View Full Version : Favorite SMG
02-04-2010, 08:28 PM
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
02-04-2010, 08:36 PM
This is the first of these polls I felt strong enough to vote in.
MP-5 all the way for me.
02-04-2010, 08:47 PM
Oh, and I intentionally left firearms that could be classified as carbines (CAR-15, AKS-74U, etc.) off of the list.
02-04-2010, 08:55 PM
MP5 -- specifically, the MP5SD. It's just cool. (I have no actual experience with SMGs except for one range day with the M-3A1 -- we still had them when I was in the National Guard.)
02-04-2010, 09:02 PM
The MP-5 family is very cool. I've always wanted to have some trigger time with one of the 10mm Auto versions of the MP-5. I bet that weapon would drop enemies on their arses in short order.
02-04-2010, 09:05 PM
I'm going to go with the MP-5SD myself for the same reasons as Paul. Like him, I've little RL experience with SMGs except for a few short lessons with the old F1 9mm just before they were pulled from Australian service (didn't even get to fire any blanks let alone live rounds), and a few 20rd mags fired from a friends highly illegal .22 LR SMG (whole mag gone in about half a second).
02-04-2010, 09:52 PM
I mean the M3 grease gun is just cool! The star of such movies as "The Dirty Dozen!" If its cool enough for Lee Marvin and his boys, well thats enough. Although the ol Thompson is sweeeeeeeeet! Damn you sir for making us choose!
As for going into a fight, I'd take a MP5 for the T2K world simply because they are available in quantity, as are spares and ammo, and of course the select fire option and HA-HA-HA I have some trigger time with them. :D
Accurate! Although the M16 carbine version is kinda cool too and heheehehe, I am making one :) <M4 size in 9mm> it is familiar to say the least.
But, the MP5 is it, although yes the caliber could be better, a true MP5 in .45 that would be as plantiful as the MP5 is oh what a wonderful world it would be.
02-04-2010, 09:57 PM
......oh what a wonderful world it would be.
Why do I have the feeling you've just wet yourself with happiness?
02-04-2010, 09:57 PM
Although the ol Thompson is sweeeeeeeeet!
Oh if the Thompson had been there I would have had a hard choice to make. I love the look of that weapon, and as I have said before Chicagoans appreciate it due to its very close connection to our (*ahem) colorful history.
02-04-2010, 10:52 PM
ut, the MP5 is it, although yes the caliber could be better, a true MP5 in .45 that would be as plantiful as the MP5 is oh what a wonderful world it would be.
Yes. I would have chosen the UMP 45 but it is highly unlikely to have existed in the T2K universe beyond the prototype or pre-production stage.
02-04-2010, 11:23 PM
I do like the MP5 series but I have to admit most of my choice when it comes to smgs is dictated by looks/cool factor. As much as I'd like an MP5 I really like the Jatimatic and the SITES Spectre and I'd probably take the Spectre because it has a bigger magazine capacity without making the magazine longer (something about it having four columns merging into two or something like that)
02-05-2010, 12:56 AM
One of the things that I like and tw2k is that it's set just before armies decided that smgs were for drug lords and police and armed everyone with assault rifles. I selected Uzi simply because we played a German unit that was still armed with uzis.
02-05-2010, 01:59 AM
The MP5 is a neat gun .It is reliable ,handy and has decent range and stopping power -for a handgun round.
Compared to any carbine and battlerifle it quickly becomes apparent that its a peashooter .
But its more than deadly enough .You can carry vast amounts of ammo and it could be very useful for hunting small game and of course two legged vermin . ( Ingame people game ) .In a big ass fight with all sorts blasting away I would feel a bit underdressed - and in game terms you certainkly feel at a disadvantage when your DMG 1 D is pittet against the AKM enemy with their DMG 3 .
But the V .2.0 rules has a front runner in the SMG category -its the M12 Italian made .
It has better recoil and range stats.
So I voted that one -even though RL experience with the MP5 is that its simply rugged ,reliable and accurate. ( Enough )
So I voted that one in.
