View Full Version : Missing career paths
02-14-2010, 03:47 PM
I have often wondered why, so many career paths are missing from the TW 2000 character generation, I mean these trades that I have listed I think offer much to over PC development which can affect how adventures turns out.
Here are some that I feel should have been included, Group first then trade
Logistics – Quartermaster, Transport, Food Services, Finance, Postal, Clerical, Grave Digger, Ordnance
Mechanical – Mechanics, both wheeled and tracked, Fire Control Systems Repair, Small Arms Repair
Signals – Radio Operator, Telephone Line Repair, Satellite Communications
Tech Support – Computer Repair, Radar Repair, Electronic Repair
Medical – Combat Medic, Medical Orderly
Intelligence – HUMINT, SINGINT , EW, Integrator, Imagery and Terrain Analyst
Security – Military Police, Special Investigator, K-9, Close Protection Detail
Engineer – Construction, EOD
Logistics – Grave Digger
Medical – Combat Medic, Physician Assistant
Surface Crew Member
Submarine Crew Member
Small Boat Crew
Aircraft Maintenance
Airfield Support – AC Controllers, Refuelling Weather, Ordnance
02-14-2010, 05:22 PM
Here are a couple more:
EOD <some of the badest of the EOD community>
Air Crew any, figure alot of them will be on the beach
SAR personel pretty bad ass and lots of scenarios where they would be ashore
Sea Bees, they are not there in a dedicated manner
Naval Gunfire Liason, these are teams of naval gunnery officers and enlisted who are assigned to divisional units whose mission is to help bring in navy gunfire
Coxswains, alot of these dudes would be grounded too landing Marines and Army guys and ferrying personel and equipmnent across the rivers.
River Patrol: a PC I have in the wings for some of the games I am in. This was an actual force assigned to patrol the Rhine and other rivers in Europe, they were bit in the late 40s and 50s and early 60s, they lasted until the wall fell down. Kinda like an Apocolpse Now on the Rhine and Vistula <Hmm, sounds like a potential campaign actualy>
Air Force:
PJs! Or Pararescuemen! Just bad ass! They fly, they fight, they save lives.
SP personel: the military police type, but also, the guys who just guard the nukes and other sensistive places. These would be all over!
Ground FACs; Forward Air Controlers, piliots on the ground directing air strikes
Combat Meteorology guys, kinda like the FACs and PJs, they sneak in get the weather to determine paracxhute drops and bombing and even artillery.
SAR personel, these guys again will be operating behind enemy lines, so alot of chances of them roaming around after things go south.
Air Crew: lots of aircraft and alot of it going down, and being trapped behind the lines.
EOD dudes, even the army has them.
Forward Observer, you can make one from the 1st Ed rules using artillery.
MP, again you can make one using existing rules.
Air Defesne Artillery, or even Stinger Gunners, totaly missing
Dog Handlers, they were used up until Vietnam and then went away but are now back.
Helo Assault units, they have Para's but no helo assault.
Mech Infantry, they don't go into it. Mech infantry as with the above Helo Infantry should have their own designnations since they both have skills unique to that type of unit.
Pathfinders, kinda cool, the dudes who go in and set up LZs and jumps and stuff.
Security Forces units
Fast Companys
SOC units
STA <showing the difference between the sniper and the ground survelance types>
Marine Recon, and the difference between Recon and Force Recon
Anglico units, they go in first check on enemy targets and designate them, as well as getting wind, humidity and other data for raining mayhem on the enemy.
Stinger Crews
TOW pogues
Those are some of the jobs that could be added.
I would add specificaly differences between the various main units going into a bit more depth than the originators did, they could have gone a little deeper.
02-14-2010, 05:34 PM
Remember that each "career" in the V2 rules is only supposed to be a generality. Specfic jobs can be created (usually), simply by selecting the apropriate skills.
V1 allows for even more flexability in character generation if you're willing to take a hit in some areas. (V1 in my experience allows for characters to have decent, or at least usable skill levels in just about anything).
Matt W
02-14-2010, 07:02 PM
How about some civilian ideas?
Taxi Driver
Park Ranger
Fire Fighter
Reporter (actually an entire 'media team" might be interesting)
Street/feral kid
02-14-2010, 08:18 PM
A lot of these careers are just variations on the Support Arm.
One big problem is that many of these careers, while useful, doen't have skills in the rules to adequately support them.
02-14-2010, 10:49 PM
In the char gen rules we used for my campaign you started out by generating a character's family background (socio-economic status and your parents' occupations), then generated the type of secondary education they received and its success, then generated every year of their life until the game started. So our characters tended to be incredibly rich in backstory and many if not most had non-military careers before the war. By keeping character generation notes a player could look back and work out exactly what they were doing in any given year of their backstory. The characters that weren't all-military straight out of high school tended to have broad and varied skill sets.
I admit that rolling up a character for my campaign was a very laborious and time consuming process but it was fun in itsself. The only downside was that it was very disappointing if a character died soon after generation because there had been so much time and emotional investment just in generating it.
02-15-2010, 07:05 PM
I just a thought
I think the main reason for lack signals (careers, equipment and skills) is that is not really required I mean the only time a radio is used in any TW 2000 stuff is in the intro when last radio message comes in, granted that radios are useful in small squad tactis to help launch attacks ect
02-15-2010, 08:14 PM
Hey you missed out on Exotic Dancer and Escort... to very important career paths for the soldiers morale!
