View Full Version : Character Thread - The Devil - (Mr.Mao)
General Pain
01-13-2009, 02:21 AM
Thread containing info about Mr.Mao
General Pain
01-15-2009, 11:46 AM
After the last mission you head back to japan.
You set up a direct and secure/encrypted communication link via an laptop.
You have made the GUI/program yourself.
You call it the Hattori Hansa Network (after the katana-maker in Kill Bill)
This means:
You are able to send eachother encrypted text,voice or video messages in real time.
You can alert eachother of upcoming jobs. (etc)
01-21-2009, 06:52 AM is time. mao thought to himself, logging on.
//list: type- *.fts /friends@net.hid /unsecure: off /serverjmp: on cmd: spesial
//threadpst:new *.fts /*@net.hid /"friends need to apply"
the dark room flickered with lights from the screen, and the buzz from the computer cooling system made mao relax, he instantly opened a red bull as he threw on rob zombies house of the 10000 corpses soundtrack... ...somehow it made him feel better...
time to make some friends, some bad friends, this world is none to intresting anyways. He needed action, something to happen...
...4 hours later and nothing had happened, he stood up and started wandering through his "palace".
he wondered up and down the main-window, an enormes wall of smart-glass, which instantly could darken the room, a blindfold for the room. He faded the window, making day into evening, conventiently coded from his iphone. and satt himself at the the middle of the room.
He satt infront of the japanese Zen garden, contemplating his financial future, he had to get into the weapons marked somehow, he knew this. If only he had a great idea, or had a contact with a crazy idea...
well one thing was for certain, he needed people, smart people, on the fringe crazy wackjobs could also be usefull... ...he only hoped they would answer his internett add, sooner then later... a boiled kettle never boils.
he stood up and went towards his command-center, he needed information about his latest job, information is what has kept him alive, he loved it, drew to it as a moth to the flame... ...he needed more, alot more, he allocated 30% to project "a needle in the haystack"(mr x).
"would you need me any more tonight? Mao san?"
he looked at his servant still codeing something (it was the new game he coded, a electronic 3d version of star treks 3d chess) "no kim, you may go, take tomorrow of, happy birthday, in advance or delayed whatever sooths you", a dry "thank you mao san" was heard... "i meant with payment of course", a more gratefull thank you where heard as the door closed...
mao grew bored as the coding was only seconds to be finished, he deleted it and went to the screening room in the basement...
chilling with pork´n´beans, and an episode of the third session of lost in space... at least for now it was quiet, and mao soon went into slumber mode knowing he had computers finding Mr.X...
General Pain
02-05-2009, 01:26 PM
a new LSD variant has been discovered in Amsterdam. The few sightings/happenings/recipients claim that they can "see" lies told to them!!??
One bust resulted in a few tablets optained by local police.
General Pain
02-05-2009, 01:29 PM
STRANGE ENERGY ANAMOLIES located in peru mountains...location unknown.
02-05-2009, 01:41 PM
as soon as the lsd story broke, mao was on the phone to his amsterdam friend Drem Giorde. explaining the value of these drugs in future development, the phone is ofcourse scrambled an secure. offering a handsom sum for the coorporation... ...ofcourse...
...after some negotiating over scrambled phone, he takes the risk for mao, and bribes his ways untill a tablett is in his ownership, a privat learjet takes him on a trip to japan, for party time with mao, ofcourse he is companied on the plane by some lovely japanese girls, just as an escorte ;) , at the end of the trip he delivers the goods to mao, a "gift" (green looking compund of a tablett, big tablett), new form of lsd...
02-06-2009, 01:43 AM
The Russians we messe with when we grabbed that girl are getting pesky.
We need a location on a mob lieutenant or preferably "Papa" Mogiljevich him self.
Please make this a priority along side Chicago mission .
-----end transmission-------
General Pain
02-06-2009, 02:05 PM
Energy Anamoly at Mao Textile Factory. 5 days without steady power has resulted in stop of production. Spokesperson Takashi tzuszonobe has for the moment no comment. And it seems the factory workers refuse to comment aswell.
Local media speculate on recent events in Maos Family. The sole beneficioary of the Mao estate; Munami Mao has not yet apeared in public after the funeral of his family;whom all died in a recent planecrash.
General Pain
02-07-2009, 08:04 AM
Electrician dies in mysterious accident at Mao Textile Factory. Family of the deceased demand answers from owner.
Local Police have investigated and concluded that it was a freak accident. Coroners report not yet published.
