in the unit include two old M-90 tanks (which have not been brought up to M-90A5 standards, they lack modern fire control), two M-26 Pershing tanks, four M42 Duster air defense vehicles (the Dusters have had their cannons removed and replaced with rocket pods containing seven 2.75” rockets, giving them a fierce anti-personnel capability), two M16 MGMC M3 halftrack AA conversions, one West German Ostwind SPAA, one Russian ZSU-23-2 flak tank, and one Russian ZSU-57-2 flak tank. As well, there are two M59 APCs, two regular M3 halftracks, three M3A1 White scout vehicles, and four M-20 armored security vehicles used for internal patrols. The Company is powerful, in theory, but with fuel, spare parts and ammunition for both large caliber guns (especially the 90mm guns) and missile systems in very short supply, the vehicles generally remain in the garrison motor pool at Redstone.
Marines: Huntsville is also home to the 159th Marine Rifle Company (60 men), a throw-together unit formed from USMC instructors and students who were at the various schools in the area when the war came. This unit is tasked with protecting the 59th Brigade's HQ at Redstone, relatively boring duty.
Horsemen: And lastly here is the 359th Mounted Reconnaissance Company (75 men), a recently raised horse cavalry unit ideal for long-range patrolling in the Tennessee Valley area. The unit is composed of volunteers from the 59th Brigade, as well as experienced civilians from the general population, including a good number of WWII veterans with Special Forces or LRRP backgrounds, and the overall level of training in the company is excellent.
Militia: Huntsville is also home to the 1st Battalion Alabama Volunteers, a militia unit organized in 1963 from Huntsville residents, trained and equipped by the military. Core cadre for the Battalion consists of local law enforcement personnel and some older military veterans. Manpower is 800 men divided into four companies. Each company serves for one week each month (so approximately one fourth of the unit’s manpower is available at any time), unless the entire unit is called up for some reason. During the harvest, the entire battalion is stood down for approximately a month to get the crops in. The battalion is relatively well-equipped for a militia force, with about half armed with M-14 rifles and the rest with an assortment of sporting rifles and shotguns. Support weapons are limited to one .30 cal light machinegun per company.
Athens: The town of Athens to the northwest is garrisoned by the 245 men of the 2nd Battalion Alabama Volunteers, a militia unit organized and equipped by the military in Huntsville. It has suffered extensive losses in combat against New American guerillas and marauders since having been sent here in late 1963, and what remains of the battalion is now a veteran anti-guerilla force to be reckoned with. Athens is occupied only as a buffer between the marauders in the mountains and Huntsville.
Guntersville Dam Hydroelectric Plant: This power plant sits on the Tennessee River about twenty miles southeast of Huntsville. While it is currently offline, repairs to the plant are proceeding rapidly and it is scheduled to come back online by next summer. This will be an immeasurable boon to the region, restoring the high-voltage power needed to get factories and pumps back running. The facility is garrisoned by the 832nd Ordnance Battalion (Infantry), a subunit of the 59th OB in Huntsville and a pre-war training unit converted to infantry after the nuclear strikes. The Battalion has 175 men here and has heavily fortified the plant perimeter with earth walls and crude towers. Heavy weapons are limited to two 81mm mortars and two non-functional M-26 Pershing tanks sited as pillboxes on low berms overlooking the plant. As the value of the plant is huge, the main roads between the plant and Huntsville are patrolled daily by troops and regular supply convoys keep the garrison here well-stocked.
Mystery: The George C. Marshall Space Flight Center and the US Army Missile Command facilities were looted during the chaos of everything they understood enough to use, and some things they didn't. Rumors persist that the looters found some very powerful experimental equipment, though they have no idea what it was, that they took with them into the Tennessee hills.
The worsening drought has meant that the fields are dust dry and many farmers did not even bother with planting this season, instead simply packed up and left for Florida, where rumors say the crops are better. The result is that many towns in the region have become deserted and many parched farmlands are covered only with the stubble of last year's crop. In these ghost towns, burned buildings now make uncomfortable homes for transients and refugees. Forest fires have devastated many counties as no effective firefighting force anymore.
Birmingham: Birmingham, once the largest city in the state, is a microcosm of the problems of large urban areas in the deep south. A large and restless minority population, a heavy-handed police force trying to keep the peace in the aftermath of nationwide nuclear war, and human fear all mixed together to create a firestorm of violence and destruction. As the city burned under it's own hand, people fled into the countryside in droves, swamping the farmers overnight. The hulking remains of the city are currently under devastating siege from the "Vulcans", a large white supremacy marauder band led by a man named Wink Payne. Their base of operations is the statue of Vulcan on State Street south of the city proper, which lends its name to the band, in the hills strategically overlooking the downtown area. The Vulcans number only around 1,250 effectives but their ranks are swelling daily by vagrant scum with the need to kill and refugees who see them as the best way to get food. They now dominate the southeastern part of the city, from the Jefferson County border to the Alabama State Fairgrounds, south of Highway 11. The rest of the city tries to cope with their terrible plight the best they can and the population is still about 40,000 souls, though they are fleeing in large numbers by the day. Local police and militia forces, now numbering less than 2,000 effectives, concentrate on guarding the industrial sections of the city north of I-59 from raiders. The rest of the city is home to small pockets of beings who try to survive in the ruins, ripe pickings for the Vulcan's pleas for support. With the drought in the region, it is likely that a large portion of the population will not survive the winter.
Anniston Army Depot: Completely looted over the years with most of its "prize" content (like spare parts for tracked vehicles, refurbishable AFV hulls, heavy weapons ammunition, etc.) having been carted off by evacuating soldiers or smashed by looters.
Montgomery: While the state government has totally collapsed, the capital city has survived fairly well, certainly when compared to other cities in Alabama. The epidemics of 1963 killed off much of the poorer and older citizens, leaving a city of strong survivors to carry on. Montgomery is now home to around 110,000 people, a growing number that worries the city's leaders. The population has swelled to beyond its capacity to feed with an influx of refugees from other parts of the state, many of them fleeing the violence in Birmingham and Mobile. The drought has limited the fall harvest to where it is barely enough to feed the original citizens, let alone thousands of refugees. Mayor Artemis rules Montgomery with his supposedly beneficent "Peace Brigade Militia". The Brigade, however, has been unable to defend the town from attacks by marauders, and the people are tired of the tax burden imposed to support this "defense". The government under Artemis, however, is sometimes brutal, but always efficient, with surprisingly few layers of bureaucracy. The Peace Brigade militia is pretty well-armed and actually do seem to serve and protect the wealthy and middle-class sections of town. They are sometimes blind to goings on in the slums, after all, who cares if some of the dregs of humanity there kill and rob each other. There are several large squatter camps on the outskirts of the city and the overworked police have shoot-to-kill orders to keep these refugees out of the city proper. This is a tinderbox waiting to ignite and the results could devastate this struggling enclave.
5) THE GULF COAST The Alabama Gulf Coast probably represents the best source of fresh food in the state right now. Unfortunately, few people live here as the area is still a disorganized mess. Outside of Mobile there are only scattered refugees and isolated families of survivors between the Gulf coast and Montgomery. The southeastern part of the region is being penetrated deeper and deeper by patrols from the MilGov enclave at Pensacola and it is just a matter of time before they come into conflict with the marauder king that controls Mobile.
Mobile: Late in the night of October 28, 1962 the Soviets on Cuba launched three 1.2 megaton SS-4 MRBMs at the sleepy port city of Mobile in an attempt to disrupt the ability of the nation to continue the war in Cuba. The SS-4 warhead system was badly designed, however, and, as proved common with the SS-4, none of them exploded when they landed. The first missile hit the I-65 causeway across the Mobile River about eighteen miles north of the city. The warhead did not explode properly and just blew a hole in the causeway and spread solid radiation thick around the immediate area, leaving fused remains of the missile still visible in the shallows even today. The second missile landed in the town of Fairhope, about fifteen miles southeast of the city across Mobile Bay, coming to rest in the middle of Prospect Avenue, having hit the roof of a huge brick clothing store, bounced off and rolled into the street. Today, the battered and rusting missile bus still lies where it fell--nobody is brave enough to try and move it. The third missile actually hit Mobile, smacking into the thirtieth floor of a high-rise building on Broad Street in downtown Mobile. While the nuclear warhead was a dud, the concussion of the impact brought the tower down, and the ensuing dust cloud helped to spread the thick particles of solid radiation from the shattered warhead across the bay. With nukes seemingly landing all over the city, the citizens of Mobile panicked and ran. On the way out they managed to burn and loot most of the city, leaving large areas of it charred ruins. The city basically sat empty and rusting for nearly a year until people started to come back to the area looking to fish. Today, there are a modest number of civilians in the city, mostly living off of fishing and scavenging the ruins. In early 1964, a Cajun refugee from Louisiana named Rollins moved into the area at the head of a mishmash of bandits and thugs, driven out of Louisiana by the arrival of the 39th Infantry Division in their territory (see that state). Rollins has established his marauder force in a pre-war USCG base right downtown on the waterfront. Rollins is a dreamer and fancies himself the next Napoleon, with the Mobile base represents the first building block in a unifying military force he calls the "Army of the Northern Panhandle". Rollins is currently building a fortified stronghold on Pinto Island offshore to act as his future headquarters, using much forced labor from the local citizens. He has so far kept to himself, realizing that as yet his army is too weak to challenge the forces in Pensacola or in the rest of Alabama. The Pensacola forces, however, might not wait for him to come to them, and their patrols have been probing the outskirts of Rollin's territory lately. A major fight is inevitable and the locals are afraid that such a war will destroy everything they have rebuilt over the last year. Unknown to anyone, there is a huge amount of broken armored vehicles on a railcar line outside Mobile on the rails to the Anniston Depot to be fixed that never made it there due to the nukes in 1962.
Georgia is both the present and the future of America. The war, epidemics, drought and the hand of man have all had their turn trashing this state, killing off hundreds of thousands and spoiling the land for decades to come. However, two large military-controlled cities (Atlanta and Savannah) will provide the state and the nation with the men and material to drive the recovery and rebuild what has been lost.
Atlanta 10/28/62 SS-7 6 mT
Georgia is about as military controlled as any state in the union. With large and effective enclaves in Atlanta, Savannah, and Columbus, plus numerous smaller areas, nearly all commerce and trade is in someway connected to the military. As the debarkation point for the European evacuation, Georgia has both benefited by the influx of trained and qualified personnel and been hurt by added strain on the food resources of the state. Total US military personnel in Savannah number nearly 43,000
1st Armored Division--Atlanta (8000 men, 72 AFVs)
197th Infantry Brigade--Fort Benning (1500 men, 4 AFVs)
3rd Ranger Battalion/75th Infantry Regiment--Atlanta (500 men)
Able Company, 2/121st Infantry Regiment--Valdosta (90 men)
The war: Near midnight on October 28, 1962, an SS-7 ICBM fell from the sky over Atlanta. The 6 megaton warhead detonated 2,000 feet above the intersection of Northside Drive and Wesley Avenue, instantly killing hundreds of thousands of sleeping citizens. People fled for the hills in droves as wind-driven fires consumed most everything within the blast zone. The area of total destruction eventually extended from the east/west segment of I-285 in the north to Simpson Road in the south, from the town of Oakdale in the west and to Toco Hills in the next county east. The firestorms and fallout cloud, however, were pushed northwest by a strong local storm system and the southern third of the city survived to form the nucleus of the city in 1964. To the north of Atlanta, however, the fallout left a swath of empty death and ruin from the city north all the way to Chattanooga, Tennessee. The suburban freeways are a nightmare junkyard of abandoned vehicles, dusty and decayed. Two years of rain, rust, vines and weeds have increased the destruction. The Atlanta skyline is a visage of shattered towers and burnt-out husks and tangled webs of twisted rebar and clinging chunks of concrete.
The Army to the rescue: In October 1962, less than three months after the 1st Armored Division had become part of the strategic force, the Army used it as part of an emergency assault force being assembled to counter the buildup of Soviet missiles in Cuba. For more immediate access to port facilities, the division moved from Fort Hood to Fort Stewart, Georgia, where it conducted a series of amphibious exercises. The MilGov 1st Armored Division, which was exercising down at Fort Stewart near Savannah when the war started, was hastily moved up here to help with crisis control, and eventually took over reconstruction efforts. Ultimately, the division commander, Brigadier General Ralph Haines, moved his HQ from Fort Stewart to the Atlanta Army Depot in southeastern Atlanta and took a seat on the city's emergency council. Benefiting from strong leadership and a clear mission, the division has stayed intact and is huge by 1964 standards, comprising some 8,000 men garrisoned in and around the city. There are some 72 AFVs still running today, including Patton tanks, self-propelled howitzers, armored personnel carriers, weapon carriers and even two Honest John rocket launcher vehicles. The Mk-50 Honest Johns are short-ranged tactical battlefield artillery rockets each carrying a nuclear warhead rated at 20 kilotons. This division was just created in early 1962 as a test bed for the Army's new divisional structure reorganization and has held up exceptionally well. Also, the 3rd Ranger Battalion of the 75th Infantry Regiment (500 men) moved up here from Fort Benning soon after the 1st Armored came. The 3/75th is the combination of two training and one line Ranger battalions stationed at Fort Benning before the war, along with the regimental HQ and the staff of the US Army's Jump School. The 3/75th is now the Atlanta's primary commando and scouting force and are probably the best troops to be had on the continent.
Revival: The city prospers, despite, or because of it's isolated location and strong military authority. Virtually everything of value was moved into the southern suburbs, which has become the core of new Atlanta. The plentiful rubble from the northern half of the city was used to make fortifications at vital road intersections and routes into the city and access is tightly controlled. The citizens here are well into rebuilding their shattered city and feel that they can make it a better place than even before. It does have things it needs, but it does without when it must. The military here runs occasional convoys south down I-85 to the enclave at Fort Benning and infrequent runs to Savannah and into Tennessee, all helping to keep the flow of food and goods in and out of Atlanta. Electrical power is available, if rationed, and to bring fresh water into the city, the division's engineers have diverted the Chattahoochee River and blew the Buford Dam upstream.
Dark side: As with any big city, there are problems to be had with keeping the ruffians out. The devastated northern suburbs are infested with bandits and small-time gangs that often make it difficult for salvage crews to work. The largest of these gangs is the 250-strong "Festers", led by a man calling himself Robert E. Leech. The city police along with the County Sheriff and his deputies have been tasked with clearing out this area, as the military doesn't want to risk it's men. A smaller, though more destructive, gang is called the "Purple Cloud Commandoes"--anarchists and arsonists who burn for fun. Their last show was the burning of the baseball stadium this summer.
Excluding the Atlanta metroplex, the top two-thirds of the state is a mix of empty, terrorized areas and isolated fortified islands. Outlaws and petty thugs abound in the thick woods, posing a constant threat to the surviving locals and keeping the military garrisons busy. The rolling, forested countryside surrounding Atlanta is a mix of poverty and desolation, fuelled by drought and famine. Forest fires represent a significant danger, consuming numerous abandoned towns every season and even threatening the Atlanta enclave on occasion. The northwestern portion of the state received the lions share of the fallout from the Atlanta strike in 1962 and is still mostly abandoned.
Rome: Rome, a former college town northwest of Atlanta, has suffered from the fallout from the Atlanta strike in 1962 and the more recent exodus of the surviving farmers. Currently, the town is controlled by a group of marauders. The band is composed of 40 bikers and 22 army deserters with various small arms based at the old town hall and an equal number of dependents camped out in the town. The group has in its possession an M3 GMC gun carrier halftrack, but no ammunition for the 75mm gun. Instead, they have mounted a .30 cal LMG on the gun shield. Local militia groups have been unable to neutralize them and the Army is never in the right place at the right time. The bikers have been making raids into Alabama, using their motorcycles to give them immense mobility. The former military personnel, however, want to move on by winter, so they have not mistreated the townspeople or the neighboring farmers as much as the bikers in the group. This split in methodology is going to cause the group to splinter before too long.
Athens: East of Atlanta, the large former college town of Athens is now held by a marauder band who have turned the town into a virtual trashcan fortress. The band is called the "Road Blight" and is composed of 225 scum, drifters and misfits, armed with a variety of pistols, rifles and submachine guns. The gang leader and his ten officers are all US Army deserters from Fort Gordon, who took with them a lot of modern hardware when they awolled. The gang rides in two five-ton cargo trucks, one 18-wheeler semi-trailer, an M88 ARV (with the winch removed and only three shells for the main gun), and an M59A1 command APC with the M2HB and most of the electronics (which didn't work anyway due to EMP) removed. These vehicles are not in the best of shape and all are covered in graffiti and rust. The group has no goals, no direction, no organization, and is in real danger of being mauled by the Army forces in Atlanta if they keep mistreating trade missions. Some of the original citizens have stayed--the place does offer a bit of security if nothing else.
Macon: Macon is surrounded by impoverished bandit gangs to the east and south that would like nothing better than to loot and burn the town, and the citizens of Macon are armed to the teeth to prevent this. The town's ace in the hole are "Avery's Raiders", a group of 170 militiamen led by an ex-Marine lieutenant, John Lucas Avery. Avery returned from overseas earlier this year when his unit was evacuated from Europe to Savannah and made his way back to his hometown of Macon where he founded the Raiders in response to the marauder problem. Avery's unit is an elite team comprised of numerous elements: Georgia National Guardsmen, law enforcement agents, well-trained civilians and some of Avery's friends from the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit that came to Macon with him. Most are armed with military issue weapons and there is a large pool of military vehicles obtained from the local National Guard armory, including two M48A2 Patton tanks, an M113 APC, two M59 APCs and five five-ton trucks mounted with .30 cal LMGs and improvised armored plates along the sides. The bulk of Avery's Marine unit decided to stay in Savannah, so he feels he has been unofficially discharged from government service. However, the rest of Raiders--although they stay with Avery and operate only out of Macon--still consider themselves employed by the state of Georgia and the federal government. After all, they are still defending the interests of Georgia, which was their job to begin with. They operate under an unusual premise: "If the marauders steal things, fine. We'll just steal it back".
Augusta: This city along the South Carolina border currently supports a population of about 3,000 people who make their living through farming and trade with people in both Georgia and South Carolina. Recently, the citizens have come under the grip of a crazed evangelist who has been "purifying" the town of sinners through executions. The populace is terrified, and many are fleeing in the night, leaving everything behind. The preacher has recently been sending patrols of his firearm-toting "apostles" into the countryside to strike at some of the farms.
The main activity in the area is the US Army enclave at Fort Benning, the largest concentration of people in the region and the biggest user of the region's food resources.
Fort Benning Military Reservation: This base outside of Columbus is now home of the MilGov 197th Infantry Brigade (1,500 men, four M88 ARVs). This is a mix-and-match unit created from recruits and support staff of the fort, local National Guardsmen, and soldiers left behind when Fort Benning's resident unit (the 2nd Infantry Division) was shipped to the European theatre late in 1962. Also blended in are smaller elements of the Airborne School cadre and students of the Ranger Training Brigade. The surrounding area does not produce sufficient food to adequately feed the 3,000 soldiers and dependents living here and there is much talk of evacuating to Savannah or the shore islands where fishing can help feed the men. Although Fort Benning has a full gunsmithing and ammunition recycling program, the ordnance, ammunition, and spare parts the unit looses to deterioration and attrition are hard to replace. Several small convoys run on a weekly rotation all through southern Georgia to collect food, and their travels through the area is a common event. In recent months, marauder pressure on the 197th Bde has increased through raids on their food producing regions to the south, which has served to aggravate an already bleak situation and has led many Benning personnel to believe that the area around the fort is no longer under military control.
Columbus: Columbus itself, though on the edge of the fort, is really considered separate from the army base. The 197th Bde maintains a rotating garrison here of 150 troops and two M59 APC's, mainly to regulate the trade that goes through the town. Numerous merchants flock here, as the town serves as the main marketplace for the fort. Columbus has something of a boomtown atmosphere, but everyone knows that the boom is likely to bust--and soon. The drought is placing pressure on farmers to leave and many will soon start to make the exodus.
The open fields and swampy creeks of southern Georgia have seen a lot of epidemics and plagues since 1962 and nearly all the original population has died or moved away. With the exception of the thriving port city of Savannah, the southern third of Georgia is a mix of small, isolated survivor communities, deserted and looted ruins and hungry marauders.
Albany: Albany is controlled by the city militia, all former New America members. These men were part of the New America cell assigned to take over Fort Benning and the surrounding countryside in late 1963--those orders came directly from high-level operatives subverting the command of the 197th Bde. But early in 1964, these men broke away from the main NA cell when it was obvious that the plan was never going to happen, or if it did, it was going to get them all killed. They have since set up their base of operations at the abandoned Turner Air Force Base. A modest market exists in Albany, selling ammunition, food, clothing, and other basic items. Racial tensions are very high in this farming community, and recent marauder attacks have not made the situation better. People are beginning to leaving the town as winter nears, and soon the only people left in Albany will be transients.
Moultrie: An enclave home to more than 400 survivors. They are currently held hostage and terrorized by a racist marauder group that calls themselves the "Georgia Militia" to give themselves some false legitimacy. The marauders, who came from the town of Ocilla to the northeast in two clunky deuce-and-a-half trucks, are thirty or forty strong and are dressed in a mishmash of military BDUs and Georgia State Trooper uniforms.
Moody Air Force Base: Abandoned in 1963 when it became clear that feeding the base would be next to impossible under the circumstances. The remaining men and planes were moved down the road to Valdosta and local scum have occupied the base.
Valdosta: Home to 2,600 citizens and a small Georgia National Guard unit, Able Company of the 2nd Battalion/121st Infantry Regiment. These men are all local Valdosta residents and the unit has not left the town since it was mobilized soon after the war started. They have some 90 soldiers, plus some 120 USAF personnel from nearby Moody Air Force Base, mostly support and technical staff. The HQ is a fortified building (formerly the fire station) in the center of town. The company is short of heavy weapons and vehicles, having only two M59A1 APCs and seven armed pickup trucks, with one M59A1 always beside the fire hall while the other is at a permanent roadblock on the I-75 highway north of town. At the Valdosta Municipal Airport sits one big C-119 Flying Boxcar transport plane and a partially dismantled F-100 Super Sabre, both brought here from Moody. For a while they were trading convoys with the 648th Engineer Battalion in Orlando but those have stopped lately as the drought has worsened. Just this fall, there has been a horrible outbreak of smallpox in southern Georgia, killing many and driving more north and south. The outbreak started in the town of Quitman, just fifteen miles west of Valdosta, and is spreading from there, threatening Valdosta and moving down into Florida. Due to the rapid spread of the smallpox, and the National Guard unit commander's helplessness to do anything about it, some of the Air Force personnel with no ties to the area have been deserting and heading north on their own.
Waycross: While deserted, Waycross is home to a group of seventeen marauder cavalry troops who have been launching raids into the neighboring towns in the adjoining counties, demanding minimal tolls from farmers in exchange for use of the roads. As the drought worsens, they are planning on moving into the Dixon State Forest where there is still some game to be had.
Savannah is now one of the largest cities on the East Coast of North America still functioning near pre-war levels. A strongly MilGov city with a population of some 332,000, Savannah is the center of the universe for the remains of international trade and travel. The city was damaged somewhat by food riots in the chaos, but it was minimal and government-organizing clean-up crews have cleaned up most of the damage a long time ago. The reason Savannah exists as a functioning city is the US military, which is thick as flies in the city, keeping the bandits out and giving the people the peace of mind they need to rebuild and recover. Nearly all civic utilities and functions are working, and unemployment is negligible. Fishing provides the bulk of the food for the enclave, supplemented heavily by locally-grown crops.