02-15-2010, 08:49 PM
Hey you missed out on Exotic Dancer and Escort... to very important career paths for the soldiers morale!
One long term NPC member of the party in my campaign was a former phone sex worker and another was a Canadian male porn star.
02-15-2010, 09:48 PM
I have a lot of unusual professions in the character generation part of my site, but they're geared to my variant character generation system. Maybe you can work from there. They include weird things like terrorist, partisan, forensics specialist, clinical psychologist, and other strange things.
On one of the old websites that used to be around, someone came up with what I think would be a very useful specialty in T2K. He called it a "holistic medical specialist" or something like that, but it included basic first aid, some psychology, and (very good skills) expertise in botany, what plants are good to eat, and (especially) what is good for healing various things and brewing and concocting remedies for illnesses.
02-15-2010, 09:56 PM
I just a thought
I think the main reason for lack signals (careers, equipment and skills) is that is not really required I mean the only time a radio is used in any TW 2000 stuff is in the intro when last radio message comes in, granted that radios are useful in small squad tactis to help launch attacks ect
Those same signals specialists will be very valuable as time goes by and world-wide communications is re-established. They will also be very valuable locally to keep what radios that still exist working -- a unit that has radio communications has a very powerful force multiplier in their hands.
02-15-2010, 10:07 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm new to the forum. So, first things first. Hello! *waves*
Second, the following information was taken from my personal notes for career additions to the T2k V 2.0 rules set. If you use these, be sure to closely examine the skill levels I've assigned as they may not be appropriate for your individual campaigns. (I tend to err on the slightly higher skill levels for starting PC's than most do, due to the extreme lethality level typical of my campaigns).
Sharp-eyed readers may notice the Lawyer profession listed below. The reason this is repeated from T2K is I regard the one in the book as a paralegal for my campaign purposes. As with anything, use what you like and disregard the rest.
Entry: Technical School, Gunsmith 1+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Gunsmith: 3
● Machinist: 1
● Metallurgy: 1
● Mechanic: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Gunsmith
● Machinist
● Metallurgy
● Mechanic
● Scrounging
Contacts: Two per term, business or military. Roll 1D10. A 9+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The character receives a set of small arms tools free at character generation.
Religious Figure of Any Faith
Entry: Charisma 7+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 3
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Leadership: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
Contacts: Two per term, any area. Roll 1D10. A 9+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The Religious Figure of Any Faith receives two Secondary Activities a term. When war breaks out, the Religious Figure is drafted into the Chaplain Corps and receives a direct commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.
Entry: Law school.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 3
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Leadership: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
Contacts: Four per term, business, wealthy, criminal, law enforcement. Roll 1D10. A 7+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: Lawyers receive two Secondary Activities a term. When war breaks out, the Lawyer is drafted into the JAG Corps and receives a direct commission as a 2nd Lieutenant.
Bounty Hunter
Entry: No prerequisites
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Interrogation: 2
● Stealth: 1
● Tracking: 1
● Computer: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Melee Combat
● Small Arms
● Interrogation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Lockpick
● Medical
● Gunsmith
● Scrounging
● Wheeled Vehicle
Contacts: Two per term, law enforcement, criminal, or government. Roll 1D10. A roll of 10 indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to initiative.
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: A slacker, having no real job or social function, has only hobbies to fall back on. Thus, the slacker may take up to five skill ranks in any combination of the following skills:
● Computer
● Electronics
● Scrounging
● Farmer
● Fishing
● Small Arms
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Forgery
● Melee Combat
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Computer
● Electronics
● Scrounging
● Farmer
● Fishing
● Small Arms
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Forgery
● Melee Combat
Contacts: One per term, any area. Non-foreign only.
Special: Because the slacker has so much time on their hands not being employed, they have time for three secondary activities a term. However, when the War starts, they are drafted into military service, which must be their next term of service. Players choice as to which branch they are drafted into.
Also, if no war breaks out, a slacker may have committed some crime. On a d10 roll of 8+, the characters next term must be prison.
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Navigation: 1
● Mountaineering: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Foraging: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Navigation
● Mountaineering
● Stealth
● Foraging
Contacts: One per term, any area. Roll 1D10. A roll of 10 indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: If more than one term is served, increase initiative by +1.
Computer Hacker
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: A computer hacker begins with these skills:
● Computer: 3
● Electronics: 3
● Scrounging: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Forgery: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Computer
● Electronics
● Scrounging
● Small Arms
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Forgery
● Melee Combat
Contacts: One per term, business, criminal, law enforcement, or military. On a 1D10 roll of 8+ the contact is foreign.
Special: Computer hackers are criminals. If no war breaks out, a hacker may have committed some crime related to computers (software piracy, hacking bank records, or some other activity). On a d10 roll of 8+, the characters next term must be prison.
Professional Athlete
Entry: Strength 5+, Constitution 5+, Agility 5+.
First Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Swimming
● Snow Skiing
● Melee Combat
● Leadership
● Instruction
● Horsemanship
● Thrown Weapon
● Small Arms
● Hunting Bow
● Mountaineering
● Fishing
● Tracking
● Scuba
● Small Boat
● Parachute
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Motorcycle
● Pilot
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Swimming
● Snow Skiing
● Melee Combat
● Leadership
● Instruction
● Horsemanship
● Thrown Weapon
● Small Arms
● Hunting Bow
● Mountaineering
● Fishing
● Tracking
● Scuba
● Small Boat
● Parachute
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Motorcycle
● Pilot
Contacts: Four per term, business, entertainment, journalist, criminal, law enforcement, or medical. On a 1D10 roll of 6+ the contact is foreign.
Special: Professional athletes are recognizable figures, even in the ashes following the Third World War. At the referee’s option, random NPC’s may recognize the character as a famous athlete.
02-15-2010, 10:46 PM
Nice work WonderGoon. And welcome to the forum.
02-15-2010, 10:49 PM
Hello, everyone. I'm new to the forum. So, first things first. Hello! *waves*
Great first post. Welcome Aboard
02-15-2010, 11:38 PM
After reading the Slacker and Computer Hacker I got to Professional Athlete and wondered where the roll for "drug cheat" was...
02-16-2010, 12:06 AM
Nice work WonderGoon. And welcome to the forum.
Thank you, Targan. I have to say, I've enjoyed reading your posts over the past few days since I discovered the forum.
02-16-2010, 12:08 AM
Great first post. Welcome Aboard
Thank you, Kato. Glad to be here. I've got some other information I will add later that focuses on military careers. Chaplains, EOD, MP's, etcetera.
02-16-2010, 12:10 AM
After reading the Slacker and Computer Hacker I got to Professional Athlete and wondered where the roll for "drug cheat" was...
;) I didn't think about that. . .
02-16-2010, 01:05 AM
As previously promised, some additional information regarding certain careers in the US Army. As with the civilian careers I posted above, this information is tailored to my personal campaign and you will need to scrutinize it closely to make sure it fits in your version of the game. (I tend to run more lethal games, so I give the players more to work with as a balancer).
This information (in some cases) replaces information in the T2K v2.0 rule set, so a careful examination of this material will be helpful to the reader. This information mirrors life itself, as both are a work in progress.
Suggestions for accurate portrayal of the MOS's discussed are welcomed. This information only covers the US Army and I will post what little information I have regarding the Marines, Air Force, and Navy as time permits.
Please note that, in some cases, this information replaces what is in the rulebook, and in others, repeats what is present. My inclusion of the original information is, in no way, a challenge to whomever holds the copyright on the Twilight: 2000 property.
In closing, let me apologize in advance if anyone is offended or upset by my phrasing or interpretation of the MOS's discussed.
With all that being said, I offer the following:
Add the following to the United States Army Career List
United States Army
Entry: No prerequisites.
Basic Training: The character receives the following skills as part of her basic training:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Navigation: 1
● Medical: 1
Special: Characters with Intelligence 7+, and Education of 7+ may enter OCS. If so, they receive a level 1 Leadership skill, are commissioned as 2nd lieutenants, and then conduct their first term normally.
A character with Education: 5+ and Intelligence: 5+ may become a warrant officer. If so, the character enters the Warrant Officer Candidacy School (WOCS) receives Leadership: 1, Instruction: 1, and Persuasion: 1, then conducts her first term normally. Warrant officers can be members of the following branches: Artillery, Aviation, Special Forces, Engineering, Support, Intelligence, Medical, Quartermaster, and Transportation.
Warrant officers are addressed as “Mr” or “Ms” (depending on sex), and (when promoted) become Chief Warrant Officers.
Warrant officers have nearly the same status and privileges as commissioned officers but are initially appointed by warrant because of their technical expertise. Most army pilots, for instance, are Warrant Officers. The insignia are silver with black bars.
Rank (W-*)
Warrant Officer (W-1)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-2)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-3)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-4)
Master Warrant Officer (MW-5)
Additions to the Branches: The following careers meant to represent a large variety of MOS’s in military life. Each career entry will also list the branch from which the MOS is drawn.
The Armor Arm represents both tank units and armored cavalry units used for recon and screening missions.
Entry: No Prerequisites.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Tracked Vehicle: 2
● Forward Observer: 1
● Mechanic: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of three levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Forward Observer
● Heavy Weapons
● Tracked Vehicle
● Stealth
● Observation
● Navigation
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Mechanic
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Entry: OCS, military academy, or direct commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Leadership: 1
● Persuasion: 1
● Forward Observer: 1
● Mechanic: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of three levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Forward Observer
● Heavy Weapons
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Stealth
● Observation
● Navigation
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Mechanic
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Armored Cavalry Scout, Enlisted
Entry: Constitution+Strength+Agility: 15+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapon: 1
● Forward Observer: 5
● Navigation:1
● Observation: 1
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Mechanic: 3
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Heavy Weapon
● Forward Observer
● Navigation
● Observation
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Mechanic
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Armored Cavalry Scout, Officer
Entry: Constitution+Strength+Agility: 14+ and OCS, military academy, or commission
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapon: 1
● Forward Observer: 4
● Navigation:1
● Observation: 1
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Heavy Weapon
● Forward Observer
● Navigation
● Observation
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Leadership
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Artillery provides indirect howitzer and rocket fire in support of ground forces, and mans air defense and long-range missile units.
