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07-31-2011, 06:16 PM
Name: Browning HP-35
CAL. 9x19mm
E-Factor 9
WT. Empty: .88kg
Eff. Rng.: 45m
Max. Rng.: 2012m
Type of Fire: Semi-Automatic
Rate of Fire: 40 rpm
Feed Device:13 round Magazine
Feed Device Wt. .2kg
Basic Load:3 magazines (39 rounds)
Load Wt. .6 kg
Total Wt. 1.48kg
Additional comments. This pistol, also known as the Browning Hi-Power, fires a single shot for each pull of the trigger. It's 13 round magazine is a distinct advantage in a close-in fighting. The weapon may be fitted with a silencer (wt. .545kg).
Found in Weapons Load outs: Medical #1 and #2.
Special note Load out #19 is the only one that comes with the silencer.
Note that a silencer needs to be fitted to a pistol with a threaded barrel. Therefore it is not available to be loaned around the team unless the threaded barrel goes with it. That would require field stripping the pistol a matter of a few minutes. Not practicable in combat however.
A silencer will muffle the report but do nothing to silence the sound of the bullet breaking the speed of sound. To achieve the "quietness" featured in movies special sub-sonic ammunition is used. This ammunition does not break the speed of sound and will not produce the loud crack sound that conventional bullets do.
A silenced HP-35 used with out sub sonic ammunition is still effective especially at night. The silencer will contain the unburned powder and will not have a muzzle flash. This protects the firers night vision and does not disclose their position in the darkness. The with the muzzle blast contained the origin of the shooter will difficult to pin point and become a general "over there" direction. Remember penalties if any one shooting back cannot see, and cannot hear.
Postponing the timeline (18 Nov, 1989) gives the possibility of tritium night sights, visible and IR laser aiming aids, and a broad range of customizable features.
08-09-2011, 07:25 PM
Name Smith & Wesson M27-3 ½
Cal. .357 Magnum / .38 Special
E-Factor 10 / 8
Wt. (Empty) 1.238 kg
Eff. Range 75m
Max. Range 2150m
Type of Fire single shot repeater
Rate of Fire 24 rpm
Feed Device 6 rd cylinder
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 24rds
Load Wt. .45 kg
Total Wt. 1.688 kg
Additional Comments: A snub barreled, heavy framed revolver. It can fire both .38 Special as well as .357 Magnum ammunition (E-Factor = 8 with .38 special). The short barrel on this weapon allows it to be more easily concealed.
Revolvers also allow for other types of cartridges such as snake shot. Revolvers are not something easily silenced, due to the combustion of the propellants in the cylinder and the slight (.002-.005) gap between the cylinder and the barrel allowing a small release of gases.
There are revolver designs that lend themselves to making a silenced revolver such as a Nagant, this is not one of those designs.
Found in Load out #10.
08-09-2011, 07:32 PM
Name Smith & Wesson M29 – 6 ¼
Cal. .44 magnum
E-Factor 13
Wt. (Empty) 1.35 kg
Eff. Range 150m
Max. Range 2290m
Type of Fire Single shot repeater
Rate of Fire 24 rpm
Feed Device 6 rd cylinder
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 24 rds
Load Wt. .56 kg
Total Wt. 1.91 kg
Additional Comments: An extremely powerful handgun, the equal of a rifle in some cases. Not commonly issued due to its recoil and power making it difficult to handle.
Found in Load out: None. Contact Packs 1 and 2.
An excellent choice for the outdoors man that would like the challenge of taking game with a handgun. A revolver with the power for the hunter or camper that may be about in bear country.
As a revolver there choices in cartridges such as snake shot.
The size and weight are a negative in concealment, though a model with a 2" bbl exists because the consumer asked.
08-09-2011, 07:41 PM
Name Ingram M10
Cal. 9x19 mm
E-Factor 9
Wt. (Empty) 2.84 kg
Eff. Range 100m
Max. Range 2012m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 40/96 rpm
Feed Device 32 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .62 kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (384 rounds)
Load Wt. 7.44 kg
Total Wt. 10.28 kg
Additional Comments: A small submachinegun carried in a hip holster as a pistol would be. It is issued with a silencer (included in the weight data).
Found in Load outs: #4,7,15,17, 18, 19,
High cyclic rate requires two handed operation in fully automatic mode (fun switch full on), the small strap foreward is to assist the operator with muzzle climb.
Turning the weapon sideways (gangster hold) does allow full auto fire and takes advantage of muzzle climb sweeping the muzzle from right to left. This is not accurate fire but makes for a suppression techniques should a player need to "break contact".
On another note. This weapon can also come chambered in .45 ACP. There is a slightly smaller version the M11 that comes in 9mmP or .380ACP (though not interchangeably)
08-09-2011, 07:51 PM
Name UZI No. 2 Mk A
Cal. 9x19mm
E-Factor 9
Wt. (Empty) 3.6 kg
Eff. Range 200m
Max. Range 2012m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 64/128 rpm
Feed Device 32 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .62 kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (384 rds)
Load Wt. 7.44 kg
Total Wt. 11.04 kg
Additional Comments: A very rugged submachinegun equipped with a folding stock. It's Compact design allows the weapon to be fired with only one hand. It's size is such that it can easily be carried slung at the hip ready for instant use.
Found in Load outs: #9,
Another design that lends itself to using a silencer. Favored by operators for the "fist meets fist" fast reloading. This is due to the magazine well also being the grip versus so many designs with the magazine well fore or aft of the grip. Especially in the dark or the dust of a serious firefight.
Israeli Military Industries (IMI) manufactures "Submachinegun Ammo" this is a hotter (more gunpowder) version of 9mm Parabellum. The round has a higher velocity and a corresponding bump in damage, though strongly discouraged for use in auto pistols with the possibility of catastrophic failure.
