View Full Version : Morrow Project 4th Edition Arrived Today
04-26-2013, 02:07 PM
This morning, I woke up to my Postal Delivery person actually doing their job! She knocked on the door to let e know that she was dropping off a package. And much to my surprise it was the Fourth Edition of the Morrow Project that I got form the kickstarter!
While in the waiting room at the VA, i was reading through it... and i have to admit i like the layout. it's open and easy to read. I think everyone who picks up a copy is going to really like it!
04-30-2013, 04:23 PM
Was it the version in the binder or the production copy? I got the PDF and I am pretty impressed with it so far. Definatly like how its been updated for the currant times as well.
04-30-2013, 08:58 PM
my copy came in the binder... and it's really nicely laid out and reads really easily!
04-30-2013, 09:48 PM
Cool, I went for the production version myself.
05-01-2013, 06:24 AM
I can't wait to get my copy!!!!
Based on comments here and at other sites, the new Morrow Project has a lot of work and thought put into it. AND it gives the PD the traditional "wiggle room" for a customized game or campaign.
My $0.02
Cpl. Kalkwarf
05-01-2013, 06:55 AM
ME WANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol missed the kickstarter by one day........damn........
well guess ill have to wait
08-19-2013, 05:26 PM
I just got home from work, and there waiting for me is my copy of Morrow 4th!!!!!
Guess what I am doing tonight? :D
My $0.02
08-19-2013, 10:12 PM
Just spent the last five hours reading 4th ed TMP. WOW! I saw several art pieces by our friend Nate Hale. Excellent as always.
I have got to crash. Real Life aka my job is calling me for the night shift tomorrow. Where the HELL are my priorities? I should be up all night tonight trying to write a character generation program. (I did it before for 3rd gen. Lost it when old system DIED.)
More later. The Intro to TMP is.....different. I'll say that much. TEOTWAWKI is....different. I'll say that much.
Good night all
My $0.02
10-19-2013, 06:23 PM
So ... for those of us who haven't gotten a 4th Edition book yet: comments or reviews? What's the 'new' Project up to?
Michael B.
11-17-2013, 02:15 AM
Well the war is now 2017 and its a smaller war. Maybe 100 warheads and the warheads are more modern and much smaller in yield. There is enough bombs to go around with the US + Canada getting hit to the dark ages with both ground, air, and EMP bursts.
And to make matters worse, a Giant Asteroid hits earth about 3 months after the war and screws up everyone else.
The Asteroid part is interesting as everyone on earth knows its going to hit at least 1 year in advance, so I would say that a LOT of people would not be in the major cities and would have "bugged out" before the war and a lot more survivalist groups would have been around as would both NG and US military units.
The Other big thing is that players have a LOT more skill points and the way the basic system works you now have a base of X2 a stat as the base + your Skill points. And Stats are in the 24 for an average range. So this makes most characters with a 48 + 15 (Skill points spent) = 63% with Rifle or such.
So expect the bad guys to be in that range as well, so a LOT of players will be hit very often.
So its no surprise that teams get IBA to start (which if my 4th edition game is normal) they will need as death is right around the corner when you do not wear body armour in the new rules.
11-17-2013, 09:44 AM
Does it say where the Giant Asteroid hits the surface of the Earth? Does it say how big, specifically in miles or kilometers, the Giant Asteroid is? Does it give information about the composition (nickel/iron, stone, frozen gases, etc.) of the Giant Asteroid, its angle of intersection with the Earth and/or its velocity at intersection with the Earth?
Knowing the size, composition, intersection angle and velocity one can simulate the impact on one of several meteor impact calculators online. Placement of the impact has a effect also. An impact in the western Pacific ocean will affect those countries with a tsunami whereas a strike in central Africa will create a different ejecta with different effects on the world.
11-17-2013, 02:50 PM
Does it say where the Giant Asteroid hits the surface of the Earth? Does it say how big, specifically in miles or kilometers, the Giant Asteroid is? Does it give information about the composition (nickel/iron, stone, frozen gases, etc.) of the Giant Asteroid, its angle of intersection with the Earth and/or its velocity at intersection with the Earth?
Knowing the size, composition, intersection angle and velocity one can simulate the impact on one of several meteor impact calculators online. Placement of the impact has a effect also. An impact in the western Pacific ocean will affect those countries with a tsunami whereas a strike in central Africa will create a different ejecta with different effects on the world.
Here is some information posted to the MP List by one of the authors. I would guess we will be seeing it as some sort of expansion or addendum in the future as it was cut from the pre-press edition.
He used the following websites to calculate the effects;
HTML Based:
Java Based :
Some information about the calculator:
I used the impact effects program you have linked to earlier, and the papers that form the bases for the equations used in the calculator. Key references are listed at the end of this post.
So we have a 5km diameter asteroid (density 3 g/cc) striking the mid-Pacific Ocean (water depth 4km) at 17 km per second at 45 degrees angle of incidence.
