View Full Version : S06e03 "A dark and bloody trail"
04-21-2010, 04:48 AM
Yes ,guys. Really looking forward to the next session and already now thinking of setting it up.
I have asked GP and the permit to use the boathouse is granted .
So for the most beautiful session of 2010 I ask :
Who is in and when ?
Even if you cannot give a definitive answer,please acknowledge that you have seen this thread by posting a short answer.
I need the available dates from all of you ,and GP needs to chime in with availability of the wonderful family compound.
The pary starts in a basement somewhere in the central valley just north of Kettleman City , a couple of miles east of Highway 5. The game will start in "downtime mode".
"Down time " is a relative term though .The party is hiding in a dirty cellar in an abandoned farm somewhere of Interstate 5 not more than 50 km north of Kettleman city . ( Where you first saw the ghastly evidence that the NDP indeed have nuclear weapons - namely neutron bombs).All in all you have managed to get some 70 kms away from the Shandon bunker complex.
You move through a dusty and seemingly lifeless landscape.No people work the fields,and withered crops rot .No livestock graze the dead meadows ,but here and there repulsive looking rats,vultures and other carrion are swarming around carcasses of farm animals and their herders.The houses are empty,some have been looted and vandalized,others burned down.Shallow graves dot the countryside -and some that have not been buried are strewn along the roadside.A burnt out wreck of a bomber has crashed into a field and burrowed a few hundred feet along the surface. A cold,merciless wind is blowing.
The whole county seems to be teeming with NDP patrols and checkpoints.Already you have had to shoot your way through three of these, and bluff through several more.
By now you are on foot after loosing three vehicles to enemy fire in the span of just a few hours.
All of you are hurt , Iron Man,DeCorba and Doc Johnson have all sustained lifethreatening gunshot wounds that require expert medical attention,pharmaceuticals,food,shelter,rest and care .
"Grease" Lincoln and Benito Tecumseh Pain are slightly wounded and stand guard ,tend to the wounded ,scrounge for supplies and firewood etc etc .All in all you have been moving at night and hiding in cellars by day for 8 days.So far you have gone only a few kilometers on foot eastwards from Interstate 5.
There is activity in the immideate area ,as discovered by Pain Jr when on guard - a 2,5 ton truck drives by one day, a couple of hundred meters away with a motley crew of shabby looking guys with mixed gear and weapons on the back.An unmanned road block has had to be passed on one bridge you crossed.And a hidden camp with firing positions close to a road is found with the ashes in the fire still warm...No combat has taken place though ,as you are hiding as best you can.But Pain Jr has shot a corpse- eating,dirty ,scrawny dog that came too close with his silenced rifle .
Everyone has had their gear riddled with bullets and everyone has crawled over 1000 hundred meters on your hands and knees and lower than that too.
The gear is tattered and abused,but in what little light there is in the cellars you mend what you can using scrounged sewing equipment,pieces of plastic tarp,gaffa tape and old clothing.You find old brushes and brooms and dust of everything you can ,doing careful work.
All the guns and the ammo in the mags are cleaned and checked.Broken stuff is discarded or packed for later use.
The kevlar gear is in bad shape for most of you ,it has taken too many hits .
Your electronics are all fried.Radios,NV gear,Ipods...Some of you have only a few mags left ,others are well stocked with ammo and weapons.ALl of you have NDP uniforms and gear on.Most of it has taken many bullet- or shrapnel hits.
Luckily Doc Johnson is a trauma medicine genious.And providence has held its hand over you and spared DeCorbas "Happy Warlord brand" medkit.This saves the lives of at least three of you when infections starts to set in .The cold weather also aids in keeping infections down. It is bitterly cold during the day , when you dare not light a fire though.Those not working huddle on mattresses under old sheats,clothes,sheets of plastic and layes of old straw and paper.If it gets much colder ,the recovery of the seriously wounded could be jeopardized.
So far the party has been able to eat full rations every day.The MREs
( PainTek brand ) are gone .The scrounged canned goods/pickled eggs that were found are gone .The small sack of flour and the oil that were found are gone.Water is plentiful however,as the abandonded farms that you hide in have prewar drilled artesian waterwells that pumps to the surface with hand cranked pumps.Doc Johnson assures everyone that it is safe .
As day breaks the 9th day the weather starts to turn colder still.Snowflakes are in the air, and frost cover the withered and rotting crops in the fields.
There is nothing to eat except one thing....Pain Jrs secret recipe Dog Stew.
It actually smells pretty good by now.