08-09-2011, 08:22 PM
08-09-2011, 08:23 PM
Name Stoner M23 Carbine
Cal. 5.56x45mm
E-Factor 14
Wt. (Empty) 3.7kg
Eff. Range 300m
Max. Range 2600m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 40/94 rpm
Feed Device 30 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .455kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (360 rounds)
Load Wt. 5.46 kg
Total Wt. 9.16kg
Additional Comments: This is a lightweight, folding stock, carbine version of the stoner weapons system. In the system any one of several different weapons can be assembled from a single set of components.
(see Firearms Use).
Found in Load out: #11
08-09-2011, 08:39 PM
Name Stoner M22 Rifle
Cal. 5.56x45mm
E-Factor 15
Wt. (Empty) 3.7kg
Eff. Range 400m
Max. Range 2653m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 40/94 rpm
Feed Device 30 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .455kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (360 rounds)
Load Wt. 5.46 kg
Total Wt. 9.16kg
Additional Comments: The rifle version of the Stoner system has a longer barrel and a fixed stock as compared to the carbine version.
Found in Load outs: #1 and Medical Assistant.
08-09-2011, 08:45 PM
Name M16A1 (M203 Grenade Launcher described separately)
Cal. 5.56x45mm
E-Factor 15
Wt. (Empty) 3.7kg
Eff. Range 400m
Max. Range 2653m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 45/150
Feed Device 30 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .455 kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (360 rounds)
Load Wt. 5.46 kg
Total Wt. 9.16kg
Additional Comments:The standard rifle of the U. S. Army. It can be mounted with either a starlight scope or a standard telescopic sight. The rifle can also be equipped with the M203 40mm grenade launcher.
Found in Load outs: #2 with M203 attached.
08-09-2011, 08:57 PM
Name M21 Sniper rifle
Cal. 7.62x51mm
E-Factor 17
Wt. (Empty) 5.3kg
Eff. Range 1000m
Max. Range 3725m
Type of Fire Semi-automatic
Rate of Fire 40 rpm
Feed Device 20 rd magazine
Feed Device Wt. .68 kg
Basic Load 12 magazines (240 rounds)
Load Wt. 8.16kg
Total Wt. 13.46 kg
Additional Comments: This sniper rifle is built on a highly accurate version of the M14 rifle. The weapon comes equipped with a telescopic sight (Leatherman ART II) and a sionics noise suppressor (silencer). The telescopic sight can be removed and a starlight scope (AN/PVS - 4) attached for use at night.
Dismounting and remounting a scope calls for some skill and that the owner can get to a range and re-zero this rifle. It would be best if the owner of this Rifle was also the primary for the M21 kept in most project vehicles. Setting up one rifle with the passive night vision and the other with the telescopic sight. Thus having a day and night option. It would not be practical for a shooter to trying to switch back and forth with this design.
Found in Load outs:#3
08-09-2011, 09:02 PM
Name Stoner Mk23
Cal. 5.56x45 mm (linked)
E-Factor 14
Wt. (Empty) 4.5 kg
Eff. Range 700m
Max. Range 2650m
Type of Fire Full automatic
Rate of Fire 150 rpm
Feed Device 150 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 1.95 kg
Basic Load 4 belts (600 rds)
Load Wt. 7.8 kg
Total Wt. 12.3 kg
Additional Comments :A short, lightweight, belt fed machinegun version of the Stoner weapons system. Also referred to as a “Commando” machinegun.
Found in Load outs:#5
08-09-2011, 09:04 PM
Name Stoner M207
Cal. 5.56x45 mm (linked)
E-Factor 15
Wt. (Empty) 5.4 kg
Eff. Range 800m
Max. Range 2650m
Type of Fire Full automatic
Rate of Fire 150 rpm
Feed Device 150 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 1.95 kg
Basic Load 4 belts (600 rds)
Load Wt. 7.8 kg
Total Wt. 13.2 kg
Additional Comments: This is a heavier, longer range version of the Stoner system machinegun.
08-09-2011, 09:14 PM
Name M60
Cal. 7.62x51mm linked
E-Factor 17
Wt. (Empty) 10.51 kg
Eff. Range 1200m
Max. Range 3100m
Type of Fire Full automatic
Rate of Fire 200 rpm
Feed Device 100 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 2.94 kg
Basic Load 3 belts (300 rounds)
Load Wt. 8.82 kg
Total Wt. 19.33
Additional Comments: The standard issue U.S. Army machinegun. It can be mounted on a tripod or used on it's own built-in bipod. Mounted on the tripod the weapon can use the 250 round belt.
Note: The A/N PVS- 4 Starlight Scope can also me mounted on this weapon but, must also be zeroed before use. Comes with a component bag carrying one spare barrel, one asbestos mitten, cleaning kit, and take down tool.
Found in Load out: #14
08-09-2011, 09:24 PM
Standby for more pics the uploader is not accepting .GIF files.
Name MAG – 58
Cal. 7.62x51mm
E-Factor 17
Wt. (Empty) 10.85kg
Eff. Range 1200m
Max. Range 3100m
Type of Fire Full Automatic
Rate of Fire 250 rpm
Feed Device 100 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 2.94 kg
Basic Load 3 belts (300 rds)
Load Wt. 8.82kg
Total Wt. 19.67 kg
Additional Comments : A strongly built machinegun which can be either bipod or tripod mounted. The weapon is very often found mounted on vehicles that carry a 7.62mm machinegun.
The weapon is known as the M240 for the US Army and can be found as both the Coaxial machinegun and the machinegun at the loaders turret hatch on the M1 Abrams.
Found in Load out: #8
08-09-2011, 09:39 PM
Standby I have to convert this file too.
