View Full Version : Merry Christmas
12-24-2008, 06:57 AM
I just wanted to say Merry Christmas to our members.
Zorionak eta Urte Berri On!
Bon Nadal i un Bon Any Nou!
Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a stastny Novy Rok
Merry Christmas
Hyvaa joulua
Joyeux Noel
Nollaig chridheil agus Bliadhna mhath ùr!
Fröhliche Weihnachten
Mele Kalikimaka
Gledileg Jol
Idah Saidan Wa Sanah Jadidah
Nollaig Shona Dhuit
Shinnen omedeto
Gledelig Jul
Maligayan Pasko!
Wesolych Swiat Bozego Narodzenia
Sretan Bozic
Nollaig chridheil huibh
Vesele Vianoce
Feliz Navidad
Ett Gott Nytt Ã…r
Maligayamg Pasko
souksan wan Christmas
Nadolig Llawen
Hope everyone has a nice holiday and a happy new year.
12-24-2008, 07:33 AM
Thanks Kato.
Merry christmas to you and to all members. Talking about that it is time for me to leave as I have to cook the Turkey, the Chestnut purée, and the Jerusalem Artichoke (funny I didn't know it was called like this).:cool:
12-24-2008, 07:48 AM
A merry Christmas one and all!
And a special thanks to Kato for taking the time and energy to start and run this site. Thank you.
Rainbow Six
12-24-2008, 08:52 AM
A Merry Christmas to all!
And echoing the thanks to Kato for providing us with a new online home.
Jason Weiser
12-24-2008, 12:49 PM
Well, Happy Chanukah to those that celebrate...and a Merry Christmas to the rest...I think that covers everyone!
Nowhere Man 1966
12-24-2008, 01:03 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy Hannukah to all!
Chuck M.
12-24-2008, 01:30 PM
Adding a wish of a happy Chanukah as well to those who celebrate.
Bon Nadal!
Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!
And thanks for your dedication, Kato.
12-24-2008, 03:10 PM
Merry Christmas and a belated Happy Channukah to all.:)
P.S. Thanks for being such a fine host, Kato.
TiggerCCW UK
12-24-2008, 04:16 PM
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been around as much as normal - mental busy times in work - in 12 weeks in work we've taken nigh on £900k with a muppet boss who doesn't have a clue. Just wanted to wish you all a happy Christmas, Hannukah etc - please insert appropriate clebration, festival etc. Its been a big year for me with a hell of a lot happening and its always good to know that (time permitting) I can drop in here for a little brain soothing. Have a great time this Christmas and I hope you all have a happy and peaceful new year.
12-24-2008, 06:04 PM
Merry non denominational annual period of celebration to you all.
General Pain
12-24-2008, 06:18 PM
merry xmas to all my friends at the forum....:p
hope the holidays are filled with good food , good drinks good friends and family.....
General Pain
12-24-2008, 06:19 PM
Merry non denominational annual period of celebration to you all.
this ones for you T
if u like it I have the dvd-rip - and can send it to ya
Nowhere Man 1966
12-24-2008, 11:17 PM
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been around as much as normal - mental busy times in work - in 12 weeks in work we've taken nigh on £900k with a muppet boss who doesn't have a clue. Just wanted to wish you all a happy Christmas, Hannukah etc - please insert appropriate clebration, festival etc. Its been a big year for me with a hell of a lot happening and its always good to know that (time permitting) I can drop in here for a little brain soothing. Have a great time this Christmas and I hope you all have a happy and peaceful new year.
I've been busy myself, delivering car parts for an auto parts store. It's very busy, the way the economy is, people are holding onto their old cars and getting them fixed instead of buying new. It's not a bad time to be in auto parts or a mechanic.
Chuck M.
12-24-2008, 11:25 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you guys!
12-24-2008, 11:53 PM
Regimental Officer of the Day...All is safe.
12-25-2008, 03:44 AM
to all
12-25-2008, 06:06 AM
I can't say it has been the best. To date, this was the worst Christmas for me on record! No family, no friends, a silly card slid under my door from my 1SG, and that was about it!
...Christmas was just another day.
Suck an egg, Santa.
Go blind, Ralphy.
Get shot by a hunter, Rudolph.
Fall into a bonfire of shit, Frosty.
My Christmas...sucked.
12-25-2008, 06:40 AM
Sorry your Christmas sucked. Being away from friends and family during this season can really be a downer. Keep your chin up, buddy. Hopefully your New Year will be better.
12-25-2008, 08:06 AM
Ya know...every time I read what I wrote about all the famous Christmas characters, I chuckle, and shake like a bowl full of jelly.
Still crappy day and evening no less.
I hope you are right, Kato...thanks:rolleyes:
12-25-2008, 08:32 AM
It made me laugh as well as it was so counter to the general feelings of the season. Didn't was to laugh at another's down feelings but I did anyway. Glad you can still laugh. Thanks for sharing such negative but in their own way hilarious images of the season. Frosty in particular comes to mind. Not sure if I will ever be able to look at him the same ;)
TiggerCCW UK
12-25-2008, 12:06 PM
Keep your chin up BigH!! Hopefully it'll sort itself out for you in the new year, and at the end of the day, we're al here for you to.
