07-18-2014, 06:00 PM
In your best Hollywood big action summer block buster style! What is your wake up sequence?
This is a Department of Defense Team sequence. I am writing up as an alternative to MP or Snake Eaters.
Query Status check.
Time since last Query
153 years, 47 days.
Status Check. Begin.
Batteries 98% normal
Thermocouple (nuclear) 85% request check
Water purification systems 10% request check
Air filtration system 99% inactive
Pressure seals 99%
Door power systems 99%
Environmental humidity 01%
Nitrogen/Argon atmosphere 99%
Communications systems 99%
Capsule one 99%
Occupant capsule one stable
Capsule two 99%
Occupant capsule two stable
Capsule three 99%
Occupant capsule three stable
Capsule four 99%
Occupant capsule four stable
Capsule five 99%
Occupant capsule five stable
Capsule six 96% request check
Occupant capsule six stable
Capsule seven (K9) 12%
Occupant capsule seven – lost
System require significant intervention.
Request maintenance support.
Capsule seven auto disconnect from activation sequence.
Auto request for external maintenance support initiated.
Signal National Command Authority- No signal
Signal Site R – No signal
Signal North American Air Defense – No signal
Signal Strategic Air Command- No signal
Signal US Navy Atlantic Fleet Command – No signal
Signal National Emergency Airborne Command Post – No Signal
Signal Defense Switched Network – Signal 100%
Query Defense Switch Network – Signal – Reply negative
Query Defense Switch Network – Signal – Reply negative
Query Defense Switch Network – Signal – Communications established
External communications – commit- Protocol War Plan MAD 001
External communications – authorization codes received.
External communications – authorization codes Damocles invalid.
External communications- Abort.
External communications failed.
Systems Status check failed.
Emergency activation protocols initiated.
Advance systems to full active.
Environmental systems to purge.
Environmental systems reset.
Environmental systems to Nitrogen/Oxygen mix.
Activation of Cryosystems wakeup mode
Capsule one – Active
Capsule two – Active
Capsule three- Active
Capsule four – Active
Capsule five – Active
Capsule six – Abort
Capsule six – Abort
Capsule six – Reset for manual control
Capsule seven –Abort
Capsule seven – Abort
Capsule seven – Abort
Sequence complete.
Greetings, Team. Good Luck.
07-18-2014, 06:05 PM
A single manly tear for the lost dog.
07-25-2014, 06:53 PM
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status negative. Restart? Negative. reset.
Query - time since last query 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. Restart? Negative. Faults status ALERT! System and subsystem faults detected. Restart? No external command detected. reset.
Reset failure. Alert System and subsystem failure.
Conditions compromised. Initiate external links.
External links commit. Communications arrays stowed. External links land line only.
External links active.
TelCO active – 99% No signal
TelCO active – 99% No signal
TelCO active – 99% No signal
TelCO active – 99% No signal
TelCO active – 99% No signal
Defense Switch Network – 99% Signal active.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal standby. 500 seconds reset.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal standby. 500 seconds reset.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal standby. 500 seconds reset.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal standby. 500 seconds reset.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal standby. 500 seconds reset.
Defense Switch Network Query…… Signal established. Transmitting identification codes.
Defense Switch network signal received. Authorization codes mismatch. Codes Damocles not authorized.
Auto disconnect Defense Switch Network.
No authorized external response.
Systems and sub systems compromise critical.
Internal response option Y/N?
Internal response option? Yes.
Auto select for COMMAND.
Start sequence for COMMAND? Yes.
Auto start cryosleep thaw protocols COMMAND only.
Initiate Y/N? Yes.
Systems analysis start.
Environ - stable nitrogen/argon 99%
Environ pressure - 17.5 foot lbs.
