View Full Version : T2k13 Engineering Tasks

01-08-2013, 09:44 PM
So I'm eventually starting up an online T2k13 game for a group of online friends. They enjoy adventure, but not solely combat. A core focus is going to be on rebuilding (which should lead to the conspiracy subplot).

What's driving me batty are engineering tasks. It's intimidating, and I don't mean the math! Figuring out what I have to figure out is a bit rough.

Does anybody have quick cheat-sheets or processes for engineering tasks? How about best-practices? Pitfalls?

Also, a lot of the verbiage on building materials is "as appropriate to the materials of which the structure is made." So how do I determine whether a structure or area should contain Light, Heavy or Industrial materials for salvage or require them for building? I don't need perfect detail, but a ballpark figure that "feels" right. eg if a city block contains X tons of material on average, I can SWAG the ratio of Industrial to Heavy to Light. Same problem with what structures require Heavy vs Industrial materials.

I really prefer simple SWAGs that should feel right to most people. ... but I fix the internets in my day job, I've got no idea what should "feel right" for construction, haha!

01-08-2013, 10:22 PM
I would suggest you consult FM 5-10 and the TRADOC training requirements.


01-09-2013, 07:01 PM
I apologize. I am somewhat less than proud of how that particular subsystem turned out. If I have time to re-read it over the weekend, I'll see if I can provide some assistance.

- C.

01-09-2013, 09:37 PM
To be fair, Clayton... it beats the "uhhhhh I dunno just make a bunch of rolls or something" in most games. :P

Space limitations hit that section is all. Kinda like the military careers list being slightly truncated vis a vis previous versions: "Those who want more, at this point, will probably find or make more." I'm just bein' lazy. :P

01-15-2013, 09:17 PM
As an update, I'm doing some organizational and prep work on answering my own question (outside answers are VERY welcome!).

Here's my rough cheat sheet. Building materials are still the big question mark.

Note: Temporary: Divide times by 5.

Design: Construction (EDU+2)
Period: Max Load + (Deck Area/2)
Build: Construction (COG+4)
Target Total: Deck Area/(Design MoS)
Period: Max Load
Supply: 1x Industrial/10Tons Max Load
Footbridges: 1xHeavy/10Tons Max Load

Design: Construction (EDU+1)
Time: Living Space x10
Build: Construction (COG+3), Extended
Target Total: ((Living Space)x5)/(MoS)
Period: 60 man-days (20 if only Adequate Shelter, aka no climate control)
Supply: 1xLiving Space (half must be Industrial or Heavy depending on armor somehow)

Design: Construction (EDU+1)
Time: 1/2 of Floorspace in Square Meters
Build: Construction (COG+3), Extended
Target Total: (Floor Space)/(5xMoS)
Period: 60 man-days (20 if only Adequate Shelter, aka no climate control)
Supply: 1xLiving Space (half must be Industrial or Heavy depending on armor)