Name M85C
Cal. 12.7x99mm linked
E-Factor 30
Wt. (Empty) 30.6 kg
Eff. Range 1000m
Max. Range 6660m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 70/150 rpm
Feed Device 105 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 13.05 kg
Basic Load 3 belts (315 rounds)
Load Wt. 39.05 kg
Total Wt. 69.65kg (89 kg with tripod)
Additional Comments : A shortened lightweight .50 caliber gun designed to be mounted in vehicle turrets. The gun can be mounted on a tripod for ground use.
Found in the Commanders station on the M60 MBT.
08-09-2011, 09:45 PM
Name M2HB
Cal. 12.7x99mm linked
E-Factor 30
Wt. (Empty) 38.1 kg
Eff. Range 1300m
Max. Range 6660m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 70/150 rpm
Feed Device 105 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 13.05 kg
Basic Load 3 belts (315 rds)
Load Wt. 39.05 kg
Total Wt. 77.15 kg (96.5kg w/ tripod)
Additional Comments: This gun is designed to be fired from either a tripod or a vehicle mount. It's great weight and heavy recoil requires it to be firmly set before firing and prevents any possibility of hip firing it. The weapons size and weight requires at least a three man crew to carry the weapon and its ammunition.
08-09-2011, 10:05 PM
Name High Standard M10A
Cal. 12 Guage
E-Factor 8
Wt. (Empty) 3.6 kg
Eff. Range 90m
Max. Range 510m
Type of Fire Semiautomatic
Rate of Fire 25 rpm
Feed Device 5 rd tubular magazine
Feed Device Wt. ,4 kg
Basic Load 50 rounds
Load Wt. 4 kg
Total Wt. 7.6 kg
Additional Comments: A semi automatic shotgun action inside a nylon sheath. The weapon has a buttstock that swivels which is braced against the inside of the right arm so the weapon can be fired accurately one handed. The flashlight on top of the weapon is focused so the shot pattern hits in the center of the light beam. Where the light hits is where the shot impacts. The E-factor and ranges shown are based on magnum 00 buck.
A shotgun really shines in the jungle, dense woods, in urban combat, and in situations involving riots. Limiting the player to just Magnum 00 Buckshot severely limits the potential of what could be a very useful (in some situations) tool. There lock shattering door breachers (Shock loks), CS or OC pepper filled shells that open immediately or can be launched into a room. Solid Slugs (17mm) can drop large game or end a thug right now. Rubber pellets disperse rioters and a lead bean bag can know one down and take the fight right out without killing. Rubber slugs can get one angry fellow in a crowd out to 25m without killing him or really endanger anyone else. There are signal flares in a variety of colors. Incendiary shells like the dragons breath or shells that can be launched 75m and ignite on impact. All can be loaded in any order so as to be fired in a sequence that suits the firers pre-planned intent of use. Such as 3 shok loks (latch and two hinges) and two slugs to take down a locked door and engage the Krell thugs on the other side.
Found in Load out: #10
08-09-2011, 10:18 PM
Name Atchisson Assault Shotgun
Cal. 12 Guage
E-Factor 8
Wt. (Empty) 5.2 kg
Eff. Range 90m
Max. Range 510m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 45/90 rpm
Feed Device 20 rd drum
Feed Device Wt. 1.8 kg
Basic Load 4 drums (80 rounds)
Load Wt. 7.2 kg
Total Wt. 12.4 kg
Additional Comments : A “machine gun” firing 12 gauge shotshells of any load. Normally loaded With 00 buckshot magnum loads (12 33 cal. Pellets per shell).
Note: Feed devices are a 10 round box magazine or 20 round drum. Combination of the two with various shell types makes this an amazing tool. A 10 round box with rubber pellets, another with CS shells, and a third with bean bags can discourage people that covet the Teams equipment while Drums filled with 00 Magnum buckshot can put up the proverbial "Wall of Lead" of diplomacy fails. The fact that the shells are contained in a magazine or a drum makes the Atchisson superior to the M10A in that atleast you can switch from non-lethal to lethal ammo in the time it takes a PC to drop the magazine, eject the chambered shell, insert the drum, and chamber a live round. The M10 with an internal tube magazine with take quite a bit longer.
Found in Load out #6
08-10-2011, 06:35 PM
Name M79
Cal. 40mm
E-Factor **
Wt. (Empty) 2.72 kg
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 400m
Type of Fire Single shot
Rate of Fire 15 rpm
Feed Device Break open Manual loading
Feed Device Wt. .27 kg
Basic Load 36 rounds
Load Wt. 9.72 kg
Total Wt. 12.44 kg
Additional Comments: A “shotgun” type grenade launcher firing various 40 mm shells. It fires the grenades common to all the 40 mm launchers. It can also fire a rocket powered grapnel hook to a height of 150m (hook wt. 2,25kg)
Found in Load out: None
08-10-2011, 06:37 PM
Cal. 40mm
E-Factor **
Wt. (Empty) 1.36 kg
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 400m
Type of Fire Single shot
Rate of Fire 15 rpm
Feed Device Slide action manual loading
Feed Device Wt. .27 kg
Basic Load 36 rounds
Load Wt. 9.72 kg
Total Wt. 11.08 kg
Additional Comments: A grenade launcher designed to be mounted underneath an M16A1 rifle. When mounted on the rifle both weapons can be fired simultaneously. The launcher cannot be used unless it is mounted on the rifle.
Found in Load out:#2 attached to an M16A1
08-10-2011, 07:37 PM
Name M174E3
Cal. 40mm linked
E-Factor **
Wt. (Empty) 7.25 kg
Eff. Range 400m
Max. Range 400m
Type of Fire Selective fire
Rate of Fire 40/90 rpm
Feed Device 12 rnd drum
Feed Device Wt. 4.5 kg
Basic Load 3 drums (36 rounds)
Load Wt. 13.5 kg
Total Wt. 20.75 kg (M122 tripod wt. 6.35 kg)
Additional Comments: A machinegun grenade launcher. It may be either tripod or hand held and fired. It fires all the 40mm family of grenades except the M576E2 Multiple projectile.