Far off in the distance , a helicopter is making its way north along the interstate.
A dogs distant baying is heard on the cold wind. A murder of crows circle a rotting cadaver on the neighbouring field .
Other than that there is complete silence.
It really is getting uncomfortably cold now.
As all of you are together in the same dirty,bloodsplattered basement I post one update for all of you ,some know it from before ,some havent seen it yet .
So far the wounded status is thus :
DeCorba : Seriously wounded AND slightly wounded .Healing has been slowed by an infection that now SEEMS to have been cured as well as being moved causing more HP loss.. 9 more days for serious locations to reach 0 hp,after that 5 more days to reach full for those locations. Slight locations to reach full in 3 more days -IF infectionfree.
Iron Man : Seriously wounded. 5 more days of total rest needed to reach 0 HP. ( 5 more after that to full)
Doc Johnson : Seriously wounded 6 more days needed to reach 0 HP.(5 days more to reach full HP)
PainJr : Full capacity
Grease: Slightly wounded due to infection slowing healing rate down. 3 more days to reach full HP.
NB! times are given based on a situation with full rations,rest,shelter and care.Movement,any combat,lack of food,shelter,drugs or care etc will be detriment/bad to result.
rules excerpt :
SLIGHT WOUNDS :10 days.EASY:MEDICAL ½ time. No MEDICAL treatment adds ½ time. PERS. MED KIT +1, DOCTORS MED KIT +3
SERIOUS WOUNDS : 22 days.AVG:MEDICAL ½ time. No MEDICAL treatment adds ½ time. PERS. MED KIT +1, DOCTORS MED KIT +3
INSUFFICIENT REST,FOOD,WATER,SHELTER: + ½ time. Any work,movement or combat adds time as pr GM discretion. Effects are cumulative.
8 days have passed .I judge Doc Johnsons medical treatment and the full medkit ( now empty except surgical tools ) that deCorba had to mean :
that there is sufficient treatment to use half the healing times. However ,there has been several periods of movement and some of the characters have worked ,stood guard,scrounged etc .three days extra healing time has been added due to this.
So - for planning ahead you need to consider that staying put and resting for up to 9 days is essential
04-23-2010, 08:07 AM
Date : 20.10.19 Time : 0635hrs Temperature : +1 C*
Lt.Benito Tecumseh Pain took care in not waking any of the three comrades- in-arms that were sleeping fitfully on their bloodstained mattresses in the filthy cellar. They were hiding out .Nobody had seen any pursuit yet -but to move on with the severlywounded would be akin to killing them outright.
The cellar had no windows and only an old and dilapidated wooden staircase led up to the kitchen trapdoor .
He stepped gingerly over each of them and collected his gear without a sound.Upstairs ,he heard the silent footsteps of Grease , as he paced from window to window looking for would be assailants on their little retreat.He nodded curtly to him as he reached the front door.They had already agreed upon him going out .
Supplies were needed.
He hefted his VSK-94 and snook out the door,keeping to the shadows alongthe walls .After a a few minutes of intent listening he was satisfied that noone was about .He proceeded to crossing the yard and upon reaching the rotting crop adjacent to the yard , he hunched down and repeated his listening post .
Although technically morning , it was still very dark .With no NV-gear ,he had to rely on his senses alone.Not easy when inside a gas mask .Carefully a stealthed a path through the withered stalks,his carbine sweeping a 290 degree arc all around him .Being out here alone certainly was more interesting than he enjoyed.
He found an overturned wheel barrow, and stooped down to check it . A badly mauled corpse was laying next to it in drab work clothes.God only knows what had eaten from it .
He resumed his advance ,and hunched down several times sifting through the dirt with his gloved hand to recover some tubers or roots that could be edible.No luck.He finished one field and crossed over into another .The whole thing repeated itself .The fields was dead and rotting.
"I just need to find the right crop" he told himself inwardly.There had to be something edible left in this area.High yield farms lay on all sides.
Suddenly a sound drew his attention .It came from the far side of the fields , ely audible in his suit and mask.It sounded like a wet ,rythmic throbbing .First he withdrew rapidly for a few yards aiming in th direction he heard it from .Then he reconsidered and moved towards ,cautiously.Pushing plants away with the barrel of his carbine. The sound reminded him of something.
But he wasnt sure just what.He drew nearer ,finger on he trigger .Every step careful and deliberate not to make a sound on the treacherous cover of dead stalks and leaves.A mere 25 yards or so left ,but he couldnt see anything through the rotting vegetation.
