View Full Version : Interesting Development

01-21-2010, 11:55 PM
DeaconR 12-04-2005, 11:52 PM Has anyone ever had this happen in their campaign? My player group recently separated while exploring an area, since one group was tracking down some marauders. They managed to lay an ambush for the marauders by sneaking around them but then one of them and an NPC got captured. They managed to escape but now they are without most of their gear. They are running low on ammunition. The other half of the group are still doing okay but they managed to lose the ATVs they had.

Have other gms had to deal with players who are in such straits?


kcdusk 12-04-2005, 11:58 PM What?

They lost most (all?) of their gear? The other half of the party has "misplaced" there All Terrain Vehicles?

On one hand I'm hoping your players arent reading how silly that all sounds.

On the other hand, I'm thinking this is T2K! They're not in any reallll striff yet. :-)


Targan 12-05-2005, 12:00 AM The players in my campaign are generally so gung-ho the thought of surrender would never cross their minds. Po was captured by the Krakow garrison, but the rest of the party broke him out and caused a large fire in the garrison's HQ along the way. I have previously described Haze's capture and brutalisation, and he ended up finding his way back to the rest of the party with just the clothes 'liberated' from his kidnappers and a captured pistol. Given the uncivilised manner in which Po and his coven (sorry, unit) treat even people they have no particular beef with, heaven help any enemy force which captures a party member.


DeaconR 12-05-2005, 12:18 AM They didn't surrender. They were incapacitated. And the others did not lose their ATVs, they were in a compound on Roosevelt Island and nearly got surrounded and destroyed themselves by the security force there.


ChalkLine 12-05-2005, 07:19 PM We started out as escaped POW in Orrin Ladd's PbEM. I'm wandering around Poland with an Ak-74 and a serious desire to get home.

(Game folded unfortunately)


weswood 12-05-2005, 08:14 PM That was my into to T2K... I joined a game already in progress. "You hear the sounds of the base you're being held prisoner on being attacked and a guard comes to get you from your cell. He ties your hands behind your back and starts leading you down the hall". Luckily my character had some wicked hand to hand skills- one kick to the head and broke the guard's neck.



DeaconR 12-05-2005, 10:06 PM My players don't seem to mind, but basically losing your nice equipment seems to be part of the flavour of the game. The Royal Marine who was captured doesn't imagine he'll see his CAW anytime soon. The NPC I depicted as being chagrined at losing the group's demolitions kit when they were captured as well. Right now the escapees have between them an HP-35, a couple of knives and an M16/m203 running low on ammo.


Blackrider 12-05-2005, 10:38 PM sounds to me like a intersting game :sawink2: but then i like the idea of them having to rely on wits rather then firepower. but that usualy is were some players get in trouble :eviltongu


DeaconR 12-05-2005, 11:44 PM Thanks. Actualy in a sense this is an incentive for them to scavenge and be creative about it as well as to make them more appreciative when they get loot or the like.