Entry: Strength: 5+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Heavy Weapons: 3
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Forward Observer: 1
● Mechanic: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Forward Observer
● Computer
● Electronics
● Warhead
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Mechanic
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Entry: Intelligence: 5+, and OCS, military academy or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Heavy Weapons: 3
● Forward Observer: 1
● Navigation: 1
● Mechanic: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Computer
● Electronics
● Warhead
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Mechanic
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Warrant Officer
Entry: Strength 5+ and WOCS.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Forward Observer: 2
● Tracked Vehicle: 2
● Navigation: 1
● Mechanic: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Computer
● Electronics
● Warhead
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Mechanic
● Navigation
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Aviation is responsible for flying and maintaining the helicopters and light, fixed-wing liaison aircraft operated in support of ground troops.
Enlisted (Aircraft Mechanic)
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Aircraft Mechanic: 2
● Electronics: 2
● Mechanic: 1
● Computer: 1
● Machinist: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Aircraft Mechanic
● Computer
● Electronics
● Small Arms
● Scrounging
● Pilot
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Mechanic
● Machinist
● Warhead
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 9+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Officer (Aircraft Pilot)
Entry: Agility: 6+, and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Pilot (Rotary Wing): 3
● Parachute: 1
● Navigation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Pilot
● Small Arms (Pistol)
● Navigation
● Foraging
● Parachute
● Observation
● Leadership
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Aircraft Mechanic
● Persuasion
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Engineers are responsible for a variety of construction tasks in support of combat units, as well as river crossings, obstacle creation, obstacle clearance, and front-line combat missions.
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Combat Engineer: 2
● Civil Engineer: 1
● Mechanic: 1
● Machinist: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Combat Engineer
● Civil Engineer
● Small Boat
● Scuba
● Swimming
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Small Arms
● Observation
● Mechanic
● Machinist
Contacts: One per term, military or specialist (Combat Engineer). Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: The character receives a demolitions kit as part of basic equipment.
Entry: Civil Engineer: 2+, and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Combat Engineer: 2
● Civil Engineer: 1
● Leadership: 1
● Persuasion: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Combat Engineer
● Civil Engineer
● Small Boat
● Scuba
● Swimming
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Small Arms
● Observation
● Navigation
● Metallurgy
Contacts: Two per term, government, military, or specialist (Combat or Civil Engineer). Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: The character receives a demolitions kit as part of basic equipment.
Explosive Ordnance Disposal Specialist (EOD), Enlisted and Officer
Entry: Agility 6+, Constitution 6+, and OCS, military academy, or commission (officer only.)
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Combat Engineer: 3
● Civil Engineer: 1
● Warhead: 2
● Electronics: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Combat Engineer
● Civil Engineer
● Warhead
● Scrounging
● Electronics
● Computer
● Mechanic
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for a 10, the contact is foreign.
Special: The character receives an EOD Suit (Armor Value 3; Weight 15 kg) free at character creation.
Warrant Officer
Entry: WOCS.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Combat Engineer: 2
● Civil Engineer: 2
● Mechanic: 1
● Machinist: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Combat Engineer
● Civil Engineer
● Small Boat
● Scuba
● Swimming
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Small Arms
● Observation
● Mechanic
● Machinist
Contacts: One per term, military or specialist (Combat Engineer). Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: The character receives a demolitions kit as part of basic equipment.
Infantry is the largest of the combat arms. In addition to both light and mechanized infantry, it also includes such specialized troops as airborne, rangers, and mountain troops.
Enlisted Airborne
Entry: Constitution + Strength + Agility: 15+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Observation: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Parachute: 3
● Navigation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Foraging
● Forward Observer
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Parachute
● Navigation
● Stealth
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Airborne Officer
Entry: Constitution + Strength + Agility: 14+, and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Observation: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Parachute: 3
● Navigation: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Navigation
● Foraging
● Parachute
● Stealth
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Enlisted Infantry
Entry: No prerequisites.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 3
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Thrown Weapons: 2
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Combat Engineer: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of three levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Foraging
● Forward Observer
● Thrown Weapons
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Infantry Officer
Entry: OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapons: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Leadership: 1
● Persuasion: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of three levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Navigation
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Enlisted Mountain Infantry
Entry: Strength + Agility: 10+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Thrown Weapons: 2
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Mountaineering: 3
● Snow Skiing: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of three levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Foraging
● Forward Observer
● Mountaineering
● Snow Skiing
Contacts: One per term, military or specialist (Mountaineering). Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Mountain Infantry Officer
Entry: OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapons: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Leadership: 1
● Mountaineering: 3
● Snow Skiing: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Navigation
● Mountaineering
● Snow Skiing
Contacts: Two per term, military or specialist (Mountaineering). Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Enlisted Ranger
Entry: Constitution + Strength + Agility: 17+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 3
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Thrown Weapons: 2
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Parachute: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Navigation
● Mountaineering
● Parachute
● Swimming
● Snow Skiing
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Ranger Officer
Entry: Constitution + Strength + Agility: 16+ and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Leadership: 1
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapons: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Parachute: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Navigation
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Mountaineering
● Parachute
● Swimming
● Snow Skiing
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Air Cavalry Trooper, Enlisted and Officer
Entry: Constitution+Strength+Agility: 15+ and OCS, military academy, or commission (officer only).
