View Full Version : Good Luck, You're on your Own! (T2K Fanzine Thread)
10-20-2012, 10:52 AM
I'm happy to announce the 1st Issue of the Twilight: 2000 fanzine!
Thanks to the contributions of a few people, I easily had enough material to create a decent first issue. I hope that people like it, and that it helps spur some more contributions from people for future issues!
For the time being, this file is going to be hosted on Yahoo Groups, though I have made the file viewable to all people, not just members.
Comments and suggestions are welcome, as are more contributions! You can either post on this thread, or you can email me at Twilightgrimace_at_gmail_dot_com
You can find the 1st issue here: pdf
and also here (if you don't have a Yahoo ID)
And it is also being hosted at:
I hope you all enjoy!
10-20-2012, 10:57 AM
Can we maybe just attach it here? Yahoo makes doing stuff like this as difficult as possible and I've got enough internet identities as it is. I'd love to see it though.
10-20-2012, 11:16 AM
If I can get a moderator to assist me with that, I'd be happy to. I set the parameters on the Yahoo Group so that the files should be viewable even to non-members. - Edit: But now I see that's not working correctly. I'll see if I can fix that.
10-20-2012, 11:19 AM
The file is too large given current settings for the forum. After the migration to a new domain/server things might change but for now another site is probably best.
10-20-2012, 11:56 AM
I've also uploaded the first issue to Google Docs (now called Google Drive:rolleyes: )
You should be able to access it at:
So if you don't want, or don't have a Yahoo ID, you can use the above link to view the file.
the alternate access works just fine! I'll be reading the 1st issue (I just had a short glance at the Table of Contents, finding some prominent names) during the next hours.
Thanks to you, personally, and to those, who contributed articles.
Very well done :cool:
10-20-2012, 12:42 PM
I've also discovered, though I'm sure some of you already know this, that if you go to the "File" menu of Google Docs and select Download, you can download the file and then you get full functionality of the bookmarks and links.
10-20-2012, 12:57 PM
Thank you; I got it now.
Good stuff!
Fucking Italians, destroying our ships! Grr. Imma include an attack on Italy in my T2k game :P
10-20-2012, 01:27 PM
Great work....
10-20-2012, 01:31 PM
Great work! Issue 2 when?
Don't want to be that guy. But the member of the Adjutant General's Corps on page is in fact a member of the Intelligence Corps...
Rainbow Six
10-20-2012, 02:12 PM
Great work! Issue 2 when?
Don't want to be that guy. But the member of the Adjutant General's Corps on page is in fact a member of the Intelligence Corps...
That's down to me, not Grimace or James. Iirc the cap badge wasn't clear on the original photo so I assumed it was AGC (which is very close in colour to the Int Corps). I should have checked the stable belt, which makes it obvious.
10-20-2012, 03:36 PM
Great work! Issue 2 when?
I'm thinking the end of time for contributors to submit material for Issue 2 will be the End of February. Then I'll have Issue 2 out by March. If I get a sudden, massive influx of material, then I might be able to get Issue 2 out sooner.
Otherwise Issue 2 will be scheduled for sometime in March 2013.
10-20-2012, 07:09 PM
I just got it!!!!
First glimpse or two....
I will be like the others, reading away.
Thank you all for making this a reality.
I do have an idea for a very short story. (Something on the order of a page or two)
How would you like this submitted to you?
My $0.02
10-20-2012, 07:19 PM
If you've got something you'd like to submit for the next issue, or ANY future issues, email it to (just replace the appropriate sign)
I'd love to have people submit fiction, artwork, adventures, equipment, NPCs, whatever they've got that they want to share.
Glad you like the first issue!
10-20-2012, 09:55 PM
Yahoo, GoogleDocs, Yahoo IDs?:mad:
I have a better idea. Email the mag to me and I'll put it on my site.:)
10-20-2012, 10:08 PM
Thanks for putting it all together, Grimace. It looks great. I appreciate how you added pics to my article. Well done, sir. Thanks again!
10-21-2012, 12:32 AM
Very very good stuff - a great read for sure!
Especially loved the African article by Raellus. In my opinion it was easily the equal of many of the articles published in Challenge so long ago.
Still working on my own East Africa Sourcebook and should have it ready soon - and will see about getting you something from it for the next fanzine issue. May take a piece out of it for an article - possibly on the nuclear attacks in Africa which are part of it. My sourcebook has a different approach on Kenya than what Raellus has but that is the thing that makes Twilight 2000 such a great game - i.e. that freedom to innovate within the framework of the overall design of the game and the backstory.
Cant wait for the next issue and I hope for many others as well to come!
10-21-2012, 04:15 AM
Marvelous work, gentlemen. The hat is off.
10-21-2012, 07:22 AM
Good stuff. I'm liking it.
10-21-2012, 07:24 AM
like you Yanks say- "ah-sum!!
well done!
10-21-2012, 10:17 AM
I'm glad you guys are liking it!
Make sure you guys spread the word about it! Tell your friends, tell people that you know used to like Twilight: 2000. Maybe it'll rekindle some interest in the game for others.
I'm sure you guys visit other places that I don't, so the more people out there spreading the word about it, the more coverage it'll get.
10-21-2012, 10:54 AM
Nice , what a treat.
