View Full Version : Does any have the list of place in the US that were hit by Nukes in the game.

Abbott Shaull
08-15-2010, 10:43 PM
The pay listing got me thinking. Especially the one about Air Force...

Well anyways I do remember reading that K.I. Sawyer getting hit by Nuke. I was wonder if Sault Sainte Marie, MI got hit or not due to the locks.

At the time of the T2k start tonnage going through the Locks was dropping regularly. Which is part of the reason why US Corps of Engineer has dragged it feet with building a new Super Lock that can handle the 1000 foot Lakers. Fear before and after 911 is if Poe Lock was put out of commission for whatever reason many of the ships that use the locks will be stuck either Lake Superior or on the other lower 4 lakes.

One of the reason why the Shipping Industry has tried to push for the new super lock is that many ships in the fleet are getting old and it would cost more to bring them to new EPA standards than it would be to build new ships. With many Shipping Companies would rather build few ships to replace their fleet. Which would mean after the new ships came online and the new lock there would only be one lock that could handle them. This isn't the first time the Shipping industry has done this. I don't know the specs of the locks from Lake Huron on down to Lake Ontario, but I sure the 1000 foot Lakers don't make it much past Detroit...

The thing is even today if the Poe Lock was taken out, there still enough rail network to get the coal and other material that travel through the lock to it destination. It may take a couple months to several years for things would adjust. Especially if they had been damage like last year when tonnage was at a all time low, but it has pick up a bit this year...

I want to say from what I remember the Locks were spared.

But living in area where there are two natural choke points within hour drive. Mackinaw Bridge is another location where if it was damage it would throw thing in a fit. Especially when you consider all rail ferry dock have been removed. There is no longer any Car Ferry either between the two 'cities' and limit cargo/human transportation to Mackinaw Island. Could be interesting place for a t2k game.

08-16-2010, 05:25 AM
Kato, bless his soul, posted several post-nuke maps. Included are TMP, US T2K, Canada T2K, Europe T2K.

It looks to me like Marquette is the closest city to the locks to get fried.



08-16-2010, 09:13 AM
Odd. I'm working on a Morrow Project game set in the UP right now :D I've been figuring that Sault St. Marie is going to be a huge asset to anyone controlling it. There are also a ream of natural gas lines from Canada that run through the area.

Anything else a non-UP resident should know about resources up there? I can't find any coal but timber is obvious.

08-16-2010, 02:51 PM
There use to be large copper deposits in the UP. I'm sure some small scale mining would still be practical. Iron ore was/is shipped from Thunder Bay, Ontario. There are also large natural gas deposits throughout northern Michigan.

08-16-2010, 03:13 PM
60% of the coal shipped thru the Great Lakes come from the Powder River Basin that runs through Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. The coal is railed to Superior, Wisconsin, where it is then loaded into U.S.- and Canadian-Flag lakers.

West Virginia and Kentucky ship coal to ports on Lake Erie and Lake Michigan.

Coal mines in Canada from Alberta and British Columbia ship there coal thru Thunder Bay, ON.

Pennsylvania and Ohio also ship coal thru the Great Lakes as well.

08-16-2010, 05:43 PM
So, let's do this the other way around: what canon nuked targets do you have in your campaign that weren't nuked in your T2K-verse?

Mine include Randolph AFB in San Antonio and Kennedy Space Center. (The first, because I can't see how San Antonio could have survived so intact when Randolph was hit, and SA's home; if you were to go to KSC in my T2K-verse, you would find Challenger, deteriorating, abandoned near the end of the runway).

My explanation is that the Russian boomer that was going to hit those targets was sunk in mid-missile-launch. I should probably add some other "non-nuked" targets to those to go along with that explanation. Or maybe some nukes that went off where it wouldn't otherwise make any sense.

Abbott Shaull
08-17-2010, 06:39 AM
Odd. I'm working on a Morrow Project game set in the UP right now :D I've been figuring that Sault St. Marie is going to be a huge asset to anyone controlling it. There are also a ream of natural gas lines from Canada that run through the area.

Anything else a non-UP resident should know about resources up there? I can't find any coal but timber is obvious.

The key in controlling the three upper lakes is controlling the twin Saults and Mackinaw Straits. Any faction controlling either one or the Saint Mary River would be access tolls (taxes) any shipping traffic as long as they were willing to prove they could stop it...

Coal assets are Marquette County, there couple mines west of there. Northwest of the AFB. Escanaba or Manistique would have loading docks. Copper in Hancock. Cement and Limestone at other areas.

There is book that is update yearly that is sold here and other points along the Great Lakes that gives detail information of shipping on the Great Lakes. It also gives you what was shipped out of which port up here on the upper lakes for destination to other ports. If I remember I look up it name and post....but if you gonna do a Great Lakes based game this book regardless edition would be plus, 1996 or 1997 would give you picture of how things looked at the start of original game, but any edition would be good guide for any campaign...

08-17-2010, 07:25 PM
On top of this, are their published rules for the rad accumulation of being caught in the blast with varying levels of protection (being in a car, being indoors, etc) at different distances from the impact point? I'm about to start a campaign that begins the day the nukes hit home and would like to include those effects.

08-18-2010, 12:42 AM
So, let's do this the other way around: what canon nuked targets do you have in your campaign that weren't nuked in your T2K-verse?

Mine include Randolph AFB in San Antonio and Kennedy Space Center. (The first, because I can't see how San Antonio could have survived so intact when Randolph was hit, and SA's home; if you were to go to KSC in my T2K-verse, you would find Challenger, deteriorating, abandoned near the end of the runway).

My explanation is that the Russian boomer that was going to hit those targets was sunk in mid-missile-launch. I should probably add some other "non-nuked" targets to those to go along with that explanation. Or maybe some nukes that went off where it wouldn't otherwise make any sense.

Norfolk survived in my game. (nuke hit out at sea) and NORAD/Colorado Springs survived as well. (the nuke flat out didn't detonate and impacted 10 miles west of NORAD)

Abbott Shaull
08-18-2010, 09:02 AM
60% of the coal shipped thru the Great Lakes come from the Powder River Basin that runs through Montana, Wyoming and Colorado. The coal is railed to Superior, Wisconsin, where it is then loaded into U.S.- and Canadian-Flag lakers.

West Virginia and Kentucky ship coal to ports on Lake Erie and Lake Michigan.

Coal mines in Canada from Alberta and British Columbia ship there coal thru Thunder Bay, ON.

Pennsylvania and Ohio also ship coal thru the Great Lakes as well.

Ore slated for U.S. ports can only be carried by US flagged Carriers and same with Canadian. One of the twisted rules...

Abbott Shaull
08-18-2010, 09:10 AM
Norfolk survived in my game. (nuke hit out at sea) and NORAD/Colorado Springs survived as well. (the nuke flat out didn't detonate and impacted 10 miles west of NORAD)

Yeah well considering that some nukes weren't much more than explosive with radioactive dust, but the dust show up at nuke.

So maybe when the Rocket Troops received their orders to send nukes, somewhere some Commander/Executive Officers or whoever was still alive there sent the wrong missiles out. Or forgot to put the real warheads on the correct missiles...lol I am sure each missile was assigned to targets...

Matt Wiser
08-18-2010, 11:10 PM
In my game, Norfolk survived, along with Cheyenne Mountain and KSC. And several SAC bases not on the canon list (Castle, Beale, Mather, Plattsburgh, Whiteman, McConnell, Griffiss).