Note: The M122 tripod also fits the M60, MAG-58, and Stoner Machineguns.
** Dependent on ammunition.
08-10-2011, 07:39 PM
Name HAFLA-35L
Cal. 35mm
E-Factor n/a
Wt. (Empty) .625 kg
Eff. Range 70m
Max. Range 70m
Type of Fire Single shot disposable
Rate of Fire Single
Feed Device n/a
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 3 rounds
Load Wt. 1.85 kg
Total Wt. 1.87 kg
Additional Comments: A single shot disposable “flamethrower” firing an incendiary shell. The shell burns at 1,300°C for 120 seconds.
Found in Load out: #13, 19
08-10-2011, 07:58 PM
Name M9A1-7
Cal. n/a
Wt. (Empty) 11.8 kg
Eff. Range 55m
Max. Range 55m
Type of Fire Semi automatic
Rate of Fire 5 rpm
Feed Device 4 ¼ gallon tank
Feed Device Wt. 10.9 kg
Basic Load One filling
Load Wt.
Total Wt. 22.7 kg
Additional Comments: A backpack type flamethrower with a hand-held flamegun. The flamegun can fit inside a hip holster issued with the weapon. The tank holds enough fuel for 5 four second “bursts”. Each burst burns at 1200°C for 120 seconds. The weapon can be fired with the fuel either lit or unlit. The entire tank may be fired in one long shot.
Found in Load out: #13
08-10-2011, 08:12 PM
Name M29A1
Cal. 81mm
E-Factor **
Wt. (Empty) 40.48 kg
Eff. Range 4595m
Max. Range 4595m
Type of Fire single shot
Rate of Fire 6 rpm
Feed Device single shell
Feed Device Wt. 4.23 kg
Basic Load 6 rounds
Load Wt. 25.38 kg
Total Wt. 65.86 kg
Additional Comments: A smooth bore, muzzle loading, cannon firing a fin stabilized shell. The high arc of the fired shell allows it to drop on targets hidden behind obstacles. The great weight of the weapon and it's ammunition requires three men to carry it.
08-10-2011, 08:35 PM
Name M72A2 LAW
Cal. 66mm
Wt. (Empty) n/a
Min. Range 50m
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 1000m
Burst Radius 5m
Type of Fire Single shot disposable
Rate of Fire Single
Feed Device n/a
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 1
Load Wt. 2.37 kg
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: A lightweight, disposable, rocket launcher firing a high explosive warhead. The warheads will penetrate 28 centimeters of steel. The “back blast” from the weapon prevents it from being fired from inside a room smaller than 5x5 meters.
Found in Load out: #1, 9,
08-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Wt. 6.3 kg
Min. Range 30m
Eff. Range 300m
Max. Range 1000m
Burst Radius 5m
Type of Fire Single shot disposable
Rate of Fire
Feed Device n/a
Feed Device Wt. n/a
Basic Load 2
Load Wt. 12.6 kg
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: A disposable, flashless, noiseless, recoilless gun firing a high explosive shell. The shell will penetrate 30 centimeters of steel. The “backblast' from the weapon is made up of plastic flakes and is so short the firer can stand with a wall Only 1 meter behind him.
Found in Load out: #17
08-10-2011, 08:48 PM
Name M202A1 Flame weapon
Cal. 66mm
Wt. 5.175 kg
Min. Range 20m
Eff. Range 750m
Max. Range 750m
Burst Radius 15m
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device 4 rd clip
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load (3) 4 rd clips
Load Wt. 20.25 kg
Total Wt. 25.425 kg
Additional Comments: A 4- barreled, reloadable, rocket launcher. The rocket fired is incendiary and will cover the burst radius with flame that burns For 40 seconds at 1000°C. The weapon has the same backblast as the M72A2 LAW.
Found in Load out: #15
08-10-2011, 08:53 PM
Name 2.75 in. Rocket pod M159C
Wt. 130.545 kg
Min. Range 100m
Eff. Range 3000m
Max. Range 3000m
Burst Radius 20m
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device Reloadable Multiple rocket tube
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load 19 Rockets
Load Wt. 154.755 kg
Total Wt. 285.3 kg
Additional Comments: This is a multi-tube rocket launcher firing 19 rockets. The pod is normally mounted on helicopters or large vehicles. The rockets can be fired in pairs, one per second, or in multiples of two. The pods are normally mounted in pairs totaling 38 available rockets.
08-10-2011, 09:01 PM
Name M47 Dragon
Wt. 14.6 kg
Min. Range 65m
Eff. Range 1000m
Max. Range 1000m
Burst Radius 10m
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device Disposable tube
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load 3 Missiles
Load Wt. 34.5 kg
Total Wt. 37.6 kg
Additional Comments: This is a man-portable, guided missile. The missiles carrying case is the launch tube and is disposed of after firing. When the sight is held on the target the missile automatically tracks to the target. The warhead will penetrate 58cm of steel. The target must stay in sight to be hit.
Note. This is a Medium Anti-Armor weapon with twice the armor penetration of either the LAW or the Armbrust. What weighs in heavily on its side is this is a Guided Anti Tank weapon with a telescopic and thermal viewing sight. Greater range and the ability to engage targets at night, through fog, and smoke.
Found in Load out: #4
08-10-2011, 09:09 PM
Name M151E2 TOW
Wt. 78.5 kg
Min. Range 65m
Eff. Range 3750m
Max. Range 3750m
Burst Radius 10m
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device Disposable tube
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load
Load Wt.
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: TOW stands for Tube launched, Optically sighted, Wire guided. The missile will penetrate 58cm of steel and is sighted the same as the Dragon. The guide impulses follow a wire that trails behind the missile. If the wire breaks the missile goes wild and crashes.
