View Full Version : Three character words allowed in search again

08-14-2015, 03:31 AM
Made an update to the system to allow three character words to be searched.

On this forum given how much alphabet soup we use (TDM, DIA, KGB, GRU) having such a search is really helpful.

This is an annoying problem that surfaces from time to time. The default for both the database and the software is words of 4 characters and above. This is a security measure to prevent sites from being overloaded by multiple searches of the word "the" or such.

I have changed it at least 2 times before and weirdly it seems to reset itself. It might be due to database updates, but I am not positive that is the fact. If you ever see this issue again shoot me a PM as I did not discover it until I searched for EPA and got nothing.


08-14-2015, 08:20 AM
So if I put in "naked crocodile wrestling" only pictures of Targan should show up?

04-07-2017, 12:20 AM
Did a database update recently and again I think it turned off 3 character searches.

Reset it to allow it and rebuilt the database indexes (in case any of you noticed a slowdown earlier as it was very CPU intensive for about 5 min).

James Langham2
04-07-2017, 02:21 AM
Great we can start to search for TLAs again (TLA = Three Letter Acronyms) :)

04-07-2017, 05:54 AM
Made an update to the system to allow three character words to be searched.

On this forum given how much alphabet soup we use (TDM, DIA, KGB, GRU) having such a search is really helpful.

This is an annoying problem that surfaces from time to time. The default for both the database and the software is words of 4 characters and above. This is a security measure to prevent sites from being overloaded by multiple searches of the word "the" or such.

I have changed it at least 2 times before and weirdly it seems to reset itself. It might be due to database updates, but I am not positive that is the fact. If you ever see this issue again shoot me a PM as I did not discover it until I searched for EPA and got nothing.

Americans seems to love Three Letter Acronyms.

04-07-2017, 04:09 PM
Americans seems to love Three Letter Acronyms.

well three is a prime number. ;)

04-07-2017, 08:06 PM
americans seems to love three letter acronyms.



04-08-2017, 03:04 AM


And that is why the country with the four letter acronym, the USSR lost the Cold War, nothing beats the three letter acronym.

04-08-2017, 05:57 AM
Best one of all, TNA.