Then it struck him what it was .It was chomping .Something with a big mouth was making loud,slurpy chomping sounds straight ahead of him .
The realization made him almost jump for a second.Just a brief second loosing his concentration -but enough for his foot to catch on a stalk with a slight snapping sound.
The chomping immideatley ceased.He held his breath -eyeing the direction of the sounds over his VSK-94 intensly.
Then a deep ,rumbling snarl sounded .It was a sonorous ,wet growl that rose in volume in an agressive tone.Abruptly the growl ended and violent thrashing in the vegetation ahead of him was heard-closing in fast !
"In the name of the Skull and the Chain" he gasped steeling himself and pulling the trigger back to a hairs breadth of a burst from his 9x39mm silenced carbine.The rustling in the dead crop suddenly changed direction .He thought he saw a massive shadow flicker past .But he couldnt be sure that he hadnt blinked and was just imagining it .The crashing sounds of vegetation breaking moved further away and it became eeirely silent .He considered advancing and checking out the scene further but was stopped dead in his tracks.
A blood curdling howl unlike no other he had ever heard rose from a the direction of a thicket some 100 yards ahead .It revebrated across the fields and rose to a pitch ,almost like a desperate scream of frustration.
"OK-thats it -I am out of here " he thought to himself with studied off -handedness. Breathing hard and focusing on keeping his cool ,he carefully retraced his steps,increasing his pace all the while he was retreating .
He reached the yard at a full run and screaming the password at Grease,flung himslef through the door and skidded acros the dirty floor.
"Lock the door! Close the door!" he yelled.
"Whats going on "a drugged, drowsy voice demanded from the basement.
Lt.Pain Jr ripped the mask of his face and sat with his back againstthe wall .He was sweating profusely.He was panting from his run and his heart was beating rapidly.
A feeling of sheer terror had spiked through him at the sound of that howl .
"yeah-what was that " Grease asked, nervously gripping his rifle .
" I am damned if I know " he said flatly.
Outside the dark and silence lay once more undisturbed.
04-26-2010, 09:07 AM
Looking forward to this!
I will be down south from approx. july 26 and onwards to prepare for an exhibition 30/7-1/8, so it would be best for me after august 1., then I can just stay on a bit to take part in the meat, murder and boundless geekiness:)
It is however possible to do it a little ahead of these dates, but that is somewhat impractical since I will have to coordinate this with my fellow carpoolers.
04-30-2010, 02:26 AM
There is a preliminary suggestion in - Baadhuset sessions in one of the two first weeks of August .No dates set as of now.
Lets narrow it down a bit shall we.
Rupert Willies
05-06-2010, 06:17 AM
I propose ANY DATE between now and September!
On a more sober note: I hope to start a new job during the next two months, so I'll probably be available all weekends from now till Christmas, though not so sure about the weekdays.
05-06-2010, 10:07 AM
I have a question. You guys are all in Norway, yes? Why do you write all your posts in English? Is it to practise? Its great for English speakers of course, to be able to read where your campaigns are at.
Rupert Willies
05-06-2010, 11:26 AM
It's because we are on an English speaking forum, and we figure (hope I guess) maybe other equally twisted minds may enjoy our ramblings.
05-06-2010, 04:35 PM
I have a question. You guys are all in Norway, yes? Why do you write all your posts in English? Is it to practise? Its great for English speakers of course, to be able to read where your campaigns are at.
Caught us out .None of us are even Norwegians..We all live in a shack in walla walla -bloody hot mate !
We dont write in our beautiful norse tongue in order to placate the common anglofiles Targan.;) Englisgh forums - English language .You should see our subforum on the Mandarin language DnD site..that was a pain in the ass to learn kanji.
Some might actually read what we have put up and that would be cool.
05-12-2010, 04:24 AM
Got a call from GP the other day - he says SECOND weekend of August is optimal (he came to the conclusion after having consulted the goods in a drum and bass cactus shoot/mescal higher state of consciousness type ritual that he calls "Saturday Night" ).
So 13 - 15 August .
Sound off !
HQ out!
05-12-2010, 07:23 AM
Is that the second week or weekEND of August? Sounds OK for me, if it´s the weekend 7-8 we´re talking about, otherwise it´ll be a bit of a stretch.
05-14-2010, 03:48 AM
Is that the second week or weekEND of August? Sounds OK for me, if it´s the weekend 7-8 we´re talking about, otherwise it´ll be a bit of a stretch.