10-21-2012, 11:54 AM
I have 80% plus of the Challenge portfolio and have read most more times than I can count.
With few exceptions (Air Module 1-2, Red Maple, The Village, a few others) the official works don't hold much of a candle to what you guys offense to any of the original authors.
Issue 1 really is that good...fantastic work all around...can't wait for issue 2!
Snake Eyes
10-21-2012, 12:52 PM
Wow. Nice work.
10-21-2012, 04:43 PM
I have a better idea. Email the mag to me and I'll put it on my site.:)
I like this idea. In my opinion, the more exposure the fanzine gets, the better. I'd also like to make this thread (or a similar one) a sticky so that it's always prominently displayed on this site. IIRC, Kato's forum and Paul's site usually end up near the top of the Twilight 2000 Google search results.
10-21-2012, 05:39 PM
I used the email function on this site to send to Paul, but I couldn't attach the file. I requested an email back, so then I could send the file. Just waiting on that.
I also agree, that the more places this is available, the better it'll be. Likewise, it'll be good if everyone that likes it helps spread the word about it. More views = hopefully more interest in the game
More interest = hopefully more contributors, which means more issues
So, Paul, check your email.
10-21-2012, 06:41 PM
I took the liberty of sticking this thread. I didn't consult with Kato or the other moderators so hopefully they're OK with it. If not, it might be unstuck later on.
I just want to make sure that this thread and its accompanying links to GLYOYO doesn't drop out of view over time. I'd like every new viewer to see it.
10-21-2012, 10:54 PM
I replied to Grimace. I've been asleep all day. (It happens.)
Did Time Warner not accept the email with the attachment? It would be strange; I've had people send me up to 10MB attachments.
10-23-2012, 02:09 PM
OK, here it is...
I also found that two files that are listed on the PDF page were not actually on the site, so I fixed that.
The capitalized "PDF" in the address is important -- it must be capitalized.
The PDF page in of itself is the same; just lop off the "Good Luck..." part of the address.
10-24-2012, 09:36 AM
Have a question - are you only looking for things that are new for the fanzine or can we post things there that were previously posted here?
The USN section and the Raellus piece on the 173rd had been posted here but were fleshed out for the fanzine. However there are some excellent things that have already been posted here that probably could go directly into the fanzine as is.
Stuff like:
49th Armored Division
The list of stuff that could be found by players instead of just the usual weapons, spare parts and food.
The Falklands Islands Sourcebook
Just wondering
10-24-2012, 04:57 PM
I can take things that people have done before and put up. Obviously it probably won't be as enticing for people here is it's been posted fairly recently, as it'll just be the same thing done over (unless you want to add a little more to improve upon it before submitting it).
I don't want to specifically take anything a person has put on this site. I'd rather they give me permission (as was done for the first issue), and I'd much rather they provide me with links so I don't have to go digging for things and be unsure of what stuff I have permission to use.
So you are more than welcome to submit material that's already been posted here, if you want.
10-24-2012, 06:04 PM
Just a suggestion.... add the address that you wants submissions sent to as your signature. ;)
10-24-2012, 06:16 PM
I'll see how well that works. I just don't want spambots emailing me.
10-24-2012, 06:35 PM
Spam bots will certainly catch that.
Make some type of substitution like
10-24-2012, 06:39 PM
Another article sent to you...
10-24-2012, 08:08 PM
The situation with the 49th is very open to interpretation as the discussions on this site have shown - there's no way it could be simply transplanted from here without a major rewrite and rider attached stating it's just one point of view - a lot like "The Twilight War: Naval Forces by Matt Wiser" is just one point of view and has holes the size of an aircraft carrier in it based on discussions I've seen here over the years (doesn't make it wrong, just different to cannon).
10-24-2012, 08:31 PM
I think we all know the canon by heart and this magazine is the chance for people to put in stuff that they think would work well in other peoples games. It is written by the people for the people.
10-24-2012, 08:47 PM
I'm very supportive of the fanzine but I think it would be good to have some sort of disclaimer on articles that have content which greatly diverges from (or directly contradicts) the official published material. Otherwise readers who don't know the canon material off by heart or don't own everything ever published for T2K may assume that what they read in the fanzine fits in with the official material seamlessly.
I'm not saying that majorly divergent material shouldn't be in the fanzine (on the contrary), I'm saying that some indication that material is a major departure (in the form of a disclaimer) would be nice. The USN article in particular would benefit from this idea.
10-24-2012, 08:54 PM
I'm not saying that majorly divergent material shouldn't be in the fanzine (on the contrary), I'm saying that some indication that material is a major departure (in the form of a disclaimer) would be nice.
10-24-2012, 10:24 PM
I will add a bit at the beginning explaining that the fanzine articles are, by no means, indicative of established Twilight: 2000 and Twilight: 2013 material. Articles can certainly have content that could directly contradict material in previously published material.
I don't want to get into a big nitpicking session of what jives with established timelines and what doesn't. I don't care, honestly. Those that do care will know the difference, and those that don't care (like myself) will use what they want for their games. The last thing I want to do is start selectively denoting articles as non-supportive to official timeline. That will turn people off from submitting material. I've already told people that if others have interpretations that contradict what others have put material into the fanzine, they can still submit it. I won't put directly contradictory material in the same issue, and I'll do my best not to put contradictory material in back-to-back issues either.