Mao Textile Factory Stocks drop 5%. Recent "happenings" has left stockowners conserned.
"More on this as the story continues....."
02-08-2009, 01:12 PM
"Mr Mao will direct the concerns"
after the problems we had, we sought it to be cautioniary to hire in an electric firm to see over the upgrade of the company, which is pr date an upgrade to solarpower, or at least partially. It is always a tragedy when someone looses his life in the line of duty, and my thoughts goes out to his family and friends, we will help those left behind in any way we can.
the textile company persay is going quite nice, and i can today reveal that I, as my father before me, is going to expand the company to also include development of alternative energi, medical research, and also the branch of computer-coding-and consulting, which has been only me, will expand to a new firm, helping the ordinary man with new widgets an likes.
ceo of hsbc has informed me that the financial is all in order, and i see no more glitches in the future to come, I, as the ceo of mao textile, look forward to see the factory once again go smooth as clockwork, as it has been going in the past, in no small thanks to the workers of mao textile.
I, Mao, looks upon the future with ope, even though the crunch is over us, i feel Mao inc. has its money in the right places for future adventures for all the mankind.
may you all be safe and happy
General Pain
02-08-2009, 01:50 PM
After a long avaited public apperance , Mr Mao's positive approach result in a marginal rice in his company's stock. + 0,8%
02-09-2009, 04:27 AM
Takashi Tzuszonobe, age 33
Takashi, halfbrother and close friend, comes as usually to eat some breakfast this morning, Mao smiles at him, he always does.
Mao almost cherfully greets Takashi, Takashi smiles back, a bit confused at first, then he laughs gentle as he says
"have you been nipping the Uéruzu "wine", because you seem to be in such a good mood, eventhough the factory has problems"
"no no, i havent touched the whiskey for weeks, i love to you know, but, well, you know... is not good for my stomach. But the problems you speak of, I have partly a solution, you will take charge of the MAO textile. And I will start up some of the other branches in Mao Inc. How does it sound???"
"I will need you answer by the end of the week, only one thing if you take it, you should try to make money, but in the same time be fair and reasonable against the workers, invest in them, like daycare programs and educational programs for the workers. I like our father think it is most becoming to take care of the workers, ofcourse you shouldnt go bankrupcy doing it. and if you rather not take the job, that is ok, but I hope you will do it.
Mao whent silent for a short time then he said seriously to Takashi "I trust you Takashi Tzuszonobe-san, I trust you very much"
Takashi grew silent, as this was the first time he had heard Mao call him sir.
"i need some thinking time" takashi said, Mao smiled big "lets eat some breakfast, later we have more to discuss, but lets not disturb the food with buisnis"
to gm: the mening is that Takashi is my left hand at this place, so i do not need to be there correcting small glitches when they occure, even takashi do not need to be there on regular bases, as he can delegate, but he should have the main over-view of the Mao textile factory. and he should dig to the bottom of the electrical power glitches.
General Pain
02-09-2009, 04:40 AM
He accepts the job.
Stock increase : 0,2% is the result of the news in the financial sector.
General Pain
02-09-2009, 05:11 AM
Electrician dies in mysterious accident at Mao Textile Factory. Family of the deceased demand answers from owner.
Local Police have investigated and concluded that it was a freak accident. Coroners report not yet published.
Mao Textile Factory Stocks drop 5%. Recent "happenings" has left stockowners conserned.
"More on this as the story continues....."
"Local coroner - Mitsusobi Yakashi (62) releases report. He explains he never has seen the same electrical burns ever before and theorize that the equipment in the textile factory should not be able to do it, he insist on getting american experts but it's denied by his superiors and the case is closed"
02-09-2009, 05:14 AM
a following statement is given:
as the Roethle Group said:
"People want an inexhaustible pool of energy in a small package that is cheap, safe and clean. A radical turn will be needed to satisfy the unquenchable thirst for portable and mobile power. It is anyone's guess whether a superior electro-chemical battery, an improved fuel cell, a futuristic atomic fusion battery or some other groundbreaking energy storage device will fulfill this dream. For many, this break will not come in ones lifetime."
we at Mao energie research, will use cutting technology to extend the usetime of all your gadgets in the future, we have hired a leading name in olivines battery technology, mr Yet-Ming Chiang,
and will use his expertice to make better longer living and cheaper battery, currently the research will be done in the united states and tokyo, as for the production of these future batteries is a matter of outsourcing it stands unanswered at this time.
the future will be powered by Mao Inc. division of energie
General Pain
02-09-2009, 05:20 AM
Due to recent news of expanding Mao Inc. the stock rices another 0.5%
02-09-2009, 05:22 AM
and enters the Local coroners office to Mitsusobi Yakashi (62).
without even introducing himself Mao starts to speak, even before the door is closed behind him.