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapon: 1
● Navigation:1
● Observation: 1
● Forward Observer: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Heavy Weapon
● Navigation
● Observation
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1d10 for a 6+, the contact is foreign.
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to Initiative.
Air Cavalry Scout, Enlisted
Entry: Constitution+Strength+Agility: 15+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapon: 1
● Forward Observer: 5
● Navigation:1
● Observation: 1
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Mechanic: 3
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Heavy Weapon
● Forward Observer
● Navigation
● Observation
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Mechanic
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Air Cavalry Scout, Officer
Entry: Constitution+Strength+Agility: 14+ and OCS, military academy, or commission
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapon: 1
● Forward Observer: 4
● Navigation:1
● Observation: 1
● Tracked Vehicle: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Thrown Weapon
● Heavy Weapon
● Forward Observer
● Navigation
● Observation
● Tracked Vehicle
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Leadership
Contacts: One per term. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Sniper, Enlisted
Entry: Strength + Agility + Constitution: 19+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 4
● Observation: 2
● Stealth: 2
● Navigation: 2
● Forward Observer: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Forward Observer
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Navigation
● Mountaineering
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
The medical corps is responsible for the maintenance of troop health at all times, as well as treating combat wounds when a unit is actively engaged with the enemy.
Combat Medic, Enlisted or Warrant Officer
Entry: Education: 6+ and (for Warrant Officer only) WOCS.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Medical: 3
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Melee Combat
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Small Arms
● Scrounging
● Chemistry
● Biology
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Nurse, Officer or Warrant Officer
Entry: Undergraduate degree, Medical: 3+, and (for officer only) OCS, military academy, or commission (often direct commission), or WOCS for Warrant Officer.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Medical: 1
● Biology: 1
● Chemistry: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Medical
● Biology
● Chemistry
● Scrounging
● Instruction
● Persuasion
Contacts: Two per term, military or medical. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Doctor, Officer or Warrant Officer
Entry: Medical school, and (for officer only) OCS, military academy, or commission (often direct commission), or WOCS for Warrant Officer.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Medical: 3
● Biology: 2
● Chemistry: 2
● Persuasion: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Medical
● Biology
● Chemistry
● Persuasion
● Leadership
Contacts: Two per term, military or medical. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Officers in military intelligence are usually trained as interrogators and/or intelligence analysts.
Intelligence Analyst, Enlisted
Entry: Intelligence: 5+.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Language: 6
● Interrogation: 1
● Observation: 1
● Persuasion: 1
● Leadership: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Disguise
● Forgery
● Interrogation
● Language
● Lockpick
● Melee Combat
● Observation
● Persuasion
● Small Arms
● Stealth
● Thrown Weapons
Contacts: Two per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Psychological Operations, Enlisted
Branch: Military Intelligence
Entry: Charisma: 5+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Interrogation: 3
● Language: 2
● Persuasion: 3
● Leadership: 3
● Disguise: 1
● Instruction: 1
● Parachute: 3
● Navigation: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Interrogation
● Language
● Persuasion
● Leadership
● Disguise
● Instruction
Contacts: One per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1d10 for a 6+, the contact is foreign.
Special: This branch has no commissioned officers.
Interrogator, Officer
Entry: Intelligence: 7+, and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Language: 4
● Interrogation: 4
● Persuasion: 2
● Leadership: 2
● Observation: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Disguise
● Forgery
● Interrogation
● Language
● Lockpick
● Melee Combat
● Observation
● Persuasion
● Small Arms
● Stealth
● Thrown Weapons
Contacts: Two per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1d10 for 6+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Criminal Investigation Division, Warrant Officer
Entry: Intelligence: 5+ and WOCS.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Language: 4
● Interrogation: 4
● Persuasion: 2
● Leadership: 2
● Disguise: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Disguise
● Forgery
● Interrogation
● Language
● Lockpick
● Melee Combat
● Observation
● Persuasion
● Small Arms
● Stealth
● Thrown Weapons
Contacts: Two per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Special forces members, best known for their distinctive green berets, are trained to operate deep in the enemy rear in support of local resistance groups.
Special Forces, Enlisted and Officer (Green Berets)
Entry: Strength + Constitution + Agility: 18+, Language: 2+, and (for officer only) OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 3
● Small Arms: (Pistol): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed): 2
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Thrown Weapons: 2
● Heavy Weapons: 2
● Combat Engineer: 2
● Parachute: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapon
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Instruction
● Parachute
● Navigation
● Forward Observer
● Language
● Medical
● Interrogation
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Tracking
Contacts: Two per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1d10 for 6+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: The character has a green beret as part of basic equipment.
Special Forces, Enlisted and Officer (Delta Force)
Entry: Strength+Constitution+Agility+Intelligence: 28+, Language: 2+, and (for officer only) OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed):2
● Parachute: 1
● Scuba: 1
● Swimming: 1
● Combat Engineer: 1
● Stealth: 1
● Medical: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of six levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Instruction
● Parachute
● Navigation
● Forward Observer
● Language
● Medical
● Interrogation
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Warhead
● Tracking
Contacts: Two per term, military or intelligence community. Roll 1D10, on a roll of 6+ the contact is foreign.
