View Full Version : Electronics - Radio Jamming Equipment

General Pain
12-31-2008, 02:59 AM
Anyone know anything about this ?

12-31-2008, 03:02 AM
Unless you can jam a wide range of frequencies at once it would not be effective against SINGCARS-type frequency hopping radio sets. Also, given how powerful the jamming signal would have to be, it would be easy for the enemy to triangulate the position of the jamming broadcast equipment.

12-31-2008, 03:49 AM
The US DoD has been fielding a radio jammer that we use in the field. It sends out a 360 degree oval of a pulse that jams all waves. A buddy of mine at the NCO Academy, a 13F (F.O.) with the 3rd ID said they had it on their HMMWV, and when they stopped somewhere at one point in Iraq, they had the system running. An Iraqi tried to use his cellular phone about 100 yards away. They watched him through binoculars as he struggled with the phone, trying to figure out why it wasn't getting a signal.

They then turned it off, and the man suddenly had service again.

All in all, just another safeguard other than COMSEC loaded into ASIPs and the like. Already, just in the lowest mode, the SINCGARS operates at 100 different frequencies per second. When upgraded to three digit CT, it is now encrypted as well. Incorporate this new system so that if there is a radio controlled IED nearby, that thing will be a NO GO.

-Hauser, your friendly neighborhood RTO.

Canadian Army
12-31-2008, 09:50 AM
I found this article:


I think this is what you are looking for?