"I have heard about your report, any particular expertice in the united states of america you where thinking about? and do you have a hypothesis about what could have done the damage?"
the door closes...
General Pain
02-09-2009, 05:32 AM
and enters the Local coroners office to Mitsusobi Yakashi (62).
without even introducing himself Mao starts to speak, even before the door is closed behind him.
"I have heard about your report, any particular expertice in the united states of america you where thinking about? and do you have a hypothesis about what could have done the damage?"
the door closes...
He says he can send the photos of the atopsy to contacts in the states who are experts on electrical burns for no cost, but if you wan't a consultation it will cost. He says he can start right on it, he is obiously a very curious person.
Mitsusobi Yakashi - 62 - Coroner
02-09-2009, 05:39 AM
i think it says all in the heading... dont you..? mao wants the information from the coroner..
Again Mao Inc. has launched a new adventure as it currently is trying to get some of the japanese reconnaissance satelite contract for the 4th generation type.
This generation will implement Formosa-II technology used for the FY2005 satelites the taiwanese launched, witch gives it 50cm resolution, but this will be more improved for the FY2009-FY2011 satelites, which are the one MAO Inc. are trying to get contracts on.
"Even the size, of the satelite and propultion system, is getting an upgrade, as small satelites is more maneuverable." Mr. Mao said in a board meeting
The Mao ENERGY company will be working with this, and the private marked, as a priority.
The energy facility of Golden, CO, have currently started talks with Mao ENERGY, as sharing a facility, gives great advantage in this field, money wise and intellectual.
Mao feels that energy should not be kept a secret, and is willing to share the advances in technology, with the "NREL Solar Energy Research Facility", so that a greener and better future will be made for all our children.
Mr. Mao`s hope for the future are high, as he lately have been hiring new and brilliant staff, but often unheard names.
But as Mr. Mao says: "popularity doesnt write a good book, it is the idea"
note to gm: need scientists, brilliant, and borderline crazy...
General Pain
02-09-2009, 08:17 AM
Your "interest-fishing/surfing" programs have discovered a strange - animation claiming to be next-gen cloning!? - Info origin is unknown but it seems to orginate somewhere in Peru or nearby countries.
General Pain
02-10-2009, 03:12 AM
Your "interest-fishing/surfing" programs have discovered a strange - animation claiming to be next-gen cloning!? - Info origin is unknown but it seems to orginate somewhere in Peru or nearby countries.
Another snippet from same source....
video is very grainy - and this is the result after 5 hours of decoding.
another strange picture from what seems to be same source
02-10-2009, 11:24 AM
The Russians we messe with when we grabbed that girl are getting pesky.
We need a location on a mob lieutenant or preferably "Papa" Mogiljevich him self.
Please make this a priority along side Chicago mission .
-----end transmission-------
Mao, the third night in a row is hacking the shit out of internett, if it was ever an A.I present on the nett, it would probarbly be laying in a virtual "shower" crying as it tries to wash the bytes and bits that came from Mao`s computer.
"good damn", mao thought as he gulped down the third red bull this hour, is there no way of finding this bastard(papa)?
the flickering screen sent lightstreams over Maos unshaven face, and reflected in those big glasses, that he always seemed to be most comfortable infront of the screens with, he looked as he felt, geeky.
He started another search, that could take some "minutes".
As it started, Mao quickly stood up and stretched himself, and started to walk towards the toilet...
...then he stopped, and stood with an look of agony in his face, only for a few seconds, before he turned around and sat himself down by the computer again, his bladder was full, but this couldnt wait.
Maos finger seemed to run along the keyboard, and he had often thought that if he was born creative, in the legal way, he would be an excellent writer, or at least he could write a book very quickly.
He added some scripting on the PERU program, widening the search to include S.A.R.S (south americas radar services (u now the FAA of mexico and like, i donotknowwhatitisreallynamed)) to include unknown flying object especially.
Even though he knew that the flying saucer was a myth, atleast he had never seen ANY proof of anything else, but in the same time he knew that those ufo, where a highly valuable sources for locating whatever secret-bases that would be out there... the u.f.o itselves where all but goverment secrets.
