View Full Version : Fictional Characters from TV, Movies, Books

03-18-2011, 11:15 PM
Has anyone introduced some fictional characteristics from TV, Movies, or Books into their game? How did you implement them. I haven't done it yet, but I am thinking of statting out some fictional characteristics, The hardest part is remembering what was on TV and the Movies circa 1996-2000.

03-19-2011, 06:20 AM

Some that might fit (not sure of your exact intent):

12 Monkeys
Broken Arrow
Barb Wire ?
The Rock
Independence Day ?
Escape from L.A. ?
Last Man Standing ?
Mars Attacks ?


03-19-2011, 09:49 AM
Wikipedia is great for this. I did a search "1997 in television", and it popped up choices for American, English, Canadian, and Japanese TV. Here are the highlights of American TV in '97:

New Shows: King of the Hill (Fox), Daria (MTV), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (WB), Teletubbies (PBS), Stargate SH-1, the View (ABC), South Park (Comedy Central), Ally McBeal (WB).

Popular shows that ended: Beavis & Butthead, Coach, Married....with Children, Roseanne

And I also found a link for the NY Times Bestsellers List Archives:

Not quite as easy, since it breaks it down week-by-week, but you can distill it down pretty easily with a few minutes work.

03-19-2011, 10:02 AM
I'd love to see MacGyver make an appearance in central Poland armed with nothing more than three rubber bands, a pen knife and some used chewing gum.
Not a problem, he'd have everyone back home by the end of the week. :D

Rainbow Six
03-19-2011, 10:13 AM
The early Tom Clancy books have a multitude of characters that could be dropped straight into a T2K campaign. Probably the last to have been published would have been Executive orders (1996).

Matt Wiser
03-22-2011, 02:21 AM
We had a guy in the CSU Fresno group who was an occasional player. He was a fan of the show Tour of Duty (and wasn't happy when it got axed by CBS). So he took the character of SFC Zeke Anderson from the show. Zeke and his platoon crossed paths with my group more than once; we'd do a joint op, and then go our separate ways. Last ran into 'em in the Black Madonna territory (Silesia): we weren't doing the adventure per se, but used the lay of the land, since we were trying to get somewheres else. This guy decided to take his platoon and go for the Black Madonna. Don't think he got it, as he graduated before it could be finished.

James Langham
04-24-2011, 07:53 AM
Below is an extract from my history, as ever please feel free to use in your campaigns.

Popular Film and TV Programmes

The US comedy “Darwin was a Monkey's Uncle” was popular in the US from 1994 to the end of television in 1997 was a huge hit. Filmed on board a replica ship at sea it made a star of Bob Socali as the eye patch wearing mate. (referenced in )

The British TV series Soldier Soldier featuring the fictional King's Own Fusiliers had been a great hit with the British Army and the public at large due to its humour and realism (the army assisted in the making of the programme).. With the coming of the war the 6th series was heavily rewritten (ironically a fate that had happened to the 1st series at the time of the Gulf War!) and featured a darker outlook but offered hope. A further series was planned but never filmed.

The surprise hit of 1995 in the US is “The Stomach Turns,” a hospital soap opera that is played for laughs. The lead character Dr Lance Carter (played by Tim Ferillo) has a catch phrase “Hmmm, this looks complicated, nurse get me a...” which is frequently seen on t shirts (often with an item added to the end and a cartoon). This is sold to a number of European countries in mid 1995. (referenced in the BYB)

04-24-2011, 08:37 AM
In 1996, Jack Bauer was 30 ...