Special: Delta Force Operators carry unusual weapons and equipment. Players may select one pistol (three magazines), one sub-machine gun (two magazines) and one Personal Weapon (12 magazines) of any type or make regardless of the origin of the weapons. These will include Warsaw Pact or Eastern Bloc armaments as well as older American made weapons. In addition, all operators have the equivalent of a 2km handheld radio and IR goggles incorporated into their helmets and vests (total weight 5 kg.) These are streamlined versions of the equipment, replacing the kevlar helmet and vest. All other equipment is the same.
SOAR Pilot (Nightstalker), Warrant Officer
Entry: Agility: 5+, and WOCS.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Pilot (Rotary Wing): 4
● Parachute: 1
● Medical: 1
● Electronics: 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
● Aircraft Mechanic: 2
● Mechanic: 1
● Navigation: 2
● Observation: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Navigation
● Parachute
● Medical
● Electronics
● Pilot (Rotary Wing)
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Aircraft Mechanic
● Mechanic
● Navigation
● Observation
● Heavy Weapons
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
This category is a combination of a number of non-combat arms (ordnance, quartermaster, etc.)
Armorer, Enlisted and Officer
Entry: Agility 4+, OCS, military academy, or direct commission (officer only).
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Gunsmith: 3
● Machinist: 1
● Metallurgy: 1
● Mechanic: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Gunsmith
● Machinist
● Metallurgy
● Mechanic
● Scrounging
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1D10. A 9+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The character receives a set of small arms tools free at character generation.
Chaplain Corps, Officer only
Entry: Charisma 7+, OCS, military academy, or direct commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 3
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Leadership: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
● Medical
Contacts: Two per term, any area. Roll 1D10. A 8+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: None.
Military Police/Shore Patrol (MP or SP), Enlisted and Officer
Entry: No prerequisites; OCS, military academy, or commission (officer only.)
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Interrogation: 1
● Language: 1
● Persuasion: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Interrogation
● Language
● Persuasion
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Melee Combat
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for a 6+, the contact is foreign.
Special: If more than one term is served, add +1 to initiative. Also, enlisted personnel receive a pistol and three magazines for it as part of their basic load. The weapon must be chosen from the list of personal weapons for the characters nationality on page 50 of Twilight: 2000. This career is called “MP’s” or “Military Police” in the Army, Marines, or Air Force. In the Navy, they are called “SP’s” or “Shore Patrol.”
Chemical Corps, Enlisted and Officer
Entry: Chemistry: 1+; OCS, military academy, or commission (officer only.)
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Chemistry: 3
● Language: 1
● Persuasion: 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Warhead: 1
● Biology: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Chemistry
● Language
● Persuasion
● Wheeled Vehicle
● Melee Combat
● Warhead
● Biology
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for a 9+, the contact is foreign.
Special: Receives a MOPP suit, Geiger counter, and (10) M256 Chemical Detector Kits at character creation.
Quartermaster and Transportation Corps, Enlisted and Officer
Entry: No prerequisites; OCS, military academy, or commission (officer only.)
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Scrounging: 3
● Language: 1
● Persuasion: 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Wheeled Vehicle: 4
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Scrounging
● Language
● Persuasion
● Melee Combat
● Wheeled Vehicle
Contacts: Three per term, military. Roll 1d10 for a 8+, the contact is foreign.
Special: Receives an extra $5,000 worth of gear at character creation if enlisted, and an extra $10,000 worth of gear if an officer.
JAG Corps Paralegal (Enlisted)
Entry: Law school.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 2
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Computer: 3
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
● Computer
Contacts: Two per term, business, wealthy, criminal, law enforcement, military, or intelligence community. Roll 1D10. A 9+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The paralegal receives two Secondary Activities a term.
JAG Corps (Officer)
Entry: Law school, OCS, military academy, or commission (often direct commission.)
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 3
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Leadership: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
Contacts: Two per term, business, wealthy, criminal, law enforcement, military, or intelligence community. Roll 1D10. A 7+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: Lawyers receive two Secondary Activities a term.
Combat Correspondent (Enlisted)
Entry: One term as a Journalist or Undergraduate degree.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 2
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Computer: 3
● Observation: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
● Computer
Contacts: Two per term, business, wealthy, criminal, law enforcement, military, or intelligence community. Roll 1D10. A 9+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The combat correspondent receives two Secondary Activities a term. In addition, s/he may be recognized by members of his/her own military.
Combat Correspondent (Officer)
Entry: One term as a Journalist or Undergraduate degree, OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in their first term:
● Persuasion: 3
● Interrogation: 2
● Language: 2
● Leadership: 1
● Observation: 1
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of four levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Persuasion
● Interrogation
● Language
● Leadership
● Observation
● Instruction
Contacts: Two per term, business, wealthy, criminal, law enforcement, military, or intelligence community. Roll 1D10. A 7+ or higher indicates that the contact is foreign.
Special: The combat correspondent receives two Secondary Activities a term. In addition, s/he may be recognized by members of his/her own military.