If he where lucky, both the anomalies of electricity, and next gen cloning would be in the same area...and marked by a big f***ing X of ufo´s, if he was lucky, if not that lucky, he at least should have some more information about the subjects at hand.
He downloaded a map of peru, and wrote as quickly he could a widget that captured the "lines" of air-traffic, and would detected anomalies, like manouvers that kicks the ass out of normal airbus830 or other charter planes... ...using "listening" programs connected to radar.
Writing as quickly as possible as he almost where pissing his pants.
Mao suddenly took the trash bin that was located near him, and released his bladder into it, typing still.
He squesed the last drop out his bladder as the interlocking "bridge" between the satelite imagery and radar surveilance grew finish. Mao had learned the hard way, to never pause an idea...because it will be lost.
he stared at the screens, like he was trying to memorize it, and smiled, it was all there...
After a quick emptying of the trash bin, and a quick wash of the same bin, Mao went back and started to smooth out the "corners", not many hours went before the program seemed to be finished, the interface was unbelivable complicated and messy, but then again, it wasnt as he was going to sell it...
...he entered the simple code to start it RUN and pressed enter...
as he was staring at the program ticking and highlighting and working as it should....he promptly succumbed to his own tiredness, and started snoring in his computer chair...
General Pain
02-11-2009, 09:50 AM
4 of your 27 servers are down because of dos-attacks/zombie-hacks/wildfire-anti-antifirewall breaches/abnormal ping request/etc
allmost all attacks are untracable - like they are better than you!!??
1 attacker has been traced to south-america (your best pinpoint)
02-11-2009, 10:46 AM
maos rude awakening, made him mad... ...somebody "made" him or atleast some made his nett-avatar, no need to worry about identity, as it had never been used from this workplace/machine...
...but something needed to be done, and quickly...
writing a ping trace rerouter in to the system was a obvious choice, so next time, if it ever would be a next time, the pinging should be located in the arctic research facility. but who has this ability...
research has to be done once again... he thought as he entered the __--@hackers_delight@--__ an esoteric irc for the "elite"-hacker....
knightrider666:!anybody else getting some strange anomilies from south-america??!324
02-11-2009, 12:13 PM
Mao Inc. the new star of enterprises?
325 328
The son of Mao textile seems, to shoot
towards the star, n multiple areas, like space technology,
which he is no newcomer, as he at a young man was
hired by no other then the chinese goverment. Again this
entrepenore is aiming for the star, as he uttered a
statement, making the super battery a succsess.
"we tested the batteries on a electric motorcycle, and the
result where amazing, as is the adventures scientist
mr Yet-Ming Chiang, whom expertise is no other then
brilliant, 3times this days capacity is no a reality. and with
the benefit of smaller power for recharging, this is the
technology that will be improved upon and further developt
for the japanese space program, if we get the contract.
Either way, the battery will undergo a trial and "stress"
periode but should be offered to the public for only the
dobbel price of to days bateries". asking about the technology
behind these super-battery, where short in reply from both
Mr. Mao and Mr Yet-Ming Chiang, both holding the research
close at heart. But suprisingly, and after Mr. maos own
statement, they released one secret for other developers to
enjoy and take to heart.
"its all about the oxidation of the elements whitin",
mr Yet-Ming Chiang said smiling, and speaking with other
scientists in the same field of research, this statement seemed
to hold both promise and a logic that is non-discusable according
to scientist, which still wonders about the actually solution.
Mr. Mao also offered jobs to any scientist with new ideas, telling
this paper "it doesn matter if the idea is "out there", i welcome
all new ideas. and different is sometimes better then ordinary"
before he entered his electric car, which seems to be his calling
card, green power, enviroment and new technology.
General Pain
02-11-2009, 12:27 PM
After statements in "The Times" Mao Inc. Stock rises 5%
Another attack towards your serverpark -
1 more server down (this is because last nights preperations - without them you don't know how many would have crashed)
(sweat builds on your forhead)
General Pain
02-11-2009, 05:31 PM
Strange grainy picture,sendt over secure SSL connection,tagged with : Bone and Sceleton Anamoly, subject unknown,appears human.
Sender: unknown doctor in south poland
Reciver: rerouted and sendt thru various nodes, propable location south london.
