View Full Version : WASP Injector Knife

05-05-2011, 06:47 AM
Would anyone care to hazard a guess as to the damage (in TW 2013 terms) for something that can explode someone's torso at the push of a button?

WASP Injector Knife (http://www.waspknife.com/)

Bullet Magnet
05-05-2011, 09:49 AM
You watched Law & Order last night didn't you?

05-05-2011, 09:54 AM
Yes, but one of the CSI shows also featured the weapon a few months ago, and I think they gave a more realistic (less gruesome) portrayal, focusing more on the flash-freezing of internal organs than on explosive effects.

95th Rifleman
05-05-2011, 03:40 PM
That is so inpractical!

One shot, has to be reloaded after each use and if you know what you are doing a knife strike shoulde be fatal anyway.

That being said, it does have a macabre cool factor all of it's own.

05-05-2011, 03:50 PM
You may be missing the point (sorry about the pun). Bringing a knife to a gun fight is a desperate act. If you're unlucky enough to get in such a crappy position, having an equalizer might keep you alive, especially as most regular soldiers are not expert at melee. Not everyone's a Marine or specforce operator that "knows what they're doing" with a blade.

95th Rifleman
05-05-2011, 03:54 PM
You may be missing the point (sorry about the pun). Bringing a knife to a gun fight is a desperate act. If you're unlucky enough to get in such a crappy position, having an equalizer might keep you alive, especially as most regular soldiers are not expert at melee. Not everyone's a Marine or specforce operator that "knows what they're doing" with a blade.

Valid point, it just seems so much hassle just for a one-shot deal. But like I said, very cool nonetheless.

TiggerCCW UK
05-06-2011, 05:57 AM
I saw it as being most useful to divers and the like. That sort of weapon would totally ruin a sharks day.....

05-07-2011, 02:06 PM
On the law enforcement side of things, I carry a conventional knife where I can access it if taken to the ground and about to be subject to a "ground and pound" sort of beating by an opponent with a stable position on top of me. Having that same knife being a fight stopper if jabbed into an abdomen or thigh (assuming the overpressure would blow out the femoral artery even if it was missed by the blade) would be a really nice piece of kit.

Of course for law enforcement, it would also probably be considered illegal as hell and a surefire recipe for a civil lawsuit even if you weren't criminally responsible for its use.

For a guy downrange doing CQB against enemy combatants, though, this would be a lovely addition to a heavy assault kit.