View Full Version : New Member's Thread
10-17-2008, 04:18 AM
Welcome to IMO one of the best RPG gaming forum on the internet. The core of this group has been together for since at least 1998. For a group to stick together that long they must be doing something right. Even though we have a long history we always welcome new members.
(Please note if you do not relieve your confirmation email please PM me [kato13] to confirm you)
This thread is to provide new users with some information that might be useful for them.
The primary topic for this board is the Role Playing Game Twilight 2000 ( Post apocalyptic scenarios/fiction, general military discussions, role playing questions are also welcome. If you have an interests in these subjects take a look around I am sure you will find something of interest.
Off topic posts are also allowed but please be careful with discussions related to politics and religion.
In order to make certain important threads within this forum easier to find, I will link them here.
Here you can find some demographic information about our users and our opinions on questions. Please feel free to add your information and opinions.
Poll: Military Service
Poll: Where are you?
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Poll: What is your birth year?
Poll: Browser Usage? 2021 Update
Gaming Questions
Poll: Internment Camps
Poll: GM Style
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Poll: Your Preferred T2K Timeline
Poll: Best Tank Poll & Opinions
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Antenna's T2K Pages
Chico's T2K Filedump
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Twilight 2000 Wiki
Dave's T2K Stuff - Home (Rainbow Six)
Twilight 2000 - Current Publishers of the Twilight 2000 RPG
Twilight 2013 - Publishers of the Twilight 2013 RPG
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Loren Wiseman
I am welcome to suggestions on how to improve this post.
(previous comments moved to another thread)
06-17-2009, 01:16 AM
Have not done much to this thread (beyond adding a few polls), but I like it to be the first thread so I am bumping it.
03-27-2011, 08:08 AM
i used to play T2k and M2k back in the mid 90s. then life caught up. Now life seems more manageable but no t2k players around me. maybe when i move back east i will find some. right now i am just working on my t2k database. i am really interested in unarmed combat house rules folks may have developed for the t2k system.
03-28-2011, 04:09 PM
i used to play T2k and M2k back in the mid 90s. then life caught up. Now life seems more manageable but no t2k players around me. maybe when i move back east i will find some. right now i am just working on my t2k database. i am really interested in unarmed combat house rules folks may have developed for the t2k system.
always glad to hear from a new playah
much in the same situation as you gaming wise -but lucky to have a group that gets together 3-4 times a year for weekend long sessions
as for house rules - dare I venture these
for your consideration...
09-18-2011, 11:04 AM
Hello all,
I've been following Twilight 2000 since the early '90s, and have always found it to be one of my favorite settings. I've already posted a couple of items, but have neglected to make a formal introduction. OOPS.
Hello, my handle is Top-Break, and I am a Twilight 2000 Fan.
10-19-2011, 12:06 AM
So, I'm a T2K junkie from way back. I registered at the old forum as Ancestor but was promptly called to active duty thereafter and forgot about the whole thing. At any rate, I discovered Chico's page while wasting time at work and was dragged back to the 7th grade. I discovered the link to this forum there and was blown away. Thank you all for the great work you have done to keep this game alive and I hope that I can add something useful in what few spare moments I have. My background is NG. I've deployed for several domestic operations (Katrina, Gustav), took a long AD tour working to improve multi-state response for the NG to large scale domestic operations, and then deployed to the Horn of Africa for a "combat tour". I hope that I can provide some insight on DOMOPS as well as the amazing place that is the dark continent. Again, thanks for this great web site!
12-26-2011, 12:05 AM
Been playing it since it came out when I was in High School in mid-80's. Served in Army 1992-2000. Lived in and know Eastern Europe quite well too. Am the sole person running games at Origins Gaming Convention in Columbus, Ohio annually. Last few years have run these 4 hour mini games with 8-12 victims...I mean players:
2008: Crossing the Oder: 1999, rebuilt Berlin Brigade, flush with USAF/USN/DOD Civilian vol. is attached to Brit II Corps. Sent across the Oder river with Brit Armored Recon regiment to seize Polish oil fields............. YES! I said Oil Fields... Gorzow Wielkopolski... funny, the resistance stiffened up quickly when those 57mm S-60 and ZSU-57-2 and Mortars in them thar hills opened up on Brit Lt. Armor and up armored Hmmwv's..... it's not pretty!
2010: Trap at Hogweed Junction: US Logistics unit with fuel(yes, Mad Max style fuel tanker with one legged sniper), meds, and armored deuce-and-a -halfs ambushed by East German (gasp!) hostile anti-social ex-Pro-Communist marauders with yes, PPSH-43 SMG's (think doors get sprayed at 20m). One player correctly guessed that horrid evil boom from 300m away that kept destroying Mk-19 gunner behind the armor plate cupula was a PTRS-41 (14.5) anti-tank rifle.... (evil grin)
2011: Ran two games.
A. The Smoking Dragon: Brit Ad Hoc transport unit is sent to evacuate a leg-mobile Brit Infantry Platoon. Sadly they get there just after the shell-fire stopped.... strange mist in the air... recon troops drop from non-persistant NBC residues... "Gas-Gas-Gas" anyone? Oddly while picking over the site for survivors.... my...isn't that a BTR-152 and men in WP Gas Masks emerging from the trail? Battle ensues.
B. The Red Plateau: Libya, 1997. Yep, I planned this before IRL Libya actually happened. Soviets took over Libyan stored 1000 T-55's and other assets (think Spetznaz operation). They try to march on to Egypt and Tunisia. NATO (Brit, Aussie, NZ, Spanish/Portuguese) forces trying to dislodge the Soviets with their Libyan lackies. So this lone Chieftain, mauled, gets lost and finds a water well at an old Italian Airfield... Sov troops need water...bad... so they dispatch heavily protected convoy to get water from the only spot on the map... a well at an old Italian Airfield... Battle ensues... maintenance and SAS Land Rover involved. ;-)
I kinda thought maybe someone would be interested if I posted these mini modules.... dunno what do u all think?
PS this year I'm running another pair of games at Origins.... I'm feeling Southern Germany and Korea... :P Been researching all your German Territorial Army stuff, DPRK on my own too.... I'm feeling it.
12-26-2011, 12:12 AM
Been playing it since it came out when I was in High School in mid-80's. Served in Army 1992-2000. Lived in and know Eastern Europe quite well too. Am the sole person running T2k games at Origins Gaming Convention in Columbus, Ohio annually. I ran 6x 4-hour games last summer.... all full of 8-12 people. No problem at all. Old school and newbies. My quote: Ruthless Gritty Post-Apocalyptic game. Not for the timid. Ages 10+ (LOL)
01-07-2012, 12:45 AM
As mentioned in the New Members thread, I've been running Twilight (V.1) games since it came out when I was in High School in mid-80's. Served in Army 1992-2000. Lived in and know Eastern Europe quite well too. Am the sole person running games at Origins Gaming Convention in Columbus, Ohio annually. Last few years have run 4-hour mini games with 8-12 victims...I mean players.
PS this year I'm running another pair of games at Origins.... I'm feeling Southern Germany and Korea... :P Been researching all your German Territorial Army stuff, DPRK on my own too.... I'm feeling it.
02-09-2012, 05:30 AM
I'm not exactly new, but I've been away from the site for a while; and WOW what a lot of wonderful material has been posted while I've been away. It's going to take we a while to look through it all, and I'm going to enjoy every minute.
02-13-2012, 07:37 AM
Hey guys,
I am completely new to this forum, and just going through all the material posted here. very nice.
02-13-2012, 07:54 AM
Cue the inevitable all-male, virtual wrasslin' match to get to the new girl on the boards.
Well...the only girl on the boards.
Well...the only biological girl on the boards...
02-13-2012, 09:32 AM
I think Serena is a last name in this context.
Was checking to see if the new user is a spammer (more likely than a female unfortunately) and came to that conclusion.
03-14-2012, 10:40 PM
Hello forum followers.
I am currently serving in the military and have been for the last 13 years. I started as an Infantrymen in the USMC, and now am a Tactical Air Controller in the Air Force. If you are unfamiliar with Controllers I will give a brief description. We are aligned with the Army but get pulled to work with any ground maneuver force in the battle space. My doctrinal job is to plan for and then execute airstrikes. I can do this from an operation center but far more frequently than not I do it from a radio on my back while I am on a patrol. In addition due to our position we end up being made a sort of jack of all traded, we work anything that drops out of the sky, be it Indirect fires, UAVs, intel platforms, rotary, or fixed wing. Many of us also gain more specialized skills though any number of schools that become available to us. To boil it down the best way I can describe it is I'm a decent Infantrymen with a wide variety of specialized skills and I bring the biggest gun in the fight to bear.
03-22-2012, 10:40 PM
Hello all, thought I'd post here too. I'm new to the forums and to T2000 in general. Picked up the 1 edition rules and I'm hooked. :) Hoping to do some good stuff with it in the future.
03-30-2012, 12:25 PM
Hello all - played Twilight 2000 a long time ago when it first came out and had a long campaign that ended badly when the players and GM got disillusioned with further play by the way the canon timeline and modules were going.
ROTC in college, have fired many different guns and currently work at a major defense contractor on the M88 and M109, which thus gives me some interesting viewpoints on the game.
Also was a long term contributor to ShatteredWorld if any of you ever read that WWII alternate timeline.
