View Full Version : AGS System

10-04-2014, 05:26 PM
I got to see these before they sold.


10-04-2014, 08:04 PM
Wait, what?

"Please note, this lot is a registered Destructive Device. Bidders for this lot must meet certain qualifications; please review the BATFE guidelines posted at Aucitonsamerica.com/littlefieldDD."

Is that 105 functional?

- C.

10-06-2014, 09:55 AM
Yes it is - there were several functional vehicles with working armament in the collection

1016 US M52 SPG 12500 14375

1038 French AMX-13 23000 26450

1040 Israeli M50 Sherman 250000 287500

1053 US M37 SPG 170000 195500

1059 UK Centurion Mk 13 80000 92000

1061 UK FV601(c) Saladin Mk 2 37500 43125

1071 Australian M113AI 100000 115000

1076 US M44 SPG 15000 17250

1078 UK FV214 Conqueror Tank 250000 287500

1088 US Prototype Close Combat
Vehicle 105000 120750

And many of the other vehicles were operational as well - various trucks, APC's, etc.. that only needed a 50 cal to put them back into readiness - in terms of Twilight 2000 terms a very interesting mix of vehicles indeed

10-06-2014, 11:51 PM
I've always wondered at the stupidity of Congress. Ban machineguns but leave it so pretty much anyone can still purchase a cannon.

10-07-2014, 08:11 AM
Amazing what he had that was fully operational - basically he had a tank platoon and a scout platoon ready to go - and more than enough operational APC's to carry a reinforced company or more of infantry plus two SPG's

in other words a pretty good sized late war mechanized infantry battalion