12-25-2008, 04:46 PM
I graduated highschool in 91.
Christmas 92 29 Palms doing a CAX
Christmas 93 Napels Italy
christmas 94 Camp schawb OKI
Christmas 95 29 Palms doing a CAX
christmas 96 off the coast of greece waiting to goto triane albania.
christmas 97 SOG MCSF CO Bangor
christmas 98 LIBO!!!!!!
Christmas 99 SOG MCSF CO Bangor
Christmas 00 Amphibious raid course SOTG PAC
Christmas 01 Camp Rhino Afghanistan
Christmas 02 Ft. Hunter Ligget
Christmas 03 Al Faw Iraq
Christmas 04 Libo!!!
Christmas 05 Duty Camp David
Christmas 06 Duty Camp David
Christmas 07 Duty Camp David
Christmas 08 Libo Hawaii
I feel blessed to be on Libo this year. From the RL Munchkin... out....
12-25-2008, 07:59 PM
I guess I have a lot of catching up to Law to do...or perhaps no. :P
12-25-2008, 10:22 PM
No one is ever a boot they were just born later. we are all Patriots and would serve any time. some of us just get luckey. no better no worse.
Well, for our part, it's now official. After three consecutive years, the roleplaying group of Sant SadurnÃÂ* d'Anoia has institutionalized the Christmas roleplaying session. In an enormous effort, beyond the call of duty, we've managed to stand up from our chairs after each one copious Christmas lunch. Fighting against the effect of the abundant wine that the day imposes to us, and amid the tears of our family and friends we have taken our dices to accomplish our fate. No better game that Twilight:2000 in these days of concord and love. No better place than and old and isolated catalan masia (country house), in front of the fireplace, to decide about the actions of five motivated characters trying to lead the way of their parent unit across Poland...and fortunately they have survived with the mission successfully accomplished. :cool:
Nowhere Man 1966
12-28-2008, 06:16 PM
Ya know...every time I read what I wrote about all the famous Christmas characters, I chuckle, and shake like a bowl full of jelly.
Still crappy day and evening no less.
I hope you are right, Kato...thanks:rolleyes:
At least you got online buddies here although there is no real substitute for family and so on. Tell you the truth, my Christmas could have been a lot better too.
Chuck M.
12-29-2008, 02:50 PM
Hey Big.. In tens years service I had three Christmas leaves at home. Look on the bright side, you weren't taking fire were you? I empathise with you though, like I said BTDT.
Cheer up. It'll soon be a new year.
12-19-2009, 02:07 PM
Time is approaching and, after tomorrow, I'll be away for a few days. I just wanted to wish a merry christmas to you all.:)
TiggerCCW UK
12-20-2009, 04:36 AM
And to you Mo.
Rainbow Six
12-20-2009, 04:46 AM
Merry Christmas guys...
12-20-2009, 05:13 AM
Merry Christmas everyone! :)
12-20-2009, 06:02 AM
Happy Solstice Celebratory Period to everyone :)
Abbott Shaull
12-20-2009, 08:19 AM
Merry Christmas everyone
12-20-2009, 10:15 AM
Merry Christmas
12-20-2009, 10:27 AM
I just want to say Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and Happy Kwanza. Or as my family likes to call it...
...Happy Christma-Hanna-Kwanza...
...That way we cover all the bases. Anyway, Happy Holidays! :D
12-20-2009, 11:47 AM
I graduated highschool in 91.
OK, I'm officially old -- by December of 91, I was a year and a half into my second AD enlistment and had a (sort of) war behind me...where's my young whippersnappers...
Dog 6
12-20-2009, 11:48 AM
Merry Christmas guys! :)
12-20-2009, 12:33 PM
I'm looking at your sig line, Dog, and thinking that today, Patton might be a student of the martial arts.
12-20-2009, 04:05 PM
Merry Christmas to all. many you all have all my best wishes and as many blessings from God that you need.
12-21-2009, 01:44 AM
Happy holidays all and (as the great Dave Allen used to say)
may your God go with you.
12-21-2009, 06:25 AM
to all of you guys .
and a little xmas present tip . efaultDomain_0%3Fhash%3Ditem5637703772&usg=__ZUoS6sC-1vNdxDf7sPJgRezGHQo=&h=497&w=472&sz=35&hl=en&start=9&um=1&tbnid=oqXrcrLJoo5YkM:&tbnh=130&tbnw=123&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhit%2Blocation%2Bdice%26hl%3Den%26sa% 3DN%26um%3D1
treat yourself to something nice...
I love it for our sessions..
HQ out
12-21-2009, 06:26 AM
Well, for our part, it's now official. After three consecutive years, the roleplaying group of Sant SadurnÃ* d'Anoia has institutionalized the Christmas roleplaying session. In an enormous effort, beyond the call of duty, we've managed to stand up from our chairs after each one copious Christmas lunch. Fighting against the effect of the abundant wine that the day imposes to us, and amid the tears of our family and friends we have taken our dices to accomplish our fate. No better game that Twilight:2000 in these days of concord and love. No better place than and old and isolated catalan masia (country house), in front of the fireplace, to decide about the actions of five motivated characters trying to lead the way of their parent unit across Poland...and fortunately they have survived with the mission successfully accomplished. :cool:
hope you get this together this year too .
tradition sessions are great .
