View Full Version : Embassy Guards
TiggerCCW UK
08-09-2010, 04:29 PM
I know that the US Embassies are protected by the USMC, but what do other countries use as embassy guards? I think in the UK its the RMP, but can anyone help me out with this? I figure googling this sort of thing might not be the wisest move :) I'm planning on using embassy personnel as a possible way to drop in unusual characters and NPC's.
08-09-2010, 07:22 PM
US Embassy are also protected by State Dept Security Personel, some of the private contactors, and some local security agencies/personel who are contracted as well as local police and military.
Alot of the embassys in smaller countries have gone to "turn key" where they have a small number of personel and locals acting more or less as night watchmen with as stated contracted security personel durring other times. And of course state dept security personel too.
08-09-2010, 07:27 PM
When I was in Korea, me and a friend of mine met a British Marine who, while he wasn't a guard, was assigned to the British Embassy. (He did a horrible thing to us -- he introduced us to Limburger Cheese! That was a fun night, though.) There may be military personnel at embassies who aren't actually guards, but are assigned there.
08-09-2010, 07:31 PM
DOS Security positions are very selectively recruited and very well trained guys. Most would probably make a pretty interesting NPC, though I suspect that in T2K surviving guys would likely have wound up folded into the CIA or DIA given the skill sets they have.
08-10-2010, 01:25 AM
Usually, the gendarmerie performs security mission in French embassies. Sometimes they can be mixed with police force. The number of personnel varies depending of the country but is fairly light: three personnels on the average.
Rainbow Six
08-10-2010, 07:44 AM
I think in the UK its the RMP, but can anyone help me out with this?
I also think it's the RMP, but don't know for certain. I also don't know if every British Embassy gets military protection or if it's only certain ones. I can't recall ever having seen any open source information about this topic (probably for obvious reasons! :)).
As Paul mentioned, there could be other military personnel; the defence attache and his / her staff is a definite, plus maybe some Signals personnel? When David Cameron was in the US the other week there was a clip on either BBC or Sky News which showed him meeting British military personnel who were permanently based in Washington DC and there seemed to be an awful lot of different Regimental headgear and cap badges on show.
08-10-2010, 10:54 AM
Canada uses MP's for guards at certian Embassies
08-10-2010, 11:53 AM
You will have alot of military personel at freindly embassies some will work as liasons with the host nation for joint whatever. And of course support staff for that mission. I can see a detatchment of about a platoon of military on site if you combine military guards, liason and support personel and others.
Abbott Shaull
08-11-2010, 08:47 AM
Never thought about Embassy
TiggerCCW UK
08-11-2010, 10:21 AM
Never thought about Embassy
Paul Mulcahy has the USMC Embassy Guard as a career in the professions section of his website.
Next question - in the Twilight War (V1 or V2 timeline) would USMC guards have been kept in embassies or would they have been recalled to the fleet? And as a follow on, would they still have been there to be stranded and become an interesting and useful PC or NPC?
08-11-2010, 11:12 AM
Next question - in the Twilight War (V1 or V2 timeline) would USMC guards have been kept in embassies or would they have been recalled to the fleet? And as a follow on, would they still have been there to be stranded and become an interesting and useful PC or NPC?
Even today, in several countries, US Marine Guards have been supplemented heavily by contractors, so the Marines can be put on the line in Iraq or Afghanistan.
08-11-2010, 04:50 PM
Not all embassys rate Marines. Some of the smaller ones don't get them.
I would think it would be similiar to WWII. Marines who had spent time at the front and say were wounded would get time at an "easy" gig as they recovered. Or similiar assignments as it would be a perk and path to promotion so some folks would end up pulling the duty. Also, a surplus of personel in some units and MOSes could be assigned to the duty.
I mean, per the timeline you can have Marines who are on sea duty. But, they got rid of them in the 90s. And the security forces unit also took a hit as well in the 90s, with places like Adak and Mare Island closing to name a few where they were stationed and trained. But, in the original game history in theory if you did good research on your background it would fit nicely.
08-11-2010, 07:08 PM
It's possible that in a T2K context, regular Marine Guards might be quietly replaced or supplemented by MEU(SOC)-type units, and their agendas might be different than the regular guards. Perhaps on the order of Special Forces A-Teams in Cold War Berlin -- fomenting dissent and causing general headaches for countries they are in.
08-11-2010, 08:44 PM
Getting a force put together capable of doing credible work on real unconventional warfare missions is pretty difficult, and way outside the capabilities of a MEU(SOC) or anything the USMC had on the books during the Cold War. It's definitely not a mission set where you can mass produce guys on a fast timeline, so those sorts of guys would probably have to be part of some fictional unit the USMC stood up prior to the war.
Though having the embassy guards doing double duty as Jedburghs would still leave the issue of who would provide security for the embassy. Would probably be easier just to bring in SF guys to work out of the embassy -- they've certainly got a lot of experience doing such in whatever place Congress said we couldn't have troops but we needed to prop up an ally over the last 30+ years.
Abbott Shaull
08-12-2010, 06:27 PM
Here is what wiki had on them
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