View Full Version : Mini-gun on humvee revisited
Gabe The Gun
04-11-2010, 12:24 PM
Well I hear all of you loud and clear about the ammo chewing of the mini-gun! My players are thinking of when you start a game you get the full loadout and fuel for a vehicle correct? So thier ideaology is " We get to start the game with it and when it runs out of ammo then oh well." That is what my players are thinking. They have no concern of the burden or near impossibility of keeping the beast fed with fresh ammo. So my thoughts on it are, ok sure start the game with it, spend valuable resources obtaining it in creation, and have fun the 10 rounds of firing it, and then enjoy trucking around a cool collectors item with no ammo for the rest of the campaign taking up room on a valuable weopons mount. But least you have the coolest looking, most intimidating humvee around! Just pray the enemy doesnt find out your bluffing and have no ammo. HA HA HA HA HA HA. Of coarse im not actually telling them this gentlemen. I appreciate everybodys feedback about the initial subject as it helped me out tremendously! So if my PC's cant understand the fact that ammo really is hard to find, then......I have no choice but to let them find out for themselves just how wasteful it was to loadout a humvee that way. Ill let you all know how it turns out when we start the game next weekend.
04-11-2010, 12:56 PM
Keep in mind, you're the GM. Give em half a load, or make the wear on it so high it's constantly breaking down. Have the local warlord find out they have it, and he'll do anything to get his hands on it... lots of possibilities here :)
04-11-2010, 03:54 PM
My players don't know that a starting vehicle gets a full load of ammo :)
04-11-2010, 04:28 PM
If I can ever get a face to face game going, my players will be starting out on foot :saroll:
04-11-2010, 05:57 PM
I started my last game with the players as prisoners. Between 8 of them, their beginning equipment was one brick dug out from the wall and an length of electrical wire they used as a garrotte.
TiggerCCW UK
04-12-2010, 02:34 AM
I started my last game with the players as prisoners. Between 8 of them, their beginning equipment was one brick dug out from the wall and an length of electrical wire they used as a garrotte.
Very similar to the start of my campaign - the PC's were being used as gladiators by a group of marauders. When they escaped they had a crossbow, 6 bolts, a .38 revolver with 4 rounds and a couple of kitchen knives :)
04-12-2010, 02:49 AM
I might let my players start with a minigun (even though I'm pretty sure it is R/R). As long as there is a logic behind how it is in their hands.
Given I use Graebarde's 5th Mech Reorganization document, I would say that the gun was scavenged from one of the four vehicles that have them in the Mad Max battalion. I might even give them one of the 4 x five tons ('GRIM REAPER' 'SHOGUN' 'ACE OF SPADES', 'VALKYRIE') he mentions.
Probably the only way I would have a minigun on a HMMWV before battle of Kalisz is as some sort of command escort. One of the weapons guides discusses miniguns and says they are a prize sought after by command tanks. Therefore I see their placement primairly around those who have a little clout.
As far as ammo roll the dice (or just say you did ;) ). Remember no plan survives first contact with the enemy, so the group will have had a few curves thrown at them in their escape.
05-11-2010, 12:10 AM
I like the idea of giving them a mini-gun with a high wear value -- put a explanatory face on it by saying it's got some faulty wire that comes and goes without extensive babying.
Or just give it to them wide open and make sure their first contact with bad guys involves some good urban cover and some determined opposition. A minigun is a pretty stupid way to kill a single guy in a building window, but if its the only gun handy it'll get used.
05-11-2010, 01:57 AM
as spent cartridges are currency in a way , maybe some "campfollowers " will start trailing the party picking up after their fights .A few bursts worth of brass could maybe feed a whole family for weeks .To make sure they dont do anything bad - maybe the NPCs should have some endearing qualities....and for sure some annoying ones to make it interesting.
Gabe The Gun
05-11-2010, 09:12 PM
True, True!
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