I don't want to turn this fanzine into a "my material is better than your material" type of thing. Everyone's material deserves to be shown if they want to share it. It doesn't have to jive with the official timelines. It doesn't even have to jive with the official game system if someone has something for another game mechanic they want to share.
I want this fanzine to be something people can pick up, see a variety of different and hopefully intriguing ideas, and hopefully enjoy it. People are free to use, discard, or rework any of the items for their own games.
So I'll have a blanket disclaimer explaining that none of the material should be construed as official or directly in line with established timelines.
10-25-2012, 09:05 AM
I agree that we should have a tag on articles like that
now if an article is directly in support of canon that could be different (for instance if one of the GDW authors hears about the fanzine and wants to contribute an article)
As for articles like Matt's - I loved it and even if it contradicted canon in some ways it is perfect for a fanzine. Its his view on Twilight 2000 as a fan - and is something we can use for campaigns in our own worlds.
Face it - the canon stopped in early 2001 with the exception of a few Challenge Magazine articles here and there that are later
Thus anything with a tag after May or so of 2001 has no "this contradicts canon" as we all know that 2300AD is only one possible future per what GDW said themselves.
Plus, as every module stated, the referee - i..e us - has considerable latitude to modify information no only within the modules but also within the sourcebooks themselves, even to the point of ignoring modules based on events in their campaigns.
That alone would mean that canon is what you make of it within your own campaign.
What the fanzine needs to say is that these articles represent our campaigns, which are based on canon, and as such they do deviate from canon in various ways and shouldnt be taken by anyone as canon that is gospel in all campaigns.
The 49th is a classic example - What Jason wrote is very good and informative and can be used as is or pieces can be used. Now that doesnt mean it canon in any way. But its a great read and a great piece of fan literature.
10-25-2012, 10:48 AM
Plus, as every module stated, the referee - i..e us - has considerable latitude to modify information no only within the modules but also within the sourcebooks themselves, even to the point of ignoring modules based on events in their campaigns.
That alone would mean that canon is what you make of it within your own campaign.
Targan's game with the Soviets Lublin's command being destroyed by Po's group or my group killing the Black Baron are perfect examples. Each would require the "Canon" return to Europe series to be modified.
10-25-2012, 10:58 AM
similar situation with mine - we killed the Black Baron and gave the Madonna to another faction in Poland - thus a lot of the return to Europe modules were moot
same with what my GM did with the Corpus Christi modules - my experience as a player is totally different than the base modules - thus an article based on that would be very different from canon
You can see that with Olefin's timeline - that is what happened with us as players and how my GM had world events proceed - and it included how we changed canon both with how he had the game proceed but also with our own actions - on the way out of Kalisz we did a hell of a lot of damage that in his opinion changed the whole nature of the Soviet pursuit of the 5th and the follow on attacks against NATO by the affected units. The ambush we did on the 129th Motorized later on really changed the situation in the "Madonna" area as well.
10-27-2012, 12:42 AM
With the greatest respect, there's been a big over-reaction to my last post and some replies seem to have missed the point. For the record my last post was intended to forestall any reeignition of the canon/non-canon argument, not ignite it. I'm in no way suggesting that Grimace or any contributors do anything other than as they see fit. I'll confine further comments on this issue to PMs for safety's sake.
Panther Al
10-27-2012, 01:02 AM
I hereby move that all references to 'Canon/NonCanon' shall be relabelled 'That Which Shall Not Be Named' - For ease of use, 'TWSNBN' is acceptable.
Anyone second?
10-27-2012, 09:15 AM
I second and concur.
Matt Wiser
10-27-2012, 08:24 PM
Grimace: glad to be of service. When I find the RDF air order of battle I did a while back, I'll find it and send it to you. It covers both sides, btw. Great job, by the way, on issue #1, and may there be more to follow.
As for the comment on the Naval stuff and the whole TWSNBN: I did the two pieces to fill plausible plot holes in canon, and to get comments and feedback in doing so. Again, if you want to use it in your campaign, you're perfectly free to do so. And if not, that's entirely up to you.
10-28-2012, 07:45 PM
With the greatest respect, there's been a big over-reaction to my last post and some replies seem to have missed the point. For the record my last post was intended to forestall any reeignition of the canon/non-canon argument, not ignite it. I'm in no way suggesting that Grimace or any contributors do anything other than as they see fit.
100% behind this statement/position.
@ Grimace
I hope to be able to finalise my work on the 2nd Marines 2000 operation soon for consideration for publication.
10-28-2012, 07:59 PM
Looking forward to seeing what you can send my way, Legbreaker!
And sounds good, Matt! :)
11-05-2012, 07:01 PM
Well, so far I've had three people mention that they'd contribute material to the 2nd issue. Can I get any other volunteers?
The more we get, the better this fanzine will become! It also means it will last longer.
So if you've got something that's been sitting around, long forgotten, and want to share it, send it my way! Art, stories, maps, PCs, NPCs, weapons, gear, additional/optional rules....whatever!
11-06-2012, 04:36 AM
Hmm, might have something on "supply and demand" post nuke aka trade....
May also be closer to having Australian forces in Korea done, although that's more likely for the 3rd edition. Might even do something like a "how to give orders for dummies" at some point...
11-06-2012, 08:39 AM
Well, so far I've had three people mention that they'd contribute material to the 2nd issue. Can I get any other volunteers?
