View Full Version : PSI-RAD

Capt Gideon
05-16-2014, 12:01 AM
PSI-RAD is a special unit within the Morrow Project that deals with Psionics and Psychic abilities. PSI-RAD (PSIonic & psychic Research And Development) is not a type of team but rather an independent research group which tested for psychic abilities among project personal and worked with gifted individuals to better understand psychic phenomena. The development side worked with technology to be able to detect individuals with psionic abilities by detecting specific EEG patterns, miniature jamming devices to protect non-gifted individuals from mental manipulation, and developing drugs to boost and suppress psychic gifts. PSI-RAD personal were assigned to different teams as needed, and could be found with virtually any group within the project. They could be identified by their patch which was a black letter PSI on a blue field with a black border, often worn in addition to the patch for the team type they are assigned to. Not all PSI-RAD personal have psychic abilities, many are scientists who specialize in studying some part of the psychic phenomena (neurobiology, Pharmacology, etc.)

I created PSI-RAD as a special department within the Morrow Project to address Psychics and Psionic because they were a part of our game. I found it added a fun element, we had two PSI-RAD members of a eight person science team, one a psychic and the other a scientist (medical doctor). Hope you have fun with it.

Psychic of or relating to the mind or soul; appearing or considered to have powers of telepathy or clairvoyance.

Psionic relating to or denoting the practical use of psychic powers or paranormal phenomena.

05-16-2014, 06:43 AM
Interesting idea. In most of the games I have played/ran, there was no Psi. It was something the others just did not want.

But, heck, if you guys are enjoying it, why not?!?!

My $0.02


05-17-2014, 08:45 PM
I always operated under the assumption that PCs or NPCs with proven or verifiable psionic abilities would be assigned to teams that talent would benefit most.

Empaths to medical for example.

Precognition to the Command Group.


Capt Gideon
05-18-2014, 08:33 PM
Thats the point of PSI-RAD, it was the department I created in the Morrow Project that tested and evaluated psychics so they could be assigned where they would be most useful. They are also scientists that carry out research into psychic phenomena, including technology and drugs associated with it. Its not a type of team, rather a department within the project