02-16-2010, 07:02 AM
Nice info. We have had discussions of Warrent Officers before but I don't think anyone has gone into the depth you did. Hope you don't mind I added bold tags to your posts for ease of reading.
02-16-2010, 09:59 AM
First, don't some of these career paths have an excessive number of first term skills? I counted some as high as 13-14.
Secondly, some of these don't make sense without new skills: you need Sports for professional athletes and Theology for priests, for example.
02-16-2010, 10:10 AM
First, don't some of these career paths have an excessive number of first term skills? I counted some as high as 13-14.
If you use these, be sure to closely examine the skill levels I've assigned as they may not be appropriate for your individual campaigns. (I tend to err on the slightly higher skill levels for starting PC's than most do, due to the extreme lethality level typical of my campaigns).
Secondly, some of these don't make sense without new skills: you need Sports for professional athletes and Theology for priests, for example.
Athletes are a choice in Dark Conspiracy character creation and it has 90% commonality with T2k in that area. Don't remember if priests were covered. I don't believe they added Sports or Theology as skills.
I did notice that Medics can't take medicine in secondary terms, but I seem to remember that being an issue in one of the real rulebooks as well.
02-16-2010, 12:09 PM
First, don't some of these career paths have an excessive number of first term skills? I counted some as high as 13-14.
I've always thought that was a critical problem with v2.2 character generation rules -- that they shorted the characters too much and limited flexibility far too much. Which is why I borrowed some ideas here and there and made my own.
I remember a discussion somewhere along the line where most of the posters agreed they could not generate themselves using the V2.2 rules, even being totally honest about their skills and attributes (or even being conservative).
02-16-2010, 12:12 PM
Re: first term skills: The variance doesn't seem to have a pattern, though. a first term enlisted engineer gets 5 skills. A first term enlisted combat correspondent gets 11. An athlete gets 4, a priest gets 9. Etc.
Athletes are a choice in Dark Conspiracy character creation and it has 90% commonality with T2k in that area. Don't remember if priests were covered. I don't believe they added Sports or Theology as skills.
The lack of such skills was, IMHO, also a weakness in DC.
02-16-2010, 02:23 PM
Nice info. We have had discussions of Warrent Officers before but I don't think anyone has gone into the depth you did. Hope you don't mind I added bold tags to your posts for ease of reading.
Nope. Don't mind at all. I was meaning to do that.
02-16-2010, 02:50 PM
First, don't some of these career paths have an excessive number of first term skills? I counted some as high as 13-14.
Secondly, some of these don't make sense without new skills: you need Sports for professional athletes and Theology for priests, for example.
I'll address the Sports and Theology question, first.
If you look at the existing skill list, you'll note that a lot of the standard sports, baseball, football, and boxing, to name three, can be covered with existing skills.
For example, a PC might say his character used to play minor league baseball. He might pick Melee Weapons 2, Thrown Weapons 1, and CON 1. The Melee Weapons skill would cover his ability to use a baseball bat, while his Thrown Weapons skill the ability to throw a baseball (grenades and baseballs are not that different in size, after all). CON is listed in the Background Skill list as an option to take. The definition they provide is Running.
Thus, a minor league baseball player, say, an outfielder, would need to be able to hit the ball (Melee Weapons), throw the ball (Thrown Weapons), and run (CON +1). Given a four year term, he probably was a high draft pick, maybe even called up as a September call up, and got some good press, thus the minor notoriety.
By the same token, an Olympic swimmer would put her ranks in Swimming. Same for an Olympic competition shooter (or a professional shooter, for that matter).
So, no Sports skill needed, IMHO.
Theology would be handled much the same way. Persuasion, Instruction, and Language would be required to study Theology, anyway.
I'll have to address the skill points later, as I've got an appraiser here appraising my house. I'll return when I am able.
02-16-2010, 03:04 PM
Has anyone mentioned Mitch Berg's site yet?
although it hasn't been edited in years (apparently since 2001), it has different careers and nationalities.
02-16-2010, 03:12 PM
Has anyone mentioned Mitch Berg's site yet?
That site appears to be 10 years old, yet I don't think I ever saw it. Not quite sure how that happened. Nice mention.
02-16-2010, 03:34 PM
First, don't some of these career paths have an excessive number of first term skills? I counted some as high as 13-14.
Secondly, some of these don't make sense without new skills: you need Sports for professional athletes and Theology for priests, for example.
Okay, to continue (for the first part of this answer, see post #28).
Skill points. The reason some careers have high skill points is because these are my interpretations of those careers. I am hardly an expert on things military, so if you have suggestions, please share them.
Feel free to adjust them as you need to to make them work in your campaign, as well.
Is there a particular career you think is overly skilled, for example? If so, what are your suggestions for accurately portraying that career in the game?
02-16-2010, 03:36 PM
Athletes are a choice in Dark Conspiracy character creation and it has 90% commonality with T2k in that area. Don't remember if priests were covered. I don't believe they added Sports or Theology as skills.
I did notice that Medics can't take medicine in secondary terms, but I seem to remember that being an issue in one of the real rulebooks as well.
The Medic not being able to take Medical is an oversight on my part. :o Apologies.
