View Full Version : Escape from Kalisz v2.2
06-24-2015, 10:39 PM
OK lets try this...
06-25-2015, 08:54 AM
You know I am in.
06-25-2015, 09:16 AM
Tony I sent you a PM via google. :-)
07-01-2015, 08:42 AM
With you click one button and it will roll the dice, calculate if its a hit and roll damage using the built in macro system. You can also click on a target and it will use the data from the target when it does its calculations.
07-01-2015, 09:29 AM
I will be accepting the game invites tonight - are we using pre-generated characters or are we rolling up new ones
07-01-2015, 10:14 AM
Not sure yet Ole. I can pregen a few. I know I listed teh game as a v2.2 but Im leaning towards doing REFLEX Stage I rules which are easier than v2.2
I would like for you guys to make your own PCs that way you "OWN" them and enjoy playing them.
07-01-2015, 03:17 PM
I never played V2.2 or reflex - only V1 - I do have a copy of the V2.2 rules so can see what is different about character generation - have a tanker officer I have played several times I can put together - do you want us to generate equipment and vehicle rolls?
not sure how many we will have for the party and may want to combine to see if we can get something good (have been in parties that started with an M1A1 tank or a Bradley and also been in ones that started with a LAV-25 or Hummer)
07-04-2015, 02:36 PM
Check your mail buddy.
07-04-2015, 03:36 PM
Not sure yet Ole. I can pregen a few. I know I listed teh game as a v2.2 but Im leaning towards doing REFLEX Stage I rules which are easier than v2.2
Um, is this inaccurate then? (from the recent Tw20013 vehicle stats topic in this form):
"In the Reflex system; The character's attributes (base attributes are from 1 to 10) are used as "base target numbers" for any skills the character has learned. This base target number is modified by various bonuses and penalties. Skill levels are not used directly for task resolution though. The character's skill levels are referenced on a chart to get a "Skill Rating" from Unskilled through to Master Ratings. Each of these ratings allow one or more dice (from 1 die for Novice, up to 5 dice for Master) to be rolled. To determine your success in the Reflex System; You take the lowest successful die roll and subtract it from your target number. To this number you will add +2 for EACH additional successful die roll. The total of these numbers is your Margin of Success. This Margin of Success is used to determine the effect of your success in game. You would also have a Margin of Failure if none of your dice rolls succeeded."
Not my idea of simpler than v2.2, but your mileage may vary.
I would like for you guys to make your own PCs that way you "OWN" them and enjoy playing them.
OK. Then will you accept characters built in v2.0 or x2.2?
Uncle Ted
07-04-2015, 03:46 PM
Uncle Ted have you read the REFLEX rules?
I opted to use the REFLEX rules for the game. If you would like to bow out I understand.
Check your email :-)
07-06-2015, 09:41 PM
This is a test I am doing for the built in macros system. If each character clicks the initiative button it will automatically make your roll and put you on the turn tracker.
If you click the Rifle button ... it will ask you to click a target and it will fire at that target making the die roll and adjustments. If it hits it will roll damage.
07-07-2015, 11:36 AM
Im having a friend make a T2013 PC sheet that would include the macros. Its not gonna be cheap but itll be worth it.
Now we just need 2-3 more players.
LT. Ox
07-09-2015, 11:26 PM
If you still are interested in a player with some military background I would enjoy learning.
Served US Army '66 to '70 enlisted in Oakland and became 2nd Lt arty '67
Disney land east '68 served as FO. Trained infantry troops Ft. Ord taught quick kill and other subjects. Left as reserve Capt. '70
Became law enforcement Officer. Started and served then trained SWAT Officers Western Colorado. Worked as lead Scout on team. Later undercover narc for the Colorado B of I.
Went slightly nuts (PTSD).
started a company making historic reproductions in Pewter (and my own Minis) got hooked up with FASA for a long time later Fan pro and then Wiz Kids. Play tested BattleTech, MechWarrior and Pirates Shadowrun etc. Lots of Traveler and Twilight 2000 vs 1. Magic and D and D etc. made Gen con several times.
