View Full Version : Flareguns and convertions
General Pain
03-10-2010, 02:28 AM
Me and DeCorba had a discussion regarding converting a flaregun; spesifically a 4 gauge 3 barrelled japanese flaregun from WW2; into a closecombat shotgun. It would offcourse be made of steel and not aluminium - and the range would be short and recoile probably massive - but what would damage be with slug and buck? (yes I know depending on the buck there would be various results)
Your thoughts...
what would damage be from a normal flare?
03-10-2010, 05:38 AM
My thought on that are screw that idea. 4 gauge as a hand gun? No thanks. A pump action 12 gauge shotgun with a pistol grip and 20 inch barrel loaded with a 3 inch magnum slug sucks enough. You don't even really wanna finish shooting the whole tube. Hell shooting a Desert Eagle in .50 AE sucks and gives you a bad case of magnum flinch. This would be to powerful for a man to shoot as a handgun loaded with slugs or buckshot. It would most likely damage you when you shot it. If I did shoot something like this I would make sure my dental/medical issurance was paid and wear motorcycle helmet.
03-10-2010, 06:28 AM
slug :
dmg : 6 pen : 4-5-nil rng : 7 ( depending on barrel length)
* damage to shooter : dmg 1D6-4 location roll head / arms
buck :
dmg close rng : 11 pen :nil rng : 7 ( depending on barrel)
dmg medium rng : 1D12 (treat as 2x10 brst total of 14D6 to hit)
* damage to shooter : dmg 1D6-4 location roll head / arms
as you can see I have determined that shooting such a gun is hazardous and may result in damage - enough to knock you out cold depending on CON score.Slight damage is likely but not guaranteed.
other stats may be tweaked by using different loads and different lead configuration .Perhaps a higher damage could be given .
Gen Pain - with a minimum damage of 11 hp for the "Buck" shot -there is your guaranteed knock down in one shot gun .
I still say a dbbl 12 gage sawed off is more bang for buck in terms of practical applications in the T2K world.
all off the top of my head guys.
03-10-2010, 08:00 AM
I have some flare guns on my site, but none that fire buckshot.
03-11-2010, 12:19 AM
On the plus side, you could use it like the Germans did in WWII and use it to fire grenades, kinda like a dedicated rifle grenade launcher, just using a tool for multiple purposes, flares for illuminating as well as sending up flares for signaling but also to project grenades. Multiple uses for the same tool.
03-11-2010, 02:01 AM
I have some flare guns on my site, but none that fire buckshot.
I dont think they have seen it as a practical weapon .Converting one is very dangerous at best .Such a gun needs stronger metal in it than the flareguns have.
But DeCorba and General Pain are always looking to get bigger caliber in a smaller package - such guns are mainly used when PCs are scrapping in my experience.
Building a huge caliber handgun sized smoothbore for buckshot has been done plenty in history - blackpowder muzzleloaders etc .So I guess the PCs in my campaign can have one if they can make it -first they will have to survive the next FtF though .
What about that sawed of M79 with a break-contact buckshot round ? Could it be had as a bulk 2 weapon and carried in a holster on your person ?
Could it fire a slug or similar projectile ?
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