11-21-2015, 07:07 AM
I came across a copy of Jane's Defence Weekly from August 1989. It appears that a major restructuring of French forces was scheduled under the "Forces 2000" plan between 1989-91. Basically the Corps at Metz would be disbanded and the two remaining Corps at Baden & Lille would be strengthened to three Armoured and one Infantry Div each (upon mobilization they would each take under command a Light Armoured Div also) First Army would move to Metz to co-locate with Armee de l'Air's Tactical Air Force (FATAC). The FAR with its five Divs would go unchanged. The Army would also (along with the Gendarmerie) regroup into three large Defence Zones instead of six smaller ones.
The Bordeaux or Atlantic Defence Zone
-HQ at Bordeaux
The Metz Defence Zone
-HQ at Metz
The Lyon Defence Zone
-HQ at Lyon
If anyone is interested I can scan the article and post it in PDF.
I came across a copy of Jane's Defence Weekly from August 1989. It appears that a major restructuring of French forces was scheduled under the "Forces 2000" plan between 1989-91. Basically the Corps at Metz would be disbanded and the two remaining Corps at Baden & Lille would be strengthened to three Armoured and one Infantry Div each (upon mobilization they would each take under command a Light Armoured Div also) First Army would move to Metz to co-locate with Armee de l'Air's Tactical Air Force (FATAC). The FAR with its five Divs would go unchanged. The Army would also (along with the Gendarmerie) regroup into three large Defence Zones instead of six smaller ones.
The Bordeaux or Atlantic Defence Zone
-HQ at Bordeaux
The Metz Defence Zone
-HQ at Metz
The Lyon Defence Zone
-HQ at Lyon
If anyone is interested I can scan the article and post it in PDF.