View Full Version : Planes Trains and Bio-diesel

01-22-2010, 12:15 AM
abaumgartg 07-09-2005, 05:51 AM I have been meaning to ask about bio-diesel for a while. The posting on planes made me think of it again. I am posting separately because this is a bit tangential to aviation, but related.

I read a while back that bio-diesel could be used to power smaller less powerful planes. The author was specifically referring to crop-duster planes. I do not know if the author was particularly knowledgeable on the subject. From what I can piece together bio-diesel is close in power to regular diesel. I do know that cars do not need to be modified significantly to run on bio-diesel. Can planes run on diesel?

Again, from what I understand, the big drawback from a t2k stand point is that it can't be produced while traveling. But well defended communities could probably produce a reasonable amount; assuming they can feed and defend themselves. Also, something big, like a train, might be able to house a mobile bio-diesel "composter".

What do you folks know about the energy content and production of bio-diesel?

As for planes, if it could power smaller planes then they might be more common than the canon suggests. Again, it is really up to the GM, but I always like to have some realistic justification for these kinds of things.

Sort of related-- I also remember the University of Idaho working on using rape seed oil for auto lubricant back in the mid-80's to early 90's. Anyone know more about that?



DeaconR 07-09-2005, 01:28 PM I'm not entirely sure; another reason why I brought up my question is that one of my players is in fact a chemical engineer and she has stated that a stable community could make a variety of fuels provided that they had the material, including organic ones as you said. I intend to ask her more about it but she's away till next week.

One idea you might want to use is the idea of having your players have to seek out knowledge, scientists, etc that would make such a thing possible.