(This is a perfect example of why I posted this. It's always good to have someone else read your stuff to spot errors. Thanks for catching this, Kato.)
02-16-2010, 04:29 PM
The Medic not being able to take Medical is an oversight on my part. :o Apologies.
(This is a perfect example of why I posted this. It's always good to have someone else read your stuff to spot errors. Thanks for catching this, Kato.)
No need for apologies. In any volume of work mistakes are going to creep in. Thanks for sharing your work.
Glad I could be an additional set of eyes.
02-16-2010, 09:44 PM
Master Warrant Officer is a rank in the Canadian where warrant officers are rank above Sgt, Master Warrant Officer (MWO), typical hold postions of Company Sgt Maj. My had a Punishment Jar
You left out Chaplain Assit
I did leave out the Chaplain Assistant. I shall have to remedy that. . . . Thanks!
02-17-2010, 12:51 AM
As previously promised, some additional information regarding certain careers in the United States Marine Corps. As with the civilian and Army careers I posted above, this information is tailored to my personal campaign and you will need to scrutinize it closely to make sure it fits in your version of the game. (I tend to run more lethal games, so I give the players more to work with as a balancer).
This information (in some cases) replaces information in the T2K v2.0 rule set, so a careful examination of this material will be helpful to the reader. This information mirrors life itself, as both are a work in progress.
Suggestions for accurate portrayal of the MOS's discussed are welcomed. This information only covers the USMC and I will post what little information I have regarding the Air Force, and Navy as time permits.
Please note that, in some cases, this information replaces what is in the rulebook, and in others, repeats what is present. My inclusion of the original information is, in no way, a challenge to whomever holds the copyright on the Twilight: 2000 property.
In closing, let me apologize in advance if anyone is offended or upset by my phrasing or interpretation of the MOS's discussed.
With all that being said, I offer the following:
Add the following to the Marine Careers List.
United States Marine Corps Basic Training
Entry: Strength + Agility + Constitution: 15+, no prison record.
Basic Training: The character receives the following skills as part of his basic training:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 2
● Small Arms (Pistol): 2
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Thrown Weapon: 1
● Heavy Weapons: 1
● Swimming: 1
● Medical: 1
● Navigation: 1
Careers: Available careers and arms are the same as the Army, except no ranger, airborne, or special forces careers exist.
Special: Characters with Intelligence and Education of 7+ may enter OCS. If they do so, they receive a level 1 Leadership skill, are commissioned as 2nd lieutenants, and then conduct their first term normally.
A character with Education: 5+ and Intelligence: 5+ may become a warrant officer. If so, the character enters the Warrant Officer Candidacy School (WOCS), receives Leadership: 1, Instruction: 1, and Persuasion: 1, then conducts her first term normally. Warrant officers can be members of the following branches: Artillery, Aviation, Special Forces, Engineering, Support, Intelligence, Medical, Quartermaster, and Transportation.
Rank (W-*)
Warrant Officer (W-1)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-2)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-3)
Chief Warrant Officer (W-4)
Chief Warrant Officer (MW-5)
Further information about Warrant Officers can be found here: The information I have presented does not reflect the information on the website. Your mileage may vary.
Force Recon, Enlisted
Entry: Strength + Agility + Constitution: 19+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Observation: 2
● Stealth: 2
● Forward Observer: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Navigation
● Parachute
● Mountaineering
● Swimming
● Small Boat
● Forward Observer
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Force Recon, Officer
Entry: Strength + Agility + Constitution: 17+, and OCS, military academy, or commission.
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 1
● Small Arms (Pistol): 1
● Melee Combat (Armed): 1
● Melee Combat (Unarmed): 1
● Observation: 2
● Stealth: 2
● Leadership: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Forward Observer
● Leadership
● Persuasion
● Foraging
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Navigation
● Parachute
● Mountaineering
● Swimming
● Small Boat
Contacts: Two per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 7+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Scout Sniper, Enlisted
Entry: Strength + Agility + Constitution: 19+
First Term Skills: The character receives the following skills in the first term:
● Small Arms (Rifle): 4
● Observation: 2
● Stealth: 2
● Navigation: 2
● Forward Observer: 2
Subsequent Term Skills: A total of five levels from any one or a combination of the following:
● Small Arms
● Forward Observer
● Melee Combat
● Heavy Weapons
● Thrown Weapons
● Observation
● Stealth
● Tracking
● Navigation
● Mountaineering
Contacts: One per term, military. Roll 1d10 for 8+ for the contact to be foreign.
Special: None.
Other Marine MOS's are similar enough to use Army skill sets.
If anyone has any suggestions, please don't hesitate to offer them.
02-17-2010, 07:20 AM
I did leave out the Chaplain Assistant. I shall have to remedy that. . . . Thanks!
At least in US Army infantry units, Chaplain's Assistants are simply infantrymen with some extra religious ceremony training. They are, however, the most heavily-armed men in the battalion -- they're the Chaplain's bodyguards, remember.
02-17-2010, 07:41 PM
At least in US Army infantry units, Chaplain's Assistants are simply infantrymen with some extra religious ceremony training. They are, however, the most heavily-armed men in the battalion -- they're the Chaplain's bodyguards, remember.
This is what my research has borne out, as well. Given that, this particular character type would seem to be redundant.
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