08-10-2011, 09:12 PM
Name FIM-92A Stinger
Wt. 13.4 kg
Min. Range 300m
Eff. Range 4800m
Max. Range 4800m
Burst Radius 20m
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device Disposable tube
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load 3 Missiles
Load Wt. 30.3 kg
Total Wt. 33.7 kg
Additional Comments: A shoulder fired, heat seeking, guided anti-aircraft missile. The missile comes complete in a launch tube which is thrown away after use. When fired at the target the missile will automatically track no matter what the aircraft does. If the target is not reached before the missile reaches maximum range the warhead will self destruct.
Found in Load out: #16
08-10-2011, 09:17 PM
Name Chaparral (Sidewinder AIM-9D)
Wt. 88.5 kg
Min. Range 300m
Eff. Range 17700m
Max. Range 17700m
Burst Radius
Type of Fire
Rate of Fire
Feed Device
Feed Device Wt.
Basic Load
Load Wt.
Total Wt.
Additional Comments: A large, heat seeking missile. This weapon is fired from a vehicular mount and will track on the strongest heat source it is aimed at. The missile has an automatic override that prevents it from tracking on a magnesium flare.
08-11-2011, 05:59 PM
Name M26A1 Fragmentation
Wt. .448 kg
Eff. Range 40m
Fuse delay 4 seconds
Burst radius 15m
Basic load 4
Load wt. 1.792 kg
Packaging 30 per case
Package wt. 23.4 kg
Effects: The standard issue fragmentation grenade. Containing 156 grams of explosive the grenade explodes into approximately 400 fragments (E-factor = 4) over the burst radius.
When the pin is removed, Mr. Grenade is no longer your friend.
08-11-2011, 06:02 PM
Name M34 White Phosphorous
Wt. 756 Kg
Eff. Range 30M
Fuse delay 4 seconds
Burst radius 35m
Basic load 4
Load wt. 3.024 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 18.9 kg
Effects: This grenade contains white phosphorous as its filler. When the grenade explodes it throws fragments of phosphorous throughout the burst radius. The fragments, which burn at 2700°C for 60 seconds, will ignite any flammable substance they contact. The grenade also creates a large cloud of dense white smoke while burning.
08-11-2011, 06:18 PM
Name AN-M8 HC Smoke
Wt. .672 KG
Eff. Range 30M
Fuse delay 2 seconds
Burst radius none
Basic load 2 seconds
Load wt. 1.344 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 18.45 kg
Effects: This is a burning type grenade that produces a dense cloud of white smoke during its burning time of 120 seconds. While burning the grenade canister reaches a temperature of 1200°C.
This smoke grenade is used to provide concealment.
Used to screen personnel from sight that may otherwise be engaged by a hostile force. Normally thrown out as far as possible to place the smoke screen between the enemy and friendly forces and so that no one has to remain in the smoke and be incapacitated. The hexachloroethane (HC) is dangerous if someone remains in a confined space such as a building, bunker, or fighting position with the smoke. The smoke will block from view any target on the other side from view by the eyeball, telescopic sight, passive night vision, and active infrared. This style of smoke is not a hindrance to thermal weapon sights as heat sources will still radiate through it.
If enemy forces in the area are known to be using thermal weapon sights, friendly forces would use White Phosphorous (WP) grenades, shells, rockets, and bombs to generate smoke screens as the intense heat of the white phosphorous will make the smoke opaque to those still sights as well.
08-11-2011, 06:25 PM
Name AN-M14, TH3 Thermite
Wt. .896 kg
Eff. Range 25m
Fuse delay 2 seconds
Burst radius none
Basic load 2
Load wt. 1.792 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 21.15 kg
Effects:The extreme heat (2200°C) of this grenade will destroy any equipment it is placed on, and will ignite any flammable material within 2 meters. The grenade will burn its way through 15mm of armor steel and will burn underwater. The grenade burns for 40 seconds.
08-11-2011, 06:27 PM
Name Mk3A2, Explosive
Wt. .437 kg
Eff. Range 40m
Fuse delay:4 seconds
Burst radius 2m
Basic load 2
Load wt. .874 kg
Packaging 20 per case
Package wt. 20.295 kg
Effects: This is a prepackaged demolition charge of .226 kg of TNT. The grenades fiberboard casing causes no fragmentation.
08-11-2011, 06:31 PM
Name Mk 1, Illuminating
Wt. .28 kg
Eff. Range 40m
Fuse delay 7 seconds
Burst radius none
Basic load 4
Load wt. 1.12 kg
Packaging 25 per case
Package wt. 22.95 kg
Effects:This is a hand thrown flare. The grenade illuminates a 200m diameter area with 55,000 candle power for 25 seconds.
08-11-2011, 06:35 PM
Name M6, CN-DM Gas
Wt. .476 kg
Eff. Range 35m
Fuse delay 2 seconds
Burst radius None
Basic load 2 seconds
Load wt. .952 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 15.75 kg
Effects: This grenade acts the same as the AN-M8, but the smoke cloud consists of a mixture of tear and vomit gases. The DM gas causes immediate heavy vomiting. The effects last for up to one hour after exposure. The grenade burns for 60 seconds.
08-11-2011, 06:40 PM
Name M7A3 CS gas
Wt. .434 kg
Eff. Range 40 M
Fuse delay 2 seconds
Burst radius None
Basic load 2
Load wt. .868 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 13.5 kg
Effects: This grenade creates a dense cloud of CS tear gas. The gas causes pain in the skin, eyes, throat, and lungs; as well as difficulty in seeing. The effects of the gas disappear 15 minutes after exposure. The grenade burns for 60 seconds.
08-11-2011, 06:44 PM
No photo as yet. Have to photo shop the M7 into an M9.