The Marines, first to come: When the first nuclear bombs began falling in 1962, the 5th Marine Expeditionary Brigade, built around the 1st and 3rd Battalions/1st Marine Regiment of the 1st Marine Division, had been in Panama, having just arrived from their California base on President Kennedy's orders to reinforce Guantanamo Bay. When the world collapsed, the 5th MEB settled into Panama City to let the dust settle. There was rightful fear that any grouping of naval ships would be asking for a nuclear strike, so the US Navy ordered them to stay put for a while. A few days later, two Farragut class destroyers showed up off the Panamanian coast, escorting three Caribbean cruise ships which had been hiding in the islands. The MEB leaders contacted MilGov command, then still in Mount Weather, and requested to come home to California. This request was denied, as there were currently no open ports on the west coast, and the unit was ordered to head for Savannah, one of the most stable ports on the Atlantic. In Guantanamo Bay, the 2nd Battalion/1st Marine Regiment was desperately calling for evacuation from the nuked remains of the base. This battalion had been airlifted to Cuba on October 21 and they had been heavily engaged with Cuban forces for some time. New orders were sent allowing the 5th MEB to swing by Guantanamo and pick up their brother battalion. They then linked up with the survivors of the Essex and Independence battle groups in the eastern Caribbean, and the combined force headed north for Savannah. On November 10, 1962 the MEB sailed into Savannah harbor and immediately took over the city's defenses. Nearby Fort Stewart Military Reservation was ideal for garrisoning the men and it has become the most heavily fortified place on earth. Once they had calmed the population down and helped to restore civic leadership, the marines spent the winter reconstituting and merging local National Guard units, reequipping as best as they could, and come the spring they had a city defense force of about 6,500 men under arms. The Marine Expeditionary Brigade ships carried a number of M48 Patton tanks, LVTP-5s and engineer vehicles, and these vehicles were used to fortify the city's borders. They are in constant contact and run supplies and men up to the enclave at Parris Island Marine Base forty miles away in South Carolina. This continued show of force and support is the only reason the independent South Carolina state government hasn't pushed to have the enclave leave the state yet.
Operation Omega: In April of 1964, the war in Europe was brought to a conclusion and MilGov leadership decided to evacuate all MilGov-loyal units from Europe. Savannah was chosen as the unloading point for obvious reasons, and in the end, some 43,000 people were evacuated by Task Force 34. The force reached Savannah on May 20. While most were American soldiers, that figure included considerable numbers of civilian dependents and members of NATO armies who wished to come to America. These units were badly mauled in the war in Europe and are mere shadows of their former strengths. Many of the men who returned from Europe have stayed here and are beginning to reform into new units, others have been sent elsewhere or disbanded to become civilians again. Many of the men have been shipped to Wilmington, North Carolina recently (see that state). Relations with the Marines who have been here since 1962 are often strained. The Marines resent the added people eating their food and sleeping with their hookers, and the USAEUR veterans often denigrate the Marines for not coming to fight in Europe with them. For these reasons, the two groups are kept separate as much as possible and all efforts are being made to relocated the USAEUR personnel before winter. Intact units now in Savannah include the entire Seventh Army HQ, the 3rd Armored Division (2,500 men), the 44th Armored Division (2,000 men), the 1st Infantry Division (5,000 men), the 3rd Infantry Division (5,000 men), and the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment (100 men).
Civilian leadership: The US Army's civilian political representative in Savannah is a bad seed behind a slick politician's smile. He was the former assistant deputy ambassador to Lebanon who had defected in Beirut the day the war started because he was sure the Russians were destined to win. Seeing the tide shifting back to the west, he quickly re-defected back to the west and snuck away to Germany where he attached himself to the American embassy staff there. He hitched a ride back on the Omega evacuation fleet and once back in the states, has weaseled his way back into a position of power. He is an arrogant and forceful man, but terribly afraid of running into someone who knows about his defection in 1962.
The Navy: The US Navy now has a large force here, made up of local stragglers plus units of both Task Force 34 and the Marine MEB. Fuel oil is available but is rationed so that the larger warships mostly sit at anchor for months at a time. As well, most of the ships used to bring home the soldiers are still here. These are a hodge-podge of container ships, general cargo ships and tankers (converted to passenger service by rough wooden constructions in their holds), excursion ships and smaller vessels like river boats and channel ferries that were large enough to make the trans-Atlantic crossing. They are mostly West German, but British, Dutch and other nationalities are represented as well. Operational ships here include:
Midway class attack carrier
CVA-42 Franklin D. Roosevelt 1
Baltimore class cruiser
CA-73 Saint Paul
Worcester class cruiser
CL-144 Worcester
Mitscher class destroyer leaders
DL-5 Wilkinson
DL-2 Mitscher
Farragut class missile destroyers
DLG-12 Dahlgren
DLG-7 Luce
Forrest Sherman class destroyers
DD-944 Mullinnix
DD-932 John Paul Jones 2
DD-943 Blandy
DD-940 Mamley
Allen M. Sumner class destroyer
DD-758 Strong
John C. Butler class destroyer escorts
DE-341 Raymond
DE-364 Rombach
DE-448 Cross
Rudderow class destroyer escort
DE-686 Eugene E. Elmore
Iwo Jima class amphibious carrier
LPH-2 Iwo Jima
Landing Ship Tanks
LST-519 Calhoun County
LST- 603 Coconino County
Haskell class amphibious transports
APA-220 Okanogan
APA-237 Bexar
Bayfield class amphibious transports
APA-33 Bayfield
APA-45 Henrico
TAO-117 Mission Los Angeles
TAO-57 Marias
Container Ship
Von Hess3
Three Coast Guard cutters
Six PT boats
1) The Roosevelt fought all though the European war before returning to Savannah in January of 1964 when her airwing was nearly gone and when damage received in battle became too much for operations. She is now immobilized for lack of fuel, just a large hulk taking up harbor space. A caretaker crew is still aboard, but most of her seamen have been reassigned to other ships in the area. The remaining crew keeps the ship up as best as possible with some civilian assistance. She will need a supertanker-sized dry-dock to repair some underwater damage from a near-miss ASM, as well as needing new arrester gear if she is to ever operate jets again. Most of the JP-5 that Savannah is able to produce goes to keeping the remains of her airwing flying from shore fields.
2) Overall naval command in Savannah is still directed from the John Paul Jones, which was the Operation Omega flagship.
3) This ship is formerly of the German Merchant Marine.
Aside from Charleston, the state suffered little direct damage in the nuclear exchanges, although it suffered mightily in the ensuing social collapse, seeing a thirty-percent reduction in population since 1962. During the hell of that first winter, an odd conglomeration of rebels and activists, malcontents and white supremacists had begun to coalesce, seemingly by design, and begged, argued, pleaded, browbeat, cajoled, and occasionally assassinated the leaders and populace of South Carolina into "seceding". Their usual "pitch line" went something like "Them DAMN Yankees up North are the cause of all this!" It was crude propaganda, but, with people freezing and starving in the midst of a nuclear winter, it worked. Seeing that the federal government was mobilizing all National Guard units across the country not for recovery and reconstruction work in their home states, but to be put on ships and thrown into what was quickly becoming a nuclear meat grinder in Europe, Governor Ernest Hollings said "No". The South Carolina National Guard was instructed by the Governor to secure all federal bases in the state for use in defending the borders, effectively defederalizing them. All federal military units in the state were obliged to leave, urged on by a newly elected state law to that effect, with the exception of the Parris Island enclave (see below). Animosity between South Carolina and both federal governments is still high, and both would love to bring the state into their respective folds. For the state, however, isolation comes with a high price. With trade and commerce drastically reduced, conditions in the state have deteriorated over the last year as the drought has taken hold of the farmlands and eaten away at crop reserves. Effective state government from Columbia is growing increasingly difficult, and legislative sessions there are growing shorter and less frequent. It is just a matter of time before either the state returns fully to the union or fragments.
Charleston 10/28/62 SS-7 6 mT
The South Carolina National Guard is too small and too overtaxed to truly defend the borders anymore. The National Guard forces of the state were combined into the "First Army". Most of the troops came from South Carolina, but small contingents came in from North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama. Most of these groups from other states were pretty raw; consisting mostly of southern rights sympathizers and marauders-turned-patriots. They have suffered much desertion and loss during the famines and droughts of the last year, further decreasing their effectiveness. It is, however, still an effective and cohesive force, especially around the cities in the central part of the state. Rumors abound that they are working to secure final independence by making crude tactical nuclear weapons made with material confiscated from the Barnwell River nuclear power plant. While South Carolina is technically free of Federal troops, there are several small MilGov garrisons along the coast.
"First Army"--Statewide
Parris Island garrison (375 men)
Kiawah Island garrison (60 men)
Columbia: Still the state capital and the most heavily-defended city in the area. The bulk of the state's military forces are concentrated here now.
Spartanburg: To the northwest of Columbia, Spartanburg has become a regional power center. Now home to a thriving population of about 40,800 with a very strong militia called the "State Auxiliary Police", they have hydroelectric generators operating, providing electric power to the region.
Loris: This small town on the North Carolina border is home to a largish marauder band settling down here for the winter. This marauder group is formed from the remains of a recon company of the US Army's 1st Armored Division, which was evacuated to Savannah in 1964. The unit's leader is Major Helga Rommel, a charismatic woman with bigger plans for her future than sitting in Savannah waiting for reassignment. When Rommel returned to America with the evacuation, she gathered the remains of her unit, and lured others with the promise of loot and rape. They took advantage of the general offer to leave and within three months, they have become the most feared marauder bands in South Carolina. The band is organized into two platoons, with a total of 48 men. The group is highly mobile and vehicle assets include an old M3 Stuart light tank, five large military trucks, and two jeeps.
The war: The navy yards and submarine base were the target of a Russian SS-7 ICBM late on October 28, 1962. The 6 megaton warhead airburst over the outer harbor, sinking everything in sight and sending a 120 foot high wall of water at Charleston to crush what the blast and heat missed. Virtually the entire city south of Highway 17 was leveled, though large concrete and steel structures remain standing as badly twisted and still radioactive tree stumps on the partially flooded peninsula. As far out as North Charleston, every tree is blackened and dead, every house burned and broken, the highways and major streets are still jammed with cars charred a deep brown on the sides facing the ocean. Abandoned by the state as way too expensive to try and rebuild, the looters and scum have gone wild over the years, destroying nearly every thing left standing.
The harbor: Charleston's harbor, once one of the busiest on the East Coast, is now littered with sunken and capsized ships and nearly completely blocked off from the Atlantic. The airburst effects filled in the ship channel and shifted the sandy bars around to the point where today anything with a draft over three feet cannot get in or out. The relatively narrow deep shipping channel is also hopelessly blocked with several dozen sunken ships, some of them huge oil tankers. Were anyone ever able to clear the channel (an engineering feat that probably wont be possible for decades) there are still a number of intact vessels at the various docks to be salvaged. These include a US Navy destroyer and two British Royal Navy frigates that were here on a port visit when the nuke fell. As well, there are about twenty assorted merchantmen still afloat in the harbor.
Survivors: Out in the western suburbs live small groups of refugees and hold-outs. The city's inhabitants have largely dispersed into the surrounding coastal towns following the chaos and economic dislocation of the of the drought in the summer of 1964. Today, just a few thousand people farm the city environs, supplementing their harvests with the catch from their small fishing fleet. This fleet consists of a couple dozen dilapidated sailboats (or diesel boats converted to sail). None are very seaworthy and most have been patched together and repaired numerous times. A few hundred Black Muslims, many of them having escaped from New York City, are also living in North Charleston. They are led by a man named Blotto, and despite being heavily armed and strongly Islamic, they have given the other local refugees no trouble and have even tried to help them out on occasion.
Parris Island USMC Recruit Depot: Today the only federal enclave in the state. The reasons for its continued existence have more to do with the massive MilGov enclave just forty miles down in coast in Savannah than anything else. The garrison at Parris is in constant contact with Savannah and this continued show of force and support is the only reason the South Carolina state government hasn't pushed to have the enclave leave the state yet, the Governor is well aware that the forces in Savannah alone could overrun his entire state in weeks. The standing MilGov cantonment here now numbers some 375 men, comprising former Parris Island instructors and senior NCOs recently augmented by some returning European vets. The garrison has some M-8 armored cars and diesel jeeps (as the Marines have a stash of diesel here) for perimeter security, but they have little to fear from the SC state forces. They also have been rotating a detachment north to Kiawah Island on a three month cycle. This little island of security has attracted a lot of refugees, especially in the last six months as the drought in the state grows, and at some point they will have to be dealt with.
Kiawah Island: During the chaos after the nuking of Charleston, a few surviving cadets from the Citadel Military Academy tried to secure the parts of their campus that were still standing. They took heavy losses in pitched battles with looters before evacuating south with everything they could carry. The trek through the shattered and violent city was a death march for the young cadets, but thanks to the leadership of the senior staff and faculty, a good number of them made it out. They eventually settled on Kiawah Island, a sandy strip some fifteen miles south of the city, that was easily defensible. They are still entrenched there, having built the island up into a virtual fortress, and their numbers have swollen to some sixty effectives. Because of the isolated nature of the island, the South Carolina state government has basically ignored them. There is much trade with the local communities and the cadets are very well thought of in the area, support on the part of the state for any effort to oust them would be nonexistent. Recent reinforcements from the Marine Corps Training Facility at Parris Island have helped the enclave to think about maybe expanding.
In 1964, Florida is still here, just most of the people are gone. While a total of six Russian nuclear weapons were targeted on the state, only two of them were on target, with three being duds and one more missing out to sea. Despite mostly dodging the nuclear bullet, Florida has seen much social disruption and chaos. Things have settled down by 1964, and recovery is in motion in many areas. Rumors of better crops in the state have brought waves of refugees south during the last six months. They have found that while the rumors are somewhat true, the remaining population of the Florida peninsula are some of the most heavily armed and best organized in North America and most of the refugees have been turned away or killed. There are frequent cholera outbreaks up and down the Florida peninsula, though they are not as severe as they were in 1963.
Cape Canaveral 10/28/62 SS-7 6 mT Missed 5 miles to NE
Orlando 10/28/62 SS-6 3 mT
Tampa 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT
Homestead AFB 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
Key West 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
Key West 10/28/62 SS-4 1.2 mT Dud
South Florida on the day the war started was thick with US military men, all concentrated here for the invasion of Cuba. Following the nuclear attacks, the state was largely abandoned, with nearly all active duty military personnel and material heading north or overseas. The 42nd Infantry Division, which was here for the invasion, was shipped off to certain death in Europe, leaving only local National Guardsmen to hold the state together. The state's two large National Guard divisions have both been shattered--the 51st Infantry during the chaos and the 48th Armored by being sent to Europe to get mauled. Today, only the area around Pensacola is still and organized federal enclave. The rest of the state is home to several intact National Guard units, though they are all of dubious loyalty to the state government, being barely more than hired guns. A small group of Cubans are in the Florida Keys, as well, though they are not sure they like being here.
51st Infantry Division--Jacksonville (300 men)
48th Armored Division
------2nd Howitzer Battalion/265th Artillery Regiment--Palm Beach (400 men)
241st Infantry Regiment--Pensacola (1500 men, 2 AFVs)
648th Engineer Battalion--Orlando (720 men, 4 AFVs)
Fidel Castro Brigade--Vaca Key (300 men)
The most important Gulf port still functioning on the entire US coast, Pensacola has become the hub of MilGov activities in the Gulf of Mexico theatre. While some parts of town were badly damaged by fires caused by post-nuke rioting, the city escaped much of the violence and insanity that devastated many other cities. Because of the fact that the city has survived in such good shape, there is a large sense that Pensacola was "spared by God" from this terrible war, and many civilians are very religious in a superstitious sort of way. In more secular terms, there is a strong sense of civic pride here, keeping things together and giving hope for the future. The city power remains on, though it is rationed to make the fuel last longer, and the city water supply is running, though again it is severely rationed (only on certain times and places). The local farm communities benefit from the presence of a functioning city and food is readily available, distributed from grocery stores by military trucks and sold in huge, sprawling markets that have popped up all over the city. Fishing provides a major source of food and the harbor is filled with fishing vessels from around the Gulf of Mexico. The landward approaches are heavily patrolled and barricaded to prevent Pensacola from being overwhelmed by refugees, but the safety of the city is drawing people like a magnet. Tens of thousands of people now languish in tent city camps along the Perdido River as overworked medical personnel try to prevent outbreaks of disease. The refugee camps are generally dirty, diseased, and officially quarantined by the military.
The Army: The main garrison force of the city is the MilGov 241st Infantry Regiment (1,500 men). This unit was formed in South Texas in early 1963 from local conscripts and volunteers from around the Brownsville area and led by a cadre of experienced NCOs and soldiers left behind from the South Texas-based 141st Infantry Regiment when that regiment and the 36th Infantry Division were moved north to the Dallas area in 1964. When the Mexicans invaded in May 1964, the Regiment fought a delaying retreat up the coast and was hastily evacuated from the port of Victoria and transferred to Pensacola by MilGov Command. The city had been protected by a mix of State Police and National Guardsmen, but the arrival of a Regiment of regular US Army troops was a welcome sight in Pensacola. The regimental commander, being the highest ranking officer in the city, took over command of the city's defenses and has improved them dramatically over the last five months. While they had to leave all their heavy weapons and vehicles behind them in Texas, they do have two former USMC M48A1 Patton tanks and several M101 105mm howitzers that were aboard the amphibious ships that picked them up from Texas and as such became theirs. City air assets are fairly strong, having been collected from the various military bases in the Pensacola area (Saufley, Whiting and Corry Naval Auxiliary Air Stations, as well as Elgin AFB) and moved to Pensacola NAS. There are numerous fixed-wing aircraft but only a few helicopters are still flying as of 1964, including four late model UH-1 helicopter gunships and a pair of UH-19 Chickasaw transport helicopters. These are only used at the discretion of the regimental commander as fuel is critically short and must be shared with the few remaining US Navy helicopters in the area. As word of the growing power of the marauder leader Rollins in Mobile has reached the city, long-range patrols have been sent out to see what is the truth. It is just a matter of time before a major confrontation happens.
The Navy: The remains of the US Navy's Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico Fleets are now based here. As with other US Navy concentrations, scarce fuel and poor maintenance keep the combined flotilla from being as effective as it could be. Operational vessels here include:
Essex class aircraft carrier
CVS-36 Antietam 1
Des Moines class heavy cruiser
CA-148 Newport News 2
Charles F. Adams class destroyer
DDG-10 Sampson 3
Dealey class escort
DE-1030 Joseph K. Taussig
Catskill class amphibious vehicle transport
LSV-3 Osage
Crescent City class attack transport
APA-31 Monrovia 4
Landing Ship Tank
LST-344 Blanco County
AP-69 Elizabeth C. Stanton
Marfield Cadiz 5
Foxtrot class submarine
B-4 6
One Coast Guard cutter
Four LCM lighters
1) The centerpiece of the naval base has got to be the USS Antietam, which was the resident flight training carrier at Pensacola when the war broke out. For a while there was talk of refitting her as an active carrier and sending her to sea, but the horrible economic situation and the loss of command and control meant that she never left port. Today she is still anchored in the harbor, serving as the command post for the naval flotilla Admiral. While technically seaworthy, the carrier has barely a skeleton crew aboard and her fuel tanks have long ago been drained to keep smaller, more important ships running. The Antietam's operational airpower is now limited to helicopters--one UH-1 Huey, one OH-13 Sioux (former USMC), two UH-19 Chicksaw, and three H-25 Mules. Fuel for these craft is husbanded and has to be shared with the Army.
2) The Newport News was the ComSecFleet flagship for the Cuban blockade in 1962.
3) During her long tour of duty, the Sampson has sunk or helped sink three destroyers, two frigates, and four submarines and has been damaged heavily several times. While most of the Atlantic Fleet has been sunk, the Sampson has stayed on almost continually service even while being repaired. Her missile launchers have all been destroyed and the missile ammo bays are now were the ship's stills are set up.
4) The transport Monrovia has seen better days. She was part of the Cuban landing fleet and was badly damaged in the tactical nuclear strikes launched by the defending Cubans. She has since been somewhat repaired, and it is joked that patches and primer paint are all that is keeping her afloat.
5) The Marfield Cadiz is a large 30,000 ton oil tanker that once operated out of New Orleans. On the way to port with empty holds when the bombs hit, she was relocated to Pensacola on directions from the US Coast Guard. Since then she has been converted into a troop carrier and floating air field, and it is this ship that brought the 241st Regiment here from Texas. She has two additional LCM amphibious landing boats on her deck and a large crane so she doesn't have to rely on port facilities to offload. A helicopter deck has been constructed forward of the superstructure and she has been heavily sandbagged and equipped with numerous AA guns and .50cal HMGs.
6) This Russian Foxtrot class diesel attack submarine was part of Russia's blockade-busting effort in 1962, and surrendered to US forces in late November of that year. She was brought to Pensacola and the crew interned.
Veterans: Pensacola was one of the places that the mangled remnants of the Cuban landing force was brought back to following LeMay's dangerous gamble to pull them off the radioactive beaches. Radiation and battle wounds have claimed most of them, but there are a number of Marines and Airborne Rangers still living in the city. Some are active parts of the city military structure, others are just trying to forget about the horrors of a nuclear battlefield.
This swampy coastal strip is hot, muggy and filled with mosquitoes, diseases and skeletons. Many towns have been deserted and looted and bamboo and palmetto is quickly overgrowing the deserted towns, choking off yards and side streets. Smallpox is spreading slowly through the area from Georgia recently.
Elgin Air Force Base: To the east of Pensacola is the former Air Force Proving Ground Center at Elgin AFB, now home to just a few stragglers, the bulk of the personnel having moved into Pensacola. As well, the surviving assets of the 4135th Strategic Wing of B-52s have been moved to Pensacola NAS. The few USAF and Army remnants left are fighting each other (somehow arranged by NA spies from down in Saint Petersburg) over control of the facilities.
Apalachicola: Controlled by a band of modern-day highwaymen run by the crazy "King Barnum & Bailey III" with the aid of a court of circus freaks. Ruthless and evil, they are choking the thin trickle of communication and trade between the local towns.
Tallahassee: While almost completely razed by rioters and refugees, the state capital still supports a small population. The community militia is led by a half-dozen cadet rangers of the Florida State University ROTC department and Colonel Murphy, the crazed former Professor of Military Science at FSU. They have been making a home-built automatic weapon called the "Gator Gun".
Gainesville: Plundered by looters in 1962 and waves of marauders in 1963, little remains of Gainesville but deserted houses, skeletons and burnt-out cars. The surviving population has recently been enslaved by it's own militia. The militia run a forced labor camp used to extract salvageable goods from the Gainesville ruins and sells/trades all the goods and keeps the proceeds themselves.
Starke: To the east of Gainesville, the farmers and tradesmen here have formed a militia group for mutual defense. They are 250 strong and armed with everything from black powder muskets (which are manufactured in Starke), bolt-action rifles, shotguns and pistols. They also have a .30 cal LMG and a 105mm mortar with limited rounds, both looted from the nearby remains of Camp Blanding Military Reservation.
Yankeetown: Along the coast north of Tampa, Yankeetown is now home to a repaired radio station broadcasting to most of Florida. The station is run by an ex-Navy SEAL and is very pro-MilGov and anti-New America in his broadcasts. It is a mystery how he is still alive.
The war: The night of October 28, 1962 was the end of the world for Jacksonville. While not nuked itself, two fell close enough to convince the already panicked citizens that the next had Jacksonville painted on it's nosecone. Thanks to a severe storm systems passing south-north over the state on that night, the Orlando strike 140 miles to the south and the Cape Canaveral strike just 110 miles southeast both dumped the majority of their deadly fallout onto Jacksonville. As radiation counters went off the charts and the fear skyrocketed, the city melted in upon itself in a carnival of violence, looting and burning as the population fled inland. Local authorities tried to stop the tide but were soon swamped, even the city's several military installations were hard-pressed to keep out the masses of people looking for safety and revenge.
Today: Mostly abandoned during the chaos, this once fine port city has fallen into ruin and is a shadow of its former self, down to less than 10,000 residents. The city is split in two by the Saint Johns River and these survivors are mostly concentrated in the eastern half of the city. The western half is mostly just occupied by scavengers who rummage through the deserted neighborhoods in search of food. The harbor is filled with half-sunken freighters and rusting hulks.
The military holds on: The US Navy evacuated the Mayport Naval Base and it's associated airbases in late 1962 when it became obvious that getting food and supplies to the men there was going to be a problem with the condition of the city and northern Florida in general. By that time, the enclave up the coast at Savannah was forming and the majority of the men and material were moved up there. While the still-inhabited parts of the city are protected by the remnants of the local police force, the real muscle in Jacksonville is the US Army. The garrison is the 300 Florida National Guardsmen of the 51st Infantry Division augmented with some other left-behind sailors and soldiers. Mostly support and headquarters personnel, they are the remains of the division that were not shipped to Europe in 1962 to be crushed. The unit is tasked with guarding the city's port facilities in case the military command decides to return one day. With the probable cost of cleaning up and securing Jacksonville being out of reach, and Savannah being so close, it might be several more years before the effort is even made. The 51st ID was badly shattered during the nuclear attacks and the chaos and is now just a shadow of it's former self, being reduced to little more than a regiment at this point. The men still here are pretty much on their own, left to feed themselves and only very infrequently receiving any visits from the military enclaves further up the coast.