I think he said 13-15 og august . ( second weekend)
Rupert Willies
05-16-2010, 01:37 PM
Sounds fine by me. I'll post it on the fridge this time
05-18-2010, 01:52 AM
Sounds fine by me. I'll post it on the fridge this time
Some confusion to the dates -sorry .
GP - acknowledge !
05-24-2010, 01:59 PM
13-15 is no good for me I´m afraid..
05-24-2010, 04:15 PM
13-15 is no good for me I´m afraid..
thats bad news .I was really looking forward to the traditional get together of which you are a big part .
I sincerely hope your character makes it .
grievously wounded,hunted by a powermad supervillains crack troops ,hiding in a radioactive duststorm...
at least he is in good hands with his bosom buddies that will stand shoulder to shoulder with him through thick and thin .
I see some lenghty PMs as required to detail your actions.I will do no negotiations after the fact .
05-25-2010, 05:23 AM
So that´s it? Well, then, that´s a shame.. cheers!
05-25-2010, 05:50 AM
So that´s it? Well, then, that´s a shame.. cheers!
I feel the same,buddy.
Everybodys got a schedule with priorities- the hosts schedule is the most impotant one as you know.
Maybe you can manage to work it out .
05-25-2010, 05:59 AM
Incidently - the mission you will be playing is actually the last chapter in the story that began the LAST time we played in Baadhuset.
That was S05E03 -"Critical Condition"
We will now be hitting S06E02 "A Dark and Bloody Trail"
You started out almost a year ago on a mission to engage NDP units in the central valley as part of the major coalition offensive against the dictatorship of Haussmann ,you fought several battles and some skirmishes,bluffed your way through some areas and then got the mission to stage a special assault on teh Shandon Bunker complex..
I predict that this years Baadhuset will be the bloody and violent culimination of this year long mission . ( 4-5 sessions long and a year in RL).
I suspect a lot of paper will be needed- both kleenex and new character sheets
only 3 months to go - thats nothing ...
General Pain
06-16-2010, 08:06 AM
2 months left.
Rupert Willies
06-17-2010, 02:20 AM
07-07-2010, 02:49 AM
Only a few weeks away now guys .
sharpen the pencils..grease up the dice..put those beers into deep refrigeration..
Date : 20.10.19 Time : 1325hrs Temperature : +1 C*
The constant shivers from the penetrating chill that had settled in their backbone made conversation difficult and staggered.Sitting down for hours on end in this temperature had let the cold get a firm grip on each of them .They were sitting in the dilapidated basement of the abandoned farnmhouse. The wood creaked and moaned in the gusts of wind .Atleast they were sheltered from that .
Lt.Benito Tecumseh Pain was keeping watch.He paced up and down the room from window to window and shuddered every time he got close to one of them.There panes were all shattered or cracked.The draft was unpleasant.
Outside the wind had indeed picked up ,and it brought with it an unwelcome chill .Gusts of cold air that was sharp and nippy to the skin .
Suddenly he froze deadly still -his pacing suspended .In the basemement the shivering bundles of rags and tarps and tattered clothing all suddenly seized their rustle and coughs and sneezes.
Inbetween the gusts of wind that howled around the corners they had all heard it at the same time. A sound all to familiar .Faint and far away but clear and distinct .
The rythmic clap of a helicopter doing a slow pass.
The young doctor looked from man to man in the basement -his face filled with a wild hope -the chopper might be one of their own!
Seeing the tense faces around him made his hope flutter and go out .
All of them held their breath for what seemed like ages and turned their heads futively upwards as the distant sound grew fainter still and then disappeared .
Only then did they exhale -almost as one man ,and a few rustles from someone gathering his rags around him to try to keep some heat in.The worry seemed to linger a few seconds before dissapating slowly.
The steady pacing upstairs in the living room resumed.
Someone coughed in the basement ,and spat into the heap of bloody bandages in the corner. One by one they met eachothers eyes as for to say "phew!close one " - but both looking quizzingly into the others gaze to find some spark of optimism in it .And both realizing that none was to be found dropped their gaze at the same time.
After a little while Ironman cleared a soar throat and said :"I believe my rider definently specified a roaring fire and two pounds of marshmelows with spits for this one" .
His face looked so disappointed that the others had to crack a smile over the statement ."Grease" even managed a little chuckle.
Suddenly everybody froze again.All quiet in suspense.
The pulsating sound of rotorblades grew steadily closer.
The helicopter was coming back.
General Pain
07-07-2010, 07:06 AM
does this mean we can act pre-session ?
In that case I'm happy that my plan worked....MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
just kidding - I did not have a plan to be the only unharmed PC-----or did I?