Name M9A1, BZ Gas
Wt. .450 kg
Eff. Range 40m
Fuse delay 2 seconds
Burst radius None
Basic load 2
Load wt. .9 kg
Packaging 16 per case
Package wt. 14.2 kg
Effects This is a burning type grenade. Upon ignition it releases a cloud of BZ gas and burns for 60 seconds. The gas causes a temporary slowing of physical and mental activity, disorientation, and hallucinations. The effects last for up to 6 hours. Note: For this grenade, if you unscrew the fuse and hold it up to someone's face, they receive the full effects of the gas without firing the grenade.
08-11-2011, 06:46 PM
Name M25 Anti Personnel
Wt. .077 kg
Burst Radius .156m
Basic Load
Load Wt.
Packaging 150 per case
Package Wt. 18.5 kg
Effects: This small blast mine is directional and designed to puncture a tire or wound a foot (E-factor = 6). It is emplaced by simply pressing it into the ground.
In May 1996 Then President W. Clinton signed an Order banning use of non-self destructing anti-personnel landmines. Soldiers after that time do not receive any training except on the M18A1 Claymore (command detonated only) and anti-tank mines. The United States is not a Signatory of the Ottawa treaty, reserving the Right to again use APLs if deemed necessary to protect Service Members. This is by Executive Order only and not signed into Law.
08-11-2011, 07:06 PM
Name M16A1, Antipersonnel
Wt. 3.6 kg
Burst Radius 30m
Basic Load
Load Wt.
Packaging 4 per case
Package Wt. 20.25 kg
Effects: This mine when fired throws a shell 1 meter into the air. When the shell explodes it hurls steel balls (E-factor = 4) over a 30 meter radius circle. The mine will fire from pressure or it may use two 10 meter tripwires.
08-11-2011, 07:17 PM
Name M18A1 Claymore
Wt. 1.6 kg
Burst Radius 16m (100x50m fan)
Basic Load 1
Load Wt. 1.6 kg
Packaging 1 per bandoleer, 6 bdlrs per case
Package Wt. 23.85 kg
Effects: This mine acts as a giant shotgun shell. The mines blast sends fragmentation (E-factor = 4) out in a cone 100m long and 50 meters wide by 2 meters high at its end. The mine is issued in a bandoleer with an M57 electrical firing device and an M4 blasting cap with 30 meters of firing wire.
08-11-2011, 07:31 PM
Name M19 Anti-Tank
Wt. 12.6 kg
Burst Radius 48m
Basic Load
Load Wt.
Packaging 2 per case
Package Wt. 36 kg
Effects: A non-metallic blast mine made entirely of plastic. The mine is designed to destroy armored vehicles, but may also be used as a packaged demolition charge. The explosive charge is equal to 8.815 kg C4 explosive.
08-11-2011, 07:58 PM
Name M112, C4 Demolition block
Wt. .563 kg
Burst radius 6.75m
Basic load 4
Load wt. 2.252 kg
Packaging 30 per case
Package wt. 21.6 kg
Effects: A packaged block of C4 plastic explosive. The block has an adhesive on one side that will stick to any dry surface. One block will blast a 30 cm square through a 10mm thick steel or a .6m diameter hole through a 10 cm thick rock or a concrete wall. The explosive can be detonated by a primercord, blasting cap, or another explosion.
08-11-2011, 08:24 PM
Name M183 Demolition Charge
Wt. 10.5 kg
Burst radius 108m
Basic load 1
Load wt. 10.5 kg
Packaging 2 per case
Package wt. 25.65 kg
Effects: A satchel charge containing 16, M112 demolition blocks and 4 M15 priming assemblies. The priming assemblies are 2 meters of primercord with a blasting cap at each end. The charge will blast a 2 meter square hole through 1 meter of concrete or rock. It will also blast a .6 meter hole through 7.6 cm of steel.
Found in Load out:#7
08-11-2011, 08:34 PM
Name Primercord
Wt. .5 kg per 152m
Burst radius .5m
Basic load 152m roll
Load wt. 5 kg
Packaging 8, 152m rolls per case
Package wt. 56.65 kg
Effects: A flexible cord with a center core of high explosive. It can be used for connecting explosive charges so they can detonate simultaneously. The cord will detonate explosives and can itself be used as an explosive charge. Gunfire will detonate primercord. The cord detonates at 24,000 feet per second.
08-11-2011, 09:15 PM
Name M2A1 Detonator
Wt. .050 kg
Fuse Delay 8 seconds
Basic load 5
Load wt. .250 kg
Packaging 200 per case
Package wt. 27.9 kg
Effects: This is a combination igniter / fuse / detonator assembly. With the detonator embedded in the explosive being used and the T-ring pulled, the fuse is ignited and 8 seconds later that explosive is set off.
08-11-2011, 09:25 PM
Name M1 Timer/Detonator
Wt. .3 kg
Fuse Delay 10 seconds to 48 hours
Basic load 2
Load wt. .6 kg
Packaging 150 per case
Package wt. 26 kg
Effects: An adjustable mechanical detonator. The time delay can be set from 10 to 60 seconds and from 1 minute to 10 minutes in 1 minute intervals, and from 1 hour To 48 hours in 10 minute intervals. The detonator will set off any explosive charge.
08-11-2011, 09:27 PM
Name M700 time fuse
Wt. .45 kg per 15m
Fuse Delay 1 second per cm
Basic load 15m
Load wt. .45 kg
Packaging 80, 15m coils per case
Package wt. 29 kg
Effects: This is a waterproof, plastic covered fuse used to time explosive charges. A 15 meter coil burns for 25 minutes. To detonate explosives a blasting cap must be crimped on one end.
08-11-2011, 09:33 PM
Name M7 Blasting cap
Wt. .004 kg
Burst Radius .25m
Basic load 20
Load wt. .08 kg
Packaging 3,600 per case
Package wt. 51.5 kg
Effects: This cap will detonate explosives or a primercord. It requires a fuse inserted into the cap for ignition.