02-11-2009, 05:36 PM
mao disconnects all the computers, changes carrier, opens new "travel-route" in a cyber cafe loading an ofserver disc he created long ago M.A.R.K:13.7 his biggest creation, his longest programming, interllagged, dobbel biting, 1024bit encryption, and repeated backtracing, a ping echo resonace dobbler, a dobbler squatter of spreading bits into fragment, a virus extraordinaire as it is unusually quiet and small, and drags no more then a fraction of computer power. connected to the moving server banks, in a ratio of 3 servers a day, downloading large chunks of dvds would be useless, but then again, he bought what he wanted to see. this program was usually only good for tracking, giving the "prey" an mission impossible.
program functions like this: the virus is spread, a small virus, not pinging leeching power or causing havoc, as i send a package it is decrypted on a 1024 bit decryption that is 52 digget code made up by small letter, capped letter and symbols, even numbers, as it hit the random server infected, it breakes up in small parts connecting to another server, which has been predetermined by the first server, it infects this new server and again splits and before taking alternitativ routes to the third server, her det information buts it selv togheter sending me the information back a different way, with a new server name to receive new input. before the information is backtracked, it sends ping request that multiplies to different servers or machine, this request comes back, and the virus bings them all at the same times at the 1024bit decoded information again spread, and journey threw three more different server before comming back to me.
program is used to virtually lock in all the open ports and holes of the server system i have, retrive information if possible, but most importingly make a virtual "trap" for catching the return "adress". if ever hacked again, ping reply back to the sender should if all works out flash a secure ip-line to my offline irc, and the message, lets talk...
the same program is used for trying to track the doctor in poland...
no-hostle intencion- ofcourse, as i need scientists
02-11-2009, 05:41 PM
REUTERS 120209 time 12:46
the new iphone facial recognition program under development
Mao electronic and software has revealed the future program as the making of this seems indeed to be the real deal.
Official in the japanese police sas it would be happy to try it out, but have had no request for this at the given time.
"the software, neds tweaking, as the system used now has a slow seeking rate" Mao was rumored to say. It is uncleared if there will be any major differences on the iphone, electronicly. As no sources seem to acknowledge or deny this, though a higher official, who wish to remain incognito, proclaim that he would feel it strange if at least not the Novoila-battery would be implemented in any hardware upgrades. Other experts Reuter has contacted also sees the camera as a bit of an improving necesarity.
02-12-2009, 08:09 AM
Our recce has shown that there is a maintenance system underwater that can be accessesed by scuba gear .
We can also gain entry by a bluff at the maingate with one of ours posing as the company CEO or some such figure ( important contact from the state senate maybe ?) and the rest can be driver,bodyguards,secretary,doctor etc .To do this we need info on the character we will impersonate .
I leave it with you to work a little on detail with the others as soon as possible .
Lastly -other ideas might also work if someone have one .
--------end transmission-------
PM is sent with this info also
General Pain
02-12-2009, 08:12 AM
mao disconnects all the computers, changes carrier, opens new "travel-route" in a cyber cafe loading an ofserver disc he created long ago M.A.R.K:13.7 his biggest creation, his longest programming, interllagged, dobbel biting, 1024bit encryption, and repeated backtracing, a ping echo resonace dobbler, a dobbler squatter of spreading bits into fragment, a virus extraordinaire as it is unusually quiet and small, and drags no more then a fraction of computer power. connected to the moving server banks, in a ratio of 3 servers a day, downloading large chunks of dvds would be useless, but then again, he bought what he wanted to see. this program was usually only good for tracking, giving the "prey" an mission impossible.
program functions like this: the virus is spread, a small virus, not pinging leeching power or causing havoc, as i send a package it is decrypted on a 1024 bit decryption that is 52 digget code made up by small letter, capped letter and symbols, even numbers, as it hit the random server infected, it breakes up in small parts connecting to another server, which has been predetermined by the first server, it infects this new server and again splits and before taking alternitativ routes to the third server, her det information buts it selv togheter sending me the information back a different way, with a new server name to receive new input. before the information is backtracked, it sends ping request that multiplies to different servers or machine, this request comes back, and the virus bings them all at the same times at the 1024bit decoded information again spread, and journey threw three more different server before comming back to me.
program is used to virtually lock in all the open ports and holes of the server system i have, retrive information if possible, but most importingly make a virtual "trap" for catching the return "adress". if ever hacked again, ping reply back to the sender should if all works out flash a secure ip-line to my offline irc, and the message, lets talk...
the same program is used for trying to track the doctor in poland...