03-30-2012, 01:04 PM
Welcome, then. It is good to have a redleg along - you are most certainly going to he called to provide us useful info on things relating to arty. :D
Uncle Brian
04-11-2012, 05:43 AM
Hi, I have lurked around this forum for a few years now, and have finally decided to take the plunge and join. My major gaming activities are primarily tabletop miniature wargaming, but I have done my share of playing in RPGs too.
04-11-2012, 10:08 AM
Hi, I have lurked around this forum for a few years now, and have finally decided to take the plunge and join. My major gaming activities are primarily tabletop miniature wargaming, but I have done my share of playing in RPGs too.
Well met from another Kiwi!
You wouldn't know David Clarkson, would you? (table-top gamer in Chch)
Uncle Brian
04-12-2012, 08:17 AM
Hi Andrew,
Yes, I do know Dave Clarkson. I have meet him a few times through playing Command Decision, although I haven't seen him for years. Are you a Command Decision player too?
04-12-2012, 08:21 AM
G'day Uncle Brian. I'm another Kiwi too, from Wellington, though I live in the land of Oz now. :D
04-12-2012, 09:47 AM
Hi Andrew,
Yes, I do know Dave Clarkson. I have meet him a few times through playing Command Decision, although I haven't seen him for years. Are you a Command Decision player too?
Yes, played with him a couple of times at the convention in Chch, back around 2000-2001. Nice guy, BIG collection of stuff. Don't play C.D. now (no players I can find in Shanghai!) but still have good memories...
04-16-2012, 07:34 AM
After 93GS folded, I lost track of the forums. Doing a Google search led me to here, and I saw some familiar faces (well, names) on the Twilight forum.
Good to see you guys! :)
04-16-2012, 07:38 AM
Welcome, Aldaron. I'd like to think we're the premier new home for the 93 Games Studio forums refugees :D
04-16-2012, 09:30 AM
Yes, welcome Aldaron. Funny - I know you are not the same person, since you live in Australia, but a friend of mine uses the handle Aldaron as well. And I do believe, I remember you from 93-forums as well...
04-16-2012, 11:32 AM
Woo Hoo! Another Australian! :p
04-17-2012, 01:24 AM
Been lurking here a while, reading a bunch.
Got back into gaming after a break of about 10 years or so, then moved, so now I'm in the process of finding a group. I hope.
I've GM'ed V1, V2, and 2.2, and am currently in the process of writing a campaign for 2013 since I thought I was going to be living in the area my friends/gaming group from my childhood/teen years live in, and gaming with them. Short version is, that ain't gonna happen. Such is life, neh?
The good thing about that is, I can recycle some of the material from previos campaigns. And from what some of my friends have told me, they STILL talk about the campaign I ran 16 years ago, so....
Silent Six
04-19-2012, 12:59 AM
Hi everyone!
I don't know how I didn't find you all before. I think I may have been directed here a couple of times in the past, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I was on many of the older sites/forums and the various mailing lists over the years. I lurked around here for a couple of days and thought I'd register and engage in discussions. I don't know if any of you know/remember me, but I remember a lot of you guys.
04-21-2012, 07:28 PM
Hi all,
I've been lurking for a while but since I started posting I thought I'd at least say hi. Started playing Twilight 2000 last year and am thoroughly enjoying myself. Good to meet everyone.
04-21-2012, 09:41 PM
Welcome CarolG! Pull up a chair and stay awhile. Cold beers are in the fridge and we don't stand on formality much here so is drinking from the bottle ok with you?
06-09-2012, 03:09 PM
Just wanted to say Hi! Raiding these forums for material has already helped me tremendously in setting up my campaign that is about to go live, this Sunday in fact. We'll be running version 2.2 rules in a near-future 2020 setting based on a timeline I found here. When I can find it again I will make sure to credit the author and thank him here. Anyway, here's the Obsidian Portal page for our game:
06-10-2012, 08:13 AM
P.P.S. Just wanted to thank Mohoender for his 'Another Modern Timeline', which I used as a base for a war winding down in the year 2020, mainly by adding a year of inconclusive political and economic war and both sides training and equipping new divisions since neither has their cold war forces. And also thank you Legbreaker, for your detailed analysis of the summer 2000 offeensive of the 3rd NATO Army that lead to the loss of the 5th ID, which I have also stolen to set the scene for my campaign.
Thanks guys!
06-23-2012, 02:04 PM
Another of the fugees from 93GS.
06-23-2012, 11:35 PM
Another of the fugees from 93GS.
Welcome to your new T2K/T2013 home, Grif!
06-25-2012, 02:38 AM
Good morning all
I'm going to assume this is the place to say hello and introduce myself. I'm simon, i've been playing T2K since I was about 13 when i GM'd a game for some friends. (yeah, i started early).
I was part of the team that worked on Twilight 2013 which, despite some of the criticism, was a blast to be part of.
I'm here now to keep touch with all things T2K and maybe break out my creative side and add some fiction.
06-25-2012, 02:48 AM
Welcome to the forum, Simon!
06-25-2012, 02:50 AM
Hopefully i can find time to become a semi-valued contributor rather than just another lurker :)
06-25-2012, 03:17 AM
EVERYBODY is a valued contributor around here. :p
06-25-2012, 01:33 PM
EVERYBODY is a valued contributor around here. :p
Just don't ask about the exchange rate.
Bowman, welcome. We're always delighted to have new ideas, even if they inspire some dissent.
06-25-2012, 01:34 PM
Griffin, we're glad to have you aboard.
07-15-2012, 06:15 PM
Hello: My names Bryon. I've played T2K a good bit in high school and college, 85 - 91. Interested to see that the game is still alive.
I've played a good bit of minatures, mostly WWII and Modern. I've put together a few wargames that were T2K like.
07-15-2012, 06:42 PM
VIRGIN BLOOD VIRGIN BLOOD VIRGIN BLOOD.... I get the ... OOOPS I mean welcome to the forum...
07-15-2012, 09:14 PM
Hello: My names Bryon. I've played T2K a good bit in high school and college, 85 - 91. Interested to see that the game is still alive.
Welcome to the forum Apache6!
07-16-2012, 02:40 PM
Fresh meat, eh? I'll do the carving this time since Targan botched up cutting on the last gu...err...welcome, that is. ;)
07-18-2012, 06:47 AM
Bugger carving! Somebody pass me my chainsaw!!! :p
07-18-2012, 02:42 PM
No Leg, you don't get to re-do the 'I've been reborn'-trick from bad taste again...
07-19-2012, 07:06 AM
...bad taste...
Somebody else who actually knows about that movie! :D
07-19-2012, 08:50 AM
Somebody else who actually knows about that movie! :D
Are you kidding? The corner store in Bad Taste was just down the road when I lived in Wellington. It freaked me right out the first time I saw it.
07-19-2012, 09:21 AM
Bet you were looking over your shoulder for zombies and sheep for a while.... :p
Oh, wait, you're a New Zealander. You wanted the sheep! :D
07-19-2012, 09:37 AM
Oh, wait, you're a New Zealander. You wanted the sheep! :D
Unless it's a zombie sheep. Don't want them :cool:
07-27-2012, 08:35 PM
Hi everyone! I've been looking around at TW2K stuff lately, haven't looked at it in quite a while. I really like this site, some good info here.
About me:
Navy Veteran('85 to '91), Electronics Tech, ET2;
Great Lakes Naval Training Center
San Diego
Started playing Wargames with Squad Leader in the mid-70's, actually I consider my first "RolePlayiing Experience" to be when we used the "Create Your Own Leader" optional rules. First played TW2K in 1985 and fell in love with it. I GM'ed it for several years. Owned most of the modules. GM'ed TW2K v2.0 and 2.2 and never was really happy about that system. I prefer the character generation of v1.0.
Favorite Module is probably Krakow but really liked the other Polish adventures and Armies of the Night.
Pet Peeve of the RPG Line: Satellite Down. I could(and have) go off on a whole rant of all the problems with that one. Other more minor Pet Peeves is other apparent lack of research on the US Navy info in the game.
Anyway, very cool site here. I really like a lot of the info and posts here.
07-27-2012, 08:53 PM
Not as fresh meat as we thought... a bit gamey if you ask me... lol. Welcome... take off your clothes and have a beer. Just stay away from the Aussies on the board and you should be okay.
07-28-2012, 03:16 AM
take off your clothes and have a beer.
And be prepared when he comes out with the rubber glove. :D Welcome!
07-29-2012, 10:28 AM
Just stay away from the Aussies on the board and you should be okay.
08-05-2012, 01:43 PM
Welcome, newbie!
Bare your soul, cough up your most prized ideas and special tricks, and pull up a beer.
10-27-2012, 02:18 PM
Hey there. Just getting around to joining the forum, although I know a lot of the folks here via the long-lost 93G forums. I'm a long-time Twilight player and afficianado, although my preferred system is now Savage Worlds. I like to toy around with PA-modified photos and other stuff. It's nice to be among friends.
10-28-2012, 07:42 PM
Welcome Neal!
01-08-2013, 08:30 PM
Hello the internets!
I've been a T2k fan ever since I joined an abortive PBEM as a teenager. Got my brother and friends into the game, despite only having the timeline and CG. Ah, the folly of youth! >.>
Haven't... actually played in a successful campaign, in fact. I once coded T2k 2.2 CG in TinyMUX, only to have the database assplode on me. :( Ah, the folly of unemployed youth! <.<
I've played a bunch of online RPGs (MU* format, kind of chat+code), and managed to get a group of friends from there interested in 2013. Kevin and the gents did a fine job of making the book itself appeal more to the less-militaristic sorts. Since only one of them is anywhere near Austin, we're having to do it online--I think I've found a great format, actually, but that's for another post.