Cleo and the Sea Lord: In early September of this year, the city (and all of Florida) was horribly smacked by Hurricane Dora, a Category 4 storm that came in suddenly and without much warning now that the hurricane warning system has long been broken down. Large parts of the city were flooded as the storm surge washed over the already damaged seawalls. Cleo caught the garrison unprepared, and killed numerous soldiers and ruined much of what they had worked to rebuild in the naval base compound. Perhaps because of the strain of this disaster, or maybe something else, the 51st ID's commander, who always took his assignment very seriously, has gone a bit batty. He has declared himself both the "Sea Lord of Jacksonville" and "Admiral Poseidon" and has become even more driven to protect his men and "his city". He has ordered a cache of magnetic and contact mines that were found at the base to be strung out across the mouth of the Saint John's River, blocking access to the city. He says it is to keep huge mutant fish out of his city. His men, realizing the folly of it, are stalling in setting the mines.
Due to a combination of rushed launching, computer failure at the launch site, and technological glitches, the Russian SS-7 ICBM that was supposed to destroy the satellite launch center on October 28, 1962 missed the mark wide. The 6 megaton warhead splashed down in the Atlantic ten miles to the northeast, and exploded some 100 feet underwater. The resulting nuclear-induced tidal wave and wide-spread radioactive seawater contamination were dreadful and deadly and thousands died in areas along the northern Florida coast. The hit occurred just as a huge storm front was rolling in from the south and most of the radioactive fallout was carried away from the center. Physical damage to the Space Center itself was minimal--the hit was far enough away that it merely caused a three-foot high wave to wash across the coastal areas. The EMP, however, fried almost all the sensitive electronics and circuitry in the center, rendering it useless. Much of the population fled to the surrounding areas, fearful of residual radiation and the risk of a second strike. Nearby Patrick Air Force Base, at the time a major staging area for the war on Cuba, was hastily abandoned as well, its squadrons going south to Homestead and Key West. Today the space complex is mostly abandoned save for a few scavengers. Why no one has come here from either government is a mystery, but with all the hardware fried and rusting, any effort to get it back into operation would be prohibitively expensive. The most obvious features of the complex are the three large launch structures, all badly damaged by salt water exposure over the last two years. The two oldest launch towers have started to crumble, but the newest (and never used) H-11 launch tower and assembly building still tower majestically over the beautiful coastline, perched on a plateau overlooking the water. A new warlord with some 25 lightly-armed marauders from central Florida is currently moving into the region looking for loot.
Outside of noted survivor communities, central Florida is largely a dangerous wasteland, with the nuclear strikes on Orlando and Tampa being the centers of two great wheels of destruction.
Daytona Beach: Damaged severely by overpressure tide flooding from the offshore strike, vast portions of the city are heavily rubbled and gutted. The harbor is filled with abandoned hulks of sunken yachts, tugs and channel boats piled haphazardly by wind and weather. Docks are tumbledown and rotten. Yet, large pockets of untouched and heavily defended industrial park facilities remain. The ruined city center is held by the "Downtowners" gang, with their superior firepower looted from the county police riot squad armory.
Melbourne: Mostly empty but surprisingly intact, Melbourne is a fishing town living on smoked and salted fish and truck gardens. The militia is feared more by reputation than actual military prowess.
Orlando: McCoy Air Force Base in the southeastern portion of the city was nuked by a 3 megaton SS-6 ground burst on October 28, 1962. The arc of destruction from the ensuing firestorms extends eight miles into the city, loosely in a line from University Boulevard and Rollins College in the north to Orlo Vista to the northwest and to nearly Highway 435 in the west. Despite this, the northern suburbs retained a rather large population throughout the chaos. In 1963, civic leaders in Orlando made an open invitation for any military forces to come in and stop marauders from the cities of Saint Petersburg and Jacksonville and the Seminoles from ravaging the city during their time of rebuilding. The 648th Engineer Battalion (720 men and four M31 Lee ARVs), who were forced out of Statesboro, Georgia area by a virulent plague outbreak and headed south to Florida without contacting anyone, came to their aid. The battalion, originally a Georgia National Guard unit, is nominally still under federal control, but in reality is an independent group taking orders only from their patrons in the Orlando municipal government. They have now formed a loose “corridor” up central Florida, running from Orlando north to Gainesville (trading with the militia there) and Ocala, to a northern post at the ruins of Camp Blanding National Guard Training Area. The 648th is engaged in various reconstruction tasks along the corridor and their efforts have increased trade and travel between the cities of northern Florida. The New America cell in Saint Petersburg has began to infiltrate agents into Orlando in recent months and the city is rightfully concerned. They have an F-86F Sabre that has been used extensively as a ground support aircraft against New America guerillas operating in the swamps to the west. For a while Orlando was trading convoys with the Georgia National Guard unit in Valdosta but those have stopped lately as rumors of small pox in Valdosta have scared off the caravans.
Lakeland: Home of 7,000 people harassed by a number of bands of thugs. The worst of these gangs, led by "Rob Roy", is some 150 strong and holds the National Guard Armory at the north edge of town.
Winter Haven: Home of a survivor community centered on the old Beth Judea synagogue and its charismatic reformist rabbi Joshua Goldstine. Goldstine has led his community through the bad times and keeps marauders out through a combination of faith in the Lord and dirty tricks learned as a former commando in the Israeli army. The militia calls itself the "South Pasadena Jewish Self-Defense League" and is really a motley group of people, most of whom are neither Jewish nor from the town originally. They are woefully under-armed, but resourceful. Due to their religious orientation, along with their location on the route to Orlando, the defenders of Winter Haven know that it is just a matter of time before the New Americans in Saint Petersburg come after them.
Tampa: On the night of October 28, 1962, a Russian SS-4 ballistic missile was launched from a complex near Havana, Cuba. The 1.2 megaton warhead exploded over MacDill Air Force Base at the end of the Tampa peninsula. The only thing that saved the entire Tampa Bay area from mass extinction was the mischance of a premature detonation, some 2,000 feet too high for the full effects of the blast to be felt. Still, 160,000 people died that first night, countless more over the next week. Every single building on the peninsula has been scoured off the earth and the zone of total destruction extends across the whole Tampa peninsula north to State Route 580, all along the east coast of Tampa Bay as far south as Apollo Beach, and a good chunk of eastern Saint Petersburg. In the dead center of MacDill's main runway is "Ground Zero Lake", a perfectly circular crater filled with radioactive rain water and burning oil from underground spillage. Few bridges in the area are still standing. The double bridge connecting the mainland with Davis Island has collapsed, and the bridges spanning the Hillsborough River at Buffalo and Hillsborough Avenues are both down. Damage to the Busch Gardens amusement park was light, but many of the animals escaped, including white tigers, leopards and lions that to this day still pose threats to travelers in northeast Tampa. Today, Tampa is a virtual ghost town with a total population of about 200 or 300 individuals scattered over the entire city. There still remains much untapped salvage in the city but little motivation to try.
Saint Petersburg: Damaged by the Tampa strike, this city has become one of the largest and most organized enclaves of New America in the nation, as well as one of the best run and efficient city left in America. The NA cell here had long-standing influence with the city leadership and the nuclear war gave them an opportunity to take over, setting in motion plans that had been drawn up decades ago. Having absorbed many refugees from around the state, the total population of Saint Petersburg is now nearly 70,000. While the majority of them claim to be pro-NA, in reality most people will pledge allegiance to anyone who feeds them and keeps the wolves at bay. True, hardcore New American supporters probably make up only 2% of the population, but that 2% have all the influence and the firepower. Despite their rhetoric, the NA has worked hard to rebuild the city and plant enough crops to keep it running, using much refugee labor to accomplish their plans. There are numerous public works projects ongoing, including opening up power plants burning trash, with fuel for the operations coming from the acres of rubble and ruin in the eastern part of the city. The NA militia forces are well-armed and more than able to keep the city safe from outside and inside threats. They are vicious in their dealings with minorities and dissidents, but in general the population recognizes the need for strong men with guns in this day and age.
Bradenton: Across the bay from Saint Pete, Bradenton is now occupied by Seminoles who killed off the remaining inhabitants in 1963. It is through Bradenton that the NA funnel weapons to the Seminoles (see below).
Sarasota: Destroyed by thousands of rampaging refugees in 1962 and then swamped out by a surprise Gulf hurricane in 1963, Sarasota was almost completely deserted by 1964. Occasional Seminole patrols from Bradenton prowl the ruins searching for the dregs of salvage and it insure that it stays deserted.
The Everglades: Home to a growing population of Seminole Indian communities. Many have returned to the "old ways" and shun outsiders, others are just trying to survive, but a large number of them have become increasingly militant and anti-white. The Seminoles were the only American Indian tribe that successfully fought the US Army to a standstill in the last century, and pride in that runs deep in the older generations. Once the bombs started to fall and the white man's world died, the leaders of the tribe decided the time was right to reclaim what they had lost. In the past two years they have raided and burned numerous towns and even struck as far a field as Bradenton and Orlando, while mostly staying closer to home. They total around 13,000 strong in small settlements scattered throughout the swamps. As they usually trade with outsiders only after several meetings, all but the most diligent of traders are generally discouraged from trying. The New American enclave in the Tampa Bay area has a unique deal with the Seminoles--they provide guns to the Indians in exchange for them thinning out the refugee population in south Florida for them. Not everyone in the tribe agrees with the policy of militant racism, but the ones with the power and guns do and so dissent is kept to a minimum.
Naples: Right on the edge of Seminole territory, Naples exists on the edge of disaster every day. Before the collapse Naples boasted the highest per capita net worth of anywhere in the United States, and was one of the major retirement sites on the East Coast. These two features combined with a close proximity to the prime fishing grounds of the eastern Gulf and a good natural harbor have helped the city to survive and even prosper. The collapse brought severe hardship to the Naples area, particularly in the health care industry. Before the collapse, Naples had long been a haven for senior citizens looking for a comfortable place to retire--causing a massive build-up of the medical care infrastructure, which was targeted at long term and specialized needs. With the nuclear exchange came the first shortages: trained personnel, then supplies and people started to die. More died in the months following the breakdown, and within six months almost all special care patients had passed away, leaving the population healthier. Today, life in the city is fairly comfortable, if nervous. It is much like San Francisco during the turn of the century, without all the horses. The laws are relaxed and generally follow the “do onto others as you would have them do onto you,” theory. There is a police force that keeps the peace and mans the watch towers that guard the eastern approaches to the city. They have had several skirmishes with the Miccossukee and Seminole Indian tribes recently.
Fort Myers: Home to some 15,000 survivors. They are primarily fishers, but have spread out into surrounding fields to plant crops to supplement the fishing and to provide alcohol fuel for their boats.
The war: On October 28, 1962, a Soviet Cuba-launched 1.2 megaton SS-4 nuclear missile targeted on the SAC dispersal base at Homestead Air Force Base south of Miami failed due to EMP interference and landed in the ocean well south of the city without detonating. The populace rioted and panicked anyway, fuelled by the proximity of the ground war in Cuba and the visible mushroom clouds over Orlando and Tampa. Miami was home to some 200,000 Hispanics in 1962, and many of them were outraged that the US government just nuked their homeland of Cuba. A similar backlash against them from white Americans and anti-military riots in the Little Havana area quickly mixed into a volatile mess and bloody street battles between the citizens tore the city apart.
Doing their best: Today, most of the metro area has been abandoned to the looters and gangs, and only a few northern and southern suburbs are inhabited. Large areas of the city are now empty, being retaken by the palmetto and mangrove trees. The state and local governments lack effective control over any part of the city south of Palm Beach. All of Dade County is in a permanent medical crisis and mosquito-borne diseases including malaria, typhoid, encephalitis, and dengue fever are rampant.
Gang rule: Most of central Miami is now home to over three dozen gangs with technology ranging from clubs and knives to firearms and motorcycles. They can often be found ranging throughout South Florida on raiding missions against settlements and farms. The gangs total around 5,000 all together. Major looming food shortages in the coming year will no doubt lead them to kill each other off and perhaps one day the city can recover.
Cleo: Much of that hope for the future was dashed by the fury of Hurricane Cleo, which slammed into South Florida in early September of this year. The Force 4 cyclone brought unprecedented devastation to the strip of cities from Miami to Fort Lauderdale, flooding many coastal areas under ten feet of salt water. Thousands died in the catastrophe, and most of the survivors fled north to higher ground.
Kendall: But not everything was abandoned. Parts of south Miami, spared the most devastating effects of the hurricane by distance from the storm's eye and a few extra feet of elevation, survived the disaster more or less intact. Hardy survivors are working to rebuild. The locals have taken to calling the town such colorful names as "End of the Earth" and " Ken-hell."
Palm Beach: Palm Beach is now the largest peaceful enclave in the Miami area. Protected from the hurricanes by the MacArthur Seawall and from the gangs by a large defense force, this city has survived quite well and is now home to some 55,000 people. So many refugees from further north have settled here that some call the city "New Jacksonville". In early 1964, the Palm Beach National Guard garrison, the 2nd Howitzer Battalion/265th Artillery Regiment (400 men), the last remnant of Florida's 48th Armored Division, which had done such a good job protecting the city, rejected the authority of the competing national governments and declared itself to be the "Central Florida Home Guards". They are currently most concerned with protecting the Florida Turnpike that runs northwest to Orlando, the main trade conduit for the city.
Fort Lauderdale: A ravaged ruin blasted by fire, hurricane, tornado and storm surge.
Key West: During the night of October 28, 1962, Key West Naval Air Station (the command HQ for the Cuba quarantine) was the target of two Russian SS-4 ballistic missiles launched from Cuba, the first fired from that island at the continental USA. Both 1.2 megaton warheads hit the island but were both duds. The Soviet-built SS-4 was a faulty design, and many of them eventually turned out to be duds (see Mobile, Alabama). The Keys suffered many deaths from the fallout clouds from American nuclear strikes on Cuba, forcing operations at Key West NAS to be severely curtailed. A massive hurricane in the spring of 1963 nearly flattened the base and destroyed most every aircraft and vehicle still there. Worst of all, the US Highway 1 bridge was cut by the hurricane between Summerland Key and Ramrod Key, making travel from the Keys to the mainland nearly impossible. After that, the military completely abandoned the Keys, leaving it to the few surviving locals and fishermen. The city of Key West was renamed by the locals "Twicetown" for it's luck in being hit twice with dud nukes. The two SS-4 are still there to be seen, both on the edges of the city. The first is just a rusty cylinder of metal in an overgrown field north of the city. The other is still in the remains of the garage that it smashed into, scorched and welted but in some spots still painted olive drab. Despite it's danger, this nuke has become sort of a religious shrine for the superstitious natives, and they often bring it offerings of fish and trinkets. In the summer of 1964, a boat load of Israeli refugees landed on the Keys. Because most of them were black-skinned, they have had an easy time integrating into the population.
Vaca Key: The old abandoned Dolphin Research Center on Vaca Key is now home to the Cuban Fidel Castro Brigade (300 men). Led by General Juan Cordova, these men snuck up here from Cuba during the dark days of the winter of 1962 and have been consolidating a base deep within the complex's many buildings and fish pens. They are armed mostly with Russian made AK-47s and have one stolen US Army truck. They have their hands full eating and staying trained, but have big plans to liberate all of Florida for Cuba one day.
SECTION EIGHT: The East Coast (New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware)
New York, as expected, has suffered greatly in the past two years. With NYC nuked, literally millions of panicked people streamed out of the city and stormed upstate. These mobs of refugees totally swamped and buried the once-peaceful northern half of the state under a tidal wave of violence and desperation. Cities and towns burned as hungry people fought each other for food and transport further west. The loss of civic control in New York was hastened by the lack of a strong National Guard presence that could have helped smooth the relocation of refugees. The state's NG units were nearly all called up and sent to Florida during the early days of the Cuban Crisis, and once the bombs started to fall they were not in a position to return to the state in time. The first winter of 1962 thinned them out, and as soon as the food ran out those that still lived by the spring moved. Behind them they left needless devastation. Today, state is a mix of empty forests and struggling cities.
Date Type Target Note
10/30/62 5 mT Bomb New York City
10/30/62 SS-N-4 New York City
10/30/62 SS-N-4 New York City Partial miss
42nd Infantry Division--Peekskill (300 men)
27th Armored Division--Buffalo (2000 men, 30 AFVs)
------449th Government Unit--Elmira (100 men)
For the first two terrible days of the nuclear war, the metroplex remained untouched, much to the delight of it's panicked citizens. But their respite was short-lived. Early on October 30, a flight of three Tu-95M Bear A bombers, showing a capability not anticipated by US analysts, flew low over the Atlantic and attacked New York City from the east. They were intercepted by three F-102 Delta Daggers, which shot them all down but not before one of them had dropped its bomb. The 5 megaton bomb landed in eastern Queens, between Bayside Avenue and 46th Avenue, killing at least a million people in one instant. That evening, the Soviet Golf I class ballistic missile submarine B-125 lurking off Greenland fired two 1 megaton SS-N-4s at the city, completing the destruction of America's premiere city. The first SLBM airburst six miles high over the intersection of Sixth Avenue and 49th Street in central Manhattan. The second, aimed at Brooklyn, misfired and airburst out at sea, the tidal waves punishing the coastal areas and flooding the subway and train tunnels.
NYC in chaos: In the immediate post-nuke months the city tore itself apart. Gangs looted National Guard armories. Sniper fire and mortar exchanges helped the city’s survivors divide into racial and ethnic enclaves. A lot of refugee camps sprang up in the surrounding counties with suburban militias blocking the bridges and tunnels going into Jersey, Long Island and Westchester to stem the tide of refugees. Fresh drinking water was the big problem. NYC relied on upstate reservoirs and when they lost access to those when the power went and the lines running the water into the city failed, it was the end. With no running water or electricity, people booked out of the city real fast. Massive race and food riots were triggered throughout the city, however, and on December 4, 1962 the US 1st Army declared martial law in New York with the consent of General LeMay. In late May 1964, the drought hit the Mid-Atlantic states. Panic swept the Mid-Atlantic states; rioting and unrest would bring down virtually all the city and municipal governments left in the area. Many of the insane who roam the streets and sewers of the skeleton city have made the gruesome transition to cannibalism. The winter of 1962-63 largely finished off what was left of Manhattan and its power centers. Food reserves dwindled, and, except for a few isolated communities, the city had died out as an entity before the coming of spring. As 1963 wore on, plunder became more sparse for the gangs. Poor crops ruined many communities, the weakened ones falling to the stronger gangs. Today, New York City today is virtually a ghost town with isolated communities huddled in farmed parks. Population is estimated at around 44,000 city wide.
Manhattan: In Manhattan, the concrete and steel used in the building of the city has survived, leaving many of the giants as their smaller neighbors crumbled into ash. Downtown Manhattan is still a mess, most tall buildings are dark, burnt-out skeletons of twisted metal and dangling concrete. Towering skyscrapers are now just blackened, twisted, flash-melted wreckage. The Empire State building is just a truncated, bare rusty skeleton. A vast field of rubble exists across most of the lower half of the island. Central Park looks like the Ardennes Forest of WWI. The ground is churned up, acres lay bare of trees or vegetation. The various ponds and lakes are bone dry. Destroyed military equipment lay littered around the park, from when the military tried to restore order after the strikes. Yankee Stadium has been abandoned for years, now a No Man's Land. The means over the Hudson River to the west bank are either shattered by the nuke (the George Washington Bridge), blocked with abandoned cars (the Tappan Zee Bridge), or held by hostile forces (the Bear Mountain Bridge). As well, both the Holland and Lincoln Tunnels are flooded, both are jammed with vehicles whose gas tanks exploded, crushed cars, concrete slabs and skeletons, the river flooded right up to the toll gates. On the east side, the Manhattan Bridge is partially intact and the Queens Midtown Tunnel is flooded out. The Brooklyn Bridge is useless, the Brooklyn half partially submerged in the river and the Manhattan half demolished. There is also a rumor recently circulating on the island of an unexploded Russian nuclear weapon sticking out of the side of an apartment building. Is there truth to this rumor? No. The total population of the lower end of the island is now in the low hundreds, sharing the last open areas with literally millions of rats and exponentially multiplied cockroaches. The area of near-total rubble extends from the tip north to the southern edge of Harlem, with only a few cleared areas.
West Harlem: West Harlem burned to the ground in 1962 and 1963. Perhaps nine out of ten buildings are burnt-out shells, and all have been stripped of anything of value. The only large survivor band is called the "Mau Maus" who control the area of Harlem between 125th and 155th Streets based out of Garvey Park. The greenways of the park have been cleared and tilled and the edges bounded by a low rubble wall. The old cast-iron watch tower on top of the park's hill serves as the citadel of the gang. The gang is predominately black with some Puerto Ricans and whites working together. They survive by raiding and planting the numerous vacant lots in the area to feed their 250 members. Some smaller gangs in West Harlem include the "Simbas" and the "Disciples". The Simbas are based out of an old casino on the corner of Lennox and 116th Street. They have raided a National Guard armory in Brooklyn and cached the stores.
East Harlem: Several Puerto Rican gangs dominate East Harlem. The main gang is called "Los Reyes", based in a fortified housing project called "La Fortaleza" (The Fortress), located in the area bordered by 107th and 110th Streets and First Avenue and FDR Drive. Both Jefferson Park and the landscaped areas have been tilled and barricaded. They are heavily armed with automatic weapons and are extremely hostile to outsiders. There are several other Spanish-speaking gangs in East Harlem, including the "Los Borinqueros" and the "Los Discipulos del Muerto".
The Polo Grounds: The home of the Mets baseball team in Harlem. Though it was damaged fairly severely from the blast over Manhattan, it was intact enough to consider farming. In the spring the locals are planning on planting crops there.
The Bronx: This suburb still supports a largish population of some 25,000, mostly centered around the Cloisters, which used to be branch of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Fort Tryon and Inwood Hill Parks are both in the process of being cleared and planted by this community. Other large groups of survivors are centered around the Van Courtland Park, the Bronx Park, and in the area around Pelham Bay. The 8,000-strong Bronx Park community is run by the remains of the City government, led by Hannibal Dobbs, the former Deputy Commissioner of Housing as acting Mayor, supported by a handful of surviving NYPD officers and a large militia. Dobbs' HQ is at Fordham University, next to the farmland of the New York Botanical Gardens and the grounds of the Bronx Zoo. He The Bronx's real treasure may indeed be Dobb's large stockpile of medical supplies cached at the Fordham Medical Center.
Battery Park: This is now the sole inhabited area of Manhattan Island south of Harlem. About a hundred survivors under a man named Duke have taken over the old nineteenth-century fort Castle Clinton. The adjacent Municipal Ferry Terminal is also under their control, and one of the Staten Island ferries is being refurbished to service, though fuel is virtually nonexistent. The Harbor Rats pirates have been raiding the Battery Park group regularly.
Manhattan Waterfront: This enclave of several blocks of run-down waterfront on the East River at Fulton Street is the home base of a group of pirates called the "Harbor Pirates". The Pirates, who number less than a hundred, are a splinter off the larger Harbor Rats pirate gang, and are led by a minor drug lord named Manuel Diego Huerra. In late 1962, the Pirates took control of some historical vessels that survived the nuclear blast over Manhattan and have been using them to raid coastal areas and ship traffic in New York Harbor ever since. The Harbor Pirates vessels include the Ambrose Lightship, which never leaves its moorings at Pier 16 and serves as the HQ of the group, as well as the storehouse of the gang's gasoline reserve. Four sailing vessels form the nucleus of the fleet: the four-masted bark Peking (armed with a jury-rigged 40mm antiaircraft gun from a M42 Duster on her bow), the three-masted Wavertree, and the two small schooners the Lattie G. Howard and the Pioneer.
Long Island: Long Island was consumed by firestorms as far out as Mineola. Today, the eastern half is actually doing okay, as most people fled the other way, and the UBF has begun trade with them; the MilGov 77th ID in New Jersey has established an outpost there as well.
Queens: Within several miles of the nuclear ground zero in the eastern part of the area, fire-scorched and soot-blackened girders jut from the slag heaps where skyscrapers once stood. The spread-out nature of Queens, however, has led to the survival of several enclaves. The largest of these are centered around LaGuardia Airport and nearby at Flushing Meadows where Corona Park has been tilled and planted. Maritime communities along the southern coast have been active in fishing and trade.