02-05-2010, 08:37 AM
I'm going for MP-40.
It looks cool, and if you run out of ammo you can beat your enemy to death with it!
(It was still issued to the Austrian army in 1989!)
Hey, this is a game, it's supposed to be fun once in a while! ;)
02-05-2010, 04:46 PM
It's hard to argue against the MP-5. My head says to pick it. My heart, on the other hand, is urging me to pick the Uzi. I got to hold an Ecuadorian army Uzi when I was twelve and just thinking about it makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.
Matt Wiser
02-05-2010, 09:24 PM
MP-5, both regular and silenced. I fell in love with the SD after seeing the movie Navy SEALS, and most movies depicting SEALS usually have the MP-5 showing up. But one of our group at CSU Fresno had his PC SEAL pack a MAC-10, and after he had to leave (graduated), his PC got killed and I picked up the weapon.
02-06-2010, 08:20 AM
Was going through the archive and found a pic that just adds to the MP5's awesomeness
(Thanks antenna)
02-06-2010, 10:53 AM
Tommy gun, forward pistol grip, cutts compensator and 100 round drum. Old school all the way.
02-06-2010, 07:56 PM
Tommy gun, forward pistol grip, cutts compensator and 100 round drum. Old school all the way.
WHAT! What do you mean a Tommy Gun?!
Surely you must have plans for a rapid-fire 120mm tank gun?! :D
02-07-2010, 03:08 PM
Only if it looks like a Tommy Gun!
02-07-2010, 06:33 PM
M45Bertil, my own I named "Marie" The fasted machine north over Ã…ngerman river :p
02-08-2010, 01:06 PM
yet another vote for the MP-5 family.
I've actually had the opportunity to shoot one at a gun range in Las Vegas. Kalifornia doesn't allow us to play with these kind of toys. I'm not into gun stats or anything, but I found it very smooth operations wise.
Incidentally, I also got to use a Tommy gun and CAR-15 at the same gun range. Based on this limited experience, I'm not a big fan of the Tommy gun or the CAR-15.
BTW, you can rent and shoot an M-249 at this range.
02-08-2010, 06:43 PM
M45Bertil, my own I named "Marie" The fasted machine north over Ã…ngerman river :p
That's funny, I named the M-16 I used during Desert Storm "Roxanne" after the girl with whom I had the longest relationship -- a full six months...
02-08-2010, 07:12 PM
I simply called my M60 "Bitch".
It was a love-hate thing...
02-08-2010, 08:05 PM
It's sad really -- a lot of us seem to have had better relationships with our weapons than with women...
02-08-2010, 08:56 PM
Strangely enough I felt the same way about my ex.... :S
02-09-2010, 01:42 AM
I didn't post an opinion because I think the SMG has been overtaken in its role by the modern short rifle/carbine. In Twilight: 2000, locally-manufactured SMG would be all the rage, I'm sure.
02-09-2010, 01:59 AM
It's hard to argue against the MP-5. My head says to pick it. My heart, on the other hand, is urging me to pick the Uzi. I got to hold an Ecuadorian army Uzi when I was twelve and just thinking about it makes me feel all warm and tingly inside.
During your stint with the Ecudorian Fuerza Juvenil?:D
General Pain
02-09-2010, 03:27 AM
So many SMGs not mentioned..
Ppsh-41 (oldschool with a 71drum)
PP19 - Bizon (silenced)
SUOMI (my dad used this one in the service)
TDI Super V
Madsen M50
ARES folding...
I have to go with the TDI Super just looks so damn cool
02-09-2010, 07:19 AM
Strangely enough I felt the same way about my ex.... :S
I'm still missing my ex... I think I need to zero my sights a little better. :sagrin:
02-09-2010, 04:08 PM
During your stint with the Ecudorian Fuerza Juvenil?:D
My family lived next door to a retired Ecuadorian army general. They had a guard posted outside in a little booth, 24/7. My brother and I explained the rules of baseball to one of the guards in exchange for him letting us take pictures of each other holding the Uzi. He even gave us each a 9mm bullet!
