View Full Version : Encounter Group #11 Inquisitors

12-18-2011, 02:31 PM
Name: Inquisitors
Geographical Location: 6-11
H&M Average:2
H&M Range 0-3
Number found : 20-40
Tech Level: D
Power / Resources : Some combustion and steam engines.
Weapons: Blunt and edged weapons favored, some firearms.
Special Attributes: Teach torture as a fine art.

Description: Self styled do-gooders out to purge mankind of his sins, using the Spanish Inquisition as a role model.They will kill and torture for the fun of it in the name of their god. Some regional churches and one main one.

An encounter group begging for a back story. With a role model such as they have they must be based on Catholicism, however how true are they? Is it real or just trappings? Actual Latin Mass or nonsense words and gestures?

How powerful are they? Does the Mother Church of this group rule or suffers to be ruled in their home? What do they control? What kind of resources can they pull together? Who are the Infidels they pursue? What is their crusade against?

12-21-2011, 05:47 PM
Name: Inquisitors
Geographical Location: 6-11
H&M Average:2
H&M Range 0-3
Number found : 20-40
Tech Level: D
Power / Resources : Some combustion and steam engines.
Weapons: Blunt and edged weapons favored, some firearms.
Special Attributes: Teach torture as a fine art.

Description: Self styled do-gooders out to purge mankind of his sins, using the Spanish Inquisition as a role model.They will kill and torture for the fun of it in the name of their god. Some regional churches and one main one.

An encounter group begging for a back story. With a role model such as they have they must be based on Catholicism, however how true are they? Is it real or just trappings? Actual Latin Mass or nonsense words and gestures?

How powerful are they? Does the Mother Church of this group rule or suffers to be ruled in their home? What do they control? What kind of resources can they pull together? Who are the Infidels they pursue? What is their crusade against?

The local "priests" in the "Lucifer" module come very close to this type of villian. I see this as a "Jim Jones" type of scenario. A charasmatice leader who happens upon a unique set of circumstances that allow him/her to insert him/her self into a community and take it over. As time goes on, the mythos of the local "leader" becomes "gospel". the locals in Lucifer had been oppressed since the Big Bang. That is 150 years of successfull propaganda backed up by the absolute use of force in any and all circumstances that would keep any "trouble makers" in line....or dead...or both...what ever will keep the "priests" in power.

My $0.02