So I'm here for the best-practices, the ideas and plot hooks, some brainstorming... and of course to write long-winded posts. :P
01-09-2013, 12:30 AM
Welcome to the forum Jim!
01-09-2013, 07:58 PM
Welcome aboard, guys!
01-10-2013, 12:54 AM
What the two esteemed gentlemen (or the kangaroo and the esteemed gentleman) said. :p As for the 2k13 campaign - who do I have to promise my left nut to in order to get in? :D
01-17-2013, 01:08 PM
Well, guess I better jump on in!
I'm comped. If you wonder, I'm in the eastern half on the US. High school student (currently). Mostly I'm focused on theater/play writing, but I've read a fair bit of the t2k/2013 modules/core books. I have several ideas for source books jumping around in me head, which I will find time to write down and share. Never ever played t2k/2013 though.
02-04-2013, 08:58 PM
I quickly dropped DnD for the 1st T2K. I'm currently trying to use V2.2 and the civvy careers and gear from T2K13. I've known of Paul Mulcahy's site for ever. My idea was to have a military campaign and "Homefront" featuring a NG unit abroad and thier families back home. I'm trying to find the many scattered notes.....;)
02-05-2013, 11:06 AM
great idea - cant wait to see more posts from you
02-05-2013, 10:08 PM
I thought that the Mexican drive towards Arkansas and Louisiana allowed the U.S. characters combat experience.
02-05-2013, 11:05 PM
Welcome to the forum, .45cultist :D
02-06-2013, 11:34 AM
I thought that the Mexican drive towards Arkansas and Louisiana allowed the U.S. characters combat experience.
I assume you mean US characters that never went to Europe, Korea, Kenya or the RDF?
If so they could earn it for the fighting in Texas, AZ, CA and Alaska as well - so you could draw them from quite a lot of areas in the US and have them be combat veterans just from the fighting here.
02-07-2013, 09:18 PM
I forgot to add 5TH ID(M) dependents, which puts the closest front in Texas. If one uses a later timeline, the PC's could be retired T2K era soldiers.
Wolf sword
02-28-2013, 07:04 PM
Hey everyone, thought I would say hi.
Bit of a background, played back in the day v1 & v2 now looking to get back in to gaming. I was on the T:2013 board (went under the handle: Kilt & Jump boots)
Real life stuff: work in a woodworking store (one of the other hobbies) and the other job is TV production work (camera operator)
I'm also an reenactor 1630 Scottish and also WW2 US airborne.
I see I can find some of the NPC ideas that I posted on the T2013 board and repost them here.
03-01-2013, 06:55 AM
Hello all, I am a new member but a long time lurker. A bit of a background; I have play version 2.2 but also a little 1.0. I hope that I can contribute to this great community. Real life; High school student, avid PC gamer (total war series, Civilization series, Minecraft). Anyway I hope that I can help contribute to this great community and I hope to see you all around on the site!.
03-01-2013, 07:02 AM
Hey everyone, thought I would say hi.
Bit of a background, played back in the day v1 & v2 now looking to get back in to gaming. I was on the T:2013 board (went under the handle: Kilt & Jump boots)
Real life stuff: work in a woodworking store (one of the other hobbies) and the other job is TV production work (camera operator)
I'm also an reenactor 1630 Scottish and also WW2 US airborne.
I see I can find some of the NPC ideas that I posted on the T2013 board and repost them here.
I remember you from the TWL 2013 forum... welcome!!
Wolf sword
03-01-2013, 07:02 PM
I remember you from the TWL 2013 forum... welcome!!
I hope that's a good thing.
08-14-2013, 03:42 AM
well played 2000 starting about 86 till around 96
found my old books a month ago or so
found out about 2013 and have found the core rules and addendum looking too start a 2013 game soon
08-16-2013, 09:20 AM
For the new members there are several Twilight 2000 games going on online that you could join. I know of at least two myself and there are lots of others. If you are interested I bet you would find several opportunities to put your skills to good use.
Thought that I would say Hi as I am new here. I spent twenty years in the Army due to needs of the Army had the chance to try different jobs, but spent most of the last half as 89D. Currently work as a FLEO. Never played TW2000 much but love the setting.
08-22-2013, 12:29 PM
Great welcome aborad
what a FLEO? a google fu is as good as it used be :(
89D is EOD right?
Great welcome aborad
what a FLEO? a google fu is as good as it used be :(
89D is EOD right?
89D is EOD, FLEO Federal Law Enforcement Officer.
09-10-2013, 09:09 AM
Hello, new member from Switzerland. Long time role player (AD&D, Shadowrun and other) but my sole experience with TW2K is the computer game I found some years ago. Bought some books from the V.1 and must have a PDF from TW2013 (somewhere). Kind of prefer the original setting as it suits my childhood memories of the 80's. My background : I used to be deployed for peacekeeping operations in the Balkans and Africa as a LEO and for the (Swiss) army.
09-11-2013, 12:56 AM
Welcome to the forum, Kaeso. You're our first Swiss member. Be prepared for lots of questions!
09-12-2013, 09:44 AM
Thanks ! Well I will be more than glad to answer. I noticed that Cyclist units were discussed and Switzerland had cyclist battalions back then. We disbanded our Dragoons (Shock infantry on horseback) in 1972 and we still have packhorse units. :)
09-12-2013, 10:21 PM
Hello fair people of the interwebs! As I write this my group is working out how the system and it's pretty rough. We're hoping it gets easier as we move on.
09-12-2013, 11:46 PM
Hello fair people of the interwebs! As I write this my group is working out how the system and it's pretty rough. We're hoping it gets easier as we move on.
Welcome to the forum, SGTDan. Which system are you working with?
09-13-2013, 12:04 AM
Welcome to the forum, SGTDan. Which system are you working with?
2.2 currently, I forgot to add that I joined to contribute my knowledge and average IQ. That aside one member is having an issue with recoil.
03-04-2014, 08:41 PM
Hello everyone!
I'm Max; I'm a big fan of gaming (board games and RPGs); and allthough I only have a very limited experience playing T2K (one game of 1st Edition back in the mid 80s; and more recently running a d6 version of the game); I've been familiar with the game for a long time.
While in the home games I ran I used the d6 system (at the time I only had the 1st Edition; I have since acquired the 2nd edition and I'm interested in trying it out at some point int he future) and I also modified the timeline and storyline a little bit.....for example; I had no war between the USSR and China; instead I had them ally with each other; but that's another story!
Anyway; I'm glad to have found this site and in particular; I like to read about the actual game sessions and campaigns that people have played/are playing.
Thanks for running a great site and I'm happy to have found it!
03-05-2014, 01:00 PM
Welcome to the forum, Max. We have years of archived discussions that can be accessed via the forum map, and you can always jump into current discussions. Let us know if you need help finding anything. Cheers.
03-07-2014, 10:18 PM
Hi Folks,
I've been playing T2K off and on since it first came out in 85. I recognize a number of names her from various old forums (like the old Web RPG Town Hall) and Yahoo mailing lists. I hope to get ideas and inspiration for various PA scenerios.
03-10-2014, 08:08 AM
Just got hold of the PDF's of the T2K books. I only got to play a couple of a long time ago but always liked the setting. Played a lot of other games D&D, shadowrun, the terrible but easily accesable Palladium games, Cyberspace, Aliens, Dragon Warriors the list gets a little out of hand. But that happens when you play RPG's for years.
Liking alot of what I've had time to see on the forum so far.
03-18-2014, 04:48 PM
Greetings all!
Been playing RPG’s since ’79, and I’ve always had a warm fuzzy spot for T2K. Just recently the nostalgia bug hit me and I rekindled my affection for this game. I got into the 2nd edition, but I have the 1st Edition modules and source material. I’m just about to start a campaign using the whole 1st edition “Vistula Epic” [Free City of Krakow, Pirates of the Vistula, Ruins of Warsaw, Black Madonna, & Going Home]. Hope to hit you up for some tips, and if my game kicks off, I’ll post some updates.
Till then, take care everyone!
05-25-2014, 08:52 PM
Greetings from the Civgov heartland,
While I'm not a new member per se, I thought since its been so long I needed to reintroduce myself. I'm shrike6 or you can call me Brian. I've played Twilight on and off since the late 80s and was a part of the WebRPG forums back in the day. I've also played Dark Conspiracy, D&D and have played other games too. I like military history and am responsible for a handful of pieces in the archives of this forum.
05-25-2014, 09:55 PM
Welcome back, Shrike6. And welcome to new members Socom242, Helak, and SionEwig.
07-18-2014, 09:57 PM
Havent been here in FOREVER....
Saying Hello.
Max Messina aka: Moose
93GS refugee
08-05-2014, 05:25 AM
Hi all,
I'm new here but not to Twilight. It was the second game I ever ran (back when I was 13) back in 1994, managed to pick up V2.0.
Now I have gotten hold of the PDF release from RPG Now and found this community again after lurking here a few years back. Thought I should introduce myself, and try and find any fellow Brits here too.
Man in Black
08-14-2014, 04:03 PM
Howdy. I came across this site after a google search of TW2k. It came up as we were discussing post-apocalyptic games. I have great love for this setting. When I first saw the original box in the game store, I nearly wet myself with excitement. Unfortunately my friends didn't share my enthusiasm. That didn't stop me from pouncing on the 2e book when it came out. I did get to play that version a few times, mostly in a play by post format. I'm really itching to play some more. I figured this nice little site would be a good place to get started.