Unfortunately, he never pulled another shift at the guard shack. I think he probably got busted for the missing bullets.
02-16-2010, 12:10 PM
I think the MP-5 family is awesome and a fun gun to use. I never shot any full auto MP-5's and am basing this off the semi auto versions I shot. However, I used to hate the FN P90 because it looked so weird. That all changed when I bought the semi auto carbine version. I would take the P90 subgun hands down now after getting this. It's one accurate s.o.b. and light as hell. The recoil is a joke and is easy to get back on taget with fast. Only has one bad feature. The 50 round horizotal magazines are slow to reload, but hay you got 50 rounds.
Brother in Arms
02-16-2010, 04:53 PM
that many dead nazi's cant be wrong.
TiggerCCW UK
05-13-2010, 04:46 AM
I went with the MP5 family as well - very versatile range of weapons, and the fact that it is the staple of special ops units world wide has to count for something :) Also its a weapon that would be reasonably available here in NI if the shtf - its the standard longarm for the PSNI, alongside the HK33.
There are probably a few Sterlings kicking around over here too as that wa what the police used prior to the HK switch. Uzi's are great looking weapons as well, the Garda Special Branch used to issue them, but afaik they've been replaced with MP5's as well. The only other weapon on the list that I've come across was an old airsoft Beretta M12 that I owned years ago. Always thought it was a good looking gun with striking lines, but as for real life use/practicalities, I've no idea. Shoots a mean 6mm BB though :D
Frank Frey
05-13-2010, 10:54 AM
Tommy gun, forward pistol grip, cutts compensator and 100 round drum. Old school all the way.
Amen Brother!:D I've actually fired one. Lemme tell ya, the 100 round drum is heavy but it does help keep the muzzle down.
I had an M1A1 Thompson in Nam. Got it off a combat engineer who was rotating back to the world.
Nowhere Man 1966
05-14-2010, 11:10 PM
I'm an "old fashioned 1980's type of guy" so I'll go with the Uzi. :):D
08-26-2010, 11:37 PM
I chose the MP5 series of weapons. I have a friend who owns an MP-5A2 and his wife owns a full sized Uzi. Both of the weapons can host a supressor but I like the accuracy and the optional stuff for the MP-5 better.
Well, it's the MP5 for me. The reasons:
1. As it seems, it is a trusted and proven arm, with a lot of law enforcement agencies worldwide using it. Special military forces use it, too. So, it seems to work.
2. Some years past a former schoolmate of mine joined the police, where he was trained with the MP5. He had been serving with the Bundeswehr and said, if you were used to a G3, you'd have no trouble with the MP5. He is no loudmouth, so I'll trust him with that.
3. The MP5's housing accepts the same sighting devices as the G3. So you could use starlight scopes, telescopic sights and so on. I don't know, if it is neccessary, but it is a cool option.
Some words on the MP2A1 (Better known as Uzi. In this case the variant with the folding metal shoulderpiece.), the only SMG I had to deal with in RL: As the MILAN gunner in our squad, I had the questionable honor to be equipped with one of those. Well, the design plainly sucks. Whenever you were ordered to "shoulder" the weapon and hurry to another foxhole or whatever, that little bunch of junk ended up in your groins. No matter, how you tried to hang that thing over your back, something hit you. No matter, if it was folded or unfolded, magazine or shoulderstock bit you in a very prominent part of the male body.
And: The Uzis, we were equipped with, were so old, Major Uzila has certainly put them together all by himself.
When I first was ordered to shoot with it at the firing range, we were commanded to fire 3 single shots. What happened: I pulled the trigger and the whole magazine load was sprayed towards the target. My Stabsunteroffizier went red in his face, opened his mouth and, before giving me some "further instructions:screams:", looked at the safety notch. Hm, it stood on "single fire". He got calm again and just said: "Oh, it's one of those ..."
Fortunately, our company had too much G3s in the inventory. We (the MILAN gunners) could most of the time choose our weapon. Now guess, what I took ...
08-27-2010, 09:35 AM
Simple, efficient, and it looks terrific.:D
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