06-18-2013, 07:50 PM
Hello all,
A while back there was a thread (which I can't find) where a member was asking how to work Gurkhas into their campaign in Germany/Poland. I had suggested that post-Options there were several Bns so undermanned that a Gurkha Coy was used to reinforce them as their third Rifle Coy. However I have just discovered a better answer. As part of my ongoing research on BAOR, I just discovered that the two Gurkha Demonstration Coys (Sandhurst and Brecon) reinforced 1 Armd Div on TTW. As of now I believe that their role was Force Protection.
Hope this helps.
A while back there was a thread (which I can't find) where a member was asking how to work Gurkhas into their campaign in Germany/Poland. I had suggested that post-Options there were several Bns so undermanned that a Gurkha Coy was used to reinforce them as their third Rifle Coy. However I have just discovered a better answer. As part of my ongoing research on BAOR, I just discovered that the two Gurkha Demonstration Coys (Sandhurst and Brecon) reinforced 1 Armd Div on TTW. As of now I believe that their role was Force Protection.
Hope this helps.