08-14-2014, 09:39 PM
Good to have you aboard, MiB. Johnny Cash fan? I approve :D
Man in Black
08-14-2014, 11:18 PM
I do like his style. Actually though, I named myself for the mythical government agent. I used a picture of Homer Simpson when he was Mayor Quimby's bodyguard as my avatar at my gaming site. As a joke I replaced it with Frank the dog from the Men in Black movies and it took on a life of its own. Most people who know me on the site refer to me as Pugs.
10-25-2014, 10:11 AM
Hi, i am new to Twilight but have never played the game (despite my attempts to find it in my country) but have been fascinated by everything related, especially Twilight 2300. I hope that i can learn a lot by just being here.
10-26-2014, 10:53 PM
Roel great to see you here!! Always love seeing a fellow ShatteredWorld Alumni come onto this board.
Hope you enjoy yourself and love to see your opinions on any postings about how the Dutch fared in the Twilight War and in 2300AD.
10-26-2014, 11:16 PM
Roel great to see you here!! Always love seeing a fellow ShatteredWorld Alumni come onto this board.
Hope you enjoy yourself and love to see your opinions on any postings about how the Dutch fared in the Twilight War and in 2300AD.
Thanks Olefin. Will do my best to contribute my limit knowledge of the Netherlands to the forum.
James Langham2
10-27-2014, 12:55 PM
Thanks Olefin. Will do my best to contribute my limit knowledge of the Netherlands to the forum.
By all means please let me kow any errors in my work.
10-27-2014, 02:01 PM
By all means please let me kow any errors in my work.
Off course i will do my best to correct anything if i ever spot it.
Silent Hunter UK
02-07-2015, 04:30 PM
New player here myself - have played in a couple of games myself and have started in another at
Have 2.2 and also Merc2000; would like to go a game in the latter at some point, but not ATM.
02-07-2015, 07:06 PM
Hey silent hunter (welcome), are you on Harpgamer?
Silent Hunter UK
02-11-2015, 01:23 PM
Yes, I'm a member there.
04-01-2015, 03:22 PM
Since I've been away for a while, I suppose I need to introduce myself to the FNGs that have arrived after me. ;)
Medic (both here and in real life, Finnish Army Reserves), the babbling Finn, who will not shut up, if there's a Finnish point of view to the subject (or a possibility to bring one in to the discussion).
And to those who know me, well, I've been multiplying. Our baby girl is now 20-months old and her baby brother six weeks. The latter one is a whopper - currently 6,49kg/14.5lbs and 60,5cm/2'.
04-02-2015, 06:45 PM
Long time lurker. Registered awhile back but never posted (life tends to get in the way). This site has been a weekly stop for me. You guys are awesome!
Long story short: I come from a military family save for my old man, LOVED v.1 back in the day, always wanted to serve, unable to get into USMC OBC after college (high standards+wayward youth=no soup for you), joined the NG in an unnamed midwestern state in a misguided fit of patriotism after 9/11, ended up doing a ton of DOMOPS (post-Katrina, post-Gustav, lots of stuff in my tornado prone state) plus a very interesting tour in HOA and now after, after completing resident CGSC and getting a very interesting occasional AGR tour, I've made a semi-career of it.
Introduced my sons to boardgames, strategy games (Axis and Allies, Mem. 44) at a young age, which led, to my wife's chagrin, to D&D. Told them a few years back about an RPG which was "Army, but after the apocalypse". Now that they are teens and we have watched Red Dawn, Black Hawk Down, The Last Ship, The Day After, By Dawn's Early Light, and Jericho, I recently started a modified V.1 campaign set in 2030. They love it. I've stolen a great deal from the ideas on this web site so now I need to give what little I can back. I hope I can contribute.
04-02-2015, 08:20 PM
Glad to see both the old and new faces.
I always worry during spring when internet traffic in general is down, but this one seems different.
04-02-2015, 08:38 PM
Thanks Kato, appreciate the welcome! You guys do a great job!
04-02-2015, 09:13 PM
Yes, welcome to our new and returning members.
Silent Hunter UK
04-04-2015, 09:27 AM
Welcome to the site!
04-05-2015, 06:59 PM
Welcome aboard/back. The regulars here will make you feel right at home.
06-19-2015, 02:35 PM
Welcome, newcomers! It's good to have you aboard.
06-22-2015, 11:27 AM
Radio check....
LT. Ox
07-05-2015, 03:18 PM
New to the site. I started with the first books when GDW first printed. I have been gaming since I read HG Wells "little Wars" When I was twelve. Tactics II and such :D
Grew up in the great area of East S F Bay ( Richmond Union High School Class of 66) Joined the Army Oct 66 Commissioned '67 at Fort Sill Ok.
Nam '68-69.
Oakland Police '72-'75. Deputy in Colorado '76 to '89.
SWAT scout- and a bunch of other stuff along the way.
Any way happy to see folks still playing a great game.
My Son in law is interested so I have dug out the books ( added a bunch) and the min's. GHQ and 1/72 both.
thanks again for the great stuff here.
07-05-2015, 04:51 PM
Welcome to the forum, Lt. Ox.
07-06-2015, 08:46 PM
Welcome to the forum LT. Ox, it's great to see that there is still interest in this game and also that former gamers are still interested in gaming ('specially if they can bring some of the newer crowd into older games!).
Silent Hunter UK
07-08-2015, 11:33 AM
Welcome to the forum - look forward to hearing your tales of the early days of the system.
07-24-2015, 09:29 PM
Welcome aboard Lt. OX from a fellow Red Leg turned LE.
Silent Hunter UK
07-27-2015, 03:26 PM
Welcome, swaghauler!
09-24-2015, 10:44 PM
Newbie to Twilight 2000 here; starting with 2.2 (the only edition younger than I am, and not by a whole lot).
I had some Traveller experience from a few years back (never got a chance to run it—my group wussed out at the thought of calculus—or play it because I'm the forever referee of my group).
One of my brother's professors actually recommended Twilight 2000, and that was enough to revive my interest in it, especially considering that it's a refreshing change of pace from the shallow cyberpunk/fantasy that my group tends to prefer.
LT. Ox
09-25-2015, 10:57 AM
And we are happy to have you Join.
03-26-2016, 12:53 AM
So, I'm the newest member here. I'm happy to have found this forum, considering I'm planning on running a v1 campaign.
A bit about me. I'm 21, and found out about the game through an older member of a gaming group I was part, who used to run games at a local con in the 90's(while wearing his old uniform!), after being discharged from the army. I picked up the referee's box set on eBay for $15 and have decided to finally run a campaign. I am modifying some lore for a unique experience, buut not too much. For example, German players would not have a G11, rather a G3 or G36.
Looking forward to my stay here.
03-28-2016, 01:03 AM
Good to see some fresh meat, er, I mean blood. :p
Personally I like the G11 - it's something quite different and would have been a brilliant service weapon if the Germans hadn't reunified. Shame West German picked up the Easts debt and couldn't afford it any more. :(
08-03-2016, 03:39 PM
Hi all! New member here, played a lot back in the last few years of school; haven't played or run a game in some (too many!) years, but I'm planning on getting back into it with a new group in the next couple of weeks :)
Always good to see new people. Take a look around, ask some questions, and check out the attachment map, its chock full of useful stuff.
08-03-2016, 06:37 PM
Hi all! New member here, played a lot back in the last few years of school; haven't played or run a game in some (too many!) years, but I'm planning on getting back into it with a new group in the next couple of weeks :)
Welcome back to table top gaming sir. There are some REALLY good ideas and rules in this forum. Check out the thread map for topics and add your own ideas to them.
Silent Hunter UK
08-04-2016, 11:22 AM
Welcome to the forum!
08-04-2016, 11:46 PM
Greetings, Cypher!
Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home. No, wait, that's for Mrs. Robinson.:o
Open up any door or cupboard and drag out anything you wish to discuss or comment on. As one of the most egregious of "Thread Reanimators":D, I encourage you to pull something out of the depths of time if you have a fresh take on it, or a question that the original parley didn't resolve.
Once again, welcome!
08-09-2016, 07:14 PM
Greetings, Cypher!
As one of the most egregious of "Thread Reanimators":D, I encourage you to pull something out of the depths of time if you have a fresh take on it, or a question that the original parley didn't resolve.
Once again, welcome!
WallShadow's new title is "NecroMonger," especially after the HP Lovecraft "poetry." :)
08-10-2016, 07:25 PM
WallShadow's new title is "NecroMonger," especially after the HP Lovecraft "poetry." :)
08-24-2016, 07:18 PM
Had this game from Day One. Working on a '50's/'60's variant. Thanks.
08-24-2016, 07:49 PM
Welcome to the forum. Look around; make yourself at home.
Silent Hunter UK
08-25-2016, 10:47 AM
Welcome to the forum!
08-25-2016, 07:34 PM
Had this game from Day One. Working on a '50's/'60's variant. Thanks.
Welcome to the forum! You'll find a great deal of good info here.
LT. Ox
08-25-2016, 09:33 PM
Howdy and welcome home.
And another victim falls prey to this thread thanks to Google.
GURPS player who is mining the material for a potential game run for his own players, or possibly (if I get over stage fright) a Fantasy Grounds 2 game run someday.
Glad to meet you all, and hope you're all doing well...