07-07-2010, 07:18 AM
I am just astounded to see that you claim to be acting according to a plan...
I kid!!
General Pain
07-14-2010, 05:42 AM
want us to make som pre-session preperations (ingame) ?
Like setting up spears ,board windows, get more water/food, assesment to survivabilty to comrades, possibilities to poison comrades who allready deserve to die an agonizing death...(oops that was just a looong typo),
General Pain
07-14-2010, 06:17 AM
As you can see there are many airfields, and other possibilites for us to maybe capture an old crop-duster - tie some of the party onto the wings and escape in a glorius charge northward.....
Local Places of teached by my missing step-father General Pain.
- Visalia
- Corcoran
- Hanford
08-16-2010, 06:46 AM
thanks for a great weekend guys.
sadly deCorba wasnt there -well not in the flesh anyways..
Food ,drink and company as always totally grand.
see you around guys.
Thinking of driving back east to the Tigercity in october or november for a weekend of more FtF.
I can make pick ups in the capitol of the south.
For those not present or who were to slushed to remember - a brief after action report :
The party has been huddeling in an abandoned basement for over a week ,laid low by fatigue,gunshot wounds,infections and rad sickness.After the rations are gone they live of the mangy dogs,scrawny rats and filthy crows they are able to shot or trap.
Signs of the NDP manhunt operation drawing closer increase -and inevitably the partys end of the vast farming area is searched.
The party has prepared well,fortifyuing their house and have placed an IED on the access road.Two characters take up positions outside the house ,in a nearby building and under cover of vegetation in a nearby field.
A long line of squad sized units and trucks make up a cordon and search teams go in and routinely kick down all the doors,look in all the culverts,bayonet every haystack and so on.As a squad converge upon the partys house the tension rises more and more - and then in the last possible moment before they reach the house a string of shots ring out .3 NDP troopers drop wounded in their MOPP suits and shooting starts from several quarters.NDP squads double time it over the fields to get to cover and get a good firing position.Jeeps carrying LMGs starts speeding down the dirt roads hosing the building with machine gun fire.
The NDP squad closest to the house is caught in the open by the PCs ambush and break.The rout is a bloody one with all squad members being shot dead or wounded.Another squad takes up position in a nearby farmhouse only to be met with several rifle grenades and deadly sniper fire from the PCs.
The NDP take cover and start lobbing RPGs ath the partys farm house - they do not yet know what their enemy is ,and possibly suspect it to be ordinary marauders.Something about the fierce resistance makes the company commander wary though .
Another attempt to manouver squads to storm the house has to be given up due to an efficient counter barrage of rifle grenades from the house and more sniping .
Considering the amount of suppressive fire that whomever he has trapped in the house is taking from his troops without their resistance ending,the NDP commander figures its time for some support .He has now lost 10 men wounded, 6-7 KIAs and several vehicles are not responding on the comms and must be considered lost/destroyed.
He disengages his platoons and the area is cordoned of at safe distance .(What is safe distance from the party anyways?)
A dinged and bruised PainTek P-47/2000 roars in strafing the farmhouse with its .50 cal HMGs and lets fly a cluster of 66 mm rockets to boot. The barn is blown up and starts to smoulder and the house is perforated to am extent. This does not end the resistance ,however ,and NDP troops take fire as they move in again.
Certain that his enemy is a high value target ,by know, the NDP company commander calls in more CAS and concentrate on the house.
But by now the party has had enough - they decide to shoot their way out and take their chances in the open.
( Admittedly ,they didnt make the conlcusion jointly ,but start to run away in pairs or one by one
A second sortie of Paintek P-47/2000s arrive and 1 x 125 KG Paintek GP-2 Bomb (HE) hits the farmyard blowing the roof of the house clear of ,and collapsing the rest of the house in a heap of debris on top of the groundfloor of the building .
The partymembers in the house were Doc Johnson,IronMan and Fm.DeCorba.
IronMan and Johnson manages to crawl out of the debris ,and take of crawling along ditches and through the rotten fields ,always with bullets whizzing overhead.
DeCorba is nowhere to be found-not that anyone took any time to look .
Lt.Benito Tecumseh Pain and "Grease " Lincoln have had positions outside the farmhouse.They both try to slip away crawling through ditches and running through the rotten corn fields.The NDP pursue them relentlessly,getting as close as 20 meters before being routed by handgrenades and rifle fire.
