View Full Version : South Texas Citizenship - Initial Run
06-26-2013, 08:49 PM
Citizen - a person with membership in a political community such as a country or city.
Today in Texas, that means a person who has applied for citizenship in a South Texas community under the protection of the 1st Cavalry Division. Citizenship provides a steady source of food, shelter and protection in exchange for loyalty, hard work and dedication to the Republic.
As with the “old” United States citizenship there are certain criteria that must be met:
1. Must of good moral character – I need to flesh this out
2. Must be of sound mind and body – no diseases / radiation poisoning
3. Must be able to speak and understand basic English – Courses will be provided for applicants but course completion is mandatory prior to being awarded citizenship
4. Must be able to show understanding of the basic American values – “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and explain the basic principles behind the Unites States Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
5. Must disavow any prior citizenship or loyalties to foreign governments.
6. Must obey the laws of the United States of America, the New Republic of Texas and/or what ever form those organizations may take in the future, for the duration of citizenship.
Citizens will be issued picture identification cards and be branded. The ID cards must be carried at all times to identify Citizens quickly and easily. Any person unable to provide ID will be detained for questioning and possible removal from the Republic.
Who can become a citizen? Skilled workers (mechanics/doctors/engineers/electricians/pilots/machinists/teachers/scientists/farmers/gunsmiths,etc), military personal (trained military personnel of any country), special exceptions (skills, talents or connections outside the norm)
Verifiable prior United States Citizens are given automatic Citizenship if requested.
Citizenship is NOT mandatory. But only Citizens will be allowed to live or operate in controlled Republic areas. All others must leave the Republic immediately.
Application – personal/background information and initial ASVAB testing
Application Eligibility – Applications are reviewed for eligibility based on the current needs of the Republic and information supplied during the Application process.
Any and all government records are checked to verify as much information as possible when applicable. (IRS,SS and or local records)
Additional ASVAB testing may be required dependant on initial results. Either tested down to specific skill sets or retesting for verification purposes.
Judgment – Based on the above factors and a final personal interview, judgment is rendered within 10 days of application. A simple “accept” or “decline” determination is made. If declined, Republic may offer a “work visa” at its discretion.
Work Visas:
Work visas are given to people that don’t immediately pass for citizenship but show some value to the Republic as a whole. Generally these people show some sort of valued aptitude or attribute but don’t have any specific skill set or training.
People on work visas are generally called Lawful Residents (LR’s) and are assigned to general labor battalions as needed by the Republic. These assignments will last from 12-24 months based on the individual and the type of assignment. Harder, more dangerous assignments are generally shorter term versus easier less taxing ones incur a longer term. Work visas can be revoked at ANY TIME!
LR’s are given basic housing and rations while on assignment. Both the housing and the rations tend to be a bit more Spartan then a full citizen might receive but overall they are above average for today’s world.
At the end of their assignment, their Application for Citizenship will be reviewed. Each applicants work history will be taken into account. If the applicant performed well on assignment and meets the criteria for citizenship as listed above, most times the application is accepted.
If the applicant performed poorly, the application can either be rejected out right or additional terms of assignment might be given based on the current needs of the Republic.
Please review and offer comments/suggestions/hate mail. :)
06-27-2013, 07:37 AM
Sounds about right, but leave out the branding thing. Sure, we used to brand our cows, but not too many people are going to go for that. Not only the pain & humiliation, but lots of Christians down here, too close to the "Mark of the Beast" thing.
Rainbow Six
06-27-2013, 09:46 AM
I agree with Weswood about branding. IMO branding would generally be carried out as a punishment (branding thieves, rapists etc) or to mark property (e.g. cattle as mentioned by Weswood). None of that has positive connotations for the new citizenry. And to be honest, on a purely practical basis it doesn't really count for anything - if a non citizen wants to fraudulently pose as a citizen it would probably be as easy (if not easier) for them to get themselves branded than it would be to fabricate false papers.
I guess proving eligibility might be a bit of a challenge dependent on how many records survived the nuclear exchanges and could well be open to all manner of fraud (I've absolutely no idea what ASVAB tests are so they may address some fraud issues).
I'm not sure I follow the background as it is this based on a Post Omega scenario where the 1st US Cavalry Division has been sent to Texas? Are people applying for citizenship if a breakway Republic of Texas or the United States? If the latter, does this mean that the 1st US Cavalry Division has defected en masse to said Texas Republic?
When you say that "verifiable prior US citizens are given automatic citizenship if requested' but also say that citizens "Must disavow any prior citizenship or loyalties to foreign governments" does that then follow that any US Citizens who accept Texas Citizenship must revoke their US citizenship? And if they don't they'll be removed as "Citizenship is NOT mandatory. But only Citizens will be allowed to live or operate in controlled Republic areas" so one must choose between being a US Citizen or a Texan citizen (and if one chooses the former will effectively be run out of town)?
