View Full Version : I apologize if someone already has the M60-2000/S120 already posted...

11-02-2011, 11:27 PM
...but I thought I'd use this to "show off" the Silhouette Vehicle System just a tad.

Notes on stats will be included.

The M60-2000, also known as the M120, was the result of defense budgetary compromise in the mid-1990s prior to the beginnings of the Twilight War. The tank basically consisted of a vastly improved M1 turret, now sporting a license-built copy of the Rheinmetall 120mm main gun (designated M256 in the US and built by GDLS at the Lima Tank Production Facility in Lima, Ohio), all-around improved electronics and sighting equipment, and an improved diesel turbine powerplant. The M1 turret, with all its included systems, gave the M120 the ability to survive direct hits that would have easily destroyed or disabled the M60A3 (even reactive-armor equipped versions). Offensively, the "Hunter/Killer" sight coupled to the commander's CITV system gave the M120 the same basic first look/kill capability of the M1.

Initially, the M120 was conceived as a stopgap measure for National Guard armored units, but as tensions increased throughout the mid 1990s, production of the M1, M1A1, M1A2 and M1E1 Abrams series could not easily match demand. Thus the parallel development of the "improved" M60 in the form of the M120 was given the go-ahead.

Deployment History:

As noted, National Guard units benefited initially from the procurement of the M60-2000/M120, but as the political situation in China and then in Europe began to deteriorate, these units found themselves once again armed with M60A3s, with the M120 being deployed to the 1st, the 5th and other armored divisions in Central Europe. Coincidentally, Abrams production had "caught up" with demand, and the M120 was regarded as a less urgent project after the construction and deployment of some 400 units.

Israel and Saudi Arabia both showed interest in the vastly rebuilt "Patton"; Israel purchased two sample units, but opted instead for Merkava Mk.III production; Saudi Arabia asked for and received 40 for "evaluation purposes" - these were mostly held in reserve storage with a few units put through their paces, and it was (partially) the presence of these tanks that enabled the US forces deployed to the mideast during the chaos of the Twilight War to fight alongside the Saudi forces and carry the day in many battles. Although few (perhaps 15) were operational by late 2000, a careful process of parts-swapping and maintenance allowed the M120 to remain a potent weapon.

South Korea showed some interest but by 1995 was fully invested in the K1A1. Three companies were slated to be deployed to Korea in 1997 to upgrade/replace standing M60A3s, but clearly these plans never came to fruition, and the tanks remained stateside.

Although 25% slower than the Abrams, the M120 acquitted itself well in combat and was as equally feared and respected by the Soviets as its younger kin. Indeed, some post-combat reports from early in the war indicated that even high-ranking Soviet and Warsaw Pact officers were unable to distinguish between the two vehicles in terms of performance and shock/offensive capabilities when matched against their own troops and armor.


Now, stats. Explanations/notes are bold.

Vehicle Specifications------------------
Name: M120/M60-2000
Vehicle Type: Tank
Production Type: Limited Production With only 400 produced before the war, it didn't rate the Mass Production bonus which would have made it cheaper
Cost: 4,341,750.00 Under Construction (the building program for the Sil. System) assumes a base monetary unit of $1 so this is not far off
Manufacturer: GDLS
Use: Assault
Height: 2.89 meters
Length: 9.55 meters
Width: 3.77 meters
Avg. Armor Thickness: 900mm RHA Equiv.
Armor Material: Cobham/Steel
Standard Op. Weight: 56.52 kg
Primary Move Mode: Ground (53 kph)
Secondary Move Mode: ( kph)
Deployment Range: 443 km
Sensor Range: 3 km
Communication Range: 0 km Oops, I forgot to put a radio in!
Powerplant: Diesel
Engine Output: 1200hp
All these stats pulled from various web-sources and are accurate.

General Stats----------------------------
Threat Value: 2,481
Offensive Value: 6,627
Defensive Value: 579
Miscellaneous Value: 235
These values are based on armor and firepower, plus miscellaneous abilities like sensors, etc.

Size: 16

Again, an internal calculation based on the equipment, speed, and armor I put in - and pretty damn accurate, too, as "Size 16" is per the rulebook a 10-meter long vehicle

Original Default Size: 14
Indv. Lemon Dice: 2

"Lemon Dice" are minor construction defects that won't have a huge in-game impact but include annoyances like "air conditioning dies at just the wrong time" or "radio craps out 50% of the time in adverse weather", that sort of thing. There are "model defect" dice which would cover even worse problems like for example the M998 Sgt. York's inability to shoot anything down. Fortunately we didn't get any such rolls when building this vehicle

Crew: 4
Bonus Actions: 2

The larger the crew of a vehicle, the more that can be done - those of you who were "in" can imagine the difficulty of trying to fight a tank alone, or even "just" down a single crewman. So having more than one action a round is very important in Silhouette combat - here, the vehicle can move and fire two weapons without taking any in-game penalties per round

Primary Move Mode: Ground
Combat Speed: 5 (In Hexes)
Top Speed: 9 (In Hexes)
Secondary Move Mode: were this a futuristic vehicle we might give it jump or hover jets, a boat mode, etc.
Combat Speed: these are for aircraft
Top Speed:
Maneuver: 0

Sensors: 0
Communications: 0
Fire Control: 0

In Silhouette, a "0" is actually average; I had to fight the temptation to make this a supertank, but as MBTs go the M1 and M60-2000 are great, but not otherworldly.

Light Damage: 24
Heavy Damage: 48
Overkill: 72

As I mentioned in another post, the Base Armor Rating is the square root of the real thing's average armor thickness (don't worry, you don't have to do a bunch of math for the tabletop game, the app does it all). The first score represents a light hit (a lucky shot from an RPG-7 at the glacis, perhaps), while a Heavy Damage is 2x base, and Overkill (rear shot from a T90's main gun), is over 3x the base armor.

Vehicle Availability---------------------
Availability Threshhold: 0
Max Number on Field:

Again, zero is average; Max # on the field is a bit more esoteric and kind of up to the GM

Qty Name Code Arc ACC Damage Range ROF Ammo Special
1 Very Heavy Field Gun VHFG T 0 x33 10 /20 /40 /80 40 IF, Snpr

Here, the M256 packs an incredible x33 damage - even a "light" hit from the gun would totally destroy a BMP-1 with it's Base Armor of 9 or so. Range is in hexes, ROF=Rate of Fire. "IF"= Indirect Fire and "Snpr" = Sniper - a zoomed, precision scope system mated to the gun to give it extra punch at long range - the vaunted Hunter/Killer sight on the M1.

1 Light Machine Gun LMG T 0 x3 1 /2 /4 /8 +4 1000 AI
1 Light Machine Gun LMG T 0 x3 1 /2 /4 /8 +4 1000 AI
1 Heavy Machine Gun HMG T 0 x4 1 /2 /4 /8 +3 1000 AI

The Loader's and Coax guns, and the Commander's .50

Name Rating Game Effects AUX
Ammo/Fuel Containment -2 from hit rolls for Ammo/Fuel Hit

Blowout panels; the -2 mitigates the chance of a catastrophic explosion roll on the critical hit chart

HEAT Resistant Armor 1 Add to base armor vs HEAT weapons

The Cobham plating represented here

Reinforced Armor 1 T Arc; add to base armor

The Turret, being from the Abrams, is stronger than the standard M60

Smoke Launcher 2 shots AUX
Sniper System +1 to long and Extreme rolls for VHFG

As above; this just explains it in crunchy terms


Name Rating Game Effects

Name Rating Game Effects

There are no variants.

Designer Notes---------------------------

Hope you all liked!