View Full Version : OT - Ten year anniversary of NorthWest Blackout

08-13-2013, 06:26 PM

I remember thinking this is big... and wondered if some world-wide incident happened ... thank god for my battery powered television...

08-14-2013, 12:35 AM
Its scary how few people are prepared for a long term power outage, myself included. Last year when we lost power here in Jersey for a week in early July you could just watch people as there brains blew out as they couldn't watch TV, surf the Internet or enjoy Air Conditioning or even in a lot of cases work or cook. The rush as people ran out to buy generators and extension cords was kind of mind blowing especially as I knew it cost something like forty a day just to run them and people were using them to run things like there TV's and air conditioning. I just went on an extended camping trip myself but I still was caught with my pants down supply wise.

08-14-2013, 08:22 AM
I worked in a big box retailer and after the event the sh*t storm we got from customers who tried to return a generator they bought and used and we wouldn't take it back. Lot of slightly used generators went on sale in the classified ads...

08-14-2013, 10:40 PM
Not surprised. I know a few people who tried to do just that. I asked one friend what would he do if the power went out again. He looked at me and told me that the power wouldn't go out again. Like saying wouldn't make it so.

08-15-2013, 10:20 AM
I worked in a big box retailer and after the event the sh*t storm we got from customers who tried to return a generator they bought and used and we wouldn't take it back. Lot of slightly used generators went on sale in the classified ads...

I should make a note to watch the classifieds after the next power outage. Wish I had thought of that last summer, when it was out for nearly a week here in Ohio.

Minor prep note: I found the lost keys to my gun locks today. They probably hadn't seen the light of day since the last move, and I put them in a "safe place"-- too safe for me!

08-15-2013, 01:26 PM
Here is an interesting question to go with this topic. I have been thinking about a generator. Enough to run the fridge and freezer. I have enough candles, oil lamps and etc. for light. Radio information is through my solar powered, hand crank backup device. Yes I would miss my computers and the internet, but hell, when survival calls, those things are the last of my worries.

Here comes the question. (Sorry I rambled)

How long can you store gasoline? 1 month? 2? 3? How about the stuff they call "Staybil" that is supposed to make gasoline last longer.?

I am looking forward to your suggestions.

My $0.02