The more we get, the better this fanzine will become! It also means it will last longer.
So if you've got something that's been sitting around, long forgotten, and want to share it, send it my way! Art, stories, maps, PCs, NPCs, weapons, gear, additional/optional rules....whatever!
Would you like some fiction? I can rework my tank battle short story, make it far less derivative of "The Death of Track 66" from Team Yankee, as you like.
11-06-2012, 09:17 AM
Should have at least the excerpt from my East African Sourcebook describing how the war went nuclear in Africa. Possibly may even do my whole timeline for my idea how the war went in East Africa with mention of other areas in Africa up to April of 2001 if you would be interested in that as an article for the fanzine.
11-06-2012, 05:43 PM
You could do an All ADA special issue and pull in all the fictional and improbable ADA vehicles we generated last year. :)
- C.
Panther Al
11-06-2012, 07:41 PM
I'm all for an ADA issue: I am still very fond the GAU-8 armed M1. ;)
11-06-2012, 08:00 PM
I'm all for an ADA issue: I am still very fond the GAU-8 armed M1. ;)
Hell, I'll take that one on the ground - I don't care that it won't penetrate the front of anything but light armor, the shaking up it'd give MBT crews would count as a mission kill! :D
11-06-2012, 08:19 PM
You could do an All ADA special issue and pull in all the fictional and improbable ADA vehicles we generated last year. :)
- C.
Send the info my way, Tegyrius, and I can certainly include it in a future issue!
11-06-2012, 08:32 PM
Send the info my way, Tegyrius, and I can certainly include it in a future issue!
The good discussion thread was here ( I'll email you a slightly cleaned-up iteration of my XM2A61 writeup.
- C.
11-06-2012, 10:49 PM
How about something like " "news from the front"
It could include new vehicle seen in action and perhaps lessons learned of weapons and such that are new and/or modifications.
And of course all details don't need to be right:)
and other intelligence nuggets.
11-06-2012, 10:54 PM
I won't put directly contradictory material in the same issue, and I'll do my best not to put contradictory material in back-to-back issues either.
For myself, I don't see this as any sort of problem. I actually think that having two articles about the same topic but with different points of view can be more enlightening than having them spaced several issues apart.
Having the two articles in the same issue just opens up more food for thought and the editor (i.e. in this case Grimace) can but a small Editor's Note at the start of the second articles saying that e.g "For a different perspective on the same topic we have the following article..."
Personally, I like to see the different sides being argued and putting two or more articles into one issue or over the following issues isn't so much 'contradictory' for me as much as it is 'more exposure to different ideas' (if that makes any sense).
Just some thoughts.
11-08-2012, 12:59 PM
Well, so far I've had three people mention that they'd contribute material to the 2nd issue. Can I get any other volunteers?
The more we get, the better this fanzine will become! It also means it will last longer.
So if you've got something that's been sitting around, long forgotten, and want to share it, send it my way! Art, stories, maps, PCs, NPCs, weapons, gear, additional/optional rules....whatever!
I'll send you a writeup for a location I did for 2013, as well as any art I can scare up.
11-08-2012, 05:43 PM
Amazing job and excellent compilation here guys, well done!
11-08-2012, 11:50 PM
How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).
11-09-2012, 04:35 PM
How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).
I'll take it. Grimace, will you be able to lift images directly out of the thread? I suppose I could teach myself how to play with images in a text format.
11-09-2012, 05:07 PM
I'll take it. Grimace, will you be able to lift images directly out of the thread? I suppose I could teach myself how to play with images in a text format.
Not to be a wet blanket but isn't that just the HSVT-L?
11-09-2012, 06:02 PM
It's much, much easier if people can include images that they want in the article they are submitting. If I have to go hunting all over for specific images, especially if I don't know the EXACT search parameters to find the images, it becomes very time consuming and tedious and I become less likely to want to hunt for the exact images and I'll instead find something that's easier to grab.
Putting images into text files should be pretty easy. Just copy/paste.
And Raellus, thank you for volunteering for that!
12-24-2012, 04:52 PM
Well, guys, it's that time of year. Hope this time of year finds you at a state of peace, at least for a little bit.
Just a reminded, there's about two months left to get any material in for Issue 2 of the Twilight 2000 fanzine!
Have a Merry Christmas to you all. Don't be naughty, otherwise the Carabineros will get ya!
12-24-2012, 10:50 PM
How about an article on experimental vehicles - somebody could clean up our discussion a while back about the LAV-75 (which I think led to Paul creating a 105mm version).
It was at the suggestion of someone here -- I can't remember who at the moment (the site search engine should tell us). I sort of thought, "That could be interesting." And I also remembered that Ares came up with a 90mm of their 75mm autocannon -- not sure if I ever did that one.
12-24-2012, 11:56 PM
...not sure if I ever did that one.
Well then, I'd say you have something to do for the new year! ;)
12-25-2012, 11:10 AM
It was at the suggestion of someone here -- I can't remember who at the moment (the site search engine should tell us). I sort of thought, "That could be interesting." And I also remembered that Ares came up with a 90mm of their 75mm autocannon -- not sure if I ever did that one.
