View Full Version : POLL - The New Dawn Problem
General Pain
12-30-2008, 04:40 AM
I am posting a poll here to discover my fellow forum-posters view on the "New Dawn Party" - hopefully HQ will release info on this here forum regarding Hausmann's New Dawn Party...
FYI : General Pain, The Church of Pain and The Pain Praetorians will not comply to orders or directives of the hated new dawn other words the gallows are waiting.....And that goes for any traitors that join their ranks.
Rupert Willies
12-31-2008, 02:53 AM
I guess the New Dawn Party is finished, but that doesn't mean they are out of the game. There were lots of loyal people in Haussmann's organisation, and given the time we where away on our little Asian romp, who knows how many got inserted into own organisations. We best all be careful, and keep our friends close, and our enemies even closer.
Rupert Willies
12-31-2008, 10:24 AM
Is there anyway we can lure the others onto the board? Is it just because of Christmas they're not participating, or have they never been active?
01-02-2009, 05:56 AM
Is there anyway we can lure the others onto the board? Is it just because of Christmas they're not participating, or have they never been active?
DeCorba is actually registered -saw one of his posts today.
As for Takashi Clan and Col.Sanchez they are maintaining radio silence despite several transmissions to get them to jump to this frequency.
01-02-2009, 06:51 AM
As you may or may not remember there was a considerable militarization of the already extreme party after they assumed power in PacGov during the 2017-2018 lowpoint of the war of liberation against the MilGov aggressors.
The party took control over many military and civillian facilities through personell purges and organizational reform.
Camps for dissidents were set up -notably the dreaded 29 Palms camp were many former immigrants from mainly moslem countries or PacGov citizens who did not renounce religious beliefs that were considered anti social were allocated.But there were many more.
Whole units were made up from loyal partymembers and stationed in crucial areas within the state rather than being rotated to the front like other units made up from soldiers that were nominally loyal to the former warlord factions of the Pacific Coast ( the party ) .These units saw heavy fighting over the years.
Supply caches were also established or relocated after the take over ,in line with the NDPs ideological line "bread and bunkers for all believers".
The game was up by the end of summer 2019 (gametime actual for player characters) when the MilGov expeditionary forces based out of Hawaii launched a surprise attack on the coast in concert with a renewed offensive from MilGov in Arizona.Both sides faced difficulties in the fighting and despite several major victories for the MilGov forces no desisive victory was won.
,including taking control of the airspace over California,
blocking the sea lanes all the way from san Diego ( still in Mexican hands) and up to Seattle ,
overrunning the Sierra Nevada line and taking much of the Central Valley,
moving in to LA and occupying San Fransisco ,retaking Las Vegas and parts of Reno as well as capturing crucial coastal areas
The situation on the PacGov side grew more chaotic every day as civil war erupted between various factions such as the Neo Feudalists VS.NDP/DeCorbas men in DeCorbas areas ,NDP vs Willisco all up and down the valley and the coast ,Pretorians vs NDP and various non aligned groups in the greater LA area, and in the immideate aftermath of the breakdown ,the collapse of the Bakeersfield Safe Zone were the former friends and allies Col.Mendez and Col.Sanchez are slugging it out on the bottom of the atomic bomb crater that was their HQ bunkerssystem.Then the nukes started flying -again - for some reason and the spring/summer strikes of 2019 levelled both sides ability to resupply or even keep their own population to the smouldering ground .Command and control broke down rapidly after that .With isolated units dispersed over a large area and only limited resources to go around infighting between the members of the many precarious alliances was inevitable.NDP has certainly lost control over whatever was outside the party hierarchy such as the police,the army,the EMR services,the civilian administration and so on .There are also plentiful reports from patrols that NDP units have gone renegade and now plunder the population as well as fight other NDP cadres over resources .
The extent of the underground bunker systems that were commissioned by the NDP by in the name of the war effort is not known. Already existing PacGov bunkernetworks will have been incorporated in this and could be found if maps are available.Newly built facilities is another matter as the NDP is well known to compartmentualize to a paranoid degree.
NDP operations aboveground are rare and limited in scope as pr your PCs information summer 2019 gametime.There is no news of the NDP leadership above local level of your area.
The situation is fluid to say the least with several units bothMexican ,PacGov and MilGov broadcasting messaged that demand cooperation and compliance.Deserters from all the factions roam the land ,refugees and desperate people are everywhere, diseases break out at alarming rates ,all services seem to be broken down,and all movement outside any guarded compound is highly dangerous.