10-30-2016, 11:37 AM
And another victim falls prey to this thread thanks to Google.
GURPS player who is mining the material for a potential game run for his own players, or possibly (if I get over stage fright) a Fantasy Grounds 2 game run someday.
Glad to meet you all, and hope you're all doing well...
Welcome aboard. I would suggest you check out the Forum Threads Map (pinned) for the info you're seeking. Feel free to NECRO any of the older threads and add your own thoughts to them.
If you're unsure of the rituals needed to do this, contact WallShadow, he's our chief Necromancer and knows ALL of the rituals needed to bring dead threads back to life! :)
Welcome aboard. I would suggest you check out the Forum Threads Map (pinned) for the info you're seeking. Feel free to NECRO any of the older threads and add your own thoughts to them.
If you're unsure of the rituals needed to do this, contact WallShadow, he's our chief Necromancer and knows ALL of the rituals needed to bring dead threads back to life! :)
Let's see:
Silver bowl: check
Sea Water for ritual grounding: Check
Incense: Check
Ritual Dagger: Check
Chalk: Check
Candles: Check
pages from First Edition Twilight 2000: Check
String (to make circle with chalk): Check
I think I have what it takes for thread necromancy. I might need the Necronomicon for any finer details, but then again, I'm not going to try for the Great Old Ones effects... ;)
Silent Hunter UK
10-31-2016, 02:45 PM
And another victim falls prey to this thread thanks to Google.
GURPS player who is mining the material for a potential game run for his own players, or possibly (if I get over stage fright) a Fantasy Grounds 2 game run someday.
Glad to meet you all, and hope you're all doing well...
Welcome! Will the game be online at all?
Welcome! Will the game be online at all?
FANTASY GROUNDS 2 is a Virtual Table Top application that permits the GM to chat with the players, roll dice, and let people move on screen symbols representative of their characters on a map.
Look here to see what game systems are either supported commercially, or through community efforts, are supported. Unfortunately, Twilight 2000 is not supported in and of itself.
GURPS on the other hand, is. :)
If you ever want to get a demo of what is possible using FG2, let me know. All that is required for the demonstration of what FG2 can do, is for you to download a free demo of the program, and then contact me via email for further instructions on how to connect. Since I paid for the ultimate license, I can run games where players do not need to buy any version of the software, but can use either of:
Demo version (Free)
Player Version (only as a player)
GM Version (as a player)
Ultimate version (As a player)
The thing is, the speed is only as fast as the slowest person's speed at typing. There are those who have used Skype or other voice communications, but I was born hard of hearing and can't really use it myself.
The hard part will be scanning in maps and the like for use with the game, but that shouldn't be TOO hard. Someone might want to contact Far Futures Enterprises to see if they want to try to hire someone to create sellable content online for people to play T2K via FG2. I suspect however, that this might not be a worthy return on investment, but since I don't know what is involved in programming with Lua, I can't rightfully say.
In any event, it is a means for people to play online. If I did run a game, it would be limited to maybe three players. Maybe four hour sessions - but that depends on what happens when/if I find a new job. I lost my old job Oct 14th due to Key Bank acquiring First Niagara and Key Bank downsizing personnel they didn't want (that's me!). With luck, I might find a position somewhere soon and the scheduling of the job won't be 12.5 hours per day three days a week, or nights only, or what have you. Time will tell, which is why I'm not in a major rush to try this out.
For those who might think "I don't know GURPS", don't worry about it. FG2 is such that you have a character sheet that is viewable in the system. When you need to roll against a given skill or attribute or what have you, I will tell you the modifier to the die roll, and all you have to do is enter it in the mod square on the screen, then drag the skill over to the chat box. THe program rolls it for you, and tells you if you succeeded and by how much. Will even tell you if it were a crit failure or success even. ;)
Well, nuff said I suppose. Will see how this works out in the future. I'll open up a new thread somewhere announcing the intent to run a campaign set in T2K and give people the particulars...
Silent Hunter UK
11-01-2016, 09:24 AM
Very full answer. Thanks!
It appears I neglected to post the FG2 link...
This will tell you what game systems are supported.
The Dark
11-29-2016, 04:18 PM
Well, I suppose I'm the FNG now.
I picked up the 2.2 books used about four or five years back; I'm in my 30s, and had gotten started with GDW games through Space: 1889, then picked up a 2300AD boxed set at a convention, then found Dark Conspiracy at a used bookstore, and then TNE and 2.2 at a different used bookstore. My current project is statting out World War I vehicles, since Paul's either done or archived pretty much everything else :D. I'm also interested in converting from other games to the House Rules, having been a Heavy Gear player for a while and also having an old copy of GURPS Ogre laying around.
01-30-2017, 10:52 PM
Hi all. New guy here. Lots of great info here, really appreciate the contributors. Playing/ref V1. Cheers.
Welcome Evil VonScary,
Hope you come to enjoy the material here and that you can get things rolling at your table. :)
Pinhead Slim
02-11-2017, 12:20 PM
Hello! A little about myself, I'm a crazy guy from Arizona who used to dream of being a gunsmith, but now I just want to be a writer instead. I play a little bass guitar and still play with Lego, I'm a sucker for old castle sets.
So I've barely played Twilight, but for 10 years I've had the version 1.0 rules and ever since then I've been writing and composing all sorts of stuff. I've refereed games about elite operators taking over mines in South Africa, and I'm currently doing a one player game for my fiancée set in the Fallout : New Vegas world using T2K V1 rules.
I've never gotten to play the game as a character before and if anyone wouldn't mind me in their game I'd love to join.
Silent Hunter UK
02-12-2017, 01:17 PM
Welcome to the forum!
04-08-2017, 12:25 AM
Hi all! Just joined tonight after lurking for a few months. Played T2K (1st Ed) a lot with my younger brother, father and 2 uncles when I was 15, 16, 17. Now that I'm in university (political science major) I haven't been able to play since but I can flat out say its probably my favourite RPG of all time.
Dad got the game right from day 1 back when he was in high school and I can only imagine the fun that he had playing 5 times a week with the 8 or 9 guys that would meet up and play, most I've ever played with at a single time was 5 and it was a blast. Literally this game creates thousands of stories and every single play through can be different. I've played every campaign module of the 1st edition of the game and would have a great time making PC's and figuring out what skills to get. In my opinion-
Hardest Module: Armies of the Night (NEVER could win this dang thing, has anyone???)
Easiest Module: Urban Guerilla
Most fun module: Ruins of Warsaw
Least fun: Howling Wilderness
Best sourcebook: UK survival guide (love all the backstory content in it)
My personal favourite module: Boomer. Perfect conclusion to the best trilogy in the whole game.
05-04-2017, 02:05 PM
Glad to have found you guys ... not a lot of support for T2K on the interwebs, but this is definitely the oasis in the desert.
I started playing T2K with the 1st edition when it was first released back in, what? '83? '84? ... a really long time ago! I played a lot of 1st edition with my high school group back then, but I never bought much extra for the game (i.e: modules, sourcebooks, etc. ... I only had the U.S. and Soviet vehicle guides, Small Arms guide, and the RDF sourcebook), I ran it kind of sandbox style and we had a blast. Then when 2nd edition hit the scene, I gobbled up everything for that version, but unfortunately my game group had dwindled by that time and I never really got to play it much (though I did run a Merc:2000 game for awhile that took place in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion, hell some of my players even played Mujihadeen ... this was well before 9/11 and Al Queda).
Fast forward to today. I'm rediscovering T2K, I have a small but willing group of players (all much younger than me, but all very into the concept), and we can't wait to get started. I'm running 1st edition for them after much deliberation, and I've purchased all the 1st edition .pdf's and I'm ready to roll.
Can't wait to dig through the years of posts available here, and to hopefully contribute a bit myself.
05-04-2017, 06:56 PM
Welcome, ShepherdN7 and Measuredrums. It's always good to meet new and/or old T2K enthusiasts. There's a lot of good stuff here. Our fearless leader, Kato, has catalogued much of it in the Long Thread Map.
Good luck with your game, Measuredrums, and kudos to you for introducing T2K to a new generation.
05-20-2017, 06:57 AM
Hello all,
Glad to be a part of the site. I started with the v1 boxed set after seeing the add in Dragon magazine. Now my son is interested in it, so we'll be dusting off the books and painting up some old Devil Dog Design miniatures and give it a go.
Silent Hunter UK
05-27-2017, 04:57 PM
Hello all,
Glad to be a part of the site. I started with the v1 boxed set after seeing the add in Dragon magazine. Now my son is interested in it, so we'll be dusting off the books and painting up some old Devil Dog Design miniatures and give it a go.
von wildensee
05-31-2017, 06:22 AM
Hi all, based in Ottawa, Canada, played this once a long time ago in my very early teens. Pulled out my v1 box set recently and have been pondering starting a game again. Notice the different versions out there now, is there a thread here that compares them all?
Impressive resource site!
Arkham Drifter
06-17-2017, 12:43 PM
Aftermath! and Twilight 2000 player checking in as a new member here.
Moving beyond TSR based game systems and genres, I started playing Aftermath! in '83...the dining room table was cluttered character sheets, maps and issues Survival, Gung-Ho, Eagle and SOF magazines.
Started playing TW2000 in '87 and was hooked for years. The NA storyline is still one of my favorite in any RPG.
Anyway it's been over twenty years since I rolled dice but I've got some stuff I want to share with this community. Hopefully some who are still playing will find it fun.
