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Ed the Coastie
11-04-2008, 10:01 PM
Oh, I have Vehicle Builder and I'm not afraid to use it ;)
I've been thinking of investing in that myself. And I love the miniatures idea...I plan on using assorted Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard figures.

11-04-2008, 11:13 PM
I've been thinking of investing in that myself. And I love the miniatures idea...I plan on using assorted Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard figures.

Wow. :) This is exactly what I use for my Gurps firefights. Just curious, what 40k IG army do you have? :) I'm an IG fan and still have oodles of figs from my 40k days. I've been impressing them into RPG use these days....

11-05-2008, 12:31 AM
I've been thinking of investing in that myself. And I love the miniatures idea...I plan on using assorted Warhammer 40k Imperial Guard figures.

Mmmm... I have Warhammer 40K figures, but I think they are too big to use it in Twilight:2000. 20mm figures (1/72) would be better (and cheaper). Anyway, here you have a link that can be interesting:


For the moment I've used only the top-down soldiers and vehicles, printed in carboard:


Once download, you can edit the files if needed, changing the scale to fit your need.

11-05-2008, 02:11 AM
Mmmm... I have Warhammer 40K figures, but I think they are too big to use it in Twilight:2000. 20mm figures (1/72) would be better (and cheaper). Anyway, here you have a link that can be interesting:


For the moment I've used only the top-down soldiers and vehicles, printed in carboard:


Once download, you can edit the files if needed, changing the scale to fit your need.

thanks! I'll go check these out.

Ed the Coastie
11-06-2008, 12:48 AM
Wow. :) This is exactly what I use for my Gurps firefights. Just curious, what 40k IG army do you have? :) I'm an IG fan and still have oodles of figs from my 40k days. I've been impressing them into RPG use these days....
Most of my 23rd Tunguskan Guards Rifle Regiment are Valhallans, although I have a handful of assorted other figures (Catachans, Caidians, Attilan Roughriders and even some Squats with Praetorian NCOs) that represent smaller units that have become attached/absorbed by the regiment.

I use them primarily because I have them available and they would otherwise be collecting dust...I have not had the opportunity to play 40k for a few years now.

11-06-2008, 02:47 AM
Mmmmm... My Cadians are collecting dust, too. A common fact when nobody around you share the same interest in modelling. :o

11-06-2008, 04:40 AM
I was just pricing the new 40K RPG and first two supplements today. Wouldn't mine running a campaign of that.

11-06-2008, 06:56 PM
Most of my 23rd Tunguskan Guards Rifle Regiment are Valhallans, although I have a handful of assorted other figures (Catachans, Caidians, Attilan Roughriders and even some Squats with Praetorian NCOs) that represent smaller units that have become attached/absorbed by the regiment.

I use them primarily because I have them available and they would otherwise be collecting dust...I have not had the opportunity to play 40k for a few years now.

Wow, ed. Looks like we IG players tend to collect the different 'nationalities' of the IG and field them in a 'multi-national' battegroup.

I also have oodles of metal catachans (I got into 40k in late 1998 and was most active in 2000-2002). I also have metal mordians (these were the IG figure sets they had in abundance in the store I frequented so for a time they were the backbone of my army). I have one squad of metal Valhallans like yours which love for their quasi-soviet look.

Later when the plastic 20 piece cadians came out, I went apeshit and embarked on my last buying spree. Many are still in the figures case waiting to be finished painting.

Speaking of your Tunguskan Guards Rifle Regiment, I think GW came up with more russophile type figures sometime ago (Vostoyans?). I saw a few but I think they are only in metal and not cheap (well, 40k isn't cheap as a whole).

Squats. :-) Now I miss those guys. Never got to use them as when I came in, the rules already were in the 3rd ed and the squats got the axe. nonetheless, they are so cool....

I ran a gurps 40k game once and we had squats in the adventuring party.... :-)

11-06-2008, 06:58 PM
Mmmmm... My Cadians are collecting dust, too. A common fact when nobody around you share the same interest in modelling. :o

True.... one downside in ageing is you sometimes have more cash for your hobbies but precious little time to really enjoy them. and like-minded friends are getting more and more difficult to find as the years roll on....

11-06-2008, 07:01 PM
I was just pricing the new 40K RPG and first two supplements today. Wouldn't mine running a campaign of that.

Targan, is this the one by Black Library? I hear it's pretty gritty.... hence, nice. :)

11-06-2008, 07:04 PM
Seeing that many of us have IG armies, I'm just curious: which one, amongst all of the minis is your favorite?

I'm pretty old-school so I adore the old pewter figures. In particular, I love the commissars.... they look mean and nasty.

I have one sitting on my office table. Never fails to get the attention of clients who come in. In a way, the commissar tends to boost my morale. :) On bad days, I imagine myself being hectored on by the commissar... work or else....;)