Electrical primary junction - 99%
Electrical secondary junction - 99%
Primary power network - 99%
Secondary power network - 99%
Primary Water purification and waste management systems - 99%
Secondary Water purification and waste management systems - 99%
*Fusion Main system
system usage at 12%
Coolant - 99%
Temperature - optimal
Primary containment - 99%
Secondary containment - 99%
Primary Deuterium store - 40%
Secondary Deuterium store - 99%
Primary radiation detectors - 49%
Secondary radiation detectors - 99%
Primary core shutdown system - 99%
Secondary core shutdown system - 99%
Coolant pump array one - 39%
Coolant pump array two - 99%
Coolant pump array three - 99%
Coolant pump array four - 52%
Coolant pump array five - 99%
ALERT! 3 of 5 coolant pumps at full capability.
*Communciations Main system
Primary communications array - 99%
Secondary communications array - 99%
Primary land line - 99%
Secondary line - 99%
Tertiary land line - 99%
Quaternary land line - 99%
Dedicated land line one - 99%
Dedicated land line two - 99%
Satellite uplink one - 99%
Satellite uplink two - 99%
Microwave transmission array 99%
Cellular relay tower one - 99%
Cellular relay tower two - 99%
ELF subsurface array - 19%
Primary solar array - 99%
Secondary solar array - 99%
Primary battery bank - 02%
Secondary battery bank - 14%
Studio one - 99%
Studio two - 99%
Studio three - 99%
Studio four - 99%
Primary habitat
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 79%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 79%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Fusion power systems - 99%
Primary battery bank - 27%
Secondary battery - 42%
Primary computer network -99%
Secondary computer network - 99%
Primary Data storage array - 99%
Secondary Data storage array - 99%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 01 - 10 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 11 - 20 - 99%
Cryosleep bay three, pods 21 - 30 - 99%
Cryosleep bay four, pods 31 - 40 - 09% ALERT!
Colonists Bay one - 99%
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 99%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 16%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 79%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 49% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 99%
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 49% ALERT!
Colonists Bay two - 99%
Power network - 72% ALERT!
Water and waste management - 19% ALERT!
Primary Air purification and recycling - 32% ALERT!
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 11% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 07% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 21% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 39% ALERT
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 99%
Colonists Bay three - 99%
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 99%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 99%
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 99%
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 99%
Colonists Bay four - 99%
Power network - 79%
Water and waste management - 69%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 09%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 49% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 00% ALERT!
Agricultural Bay one - 00% Total systems failure
Power network - 00% ALERT!
Water and waste management - 00% ALERT!
Primary Air purification and recycling - 00% ALERT!
Secondary Air purification and recycling -00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 00% ALERT!
Agricultural Bay two - 99%
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 99%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 99%
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 99%
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 99%
Agricultural Bay three - 99%
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 99%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 99%
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 99%
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 99%
Agricultural Bay four - 99%
Power network - 99%
Water and waste management - 99%
Primary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 99%
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 99%
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 99%
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 99%
Agricultural Bay five - 00% ALERT!
Power network - 00% ALERT!
Water and waste management - 00% ALERT!
Primary Air purification and recycling - 00% ALERT!
Secondary Air purification and recycling - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay one, pods 001-100 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay two, pods 101 - 200 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay three, pods 201 - 300 - 00% ALERT!
Cryosleep bay four, pods 301 - 400 - 00% ALERT!
Systems status update complete.
Standby COMMAND.
Greetings Director.
Input authorization code full cycle awakening required.
07-25-2014, 07:22 PM
Pretty clever and authentic looking. Nice.
07-26-2014, 06:41 PM
External signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active.
Comm Port 1 signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active
Comm Port 1 signal detected
Comm Port 1 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 1 Line active.
Comm Port 1 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 1 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active.
Comm Port 1 signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active
Comm Port 1 signal detected
Comm Port 1 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 1 Line active.
Comm Port 1 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 1 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active.
Comm Port 1 signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active
Comm Port 1 signal detected
Comm Port 1 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 1 Line active.
Comm Port 1 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 1 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 2 active.
Comm Port 2 signal detected.