Such peashooters. ;) The Bofors 120mm/46 SAK DP installed on the Turunmaa-class corvettes Turunmaa and Karjala of the Finnish Navy was an autocannon as well (80 rounds/minute). Too bad, they never made anything but HE rounds for it (though I suspect, had the ships served in Twilight War, the enterprising manufacturers might have come up with a naval round for it).
12-25-2012, 11:42 AM
The M20 Ridgway article is done and submitted.
12-26-2012, 11:03 PM
Yes, I've got the M20 Ridgway article. Thank you for that.
Nowhere Man 1966
01-05-2013, 07:11 PM
Good stuff there, Grimace, keep up the good work!
01-05-2013, 07:50 PM
Thanks! I will! As long as people continue to contribute material, I'll continue to collect it, organize it, and put it out there for everyone to enjoy!
On a completely unrelated note, did you see that they're doing a kickstarter for a new edition of Morrow Project?
Nowhere Man 1966
01-05-2013, 07:52 PM
Thanks! I will! As long as people continue to contribute material, I'll continue to collect it, organize it, and put it out there for everyone to enjoy!
On a completely unrelated note, did you see that they're doing a kickstarter for a new edition of Morrow Project?
Maybe I'll have to write my radio rules in Twilight that I have been thinking about since 1999. :D
01-05-2013, 08:09 PM
I'd be HAPPY to get those from you and include them in the fanzine!
01-06-2013, 11:36 AM
Radio rules? *ears perking up* :D
01-08-2013, 05:26 AM
Sent in a copy of my expanded medical rules (updated) for 2013...
01-08-2013, 02:13 PM
Great! Our first installment for 2013! Thank you!
James Langham
01-13-2013, 09:21 AM
Sent in a copy of my expanded medical rules (updated) for 2013...
I don't play 2013 but I'm looking forward to it for ideas as I want to use the knowledge from my day job to expand the 2.0/2.2 rules.
01-17-2013, 01:12 PM
I'm interested. If I can get it done, I might submit an alternate time line, or maybe a preview of a source book I'm thinking of. :)
02-26-2013, 07:08 PM
This is the final week before issue 2 of the ezine gets put together! So if you've got something you want to contribute, get it to me by the weekend!
We've got a pretty good line-up of material so far...a lot of good stuff. But we could always use more! And even if you don't get stuff to me by the weekend, don't stop work on it...I could certainly use it for ISSUE 3! :D
03-14-2013, 05:32 PM
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?
I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.
03-21-2013, 07:29 AM
Who sent me the file "Twilight2000BlancPJ1adv" in PDF?
I don't seem have to a name associated and would like to attribute it to the correct person.
I see them in this thread -
Looks like there's also NPC sheets at and a pretty nice website link in this thread.
03-24-2013, 09:51 PM
I know some of you are looking forward to the second issue of this (as I am) but things are conspiring against me to get this out this month. So, sadly, I'm going to have to push back the expected release date to sometime in April.
The second issue WILL come out, but it's just not going to happen in this last week of the month. Sorry for those who were looking for it in March. :(
03-25-2013, 05:13 PM
No rush. We waited this long and your own life takes priorities. When it is ready it will be ready. Thanks for the great work.
04-22-2013, 11:30 AM
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.
The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.
It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.
04-22-2013, 01:49 PM
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.
The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.
It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.
Dude, none of us are paying you for this, nobody's lives are on hold waiting for this - take care of IRL stuff and get GL,YOYO done when you can.
General Pain
05-14-2013, 05:31 AM
I really like it. Well written .
Keep up the good work.
I'll check with HQ if we can with your blessing to host @ the BBoW
08-04-2013, 05:15 PM
I feel like I'm making excuses...but that is not my intention.
The rather constant parade of visitors is still going on at my place, leaving me not a lot of time to work on this.
Add in that just a couple days ago my grandmother died, I don't know if I'm going to be able to finish the 2nd issue this month either.
It will come out, but I'm going to say "As Soon as I get it done".
Sorry for the continued delay.
Have things slowed down yet? And can we help with anything?
08-04-2013, 10:11 PM
Have things slowed down yet? And can we help with anything?
The potential for slow-down and time to work on this is nearing.
As for help, any of you guys up for editing? Punctuation and spelling mainly, but spacing might also come into issue as well.
If so, let me know. I'd appreciate any help I can get and it will speed up this unfortunately slow process.
09-27-2013, 10:47 PM
Still need help with editing? My editing job is running really slowly this month.
02-24-2014, 07:43 PM
Any GLYOYO news?
03-12-2014, 03:30 PM
volunteering to help with editing for sure if you need it
04-16-2014, 11:03 PM
Sorry Gents, I've been a bit out of sorts the last while.
Honestly, I could really use some help, or at least something to jack up my enthusiasm.
04-17-2014, 06:53 AM
Lots of volunteers willing to help Grimace...
04-18-2014, 05:21 PM
Grimace - what do you need
is it articles?
help doing editing?
actually puttting together what has been submitted into a cohesive form?
I can think of several of us who can help you do that and are ready and eager to join in.
04-19-2014, 07:05 PM
I've got articles, thanks to the generous contributions from multiple people. What I'm being buried in is editing and putting it into a cohesive format.
If you guys are interested in helping out, please send me an email at: twilightgrimace _at_ gmail _dot_ com (changing things as necessary to get it to work, y'know). That way I'll have an email to send material to. Let me know in the email what you'd be willing to do.