08-11-2011, 09:49 PM
Name M60 fuse igniter
Wt. 0.069
Fuse Delay
Basic load 20
Load wt. 1.38 kg
Packaging 300 per case
Package wt. 25.2 kg
Effects: With this igniter a fuse may be lit underwater. To use the igniter a fuse is placed in the base, the safety pin removed and the igniter ring pulled.
08-12-2011, 06:23 PM
Name M381 High Explosive
Wt. .226 kg
Min. Range 30m
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 400m
Burst Radius 5m
Packaging 6 rounds per bandoleer, 72 rounds per case
Package Wt. 26.308 kg
Additional Comments: A high explosive grenade for use against personnel. The round explodes into fragments (E = 4) on contact. The round will not penetrate a hard surface as the contact set it off.
08-12-2011, 06:24 PM
Name M433 High Explosive Dual Purpose
Wt. .226 kg
Min. Range 30m
Eff. Range 350m
Max. Range 400m
Burst Radius 5m
E-Factor 120
Packaging 6 rounds per bandoleer, 72 rounds per case
Package Wt. 26.308 kg
Additional Comments: A combination round with fragmentation combined with an anti armor capability. The round explodes on contact sending fragments (E=4) through the burst radius. The main force of the explosion is focused forward where it will penetrate 5 centimeters of steel.
08-12-2011, 06:26 PM
Name M651 CS Gas
Wt. .308 kg
Min. Range 30m
Eff. Range 200m
Max. Range 400m
Burst Radius 2.5x4.5x2m
E-Factor 2
Packaging 24 rounds per case
Package Wt. 11.793 kg
Additional Comments: A burning type CS grenade. The round, on impact, starts burning and fills the burst radius with a cloud of CS gas. The round burns for 30 seconds and will penetrate a hard surface (i.e. 1 cm pine or a normal window) before functioning. See M7A3 CS grenade for the effects of the gas.
08-12-2011, 06:27 PM
Name M576E2 Multiple Projectile
Wt. .226 kg
Min. Range 0M
Eff. Range 35m
Max. Range 50m
E-Factor 4
Burst Radius
Packaging 12 rounds per bandoleer, 144 rounds per case.
Package Wt. 42.58 kg
Additional Comments. This is a 40mm shotgun shell. The round contains 20 pellets of 00 buckshot. The round has a very short range and will function in all the 40mm grenade launchers except the M174E3.
08-12-2011, 06:28 PM
Name M583 White Parachute Flare
Wt. .226 kg
Min. Range n/a
Eff. Range 200m
Max. Range 200m
Burst Radius 100m
Packaging 44 rounds per case
Package Wt. 20.819 kg
Additional Comments: This is a parachute flare used to illuminate an area. The round is fired into the air and when it reaches it's maximum altitude (170m) it ejects a magnesium flare on a parachute. The flare burns for 40 seconds illuminating a circle 400m across with 45,000 candlepower.
08-12-2011, 06:29 PM
Name M585 (white) M663 (Green) M664 (Red) Star shells
Wt. .226 kg
Min. Range 200m
Eff. Range 200m
Max. Range 200m
Burst Radius
Packaging 44 rounds per case
Package Wt. 20.189 kg
Additional Comments: These are respectively white, green, and red signal flares. When fired the shells burst at approximately 170 meters altitude and release 5 illuminating stars which burn for 7 to 11 seconds. The shells are used for signaling and are bright enough for use during the day as well as at night.
08-12-2011, 06:30 PM
Name Stun bag
Wt. .226KG
Min. Range 0m
Eff. Range 50m
Max. Range 70m
E-Factor 0
Packaging 44 rounds per case
Package Wt. 20.189 kg
Additional Comments: This round, when fired, opens into a 15 centimeter cloth bag filled with fine lead shot. The bag will not penetrate armor, but is designed to knock down or knock out personnel without doing permanent harm (the bag does 1d6 damage, ignoring the death % in medical tables.
08-12-2011, 06:33 PM
Name M374A2 High Explosive
Wt. 4.23 kg
Min. Range 72mm
Eff. Range 4595m
Max. Range 4595m
E-Factor 6
Burst Radius 34m
Packaging 3 rounds per case
Package Wt. 23.13 kg
Additional Comments: A high explosive round that is used against unarmored targets and personnel. The round, on impact, explodes into fragments (E=6) throughout the burst radius. The explosive will blast through .8 meters of concrete or 1.1 meters of rock.
08-12-2011, 06:35 PM
Name M375A4 White Phosphorous
Wt. 4.23 kg
Min. Range 72mm
Eff. Range 4737m
Max. Range 4737m
Burst Radius 20m
Packaging 3 rounds per case
Package Wt. 23.13 kg
Additional Comments: This is used for smoke, antipersonnel, and incendiary uses. It contains white phosphorous which will burn at 2700°C for 120 seconds in particles spread throughout the burst radius. The explosion and burning of the shell creates a very dense cloud of white smoke.
08-12-2011, 06:36 PM
Name M301A3 Illuminating
Wt. 4.89 kg
Min. Range 100m
Eff. Range 3150m
Max. Range 3150m
Burst Radius 1200m
Packaging 3 rounds per case
Package Wt. 24.94 kg
Additional Comments: Also known as a star shell, this round on functioning, ejects a white magnesium flare on a parachute. The flare illuminates a 1200 meter area with 500,000 candlepower for 75 seconds. The fuse on the round is adjustable for what altitude the round will function at. The round can also be set to function on impact in which case the magnesium will burn at 1980°C igniting any flammable material it contacts.