06-17-2017, 02:23 PM
Welcome, fellas. Share away!
06-19-2017, 05:00 PM
Hi all, based in Ottawa, Canada, played this once a long time ago in my very early teens. Pulled out my v1 box set recently and have been pondering starting a game again. Notice the different versions out there now, is there a thread here that compares them all?
Impressive resource site!
Welcome aboard - great to see new members - and the game is definitely alive and well - new canon source material being released for the first time in nearly 20 years
01-28-2018, 05:13 AM
Hello guys!
:looks at calendar:
Wow, it's been about ten years since I was here!
01-28-2018, 10:40 AM
Welcome back! It was only five years between posts for me.
01-28-2018, 01:08 PM
Welcome back, Chalk. We've missed you.
Silent Hunter UK
01-28-2018, 01:26 PM
Welcome back!
Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
01-28-2018, 06:43 PM
Hello guys, my name is Ritz and I am the latest addition to this community. It is so nice to meet you all. :p
02-01-2018, 07:53 PM
Hello guys, my name is Ritz and I am the latest addition to this community. It is so nice to meet you all. :p
Welcome aboard sir! Please check out the Forum Thread Map and add your thoughts to the various topics located there. If you have any questions about thread Necromancy, just ask Wallshadow. He's our resident Necromancer. Just watch what you're doing with that. Surviving WWIII is bad enough without having to fight off Eldrich Horrors too! :)
03-29-2018, 01:35 AM
Hi all, found T2K a couple months ago and found little love for it from my in person gaming group or online, very pleased to find this forum. is there a section for players looking for campaigns/one shots?
03-29-2018, 08:14 AM
welcome to the forum and T2K - there is at least one post looking for players for an online game - I know there are several online campaigns going on
06-04-2018, 09:59 PM
(May 35th is an appropriate day to post.)
Long-time reader, frequent lurker, recent member.
Love reading the archived threads for culling ideas, and I hope to contribute something worthwhile in return... even if it's nothing more than some lurid tale from a member of our gaming group who was a pilot for Maybe Airlines flying into Sarajevo during the Siege.
06-11-2018, 06:03 PM
(May 35th is an appropriate day to post.)
Long-time reader, frequent lurker, recent member.
Love reading the archived threads for culling ideas, and I hope to contribute something worthwhile in return... even if it's nothing more than some lurid tale from a member of our gaming group who was a pilot for Maybe Airlines flying into Sarajevo during the Siege.
Welcome aboard!
08-16-2018, 01:22 AM
Hi all
Based in Stockholm and have hosted one game so far, played many more of T2k over internet. Currently busy trying to script up as much of the game as possible to make life as easy as possible for GMs and players, also trying to iteratively make best solution for spreadsheet management of inventory, gear and characters.
All this, because I'm lazy.
08-16-2018, 05:56 AM
Hi all
Based in Stockholm and have hosted one game so far, played many more of T2k over internet. Currently busy trying to script up as much of the game as possible to make life as easy as possible for GMs and players, also trying to iteratively make best solution for spreadsheet management of inventory, gear and characters.
All this, because I'm lazy.
Hey, if you've got the tools to make life easier, why not use them!
I'm sure that there's plenty of people who would have liked something like this 10 years ago :)
And also, welcome to the forum for all the new members.
08-16-2018, 06:54 AM
Hey, if you've got the tools to make life easier, why not use them!
I'm sure that there's plenty of people who would have liked something like this 10 years ago :)
And also, welcome to the forum for all the new members.
Thanks, and I do hope that what I do might help convince new players to pick up the game. (I know I've been busy in my circles) Because I know that T2k is pretty damn daunting of a system at first glance. I had to hold my players hand a lot, just to make the transition for them an easier thing. So, with the tools I am making and will be making, I hope to lower the treshhold for other people too.
08-17-2018, 01:03 PM
Welcome aboard and welcome to the board - and hope you enjoy some of the new official Twilight 2000 material that has been released in the last year and a half
01-07-2019, 08:05 AM
Thank you all of you for welcoming me
01-12-2019, 03:50 PM
Thank you all of you for welcoming me
Welcome aboard sir!
I will encourage you to use the Search Function to find older threads and add your thoughts to them as well as checking out the posts in the Forum Thread Maps. The Thread Map Section has a lot of the more popular topics archived there. Since the Thread Maps section is fixed (as you will see) if you add any comments or new rules variations there, those posts will be permanently archived as well. This will allow future players to access your posts easier.
01-22-2019, 09:26 AM
Hey, I discovered this game about a year ago with a friend and his dad and had an absolute blast. Lately I've been working on campaign notes and other ideas. If anyone has any running online sessions that would be aweaome.
Sent from my Z839 using Tapatalk
01-22-2019, 06:19 PM
Are you looking at real time games, or play-by-post?
01-22-2019, 06:48 PM
Are you looking at real time games, or play-by-post?I can do both. Real time would be fun but I'm thinking play by post, seeing as how my internet isn't stellar
Sent from my Z839 using Tapatalk
03-30-2019, 03:14 AM
03-30-2019, 03:40 AM
Not any more you're not! :D
Come out into the light like the rest of us freaks!
04-12-2019, 02:19 PM
Welcome "Dark Lurker!" Please feel free to "necro" ANY threads. Unlike other forums, we enjoy the "refreshing" or "revisiting" of old threads. You can check out the Forum Thread Map for ideas or just use the Search Function. If you have any Questions about "resurrecting threads," just ask Wallshadow. He's our resident Necromancer!
02-17-2020, 07:13 PM
Not really new to this site as ive come across it over the years but i am new as a member. Wanted to introduce myself and say hi!!!
I haven`t been active for years, but I´m back - to gaming and to the board. So, hi to all the new (and old) members :D
03-19-2020, 03:03 PM
I've recently had some extra time on my hands with the covid 19 to post about our twilight experience. The only player I have left these days is my brother. When I first got the game in 1992 we were playing off and on for years. Of course as we grew up others played then left and would end up in the npc pile and eventually we stopped playing. After my brothers divorce we picked it up again, he decided that he wanted to get all his players from around the world home and concentrate on rebuilding the united states (however I think his real plan is to set up his own government lol). First his men in California participated in there rebuilding efforts then thru some large scale coordination started freeing up southern California and aiding forces in Arizona. Then we continued an older group of mid east characters that had made it to Thailand and stole an LST then started island hoping all the way to Hawaii then California and eventually join up with his men there. Now we are getting ready to have his men that failed the mission from armies of the night (they fled the city heading north) to head west to Colorado and find the brother of a character last known to be in California. Its been quite a journey so far with the battle of twenty nine palms to the battle of tucson and a large price on the head of Col. Paynes by the Mexican forces for his use of chemical weapons on the battle field. I'm interested to see what trouble he starts next.
03-23-2020, 08:40 PM
Welcome back to the Forum guys.
05-13-2020, 03:14 PM
Holy crap! I did not know there was a forum for the old Twilight 2000 game! What a rush of find memories. I played this game what in the late 80s? Hell yeah I'm coming back to this.
Silent Hunter UK
05-13-2020, 03:27 PM
05-14-2020, 01:06 AM
Hi sitrep.
05-17-2020, 11:13 AM
Does anyone know of a group that is playing using discord or something? Last time I played this I was actually stationed in Aschaffenburg Germany in the late 1980's. Not to particular on what version just looking for a decent group of people to join and game with. I miss the days of gaming with friends on weekends.
05-17-2020, 11:34 AM
Not currently, but I too wouldn't mind a few discord sessions...
05-17-2020, 12:01 PM
I think the only real problem with such an idea is nothing to do with using Discord or Skype et al. but the timezones some of us are in.
Other than, from my recent experience with it, Discord works out pretty well for running game sessions.
A mate of mine is running a Call of Cthulhu game via Discord but we're all in the same city so timezone doesn't matter. However if I was to try and jump on to something being run in a North American or European timezone, it most often puts my local time as something ludicrously early in the morning (like, still dark outside kind of early in the morning!)
Silent Hunter UK
05-17-2020, 01:45 PM
I'm involved in a Wing Commander RP. We get round the time zone issues by doing it on Saturday.
05-17-2020, 04:44 PM
Thanks for the discord link! Just joined the page and hopefully something might pop.
05-20-2020, 05:22 PM
Hi all, joined a while ago (like a few years ago), tried a password reset (which failed to work) so created a new account.
Played a lot of T2k in late high school/early college then got sidetracked, but kept all my books etc as it was a favourite. Used it to run stargate and a number of other settings over the years too.
Looking to pick it up again soon, my most regular (and reliable) player is my wife, so I'll be starting a 2.2 game (the version I started with) for her pretty soon and eventually a game for our most regular gaming group.
I'm thinking an alternative settings to the default for each (probably Canada/US and Africa) so lots of research in the near future...
06-01-2020, 03:45 PM
Apologies to those who may have already seen some of this in the T2k Free League Facebook group (which is where I found out about this forum!).
I hate to say how much effect Twilight: 2000 actually had on me. I played first edition a lot, and second edition (which came out when I was in the army) a bit. By the year 2000 I was a character I would have wanted to play - I had been an infantryman, a paratrooper, military intelligence, and served in special forces. I spoke Russian (thanks mainly to the Defense Language Institute!) and I was stationed in Germany. But alas, our timeline was different. I didn't even see combat until after 2000, and in the hot deserts of the Middle East instead of the cold forests of Central Europe. I finally retired from the US Army in 2012 with 10 years of active duty and 13 years of reserve service.