Brooklyn: The largest survivor enclave in southern Brooklyn is controlled by a warlord named "Abraxas", a former NYPD captain in the 60th Precinct. He rules over the scavengers and thugs that cluster around the low-rent housing projects around Coney Island and in the park areas along Jamaica Bay. This area was strangely spared most of the firestorm damage and now has some of the tallest buildings still standing in the city. His greatest achievement is the reopening last year of the elevated train. It has six cars and is pulled by a small Transit Authority locomotive along rails that are not longer electrified, the diesel work train pressed into service when the electric trams were fried by EMP. It only runs on the undamaged section between Church Avenue and the Stillwell Avenue station at Coney Island, and is expensive to ride, but it has provided Abraxas with the needed clout to remain firmly in power.
Brooklyn Navy Yard: In bad shape by 1964, to put it mildly.
Staten Island: Staten Island was badly damaged by the blast across the way in Manhattan and subsequent fires and is now a wasteland. The entire western third of the island as far as Port Richmond in the north and Staten Island Mall in the center was reduced to charred ruins by wildfires fed from burst oil refineries across the river in New Jersey. There is no organized government on the island now, and the population consists of roving bands of scavengers and bandits. The Staten Island Ferry is now half-submerged off the northern point.
The Upper Bay: In the cold waters of this great anchorage in the mouth of the Hudson River there is additional carnage. The nuclear blast over Manhattan caught a number of ships unawares, the flash melting the superstructures and the blast wave capsizing them. Today the mouth of the river is clogged with half sunken hulks, nearly blocking off all access to the river from the Atlantic. Only small boats and brave pilots make the effort. Dozens of rusty hulks sit in the bay around the lower tip of Manhattan, masts and superstructures above water. Some of the great liners of the world are wrecked here--even the SS United States, lying on her side below the Battery. As well, the Essex class aircraft carrier CVA-38 Shangri-La is here, half-sunken with her flight deck tilted into the water.
Governor's Island: Home to the "Harbor Rats" the largest pirate gang in the New York area, with some 260 members. There are six boats ranging from a small cabin cruiser named the Cypress Queento a number of speedboats all in the 20'-35' range liberated from the city's marinas. The arms range mainly from small arms to a number of M14s and a few civilian rifles. They are based out of the Fort Jay Military Reservation, and the barracks and bunkers of the fort are stuffed with loot and booty. Their leader is named Barney Halverson, a self-proclaimed Viking who calls himself "Bjarni" and carries a looted Viking sword and battle axe. After having explored the area, The group has recently discovered an old US Navy frigate protected from the mostly intact in Bayonne, where many surplus warships were mothballed. They are not sure how to do it, but they have plans to use it as a mobile base for them in the future. Close to the shore of Governor's Island a large, rust-covered liner is beached on a mud bank. She was run aground at high tide, and at low tide she looms over the water, canted at a crazy angle. Returning from Europe when the first nuke hit Manhattan, the ship's blinded boatswain ran her aground.
Ellis Island: Now totally deserted, serving only as a prison for the Harbor Rats.
Roosevelt Island: Though severely damaged by the nuclear strike over Manhattan, the residents of this island have cordoned off the island and are now living in total isolation. They have blocked off the Queensborough and 36th Avenue Bridges. There is now a population of some 1,000 people on the island, led by one of the island's pre-war residents, a retired Marine colonel named Randolph Phillips. Under Colonel Phillips, an 80-man militia has been formed and drills daily. Small sailboats and converted motor launches patrol the approaches to the island. Several attempts at conquest by the various harbor pirate groups have been repulsed. They have farmed the limited land on the island, including the grounds of the hospitals, landscaping areas around housing developments and such. The several hospitals on the island all have heavily guarded stocks of medicines.
The Statue of Liberty: Lady Liberty has stood strong, surviving the blasts with only a barrage of scars and her head blown off. The fires have coated her with a thick layer of soot and today she is black as night. Her massive severed head now sits in ten feet of dirty water right off Liberty Island with a colony of lobsters living in her nostrils, her spikes have been known to tear open the hulls of inattentive sailors. The Harbor Rats pirate gang considers her sacred territory now and keep people away from "Our Lady".
New Jersey side: Most of the New Jersey side is a radioactive mess today. Fires leapt the Hudson River, setting ablaze the oil refineries of Hoboken and Jersey City. Jersey City burned fast, the flames whipped by a stiff eastward wind. Charred twisted spires are all that remains of skyscrapers, mounds of blistered wreckage and piles of blackened debris litter the landscape.
Newark: Though devastated by firestorms, Newark is known now as the "Free City of Newark". The Verazano Narrows Bridge is blocked with an immovable crush of vehicles.
Hoboken: The streets of Hoboken are still clogged with thousands of automobile carcasses blocking all but a few passages. Some of the clearways had been made by survivors and other gangs for purposes of routing traffic into their clutches. Hoboken is run by the "Two mayors". The mayors are two pilots that took over and organized the city out of the post-nuke chaos, consolidating power and gaining almost cult like status amongst the survivors. One of pilots, a former USAF test pilot and aspiring astronaut, is the visible spokesman, the other a silent behind-the-scenes type. The reason for his secrecy is that he is in fact the pilot of one of the Tu-95Ms that was shot down shot down over the city in 1962. Of even more special note, his Tu-95M, which crashed south of Plainview on Long Island, is still there today with two intact 1 megaton bombs buried in the wreckage.
Here, fertile lowlands and a high water table have allowed farms to yield significant (if unspectacular) crops, and the Adirondacks still offer good fishing and hunting opportunities. The area was a main refugee route for the east coast cities and it shows. The road system is in sorry repair, and getting rapidly worse. Trees down here, poles broken there, surprising numbers of washed out culverts and impassable exchanges. Abandoned vehicles and landslides. Many bridges are blocked by horrendous traffic jams, others visibly unsafe with sagging spans, and still others actually collapsed and lying in the water.
Albany: The state capital is still that, though it controls only the immediate area. On the first night of the war, Governor Nelson Rockefeller was in New York City and is presumed dead. A man named Jimmy Briscom took over the empty seat in December of 1962. he claimed to be the logical successor to Rockefeller, because he was the state's assistant secretary of commerce and the only one on the chain willing to take on the responsibility. He tried at first to bring Lieutenant Governor Wilson in Buffalo into the fold, but Wilson has refused to acknowledge Briscom's legitimacy. For whatever reason, probably for fear of drawing attention, Briscom moved the capital into the suburb of Rensselaer to the campus of the university there. Here he has some local police and some National Guardsmen to patrol the local area. The NG men are widely hated in the area, as they use their powers to loot and rape the people they are supposed to protect. Briscom's attempts to collect taxes are also unpopular. The city itself is in sad shape, with widespread ruin, crumbling and gutted buildings overgrown with trees and underbrush, the norm. The New York State Police armory and the former Watervliet National Guard Armory have both been looted of weapons but both still contain a variety of useful equipments, including spare vehicle parts and winter clothing. While there are no large scale gangs in the area, only small bands of up to ten people, Albany is one of those places that gunfire is heard almost every night.
Indian Point Nuclear Reactor: Briscom's one ace in the hole might be the Indian Point nuclear reactor down in Westchester County near Peekskill, which had just begin full operation in October of 1962 and was quickly taken offline once the nukes started to fly. Briscom had heard as early as 1963 that although abandoned, the plant was intact and has sent a large contingent of 300 soldiers to check it out. The plant facility is now held by a largish unit of New York National Guardsmen that traveled down the Hudson River to here. This is a unit of the 42nd Infantry Division, that was in South Florida preparing supporting the invasion of Cuba when the nukes started to fly. While most of the unit was gathered up and shipped off to die in Europe, many of the men awolled, with many soldiers heading back north for home, including this particular group which is made up of men from a number of component units. The soldiers are not happy about being here instead of their homes but they understand that the power plant is the region's best hope for recovery and are determined to see it working. The reason this unit is here is that the commander, Major Charles Kane, was once on the station staff before being called up to active duty and therefore is in the best position to help in the recovery of it. The plant needs some minor repairs to the turbines and generators, and major work on the control circuitry, but Kane is confidant that the plant can be back in operation by early spring. With this in mind, he has his men out scouring the area for tools and wiring. Kane is aware of Briscom's dubious claim on gubernatorial power and is secretly planning on turning independent once the plant is operational, selling the power to the highest bidder. Agents of Lieutenant Governor Wilson in Buffalo are currently making their way down to Indian Point to negotiate with him.
Newburgh: Now home to some 18,000 souls. It is the capital of the "Republic of Katskil" and "Emperor" Brian Williams, formerly the Mayor of the city. Organized in 1963 as a provisional government center to aid in the restoration of state power, Mayor Williams soon fell into a crazy illness and began to run the city like a monarchy, so much so that by early 1964 he had taken the title of Emperor and was calling everyone his "loyal subjects". He is an efficient organizer and good to his people, so the citizens just play along, even taking some pride in their Republic. Governor Briscom is currently working to have him killed.
Kingston: A survivor enclave and an active trading partner with both Albany and Newburgh, Kingston has become an almost totally agrarian town, with fields and farms where there once was concrete and brick.
Once a popular vacation area, the war caused the people to leave. Now the forest is busy taking the buildings, the road and everything else man-made back into itself. Many of the larger towns in the Adirondacks region, such as Tupper Lake, Lake Placid and Saranac Lake, are deserted and looted, uninhabited except for a few transient families combing the ruins for salvage. The flu came through this area last winter, further weakening the population. New America controls many of northern New York's surviving communities and a marauder band/cult called the "Army of the Pure Bible" is active in the area as well.
Camp Drum Military Reservation: Fallen into ruin and there is nothing more than foundations filled in with the wreckage of what once was. A rumor amongst the locals s that the place is haunted, a place of death, shunned even by animals. Some speculate that chemical weapons stored at the base are responsible.
Plattsburgh Air Force Base: Home of twelve empty Atlas F ICBM silos, located at Champlain, Millsboro, Lewis, Au Sable Forks, Riverview, Redford, Dannemora, Brainardsville, Ellenburg Depot, and Moeers plus two located on the other side of Lake Champlain in Vermont at Alburg and Swanton. The complex was just completed in early October of 1962, and the missiles had just arrived when the Cuban War exploded. Nevertheless, the missiles were hastily launched on their deadly missions, leaving only empty silos.
Syracuse: Most of the residents of Syracuse either fled to the mountains or scattered to seek the comparative safety of the small towns in rural New York. Today, a new city of sorts has sprung up around Syracuse-Hancock International Airport, thanks to it's centralized location in the region. As well, the remnants of industries in Syracuse still provide some material goods.
Elmira: This small city is home of the CivGov 449th Government Unit, a 100-man reinforced company detached from the 27th Armored Division in Buffalo that is responsible for organization and relief efforts in this area of central New York. The company commander is a pompous, arrogant man who treats the citizens with utter contempt. He has had several citizens publicly flogged for "failing to show proper respect to a US Army officer." His men follow his example. The population are simply biding their time for the right moment to rise up.
Griffiss Air Force Base: Now home to a healthy enclave of survivors and brains. In the hours before the mobs came, the fissionable materials from the AEC laboratories at Oak Ridge, Tennessee were crated up and shipped by air north here to Griffiss AFB where they remain today. They are kept in an underground bunker in the center of the base. The remaining staff of Oak Ridge has joined with the airbase personnel to create an oasis of safety in upstate New York. The base is in excellent condition, although it has no aircraft left by 1964, and it is well-defended and carries on trade with numerous local communities, who have become dependant on the base themselves. Trucks and wagons come and go everyday as the base trades technological goods for foodstuffs. The base has two old WWII cannons with less than ten rounds apiece and three tanks that are the backbone of the defenses.
Ithaca: A small but growing survivor enclave centered on the Cornell University campus, led by "Commander" Peter Croucher and a militia composed of the remains of the Campus Police, local law enforcement, and levies. Commander Croucher is an interesting character. He had been a personnel manager at a textile plant in Boston before the war. Drafted soon after the nuclear exchanges, he was sent to England and saw some hazardous adventures there. In mid-1963 he deserted along with some other men when his unit mutinied. Some of the mutineers stole a plane, and with Croucher on it, and flew it to Newfoundland. From there he worked his way west back to his sister's home in central New York. By early 1964, he had used his managerial skills to work his way into a position of power within the struggling campus security force. Ithaca had been suffering greatly from cholera and marauder raids for nearly a year before Croucher arrived, but he was able to whip them into shape and protect what was left. Croucher now runs the campus, which has absorbed most of the remaining population of the town, with the help of a council of academics. He has set up a hygiene program and reorganized food production to meet demands.
Romulus: There are rumors that there are rogue soldiers occupying the former military weapons depot here, where chemical weapons are also rumored to be held. These soldiers are a collection of deserters and marauders from the New York City area. This Army depot has been a treasure trove for them. The depot held a few dozen old Sherman tanks in the war-reserve stockpile into the 1960s and these vehicles have made them a major force in the region. There are a lot of Garand rifles at the depot, as well as other WW II surplus that are showing up on the local markets as the soldiers begin trading them for foodstuffs.
Even with the devastation of New York City and the collapse of Military Region 1, the western counties of New York state have managed to maintain some semblance of order. Immediately after the nukings. Lieutenant Governor Malcolm Wilson, who was in Buffalo when the bombs fell, once he learned of the disappearance of Governor Rockefeller, tried to return to Albany to take over the state government. But the capital city was being swarmed with thousands of refugees from New York City, many of whom were battling police and rampaging through the city. Wilson decided then to go back to Buffalo and took personal charge of the area, effectively abandoning the eastern region of the state. The Great Lakes coast of New York was becoming the last stop for a number of refugees from Ohio and Pennsylvania. The fields of western New York produced enough food to support the reduced population, though the last year saw a decline in the region's fortune as more refugees sought entrance and then needed to be turned away. Due to further pressures on the militia from marauders and from the Now America enclave in the north, more militia needed to be armed, stricter measures enforced, and less ground held. Wilson has never recognized the legitimacy of Jimmy Briscom, the new Governor in Albany. Clearly, if Wilson can manage to control to a small enough area around Buffalo to defend, yet large enough to grow food on, his government may survive. The local county militias, along with state police units and 105 surviving members of the Fort Drum military staff, have formed a more or less unified command, although they are too few in number (only 650) to watch the borders and provide internal security. Wilson, who now claims the title Governor/Mayor of Buffalo and Major General David Dellvechio is head of the combined militias. He has declared the new capital to be Buffalo. The bulk of the New York National Guardsmen of the CivGov 27th Armored Division (2000 men, 30 AFVs) are now garrisoning the area. The division is very strong, with some 2,000 men under arms, and is well equipped with automatic rifles, large quantities of ammunition, grenades, man-portable anti-tank rockets, heavy machine guns, as well as some 21 assorted artillery pieces. For vehicles, the unit still operates 30 tanks, 90 trucks and 42 jeeps. The various airfields and airports in the area still house 32 jet fighter-bombers, 12 helicopters, and 15 wide-bodied transports, but these are mostly grounded for lack of fuel. Engineers have occupied and partially restarted the hydroelectric plant, providing the area with a trickle of semi-reliable power. However, western New York is being forced to share the hydroelectric plant with the new Canadian government, reducing the power available. Today, some 28,500 people live in the Buffalo area.
The current government is loyal to the Military Government of the United States for several reasons. Governor Charles R. Samson, the pre-war district attorney of Gloucester County, was a WWII vet sympathizer and former veteran himself. There are two main enclaves of the military, at Fort Dix and at Cape May. The proximity of these large MilGov enclaves to the CivGov capital in Northern Virginia is one of the main reasons that CivGov is planning on moving to the Great Lakes region soon. Out of all the mid-Atlantic states New Jersey has had a decent, if meager, harvest. The farmlands of central and southern New Jersey brought in a fairly substantial crop during the autumn harvest, ensuring that the large populations still here will have something to eat over the long winter to come. This, combined with the productive fishing industry, will most likely see New Jersey as the most intact Northeastern state come the spring of 1965.
None, though the state has been severely damaged by nuclear strikes in New York City and Philadelphia.
The state's main National Guard unit, the 50th Armored Division, was mobilized in late 1962 and sent into the firestorm of Europe, leaving the state to be policed by smaller NG units and state-funded militias. The 78th Training Division in Newark was destroyed in the chaos and has ceased to exist. As there was a lot of destruction following the nukings around the state, it was difficult to keep a unit together and by 1964 most of the state's defenses are manned by militias.
77th Infantry Division--Fort Dix (1000 men, 11 AFVs)
------Able Company, 1st Battalion /612th Infantry Regiment--Cape May (50 men)
1st Regiment NJSM--Fort Dix (300 men)
3rd Regiment NJSM--Cape May (200 men)
4th Regiment NJSM--Fort Dix (275 men)
5th Regiment NJSM--Fort Dix (370 men)
6th Regiment NJSM--Fort Dix (350 men)
1st Cavalry Squadron NJSM--Fort Dix (75 men)
2nd Cavalry Squadron NJSM--Cape May (100 men)
3rd Motorized Squadron NJSM--Fort Dix (240 men)
Towns such as Palmyra and Berlin suffered severely during the nuclear attack on Philadelphia. Uncontrolled fires helped to destroy 85 percent of all structures in these areas.
Trenton: Formerly the state capital, Trenton was destroyed by liquid propane firestorms ignited by the blast across the river at Philadelphia and then finished off by refugees from Philadelphia rioting with locals in the year or so after the nuclear exchange. A great deal of salvage lies untapped, too far away to safely reach at this time. Less than 500 starving refugees live in the ruins, many in a bank building in the financial district.
A large pre-war basic training center, Fort Dix is now the economic and military center of New Jersey and the MilGov HQ for the region. Once the radiation died down and it became clear that the military could provide protection for refugees, people started to flock to the area. Pemberton, Brown's Mills and several refugee camps provide an economic base, supplying MilGov with food and manpower in exchange for protection. Currently, 250,000 residents and refugees reside in a 10-mile radius around the Fort, stretching to Tom's River to the east, north to Long Branch and to the Forked River/State Game Farm to the south. Dix was a typical pre-war military base--a group of generic buildings, home to the army's Cooks and Bakers School, as well as a training ground for drivers. In 1964, the engineers took the precaution of building a ditch and a berm with a firing step around the main camp. This protective measure is just over half a mile long. After the 77th was reformed, sandbagged observation towers were installed every 150 yards along the berm, with bunkers evenly spaced between them. The ditch was filled with sharpened stakes, and the top of the berm was strung with barbed wire. The base hospital is up and running, a godsend for the local area. McGuire Air Force Base on post is home to some operational air assets including six F-101 Voodoos, four F-84 Thunderjets, three UH-1 Iroquois, and six CH-43s.
The 77th: The Fort Dix area is home to the MilGov 77th Infantry Division with 1,000 men and its attached militia and support units. The unit was a Army Reserve training division based in the New York City area that was thrashed during the evacuation of New York City and retreated here to reform. It was re-designated as an infantry division upon reforming in 1963. A good portion of the men include Manhattan taxi drivers, Bronx tailors, Brooklyn factory hands, Wall Street executives and first generation emigrants. The division has been strengthened by small numbers of returnees from Europe and survivors from Dover AFB and Philadelphia Ship Yard. This unit has been building its strength, stores, and morale since its crushing defeat. Their headquarters has been promised reinforcements from the USAEUR returnees, but so far only a few dozen have shown up and they are mostly New Jersey natives who came on their own. Support weapons include three recently received 105mm howitzers, eight 4.2" mortars, and thirty 60mm mortars. Main muscle of the division is a single M48A2 Patton tank, ten M-42 Duster AA tanks (only half of the Dusters are working still) and ten M59 APCs.
The New Jersey State Militia: Fort Dix is also home to the state armory, a large collection of small arms without which the New Jersey State Militia would never exist. After the New Jersey National Guard left for Europe, state armories were bare. Though the legal framework and manpower were available to raise a state militia, there were no weapons to issue. The prize cache was 4,000 Garand drill rifles removed from Annapolis when the school was abandoned before the war, and sent to New Jersey for safekeeping. The weapons were reactivated and became standard issue in the militia. Additional weapons were obtained from gun stores, a large civilian weapons parts company, and the inventory of a local importer/manufacturer of Thompson submachine guns. The end result was a pile of hardware, ammunition and parts that would give teeth to the state tiger (and turn into a quartermaster's nightmare). NJSM forces in the area today are formidable. They include the 1st Regiment (300 men) and 6th Regiment (350 men) both assigned to security duty north of the Fort Dix/Tom's River area and patrol as far north as New Brunswick-Perth Amboy, and the 4th Regiment (275 men) and the 5th Regiment (370 men) both assigned to garrison duty and training at Fort Dix. As well, there is the 3rd Motorized Squadron (240 men), which was formed from remnants of the state police and local law enforcement units, mounted on cross-country motorcycles and used for reconnaissance and peace keeping and the 1st Cavalry Squadron, which consists of 75 horse mounted troopers armed with carbines and two M60 machineguns. They also carry a miscellaneous collection of sabers looted from a local museum. This unit was initially formed around a cadre of a half-dozen civil war reenactment enthusiasts, and some of the troopers use their reenactment uniforms and equipment. They, currently operate north of the canal, sometimes deep into the interior on recon missions.
Cape May was a pre-war resort community catering to an older crowd. It was also home to a Coast Guard station and a small fleet of fishing and pleasure boats. Early in the war the Coast Guard was brought under military command and, with Philadelphia being destroyed, Cape May was reclassified as a naval base (CMNB). This town is built on a tip of land extending into the Delaware Bay, separated from the mainland by a canal 120 yards wide. Currently this canal serves as the main defense line for Cape May. Watchtowers were built every 200 yards and are manned around the clock and scrap chain link fencing, barbed wire and an abatis protect the entire length of the south side. The Cape May area has a small runway for light fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, fuel and ammunition bunkers, barracks, docks and a fairly well-equipped, though small, military shipyard.
By sea: The naval fleet stationed currently at Cape May consists of stragglers and survivors of the Atlantic Fleet plus local ships impressed into service. As always, fuel and maintenance are problems, but the ships are kept up as best they can. In addition, a large civilian fishing fleet uses the harbor, with 35 large fishing vessels and 85 small fishing vessels. Operational vessels here include:
Farragut class destroyer
DLG-14 Dewey
Forrest Sherman class destroyers
DD-942 Bigelow
DD-947 Somers
John C. Butler class radar escort
DER-540 Vandivier
Landing Ship Tank
LST-1154 Tallahatchie County
Five small Coast Guard cutters
Twelve small inshore patrol craft (PCF)
One oceangoing tug
The sailing ship USS Hyman Rickover
Two Cape May/Lewes car ferries
Four LCMs
One immobile 10,000-ton tanker
By land, traditional: Ground forces stationed here include the 3rd Regiment and the 2nd Cavalry Squadron, both of the New Jersey State Militia. The 3rd Regiment is a 200-man unit that is willing though generally ill-trained, with many of the men being former service and support detachment staff, survivors of sunken ships, retired naval veterans, civilian recruited from the refugee crowds, and a handful of young soldiers. They are armed primarily with M1 Garand rifles, though some members carry shotguns or hunting rifles and others have acquired extra firepower by various means. It is hoped that, if called upon to defend their homes, they will make up in tenacity what they lack in training. The 2nd Cavalry Squadron has 100 troopers carried by ten armored bank trucks and they are responsible for road patrol in and around Cape May, north of the canal. The 2nd Cavalry Squadron is mostly made up of the survivors of the New Jersey Volunteer Militia, a well-equipped pre-war organization of conservative survivalists and gun store commandos once numbering 1,000. The main stopping muscle is provided by the Able Company, 1st Battalion /612th Infantry Regiment, a 50-man rifle company of the 77th ID with four .30 cals and two 60mm mortars providing last-line security for the naval base.
By land, nontraditional: Additionally, there are other, nontraditional units at Cape May, including the "Red Dragons", a mercenary group of 50 Chinese-American refugees (formerly a Philadelphia street gang), trained by a cadre of ex-military types. This group is fiercely loyal to the commander of the Naval Command at Cape May and is currently used as an amphibious strike force. As well, there are "Piseck's Commandos", named for Peter Piseck, the unit's commander, consisting of eighteen ex-Riot Squad team members from the Philadelphia and New Jersey State Police. They are currently deployed as an amphibious commando team and are well-armed with light military weapons. And finally there is the 301st Independent Artillery Battery, which is currently providing fire support for the Naval Base. Staffed with 80 ex-military "graybeards" culled from the refugees, the unit has three M202 howitzers and six 120mm mortars salvaged from National Guard and Army Reserve armories.
