View Full Version : Just moved to Austin,TX. any players out there?
Gabe The Gun
07-29-2010, 10:03 AM
Left California and moved to Austin, TX. I'm looking for players or a group to join. If so message me or email me at
07-29-2010, 12:04 PM
What a loss! I was looking forward to initiating a new player to the joys of Fortress America. Good luck in Texas. I hear Austin is a great town. If things get any worse for us here in California, my family and I may join you. (I hear it's quite easy to get a teaching gig in Texas, unlike in California where you need a papal decree and UN resolution to be considered properly qualified and vetted.
07-29-2010, 12:48 PM
You exagerate! It only takes about six years of education, plus class room hours, specific training and courses and continuing education, plus the tests like the Praxis and CBEST and such. Oh yeah, and finding a district that is hiring rather than laying off. But, hey, its not that bad.....right? Are any districts not downsizing? Its a scarey place for folks right now in those occupations, you never know when the axe is going to fall, and sadly, alot of people see the axe falling all around them, so they know it is only a matter of time before its their turn.
Damn, are we going to get a new group going in Texas so the rest of us can turn green with envy?
07-29-2010, 03:21 PM
I would ponder finding a way to get over there from the UK, its shit over here to get a job (almost like T2K has happened already....), but the catch is, even the temperature in Castleford, Id. (named after the town I currently live in here) over the next 10 days are a bit too warm, and if I am not mistaken Texas is even hotter.
However, I hope you find it nice to live there mate.
07-29-2010, 04:03 PM
I would ponder finding a way to get over there from the UK, its shit over here to get a job (almost like T2K has happened already....), but the catch is, even the temperature in Castleford, Id. (named after the town I currently live in here) over the next 10 days are a bit too warm, and if I am not mistaken Texas is even hotter.
However, I hope you find it nice to live there mate.
It's actually been cooler than normal the last couple weeks in the southeast part of the state. Of course, today's the 1st day it hasn't rained all week, so there's a reason. Temp today was low 90's (F), normally gets upt to high 90's/low 100s this time of year. Plus the humidity factor, heat index of 105-107 isn't rare.
07-29-2010, 04:08 PM
It's actually been cooler than normal the last couple weeks in the southeast part of the state. Of course, today's the 1st day it hasn't rained all week, so there's a reason. Temp today was low 90's (F), normally gets upt to high 90's/low 100s this time of year. Plus the humidity factor, heat index of 105-107 isn't rare.
And it's actually been a relatively "cool" summer this year (at least, here in San Antonio).
Gabe The Gun
07-30-2010, 07:06 AM
Yeah were gonna hit 90's-100's for the next seven days, and yes the humidity here is BRUTAL! Being a californian here is like an eskimo being born in hell dude ha ha, ill get used to it.
HEY WEBSTRAL- Totally sucks we didnt get a game in but I moved here for work, and theres plenty of it. Our neighbor is actually an elementary and we were just talking yesterday about how many teaching jobs are still on the market here in Austin. Plenty of work dude.
Like me, Im a journeyman electrician. NO work in Cali, but TONS of jobs here. Gotta go where the money is rite? Anyways fellas, its nice here, but Im gonna go into shock if I don't find a gaming group here soon. lol
Gabe The Gun
07-31-2010, 05:32 PM
Nice! found a group that plays at a local gaming store, huge one too
07-31-2010, 06:56 PM
Nice! found a group that plays at a local gaming store, huge one too
You do know that many of us are so very jealous of you. You do know that right! But, do they play Twilight?
Gabe The Gun
08-01-2010, 02:46 AM
Getting a 2013 game going bro, but since im in Texas I would love to meet the great Mulcahey
Gabe The Gun
08-01-2010, 02:47 AM
Whadaya say Paul, It would be my honor Sir!
08-01-2010, 05:31 AM
That's a long trip than you think (it's 90 minutes to the Austin city limits) and I have my disabled mother to think of. Driving is also painful for me. maybe something to file away for the future, but right now, I really can't.
Dog 6
08-01-2010, 11:05 PM
lol I drive 90 minutes to work each way .
TiggerCCW UK
08-02-2010, 01:31 AM
lol I drive 90 minutes to work each way .
That just indicates the difference in scale in different countries. Here in Northern Ireland pretty much no matter what route I take 90 minutes would have me in a different country :)
08-02-2010, 02:19 AM
Heck 90 minutes aint that far!
Paul, break out of your shell! Or shall I sing?
Liza! I shall sing Liza!
"What good is sitting....alone in your room!"
Now do it, or I will finish the song!
08-02-2010, 04:42 AM
Well, you don't have Sendig-Larsen's syndrome, so you wouldn't understand. It's a degenerative joint disease; driving just plain hurts, even short drives. I can't imagine a 90-minute drive; I'd show up unable to move.
08-02-2010, 09:18 AM
That just indicates the difference in scale in different countries. Here in Northern Ireland pretty much no matter what route I take 90 minutes would have me in a different country :)
And at the other end of the spectrum, it is about 1250km as the crow flies from where I live to the nearest state border... bearing in mind the state in which I live is considerably bigger than most entire countries.
08-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Well, you don't have Sendig-Larsen's syndrome, so you wouldn't understand. It's a degenerative joint disease; driving just plain hurts, even short drives. I can't imagine a 90-minute drive; I'd show up unable to move.
Don't make assumptions mi amigo, got the word last week, the prognosis for my condition, will progress eventualy resulting in a wheelchair. All we are doing now is stalling with not physical therapy but that other one kninesiawhatever. If they were easier to pronounce, I'd actualy remember them lol danged Drs.
And remember, you aren't ducking out of the T2K game in the old soldiers home in 30 years either! :D
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