After leaving active duty in 2000, I went on to developing video games, mostly military ones, including Panzer Elite, America's Army, Twilight War, Order of War, World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, World of Warships, and Master of Orion. I've spent the last couple of years making simulations (PC and VR) for training military and law enforcement in lethal force decision-making. In 2007, I actually looked into buying the rights to Twilight: 2000, only to discover that they had recently been acquired by 93 Games Studio. Just hearing a couple of weeks ago that the game is being brought back by Free League practically brought tears to my eyes. I still even have most of the reference books I bought in the 80's and 90's for playing the game - many dozens of them.
06-01-2020, 08:02 PM
Welcome, Severian. It's good to have you aboard.
06-01-2020, 10:18 PM
Welcome to all the new members and those who are returning :)
08-21-2020, 07:04 PM
Hello everyone.
I saw a post about this form on the Facebook page for the new Free League version of T2K and thought I would join.
I've been playing RPGs and tabletop games for about 20 years. I live in Dallas, Texas. I currently work as an assessment developer and editor.
My friends and I played our first game of First Edition T2K last weekend. T2K was the first RPG my friend purchased but he was too young to really understand it. When he saw there was a new version in development he bought PDFs of the original to hold us over until Free League publishes the new edition.
I had a lot of fun last weekend. We're playing again tomorrow. I think a setting like T2K is probably the only way to have a military-themed RPG that works because the chain-of-command is so limiting to player freedom.
I look forward to reading the many resources you all have developed and hopefully contributing some to the discussions.
(My username is based on my approach to sports video games. I've always enjoyed taking terrible teams and trying to turn them into champions. I guess I like underdogs.)
08-21-2020, 07:43 PM
Welcome to the board, W2F!
Like your friend, I bought the v1 box set when I was 11 years old and, yeah, it was a bit too complicated for me to actually play at that age. I thought Twilght 2000 died when the Cold War ended. I offloaded all of my T2k stuff at the local used bookstore (still kicking myself for that). I found this community about 10 years ago and it got me into T2k PbPs (since my RL friends don't do RPGs).
I'm looking forward to seeing what Free League does with the property.
BTW, I too like to take cellar-dweller teams (in FIFA) and manage them to top domestic league and Champions League glory. Good times.
Silent Hunter UK
08-22-2020, 06:27 AM
Welcome to the board!
My username is a joke based on my general lack of stealth in video games, BTW.
08-23-2020, 04:00 PM
Hello everyone.
I saw a post about this form on the Facebook page for the new Free League version of T2K and thought I would join.
I've been playing RPGs and tabletop games for about 20 years. I live in Dallas, Texas. I currently work as an assessment developer and editor.
My friends and I played our first game of First Edition T2K last weekend. T2K was the first RPG my friend purchased but he was too young to really understand it. When he saw there was a new version in development he bought PDFs of the original to hold us over until Free League publishes the new edition.
I had a lot of fun last weekend. We're playing again tomorrow. I think a setting like T2K is probably the only way to have a military-themed RPG that works because the chain-of-command is so limiting to player freedom.
I look forward to reading the many resources you all have developed and hopefully contributing some to the discussions.
(My username is based on my approach to sports video games. I've always enjoyed taking terrible teams and trying to turn them into champions. I guess I like underdogs.)
Welcome aboard. Feel free to post or even NECRO old threads. Unlike the D&D forums, we don't care about reviving old threads.
10-03-2020, 09:09 PM
Hello All!
I have been a long time player of many RPG's, including T2K, mostly v1 back in the late 80's and early 90's, getting back into playing with the same group from back then, and few of our kids that have fallen into RPG's. I have a good swath of the v1 materials in original hardcopy, and picked up the v1 and v2 CD's from FFE a few years ago.
Stumbled on the site via google and cannot thank you all enough for compiling the resources here to keep the game alive in all the various versions.
My group is starting back up with v2.2, but it will be interesting to see if the upcoming version can create the kind of rebirth for T2K that 5e did for D&D.
I have some material that I will try to get uploaded and see what everybody thinks.
10-03-2020, 09:30 PM
Hello All!
I have been a long time player of many RPG's, including T2K, mostly v1 back in the late 80's and early 90's, getting back into playing with the same group from back then, and few of our kids that have fallen into RPG's. I have a good swath of the v1 materials in original hardcopy, and picked up the v1 and v2 CD's from FFE a few years ago.
Stumbled on the site via google and cannot thank you all enough for compiling the resources here to keep the game alive in all the various versions.
My group is starting back up with v2.2, but it will be interesting to see if the upcoming version can create the kind of rebirth for T2K that 5e did for D&D.
I have some material that I will try to get uploaded and see what everybody thinks.
Welcome to the forum. As has been mentioned by others here, wander through the pages and feel free to raise old threads, we're not scared of going back over old topics (and a new set of eyes can often bring some new ideas to an old topic)
Ursus Maior
10-05-2020, 09:51 AM
Hi there!
I'm fairly new, too, but haven't been able to fill out the answer box in this thread yet. I came across T2k in the early 2000s, after my time in the Bundeswehr. Never played the game, but read through the old books whenever I could get my hands onto them.
As a former Panzergrenadier, I was stationed in the Fulda Gap, about 10 years after it was successfully closed for good (let's hope). So all of the T2k stuff felt very close to home.
I'm looking forward to FL's new edition and hope, I will find a group to run through the box and wherever that leads us.
Happy gaming!
12-08-2020, 09:13 PM
Hello. My name is Franklin but you can call me chrono117.
I backed Free League's T2Kv4 Kickstarter and recently received my alpha PDF. I haven't played any earlier versions, but I played modern warfare & post apocalyptic table top RPGs in other systems.
As a child of the 80's with several 40-something friends, my plan is to tone down the realism of the game and try to simulate GI Joe.
I was in the Army 1997-2001, so I speak the language and know about the equipment & training. But I'm not a gun nerd. I find the setting to be fascinating as it slips from modern what-if to a history exercise I can teach younger players.
I'm active on Discord (other peoples' servers), Twitch (other peoples' streams), and love to talk about history, science, movies/TV, the military, tabletop games, and more.
12-08-2020, 09:52 PM
Welcome to the forum, Ursus Maior and chrono117. We're happy you're here!
We have a few pages of active discussion topics and tons of archived threads.
Not only do we allow thread necromancy here, we encourage it! And if you can't find a thread on a topic you'd like to discuss, feel free to start one. Most of our members have been playing T2k for ages, so if you have any questions, someone here's probably got an answer or two.
Ursus Maior
12-10-2020, 12:31 PM
Thanks, you all for having me. I think, I've been reading here for some time and I might know a pseudonym or two from other games and eboards (kato most likely). Always nice to feel welcome in a new community.
I'm a historian by training, but work in university administration these days. I never played T2K, but read through a lot of the old stuff. Lately, I backed the new edition, which I hope to play some time. I did however play a lot of RPGs, wargames and several cosims over the last 25+ years. It all started with MERP, CT, 40k and BT.
My personal military experience was short, I was an amored infantry soldier in the Bundeswehr (Panzergrenadier) shortly before 9/11, when serving as a conscriptee. I've been interested in Cold War history and CWGH narratives since before that. At some point, I hope to write some longer narrative for such a scenario, but as of now, I have no idea, if this would be game content, fiction or what not.
Happy gaming! Thread necromancy might actually happening. :D
02-25-2021, 05:22 PM
Hello All, I grew up near Bloomington/Normal, IL home of Game Designer's Workshop. Served for 5 years active as a Military Policeman stationed in Germany and Virginia. Illinois National Guard in 1/123rd Infantry. Got the majority of the books back in the day. Have lurked here off and on. Loved the Pacific Northwest Sourcebook and looking forward to see more of Free League's Twilight 2000.
02-25-2021, 10:25 PM
Glad you found us, Jonesy64. Welcome!
Hey, y'all. Played some T2K way back in the 90s, and always liked the idea of the setting. When I saw the reboot on Kickstarter, I pledged there and am looking forward to returning to the post-apocalypse.
06-18-2021, 07:30 PM
Howdy, cpip! We're glad you've joined us.
Silent Hunter UK
06-19-2021, 09:18 AM
11-22-2021, 02:52 PM
I’m back after a long period of illness. Can anyone steer me to PbP games that are current or starting?
11-22-2021, 04:38 PM
Welcome back, SITREP. I've created a thread where interested players and Ref's can connect.
11-22-2021, 10:42 PM
That’s awesome, bud!
11-25-2021, 01:24 AM
I was actually in the US Army during the period covered by T2K.
I was a tanker from 1990-2006, retiring then due to an injury, and was in Germany from 1990-1992. We used to play T2K in the barracks there. Later in my career I was assigned to the California Army Guard's HQ in Sacramento during the work week and to C/1-149 AR in Santa Cruz for drill weekends, part of 40th ID's 3rd Brigade.
One of my accomplishments while in Sacramento was helping the state aquire the MP Brigade headquarters that became the 49th MP Brigade, featured in some of the T2K lore.
This means that, if things really had gone as detailed in T2K's backstory I would have deployed with 40th ID to Europe so I've always been interested in what happened to it.
Silent Hunter UK
11-25-2021, 04:24 PM
Welcome. Must have been interesting being in Germany during reunification, that's for sure.
11-27-2021, 04:21 AM
I though I would drop in and say hi. I picked up 1st Ed when it came out. Yes I am old.