By air: Cape May County Airport is now a government installation, with the hangars, fortified control tower, and four runways (the longest is 5,000 feet) constantly patrolled. Navigation aids and control equipment have been scrounged from every other field in South Jersey. Fuel and spare parts are scarce, so flights are restricted to a minimum, and the fuel bunkers are guarded. Aviation assets include the 112th Naval Aviation Squadron with two P-2 Neptune patrol planes, three 0-2 Cessna twin-engine spotter planes, each rigged with a 7.62 machinegun, and two OH-23 Raven helicopters (ex-crop dusters). Fuel limitations prohibit the larger Neptunes from flying at all but there is enough fuel to occasionally turn over the engines and to fly extremely critical support missions with the Cessnas.
Other: What remains of the supertanker Amoco Arabia is just outside the entrance to the bay. Abandoned in late 1962 off Cape May after taking four torpedoes from a Russian submarine, it is burnt out and falling apart--pieces sporadically wash ashore after storms.
The deserted coasts of South Jersey have been a haven of smugglers, pirates, and back-water political intrigue since long before the days of the American Revolution. In the year 1964, nothing much has changed. Marauders run across the state, raiding farms, and attacking merchant convoys and passing ships. The predominate terrain feature of South Jersey is flat, fertile land which becomes sandy toward the coast. The area has been supporting agriculture since it was first settled in the mid-1600s. The great forest of the colonial times has vanished, replaced by the light woods of today, but a large pine forest thrives in the sandy soil of the eastern part of the state and gives the area its name--the Pine Barrens. The state is susceptible to the whims of the weather. The Atlantic coastal islands are constantly shifting, and gales and hurricanes have destroyed more than a quarter of the dwellings in the last two years. The lowlands along the bays are regularly flooded during the rainy season and the forests threaten to burn during the dry season. Although it has dissipated, radiation from the west is a problem. The nuclear attacks around Philadelphia and New York (plus disease, starvation and chaos) killed millions. Many more fled the state and New Jersey was seriously depopulated. The survivors in South Jersey, however, are relatively prosperous by 1964 standards--they farm enough to eat well and even export a bit. Dietary protein comes from fish and chicken with goats, sheep, cattle and horses raised primarily for government consumption. Salvage and remanufacturing are thriving cottage industries, and pay the taxes in the MilGov protected areas.
Leesburg and the State Prison: One of the pockets of safety operated by what remains of the New Jersey state government--a MilGov program of "local autonomy" intended to add some prestige and legitimacy to local rule. Beyond a 3 mile radius, it's everyone for himself. A 100-man militia company is quartered within the walls. The local populace is to use the prison as a fort when threatened. After the nuclear exchange, inmates seized control of the prison. Some left to scatter across the countryside to sow horror and chaos. An armed group of convicts held the prison (and some fifty hostages) until mid-April 1963 when a raiding force of militia and state police eliminated them.
Millville: Presently the location of a south Jersey New America cell that was overrun by marauders in 1963. All of their papers and communication gear was destroyed in the fire that consumed their fortified farm. The survivors moved south and settled in an abandoned trailer park near the town. The idea was to somehow link up with or contact another New America cell, so they moved into a community hoping to get word of the eventual New America uprising. They number 35 men and women, are well armed, and act friendly to visiting government forces, even providing guides upon occasion. 120 farmers, herdsmen, and their families live in and around Millville.
Bridgeton: A healthy cluster of buildings acting as a community center and seat of government for the 3,200 farmers and their dependents in the area. The population resides within a 8 mile radius of the town, between the bay and the Cohansey River. Trade and traffic with the outside world are conducted via the river, as caravans along Route 49 to the cape disappear before they reach Millville. Although the government patrols are aware of the situation, they can do little. The feeling in Bridgeton is that the folks in Millville might have something to do with the lost caravans.
Stow Creek Lodge: A marauder hangout in a sprawling old cluster of farmhouses and outbuildings. The marauders are 23 convicts from Leesburg. Most are novices poorly armed with stolen and makeshift weapons. One of them, however, was a former artilleryman in the Army and he is constructing several trench mortars for their use. They hold fourteen women and three children captive. They force the captives to do some farming and keep house for them. Three small sailboats are used for local raiding. The marauders fooled a militia patrol that visited last year into believing that they were honest locals and refugee farmers. Another 400 people live in single-family units around the area--they want little to do with outsiders.
Atlantic City: The vacation capital of the east which drew hundreds of thousands of tourists and millions of dollars of revenue a year to the state before the war is now officially abandoned. In the rubbled lobby of one of the stately hotels is a vault rumored to contain hundreds of thousands of dollars in gems and jewelry. However, the vault door is closed, and nobody knows how to open it. Although the weather has wiped out many smaller buildings and the first floor lobbies of the hotels, society's dregs have somehow managed to survive in the ruins, living in a twisted parody of civilized society. Four hundred of society's misfits now call Atlantic City home. They are escaped criminals, army deserters, marauders, and other lowlifes who scavenge, raid the mainland for food, and fight among themselves. MilGov has mounted a couple of operations against these inhabitants, but both failed because all the inhabitants scrambled into the tangle of high-rises to hide. In frustration, the captain of the Bigelow once shelled three hotels, reducing one to a heap of rubble with a lucky shot and eliminating over 100 inhabitants. The raids decreased in frequency for a month afterward. Two groups now vie for control of this lonely island. One is lead by a former Mafia drug smuggler nicknamed "the Indian"; the other is a group of counter-culture types known as "those punks." Each group numbers about 50; the rest are neutral bystanders. So far conflict between the groups has been minimal, as pressing concerns (like eating) have required everyone's attention. The Indian plans to end this situation soon.
The Pine Barrens: From Route 30 north to Fort Dix extends this lonely pine forest that, in spite of two years of unchecked plagues of diseases, insects, and fires, stands relatively intact. After the nukes, nature quickly reclaimed her turf. Dense growths of pine and heavy underbrush thrive in sandy soil, making off-road movement difficult and reducing visibility all year round. In the warmer months, mosquitoes, ticks, and snakes make it unhealthy for man, but game deer, fowl, and wild pigs fare somewhat better (especially small animals and birds). Quicksand, lightning fires, and unsociable, superstitious hermits dissuade casual travelers. There is one other local hazard--the legendary "Jersey Devil." As frequently happens in mankind's darker moments, the Jersey Devil has recently returned with a vengeance. In the 21st century, his appetite has expanded to include people. Away from the coastal areas, there is no civilization. Fifty thousand people live in the interior, on farms of three families or less, or in wandering groups of less than 50 marauder/refugees. The vast majority of these people are antisocial, extremely xenophobic, and just plumb crazy. Roads are usually narrow, twisted, and blocked by wrecks. This makes overland travel through the area lethal and practical only for heavily armed convoys. The federal government stashed a lot of stuff back in the 1940s and 50s here, and there are a couple of Mafia drug gangs that had stashes in the Barrens before the war. The locations and status of these caches are still unknown.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 SS-7 Philadelphia
10/29/62 1 mT bomb Pittsburgh
28th Infantry Division
------Div HQ/2nd Brigade--Harrisburg (1000 men, 2 AFVs)
------55th Brigade
------------HQ Section--Scranton (70 men)
------------1/109th Infantry Regiment--Scranton (250 men)
------------337th Engineer Battalion--Scranton (100 men)
------------2/112th Infantry Regiment--Lewiston (100 men)
------------1/108th Artillery Regiment--Scranton (80 men, 1 AFV)
------------2/103rd Armored Regiment--Scranton (100 men, 3 AFVs)
------------3/103rd Armored Regiment
------------------Baker Company--Lewisburg (75 men, 1 AFV)
------------------Able and Charlie Companies (Rogues)--Williamsport (90 men, 1 AFV)
------228th Forward Support Battalion--Fort Indiantown Gap (200 men)
------28th Aviation Company--Fort Indiantown Gap (100 men)
------28th Military Police Company--York (150 men, 1 AFV)
------109th Artillery Battalion (Rogues)--Carlisle (100 men, 3 AFVs)
------56th Brigade (Rogues)--Delaware Forest (200 men)
------------111th Infantry Regiment--Hazleton (250 men)
The war and aftermath: On October 28, 1962, Philadelphia was hit by a 6 megaton SS-7 air burst aimed at the oil refining and storage facilities and the naval port. The center of the city is now a complete and utter wasteland, the skyscrapers are just metal and concrete skeletons. The Delaware River is still on fire in 1964 as the nuked oil refineries along the west bank are still burning out of control with little hope of closing the broken well heads anytime soon. The black cloud of oil soot stretches for thousands of miles, they get occasional black snowfalls in Connecticut and Boston. The nuclear attack created an unofficial "forbidden zone" along the Delaware as far north as Trenton. Downtown and along the riverfront, signs of life are limited to a few crows and buzzards. Of humans, there is no sign except an occasional scavenger. Scattered individuals do inhabit the northern half of the city, although most suffer from "dement" symptoms. Of the 15,000 hiding in the ruins, only 200 are "normal," and they are extremely wary of the prowling human animals. Only brave or crazy people venture toward the ruins of downtown Philadelphia for any reason. The dements are solitary types, with any groups numbering less than a dozen, and luckily they have not exhibited any sign of organization.
Islands: Due to it's location near the edge of the devastated area in eastern Philadelphia, the Bryn Mawr College campus was chosen as the headquarters for the local relief effort in the days following the nuking of the city. Today, the area is still a large enclave of security. Modifications to the college have been done for the sake of security. Key areas around the campus have been sandbagged and an eight-foot high concertina wire fence envelopes the campus, with beer cans woven into the stuff as an informal alarm. The Campus Police HQ was hardened, with firing loops around the building, and has affectionately been termed "Check Point Charlie". The garrison unit is currently a unit of Pennsylvania State Police with a few M59 armored personnel carriers loaned from the CivGov 28th Infantry Division. The unit has been at platoon strength, 40-50 effectives, since the cholera outbreak in August and is requesting to be rotated out to recover. Some three miles from the college is the large, bleak brick buildings of the Haverford State Hospital. A detachment of State Police is here salvaging the medical equipment. Another detachment, augmented by some US Army engineers and civilian workers is beginning to salvage the Boeing-Vertol factory for parts for helicopters. The plant, located on Route 291 along the Delaware River south of the city, has been ravaged by the weather and looters, but many of the invaluable dies and machine tools are still intact.
Other areas of the city: However, even with huge expanses flattened or burnt, major sections in the northern reaches of the city around the airport and Huntington Valley are still standing, though empty. Salvage is more abundant here in the north, primarily in the industrial neighborhoods along the Delaware north of the fallen Betsy Ross Bridge. This has not been tapped by the Jersey salvage crews, however, as the area is isolated by two fallen bridges, long stretches of residual contamination, and legends of missing salvage teams.
Rogues: Valley Forge National Historic Park in the southwest is held by several bands of kids--orphans who have turned the park into their personal hunting grounds.
The area of industrial cities and pastures north and west of Philly between the Susquehanna and Delaware Rivers was rampaged over by swarms of refugees from Philadelphia and New York and was swept away. Although not nuclear targets, the cities of Lancaster, Lebanon, Reading, Easton, Pottstown, Allentown, Scranton, and Wilkes-Barre are still in anarchy, and are nearly as devastated as The City of Brotherly Love. In each city the overall conditions are pretty much the same. The suburbs are home to refugee camps. Including the original inhabitants, each now numbers just a few thousand. Sanitary conditions are abysmal, but shelter is relatively easy to find as many undamaged buildings are available. They all have a militia, though it is usually haphazardly armed, trained, and led. The cities cannot agree, even among themselves, upon any course of action. I-80, I-78 and I-76 across the state were main evacuation routes for urbanites fleeing Philadelphia and New York. The eastern halves of the interstates are carnage, wrecked cars and overturned trailers caught in the crush of traffic trying to escape in those first few days after the nukes came. The wolves ate well that first winter. The flood of hungry refugees stripped and looted most of the small towns along the interstates, leaving them empty shells to this day.
Delaware State Forest: This wild, wooded forest stretches for many miles along the west side of the Delaware River in the northeast corner of the state. In refugee migrations of 1962, some 80,000 refugees entered the forest, trying to escape the chaos in the cities. By today, however, only 2,000 have survived the cold winters, bandits, lack of supplies, and lack of hope. The refugee camps, which number between 50 and 500 in population, suffer raids by bandits and the southern camps are sometimes raided by marauders from New Jersey. The northern camps are better off and some refugees are able to get work on some of the smaller farms in the area. This will probably end as food supplies get tighter. A group of note in the area is the remnants of the 28th ID's 56th Brigade, which was stationed in Philadelphia and was largely destroyed by the nuclear strike there. The unit tried to reform but was under too much pressure and went rogue during that first winter and what still remains (about 200 men) is now holed up in the Delaware State Forest.
Scranton: The HQ and main strength of the 28th ID's 55th Brigade is stationed at the Scranton-Wilkes Airport. A powerful transmitter has been erected atop Montage Mountain, near the Airport to keep in touch with the division's scattered units. The whole compound is huge (almost 3 square miles), and nestled in the mountains near Pittston and Avoca. Total manpower in the compound is around 600 men. There is a civilian workforce numbering about 200 men, and a training company that accepts recruits and runs them through Basic of sorts. Main intact units of the brigade here include the Headquarters section (70 men), the 1st Battalion/109th Infantry Regiment (250 men), the 337th Engineer Battalion (100 men), the 2nd Battalion/103rd Armored Regiment (100 men with one M103 heavy tank and two M75 APCs), and the 1st Battalion/108th Artillery Regiment (80 men with one M40 SPG {w/o ammo}, three 81mm mortars and six 60mm mortars). The division has ample stocks of ammunition for most of their weapons, thanks to a small ammunition plant in Scranton and the Tobyhanna Depot to the south. The airport is home to some 15-20 aircraft, including helos, prop planes, and jets, both civilian and military. All sizes are represented, from tiny Cessnas up to a C-130. Aviation fuel is even scarcer than gasoline or diesel, and so, as valuable though they are, the planes are grounded pending aviation fuel. Most are stored in improved bunkers, with hopes that someday they can operate again. There are numerous ground vehicles within the compound, again both civilian and military, and of all sizes/purposes. Most common would be the jeeps or civilian 4x4's pressed into military service.
White Aryan Alliance: At the northern edge of Scranton is the Baptist Bible College and Seminary and the Griffin Reservoir. The hills surrounding the reservoir are the home to the "White Aryan Alliance", a white separatist group formed from a core of fundamentalist Baptist students. The Alliance is made up of three distinct classes: the lowest are the Foot Soldiers of God who are the rank and file soldiers, next in line is the Professors who are generally over 40 years old and who run the day to day operations of the Alliance, and at the top of the list are the White Berets Special Forces. The White Berets are the best the Alliance has to offer, a combination of senior leadership teamed with demonstrated combat skills, the WB lead from the front and are the top leadership of the Alliance. Surprisingly, the goals of the Alliance are not to hunt down non-white people and kill them, but to exist as their own separate state. Conflicts with the WAA are rare, due to their isolationist nature. The current “top hat” of the WAA is Wyatt Carmichael, late XO the US Army Special Forces 10th SFG, who was visiting his son who was attending the Baptist college when the war broke out. Total strength is over 1,000, most are Foot Soldiers of God but approximately 50 are Professors and about fifteen are WB. Major vehicles include 4x4 trucks and modified civilian cars mostly. They are also in possession of three WW II-vintage M2 half-tracks and several commercial armored cars. There are signs that there is disagreement as to whether they should try to take a more dominant role in area politics, but for now things are calm.
Wilkes-Barre: A former large factory town to the north of Philadelphia, now the center of power of the "Red Raiders", a motorcycle gang originally from the Jersey City, New Jersey area. They occupy the Wilkes University campus and hold court there weekly. They fancy themselves as knights errant, always on the lookout for fair damsels to rescue and riches to protect. Except that the “rescue” and “protection” means being taken to their base and used as they see fit. Total strength of about 150 men, with mostly motorcycles, a few trucks, and several “liberated” police vehicles. They eventually want to take over the old Harley-Davidson plant in York and are planning on moving down there next year.
Pottstown: The small survivor enclave at Pottstown was hit by marauders from Philadelphia in May 1963. During the raid, the local militia, which had been reasonably successful at holding out before then, was caught out in the open while constructing earthworks. They fought while their ammo lasted, but were cut off and the marauders ran rampant through town. Thirty families (some 300 people) still live here now, but keep out of sight. Pottstown was an industrial town, with Bethlehem Steel, New England Auto Parts Co, Dana Corp, and other heavy industry fueling the local economy before the war. Some of the milling machinery is still intact, though slowly rusting in the wet Pennsylvania winters.
Reading: The factory town of Reading was reduced to a ruin during food riots in the spring of 1963 after its population, swollen by refugees, ran out of food following a period of reduced rations. Afterward, it was raided by a number of marauder and scavenger bands, which reduced its ability to defend itself. Its current population is less than 2,000, most of whom hide from each other as well as any outsiders. There is very little of value left in Reading. The Reading Railroad Yards on the west side of the river were once the largest freight classification yard on the East coast. Back in the 20's, it would be nothing to see hundreds of blue Conrail diesels sorting cars and making up trains here. Now the yards are wrecked, the twisted metal of once-busy tracks resembling an overturned bowl of spaghetti. Hulks of engines, and charred frames of freight cars are all that remain. The "Pagoda", a famous restaurant/tourist trap/reputed 19th century ex-brothel, located on Mount Penn overlooking Reading is now the keep of a local marauder overlord. His forces are small, but there is little for him to control. The warlord has yet to discover the treasure of Reading. Further up the Schuylkill River is a little oil reclamation company know as Berks Associates, which recycled various petroleum products. While inoperable, the stocks of oil and gas here would be quite a find in these fuel-starved times.
Lebanon: Lebanon and the surrounding area is under the control of a marauder gang called the "Blackhawks". The Blackhawks were not the first marauders in the area, but they have stayed in the area since late 1963. They "tax" the local residents a share of produce for their protection, which is spotty at best and winter supplies are running low. Fuel, medicine, and ammunition are all confiscated by the gang as part of taxes. The Blackhawks actively patrol as far north as I-78 and as far west as the edges of Harrisburg, but normally just to forage. The area is sparsely populated, with about 2000 families left in Lebanon itself, though there are as many families living outside on small farms as in the town. Of the towns surrounding Lebanon, Cleona, Sand Hill and Iona are each home to about 30 families and actively patrolled by the Blackhawks. In the deserted town of Quentin, destroyed by fire after a marauder attack, the Blackhawks maintain a watch station at the west end of town, guarding Highway 322.
Lancaster: Lancaster was home of a State Center for MH/MR clients. 100 clients are still there in 1964. The city was also home to a Regional HQ for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency). It was a nuke-proof shelter constructed in the 1950's and supposedly well stocked with cookies, blankets, and so on... everything you would need for a come-as-you-are disaster. Marauder/guerilla activity is real hot in the area with displaced city gangs roaming the countryside, stealing livestock and killing those who resist. The deserted streets of Lancaster have seen action between marauders and local militiamen.
Hazleton: Hazleton is doing very well, actually. It is home to a small US Army garrison, remnants of the 56th Brigade's 111th Infantry Regiment (250 men), and a MASH hospital set up in the high school gym, one of the only sources of medical aid in the area. Generators keep the power running to vital facilities and people are flocking here. Stroudsburg, once a vibrant survivor enclave, was destroyed last month by a terrible tornado, leaving houses and corpses scattered everywhere.
Raven Rock/Site-R: This is the underground Pentagon, operational since 1953, but largely forgotten about in the years following the atomic strikes. As the staff of the Pentagon was mostly killed in the strike on Washington in 1962, alternate national command was never transferred to Raven Rock. Over the last two years, most of the staff here has been transferred to Mount Weather (see Virginia), leaving just a caretaker force behind. Recently, the remnants of the Marines from Camp David have moved up here on orders from the President to keep the locals from looting the place. It’s located near Waynesboro just north of the Maryland state line.
The Susquehanna River valley cuts through the center of the state, a lush valley of farms and urban centers that has suffered much in the last two years. While there were no nuclear targets in the region, the chaos still invaded here. For the first few months after the collapse of authority, marauding bands stripped the central Susquehanna Valley clean of food, vehicles, technology, and other equipment--literally anything of value was either taken or destroyed. Disease and starvation claimed hundreds of people's lives in small communities and riots wracked the larger cities. By now, however, the bandits have been largely run out, the fields replanted and life is struggling to go on. For the purposes of this gazetteer, we will deal with the section of the valley stretching from Williamsport in the north south to the Maryland border, including the cities of Harrisburg and York. The dominant force in the valley is the CivGov 28th Infantry Division, a Pennsylvania Army National Guard unit which was moved into the region in 1963 to help restore order and continuity of government in the state capital. In the past year the division has pacified the bandits and kept the peace relatively well, but has also fragmented, several subunits even turning rogue.
Harrisburg: Pennsylvania’s state government in Harrisburg is besieged and is really just a city government by 1964. The bulk of the 2nd Brigade of the 28th Infantry Division and the division's HQ is here in the city now, having moved here in 1963 to help bolster the government's attempts to stay in control. They have about 1,000 men and one M88 ARV and one other AFV here, and several subunits stationed in select communities in the river valley. These National Guardsmen protect the capital and quell the numerous riots and unrest in Harrisburg, with the three surviving officers of the 2857th Special Search and Rescue Squadron providing direct bodyguard security to the governor. The 2857th SSRS was a pre-war unit based at Olmstead Air Force Base sout of Harrisburg, whose mission was to rescue the President from the Executive Shelter under the White House in the event of a nuclear war. In the hours after Washington DC was nuked, the team made the attempt, but were turned back by engine failure in their plane. These three men are all that is left of the unit today, and they are probably the best trained killers in the state. Amongst the local militia, morale is bad, security worse and the civilians are beginning to feel the effects. The local populace has ceased voluntary food contributions to the unit and forced collections are now necessary. Fuel is drastically low, severely limiting the units mobility. One of the last remaining commercial radio/TV stations broadcasts from Harrisburg, and the news from there is "limited" by the government. The downtown Capital complex has become an armed camp, with heavy concrete barriers set up to discourage car bombs, machine gun posts atop the Capitol building and the State Museum. The riots and gang activities in the Capital contribute to the danger in the city, and no patrols generally go out in less than two-squad (section) strength. The state government still claims power over the state, but in reality just blows steam and the few hundred State Police in the capital are really it's only strength other than the 2/28th ID.
Naval Inventory Control Point (NAVICP): Located just a few miles to the west of Harrisburg, the Naval Inventory Control Point houses not only a store of valuable military hardware but also the Green Beret team "Brightstar". Brightstar occupied the NAVICP during the first days after the nuclear strikes and have been providing site security ever since. The Green Beret members have worked with the staff of the NAVICP to provide a safe, secure location for the local survivors. Brightstar's commander is Ridley Fox, though nominal civilian leadership is through the base's civilian manager, Dan Klinger. The NAVICP has an agreement with York Hospital to supply material and protection in return for medical assistance. The security forces here well equipped, but this one was equipped better than most. Add the Green Beret team, and the NAVICP became a veritable fortress. Under Fox's leadership, the base has become a haven of stability in an area where there are no organized communities, just lawlessness. Total strength is approximately 500. There are 17 men of the original 20 man Green Beret team left, they provide the core of leadership in military affairs. The inhabitants are armed with a variety of modern military weapons and are trained in small unit tactics. The NAVICP has several jeeps for base security, as well as half a dozen M8 Greyhound armored cars that were provided for defense. Also on-site is one fire battery of 75mm AA guns. All personnel have a deep feeling for family and friends and are well aware of the losses that have been suffered during and since the fall. They realize that they are sitting on a gold mine for the future, and will act to preserve the site. The future generations will need supplies, and the NAVICP will be there to provide it. The inhabitants rarely venture off the base so not much is known on how they operate.
