View Full Version : A scenario for T2k

12-04-2013, 07:36 PM
I was perusing the news tonight, and the following article caught my eye.


I think that the US and Mexico just dodged a HUGE bullet with this one. The article does not say how much cobalt-60 was stolen and then recovered. But in the hands of terrorists, it could have led to a REALLY ugly "dirty" bomb.

So, in the chaos that is T2K, a group of 5th ID survivors manages to make it back to Rheinsberg, East Germany.


There they find the remnants of the East German Nuclear Power Plants in the area. Now, IMHO if you go with V1.0, and the cold war does not end, these plants might have been kept in operation by the East Germans/Russians. With the chaos and demands of the war, the plants are probably in REALLY bad shape. But do our intrepid heros KNOW that? Do any of them have any knowledge of nuclear reactors and the incredible amount of highly contaminated waste these plants produce? Or maybe they were detached from 5th ID with the sole mission of securing these plants?

Just an idea from my idle brain....

My $0.02


12-04-2013, 08:33 PM
In my last T2K campaign, while they were in the NYC/NJ area one of the tasks Major Po set his "unit" was to gather up radioactive materials from security and medical x-ray equipment in airports and hospitals. The player never told me what he intended his character to do with the stuff but I always assumed he wanted to construct a dirty bomb.