Towards the end of the engagement the party has ( mysteriously ) all decided on the same course of action without really having any means to talsk about it .( No comms).They drag their wounded and dirty bodies along the bottom of a ditch towards an abandoned 4wd SUV that has been knocked out earlier in the fight.(Crew all sniped ).
The whole incident has taken around 1 hour and 40 minutes . Twilight -and the possible aid of darkness in slipping out is around 60 minutes away.
We will start the next session with the party crawling along the ditch towards the abandoned PainTek "Scout-2" 4WD.
Well-almost the whole party that is - DeCorba will start in another position .
01-06-2011, 02:28 PM
guys - read this
For those not present or who were to slushed to remember - a brief after action report :
The party has been huddeling in an abandoned basement for over a week ,laid low by fatigue,gunshot wounds,infections and rad sickness.After the rations are gone they live of the mangy dogs,scrawny rats and filthy crows they are able to shot or trap.
Signs of the NDP manhunt operation drawing closer increase -and inevitably the partys end of the vast farming area is searched.
The party has prepared well,fortifyuing their house and have placed an IED on the access road.Two characters take up positions outside the house ,in a nearby building and under cover of vegetation in a nearby field.
A long line of squad sized units and trucks make up a cordon and search teams go in and routinely kick down all the doors,look in all the culverts,bayonet every haystack and so on.As a squad converge upon the partys house the tension rises more and more - and then in the last possible moment before they reach the house a string of shots ring out .3 NDP troopers drop wounded in their MOPP suits and shooting starts from several quarters.NDP squads double time it over the fields to get to cover and get a good firing position.Jeeps carrying LMGs starts speeding down the dirt roads hosing the building with machine gun fire.
The NDP squad closest to the house is caught in the open by the PCs ambush and break.The rout is a bloody one with all squad members being shot dead or wounded.Another squad takes up position in a nearby farmhouse only to be met with several rifle grenades and deadly sniper fire from the PCs.
The NDP take cover and start lobbing RPGs ath the partys farm house - they do not yet know what their enemy is ,and possibly suspect it to be ordinary marauders.Something about the fierce resistance makes the company commander wary though .
Another attempt to manouver squads to storm the house has to be given up due to an efficient counter barrage of rifle grenades from the house and more sniping .
Considering the amount of suppressive fire that whomever he has trapped in the house is taking from his troops without their resistance ending,the NDP commander figures its time for some support .He has now lost 10 men wounded, 6-7 KIAs and several vehicles are not responding on the comms and must be considered lost/destroyed.
He disengages his platoons and the area is cordoned of at safe distance .(What is safe distance from the party anyways?)
A dinged and bruised PainTek P-47/2000 roars in strafing the farmhouse with its .50 cal HMGs and lets fly a cluster of 66 mm rockets to boot. The barn is blown up and starts to smoulder and the house is perforated to am extent. This does not end the resistance ,however ,and NDP troops take fire as they move in again.
Certain that his enemy is a high value target ,by know, the NDP company commander calls in more CAS and concentrate on the house.
But by now the party has had enough - they decide to shoot their way out and take their chances in the open.
( Admittedly ,they didnt make the conlcusion jointly ,but start to run away in pairs or one by one
A second sortie of Paintek P-47/2000s arrive and 1 x 125 KG Paintek GP-2 Bomb (HE) hits the farmyard blowing the roof of the house clear of ,and collapsing the rest of the house in a heap of debris on top of the groundfloor of the building .
The partymembers in the house were Doc Johnson,IronMan and Fm.DeCorba.
IronMan and Johnson manages to crawl out of the debris ,and take of crawling along ditches and through the rotten fields ,always with bullets whizzing overhead.
DeCorba is nowhere to be found-not that anyone took any time to look .
Lt.Benito Tecumseh Pain and "Grease " Lincoln have had positions outside the farmhouse.They both try to slip away crawling through ditches and running through the rotten corn fields.The NDP pursue them relentlessly,getting as close as 20 meters before being routed by handgrenades and rifle fire.
Towards the end of the engagement the party has ( mysteriously ) all decided on the same course of action without really having any means to talsk about it .( No comms).They drag their wounded and dirty bodies along the bottom of a ditch towards an abandoned 4wd SUV that has been knocked out earlier in the fight.(Crew all sniped ).
The whole incident has taken around 1 hour and 40 minutes . Twilight -and the possible aid of darkness in slipping out is around 60 minutes away.
We will start the next session with the party crawling along the ditch towards the abandoned PainTek "Scout-2" 4WD.
Well-almost the whole party that is - DeCorba will start in another position .
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