Fort Indiantown Gap: The pre-war headquarters for the Pennsylvania Department of Military Affairs and the Pennsylvania National Guard, "The Gap" is now home to the 28th ID's 228th Forward Support Battalion, Company F (Medical) (200 men) and the 28th Aviation Company (100 men). The AvCo is strong for the times, with helos collected from all over the PA, NJ, NY, WV area, some coming from even further south. All told, there are fifteen CH-34 Chactaws and two CH-21 Shawnees, variously armed with rocket pods, door guns, and forward-firing MGs on the skids. However, there is little fuel left, and a security platoon has been formed from out-of-work aviators, air traffic controllers, aviation electronics techs, air weapons techs, chopper grease monkeys, and fuelies. This platoon is named Platoon 5 and is a bit over-strength at 78 effectives. The base garrison sends out patrols in squad strength, usually augmented with one or two vehicles, and regular convoy service is operated with Harrisburg. There is some sort of Communist Party "Fifth Column" movement operating in the area, and occasional raids are directed at the base.
Carlisle: Further to the west of Harrisburg is Carlisle. Early this summer, elements of the 109th Artillery Battalion, a 28th ID unit that was garrisoned here, turned marauder. Today, most of the men (about 100) are cloistered at the US Army War College. They are short on everything--food, ammo, and medical supplies. Further rogue elements of the 109th are thought to be scattered south of Carlisle and Harrisburg at various points in Adams and York counties. The rogue camp in Carlisle has one M-60 tank, one M16 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage, one M84 (M59 APC with a 107mm mortar mounted), one M75 APC, two deuce-and-a-half trucks, and some civilian vehicles mounting MGs.
Lewisburg: Lewisburg is the main home of the local 28th ID's 55th Brigade's 3rd Battalion/103rd Armored Regiment (35 men), which was moved up here early this year to act as a picket for marauders in central Pennsylvania. Since that time the unit has fallen apart at the seams and many men have deserted to either wander home or to become marauders themselves. Able and Charlie Companies deserted and are now in Williamsport. What is left of the 3/103rd (a reformed Baker Company) has reorganized and is now a tight unit. They welcome any and all who would swear loyalty to the civilian government and it's officially appointed representatives, to join them and many local civilians have joined the unit recently. The camp is surrounded by multiple rings of wire and pillboxes made from sandbagged concrete highway dividers, and they a Civil War-era M1848 6-pounder fieldpiece and one M75 APC. Perhaps half of the 1,200-1,600 total civilians still living in Lewisburg live on the grounds of Bucknell University, a private, nearly Ivy League school, farming the extensive open greens of the university. The "Loyalists", as some referred to the 3/103rd troops here in the garrison, maintain an agricultural area west of the town, and they are currently setting up trade agreements with some farmers from Mifflinburg.
Williamsport: To the north, Williamsport is an ugly town of squatters and dirty refugees, now in the hands of 90 deserters from the 3/103rd camp at Lewisburg. These men are almost the entirety of Able and Charlie Companies. The Williamsport Community Hospital, once specialized in cancer treatment and rehab, and is now the marauders' prize. It is staffed by three doctors, forced into many of their decisions by the soldiers. There also is a National Guard Armory here in enemy hands. The soldiers are the ones who run things--they can shoot anyone, anytime, anywhere. The people mostly toe the line, they're scared. This group has some vehicles at their disposal including an M84 (M59 APC with a 107mm mortar mounted), two jeeps, two cargo trucks, and the groups prize "toy"--a M48A1 Patton tank (ammunition for its main gun is scarce, however, and the group is anxious to get more).
Mansfield: Home base of the "Bucktails", the nickname of the "Northern Tier Militia". This is an actual unit which fought at the Battle of Gettysburg before being converted into a state militia. They claim as their territory the counties of Potter, Tioga, Bradford, or Susquehanna and much innocent blood has been spilled supporting those claims.
Lewiston: Home of the 55th Brigade's 2nd Battalion/112th Infantry Regiment (100 men). This unit is still claiming loyalty to Brigade HQ in Scranton, but it is doubtful that they really mean it.
The city is in anarchy and is divided up into areas controlled by different groups.
Ghouls: The center city area of York is the territory of the "Ghouls", an amalgam of gangs that somehow survived the collapse. They earned their name from the cannibalistic activities that are ritually practiced. They are most active at night, although anyone entering their territory is fair game. They have few weapons other than small arms, but are thought to have an M-31 ARV stashed somewhere in the city. Their domain is clearly marked by banners and small piles of skulls on street corners and they generally do not venture outside of their territory, except for some trade and to visit the hospital.
The Company: The area along Route 30, between Sherman Street and I-83, is controlled by the group known as "The Company", the remains of the Pennsylvania National Guard 28th Military Police Company that was stationed at the Eden Road Arsenal in early 1963 and has since been largely on it's own despite the main body of their parent 28th ID being just up the road in Harrisburg. The Company controls the hotels overlooking I-83, the Harley-Davidson plant, the old Coles plant, and the Caterpillar Tractor factory, their major holding is the old Scrivner’s food warehouse at Sherman and Route 30. They keep a watchful eye on the road and are willing to trade food for other needed items. Since almost everybody in this group rides Harleys, locals have started calling them, “Harleys Angels,” much to the displeasure of The Company. Company people are fair, and practice a code of military honor, they consider themselves the last bastion of the way things were, and will use all means necessary to keep it that way. This unit is a veteran of Mexico, the Middle East, and Black Sea. The Major, who is the leader of the Company, is a shrewd man, prone to take proactive options, rather than to just sit and wait for things to happen on their own. It is this trait that has given the Company some of the fearful reputation that it has with some of the more troublesome groups. Total strength is 150 effectives with two M113 APCs, one M-60 MBT, several jeeps and semi tractors. They usually keep the heavy metal under wraps.
Hospitals: The area between Rathton Road and Albermarle Street house York's two college campus’. Since the collapse, the York College campus has absorbed Penn State-York campus. Before the collapse York College had a nursing program in conjunction with York Hospital. That has been kept, but in a more reduced capacity. The program now focus’ more on practical medicine than theory. The college also offers education to children so the new generations will not loose all that earlier ones found. Strictly neutral in alliances, YCP does have one alliance that is rock solid, the one with the Hospital. There are approx. 150 people here and a small defense militia is kept at the college to deter any looting and to act as a tripwire in case anything more serious were to occur. The Senior Professor, Dr. Harold Angstler is beginning to push for an increased fee for education and also for more real power.
Church: The York Fairgrounds to the west are the home of the "New Church of Apocalyptic Enlightenment". The church was founded in the last days before the fall by Joseph Deeviers, a radical environmentalist. His view of Christianity was that God was returning the world to the way He had intended it to be like, no evil industry to pollute the environment, a minimum of humanity to corrupt the world, and an end to the political system he had fought so hard to bring down. The Church is opposed to the use of animals as anything but “life companions”, and is a vegetarian society. Deeviers rules the Church with an iron hand disguised as the soft hand of benevolence. If there is dissent, then that person is invited to the church in the main building and shown how he is disrupting the harmony the Church has brought to so many happy people. There are actually two classes of people in the fairgrounds; the common congregation and the "Gaian Guards", the church's soldiers. The only contact the Church has on a regular basis with the outside world is during the market at the shopping center next to the old Vo-Tech. They do not readily accept outsiders and often turn them away rather than let them enter the fairgrounds. Total strength is about 400, with about 50 additional Gaian Guards. They have some cars and light trucks modified to run off of alcohol, and numerous pieces of construction equipment. Not normally violent, but have been known to engage small groups of wanderers. Extremely antagonistic toward the Ghouls.
Gun club: To the northeast, the Rocky Ridge Park area is controlled by the Rocky Ridge Rod and Gun Club. The club, which dates back to the 1900's, is situated on the north slope of Rocky Ridge and contains the main compound, the ranges, and the lake. The main compound, dominated by the stone clubhouse, is home to the majority of the club's population. George Stein is the leader of the club, elected President by the members at the end of last year. Under his guidance and leadership, the club has fortified its grounds and withstood several marauder attacks. The members of the club are good, honest, Americans who are trying to keep the memories of what once was America alive. Not interested in an ideological crusade, the Club views most groups that have some sort of ax to grind with suspicion and distrust. Total strength is about 200, and of those, most are capable of using weapons and about 40 have had prior military/police training. Several British-built Land Rovers and dirt bikes are here and they also have a semi with a modified dump trailer. The Club has no goals for expansion, they remember what America was and what it stood for. They are extremely displeased with the fictionalization they see happening to the York area but realize that they are in no position to make others see things the way they do. They are hunters and they know the art of the hunt; concealment, ambush, fire and move, and use it to good advantage. They have access to sophisticated weapons, many of the members being collectors or sport shooters, with a level of firepower surprising for such a small group.
Dead Zone: South of York, the southern York county area around the towns of Fawn Grove and Peace Bottom has been termed "The Dead Zone," by the locals. Reports of strange lights and sounds mixed with strange odors have served to build a paranoia about this area. And the fact that few people who venture into this part of the county ever return.
Depot: Southwest of York is the Letterkenny Army Depot, in operation since 1942. While mostly depleted of stocks by the government to feed the war in Europe, there are sure some vehicles, explosives, Nike-Ajax/Hercules missile components, ammunition, refurbished artillery, tools, food, and lots of other good things to plunder.
Other groups: To the northwest of York is Wellsville, home of the Bowhunters Warehouse & the Archer Irregulars, and Roundtop Ski Park and Gifford-Pinchot State Park, both home only to slavers and general riff-raff.
The remote mountains of the area are insular from the rest of the state, and the east-west highway artery of Interstate 80 is terrorized by bands of marauders. Militia groups and survivalists abound in the sparsely populated northern forests and hills. Most of the fallout from the Pittsburgh strike was cast due east, spreading deathly silent across the fields and farms and rugged hills of central Pennsylvania.
Altoona: In the wooded hills of western Pennsylvania, Altoona was a gritty steel town of about 25,000 people when the war began. Dusted by fallout from the Pittsburgh strike, many of the citizens died off that first winter, and by the winter of 1962, it had been flooded with refugees. Although most of them were gone by the following spring, chased off by hunger or bandits, some still 4,000 remain in small camps along the Juniata River just south of town. Some refugees march into town for work, accepting small amounts of food as pay. Altoona is just far enough from the major cities not to be bothered by them, though there are enough smaller wandering bands of marauders to keep the militia busy. The current population is about 2,000, with another 2,000 on small farms within eight miles of the town. The center of Altoona is occupied, with many of the streets blocked off with rubble and there are ruined buildings all around the outside of town. There are usually 100 resident militia members on duty at any given time and they charge a toll to pass through town on I-99 or Highway 22. The militia also maintains a small outpost in Ashville that observes traffic on Highway 53, though they are a bit at odds with the few residents here who have refused to relocate to Altoona, and the militia will not come out to defend them. The Altoona militia also maintains a similar outpost in Water Street that observes the crossroads in the center of town where Highways 22, 453, and 45 meet. The outpost's mission is to merely report on traffic to Altoona.
Johnstown: Johnstown is home to about 24,000 people, a mix of locals and refugees. The Cambria County Airport is an important meeting place for large numbers of survivalists and such who live in the area.
State College: Penn State University in State College seems to be doing OK , still functioning as independent communities. They have everything they might need, structures, their own power plant, educational resources, educated personnel, and agricultural equipment and supplies. If they could find some more soldiers and more ammo, they might be able to hold the area long enough to make a difference. The local militia, consisting of militamen and some National Guardsmen, patrol the region daily. They have emplaced a couple of pieces of medium artillery (155mm or up) sited on Nittany Mountain which are able to dominate quite a bit of territory. State College is also the home of the "Nittany Lion Farmers Co-Operative". This group consists of several farming groups in the State College area. They provide a large portion of the fresh food at the various farmers markets that now operate in the town. They are very clannish in their group organization and have a strong sense of loyalty to that group. There is no leader per se, but Lynette Harlow is the "spokesperson" for the Co-Op. She is in her mid thirties and runs the most productive farm in the Co-Op. The different farms are all fortified into small forts, able to defend themselves from the casual raider, but not from any sort of organized military action. The Co-Op barters most of its crops and animal products at the markets. They are one of the most important groups in the area due to the food they produce. Realizing this, they are slowly starting to exercise that power to increase the value of their goods. If you displease one Co-Op member, you risk your entire group being cut off from food. There are about twenty farmsteads in the Nittany Lion Co-Op area. Each farmstead houses from ten to forty people. The farmsteads are armed with a variety of weapons, about half are civilian sporting weapons and the rest are military of police in origin, they also have some heavy weapons in the LMG class and farm equipment and light trucks. For winter use there are a large number of snowmobiles. The current goals appear to be focused on gaining more leverage over the other local inhabitants of the area by controlling the food supply. Currently the hospital has been very solid in its refusal to pay the higher premiums, it just raises the rates for Co-Op members accordingly. This has caused some friction in the past several weeks. Hospital leadership feels that the Co-Op has the potential to be the spark that starts mass conflict in the area if its practices keep up. The Co-Op operates much like its pre-fall counterpart; sort of a farmers union or guild to control the prices paid by the consumers. Where other groups may operate in a strong arm or predatory fashion, the Co-Op uses the economics of food to fight their battles.
The war: On October 29, 1962, a Russian Tu-95M Bear A slipped through the weakened ring of fighters and missiles and dropped a nuclear bomb on Pittsburgh. The 1 megaton weapon exploded nearly on top of the US Steel plant right downtown near the confluence of the three rivers. Only the streets are constant now, still faintly visible headed towards the hypocenter. Rain has turned the crater into a lake. Following the nuke, the urban sprawl around Pittsburgh dissolved into chaos, taking most of the locals with them. Much of it now looks like a cross between Hiroshima and Berlin, circa May, 1945. Depopulated and then repopulated by refugees and scavengers, entire sections of city are leveled, fallen or in disrepair and precariously standing. The city is now teeming with rats and ferocious feral dogs, along with billions of cockroaches. Local government has long ago broken down and in 1964 the city is run by marauder warlords.
The Madman cometh: Due to the hilly terrain of the city's eastern side, most of the eastern suburbs escaped much of the direct blast and heat effects of the bomb. It is in these areas that life struggles on today. In Pittsburgh, real gasoline can be purchased, and electric service can be had, from a certain syndicate of businessmen. There is some manufacturing going on, but it is geared to military and agricultural needs. Still largely intact though struggling with the problem of large numbers of refugees and a lack of food. Large parts of the city have been burnt down, and cleared for planting crops, but there is neither enough land or food to feed everyone and the situation is boiling over. The largest marauder band in the region is led by Jeremy Fitzpatrick, the former Congressman from the 12th District, who is in fact the puppet of the "Steel City Madman", a powerful pre-war celebrity turned warlord. He is a former professional wrestler and rock star idol in Pittsburgh, but also well-educated and once an Olympic wrestler. They have established their base in a huge shopping mall in the eastern suburb of Monroeville, which is the area of the largest refugee concentrations. They also have bases at the Pittsburgh-Monroeville Airport and at Boyce Park. The marauders are armed with a variety of arms, including M-14s, a few .30 cal LMGs, 3.5" bazookas, grenades and such from ransacked National Guard armories. The Madman often is seen in his prize possession, a fully functional M60 tank found in another armory. Power and wealth is provided by the huge coal mines that line the Monongahela River, the same mines that made Pittsburgh the city it was. The largest of these is now in the suburb of Homestead, where slave labor is used to chip the rock and pull the carts under armed guards. Conditions are deadly and the miners are fomenting rebellion daily. Ironically, this was the same mine that in 1892 was the scene of one of the nation's worst mining strikes and the scene of much bloodshed when the Pinkerton Agency was called in to break it up. The most prosperous, marauder-free area is the southern suburb of Clarion. Clarion is well defended and organized, with schools and trade and has a population of around several hundred. They are occasionally raided by marauders from Pittsburgh who are looking for spoils and slaves. The airport at the western suburb of McKeesport is home to the Madman's small air force, consisting of a couple of DC-3 transports, and an old turbo-prop cargo plane.
Uniontown: Uniontown is home to a band of mountain militiamen known as "Jurgen's Ridgerunners". They are about 200 strong and are based in an old British 18th century fort above the town.
Washington: To the southwest of Pittsburgh, Washington is home of the "Washington Militia", who are trying to keep the Pittsburgh warlords from expanding too far south. The HQ is in the Washington Courthouse.
Ruff Creek: At this small town on I-79 is forming a local rebel movement. Right now it is just a collection of men and women, miners, former National Guardsmen, and such, and going by the name of the "Citizen's Liberation Group.". They have plans to eventually liberate Pittsburgh from the Madman's grip.
Northwestern Pennsylvania was not densely populated before the war. Small mill towns or farming communities dot the hills and forests. The oil boom first struck here, but left as the wells dried up and easier drill sites were found in Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, and California. The Allegheny Mountains run through here. Travel off the roads should be considered in mountains unless within 45 miles of Lake Erie. Much of the area is also wooded. Fortunately for the local inhabitants, there are no worthy nuclear targets nearby, so the area has not suffered too much from nuclear effects. A fairly quiet region today as most of the excitement in western Pennsylvania is centered further south. There are few marauder bands about and very few remaining farmers. However, neither group is friendly. Otherwise, towns and villages are isolated, under populated, usually hungry and unfriendly. There hasn't been much authority, law, or order around here for nearly two years.
Allegheny National Forest: South of Warren is the expansive Allegheny National Forest, a large hardwood forest preserve between the south bank of the Allegheny River, the New York state border, and US-219. The forest is rough territory, little settled before the war. The few towns along its few roads have been mostly emptied by marauders, but there is little to keep the marauders here, either. A few villages of very tough local farmers have successfully banded together for defense here.
Erie: After the nuclear attacks, Erie found itself as a last stop for refugees from points west and south trying to enter New York. The population swelled beyond anything the local authorities could cope with and by the spring of 1963, no authority in Erie had any control and services broke down. There were riots over food and shelter--but there was none to be had. Gangs arose to seize by force what authority no longer offered. Many died, some fled south, and some fled across the lake to Canada. Many people live in hovels and shantytowns, the shells of warehouses and factories--few people live alone (for safety). Gang warfare, rioting, and bandit raids have decreased the population to less than 10,000 by now and the death rate from starvation, disease, and violence is still high. All strangers are attacked for any food, medicine, and weapons by any number of gangs numbering between five and 100 people. There are even rumors of cannibal gangs attacking others for food. I-79 passes by the eastern outskirts of the city and some gangs stay in that area hoping for pickings off the highway. In fact, they sometimes fight each other for the right to block the road.
New Castle: New Castle is home to a very large refugee camp. Total population of the camps is around 188,000. The city was the scene of a pitched battle between refugees and local land owners fought near a large refugee camp.
Butler: The life of this town changed when the nuclear fireball swept over Pittsburgh, spawning chaos and anarchy throughout the area. After some semblance of order was restored, it was found that the facility and base came away almost half-intact. The local National Guard unit that had been stationed in Butler was able to defend the community with the help of citizen militias and the community survived that first horrible winter into the spring. They repaired and then started expanding as they grew ever so slowly. The survivors realized that knowledge was power in this new world, and thus they guarded their knowledge and the men with the smarts. When the community was finally settled down, they realized there was a way that they could help themselves and other settlements relatively nearby. Rudimentary production lines were set up and immediately began producing and reloading ammunition. The community started exchanging this valuable commodity with the other settlements for food or other necessities. Today, some 10,500 people live in the immediate area. Butler is also the site of an old IRS underground storage bunker holding duplicate tax and social security records.
Sharon: Sharon is home to a militia band known as "Alli's Rangers" numbering several hundred who control a long stretch of I-80. The population of the town itself is about 6,000.
Oil City: After waves of refugees flooded through the big town of Oil City, some staying, others driving out the original residents, the population stabilized at about 4,000 by this past summer. Then came a marauder band called the "Razz", from Cincinnati and led by Malcolm Xavier, who beat the town militia in a series of skirmishes and battles in July. The Razz are now based in Oil City in the police station and an adjoining building. They keep a tight rein on the town and the surrounding area, though they do not range as far from Oil City as the Blackhawks do further north. The locals are not happy about the Razz, who rule with a distinctly heavy hand. The locals, however, are disorganized, demoralized, and mostly unarmed. The Razz run regular patrols mounted in pickup trucks, jeeps, and 4x4s. Rouseville, north of Oil City, and Reno, to the west, are both nearly empty except for Razz outposts. Movement through either will be reported to Oil City, prompting a strong Razz patrol. Razz patrols and Franklin militia have clashed in Reno in recent weeks. The Razz's leaders became aware of the potential oil in the area when they caught two would-be salvagers who wandered into check for existing wells, though the Razz do not know of any working wells in the area.
Meadville: Meadville is the Crawford county seat, but has lost control of anything more than a dozen miles beyond town. Its population first swelled with refugees then shrank as people left looking for safer places and its current population is about 1,600, with another 800 living on a couple dozen farms within a seven mile circle. It's militia, developed from the county sheriff's office, numbers about 90 and is armed with a variety of sport weapons and two M14s. This "county" militia has fought a number of skirmishes with the Razz over the past month and has held them off, but needs to keep part of its strength guarding the town from other directions. The seldom venture out to protect outlying farms.
Maryland suffered mightily in the war and its aftermath. The state was hit by a nuclear weapon of its own and blanketed by fallout from others in the area. Still, its history as the governmental center of the nation has kept people in the area, and even the civilian government has been loathe to leave the shadow of the Capital.
Fredrick 10/29/62 SS-N-4 1 mT
The Maryland National Guard was in the process of being called up when the war exploded in 1962. Of the three battalions that were organized at the time, none of them survive as effective units in1964. The 1st/115th Infantry was destroyed in the crush of refugee evacuation in the suburbs of Washington, and the 1st/175th Infantry was thrown together in Baltimore and sent overseas. Only the 2nd/115th Infantry, based at Chestertown out on the Eastern Shore, was kept in the state. Over the years, attrition and disease have disentigrated the unit, though some survivors still provide militia cadre in various survivor enclaves in the state.
"7th Marines Cavalry"--Fort Meade (450 men)
Fredrick: Nuked on October 29, 1962 by an overshot 1 megaton SS-N-4 air burst fired from the RussianGolf I class ballistic missile submarine B-40. Probably meant for either Baltimore or as an insurance strike on Washington DC, the nuke burst some 18,000 feet above a field outside the city. Fredrick was reduced to rubble and few people live here today. Although the northern one-third of the city is still relatively intact, it is largely uninhabited. This section has been extensively picked over, even though some iron and steel structures are still dangerously radioactive. The rest of the city is virtually abandoned except for a few scavengers and harmless (or are they?) loonies around the outskirts. Motorcycle gangs have raided the area lately, prompting the 3rd Infantry Regiment in Mount Weather to post a small subunit here.
Eastern Maryland cities: The large urban areas in the eastern half of the state have been horribly effected. Radiation clouds, firestorms and rampaging refugees have devastated the state.
Baltimore: Baltimore has been ravaged by savage rioting and numerous fires which gutted large parts of the central and western sections of the city. The entire harbor area has been burned to a crisp by the explosion of chemical and fuel tanks along the waterfront in the chaos of 1962. The entire area beginning at Dundalk Marine Terminal and continuing in a counter-clockwise line through Fort Holabird, up to the foot of Federal Hill around to Waterview Avenue and Landsdowne, and to Frankhurst Avenue and Fairfield. The harbor is full of hulks burned to the waterlines and barricades by half-sunk wrecks. Now home to the "New Baltimore Catechist Order", a religious group based in the old Baltimore Cathedral, the Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The largest enclave of survivors is now on the city's west side. There is now a reasonably defensible perimeter enclosing about 2,000 homes and other buildings with a total of nearly 12,000 residents. About 300 of the locals are organized into a militia under arms. A small militia garrison is located in old Fort McHenry. They have tacit control the approaches to Baltimore harbor with a few mortars and antiaircraft guns, though they rarely even have men at the guns anymore.
Annapolis: Annapolis was largely deserted by 1963.
Fort George G. Meade: Along with much of the Washington-Baltimore corridor, this fort was evacuated when fallout from the Washington strike drifted across the area but was quickly reoccupied by CivGov loyal forces when the capital was reestablished at Mount Weather. Meade was the home of the Second Army headquarters and as such it was felt important to reoccupy it as soon as possible. The fort is now held by the CivGov 7th Marines Cavalry (450 men), a unit recently returned from Europe. Of special note, CivGov sent a special team from this Marine unit last month into the ravages of DC to recover the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence from the nuke-proof subterranean vault under the National Archives building where they were sealed in just before the nukes fell. They successfully did this despite the gangs and warlords in the city and transported them to a bank vault in Mount Weather.
