View Full Version : OT: Last known veteran of WWI Passes away

02-07-2012, 04:53 PM
THis fine old lady served her country as best she could. RIP.


My $0.02


02-07-2012, 05:55 PM
We all go eventually...some just sooner than later.

The WWII veterans, those still around, won't be far behind, unfortunately. :(

02-08-2012, 01:01 AM
all comes to pass.

One day people will talk of Hitler like they do Ghengis Khan or Napoleon. Atrocities forgotten.

Napoleon might not have been that bad btw..

02-08-2012, 08:32 AM
all comes to pass.

One day people will talk of Hitler like they do Ghengis Khan or Napoleon. Atrocities forgotten.

Napoleon might not have been that bad btw..

I remember an old French friend of mine, who was a veteran of the wars in Algeria when it broke away, had this to say when we were visiting the WWI remnants in Verdun.

"In another 100 years or so, WWII, along with the Holocaust will be but a few lines of text in a history book."

I also asked him if he felt Verdun as it ocurred in WWI would happen again.

"It will happen again, eventually...it always does."

He wasn't too bitter about it...just that he knew his history all too well.

Bullet Magnet
02-10-2012, 11:48 PM
I also asked him if he felt Verdun as it occurred in WWI would happen again.

"It will happen again, eventually...it always does."

He wasn't too bitter about it...just that he knew his history all too well.

Those who forget history...

[As a side note, look at the slew of "reboots" Hollywood has churned out over the past few years. They seem to think we can't remember a movie from 20 or more years ago, as if some cable network hasn't aired it in the past year or two.]