Image Searching
I'd appreciate any help. I'd love to get this done and out for you guys, it's just being a bit more than I can easily handle.
07-15-2014, 07:57 AM
Grimace did you get my email I sent you volunteering to help out?
07-15-2014, 10:34 PM
I did! Sorry I haven't been able to respond yet. Busy times this summer. I'll let you know what I've got when I get a chance to re-assess.
08-04-2014, 04:54 PM
Any news, Grimace?
James Langham2
09-11-2014, 11:10 AM
Quite happy to help with image searching if that will help - seem to do too much of it for my own articles!
03-21-2015, 04:46 PM
Just getting back onto this site after a long absence and enjoyed GLYOYO...thanks for sharing this, Grimace!
03-21-2015, 08:06 PM
Just getting back onto this site after a long absence and enjoyed GLYOYO...thanks for sharing this, Grimace!
Aha! Fresh from our Facebook conversation eh? Welcome back :D
Idk if it'll help any, here's my primary pintrest board. its chock full of t2k worthy pics.
03-30-2015, 09:14 AM
So is this dead/on semi-permanent hold or still moving forward.
was just wondering because i loved the first one and most of the fanzines on-line have tanked lately.
I can't wait to see other places in the world that aren't very well covered. Like Canada, italy, Spain/France, Russia proper, China/Korea, southeast asia and Australia, India/Pakistan. The Mexican and African source books, the cavalry source book, and the first issue are just as good as the original game material.
I can't wait to see other places in the world that aren't very well covered. Like Canada, italy, Spain/France, Russia proper, China/Korea/Japan, southeast asia and Australia, India/Pakistan. The Mexican and African source books, the cavalry source book, and the first issue are just as good as the original game material.
11-17-2015, 11:14 PM
Grimace not sure if you are still working on a second issue but I would love to help if I could
11-17-2015, 11:24 PM
He hasn't even been on the forum since July 2014, in fact his post above (#100 in this thread) is his very last activity on the site.
11-17-2015, 11:46 PM
Thats too bad was really looking forward to seeing another issue of the fanzine - that first one was a really good piece of work
Somebody needs to commandeer the project
James Langham
10-18-2017, 04:09 PM
Somebody needs to commandeer the project
I don't have the time but could help out with material or pictures suitable for publication.
11-18-2019, 09:14 AM
I don't have the time but could help out with material or pictures suitable for publication.
James - I am working on the project and was sent some of your material that was going to be for the second fanzine for Grimace originally. Saw that did publish it eventually on your site - are you still ok with it being in the next fanzine or do you want to not have it be re-published there?
03-30-2020, 12:27 PM
and on at least one positive aspect of being stuck at home I am finally making some real progress on the 2nd edition of the fanzine - cover done, my article done, articles from several others edited and entered - still deciding how big to make it - when its ready will put it on a new thread here and also will send it to Paul to put on his site - and will see if is interested in it as a free post similar to the Colonial Times fan mag they post there for 2300AD
so still not too late to submit material
03-30-2020, 02:01 PM
Hey, Olefin. Would you mind including an advert for our respective published materials (your EASB, my KPSB, and the Rook's Gambit adventure module) in the fanzine?
04-11-2020, 04:02 PM
Does anyone know how to to get a hold of James Langham - was sent material that was originally going to be for Grimace to use - i.e. Royal Naval Party 67 - however would need to modify the pics for use unless James can tell me if they were ones that are ok for publication - otherwise will have to leave it out
04-12-2020, 01:57 AM
He's on farcebook.
Last activity within an hour of this post.
04-16-2020, 11:00 AM
Want to thank all of you who helped get me in touch with James - found out he is working on a revision of a couple of his articles with new pic posts so that I can use them - may have to be in the third fanzine - second one is almost ready
04-24-2020, 10:13 PM
Second volume of the fanzine is done. Sent it to Marc Miller for his review and blessing and to see if he want to publish it to as a free download.
Once I hear back from him I will post it on a new thread - i.e. one that says its released.
The Zappster
04-25-2020, 08:25 AM
Can't wait
05-13-2020, 12:01 PM
Volume 2 has been published on as a free download - will have it here and on facebook as well
FYI the original volume 1 is also there as well
06-16-2020, 09:42 AM
uploaded the second volume of the fanzine on that thread - will upload it here tonight as well
07-07-2020, 04:58 PM
FYI just to give an idea on how well the two fanzines were recevied when they went up on
and also keep in mind that by late June I had posted the second volume here for free and Grimace's volume 1 had been on Paul's site for years - so putting them there brought a much wider audience for both of them
Month Model Product Total Sold
5-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 1 1203
6-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 1 69
7-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 1 10
2018-07-01 through 2020-07-07
Month Model Product Total Sold
5-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 2 1192
6-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 2 75
7-2020 T2000 Fanzine- You're On Your Own No. 2 10
01-28-2021, 01:34 PM
Volume 3 of the fanzine is now up at -
And it's free!