Olney: In Olney, at a FEMA relocation center there is a mystery. A lone nurse, the only staff member to survive the last two years, has recently shown up in town with an amazing story. In the hours following the first sneak nuclear strike on Washington DC the center's staff was flooded by wounded civilians. Because the center was new and not well known, these numbers soon multiplied and the center had to shut down from a lack of supplies. Two days after the strikes, two badly wounded men stumbled through the door of the center looking for help. Only one was lucid and he claimed to be a Secret Service agent who demanded treatment for his companion. The Agent stated that the man was President John F. Kennedy, and the nurse also claims it was. The Agent claimed that the Presidential helicopter was escaping the White House when it was caught in the blast wave of the nuke and tossed into a ravine east of the city. When he came to several hours later, only he and the President was alive, though gravely wounded. Nothing more is known as the nurse had to leave soon after and never knew what happened next.
Aberdeen Proving Grounds: Now taken over by a strong local militia called the "Knights" led by a woman named "Commander Losaba". They have total control of the military reservation and the upper end of Chesapeake Bay, and their area of direct influence extends throughout the northern half of Harford County and the lower half of Cecil County. They have garrisons at the VA hospital in Perry Point and the Naval Training Center in Bainbridge. There is also a large garrison at the hydroelectic power plant at Conowingo. While currently offline, this plant could provide power to the enclave if it can be restarted. They have a light tank running now. To help patrol the canal to the Delaware River, they have a small navy of four motorized patrol boats and seven sailboats, most armed with deck guns and lighter arms. They have a base set up on Spesutie Island for the navy. Commander Losaba believes that she is keeping the reservation intact for the day when the US government will be restored to its former glory. The Edgewood Arsenal was home of a huge store of WW1 and WW2 mustard gas, now kept under lock and key. There were a large number of military retirees who settled in the area before the war, and a lot of the militia in the enclave are retired military, bringing a level of skill and professionalism not seen in most local militias.
Indian Head Naval Base:Here there is a holdout of US Navy personnel and impressed civilians. They are still loyal to the civilian government in Mount Weather, and receive some support and communication from that enclave and from Richmond. At the base, the sailors, under the command of Captain Kennecott, have gathered an impressive amount of naval weaponry from the surrounding military instelations. This treasure includes torpedoes, artillery shells, rockets, depth charges, mines and the like. There are some ships here as well, though they rarely sail anymore except to occasionally make a supply run down the Potomic to the forces at Norfolk. The five ships based here are one very old frigate, three fishing boats and a small river tug. As well there is one old CH-37 Mojave transport helicopter that is kept in excellent repair.
Along the western arm of the state, conditions vary from valley to valley. Hundreds of thousands of refugees swamped every town in their search for food and safety. Most towns, especially along the major roads, are now just empty burnt-out shells. Other communities are better off. Refugee influx has balanced out the lost of the locals and things are stable in most towns. The residents live by hunting and fishing and farming. There is nothing like an organized militia but the residents will come together in a time of crisis.
Hagerstown: Much of Hagerstown was destroyed in the food riots during the chaos. Townspeople have been returning over the years and rebuilding, though the current population is still just a few hundred. A militia has been established and outsiders are viewed with suspicion. A ferry operates here, taking passengers and small vehicles across the Potomac River in exchange for food and barter.
Cumberland: Home to two competing marauder groups. The least dangerous is the "Brick Patrol", a bandit band composed of some 35 underfed high school punks led by an ex-con named Guido. The most troublesome is the motorcycle gang called "Runner's Crew". The leader is a Native American named Runner and he has led his bikers on raids deep into both West Virginia and Pennsylvania.
Date Type Target
10/28/62 Frog Washington
None. The "Old Guard" 3rd Infantry Regiment pulled out of the city when the government left in 1962 for Mount Weather, leaving only police and National Guardsmen to attempt the hopeless task of controlling the city.
Sneak attack: Late in the evening of October 28, 1962 there was a Liberian-registered freighter docked in Baltimore harbor, having just arrived there the previous day. Her captain had refused to let the harbor patrol aboard for a routine inspection that afternoon, causing the Harbor Police to be called in during the evening. Just as the situation began to escalate, the police noticed that the ship's crew had, during the stand-off, disassembled a large shipping container on the foredeck. Before they could even ask, there was a cloud of smoke and a streak of fire as a stubby-winged Frog surface-to-surface missile shot off to the west towards Washington DC. This was the ultimate culmination of a Russian plan devised and planned for since at least the late 1950s, where a nuclear first strike against America would be preceded by a sneak attack to catch the government in a trap and thereby possibly delay any retaliation until the Russian nukes had already done the deed. The Frog missed a little and the 12 kiloton warhead burst low over a residential area in the northwest part of the city, just outside the National Zoological Park, and a few miles from the Capital, killing fifty thousand people in an instant. Though the big apartment buildings in the area absorbed a lot of the shock, the blast wave rolled north right up the open space of Rock Creek Park, demolishing Walter Reed Hospital, crushing that area and sending firestorms racing east and north. The blast and firestorm shattered a large area to the west and east, but favorable terrain to the south saved much of the actual government district from being totally destroyed. The damage to the buildings was serious enough, however, to force the evacuation of all surviving government personnel.
To catch a President: The intended effect was to decapitate the US government with a sneak attack--particularly the president and his staff--and it worked to perfection. There were helicopters at Andrews AFB whose sole job was to get President Kennedy and his family out of DC if needed. That evening, Kennedy was nearing a nervous breakdown in the Oval Office, the pressure of the morning's debacle on the beaches of Cuba crushing his spirit. Even when a frantic call to his office warned of satellite sightings of the dreaded ICBMs being launched from the Russian heartland, Kennedy dithered too much and didn't allow the evacuation request to go out until nearly the last minute. Then there were communications problems between the White House Signals Office and Andrews AFB--someone didn't have the right authentication codes and the colonel in charge was afraid to act without them. That ate up a lot of minutes and when the helicopters finally got into the air, the Frog from Baltimore was racing in, unbeknownst to virtually everyone. It is assumed, due to lack of substantial evidence to the contrary, that in the race between the helicopters and the missile to get to the White House, the missile won.
The city today: Today, half the city is now rubbled out and the rest is being fought over by at least twenty rival gangs. The city is marked by vast burnt sections of houses, toppled monuments and once white marble walkways and statues now black. On the southwest side of town one of the bigger gangs, several hundred strong, is the "Red Dog Family". Other gangs in the metro area are the "Georgetown Boys" to the northwest. And Rushton's "American Union" who hold the remains of Capital Hill, which they have cleaned up. Several hundred strong, they claim a chunk of central Washington turf stretching from Union Station in the north to Fourth Street in the east to Route 395 in the south and the National Gallery of Art and the Air and Space Museum on opposite sides of the Mall, the rest of the Smithsonian being a no-man's land between the American Union and Tide Camp lands. And to the east on both sides of the Anacostia is Louis Farrakhan and his "New American Nation of Islam". And up along Rock Creek Park are the "Gold Coasters"--a mostly black gang in the formerly affluent black neighborhood area between Rock Creek Park and 16th Street that is led by a former Princeton professor, it is a community of several hundred who have cleared a good chunk of the park for cultivation. And the mostly Puerto Rican "Super Machos" around Columbia Road. And then innumerable smaller organized gangs such as the "Nuclear Winners" who live on the edge of the park a half mile north of the Gold Coasters and are even doing a little cultivation in Rock Creek Park as well as scarfing and scavenging, the "Bloods"--who are 40 strong and hold the North Capital slums that had not been too badly damaged by the blast, the "Rangers", and the "Warlords", even the nationwide Black Liberation Army has a unit in the urban renewal area north of New York Avenue, and then the straight-out scum and bandit groups such as the "Rebel Runners", the "Pagans", the "Pirates", and the "Death Commandoes". They, and all the other gangs on this side, are subservient to the "Lord of the Tidal Basin". The Lord is an ethnic Chinese from Thailand named Soong, and is in fact the former leader of the backup White House Secret Service Security Detail. He has the power over the gangs in the area and has made it very clear to them that the White House is off limits. Out of fear of retribution from the Lord, the gangs leave the grounds of the ruined White House sacrosanct, even though there is only rubble left of it on the surface. In the intact subbasements of the White House are a lot of valuable gear and supplies just sitting there. They also hold the Court of Claims and the Treasury Annex and the intact Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing and plan to begin reissuing money soon. The Lord's base is in the Lincoln Memorial and he has hundreds of well armed men, some with anti-tank weapons. The core of his fighters are all former enforcement types: police, DEA, FBI, and Secret Service agents that survived the nuke and chaos. They also have a 81mm mortar and a 4.2inch mortar which are zeroed in on the White House perimeter in pre-selected firing patterns. The reason that so much attention is paid to preserving the White House is that Soong's people are slightly deluded and crazy, and are waiting with Second Coming anticipation for the President to return to Washington DC and resume the head of the nation. They are working the Tidal Basin, having set up rice paddies and fields to feed the people. The fields are worked by a large Asian-American population that have migrated here over the years. The Highway One bridge was dropped by the blasts but a plank and rope bridge has been fashioned using the existing pillars to cross the neck of the Washington Channel where it runs into the Tidal Basin. All the bridges on the Potomac and the Anacostia are down, from the Woodrow Wilson Bridge clear up to the Beltway Bridge in Montgomery County to the west and the suburb of Brentwood in the east. On the island of East Potomac Park they have more fields and paddies, the lower half of the island, once a pampered gold course is now a well-ordered shantytown for several hundred field workers. The major neutral ground in the district is the "Rubble Mart", a cleaned out shopping mall on the far northwest side of town almost to the Maryland boundary and a few blocks west of the edge of Rock Creek Park. The mall is open to all comers and offers all manner of salvaged goods. Security is by hired guns but the mall is so valuable to everyone that no one dares to cause trouble there. The Washington Monument is now a broken off stump. West Potomac Park is now a tangled jungle of out-of-control weeds and trees. The Jefferson Memorial was leveled, all that remains are several shattered columns and the cracked and ruined dome lying on the ground. A group seized Theodore Roosevelt Island and declared it an independent republic and now live and in-breed in reclaimed truck trailers around the ruins of the memorial. At Andrews Air Force Base to the southeast, today, amongst the scattered wreckage of F-106 Delta Darts, there only remains left-behind GIs, MPs, and nutcase National Guard types. The Pentagon across the river in Arlington was devastated by fires and abandoned. However, in recent months, the civilian government in Mount Weather has picked up intermittent, weak signals from what are believed to be the underground bunkers beneath the foundation of the Pentagon, perhaps meaning that someone has survived down there.
Before the war this was a fertile and populous plain, home to high-tech industries and horse-drawn Amish buggies, oil refineries and cornfields. The nuclear attacks have created an unofficial "forbidden zone" along the Delaware as far north as Trenton. Bracketed by nuclear strikes, the residents of Wilmington panicked and headed northwest on routes 100 and 202. As the winter took its toll and no more warheads dropped from the sky, some people returned. 8,000 souls now make their livelihood salvaging all manner of heavy machinery, raw materials and luxury goods. The Delaware Memorial Bridge is still standing but is structurally unsound.
Dover: Formerly the state capital of Delaware, Dover now has a population of 7,800 gathered in several walled-in neighborhoods. They are cautiously friendly with anyone who isn't obviously hostile and will trade salvage for food with outsiders. Dover Air Force Base had been operating at a reduced level, the aircraft and support elements dispersed to other facilities, when it was hit by a several non-nuclear cruise missiles. The control buildings and hangers have been destroyed.
The southern half of the peninsula is marked by farms. These are scattered along the east coast of the state, usually within 15 miles of the shoreline. About 100 are still in operation, between Wilmington and Cape Henlopen, where New Jersey merchant vessels and the Cape May/Lewes ferry still frequently visits in good weather. Nearly identical, these farms are fortified and house three to five families (10-50 people). Between these islets of civilization are few marauders, usually in small groups of a dozen or so. The largest town in the area is Milford, a thriving seacoast town with nearly 10,000 residents. They are primarily fishermen and have an extensive fishing fleet. A medium-sized oil processing center located along Route 36 provides the town with fuel for their boats.
SECTION NINE: New England (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island)
Maine is not doing as well as it should. With the isolation of geography and the type of population, Maine should be well into recovery. The problem is food, the harvests have been lousy with the growing seasons screwed up by the nuclear autumn, and the winters have been especially cold. It seems like everyone in the state is hungry and sick. Governor John Hathaway Reed is doing what he can, having long ago defederalized the National Guard and done pretty well at keeping most of the out of state refugees out. Since then, however, he has been forced to become more and more autocratic, and the NG has served more as his own private army than anything else.
None other than the reformed and reorganized remains of the Maine National Guard, which are largely garrisoned in Augusta.
The coast is an environmental disaster area, severely reducing the fishing crops which were once the staple of the state. In January of 1963, two fully-laden oil tankers were torpedoed off the mouth of the Bay of Fundy by a Russian submarine. Both broke up and spilled their crude oil cargos over the beaches from the Bay of Fundy south down the Maine coast to as far as Portland and as far east as Brier Island off Nova Scotia. The sludge still stains the rocks and sand.
While a few power-plants remained functioning for some months after the nuclear exchange, the skilled personnel and the upkeep equipment required were not to be found, and eventually all power plants were shut down, plunging the cities into darkness. In the cities, life is now difficult.
Augusta: The state capital and the center of Governor Reed's power. The majority of the National Guard is here in the city and industry and trade are flourishing. The city's defenses include an anti-aircraft regiment, nine platoons of a National Guard Battalion, a couple of police companies, a couple of engineer companies, and twenty militia companies which could be called up. The AA regiment's guns are mostly obsolete guns of various calibers and there are very few rounds per gun. The population is growing as the food situation deteriorates out in the countryside.
Bangor: Recently a group known as the "Red Knights of the Communist" has appeared in Bangor. Originating in the devastated area around this city, this radical group is spreading directly north, taking villages and disrupting life as it goes along.
Portland: Portland, being the southernmost city in the state, was repeatedly sacked by bands of people fleeing radiated and devastated areas to the south and is a shell today. The docks are kept alive by an outpost of the Gloucestermen.
With the major population centers to the south ravaged by rioting and the collapse of civil control, and most communication equipment rendered useless by EMP, the people of northern Maine have been forced to revert to pre-1900 levels of existence. Pumas have begun to reappear in the northern forests for the first time in a century and the bears are an increasing problem. The country-wide white supremacy group New America has a large enclave in the north woods of the Maine (and across the border in New Brunswick), where they now exercise effective control over a number of larger towns in the area.
Being a mountainous region with little industry, Vermont escaped much of the war damage seen elsewhere. The state is occupied now by numerous self-governed villages, and no form of government exists above this level, though many villages in this formerly staunch democrat state are still loyal to the civilian government. Vermont has reverted to a pre-colonial lifestyle that most people actually prefer. Urban centers were small and rare in these parts, and after the chaos they are even smaller. Much of the region is self-sufficient and the area has reverted to an old semi-feudal croft system, where a collection of small farmsteads are protected by a larger town in return for a share of the crops. The inhabitants of this state are a hardy folk who are wary of strangers (basically anyone from outside of Vermont, and sometimes from outside their valley). Weaponry is common--mostly shotguns, backed with a few pistols, and a gradually increasing number of military small arms. Because of the difficulty of the terrain and the small population, few marauder groups operate in the state. Those that do are small, ranging in size from 10 to 20 men, all poorly equipped. Canadian troops are occasionally spotted in the northern counties hunting for salvage and loot.
172nd Infantry Regiment--Burlington (450 men).
Burlington: In Burlington, however, the remaining population has been active. They are planning on obtaining small amounts of petroleum from rigs in the coastal waters off the Canadian coast, piping through a pipeline connecting Burlington with the coast. This pipeline was built just before the war and has never been used. The remaining bulk of the state's National Guard is here in Burlington. The remnants of the 172nd Infantry Regiment that were not shipped to Europe in 1962 (some 450 men, mostly service and rear area personnel given rifles and some training provide security along the length of the pipeline as well as perimeter defenses for the city. Internal security is composed of several ad-hoc units including a scratch force composed of a group of 350 very young trainee soldiers of Ethan Allen Military School and several local college ROTC programs. Most of them are between 16 and 18 years old and many are too small to lift an ammunition box. They have some mortars but a number of them only have uniforms and high hopes.
Royalton: On the grounds of the old Vermont Law School in Royalton now stands a pagoda-style castle, right out of Ran. The area within and surrounding is open to fields and farming. The town has around 450 people within it's environments.
Forest Dale: Home to the state's only large marauder band, the 100 men of "John Campbell's Wildcats." In 1953, John Campbell joined the Canadian Army and went through officer's training. By 1958 he had attained the rank of Captain. In 1962, shortly before the Soviet nuclear attack on North America, Captain Campbell was stationed at a communications facility on the Vermont border as a security officer. After the chaos, he moved south and went marauder.
Island Pond: Home to Vermont's only pro-MilGov resistance group, the 75 men of the "Bluff Mountain Warriors."
West Hill: This town up in the mountains with a population 3,000 was fortified by a near-legendary, fair and just leader named Felix, nicknamed “King Ultraviolet.” A survivor and hero of World War II, Felix came to lead a band of followers and pilgrims up from New York City to a series of natural mountain valleys in Northern Vermont to escape the chaos. With him he brought many talented men and women, and children as well, to populate his new “kingdom among the peaks.” Modeling this new society after the legendary knights of the Round Table and the kingdom of Avalon (with himself as King Arthur), Felix set about creating a peaceful paradise where men could live in harmony, maintaining a peace relatively secure from the raiders and savages of the outside world. Felix’s efforts have culminated in a small but stable community high in the Green Mountains, colored by dreamy ideals of the rule of law, peaceful intentions, and universal brotherhood
The situation in New Hampshire is much the same as in neighboring Vermont, but a higher level of government control is evident, especially in the urban areas. The main body of the New Hampshire National Guard is based out of the state capital Concord and is actively engaged in anti-bandit operations.
The New Hampshire National Guard has a current strength of 2,000 men, with the majority of the manpower being in the Concord-Manchester-Portsmouth triangle.
Concord: Home of the state government and the bulk of the National Guard, including the state's remaining operational armor assets--six M41 Walker Bulldog tanks and five M8 Greyhound armored cars.
Portsmouth's nuke: On October 29, 1962, a 4 megaton Titan I ICBM landed near Portsmouth, fired originally from the Ellsworth complex in South Dakota. The missile malfunctioned and did not separate in the upper reaches of the atmosphere as it was supposed to. Instead it landed on the beach on the east side of a small island off Portsmouth virtually intact. On low tide days the battered rusting missile is still visible buried in the sand. The locals avoid it like the plague, although lately they are beginning to realize that it might be a goldmine if they can salvage the warhead. Portsmouth itself is now a small fishing community struggling to survive by remaining hidden. There are no militia troops in the area except a couple companies of young boys, armed with little more than rifles and a couple of bazookas. Led by the headmasters of a local military school for boys, they are a hindrance at best to the defenders. An alarm battalion of conscripted refugees, stiffened with some men from a National Guard engineer company. The militia battalion in reality musters no more than 113 men. They have three sorts of machine guns, including several Russian ones, a flame-thrower lacking essential parts, three Spanish pistols, and 28 rifles in six different calibers.
Nashua: Once a thriving survivor city, but now virtually abandoned by the state government as too much expense to defend, Nashua was been wracked by food rioting the past year, killing off much of the surviving population.
Keene: Home base of the "Army of Vermont and New Hampshire", known mostly as the "ARVEN". This semi-legitimate militia group is made up of conscripted scum with higher-trained recon units. The core of the group comes from the remnants of the 1st Battalion/172d Artillery Regiment, a New Hampshire National Guard unit that was stationed in southern New Hampshire on the eve of the war. They have maintained many of their vehicles and possibly have a tank or two saved for a special purpose. As well, they have a paddle-wheeler riverboat that they use along the Connecticut River. There are too many people and too many settlements in the area for them to control and tax to keep them operational.
Newcomers: Canadian troops are beginning to cross the border in the north. Since communications are so bad and the land is so empty, the Canadians are slowly working their way furthers south looking for salvage and hunting bandits. The troops here are mostly from the garrison of Sherbrooke, Quebec and include elements of the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment and the Royal Canadian Regiment. There is some thought of eventually annexing the northern part of the state at some point. These incursions are being monitored and sometimes forcibly opposed by a few a small contingent of National Guardsmen, citizen militiamen and drafted US Forest Service officers.
Rochester: This once thriving industrial town is now the home of several large marauder bands, including the "Iroquois Rangers" from Massachusetts and the "New Jacobites".
The 2nd Brigade of the 5th Infantry Division was based at Fort Devens in 1962, but was fed into the European furnace early in 1963.
26th Infantry Division--Boston (2000 men)
211th Military Police Battalion--Westover (400 men)
The war: The city wasn't hit by the bombs, but, like most large cities, order broke down pretty completely afterward. The police and the local National Guard tried to calm the people, but they would have nothing of it. And then the chaos started. For nearly three months you didn't go out at night, you always carried a gun, and if you could, you fled the city. This fact, coupled with the loss of electricity and water to the city, resulted in massive riots and looting followed by a mass exodus out of the city. A serious anti-science binge of violence raged through Boston at the end of 1962, fuelled by people's fear of the unknown. Libraries, laboratories, and colleges all went up in flames. MIT, Harvard, all the museums downtown, all were torched and looted. The brutally cold winter put an end to most of the violence, only those who had shelter survived.
Aftermath: Today, the city is under the double hit of the gangs and a plague attack. The spread-out nature of the scattered settlements in the city is helping to keep the outbreak controlled, but people are dying by the dozens by the day still, both gang member and civilians alike. Boston Commons has been designated as a dumping ground and mass cremation site for infected bodies to try and localize the germs. With the plague, looting and marauding have increased as people get desperate. In the harbor are three ships holding supplies that are afraid to dock until the plague runs it's course.
Law and Order: The remains of the state government now operates out of the a high-rise building in downtown Boston--formerly the Prudential Life Insurance building. The US Army is still enforcing the Martial Law decree in the city, the main muscle being the 26th Infantry Division, a Massachusetts National Guard unit that works with the State Police to keep the gangs out of the vital port areas. Loyal to the Civilian Government, the "Yankee" Division has a total strength of some 2,000 men. The area the military and the state government now control is small, limited to a narrow strip bordering the harbor running from Logan Airport in the north, south to Dorchester Bay, and then west to roughly Highway 3, where the line of control blurs with the local street gangs. This is a relatively small area, but it is well-organized and protected. The University of Massachusetts-Boston is a seat of power today, housing some of New England's last scientific community. This university was strangely not destroyed during the chaos, perhaps because while MIT and Harvard were private schools, UM-B was a public school open to all Bostonians. The school's football stadium is now a garden.
The gangs: The gang problem in Boston's traditionally immigrant poor neighborhoods is almost completely out of control. Following the nuclear strikes, gangs took up protecting their local neighborhoods. They were initially resisted by citizen's militias and the remnants of organized crime in the city, but the gangs won. The non-gang population is dwindling fast as they leave the city for safer areas and in another few years the gangs will be the majority. The Army here is really just concerned with protecting the docks and industrial facilities and feeding those who are of value to them. This uneven distribution of food is one of the main causes of the increase in gang activity. Some of the larger gangs are the "Skull Krushers", the "Brother Hoods", the "Night Knights", the "Blood Bandits", the "Banditos", the "Death Watch", and the "SkiBooms". All of these gangs survive largely on raiding and looting each other. Their longevity is probably short once the food runs out.
Roxbury: Right at the edge of the Army-controlled zone is the "Jaguar" gang, hold the western Roxbury area from a base in an old warehouse. They are led by a man named Horrigan.
Weymouth Naval Depot: Controlled by a gang called the "Black Widows", who, as their name implies, are a female-only gang known for their viciousness and ferocity. The depot is mostly empty, everything having been taken long ago, all that is left are some old torpedoes that the gang is trying to figure out what to do with.
Razor Heads: The largest Boston gang by far is the "Razor Heads", led by former rock and roll guitarist turned gangster Dain B. Dangerous, a charismatic and brilliant, but psychopathic and violent leader. The Razor Heads number some 1,200 effectives and are twice as large as the next largest gang in the city. They are noted for wearing outlandish clothing and hairstyles.