no-hostle intencion- ofcourse, as i need scientists
you just gave me an ide for episode 1.5
more info will follow
02-12-2009, 10:30 AM
...smells like xp-bonus :p
General Pain
02-17-2009, 12:28 PM
...smells like xp-bonus :p
but what DOES it smell like ??:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
02-20-2009, 06:47 PM
mr mao pick up his phone his value is at this point:
stockportfolio: 4,7 million dollars
(invested in different companies)
flowcharter of mao inc will follow
investment portfolio available 15 million dollars
(bbshc bank loans i can get)
gold: 400 000 pr 15january value now almost 500 000
*selling at 600 000*
my illeagal cash under witewash
not sure here... is it not 1 mill, pluss what ever we got from the "rescue" mission? what is the payback on whitewash? 1 dollar to get 88 cent back???
hidden stash/cash:
se charachtersheet
credit cards:
unmarked 40 000 (4*10k)
gold and whitewash money will be invested along with mao inc, exept for 10% wich will go to my pension fond (gold coins)
need to know the value of my whiskey collection, not for sale, but as i can take loan against it, rising my stockportfolio...
...making money, making contacts, making contracts... ...hence; getting the right "wrong" stuff, into my hands, the "wrong" hands...
02-20-2009, 07:15 PM
thinking short terms, Mr. mao quickly fixes a meeting with the "Konica Minolta", for theyre eyegoogles,
automatically seeing his own interest in these goggles (of course in the "eye" of crime), he offers them "free"
programming for these goggles, the word free is ofcourse highlited a the new software will not cost anything
to make or create, but it will cost the users to use them, ofcourse minolta gets a bit of the action here, so
everybodies happy, in the same time other software uses for these goggles are made and put to the test...
the interfacebox, is also tried minimized/picking out anything unusefull, and putting in usefull/purpi-use,
mixing intercom with the interfacebox, should make this goggle be a usefull tool in the heat of the battle,
giving out the friendlies on gps mapping system, in the same time keeping intercom, and connected with
snake-"eye" a sneak and peak tool, connected to team-cam, a usefull "interface".
also mao eyes catches other intrests, and starts to collect information on whoes who,
and whats what within, nanotechnology
special interest, within subject:
mao contacts the company:
General Pain
02-24-2009, 07:30 AM
Australian researchers discovered strange fluxiations in energy in the recent bush-fires. The researchers ar beffled by their findings, refusing to comment before further sudies are conducted.
03-09-2009, 06:26 AM
i should have 10 in computer.
we have earlier talked about breaking the skills up so i can utilize them better. and i have been thinking (that is right y´all)....
if i ave 10 in computer
then maybe i should have 10 in software and 5 in hardware, meaning if i want to be able to make my own equiptment (mainboards or other hardware etc) i have to role on a 5 to make it. if i am hacking (software based) it is on 10.
either way it is getting intresting, for instance:
comming to a door, a high tech door, it is ofcoursed closed.
i try to do my best for opening this door, you deem it difficult(a "hard" door) i dont make the role, i roleplay some junk about getting to see if i can do something else on the door (since i mist the first attempt, i would say it would be as hard as the first, just because "i dont seem to get it!". it doesnt work, so then i could say "i am going to do it the hard-way" taking of the cover, and starting to reroute wires etc...
a new role is then comenced, but since it is harware i have to role against a 5, not making it maybe triggering a silent alarm etc...
i think of this because i do want to be a computer geek, and even though a computer geek never gives up, i do not see "i am going to try again" to be valuable playing time, if not used in a fashion of roleplay...
ok, maybe i am not making myself clear...
i want software computer skills be separate skill, an hardware computer skill to be half of the computer skills.
then you can even throw in combat enginering skill togheter with hardware skill, for instance: a safe door, maybe only needing a gunpowder explosion to get the door opened, if placed at the correct circuit, to override the locking trigger or something.... ...gms discretion...