Issue No. 3-You’re On Your Own- Twilight: 2000 fanzine, with articles on:
American Samoa by David S. Adams
City of Angels Supplement by David S. Adams
Rooks Gambit Bonus Material by Alf Bergesen
Chemical Warfare Twilight 2000 by Michael Perkins
Port Security, Law Enforcement, and Coastal Forces Units in the Twilight War by John McDonald
The Treasure Mine by Malcom Pipes
Red Dawn Fan Fic - First Kill by Matt Wiser
Middle East Air Forces by Matt Wiser
Bridgework by Joe Thomas
Expanded Stage III medical rules Twilight 2013 by Otso Ollikainen
Starting on Volume 4 and if you want to be part of it I am looking for submissions for Twilight 2000 V1, V2.2, MERC and Twilight 2013 - send them to my email at
01-28-2021, 08:00 PM
I didn't even know 2 was out, But I have them all now!
02-03-2021, 01:55 PM
Already starting to work on Issue 4 and love to see submissions for it. Have received a couple already. Hope those of you who have downloaded issue 3 have enjoyed it!
02-04-2021, 08:29 AM
Issue 4 line up so far
me - Free Port of Zanzibar
Matt Wiser - Red Dawn: Ace Mission
James Langham - more cover art and an article
Gunner - 2nd Rad Zone contest winner story Post Office
cawest - Looking for Something story - East Africa (love to reprint it as a continuing series in the fanzine)
Please keep the submissions coming
02-21-2021, 03:01 PM
FYI to show how much interest there is in the fanzine - downloads to date of the three issues
As of Feb 20, 2021
No. 1 Grand Totals: 1890
No. 2 Grand Totals: 1874
No. 3 Grand Totals: 1096
Matt Wiser
04-26-2021, 09:49 PM
Any news on the next issue?
04-26-2021, 09:55 PM
Any news on the next issue?
Working on it now - I got distracted by my yearly battle with the IRS and doing the taxes for myself and my kids - but on it now - have a canon expansion of the East Africa Sourcebook, "The Free Port of Zanzibar", almost done (my contribution) and looking for more for the 4th edition of the fanzine
Updated info (as of today) on fanzine downloads since last issue released - thank you all for your continued interest in the fanzine
No. 1 - 2040
No. 2 - 2011
No. 3 - 1319
Regardless of what happens to this forum the fanzine will continue and there will be new editions on a regular basis.
You can PM me here if you have any contributions or questions or you can send contributions for the next edition or future editions by getting in touch with me at my Facebook group or my email -
The Facebook group is a private group but all you need to do is ask to be made a member - any forum member can join.
Facebook group -
04-28-2021, 09:58 AM
Found an article that shrike6 and Paul were talking about back in 2018 for Panama that was originally posted on Chris Callahan’s Twilight 2000 page which was dedicated to Twilight 2000 South America and dealt specifically with US and other forces in Panama, Colombia and Central America.
Orrin Ladd reposted this on his page and tried to contact Chris but was unable to contact him. If anyone knows how to get a hold of Chris please get a hold of me as I would love to use this for the fanzine.
Can use it as is for V1 or edit it for the V2.2 canon which saw the 173rd temporarily deployed to Central America before it went to Kenya.
Can give accreditation to Chris and post as is but would much rather get his official blessing.
This was the link Shrike6 posted -
thread here where Shrike6 and Paul were discussing it -
08-04-2021, 12:13 PM
Still looking for contributions for the fourth volume of the fanzine and definitely will need them for the fifth - you can either attach them here or send me them as a PM or email
08-06-2021, 02:32 PM
What kind of deadline do you have on the issues? I'm busy but might be able to find some time to pull something together depending on when.
08-12-2021, 01:16 PM
What kind of deadline do you have on the issues? I'm busy but might be able to find some time to pull something together depending on when.
trying to get the fourth edition down now - still working on it - send it to me and worst case it goes in number 5
Vespers War
08-12-2021, 04:06 PM
I see the "Modern History of Chemical Weapons" section sticks to the commonly taught (false) history of Germany using chemical weapons first in World War I, when France had been using gas grenades since August 1914 (and Germany had at least two failed chemical attack attempts before April 1915, an October 1914 dianisidine chlorosulfate attack where the bursting charges incinerated the chemical and a January 1915 attack with xylyl bromide where the chemical froze so quickly it didn't have any effect).
ETA: the description of Jan Husster in "The Treasure Mine" says he joined the militia in 1197 instead of 1997.
08-12-2021, 04:20 PM
I see the "Modern History of Chemical Weapons" section sticks to the commonly taught (false) history of Germany using chemical weapons first in World War I, when France had been using gas grenades since August 1914 (and Germany had at least two failed chemical attack attempts before April 1915, an October 1914 dianisidine chlorosulfate attack where the bursting charges incinerated the chemical and a January 1915 attack with xylyl bromide where the chemical froze so quickly it didn't have any effect).
