View Full Version : PCs I haven't made

08-23-2011, 10:25 AM
I'm plotting to run a convention adventure or two. One of the ideas would be v1 rules, starting from Krakow. The rescue of the USAF pilot from the nearby town was the first one that jumped out at me. I started sketching this, but I bogged down, so I'd like some help.

Chargen in 1st edition is OK for one PC, but with lots of pre-generated PCs, it gets boring for me. I run out of ideas pretty quickly, and the skill sets all end up looking the same. (2nd ed. style is a lot more inspiring for me.)

Would anyone care to throw me some character ideas? Preferably with the skills included; I don't want them all to look the same. Please include some background, personality and gear, but you don't need to go nuts on those. Remember that other people will be picking these characters up and will have them for only a few hours.

Assume standard v.1 timeline, this could be your standard group of 5th Division survivors who have made it to Krakow, or whomever Col. Stark has been able to recruit for this mission. I figure on making up 10-12, but limiting the table to about 2/3 of that, so that players can have choices.

08-23-2011, 11:06 AM
I am interested in being a player in a game. I might be able to get permission to use a Team Speak3 server for the gaming community that I play MMORPGs with, but have not asked yet.

For the most part my schedule is pretty flexible but would prefer consistent game times. I dont like the concept of Play by Post either.

I have all three rule books in PDF format and willing to share. If you would like more info about me let me know.

08-23-2011, 07:46 PM
I'm sorry to shut you down, but I'm not looking for an online or PbP, either. I am looking to run at a convention or three in the near future, and am shopping for characters.

08-24-2011, 05:04 AM
I think my best games were when the whole team was composed of REMF - a pay clerk, a cook, a message runner, a stable hand and of course led by an ROTC cadet who happened to be the General's stepson (which the General hated!) During the escape because no one was fully qualified to operate the LAV they actually ran over a latrine and blew up the mayor's car when the LT hit the wrong switch.