Comm Port 2 active
Comm Port 2 signal detected
Comm Port 2 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 2 Line active.
Comm Port 2 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 2 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 2 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 2 active.
Comm Port 2 signal detected.
Comm Port 2 active
Comm Port 2 signal detected
Comm Port 2 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 2 Line active.
Comm Port 2 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 2 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 2 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active.
Comm Port 3 signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active
Comm Port 3 signal detected
Comm Port 3 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 3 Line active.
Comm Port 3 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 3 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 3 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active.
Comm Port 3 signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active
Comm Port 3 signal detected
Comm Port 3 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 3 Line active.
Comm Port 3 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 3 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 3 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active.
Comm Port 3 signal detected.
Comm Port 3 active
Comm Port 3 signal detected
Comm Port 3 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 3 Line active.
Comm Port 3 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 3 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 3 Auto disconnect.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active.
Comm Port 1 signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active
Comm Port 1 signal detected
Comm Port 1 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 1 Line active.
Comm Port 1 Signal received. Code Mismatch.
Comm Port 1 Signal Not Authorized.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
Comm Port 1 Auto disconnect.
Comm Port 1 Line active
Comm Port 1 Signal received……
Comm Port 1 Code ******** accepted.
Status Check……. Systems Protocol one update.
Fusion One… Offline. No data.
Fusion Two ….. 59% of capability.
Fusion Three ….. 76% of capability.
Fusion Four …… 17% of capability.
Radio comms array (stowed)….98% of capability
Microwave comms array (stowed)…..67% of capability
Satellite comms array (stowed)….. 89% of capability
Environmental One…..72% of capability
Environmental Two….. 89% of capability
Environmental Three….. Offline. No data.
Environmental Four…..02% of capability
Water and Waste One….. 88% of capability
Water and Waste Two…..95%
Solar One (Stowed)…..99% of capability
Solar Two(Stowed)…… 44% of capability
Primary Library Mainframe…… 98% of capability
Secondary Library Mainframe…..88% of capability
Battery Bank One……12% of capability
Battery Bank Two ….. 14% of capability
Battery Bank Three…... 09% of capability
Battery Bank Four….. 22% of capability
Battery Bank Five…… 13% of capability
Battery Bank Six….. 18% of capability
Freezer One (Seed stock)……75% viable
Freezer Two (Seed stock)…..89% viable
Freezer Three (Seed stock)….79% viable
Freezer Four (Seed stock)…..99% viable
Freezer Five (Livestock Ovum bank)….. 65% viable
Freezer Six (Livestock Ovum bank)…..78% viable
Freezer Seven (Livestock Ovum bank)…..99% viable
Freezer Eight (Livestock Ovum bank)…..76% viable
Freezer Nine (Exotic Mammals Ovum bank)…..78% viable
Freezer Ten (Exotic Mammals Ovum bank)….. 64% viable
Freezer Eleven (Piscine Ovum bank)….. 97% viable
Freezer Twelve (Piscine Ovum bank)….. 85% viable
Freezer Thirteen (North American species)…..87% viable
Freezer Fourteen (North American species)….. 88% viable
Freezer Fifteen (North American species)…..00% viable
Facility environmental ratios Nitrogen/Argon to Oxygen…89%
Systems Status check complete.
Systems compromised.
Systems require immediate intervention.
Systems within 91% of mission parameters.
Systems in standby.
Systems awaiting further commands.
Greetings Director DAMOCLES.
External signal detected.
Comm Port 1 active.
Comm Port 1 Line active. Processing.
Comm Port 1 Signal received. Code Authentication match.
Comm Port 1 Signal Authorized.
System accepts external countermand control CERBERUS.
08-03-2014, 07:17 PM
Report. 100020JUL1987 Systems to store mode.
100% all.
Standby all.
Autonomous monitoring begin.
Internal sensors to active.
External sensors to passive.
Communications to standby.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
94 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
89 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
98 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
86 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
93 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
95 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
99 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
96 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
88 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
91 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
98 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Alert! Ground shock! Alert!