Well let me know and thanks
LT Ox.
07-10-2015, 05:48 AM
Lt email me
LT. Ox
07-10-2015, 12:44 PM
I have complied
LT. Ox
07-11-2015, 05:49 PM
Redid display name to fit Possible PC--Luke Shanahan
LT. Ox
07-11-2015, 06:19 PM
First Lt. Shanahan started his Military carrier at eighteen in what was then the UNITED States. His beginning was like a lot of others, basic of eight weeks followed by advanced individual training of another eight weeks in the Infantry MOS “plane jane” it was without incident, well except he was promoted to PFC at the end of the sixteen weeks due to his graduating first in class.
That was when things started to get a bit more interesting. “Hey Kid you want to go to Ranger school?”
The DI did not crack a smile when he asked; just put it out to the young Private without any explanation or additional information, like the part about jump school first. Luke looked at his brand new stripe and answered “Affirmative Drill Sergeant!”
That is how a stupid kid ended up in a stupid place like stupid Poland getting shot at by stupid people. OK, so I wasn’t stupid, just ignorant. I did not know enough to ask simple questions, like what kinda things do Rangers do? Or what are the survival expectations of a new squad leader E-4 dumbass? I also did not know that if you shoot expert with every damn weapon they test you with the Army might want to see if you can get through Sniper school. One of the things good about all that schooling, it is hard as hell to get killed on an Army training post, another is you get a promotion when you graduate first in your class, which means more money.
Hell I grew up in Colorado, almost everyone I knew could shoot and shoot well. I could read a map and start a fire and clean my kills and fish and find stuff to eat and well you get the picture Army life was just the next step of being a boy scout in Colorado, without the merit badges, do not tell my old DI that!
Well Army life in training, Army life in Germany and Poland the last three years is not what I would call an extension of the Boy Scouts of America, more like a book I read in High school called “We were Soldiers Once” only the damn Choppers do not come and bail us out.
At first I was scared all the time, make that I was petrified all the time. Then I was kind of numb, I think that was after my spotter took three slugs to the chest and the only thing that happened to me was I heard the hornet pass by my ear. Everyone talks about it, you know the survivors guilt thing but I just went numb for a long time. About the middle of the second year I got into this I am going to die here thinking. I mean if you know you’re going to die and you just accept it then you can live day to day and give thanks for the past twenty-four and sleep.
When I started the third year and almost no one was getting to go back home or what was left of home I sort of went into a funk but then the Major came up to me and handed me these damn bars and told me I was in charge of the best damn platoon of Rangers in Europe, what the, hell I have no idea if more than four or five platoons of Rangers exist in Europe or anywhere else. I did lose the funk though; I mean I have to think about MY People. At first I wanted to toss the dam Second Lieutenant Bars back at him but then I thought who else would he put in charge of us?
Ok here I am LT. Shanahan ready for duty and almost the first thing I hear over the net is “you’re on your Own”
PC sheet to follow
LT. Ox
07-11-2015, 09:42 PM
I got the Why;)
Any info on number in group, not just PC but available NPC?
I understand that we will have no rare or very hard to get items. I am a tad dense in some areas sooo….
No Night vision? Helmet mounted com units with throat mikes etc.? Ground radar is right out!;)
I presume that we can have sniper scopes? Do we have a vehicle?
Things we used on SWAT in the late ‘70’s and ’80; monocular night vision, helmet mounted (heavy bastards) Motorola radio with ear plug and mike attached to collar ( not voice activated we used plunger mike switch in offhand clipped to cuff), Starlight 2nd generation scope ( all green images).
It seems that hand held range finder is OK?
We did use shotgun Mike to locate and listen to bad guys.
In case you had not guessed I like every advantage.
But then I did make it to grey hair status.:D
07-13-2015, 08:37 PM
Looks like we may have up to eight players for our game. We will post a blog for those interested to see how it works out.
07-14-2015, 08:55 AM
And we are playing using v2.2 not REFLEX.
07-14-2015, 08:58 AM
I would be interested in joining your new game
07-14-2015, 11:00 AM
Shoot me an email
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