Impact energy: about 10 million megatons equivalent.
Blast: 1psi radius 2,800km
Full thickness burn radius 850km
Earthquake: magnitude 9.4 with epicentre impact point. Damage present in an area about the size of the United States - this just makes the seas more violent around the impact area in this case.
Firestorms: upper atmospheric heating due to re-entry of ejecta over the first few hours. This acts like an oven for up to 4 hours. Peak surface temperatures in the worst affected areas are up to 200 degrees C (392 F).
Some self-shielding from cloud formations moderate the effect in some regions. This occurs over half the earth.
Tsunamis: Waves of 10-20m push up to 30km inland along every coastline on the Pacific Ocean up to 10 hours after impact (propagation speed 600-900km/h).
* Effects of several months duration:
- Darkness for first month due to atmospheric dust loading - photosynthesis is impossible in worst affected regions (most of the world). It gets
*cold* - Last Glacial Maximum levels (5C - 9F drop in global average temperatures in the first 2 weeks).
- Recovery of optical transparency over next 6 months
- Local cooling due to atmospheric soot loading (fires) - washout leads to acid rain.
Acid rain aggravated by nitrogen oxides produced in impact.
* Effects of several years duration:
- Ozone reduction from NOx reaching stratosphere - global declines and worsening of known 'ozone holes'.
- Cooling due to persistent stratospheric dust loading and sulphate injection analogous to volcanos.
This maintains the initial depressed temperatures generated from injected dust.
- Acid rain as sulphate and dust is cleared
* Effects of several decades duration:
- Warming from stratospheric injection of water and carbon dioxide from the impact event. This may be limited by high-altitude clouds increasing albedo.
All this is absolutely catastrophic - but it's not the Chicxulub impact
(~100 million megatons) which caused global acidification of the oceans - the impact site was rich in sulphur containing minerals - in addition to all the above effects at greater intensity and duration. Which appears to be the 'no land creature bigger than 10kg survives' level.
* References
G.S. Collins, H.J. Melosh, and R.A. Marcus. Earth Impact Effects Program: A Web-based computer program for calculating the regional environmental consequences of a meteroid impact on Earth. Meteoritics and Planetary Science 40, Nr 6, 817-840 (2005)
O.B.Toon, R.P. Turco, C.Covey et al. Environmental Perturbations Caused by the Impact of Asteroids and Comets. Reviews of Geophysics 35:1 (Feb. 1997) 41-78.
T.J. Goldin, H.J. Melosh. Self-shielding of thermal radiation by Chicxulub impact ejecta: Firestorm or fizzle? Geology 2009;37;1135-1138
D.A. Kring. The Chicxulub impact event and its environmental consequences at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. Palaeogeopgraphy, Paleoclimatology, Palaeoecology 255 (2007) 4-21
J.W. Birks, P.J. Crutzen, R.G. Roble. Frequent ozone depletion resulting from impacts of asteroids and comets. In 'Comet/Asteroid Impacts and Human Society' P. Bobroswky and H. Rickman eds. Springer Verlag 2005.
C.R. Chapman, D.D. Durda and R.E. Gold. The Comet/Asteroid Impact Hazard: A Systems Approach. Feb. 2001. SwRI white paper:
11-17-2013, 07:10 PM
I believe the asteroid hit in the Northern Pacific. So Tsunami's hit the west coast for sure. Say bye-bye LA and Seattle. Page 278 of the PDF for anyone who is looking.
Sort of a kick the dog moment, get nuked, move back to scavenge the coastline for food and shelter and then get washed away by a tidal wave.
12-10-2013, 09:15 PM
The Other big thing is that players have a LOT more skill points and the way the basic system works you now have a base of X2 a stat as the base + your Skill points. And Stats are in the 24 for an average range. So this makes most characters with a 48 + 15 (Skill points spent) = 63% with Rifle or such.
So expect the bad guys to be in that range as well, so a LOT of players will be hit very often.
Sounds a bit less, "Ordinary People, Extraordinary Mission" ...
03-12-2014, 10:05 AM
Just got my copy, I'm adding the Colt Mk IV Series 70, several .45ACP, 9X19MM loads. The loads are for a character and a community, so one based on the Remington Hi Way Master, Speer Lawman, lead practice load(185@750fps) in .45, 147gr subsonic and high velocity loads in 9MM. As I stated in the T2K forum, I like the M1911 and HP35, though the Glocks are better agency weapons. I'm going to try the rules and flesh out a few ideas.;)
03-12-2014, 10:51 AM
Does anyone know when the book will hit our Friendly Local Gaming Stores?
I like to support mine.
03-12-2014, 12:17 PM
I'm not sure, the online store has a place to say if you're an FLGS, stores and online would increase revenue, I'd think. I'm hoping to wrangle my collection of stuff to the game, including the M10 Destructor. The M10 is what allowed the 220MM shells to become mines.
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