General Pain
03-09-2009, 10:25 AM
i should have 10 in computer.
we have earlier talked about breaking the skills up so i can utilize them better. and i have been thinking (that is right y´all)....
if i ave 10 in computer
then maybe i should have 10 in software and 5 in hardware, meaning if i want to be able to make my own equiptment (mainboards or other hardware etc) i have to role on a 5 to make it. if i am hacking (software based) it is on 10.
either way it is getting intresting, for instance:
comming to a door, a high tech door, it is ofcoursed closed.
i try to do my best for opening this door, you deem it difficult(a "hard" door) i dont make the role, i roleplay some junk about getting to see if i can do something else on the door (since i mist the first attempt, i would say it would be as hard as the first, just because "i dont seem to get it!". it doesnt work, so then i could say "i am going to do it the hard-way" taking of the cover, and starting to reroute wires etc...
a new role is then comenced, but since it is harware i have to role against a 5, not making it maybe triggering a silent alarm etc...
i think of this because i do want to be a computer geek, and even though a computer geek never gives up, i do not see "i am going to try again" to be valuable playing time, if not used in a fashion of roleplay...
ok, maybe i am not making myself clear...
i want software computer skills be separate skill, an hardware computer skill to be half of the computer skills.
then you can even throw in combat enginering skill togheter with hardware skill, for instance: a safe door, maybe only needing a gunpowder explosion to get the door opened, if placed at the correct circuit, to override the locking trigger or something.... ...gms discretion...
I was thinking more in the lines of like melee - (grapp,punch/kick)
So ....
Computer programming
Computer designing/construction/engenering/fixing
Computer reverse engenering
Computer hacking
Computer security hacking
Computer specialization (variable) fex: old Vic20 software production
so we have 6 categories (maybe more should be made)
Computer Skill
1-4 - 1 master, 1 speciality,the rest novice
5-7 - 1 master, 2 speciality,the rest novice
8-9 - 2 master, 2 speciality,the rest novice
10 - 3 master 3 speciality
Master = average
Speciality = difficult
novice = very difficult
So 10 in Computer would give u:
3 scores of ten
3 scores of 5
what do u think
03-11-2009, 03:28 AM
its a good idea , but a score of 10 should give 10 in one skill and 5 in the others .
I was thinking more in the lines of like melee - (grapp,punch/kick)
So ....
Computer programming
Computer designing/construction/engenering/fixing
Computer reverse engenering
Computer hacking
Computer security hacking
Computer specialization (variable) fex: old Vic20 software production
so we have 6 categories (maybe more should be made)
Computer Skill
1-4 - 1 master, 1 speciality,the rest novice
5-7 - 1 master, 2 speciality,the rest novice
8-9 - 2 master, 2 speciality,the rest novice
10 - 3 master 3 speciality
Master = average
Speciality = difficult
novice = very difficult
So 10 in Computer would give u:
3 scores of ten
3 scores of 5
what do u think
Rupert Willies
03-11-2009, 02:28 PM
I agree with HQ. 10 in Computer should give you 10 in ONE score.
For example programming and reverse engineering a piece of hardware is not even related. There is a skill for electronics, right? Reverse engineering is electronics. Making a PCB is more a feat of electronic engineering or even chemistry than a computer skill.
Understanding programming could in a way help you understand the totally different system of electronics (flow of current), but only as a framework for understanding and learning more.
Making the RIGHT computer hardware would be easier if you are the one going to program it. Making outstanding devices has much more to do with the hardware then the programming of it. For example processors (CPUs) are most all the same; only after testing are they separated into speed classes. Before the CPU is tested Intel can't really know if the chip in question is a 3 GHz or only a 2,4 GHz. If you want to produce insanely powerful devices, you need not only to be a skilled programmer, but you need to be extremely skilled at actually MAKING your own components. That's going to cost A LOT!
General Pain
03-11-2009, 02:33 PM
I agree with HQ. 10 in Computer should give you 10 in ONE score.
For example programming and reverse engineering a piece of hardware is not even related. There is a skill for electronics, right? Reverse engineering is electronics. Making a PCB is more a feat of electronic engineering or even chemistry than a computer skill.
Understanding programming could in a way help you understand the totally different system of electronics (flow of current), but only as a framework for understanding and learning more.
Making the RIGHT computer hardware would be easier if you are the one going to program it. Making outstanding devices has much more to do with the hardware then the programming of it. For example processors (CPUs) are most all the same; only after testing are they separated into speed classes. Before the CPU is tested Intel can't really know if the chip in question is a 3 GHz or only a 2,4 GHz. If you want to produce insanely powerful devices, you need not only to be a skilled programmer, but you need to be extremely skilled at actually MAKING your own components. That's going to cost A LOT!
point's good u join the discussion
how abuuut u set up a electronics a la computer
General Pain
03-12-2009, 07:50 AM
....a package is delivered to your estate...
it includes: a picture and a note
....the note says: Shall we more pictures....
strangly there is no return address or way of tracking the source
General Pain
04-02-2009, 03:24 AM
strange weather/storm has suprised and somewhat baffled metrologists around the world out. The intel was released on a secure site for government affiliated research . It has not reached the news. Location of the "storm" anomaly is west/south-west of India heading southwest
General Pain
04-08-2009, 06:03 AM
The following crews has accepted a hit (assasination) on Dr. Phillmore Hetzer, your current employer.
