View Full Version : The US Government
03-26-2012, 12:04 PM
Some food for thought, what do you think would had happen to the any of the following people after the Bombs fell
Secretary of the Army
Under Secretary of the Army
Secretary of the Navy
Under Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Airforce
Under Secretary of the Airforce
The Joint Cheifs of Staff
Vice Chairman JCS
The Joint Staff headquarters?
Commandant of the Coast Guard
Surgeon General of the United States
Director NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps
Director CIA
Director FBI
Director ATF
Director DEA
Director Secert Service
Director of the U.S. Marshals Service
Director Immigration and Naturalization Service
Chief of the Border Patrol
Chief of the US Parks Service
Secretary of State
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of Defense
Attorney General
Secretary of the Interior
Secretary of Agriculture
Secretary of Commerce
Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Energy
Secretary of Education
Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Vice President
White House Chief of Staff
Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Ambassador to the United Nations
Postmaster General
President pro tempore (Senate)
Speaker of the House
Surpeme Court Justices
Still anyone still belive the US would not have a governement? I mean on Thanksgiving Day they all would'nt have been in Washington DC, and don't get me started on the designated survivor rule
Rainbow Six
03-26-2012, 02:26 PM
Some of them are covered in Howling Wilderness.
The Vice President (Deanna Pemberton?) stays in the White House and gets killed when Washington DC is nuked. Probably a fair chance the White House Chief of Staff gets it at the same time, either in the White House or on board the Kneecap aircraft.
You could probably argue that several others on that list would have been on the Kneecap as well, making the Kneecap's crash the main factor behind the years of turmoil between Milgov and Civgov - a lot of people involved in the US continuation of Government programme might have been aboard the Kneecap on the basis it was the safest place to be.
IIRC the Speaker of the House (Munson?) is skiing in California but is eventually tracked down by the Secret Service and is sworn in as President. I don't have a copy of Howling Wilderness to hand, but iirc Munson dies of natural causes (heart attack?) and his successor(s) all succumb one after the other until eventually there is no one left.
Commandant of the Coast Guard is covered in Challenge #39 (the Rifle River module). We can assume he (or she) was killed as it explicitly states that Nils Holsgirder was the senior surviving Coast Guard officer, at which point he was appointed Commandant.
03-27-2012, 11:36 AM
I find it quite likey that more few members of the cabinet you survie, the US has devoted a alot of money an time in the US continuation of Government program, it was run at on point my a retire US Army General and had quite alot of fromer military officers on it. It just did'nt envoled the White and the Excecutive Branch, but also every branch of the US Government, I think once the shotting started in europe the plans would have gone into overdrive and ramped up
John Farson
03-28-2012, 06:06 PM
I find it quite likey that more few members of the cabinet you survie, the US has devoted a alot of money an time in the US continuation of Government program, it was run at on point my a retire US Army General and had quite alot of fromer military officers on it. It just did'nt envoled the White and the Excecutive Branch, but also every branch of the US Government, I think once the shotting started in europe the plans would have gone into overdrive and ramped up
Yeah, it's pretty obvious that the loss of the cabinet and the resulting Milgov-Civgov split was contrived. When one thinks of all the existing facilities: Raven Rock, Mount Weather, Camp David, Cheyenne Mountain and other facilities that we don't know about... I think there still would have been continuity of government.
Now, large parts of the country would be outside any organized control, but those that were supervised by the US military would be taking orders from whoever succeeded the POTUS. No Milgov and no Civgov. Oh, and said successor would probably nuke the Mexicans if they stepped over the border.
03-28-2012, 07:07 PM
It's notable that supposedly part of the contingencies for the official COG (Continuity of Government) include scenarios where NO federal elected official, cabinet secretary, member of the Pentagon leadership, etc, survives -- in other words, a COG scenario for a 100% decapitation of the US government. Some of these include trying to find the most senior state governor and swearing him or her in as President, but others are downright scary -- including a sort of cabal of military, CIA types, members from federal law enforcement agencies, and even surviving executives from BIG Business. I will grant you, however, it's just a rumor as far as I know.
03-29-2012, 02:07 AM
According to Howling Wilderness, a number of successors did survive. They all dropped out for one reason or another until there weren't any more. The Joint Chiefs took over not because it would have been impossible to pick someone but because everyone in the legitimate chain was out of action by one means or another.
03-29-2012, 03:53 PM
I think they would something like in the book Warday with small federal government trying a run the country but the states having at a lot on control, here in canada plans call the disbandment of the provincal level so a mayor would be under the PM
I am not disputing what is writen in cannon just thinking about other options
Another option is the President is assumed killed after Airforce one crashes but he is found alive, the since he has not been seen a lot senior officals they belive he is dead, and another cabinet member is sworn in and is heavy controled by the Military (Milgov) while the President tries and assume control from Omaha (Civgov), Airforce One having crash near by. The President tries to broadcast a messge but this is countered my MILGOV claiming it is trick by the Russians. His authorizations codes no long work as he was declared dead so he has relie on face to face proof is his life. Most senior officers/directors have to go with the gut as to who they belive
If you have seen the HBO movie by dawns early light your regonize the plot
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