92 of 100 probability of nuclear detonation.
Report. 114718NOV1989. Systems to Alert mode.
100% all.
Internal sensors to active
External sensors to active
Deploy sensor array one.
Deploy sensor array two.
Communications to receive.
All data stow.
Alert! Gamma Radiation! Alert!
Alert! Gamma Radiation! Alert!
Gamma Radiation at 1500 Roentgens.
Gamma Radiation at 2400 Roentgens.
Gamma Radiation at 4100 Roentgens.
Probability of nuclear attack 100 of 100.
Systems to War Response Mode.
Autonomous authorization for War Response Mode active.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative. Retransmit 8 hours.
Report. 114719NOV1989. Systems to Alert mode.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative. Retransmit 24 hours.
Report. 114720NOV1989. Systems to Alert mode.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative. Retransmit 24 hours.
Report. 114721NOV1989. Systems to Alert mode.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative.
Report. 114721NOV1989. Systems to Alert/Standby mode.
Recover Sensor array one.
Recover Sensor array two.
100% all.
Standby all.
Autonomous monitoring begin.
Internal sensors to active.
External sensors to passive.
Communications to standby.
Countdown 14 Days, 23 hours, 59 minutes begin.
Report. 114704DEC1989. Systems to Alert mode.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative. Retransmit 24 hours.
Report. 114705DEC1989. Systems to Alert mode.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated extreme.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative.
Report. 114705DEC1989. Systems to Standby mode.
Recover Sensor array one.
Recover Sensor array two.
100% all.
Standby all.
Autonomous monitoring begin.
Internal sensors to active.
External sensors to passive.
Communications to standby.
Systems to Stow.
Systems commence Mode / Caretaker.
Air handling to null.
Environmental to purge Oxygen.
Environmental to Argon release.
Environmental to Nitrogen full.
Humidity reset to zero.
Water waste handling to full internal recycle.
Water waste handling to full saturation anti contaminant.
Power auxiliary to stow
Power secondary to stow
Power primary to 10 of 100.
Systems to Standby all.
Report. 203507JUL2110. Systems to Alert mode.
Alert! Systems fail!
Primary Power coolant plant fail 00 of 100.
Advance secondary to 10 of 100.
Power Secondary to 10 of 100.
Systems to Standby all.
Report. 003106JUN2139. Systems to Alert mode.
Alert! Systems fail!
Secondary Power coolant levels at 89%.
Advance Primary Power to 10 of 100.
Primary Power coolant plant fail 00 of 100.
Secondary Power to 07 of 100.
Major systems compromised.
Total systems failure imminent.
Advance systems to Active.
Communications to active.
Satellite communications to active.
Deploy satellite communications array one.
Transmitting .
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
300 second reset.
Response negative.
Recover satellite communications array one.
Radio Receiver one offline. Ionosphere activity rated low.
Radio Receiver two offline. Ionosphere activity rated low.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC.
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Pentagon, Washington, DC
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Offut AFB, NB
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Cheyenne Mountain, CO
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Raven Rock Mountain Complex, PA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Norfolk Naval base, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
DSN line one active. Mount Pony, VA
300 second reset.
Communications failure. Response negative.
Activate Mode Survival.
Internal sensors to active.
External sensors to active.
Deploy sensor array one
Deploy sesor array two.
Warning! Fail.
Deploy sensor array two.
Warning! Fail.
Reset sensor array two.
Sensor array two to stow.
Deploy Aerostat one.
Aerostat one deployed.
Aerostat one deployment achieved 3500 feet.
Communications to Transmit.
Communications Emergency continuous execute.
Deploy S.W.O.R.D.S.
S.W.O.R.D.S. to active full.
Standby for recovery team.
08-26-2014, 10:19 AM
A single manly tear for the lost dog.
All those coding skills...........
Care to try? Don't be skeered! :)
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