We have our summer boathouse tradition that is really an awesome time - every time.
bon natal - in Catalunyan -correct ?
12-22-2009, 02:49 PM
Merry Xmas, Happy New Year
12-22-2009, 02:51 PM
Didn't have time to check for new languages of our user base this year so a simple "Merry Christmas" to everyone must suffice.
Hope everyone has a happy holiday.
12-22-2009, 04:56 PM
What's the atheist equivalent of Christmas?
I guess it's any time I have it's equally rare...:p
12-22-2009, 08:53 PM
Merry Christmas all.
I'd love to come to the Northern Hemisphere one year for a white Christmas. Here in Perth Christmas is usually blazing hot.
12-22-2009, 10:42 PM
You really should Targan. I'm sure there's some of the guys on this board that would put you up for a few days so you could enjoy some wintery Christmas rather than sweltering Christmas.
hope you get this together this year too .
tradition sessions are great .
We have our summer boathouse tradition that is really an awesome time - every time.
bon natal - in Catalunyan -correct ?
Bon Nadal HQ! And Bon Nadal to everyone else! Mmmm...I've been lost for some weeks. Hopefully I will have enough time to read all your posts in these holidays. A pleasant homework. And about our Christmas roleplaying tradition, it continues very healthy and with some new faces. Tradition is tradition. My best wishes to all of you. Keep your dices warm!
12-24-2009, 12:08 PM
What's the atheist equivalent of Christmas?
I guess it's any time I have it's equally rare...:p
12-24-2009, 12:44 PM
Perfect! Now I just have to find someone reaching for a doll so I can smack him silly!
12-24-2009, 01:07 PM
Wait a minute...I just realized that I missed Festivus...:mad:
12-24-2009, 05:22 PM
Wait a minute...I just realized that I missed Festivus...:mad:
sorry man, I'm trying to help.
What about Boxing Day? (day after Christmas) technically it's Canadian, but it hasn't passed yet.
12-24-2009, 06:06 PM
Merry Christmas from me. A special one to those deployed or otherwise alone.
Buon Natale, or merry Christmas!!
Here in Italy it's almost 2.13 of the night and it's time to go the bed because a loooong day is waiting for me!
I leave you with a nice Christmas video :D
and another one ;)
Well... they have nothing to do with Christmas but I'm watching them right by now.
12-24-2009, 09:37 PM
sorry man, I'm trying to help.
What about Boxing Day? (day after Christmas) technically it's Canadian, but it hasn't passed yet.
Boxing Day is Canadian? I thought Boxing Day is celebrated everywhere that Christmas is. Certainly in Australia, New Zealand and the UK.
12-24-2009, 10:24 PM
OK, I give. What's Boxing Day?
12-24-2009, 10:55 PM
Wait a minute...I just realized that I missed Festivus...:mad:
Here is the Festivus card my uncle sends me every year.
Dog 6
12-25-2009, 02:54 AM
Merry Christmas guys
12-25-2009, 04:08 AM
OK, I give. What's Boxing Day?
Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. Its always a public holiday here on Boxing Day.
12-25-2009, 06:33 AM
OK, I give. What's Boxing Day?
This is basically cut & pasted straight from wiki
Boxing Day is a bank holiday or a public holiday in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Germany, Greenland, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and countries in the Commonwealth of Nations with a mainly Christian population. In South Africa this public holiday is now known as the Day of Goodwill.
The name derives from the Anglo-Saxon tradition of giving seasonal gifts to less wealthy people and social inferiors. Until their distribution, these gifts were stored in a "Christmas box," which was opened on December 26, when the contents were distributed. In the United Kingdom, this was later extended to various workpeople such as labourers and servants.
Being agnostic I don't follow the traditions myself.
12-25-2009, 07:24 AM
Boxing Day, as I understand it, was a day for the servants to celebrate Christmas.
12-25-2009, 09:06 AM
Merry Xmas to all my fellow TW2K friends.
12-25-2009, 09:17 PM
Merry Christmas all.
I'd love to come to the Northern Hemisphere one year for a white Christmas. Here in Perth Christmas is usually blazing hot.
I agree with Targan. I've never experienced a snowy christmas or even seen snow in my whole life. I should go over somewhere to the northern hemisphere during christmas to see how it is.
12-25-2009, 10:22 PM
I agree with Targan. I've never experienced a snowy christmas or even seen snow in my whole life. I should go over somewhere to the northern hemisphere during christmas to see how it is.
The whitest Christmas I've ever seen was in Korea. Three days earlier, our Sergeant Major had us have a giant snowball fight, under the guise of "Fire and Movement Training," as he put it. It was great "training!"
12-26-2009, 06:24 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you guys!
The Mrs. and I decided to do as little as possible yesterday. We succeeded admirably....
So Merry Christmas to all....and to all a good night. :D
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