Northern coast: In the northern outskirts of Boston the "Gloucestermen", an alliance of fishermen, control Gloucester and have fortified the city against the starving hordes. Mostly formed by old-timers who formed the core of the fishing industry along the northern coast of Massachusetts. These people are opposed to the heavy hand of the UBF to the south and their encroachments into their fishing grounds. They are also mad that the Army in Boston has done nothing to help them, though they realize that the UBF provides Boston with twenty times the fish that they do. The Gloucestermen operate diesel-powered speed boats (running on alcohol), sailboats, and a few wood-fired steam vessels, but their patrols are limited to coastal areas. A strong militia in Newburyport works for good, patrolling by jeep in the Plum Island area and keeping the Iroquois Rangers at bay (see below).
Salem: Salem, located north of Boston, is one of the strongest, more intact survivor cities in New England. Much of the original central city remains intact and has been strengthened by various forms of fortification. Fortifications have also been constructed around the downtown area to help protect it from the ravages of bandits and marauders. The city has a total population of 22,500 people and the surrounding areas have a population of around 17,500, mostly refugees from Boston. After the city successfully defeated the first waves of attacking marauders, a council was formed from the surviving leaders and politicians. With the assistance of civic leaders university professors, especially from Salem State College, the city and its surrounding area are mostly independent and could survive on their own if needed. Greenhouses, being relatively simple technology are popular and a large amount of winter vegetable and fruit are grown in them. The biggest food supply comes from fishing of various type. Salem has a large (for 1964 standards) fishing fleet which one of the major jobs of the militia is to protect. The extra from fish harvests is much of what helps to purchase materials from other places. The city even sells fish products to the gangs of Boston although they are very careful to keep their identity private. Most of the industrial areas of Salem were destroyed in the attacks of marauders after the chaos started. What was left was some light industry only mainly in textile areas. As a result, most jobs today are related to food production and storage. The militia force is based on residents of the city who were members of the Massachusetts National Guard. It numbers some 600 effectives with large numbers of vehicles for fast transport. These include eight armored bank trucks, four armored dump trucks, and one US Army M57 APC. Salem's fishing "fleet" includes four former Coast Guard cutters, eight PT boats, and two patrol boats.
Plymouth: Destroyed by a hurricane two months ago. Many people were killed, the rest have evacuated the town because some strange chemical weapon stored in the pre-war naval arsenal here was detonated by the storm. This weapon, instead of causing death, was a hallucinogenic, generating the most believable and deranged of visions.
New Bedford: Burnt by a series of fierce fires in 1963 that left much of the city in ruins, this city has recovered nicely in the last year. The city has a large militia/police force that is relatively well-armed and trained. There are about 2,000 men at arms, 120 horse cavalry, three armored dump trucks, an M-103 heavy tank, and two self-propelled howitzers. There is also a fishery protection force with four inshore patrol boats, two patrol torpedo boats, and a civilian observation helicopter.
Once a major industrial region, the strip of gritty manufacturing cities stretching from Chelmsford to Haverhill was devastated in the rioting and chaos of 1962. Now, the area is dominated by elements of the "Iroquois Rangers"--a large marauder band. The surviving locals live in a reign of terror. Many have fled the area, but many more have been unable to. Many of them are now force to grow food for the Rangers, but they are allowed to keep a little for themselves. The Rangers now have some 1,300 effectives, including many hangers-on and wanna-be's, and have one AFV. Their current plan is to secure the cities in the area and then move south to take on Boston by next summer. To this end, the Raiders are actively recruiting military men, especially officers, to join them for a promise of a share of the loot. The "Lowell Liberation Army" has arisen out of this dire situation, but numbers only some 50 men and is poorly equipped. Since Ranger reprisals are brutal, the people commit few acts of resistance. Appeals to the CivGov Army unit in Boston have been met with silence--they have enough to deal with in Boston.
The United Brotherhood of Fishermen: Nominally CivGov but really themselves, the UBF is headquartered on Nantucket Island, and is a coalition of fishing and fortified communities under the control of a strongman named John Carlucci and his thugs. They control most of the coastal communities from Nantucket northward and effectively "own" all of Cape Cod. The UBF is based on the remains of the powerful Longshoreman's Union that controlled the fish industry along the Massachusetts and Rhode Island coasts since the late 18th Century. The UBF is the main provider of fish for New England and as such is virtually untouchable. The strong military forces both in Newport, Rhode Island and in Boston both are unwilling to risk disrupting the supply of food to the hungry masses. The UBF, knowing this, have taken full advantage to carve out an empire. They have a large private army and numerous armed boats to protect their industry and do a little pirating on the side. Carlucci is pro-CivGov for no other reason than they are his main trading partners in New England and Boston in particular. He does, however, harbor illusions of being president once things return to normal.
The Arm: Cape Cod is the heartland of the empire that John Carlucci is carving out for himself. The Cape Cod Canal is the border and is heavily fortified with machinegun-armed guard towers and barbed wire and patrolled by armed speedboats and walking patrols. Peace and public order are the rule all along the peninsula. The area is no longer under curfew and people are very wary of strangers. Highway 6, the main road in the area, is in good repair and is the convoy route for the UBF. They usually save fuel by hitching draft animals up to the trucks for all but the heaviest loads.
Otis Air Force Base: Otis AFB lies in the Cape Cod territory of the UBF. The base is still operated by CivGov assets, but they are basically tenants in UBF land. Carlucci uses full advantage of the base and personnel here to legitimize his control further, letting it show that he is working hand in hand with the civilian government and not against it. In truth, the base is dependent on UBF food shipments and is rapidly switching allegiance. The base is still home to the remains of the Massachusetts Air National Guard's 102nd Tactical Fighter Wing. Operational air assets include three F-86H Sabres, an old F-80 Shooting Star, a trainer-version B-66B Destroyer, two C-130s, a Piper Cub, and two T-38 Talons--former NASA trainers from Florida now homeless. Total personnel strength is around 500 and most of the pilots are Massachusetts Air National Guard. The pilots and ground crews occupy GI housing inside and outside the AFB, others started building anew.
Hyannis Port: Of special note, the Kennedy family compound at Hyannis Port on Cap Cod is now something of a memorial. The family members here scattered and the compound was burned to the ground by angry mobs in late 1962. In 1964, the ruins are frequently visited by those that do not wish to forget.
Martha's Vinyard: Still isolated, making due without supplies from the mainland. The ferries have stopped running and there is no fuel left to be wasted on airplanes. The regular residents of the island were better prepared to fend for themselves than most mainlanders.
The western half of the state was once a fairly productive agricultural area, but the drought conditions of 1964 have changed that. The rugged timber regions have not been effected much by the drought, but local farmland has been burnt dry over the summer and is now virtually worthless.
Springfield/Westover Air Force Base: This former B-52 base is home of one group of the MilGov 211th Military Police Battalion (MA NG), one of the few MilGov loyal units in all of New England. The 211th has about 400 effectives, mostly Massachusetts National Guardsmen. The MPs are here for the long term and have began a vigorous program of planting every available acre of land with seeds, often using laborers from the refugee populations of the area. They have a compound in Holyoke along the Connecticut River. There is one old river tug here that they are fixing up to serve as a monitor. Not surprising with the security it brings, there is a large and growing shanty town of refugees around the Westover AFB encampment. The shanty town is built in and on the ruins of Smith Highlands--a suburb of Springfield. The population here has risen to 14,000 and shows no sign of stopping as many more arrive from Boston. Many of these people do the labor for the Battalion, planting and sowing crops and collecting salvage. They also have recently garrisoned a 40-man unit at the Quabbin Reservoir and are trying to restart the hydroelectric dam here. The Reservoir is also used for fishing, though it is polluted and not much use. To cover both the Westover base and the Quabbin base, the Battalion has erected an artillery firebase midway between the two at the Hemlock Hill resort. Here there are 50 men and nearly all the Battalion's heavy ranged weapons, including four towed 155mm howitzers and six 4.2inch mortars. The other half of the Battalion mutinied late last year and has since been entrenched around Fort Devin Military Reservation to the east. Neither half of the Battalion represents a significant fighting force any longer, and both are now nothing more than heavily armed warlords. Neither would obey any orders from Colorado Springs even if they received any. Other groups of the Battalion's soldiers, usually in groups about 30-strong, struck out on their own during the mutiny and have become marauders in the area. Many of these smaller groups have hired themselves out to various tin-pot warlords in the Springfield area.
Like most heavily urbanized states, Connecticut has suffered greatly since 1962. Literally millions of panicked people streamed out of the train wreck that was New York City following the nuclear hits. These mobs of refugees totally swamped and buried the western two thirds of the state under a tidal wave of violence and desperation. The first winter of 1962 thinned them out, and as soon as the food ran out those that still lived by the spring moved on north and west. Behind them they left needless devastation. Connecticut--along with most of New England--had very little stored food reserves and was one of the first states in the country to experience food shortages following the nuclear strikes, and thus some of the worst food riots. It was widely rumored amongst the civilian population that the military was hoarding food at the expense of the civilians, and military bases throughout the state were besieged by hungry and angry people. Once winter came and the great die-off began, people began to eat everything. The deer disappeared, even packs of dogs in the urban areas were hunted for food. By the spring of 1963 all that was left in relative quantity was fish. The few farms in the countryside were all swamped by refugees early, leaving little agriculture outside of small family plots. Throughout 1964 conditions in Connecticut have been getting worse--food is becoming more scarce and what law and order remains is either rapidly breaking down or becoming increasingly more autocratic in order to remain in control. Those civilians still in the state are very desperate.
The state's component of the 43rd Infantry Division, three battle groups and an artillery regiment, were mobilized soon after the first nuclear strikes. Conditions in the state, especially following the nuking of New York City, rapidly degraded the National Guard's capability and by 1963 there were just a few places left where they were organized. The federal government was unable to rally the state to send the men overseas and so most of them have remained here. These units now owe their loyalty to the cities and towns they protect and there is little or no overall state command.
43rd Infantry Division
------169th Infantry Regiment--Hartford (520 men)
------2nd Battalion/192nd FA Regiment
------------Battery A--Norwich (55 men)
------------Battery C--Waterbury (40 men)
248th Engineer Company--Norwich (35 men)
The New York-Boston corridor is lined with small, semi-suburban communities, all of them demolished to differing degrees by years of rioting and refugee migrations. The worst are Bridgeport and New Haven, with lesser (but considerable) difficulties being offered by Norwalk, Fairfield, Stratford, and New London. Most of these turned to fishing or farming after the initial period of famine that largely depopulated the area. As well, the marauder bands have preyed upon and savaged many of these communities. Many who had staked their hopes on farming have been ruined by the unfavorable weather and have either become hunter/scavengers or marauders. The Connecticut coastline now offers a number of smaller fishing communities with a tradition of fleeing instead of fighting.
Greenwich: After the initial chaos, for several months this city was calm, life was hard, but people survived. Then the drought and the marauders came. Now there are only small pockets of people all over the city. There is no food, starving people are reduced to eating rats. The land north of the city is worthless for farming and their fishing fleet, once powerful, now sits rusting and rotting dockside. There are more diseases in the city than in any research lab, and there are few doctors and no medicines left.
Stamford: This city was destroyed by rioting, out of control fires and fighting scavenger gangs. The city is now a checkerboard of fire-blackened ruins. The two dozen or so survivors are hiding in little pockets all over the city, terrified to go out.
Danbury: In this upland town, the citizens tried to band together to defend themselves against the marauders and starving refugees. They were crushed and swept aside for their efforts. The city is rapidly falling into decay and ruin. The museums and finer homes have been looted, the libraries sacked. Dogs and cats have become food staples.
Norwalk: Under control of gangs. They have raided extensively about the countryside, stealing food and women.
Bridgeport: The city has been looted and savaged so many times that it is nothing more than a shell of what it once was and there was no one left to fight the hurricane-like fires that burned most of the city down. The 10,000 or so people who still live in this dying city are sick and malnourished. Cholera is rampant in the city today. Bridgeport Harbor is a cesspool of pollution and rotting skeletons. The northern suburbs are relatively intact and the many manufacturing plants in the area still hold many treasures.
Fairfield: Burnt to the ground during the chaos, this city is empty today.
Waterbury: There is some farming going on in the fields around the city. They have a militia that has successfully battled the gangs and kept the population down to manageable levels. The town's main protection comes from the remains of the National Guard's Battery C (105mm) of the 2nd Battalion/192nd FA, a former component of the 43rd ID (40 men). The citizens have tried hard not to let their city turn into a slum or be looted by vandals. In every space available, someone is growing a garden or raising chickens. The railroads leading into the city are useless, vandals have destroyed miles of track.
Milford: Looted and sacked so many times it's only a hulk now. Pirates used it as a base for a time, but abandoned it and moved on.
New Haven: Devastated by fires and rioting, this long-shadowed, burned city is now a hulk. Fires still smolder in the mounds of coal in the heavy manufacturing areas in the outskirts. Abandoned and smashed cars litter every street. Marauders occupy most of the city today armed with light weapons mostly, many are survivors of several Connecticut National Guard units stationed here that were swept away in the rioting. There are some 2,500 civilians left, many serving as slaves for the gangs.
Wallingford: Looted and burned, with only a few hundred survivors.
Hartford: Hartford is doing better than most cities in the area, having a stable population fed by gardens planted everywhere there is dirt. All the National Guard units in the area were consolidated and reformed under the banner of the 169th Infantry Regiment, a component of the 43rd ID. Total manpower is around 520 men at this time. Well-equipped with the stores and weapons in six area NG armories, the force is truly to be reckoned with. As well, there is an active State Militia organization in the city, led by the Governor's 1st Horse Guard Company (40 men) and the "Nathan Hale Battalion (60 men), made up of former University of Connecticut--Hartford ROTC cadets led by a former US Army colonel. There are several doctors still in the city and considering all that has happened, the citizens are doing well. The state government is still here, operating at vastly reduced levels. The state leadership has very little influence on affairs in Connecticut outside of Hartford County.
The southeastern corner of the state was mostly spared the ravages of the refugees, and the area is now the most secure in the state.
Norwich: A mix of productive refugees and decent citizens occupy this city now, all trying to survive. The town's defenses are provided by the National Guard's 248th Engineer Company (35 men) and Battery A (105mm) of the 2nd Battalion/192nd FA, a former component of the 43rd ID (55 men).
New London: Today, this city is a gutted and looted shell, home to just 600 citizens. Much of the factory facilities which supported the submarine base here were destroyed in the riots and civil disorder following the nuclear strikes. The Coast Guard Academy is now deserted and in ruins. The city of New London itself is largely empty. The few inhabitants make a living either farming roof gardens and sifting over the rubble for overlooked bits of salvage, or by brigandage. The former submarine base is occupied by a small group of a few hundred refugees. The factories have been looted of all but the heaviest machinery, and everything that can be pried loose has been taken away or broken. The riverside harbor is empty except for one half-sunken sub and a beached cargo ship. The sub is the Barracuda class SS-552 Bonita, which was undergoing an engine refit when rioters looking for food tore through her. The cargo ship was rumored to be carrying grain from Iowa for the military and was swamped by hungry mouths, only to find machine parts and rubber tires. Today there are about 30 US Navy men at the base from the CivGov enclave at Newport, Rhode Island working to salvage some electronic components from the ships.
Groton: Just across the Thames River from New London, Groton is a different story. It too has been heavily looted, but it has a small permanent population--a few local fishermen operating out of the old harbor there and a couple of craftsmen who produce rope and netting for the fishers. Recently, a group of monks moved into the area and is providing medical care and acting as an impartial governing body to settle local disputes. The Submarine School is now deserted and in ruins.
Mystic: Along the coast, this once quaint, little historic town is now the current equivalent of a minor metropolis. Dusted with radiation from the New York nukes, the town was initially abandoned. With a month, however, it was obvious that the area was safe and the people started to return. With a population of almost 30,000, many of them refugees from New London, Mystic now supports a vigorous fishing industry, as well as some coastal trade. Much of this is due to the contributions of the former employees of the Mystic Seaport and Marine Museum, who have kept the Charles W. Morgan, America's last wooden whaling ship, in operating condition. They have also managed to convert the other sailing craft in port into highly profitable fishing/merchant vessels, and they have an ambitious educational program for transmitting special maritime skills to an ever-increasing number of their young people. Not surprisingly, Mystic is particularly well defended, boasting several .30 cal machineguns and a pair of 81mm mortars, in addition to the more predictable selection of military, paramilitary, and sporting long arms. It maintains a low-power radio station for emergency broadcasts to its populace and for long-range contact with the rest of the world. Mystic's secret insurance policy is their cooperation with the CivGov Coast Guard enclave to the east in Rhode Island. In fact, the guard loaned Mystic the .30 cals and mortars eighteen months ago in exchange for the loan of the Australia, the historic schooner that had been part of the seaport exhibition. They are also serving as an advance base for the navy as they begin to salvage the New London naval yard.
On a smaller note, in the northwestern corner of the state, is Goshen, a small village of a dozen or so buildings and an old rangers fire watch tower looms several stories above the town. The radical Church of Human Perfection is fast into weeding out the sick and old in the town to create a "perfect population". These islands of humanity are rare, however, as most towns are deserted and looted.
While the tiny state of Rhode Island was untouched by missiles, it's people had to then fend for themselves in the aftermath of that horrific day. Governor John Notte had placed the National Guard all along the border with in twelve hours after the missiles stopped, and only two after the refugees started arriving. Governor Notte also quickly made a deal with the National Guard 103rd Replacement Battalion stationed in his state. The commander saw quickly that he had to help the Governor if he and his family were to survive. So with three well armed forces under his command--the RI ANG, the 103rd Replacement Battalion, and the RI state police--the Governor was able to pretty much close the borders. Notte new that he needed the military to hold things together, so he worked with them to ensure that he and they were given the lions share of food and supplies. Still, the following harsh winter and the spread of disease took its toll on the population of Rhode Island. Within two years the state was down to less than 200,000 people. The population of the capital city Providence (currently at twenty percent of its pre-war level) presently forms a community which now calls itself the "Isolationists". Practicing what their name implies, the Isolationists have shut themselves off from outside governments and are attempting to become as self-sufficient as possible. The Isolationists claim all of Rhode Island but they only effectively control the parts of Providence and the adjacent area within the border formed by the Providence and Pawtucket Rivers and Scituate Reservoir.
103rd Replacement Battalion--Providence (1300 men)
Providence: Much of Providence itself was ravaged by the disorder and starvation that was a mark of the chaos. Fires have gutted many of the large buildings in the downtown area. The area west of Cranston and east of the reservoir has recently been developed into a series of farming co-ops in an effort to break the city's dependence on fish and outside suppliers. Unfortunately, the city lacks a large body of experience in agriculture and animal husbandry. As a result, the yields are expected to by small. They are opposed by small gangs within Providence itself, and by the various bandit and marauder bands which wander New England. The gangs control the low-rent apartment ghettos and parts of the downtown Providence area, creating a siege situation with the Isolationist defense forces surrounding them. The reason that these gangs have not been wiped out is that Notte's daughter was kidnapped by them in 1963 and he refuses to burn them out until he finds her. Some of the larger gangs are the "Pigs on Wings", the "Killer Sheep", the "Rabid Wolf Lingerie Society", and the "Dogs of War". By late 1964, Notte's grand experiment with isolationism is breaking down. Shortages in power and spare parts have forced him to shut down factories and operations left and right. The is virtually no power left for private consumption. Notte's relationship to the Navy enclave and the UBF is becoming more strained by the hour as he is unable to fill trade orders and his work force becomes restless. The 103rd Replacement Battalion (1300 men) provides the bulk of the security forces for the city.
Newport: Now a CivGov Coast Guard and Navy enclave, which is centered in the compound that was once the domain of the Naval War College and Naval Officer Candidate School, among other important navy institutions. Rear Admiral Nils HoIsgirder is the commandant of the Coast Guard forces here. The Rhode Island Isolationist community to the north in Providence is leery of Holsgirder, and something of an unspoken arrangement exists between them. Providence leaves Newport in peace and facilitates a limited amount of trade with the Isolationist community, while Holsgirder's force is their insurance against any change in the UBF's ambition. Although not large enough to defeat Carlucci, Holsgirder's swabs could deal the UBF a severe, perhaps crippling, blow in a fight to the finish. For now, however, the navy men are active traders with the UBF. The new Coast Guard is a mix of the old and the young. The officers and NCOs are all 40 or more years old; they are reactivated reservists, former academy instructors, and coast guard auxiliary inductees. Most of them (about 200) have seen limited combat. Almost 400 of these new swabs make up the rank and file of the new Coast Guard. The townspeople of Newport (approximately 18,000 of them) are mostly involved in fishing, light industry, and light farming. All people above the age of thirteen are required to attend four hours of militia training every week and two full weeks of intensive training every year (usually during the winter). Enough long arms are available to arm about half these people with something more effective than a .22. Handguns are not prevalent. The Coast Guard itself is armed with M14s and M60 LMGs. A few mortars are available, as are a number of M2HB .50 calibers. Body armor is somewhat rare, most of it being ballistic cloth vests, courtesy of commandeered police stores. Holsgirder wasn't left with much when the navy yanked almost every seaworthy vessel out from under him after the nukings to fight World War III. However, the commandant is a tireless and resourceful worker, and the new flotilla is a direct product of his industry. The primary assets include the medium-endurance cutter Chilula (WMEC-153), the small harbor tug Shackle (WYTL-65609), the inland buoy tender Elderberry (WLI-65401), ten coastal utility craft, the sail training cutter Eagle (WIX-327), the large auxiliary schooner Australia (WIX-999), and twenty various sailed auxiliary sloops. Basically, the tug and buoy tender are both smallish vessels, converted to alcohol, with a top speed of six knots and a complement of 10. The utility craft are models which are produced en masse by Monark boats and have been converted to alcohol; also, they are equivalent to a very small, high-speed cabin cruiser. As well as four merchant ships that sought refugee in Newport when the nukes started to fall. These are a container ship filled with obsolete electronic hardware that was on its way for sale abroad as a part of the Marshall Plan, another freighter with used British Army equipment for sale in New Jersey, and two oil tankers returning from the Persian Gulf loaded with fuel. Air assets, lamentably, are limited to one CH-34 Chactaw helicopter. The helicopter has been retrofitted with M60 MG doorguns. Holsgirder's last avgas is stored in deep vaults, and under no circumstances short of an all-out attack on Newport itself would he let this bird get airborne. It's the ace up his sleeve, and he won't show it unless he has to. The enclave is officially able to use the air assets at Otis AFB on Cape Cod, but they never have had use to waste their fuel and it is dicey whether or not the UBF would let them leave the base anyway. Holsgirder is also working secretly on reopening three oil platforms which once belonged to Texaco off the eastern coast of Nova Scotia. He is also in recent months beginning to salvage the New London navy yards, using the friendly town of Mystic, Connecticut as a staging base.
Dog 6
12-17-2009, 07:52 AM
all I can say is WOW. I feel a new game in the works :D
01-04-2010, 03:13 AM
Hi all,
I was directed here by a friend. I'm the dude who wrote all that Twilight 1964 stuff a million years ago (2003, eek!). It was a ton of work, but it was fun to do the research on the 1960s. I am surprised that anyone still had a copy of it, I don't think that page has been up for many years. I took it down when I started working on my similar Morrow Project Travel Guide, as it conflicted greatly.
I'd be tickled pink if anyone actually used any of it for a game, I guess that's what I intended it for. I don't play these games, so I am not sure if it would make a good alternate game setting or not. If anyone wants to chat about it, my email is, I think I might have some additional files somewhere for T1964.
01-04-2010, 04:34 AM
I am a fan of both the MP Travel guide and the T1964 so I am glad you stopped by for a visit. I have pulled details from both of them for my world so you certanly have my appreciation for all your hard work.
If you have any interest in posting any of your stuff here or on my MP forum I am sure there would be interest.
01-04-2010, 07:36 AM
Thank you for the offer Kato, but I'm not sure I would have anything to add to a game conversation. The odd fact is that I don't play RPGs, I just write for them :). I'm just happy that someone is enjoying something I wrote, that's what it's all about. I'm slowly working on re-writes for the MP Guide, but it's a slow process and I'm sorta stalled out at the moment. One of these days I'll get it done!
Thanks for your interest, I appreciate it,
01-04-2010, 12:01 PM
Good to know you are still working on stuff. Once you finish it, an announcement om my morrow forum would be appreciated. I am sure there would be interest.
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