View Full Version : Canon / Non-Canon
Gabe The Gun
03-30-2010, 12:38 PM
What does this mean?
03-30-2010, 12:52 PM
Canon means the original published materials.
Non Canon means everything beyond that.
Given the time and effort put forth by the DC group IMO equals the research of the original creators (and has a world wide scope), I have, for the dual reasons of keeping conflict at a minimum and to encourage their continued posting, declared their work Canon version 1.5 as far as this board is concerned. As with any other canon variation, (1.0/2.0/2.2/3.0/Finnish) anyone can choose to ignore all or part of this source for their game world.
03-30-2010, 01:28 PM
What does this mean?
To take Kato's perfectly sufficient answer a bit further, canon is the not-quite-correct term we've applied to the published materials of Twilight: 2000 in terms of its basis of authority. Ideally, we should be referencing the published materials as we strike off into the wilderness with our own creations.
My work is an example of non-canon material. I try to fit Thunder Empire, et al, into the established Twilight: 2000 universe without making dramatic changes, but one can and should use or simply enjoy anything I've done without a sense of obligation. Even some of my more eye-in-the-sky work, like The Storm in Germany, is meant to add flesh to the bare bones of the v1 chronology. One should accept the work, reject it, or make modifications as one sees fit. Of course, I'm always receptive to well-considered counterarguments or even a simple atta-boy.
The canon v non-canon argument has had its overheated moments around here. Personally, I think some of the canon v non-canon furor has more to do with individual prejudices than devotion to the published material, but that's a subject for another thread or PM.
03-30-2010, 06:10 PM
What Kato and Web said...
Canon is the published material. Non-canon is the rubbish the rest of us churn out! ;)
Frank Frey
03-30-2010, 08:29 PM
Long ago, when I first started writing for T2K, Loren Weisman had this to say about "canon". "When they buy it, it's their game. They can run it how they please."
That pretty well sums up my take on it as well. I really enjoyl seeing the variations that other people make from my material. That's what it's all about.
My Golden Rule for gaming is simple. If your players are having fun playing it and just as importantly you're having fun running it then it's a good game.
Out Here,
Frank Frey
Dog 6
03-31-2010, 01:18 AM
Long ago, when I first started writing for T2K, Loren Weisman had this to say about "canon". "When they buy it, it's their game. They can run it how they please."
That pretty well sums up my take on it as well. I really enjoyl seeing the variations that other people make from my material. That's what it's all about.
My Golden Rule for gaming is simple. If your players are having fun playing it and just as importantly you're having fun running it then it's a good game.
Out Here,
Frank Frey
now that I like. well said. :)
Long ago, when I first started writing for T2K, Loren Weisman had this to say about "canon". "When they buy it, it's their game. They can run it how they please."
That's "Wiseman" Frank, not "Weisman." People never confused me with Jordan Weisman before FASA hit it big. : )
The only people required to worry about canon are people writing for publication by the holder of the IPRs. People doing it for their campaign can do what they please.
03-31-2010, 01:42 AM
The only people required to worry about canon are people writing for publication by the holder of the IPRs. People doing it for their campaign can do what they please.
That never stopped Traveller Canon Wars ;)
That never stopped Traveller Canon Wars ;)
I keep telling people not to fight over this kind stuff. Some people love to fight over this kind of stuff.
I do not consider this to be my fault or my responsibility in any way.
03-31-2010, 01:55 AM
I do not consider this to be my fault or my responsibility in any way.
Nor should you.
General Pain
03-31-2010, 02:57 AM
Nor should you. I said GIVE ME A BIG ONE TO PUNISH MY ENEMIES!!!!
something like this:
Now let's not argue and bicker anymore on this subject...let's agree to disagree.....wwe've been down this minefield before.
Now let's not argue and bicker anymore on this subject...let's agree to disagree.....wwe've been down this minefield before.
You have read my thoughts, General
03-31-2010, 04:07 AM
I feel a group hug coming!!
03-31-2010, 04:46 AM
I feel a group hug coming!!
I find myself grinning at the quarrels and disagreements we have had in here about whats canon and whats not .
Argueing about old books and whats in them to be understood seem to be an old tradition - severl thousand years actually .
We have been there and done that as has been said .
We are a beacon of tolerance and understanding now that we have agreed to disagree and I am ready for the group hug :D
that is if canonites will hug an heretic like me
03-31-2010, 05:43 AM
that is if canonites will hug an heretic like me
Are knives and other sharp implements allowed during the group hug? :sawink2:
John Farson
03-31-2010, 06:41 AM
I wanna join in on the group hug! Even if it includes sharp implements!:)
Arguing and feuding about old books is indeed an age-old tradition of humanity. Just look at all the ecumenical councils and the Schism of 1054. Occasionally on a number of web forums (including this one:p) it feels like that.
The only canon that matters to me is the TV series with William Conrad as the fat private eye.:D
03-31-2010, 08:11 AM
I had this sudden thought that in a thousand years (after the apocalypse of course), the T2K books will be treated with the same religious fervour as the bible and Koran are today...
03-31-2010, 09:48 AM
I had this sudden thought that in a thousand years (after the apocalypse of course), the T2K books will be treated with the same religious fervour as the bible and Koran are today...
I've often had that same thought if a future civilization finds our science fiction and fantasy novels. Think about a far-post Apocalypse civilization finding the works of JRR Tolkein...
Jason Weiser
03-31-2010, 07:00 PM
Robert Jordan is my god!:D
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