01-22-2010, 12:34 AM
kcdusk 10-31-2005, 05:16 PM V2.2 again - body combat is just your HTH damage, nothing else? Seems low.
Throwing knives do 1D6 damage, no modifiers for STR or HTH dam?
TiggerCCW UK 10-31-2005, 08:16 PM I use a house rule of adding a D10 to HTH damage to allow you to actually hurt people when you hit them. Seems to work ok. I've never had a character use a throwing knife, but I reckon you could fudge up some kind of a strength modifier on it.
Twilight2000V3 11-02-2005, 09:34 AM For damage I use the ASSET not the SKILL LEVEL. This doubles the damage (I think). For Thrown weapons (knifes, chairs, small children) I add the PC's STR to the damage. It seems to work.
Throwing knives do 1D6 damage, no modifiers for STR or HTH dam?
TiggerCCW UK 10-31-2005, 08:16 PM I use a house rule of adding a D10 to HTH damage to allow you to actually hurt people when you hit them. Seems to work ok. I've never had a character use a throwing knife, but I reckon you could fudge up some kind of a strength modifier on it.
Twilight2000V3 11-02-2005, 09:34 AM For damage I use the ASSET not the SKILL LEVEL. This doubles the damage (I think). For Thrown weapons (knifes, chairs, small children) I add the PC's STR to the damage. It seems to work.