Skirmishes occur at a daily basis between larger groups and the condition of a stretch of road is liable to change within hours .
General Pain
01-02-2009, 08:25 AM
It's kind of disturbing HQ that you vote to follow your own orders beeing GM and all...:D
Rupert Willies
01-02-2009, 09:24 AM
Hahahaha I second that thought; It really is very disturbing
Edit: when I come to think of it, I guess it makes sense.. would have been even more disturbing if he'd voted against his own orders! THAT would have creeped me out
01-03-2009, 03:31 AM
just wanted to have a little opposition to your blatant attempts to defy the power.
So you are holding polls now to decide wether or not you are going to obey and suck up to the GMs favourite ,most thought through and completed NPC faction ey???
So thats what you are doing eh??
well then!!!!
You want it that way you got it that way !!!!!!!
Just kidding .Of course I am not rooting for the NPCs .I want YOU guys to win .For real .
see you
01-03-2009, 06:49 AM
suck up to the GMs favourite ,most thought through and completed NPC faction ey???
A-hem.. interesting view of the inside of the GM´s head there..
01-03-2009, 02:02 PM
It was a joke really .
but -
well if I didnt plot AGAINST you there wouldnt be any reason for your characters to get into big gunfights now would there ?after all there are 5 of you against me in a way
yeah ,sure I ll admit to projecting a little bit of a personae into the various scenarios and the NPCs in them- like the NDP is something I have put a bit into ,making good and detailed NPCs,orginaztion write up is ok ,ideology and modus operandi too etc but mainly I am interested in 2 things:
1. To give you guys choices to make that are though enough to make it interesting -for me when seeing you trying to sort out a hard situation
and 2
to make for interesting gambles of "possible loss of hitpoints and risk of fatal damage vs benefit in taking the risk" type dice rolls -I am the bank in a way and the chosen game is one of the actions you can take as a PC like "armed melee fight" or "handgun shoot out inside building" or " order troops to take village" etc etc
Anyways - I now that the reciepe for making you guys realy enjoy yourself is to put you in a desperate situation as far as the pcs go of course and then let her rip.
General Pain
01-03-2009, 04:07 PM
It was a joke really .
but -
well if I didnt plot AGAINST you there wouldnt be any reason for your characters to get into big gunfights now would there ?after all there are 5 of you against me in a way
yeah ,sure I ll admit to projecting a little bit of a personae into the various scenarios and the NPCs in them- like the NDP is something I have put a bit into ,making good and detailed NPCs,orginaztion write up is ok ,ideology and modus operandi too etc but mainly I am interested in 2 things:
1. To give you guys choices to make that are though enough to make it interesting -for me when seeing you trying to sort out a hard situation
and 2
to make for interesting gambles of "possible loss of hitpoints and risk of fatal damage vs benefit in taking the risk" type dice rolls -I am the bank in a way and the chosen game is one of the actions you can take as a PC like "armed melee fight" or "handgun shoot out inside building" or " order troops to take village" etc etc
Anyways - I now that the reciepe for making you guys realy enjoy yourself is to put you in a desperate situation as far as the pcs go of course and then let her rip.
I recall the most joyeus times involve PC vrs PC over the years......the only thing that really have changed is that back in the days the PCs tried to snuff eachother all by them self nowadays it seems there's allways a NPC whispering in someones ear.......hmmmm
Rupert Willies
01-04-2009, 02:02 PM
I recall the most joyeus times involve PC vrs PC over the years......the only thing that really have changed is that back in the days the PCs tried to snuff eachother all by them self nowadays it seems there's allways a NPC whispering in someones ear.......hmmmm
One of my most precious moments was when you where ALL MY BIATCHES, after I saved your sorry hides, and had to bandage you, strip you naked, and hold you in separate pens to prevent you from killing each other. Aaaahhh those were the days...
General Pain
01-04-2009, 03:38 PM
One of my most precious moments was when you where ALL MY BIATCHES, after I saved your sorry hides, and had to bandage you, strip you naked, and hold you in separate pens to prevent you from killing each other. Aaaahhh those were the days...
...and I was just defending my self.....
01-05-2009, 03:26 AM
the" naked ,seriously wounded and kept in seperate babmboo pens "scene was very disturbing .
that whole mission was disturbing .
Funny as f*** though
The answer to the riddle is as always ultimately :" the troubles heaped on the characters by the GM, were incentives to overcome personal differences and start working together as a team rather than fuel bitter infighting and feuds that stretch over years "
But you guys are really roleplaying "the ruthless warlord killer with substance abuse problems types" very well imho.