All in all it sounds quite....draconian...not sure if that's your intention or not?
06-27-2013, 10:09 AM
Good points. Thank you.
The branding was a last second addition, sounds fun but I get your points. :)
My group hasn't quite decided about the whole Republic stay a state or defect en masse as you put it. They seem to be torn on keeping ties and helping the US out but doing things in Texas there own way and not having to get involved in the government split.
My suggestion was to avoid the Republic notion until you have the majority of Texas secure, then break away. If you can claim you "freed Texas" you will have more support for the Republic at that point.
That confusion shows threw in the US citizenship versus Republic lines too I guess, I missed that.
Thank you both for your input.
Rainbow Six
06-27-2013, 10:39 AM
No worries, glad it was useful.
A suggestion re: the Independent Republic vs remaining in the US...mentioning a Republic of Texas suggests (to me at least) that those behind it want to split from the US and create their own nation. If your group want to hedge their bets so to speak and do their own thing without openly declaring themselves a separatist state it might be better changing a couple of the terms...
For example, Webstral uses SAMAD in his work on could have something like the Southen Texas Military Region (or anything else you fancy - I'll use STMR for the sake of this example) and instead of citizenship you would need valid STMR ID, the criteria to qualify for which are as you any prior citizenship or loyalties to foreign governments, but the emphasis is on are not classing the US Government as foreign so those holding STMR IDs are still US Citizens (at this point at least). For point six, just change it to "Must obey the laws of the United States of America and all regulations put in place by STMR or what ever form those organizations may take in the future, for the duration of citizenship"
Nothing particularly changes other than the fact that you're not calling yourself a Republic with all that entails. if, at some point in the future, our group decides they want to go for independence you just announce that the South Texas Military Region will henceforth be known as the Republic of Texas. Then you can open the door to citizenship by stating that anyone holding official STMR ID issued by the relevant authorities will be entitled to citizenship in said Republic. And you can decide whether to allow dual Texan / US nationality (you've already dealt with those holding non US nationality earlier by forcing them to revoke it as a precondition of receiving STMR ID) or whether to only permit those within the Republic to hold Texan citizenship.
If you do go down the above road though I still think you have to get at least the major military units in the State (i.e. 1st Cavary Division) onside first...otherwise what happens when you declare your Republic and the Joint Chiefs in Colorado Springs instruct the Division's Commanding General to deal with your 'revolution'? Again, I'm not aware of the background, so not sure what roles your group play in the campaign?
06-27-2013, 10:52 AM
I will have to make those suggestions, nice touch. :)
Side note they are still stuck on - What do with the Russians and the Mexicans. Both military and civilians.
Part of the group says kill them all and some say offer then citizenship because its easier to integrate them rather then have to fight them. Plus the added resources.
Rainbow Six
06-27-2013, 11:07 AM
I will have to make those suggestions, nice touch. :)
No worries, been a slow afternoon at work so you've helped me pass the time...
Side note they are still stuck on - What do with the Russians and the Mexicans. Both military and civilians.
When I first read your criteria for citizenship I presumed you had planned to make citizenship available to them as they are covered under "military personal (trained military personnel of any country)" (provided they can learn English to a certain standard and understand basics of US history).
Killing them all, military and civilian is murder at best. Genocide at worst. I refer to my earlier comment about your regime being draconian...
Not withstanding the morality of such an act (or rather the lack thereof) think of the consequences - I'm sure Division Cuba would put up one hell of a fight if they thought they were going to be massacred and we only have to look at recent real World campaigns to see the damage that can be caused by civilian insurgents. Some of your own troops may have an issue engaging in systematic slaughter and rebel against you. Not to mention the possibility of retaliation by what's left of the Mexican armed forces over the border. Or what actions Colorado Springs might feel forced into taking if (in thier eyes) a rogue military unit in Texas had declared independence and was now involved in committing mass murder.
There is a third option, which is to offer them safe passage back to whence they came from.
06-27-2013, 11:17 AM
As I said, they are torn. Now you feel my pain trying to lock this stuff down. :(
For the Russians, they are sort in agreement that it would be easier to offer them citizenship rather then fight as they are a fairly good sized force to deal with.
The Mexican military is a mixed bag. Most have turned marauder, they did invade the country and kill Americans in the process. But since they are not nearly as big of a threat as the Russians, the group is considering taking them out entirely. Although my position is for the groups that are still coherent military groups, they are added assets.
Now the Mexican refugees/civilians are more complicated actually. Most of South Texas is Mexican refugee nowadays, from mexico itself, according to Cannon. On the one hand, forcing them out is gonna be hard to do as most will just run away and hide. Two - that will cut the population by 60-70% in South texas, whos gonna do the work? And Three - they are just civilians, not active military shouldn't we help them if they want to stay?