I have run a couple of long term campaigns using first and second Ed back in the day. I have picked up the new FL 4th Ed during the Kickstarter. I will admit to being a Free League fan boy.
I have just kicked off a new campaign using the new rules and I like it. I am using a bit of a mix of timelines for my campaign.
None of my players are veterans and my group ranges in age from early 20s to 50s
11-27-2021, 11:27 AM
Welcome aboard, Pete!
Ursus Maior
11-28-2021, 04:39 AM
Hi there! Good to see the board getting some influx. I like to mix various timeline elements as well.
Happy gaming!
12-20-2021, 10:24 PM
G'day all,
Long time lurker here finally checking in. T2K has a special place in my heart, it was the first RPG I ever owned and I love all the old-school GDW stuff. I've still got my 1st & 2nd Ed. box sets and I also picked up a copy of 2.2 on DTRPG last year plus the 4th Ed KS. I'm quite intrigued by the YZ rules and looking forward to trying it out.
Silent Hunter UK
12-21-2021, 04:27 PM
01-26-2022, 07:48 PM
Hello all from another new member.
I've always been interested in T2K, I bought the original when it first came out but never actually played or ran it, our post apocalyptic needs were always covered by Aftermath!.
I'm looking forward to giving the new version a crack now so I thought I'd join up here for some ideas.
01-27-2022, 03:47 AM
Hi all,
Back again, I think it's been about 10 years I've been away :) Just picked up 4th edition rules yesterday, starting to digest them. Nice to see some names I know still here. Happy gaming all!
01-27-2022, 09:23 AM
Welcome, new members (Pinetree, Skunk) and welcome back, old (atiff)!
02-02-2022, 03:24 PM
Hey all, I've drifted through discussions on this forum for a long time, but decided to finally register as a user. Twilight 2K wasn't my first RPG, but I remember being captivated by the big multipage ad in Dragon magazine when GDW announced it. I've run multiple campaigns in the past, and I'm now beginning to think through a 4th ed campaign in the future.
02-03-2022, 01:02 AM
Welcome! I've only played a bit of 4th ed (couple of days ago with my son) but looks fun so far. Wish you good play with your own experiences with it!
04-16-2023, 02:54 PM
I originally met T2K in the early 90s. Then we had the horrible idea in language school to do a Bosnian War campaign since we were all watching the Bosnian War on SCOLA every day for homework. I'm a veteran and I have academicked on things Russia/NATO. Since 2014 for some reason, I've had the urge to get back into T2K but only recently pulled the trigger and I am losing myself in the rabbit hole. :D
- Kozmas
04-19-2023, 05:32 PM
Welcome aboard, Kozmas! You're in good company here. A lot of us rediscovered T2k later in life. I look forward to seeing you around the forum.
12-03-2023, 01:32 AM
Hi. I discovered T2K back when the first edition came out. By the time GDW released the second edition I had stopped playing TTRPGs altogether. I returned to gaming in the early 2000s. Anyway, I'm happy to be here. I have the fourth edition from Free League (played in a short campaign with some friends) and recently moved to Sicily (there are no gamers in my area, sadly). But I am looking to run an online game in the New Year and thankful for the resources on this forum.
12-03-2023, 11:02 AM
Welcome, Marco! It's always good to see another author on here. Your list of publication credits sent me down a rabbit hole of links that promises to be expensive...
With your prior involvement with Handiwork Games, have you done any work on the upcoming second edition of Cold City/Hot War?
- C.
12-04-2023, 12:27 AM
Welcome, Marco! It's always good to see another author on here. Your list of publication credits sent me down a rabbit hole of links that promises to be expensive...
With your prior involvement with Handiwork Games, have you done any work on the upcoming second edition of Cold City/Hot War?
- C.
Thank you, Clayton. I love the Pacific Northwest Sourcebook so much! I haven't worked on the new Cold City/Hot War but I definitely want to check it out. Handiwork Games does great work.
TGirl Kelley
05-26-2024, 10:09 PM
I'm Kelley-Anne and I'm new here and have just gone nuts over 4th ed. I've been a T2k fan since 1st ed and am loving the newest version.
I am hoping to convince my group to play it in the near future.
05-26-2024, 10:38 PM
Welcome aboard. Hope you get a game running. It always feels good when this board can assist keeping the system/world going.
06-12-2024, 03:51 AM
Welcome to the forum! It's great to see such a long-standing and welcoming community. If you're into Twilight 2000 or related topics, you'll find plenty to enjoy here. Remember to PM kato13 if you don't receive your confirmation email.
Silent Hunter UK
06-19-2024, 04:22 PM
I'm Kelley-Anne and I'm new here and have just gone nuts over 4th ed. I've been a T2k fan since 1st ed and am loving the newest version.
I am hoping to convince my group to play it in the near future.
Welcome to the forum!
08-09-2024, 10:15 AM
Hi there from a new member!
I have discovered twilight 2000 last year and have been lurking here for the past month.
I am building a campaign for a couple of friends and look forward to bounce ideas and build(/destroy) the world with the people on this forum.
08-09-2024, 12:19 PM
Welcome aboard. Glad you made the jump from lurker to member.
Feel free to ask any questions on your mind.
08-17-2024, 01:17 PM
Hi all! I'm a long-time T2K fan and I've been loving this forum for a little while, so I thought I'd make an account and say hi in case any of y'all are still active =)
Red Diamond
10-15-2024, 04:00 PM
I started playing RPG with the first or second addition of D&D, (the old blue colored one.) Then got into AD&D, and other TSR games such as Top Secret and there was a brief stint playing Car Wars as I recall. I played Gulf Strike and Aegean Strike and then discovered Twilight: 2000 right around 1987-time frame.
There wasn't much demand for the game, so I left the RPG world and decided to do these adventures in real life by joining the Army.
I had a hard time "keeping a job" during my stint so I spent time as a Combat Engineer, Infantry, Military Intelligence, Special Forces and retired as a Pol-Mil Officer.
In my last job before retiring, I was part of a team that had to write scenarios for an enemy land invasion of Japan to support a bilateral US-Japan annual exercise. You can imagine what a joy that was as you try to wish away the 7th Fleet and 5th Airf Force to allow a land invasion and expect your Navy and AF counterparts to participate in the exercise.
As a retiree I wrote many "Road To Wars" supporting various US, British and NATO exercises as well as other forms of exercise support. The irony with that is that I do not enjoy writing at all.
Let me just say, I feel the pain for those that try to write the background/alter reality for the various versions of Twillight.
A few months ago, I was cleaning out my garage and found my old Twilight: 2000 gear. I thought I had found a mint and got online to find out how much I could sell this treasure for when I discovered that Twilight:2000 had not only been active but spawned into 2e 2.2, 2013, 4e and several different dimensions and altered realities!
The RPG world has come a long way since the 80's and now, after purchasing 4e and deciphering what the hell YZE, d20 and what not, I'm ready to sew the Red Diamond patch on my BDUs and get ready for the last offensive of the war which will surely end in victory!! Right?
10-15-2024, 06:23 PM
Welcome aboard, Marco, TGirl Kelley, Overlored, Azrael, and Red Diamond! It's good to have y'all here.
@Red Diamond, I'm not sure we've ever had an RL US 5th ID veteran on the forum.
Red Diamond
10-15-2024, 07:51 PM
Oh no, that was just a bad joke. I'm old but not that old.
I was never mech, stationed in Europe and the 5th was disbanded while I was in Jr High I believe. I was saying I would put the Red Diamond on my BDUs in reference to the game.
11-01-2024, 09:47 AM
I've a shocking lack of wealth and taste.
Been lurking for a minute, reading up on the older editions and such and what people thought of them, and how they compare to 4th.
I've been doing a lot of version comparison, seeing if 1e/2.2 might be better suited for what I'm trying to set up, and if one or the other offers more verisimilitude in its "feel" vice how quickly they can be run for small unit skirmishing, and the forums here have been a big help. Still not sure where I land on it, but it's been a ton of fascinating discussion from a bunch of obviously experienced folks.
Been fun reading the ol' Cold Warriors talking that seem to run around here, too. Wildly different experience than I had, it seems.
11-01-2024, 09:31 PM
Welcome to the group, HaplessOperator :)
There's a huge amount of good information to be mined in the archives. I've often spent hours going back through the old discussions.
11-03-2024, 01:22 PM
Welcome aboard, HaplessOperator! If you can't find what you're looking for with the search function, feel free to ask a mod, or post a new topic. And don't hesitate to resurrect an old thread.
Red Diamond
11-15-2024, 08:09 PM
Yeah, there's tons of information for the game, background, real life and simulation life experience in here.
Very impressive.
Lord Nikon
01-26-2025, 05:23 PM
Hey folks. New here and I’m a long time gamer. I played a lot of Twilight 2K 2e back when it came out. Spent hours in my buddies backyard crafting cool characters and missions. We weren’t allowed to play Ad&d due to the time period (didn’t stop us from joining groups at the park lol) - anyhow, FFWD.. I’ve been gaming since but no one has ever wanted to play.. but finally I met some new gamers who saw my old 2e box set that had a massive interest in playing. So here I am diving back into 2e and a lot of 4e folks directed me here. So here I am
01-26-2025, 09:37 PM
Welcome aboard.
That T2k box was like a siren song to many people here, glad to see the decades have not fully weakened it.
Hope you find useful information here, and feel free to ask questions or "resurrect" older threads if it will be helpful.
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