************************************************** *******
TEAM 1 - The Unbreakables
************************************************** *******
Jack Norton - Teamleader - extensive experience in combat
Emely Wood - Tech-specialist - usually uses smgs
Gary Smith - Sniper
(They are all wanted/suspected for murder accusations in various countries)
************************************************** *******
TEAM 2 - The Brothers
************************************************** *******
Frederic Smith - served time for bank-robbery and was discharged without honours by the us army
Angus Smith - served time for bank-robberies and was discharged without honours by the uk army
(wanted for questioning by the FBI - suspected mafia connections / RICO charges)
The Brothers served time together in San Quentin in the early 90s.
************************************************** *******
TEAM 3 - The Sword
************************************************** *******
Ushumitsu Sakiraba - 33 - a deranged master swordsman. Suspected of multiple assasinations by japanese and korean police. Has powerfull friends (and enemies) with deep pockets who pay for his extensive legal fees. Known for his extravagant speending.
General Pain
04-09-2009, 07:28 AM
Info released by MAO:
Rudi Hetzer - 60 (Dr.Phillmore Hetzer's Cousin)!f169CropList/img462x262.jpg
* After a recent inheritance dispute Rudi and Phillmore are now not on speaking terms
*Side note(Rudi will inherit everything if Phillmore dies)
*Capable of hiring mercs/assasins/hitmen
************************************************** ********
Achmed Al-Khadri - 56 (former scientist for the Saddam Hussein regime)
*Had a standing contract with Hetzer for government work - it was broken by Hetzer when the first Gulf war started - This was not forgotten by Al-Khadri.
*Capable of hiring former republican guards and other Iraq (former and current) military personell.
************************************************** ********
Dr. Albert Wolfcastle - 63
*was publically humiliated and ridiculed in college by Hetzer
*vanished and has been off the grid since.
*some rumors have him moving to Iraq others tha his dead...?
*Capable of god knows what
************************************************** ********
The Facts are :
*Dr. Hetzers has enemies
*One or more of them have hired assasins
- more to come
General Pain
04-21-2009, 05:28 AM
This one is registrered not far from Stonehenge.
The burst of energy was brief but powerfull.
Strange thing about this one compaired to the others is that it had direction and was not stationary as the others.....?
A local farmer took a picture before it disapaered....
Rupert Willies
04-21-2009, 06:09 AM
Maybe some of this could be caused by someone trying out their HAARP equipment?
I try to get Mao to research this for a bit. Should be fairly easy to find indications of unsolicited use.
04-21-2009, 06:15 AM
what kind of effects are we talking about here ?
electrical surges that short circut comms and electronics ?
weather anomalies?
geophysical anomalies ? ( earthquake,tsunami,volcano eruptions?)
Maybe some of this could be caused by someone trying out their HAARP equipment?
I try to get Mao to research this for a bit. Should be fairly easy to find indications of unsolicited use.
04-23-2009, 01:56 PM
General Pain
05-19-2009, 09:17 AM
(see "the story so far thread" )
He has been observed in Tokyo.
Asking Questions about Mao Inc.
Questions related to:
Locations,contacts,time scedules.
This has offcourse ended in a rather detailed folder on your desk.
Last location of Mr. X : TOKYO International Airport - he boarded a plane to moscow.
General Pain
07-16-2009, 05:32 AM
A hack you put on the Egyptian outward-bound airtravel hubs..has picked up a small snippet...
Seems that a private jet with 4 or more coffins where smugled out of the country to an undisclosed location on the European mainland.
Travel documents are obiously forged and it looks like officials where bribed to make this possible..
General Pain
11-17-2009, 08:01 AM
Your next in command , Takashi Tzuszonobe , have survived a horrible car crash that you later discovered was an assasination attempt . The assasins was from a Yakuza-rival - The Yokozuna Clan. They have close ties with the russian mafia you encountered earlier in your adventures...
Takashi is now in intensive care (with armed guards). He will only be of limited assistance to you for the nex couple of weeks.
Your stock droped 0,15% as a result of this... :(
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