Cant wait to present you with more incentives next time around.
01-05-2009, 03:28 AM
One of my most precious moments was when you where ALL MY BIATCHES, after I saved your sorry hides, and had to bandage you, strip you naked, and hold you in separate pens to prevent you from killing each other. Aaaahhh those were the days...
I often wonder why you didnt let them kill eachother -clearly they were massive liabilities at the time as you were being hunted etc
General Pain
01-05-2009, 05:34 AM
I often wonder why you didnt let them kill eachother -clearly they were massive liabilities at the time as you were being hunted etc
Prolly b-cause a live General Pain is much better than a dead General Pain dedicating his undeath to haunt his killer...neither Heaven or Hell would accept General Pain and since he himself is his own God/church/religion so he probably would have to travel across Limbo for ertenity anoying and terrorizing anyone around.....
General Pain
01-05-2009, 05:38 AM
that whole mission was disturbing .
not as disturbing when FMDeCorba choose to "DIG" his derringer ;carefully hidden where the sun don't melee.....priceless.... part was prolly when the rest of the party said....:you're digging it out ?????
01-05-2009, 07:05 AM
not as disturbing when FMDeCorba choose to "DIG" his derringer ;carefully hidden where the sun don't melee.....priceless.... part was prolly when the rest of the party said....:you're digging it out ?????
The severe lack of time/distance perception in that situation still baffles me till this day .
How could anyone possibly take that road as opposed to all the other things possible ..?
Well- I believe the whole derringer ass gun thing was just a phase you guys were going through..Not that I judge or anything..
But some of you did try to push the envelope so to speak by insisting that you had 2 derringers ,20 spare rounds etc etc .
I am as fond of "combat phase cavity searches with bullets flying and baddies trying to make mayhem on all sides" as much as the next GM . But this I felt was over the top in a way.
General Pain
01-05-2009, 07:38 AM
The severe lack of time/distance perception in that situation still baffles me till this day .
How could anyone possibly take that road as opposed to all the other things possible ..?
Well- I believe the whole derringer ass gun thing was just a phase you guys were going through..Not that I judge or anything..
But some of you did try to push the envelope so to speak by insisting that you had 2 derringers ,20 spare rounds etc etc .
I am as fond of "combat phase cavity searches with bullets flying and baddies trying to make mayhem on all sides" as much as the next GM . But this I felt was over the top in a way.
Well my Characters usually never insert anything up there.
01-05-2009, 10:00 AM
Your characters will have had a few days to get used to the shock of returning home and settle into the new situation .After a little while , reports and observations trickle in ( see your base portfolio sheet if you wonder why your resources are so low that you cant access all this info just by snapping fingers as you used too)
As the days go by you establish radio contact and a slow report of encrypted messages buzz back and forth . The information gleaned is this :
Anyways -NDP- it ran local,regional and national administration over several years and was firmly embedded in all levels of services and agencies.
It controlled the allocation of resources and employment and thus it had the power to move valuable stuff and personell to areas under its control.
Having used WillisCo as one of its transportation contractors ,FMDeCorba as its development minister and General Pain as its armaments minister it is safe to say that we are talking an unstable organization to say the least. Much of its activities must have been done by shadow agencies to keep you in the dark , and the accounting errors or missing data purposly done to throw snooks of the trail.
On the other hand ,there are records and manifests that are still in some of your offices that show where some of the produce and merchandice have been - if not were it is now.
Further more - the army was composed of soldiers from many of the older factions , and many who sided with other political groups as well before it started crumbling.This means that after a careful draining of a bottle of prewar whiskey during a staff conference you hold on the radio - you can deduce that the NDP is nowhere near its 2018 strength level .
It may or may not have as few as 2500 men under arms all told + an additional 10 000 workforce .(If only the most loyal and fanatical followers are left ) .On the other hand these people wont change their minds and cant change the subject- in other words hard liners.
A more realistic estimate includes a number of symphatizers in the NDP main body that could be as many as 50 000 all told in addition to the before mentioned cadres. These people will be more of the convenience NDPers ,being clothed ,sheltered and fed etc by the NDP is their main reason for loyalty.
As of now there have been little contact with the NDP ,and patrols report that there are few if any areas that still have NDP personell present .
This raises another question - if they still are a cohesive faction - where are they ?And what do they actually have is terms of resources ..
Only highly risky patrols led by PCs will give the answer!!!!!
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