View Full Version : Origins 2012 AAR

06-03-2012, 07:16 PM
Roman and I coordinated to run 3 different T2k scenarios (2 slots each) at Origins Game Fair this weekend http://www.originsgamefair.com/.

I ran one inspired by the plight of the USAF pilot mentioned in Myslenice in Free City of Krakow. Roman ran an American convoy ambushed in Korea and a Soviet air assault in southern Germany. Roman named us "The Dogs of War," which seemed to fit nicely.

My first session was at 10am on Wednesday, I was afraid I wouldn't get many people that early in the con-- I got 8 holding tickets and 3 more showed up, asking to play (two of them were my neighbor and her 12-year old son!). I think there was a pair of brothers there, and there were 3 women; at least a third of the 11 had never played T2k before. That group spent most of the 4 hour time-slot roleplaying, planning and scrounging for goodies in Krakow, before hiring on with a merchant convoy bound for that town. Once they started, their scout team regularly blew all their Recon rolls, while others used guile to gain information; including the girls heading downtown to drink with the militia. Their break-in and escape was violent and rapid. Since there was less than half an hour left, I skipped the encounter with a Soviet ambush patrol.

The second session was Thursday morning, and only 4 people showed up. They bypassed the RPing in the city, and drove straight up to town. I let them use the unused pre-gen PCs as NPC backup. Some attempts at midnight scouting led to their one female PC seized as a German spy. That triggered the rest of them to storm the target site in order to rescue both their own comrade and the pilot. Since there were about 2 hours left to play, I unleashed the Soviet ambush patrol. Nearly every shot that hit their HMMWV seemed to hit the driver, so they were stopped in the kill zone when the mortars started dropping. I started fudging dice-rolls lest I kill them all (yeah, I'm a merciful GM, so what. They knew I could have beaten them.).

Near everyone liked it enough to play again, and many expressed enthusiasm for my Twilight:1918 ideas. Hmm, guess I'll have to write it soon.

Meanwhile, my 13-year old and his buddy got some modern-looking minis at the paint-and-take event, and told me I "have to" run T2k for them this summer. {rub hands in anticipation} Heh, heh, heh. :D