View Full Version : I want this guy in MY squad!!!

06-04-2011, 08:59 AM

Enough said...


06-04-2011, 10:07 AM
Outstanding. I would love to hear what Talibans say about Nepali.

06-04-2011, 11:44 AM
Gotta respect those Gurkhas! Tough, tough fighters.

95th Rifleman
06-04-2011, 04:02 PM
It's part of the 4 stage escalation of force.

Stage 1: Regular infantry

Stage 2: Highlanders

Stage 3: Paras

When the enemy have shown suicidal stubborness, the nuclear option is employed.

Stage 4: Ghurkas

James Langham
06-05-2011, 11:17 AM
Gotta respect those Gurkhas! Tough, tough fighters.

Add to this they are some of the politest people I have ever met. Also bear in mind they only ever get 1 shot at promotion boards - if they fail that's it (sometimes a medical injury will get them a second attempt).

06-05-2011, 06:10 PM
"There wasn't any choice but to fight. The Taliban were all around the checkpoint. I was alone," he said.

"I had so many of them around me that I thought I was definitely going to die so I thought I'd kill as many of them as I could before they killed me.

Now that's the spirit. Surrender NEVER crossed his mind.. take as many with me as I can!! There have been stories about Ghurkas in previous conflicts where when the enemy learned they faced them they surrendered. Don't know it for a fact, but sounds good.

06-06-2011, 08:53 AM
I live near Aldershot, which now has a population approximately 10% Nepali; many of the local supermarkets have security guards who are really tiny guys, meticulously polite... and who seem to experience very few problems!
Perhaps the knowledge that the guard is not a rentacop, but an ex-Gurkha who could break you in half, acts as a deterrent?
It certainly does for me... ;)

06-06-2011, 09:18 AM
There have been stories about Ghurkas in previous conflicts where when the enemy learned they faced them they surrendered. Don't know it for a fact, but sounds good.
I was told a story once about the Ghurkas in the Falklands War. Apparently they never actually fired a shot in anger because the Argentinian propaganda machine tried to harden the morale of their troops by telling them how bloodthirsty and barbaric the Ghurkas were. As a result when the Ghurkas banged their kukris against the hollow butts of their SLR rifles (just to make a freaky sounding noise) the Argentinian conscripts just broke and ran.

I really hope that that’s a true story…… <G>

Abbott Shaull
06-06-2011, 05:42 PM
I was told a story once about the Ghurkas in the Falklands War. Apparently they never actually fired a shot in anger because the Argentinian propaganda machine tried to harden the morale of their troops by telling them how bloodthirsty and barbaric the Ghurkas were. As a result when the Ghurkas banged their kukris against the hollow butts of their SLR rifles (just to make a freaky sounding noise) the Argentinian conscripts just broke and ran.

I really hope that that’s a true story…… <G>

Like many stories I am sure it both fact and fiction in the accounts..

James Langham
06-13-2011, 01:39 AM
Like many stories I am sure it both fact and fiction in the accounts..

I always remember a description by a member of 5th Infantry Brigade that they ran up a hill that he was struggling up asking "where Argies?" He commented that they were "like a group of heat seeking ferrets."

06-13-2011, 01:30 PM
This is why a player in my weird WWII campaign desperately wants a Gurkha on his character's OSS team ;)