Rainbow Six
06-27-2013, 11:29 AM
For civilians in a post nuke environment where all sorts of records have probably been lost making it potentially difficult to ascertain who's a legal and who's an illegal I'd say there is a strong case to be made for opening up citizenship to anyone resident in south texas regardless of post war status provided that they a) meet the criteria already established, i.e. be of good character, free of disease, etc, etc, b) agree to obey the laws of the land and c) pay their taxes. Break the law and you suffer the consequences (personally I think banishment / exile would be quite an effective deterrent in the post apoc world - play ball or you get kicked out of the safe area).
Groups of former military personnel who have turned marauder should be treated as marauders regardless of whether they are Soviet, Mexican, or American. But I think for organised units of the Meican Army who are still intact and functioning as a military unit give them an ultimatum - tell them they are not welcome in your territory and must return to Mexico or face the consequences - help them return if neccessary - perhaps they have no vehicles / mode of transport so truck them down to the border and tell them to start marching south. If they refuse your ultimatum then you could argue you have a moral justification for trying to drive them out by force.
And with that post, my working day is done...:D
06-27-2013, 09:29 PM
Cut a deal with the Russians. Provide ships back to Russia in exchange for them helping evict the Mexicans and securing the functioning oilwell/refinery in Brownsville. You can either use the product from the refinery for shipping, or if you've done the Pirates of the Caribean you can use sailing ships. Plus you get to keep the Russians armor and aircraft.
06-29-2013, 01:26 PM
Feudalism, American style. Interesting stuff, Kalos.
06-30-2013, 12:41 AM
One of the guys came up with the idea of offering to move the russians to
Isla de la Juventud in exchange for a trade pact. Sort of make it their own little 3000KM large nation.
07-01-2013, 12:08 AM
Updated Version: The group went with III Corps rather than a specific division and developed a "naming" convention to the area that does not denote any particular political affiliations.
Citizen - a person with membership in a political community such as a country or city.
Today in Texas, that means a person who has applied for citizenship in a community under the protection of the III Corps, United States Army. Citizenship provides a steady source of food, shelter and protection in exchange for loyalty, hard work and dedication to the cause.
As with the “old” United States citizenship there are certain criteria that must be met:
1. Must of good moral character – flesh this out
2. Must be of sound mind and body – no diseases / radiation poisoning
3. Must be able to speak and understand basic English – Courses will be provided for applicants but course completion is mandatory prior to being awarded citizenship
4. Must be able to show understanding of the basic American values – “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” and explain the basic principles behind the Unites States Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.
5. Must disavow any prior citizenship or loyalties to foreign governments.
6. Must obey the laws of the United States of America and the III Corps, United States Army.
Citizens will be issued picture identification cards. The ID cards must be carried at all times to identify Citizens quickly and easily. Any person unable to provide ID will be detained for questioning and possible deportation from the Texas Military District (TMD).
Verifiable prior United States Citizens are given automatic Citizenship assuming they agree to/meet required criteria.
Who can become a citizen? Skilled workers (mechanics/doctors/engineers/electricians/pilots/machinists/teachers/scientists/farmers/gunsmiths, etc), military personal (trained military personnel of any country), special exceptions (skills, talents or connections outside the norm)
Citizenship is NOT mandatory. But only Citizens will be allowed to live or operate in Texas Military Districts.
Application – personal/background information and initial ASVAB testing
Application Eligibility – Applications are reviewed for eligibility based on the current needs of the Republic and information supplied during the Application process.
Any and all government records are checked to verify as much information as possible when applicable. (IRS, SS and or local records)
Additional ASVAB testing may be required dependant on initial results. Either tested down to specific skill sets or retesting for verification purposes.
Judgment – Based on the above factors and a final personal interview, judgment is rendered within 10 days of application. A simple “accept” or “decline” determination is made. If declined, III Corps Command may offer a “work visa” at its discretion.
Work Visas:
Work visas are given to people that don’t immediately pass for citizenship but show some value as a whole. Generally these people show some sort of valued aptitude or attribute but don’t have any specific skill set or training.
People on work visas are generally called Lawful Residents (LR’s) and are assigned to general labor battalions as needed. These assignments will last from 12-24 months based on the individual and the type of assignment. Harder, more dangerous assignments are generally shorter term versus easier less taxing ones incur a longer term.
Work visas can be revoked at ANY TIME!
LR’s are given basic housing and rations while on assignment. Both the housing and the rations tend to be a bit more spartan then a full citizen might receive but overall they are above average for today’s world.
At the end of their assignment, their Application for Citizenship will be reviewed. Each applicants work history will be taken into account. If the applicant performed well on assignment and meets the criteria for citizenship as listed above, most times the application is accepted.
If the applicant performed poorly, the application can either be rejected out right or additional work assignments might be given based on current needs.
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