View Full Version : XI Corp - Going Home Pt 2

03-01-2010, 04:32 PM
Has anyone done anything about getting the XI Corp home? In particular the fact that the 4CMBG would just let itself be stranded by the decision of a foreign commander?

03-01-2010, 04:54 PM
It'd be a tough job I think, at least for a few years. My understanding is that it was purely a stroke of extreme luck the oil tanker was found drifting about and there were sufficient ships (despite widespread belief amongst the troops) to carry those willing or able to leave.

It's going to take quite a long time before adequate fuel supplies are once again available, and with lack of maintenance, and construction of new vessels, any flotilla is sure to be doubly hard to gather.

03-01-2010, 05:56 PM
What did we seem to say that each cargo ship could hold like 4-5000 troops if refitted to carry personnel? Thats still like 4-5 ships if your taking equipment...that would be rough.

I thought the same thing for the 8th and units in the UK even...

03-01-2010, 06:05 PM
I was more of thinking heading cross country and heading towards the channel ports.

03-01-2010, 06:13 PM
What do you think it would take to make the Chunnel passable in T2K?

03-01-2010, 06:39 PM
Has anyone done anything about getting the XI Corp home? In particular the fact that the 4CMBG would just let itself be stranded by the decision of a foreign commander?

I get this idea that decisions like this could lead to some "blue-on-blue" combat.

03-01-2010, 06:47 PM
I get this idea that decisions like this could lead to some "blue-on-blue" combat.

Exactly.... Imagine the look on the XI Corp commanders face when he tries to issue an order to the Canadians and finds out they are no longer in place!

03-01-2010, 11:01 PM
What did we seem to say that each cargo ship could hold like 4-5000 troops if refitted to carry personnel? Thats still like 4-5 ships if your taking equipment...that would be rough.
They'd have to be very BIG ships which I doubt would be available. Even less available after those few seaworthy ships as could be scrounged up in Europe were sailed across to the US and sit there rusting and out of fuel.

As for the Chunnel, is France really going to let a foriegn army into their country?
I would also expect that the UK end, if not both, had been nuked to prevent it being used for transport of reinforcements and supplies. Chances are that without power for the pumps, it's also flooded with seawater.

Abbott Shaull
03-02-2010, 05:54 AM
I get this idea that decisions like this could lead to some "blue-on-blue" combat.

That was one of the back plots for Going Home. The unspoken threat Germans could use to strip equipment from players....

Abbott Shaull
03-02-2010, 05:58 AM
Exactly.... Imagine the look on the XI Corp commanders face when he tries to issue an order to the Canadians and finds out they are no longer in place!
Seen it a lot with the Pact Forces. More so that the Polish 10 TD is more and more fighting with elements of the 4th Soviet Guards Tank Army over cantoment areas.

It had been a unspoken thing through the game where active combat against member of the same nationality was avoided, but it wasn't unheard of units raiding even allied units for supplies.

03-02-2010, 03:56 PM
In particular the fact that the 4CMBG would just let itself be stranded by the decision of a foreign commander?

I think it needs to be pointed out that there was no such decision. The Canadians are just as cut off as the rest of XI Corp and completely unable to withdraw.

If there was a decision it was made by the Soviets when they counterattacked.

Rainbow Six
03-03-2010, 02:31 PM
Re: the Channel Tunnel, I agree with Legbreaker that a number of factors are going to combine to render the Tunnel unuseable for a very, very long time. I'd also imagine it's likely that the French would seal off their end completely to keep out any spies and / or refugees attempting to enter France from England (presumably a few tons of concrete would do the job?).

There are actually three tunnels - two rail tunnels and a service tunnel, which is a road tunnel. Perhaps a GM who wanted to make the Tunnel semi passable could make use of the road tunnel?

More info here...


03-03-2010, 02:43 PM
The Chunnel is something I forgot even existed. I think it would be destroyed in war time, especially since how France and England would not friendly to each other. Or at the very least both sides would be guarded by armed check points. Maybe the French and Brits would do some trading of goods on a low level- maybe. But escaping mainland Europe through the Chunnel would be crazy. What a long creepy walk or ride that would be.:crossbone

03-03-2010, 04:26 PM
IIRC, the huge machines that actually dug the tunnels were buried in side passages, since it would have been too difficult to remove them or back them up all the way to their respective starting points.

In a world where manufacturing such machines will not be possible for perhaps decades, I can see some sort of mission to try to recover them sometime after the Twilight world stabilizes. Of course this might involve a submersible vehicle and lots of pumping equipment.

03-03-2010, 05:36 PM
Thinking more about the Chunnel, I would guess that the Russians would target at least the British end (perhaps even with a nuke) to prevent the Chunnel from being used to shuttle reinforcements to the mainland. They might even use a nuclear depth charge or nuke-tipped torpedo on the Chunnel itself -- essentially requiring the building of a new Chunnel several generations after the Twilight War.