08-12-2011, 06:39 PM
Name M1 High Explosive Rocket
Wt. 8.145 kg
Min. Range 100m
Eff. Range 3000m
Max. Range 3000m
Burst Radius 20m
Packaging 3 per case
Package Wt. 46.72 kg
Additional Comments: A long slender rocket fired from the M159C rocket pod. The rocket has four fins which unfold to guide it after it is fired. The rocket acts as an artillery shell against ground targets. The high explosive warhead will blast through 35 centimeters of steel or 1.4 meters of concrete.
08-12-2011, 07:06 PM
Name RH 202
Cal. 20mm
E-Factor 57
Wt. (Empty) 81.5kg
Eff. Range 2000m
Max. Range 7000m
Type of Fire Selective Fire
Rate of Fire 70 / 100 rpm
Feed Device 100 rd belt
Feed Device Wt. 41.7kg
Basic Load n/a
Load Wt. n/a
Total Wt. 157.55 kg
Additional Comments: A "machine cannon" mounted in vehicle turrets. It can fire either high-explosive, armor piercing, or incendiary ammunition at the switch of a lever. The E factor is for the armor piercing ammunition.
This is a dual feed design. This means that the weapon has two individual belts of ammunition that feed directly into the breech. The gunner must select either the left or right belt and empty casings are ejected out the bottom. Normal would be one belt of AP ammuniton for use against enemy
armored vehicles and HE ammunition for use against building soft skinned vehicle, and earthworks.
In use with other Nations Navies it is known as the MK 20 in Naval configuration.
08-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Name M56A1 High Explosive Incendiary
Wt. .254 kg
Min. Range 11m
Eff. Range 2000m
Max. Range 7000m
Burst Radius 1m
E-Factor 57
Packaging 100 round belt per case
Package Wt. 41.7kg
Additional Comments: This cartridge is used where a high explosive effect combined with an incendiary effect is most useful. This would be against vehicles, personnel, buildings, and aircraft. If the round impacts on a fuel container it will ignite the contents. In a combat loaded belt there are two HE-I rounds for every three AP-I rounds.
08-12-2011, 07:28 PM
Name T221E3 Armor Piercing Incendiary
Wt. .254 kg
Min. Range 11m
Eff. Range 2000m
Max. Range 7000m
Burst Radius
E-Factor 63
Packaging 1, 100 round belt per case
Package Wt. 41.7 kg
Additional Comments: An armor piercing round with an incendiary element for use against armored targets. The round contains no explosive, but will ignite any combustible material it strikes. In a five round burst there would be fired first three of these AP-I rounds followed by two HE-I rounds.
08-12-2011, 07:39 PM
Name HAAM Laser Mk1
Type 10m Laser
Wt. 5 kg
Eff. Range 30m
E-Factor 15 per second
Power output 40 Kw
Additional Comments: A specialized laser mounted in the left wrist of a HAAM suit. The laser may be tuned for either cutting or welding materials. The laser's power source is the suits reactor and it may not be used off the suit. The beam comes from a folded CO2 laser tube, is infrared, and penetrates 10mm of steel a second.
08-12-2011, 07:41 PM
Name Manpack Laser Mk2
Type 50m Laser
Wt. 10 kg
Eff. Range 100m
E-Factor 120 per second
Power output 200 Kw
Additional Comments: The output of this laser is set and cannot be tuned. The laser requires a fusion pack as a power source and, with the pack, may be carried by one man. The laser's beam, as with all the projects lasers, may be fired for a maximum of three seconds at a time. If a burst exceeds 3 seconds, the laser overheats and shuts down for 20 minutes then resets. There is a selector switch on all the lasers for one second beams or continuous fire. The beam from this laser penetrates 5 centimeters of a steel a second.
08-12-2011, 07:42 PM
Name Mounted Laser Mk3
Type 200m Laser
Wt. 30 kg
Eff. Range 500m
E-Factor 700 per second
Power output 800 Kw
Additional Comments: A vehicle or tripod mounted laser. The output of this laser may be tuned for cutting or welding. The beam focuses automatically as do the beams on all lasers. The laser may be connected to the reactor by a 50m cable when it is tripod mounted. When mounted on a vehicle it taps directly into the vehicle's reactor. This laser's beam penetrates 20 centimeters of steel a second.
08-12-2011, 08:05 PM
9x19mm Ball
72 rounds per carton, 20 cartons to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden crate
2880 cartridges per case Case wt. 52.16 kg
.357 Magnum Ball
50 rounds to a carton, 50 cartons to a metal lined wooden box.
2500 cartridges Case wt. 41.73 Kg
.44 Magnum Ball
50 rounds to a carton, 12 cartons to a metal can, 2 cans to a wooden case.
1200 cartridges per case Case wt. 43.09
5.56 x 45mm Ball
20 rounds to a carton, 41 cartons to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden case.
1640 cartridges per case Case wt. 31.29 kg
5.56 x 45mm Tracer
20 rounds to a carton, 41 cartons to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden case.
1640 cartridges per case Case wt. 31.29 kg
5.56 x 45mm Linked
150 rounds to a bandoleer, 4 bandoleers to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden case.
1200 cartridges per case Case wt. 31.29 kg
7.62x51mm Ball
20 rounds to a carton, 23 cartons to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden case.
920 cartridges per case Case wt. 31.29 kg
7.62x51mm Tracer
20 rounds to a carton, 23 cartons to a metal box, 2 boxes to a wooden case.
920 cartridges per case Case wt. 31.29 kg
7.62x51mm Linked
100 rounds to bandoleer, 2 bandoleers to a metal box, 4 boxes to a wooden case.
800 cartridges per case Case wt. 34.92 kg
12.97x99mm Linked
105 rounds per metal box, 2 boxes per wooden case.
210 cartridges per case. Case wt. 37.64 kg
20mm linked
100 rounds per metal box
100 cartridges per case Case wt. 43.09 kg
12 Gauge Magnum 00 Buckshot
25 rounds to a carton, 20 cartons to a wooden case.
500 cartridges per case Case wt. 39.91 kg
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