ETA: the description of Jan Husster in "The Treasure Mine" says he joined the militia in 1197 instead of 1997.
sorry about that - I can fix the typos and see if Marc will update the file - thanks for catching that
08-17-2021, 08:15 AM
fyi for those looking to send me submissions you can do so here by PM or you can email me at
09-09-2021, 12:33 PM
Volume 4 of the fanzine is done and with Marc for publishing - will give you a heads up when it is posted
Volume 4 of the fanzine is done and with Marc for publishing - will give you a heads up when it is posted
Looking forward to it already, you could always drop the contents page to tease us :)
09-09-2021, 08:38 PM
Looking forward to it already, you could always drop the contents page to tease us :)
Your wish is my command
Free Port of Zanzibar ……Page 4
Author: David S. Adams
Looking for Something.… Page 10
Author: Cliff West
Postal Chaos ………….… Page 23
Author: Greg "Gunner" Stitz
Red Dawn Fan Fic -
Ace Mission ………. Page 24
Author: Matt Wiser
The Development and Use
of the M1A3 “Giraffe” … Page 30
Author: James S. Langham
MacGuyver’s Engineers …Page 32
Author: Joe Thomas
Edited: David S. Adams
Rooks Gambit Bonus Material
Lions of the North:
Mercenaries in
Twilight 2000……………Page 35
Author: Alf Bergesen
Water & Dehydration Rules for Twilight:2000 v2.2………Page 40
Author: Rob Lune
Mission: Breakout………Page 41
Author: Matt Wiser
Thank you, I’m looking forward to reading the article on the Giraffe and Zanzibar.
09-19-2021, 10:45 PM
any word when this will be coming out.
09-25-2021, 03:43 PM
Marc is telling me that publication date is probably mid to late October due to him being so busy
09-25-2021, 08:51 PM
Marc is telling me that publication date is probably mid to late October due to him being so busy
i sooo can not wait!!!!
11-07-2021, 01:57 PM
Any update on when volume 4 will be released?
11-07-2021, 05:23 PM
Per Marc Miller the 4th volume of the fanzine should be ready for release on on Nov 11
Excellent, I’m heading down to London for the weekend so will give me something to read for the journey :)
Matt Wiser
11-12-2021, 01:54 AM
Vol. 4 now available at Got my copy a few minutes ago. And yes, it's very well done.
11-12-2021, 06:49 AM
Here is the link to the 4th edition - and correction on the cover - the thumbnail shows the cover differently than the actual download does -
11-12-2021, 06:50 AM
Vol. 4 now available at Got my copy a few minutes ago. And yes, it's very well done.
Thank you very much Matt and thank you as always for your submissions for it and for the next edition!
11-15-2021, 07:18 AM
Thought I would share this comment on the last fanzine for all those who have contributed to the four fanzines
Jason K Nov 13, 2021 9:23 am EST
I don't play Twilight 2000 but I enjoy reading your fanzine. Props to you Mr. Adams and to all the volunteers.
FYI 325 downloads in its first week of publication - thanks for the continued interest in it and all the content created by those who contributed to it
11-19-2021, 08:18 AM
Good to see this is still going on. I received an email from a fellow, I'm guessing to submit new material, so I directed him to the msn address for sending new material to.
Keep up the good work!
11-19-2021, 09:27 AM
Good to see this is still going on. I received an email from a fellow, I'm guessing to submit new material, so I directed him to the msn address for sending new material to.
Keep up the good work!
You are welcome and love to continue the legacy of what you started - would never have occurred without all the hard work you did to get the original put together and published
11-09-2022, 09:47 AM
Issue #5 is now live at DrivethruRPG (
According to the link, the contents are:
The Last Light Carrier
The Polish Brigade
Looking for Something
Moscow’s Other Armies:
Freedom Class Container RORO Ships (by yours truly :p)
Nordic Sourcebook Vehicles
Red Dawn fanfic – Phantom vs. Foxbat
Operation Red Purchase
Matt Wiser
11-09-2022, 10:10 PM
Got my copy already!
11-11-2022, 10:15 PM
got my copy. it was a great read, and i am not talking about my story. There are some very talented people out there, and i am just a piker.
Looks like the new edition is now out
06-28-2023, 02:20 PM
And, although Ewan started a new thread, I thought I would post the link to Issue #6 here as well, so in the future it's easier to find them all in one spot.
Issue 6 at DriveThruRPG (
Table of Contents:
Introduction ……………. Page 3
Author: David S. Adams
Central African Republic in the Twilight War …... Page 4
Author: David S. Adams
Orange Twilight: the Netherlands During the Twilight War & Beyond... Page 23
Author: Roel Hendrikx
The Netherlands Auxiliary Corps………………...… Page 28
Author: James S. Langham
DAF YP-408 …….……. Page 32
Author: Paul Mulcahy
The Georgia Patrol…….… Page 35
Author: Keith Laird
Looking for Something.… Page 37
Author: Cliff West
Moscow’s Other Armies: Soviet Internal Security Troops During the Twilight
War (Part 2) ………………Page 46
Author: A Scott Glancy
Project 641B Soviet Diesel Submarines (NATO designation
Tango-class) ……………… Page 73
Author: Chico
Nordic Sourcebook Units.… Page 77
Author: Daniel 'Lurken' Stjernlöf
Red Dawn fan fic – R&R………………………. Page 78
Author: Matt Wiser
Photo Credits/
Illustrations ……………. Page 90
06-28-2023, 08:48 PM
It's nice to see that the fanzine is still going strong. Big ups to all of the contributors.
Matt Wiser
06-28-2023, 08:59 PM
Got my copy! Well done to all the other authors.
03-18-2024, 06:17 PM
Howdy Folks!
Issue #7 has been released today! It features articles from many of us on here, including yours truly! All great stuff!
It's available for free on Drivethrurpg, here! (
Any 4e stuff in it or just old 1.0 and 2.2 stuff?
Its just the V1 and v2.2 stuff but a lot of it is easily adaptable especially the scenarios
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