View Full Version : And Yet Another Uniform...

03-06-2010, 02:15 PM

Abbott Shaull
03-09-2010, 05:34 AM
didn't think a uniform of shades of greys and black would last too long....

It should of been filed under, "What were they thinking?" Instead of being a uniform to...oh well...

03-09-2010, 07:17 AM
Good I hate that ACU crap. It looks like it is made for urban warfare only. I bet that shit stands out in bush. I have been told ACU is good in the desert, so maybe it has two good areas of operations. Multi cam looks too lightly colored to me. It looks like it's only good for the desert or areas with little vegation. The old woodland cammies better still be in stock if the army ever has to fight in a wooded environment again. I like that the marines have two sets of cammies. One set will never be able to work in all environments.

03-09-2010, 03:26 PM
Good I hate that ACU crap. It looks like it is made for urban warfare only. I bet that shit stands out in bush. I have been told ACU is good in the desert, so maybe it has two good areas of operations. Multi cam looks too lightly colored to me. It looks like it's only good for the desert or areas with little vegation. The old woodland cammies better still be in stock if the army ever has to fight in a wooded environment again. I like that the marines have two sets of cammies. One set will never be able to work in all environments.

I too like the Marines' camo pattern better than the Army's, and I don't subscribe to the "one pattern fits all" philosophy. I spent most of my time in the Army in BDU or DBUs, a much better idea (though I didn't think the last generation of DBUs were that good of a pattern either).

Here's something: the British did a scientific study during World War 2, and it was discovered that the best pattern for night ops in the air or in desert conditions was -- pink! It might look interesting if in Iraq we were all running around in pink overalls at night...

03-09-2010, 05:04 PM
Here's something: the British did a scientific study during World War 2, and it was discovered that the best pattern for night ops in the air or in desert conditions was -- pink! It might look interesting if in Iraq we were all running around in pink overalls at night...

The SAS painted their Landrovers pink while in North Africa.

Heres a picture of a SAS pink Landrover.

