View Full Version : BOB in TMP
06-06-2016, 02:58 PM
I was reading a file I had found a long time ago. I think it came from this forum, but not quite sure.
The article dealt with a Bug Out Bag for the Bolt Hole or the vehicle. It was designed to give some one about 3-5 days of supplies. The article proposed that the player did NOT have his backpack or weapon. The BOB had a M6 survival rifle and a .22 Black Widow hand gun as backup. 150 rounds of .22 LR, 50 rounds 410 slug, and 50 rounds of 410 birdshot.
I have been trying to envision a scenario where a team member or two have to rely on their BOB's due to some catastrophic disaster in the bolt hole. An earthquake comes to mind.
Thoughts, comments, ideas???
My $0.02
06-06-2016, 04:02 PM
Was it the "Bail Out Bag"?.... I think that is on Gary's website.
06-06-2016, 04:45 PM
Mine includes the Colt IMP.
My BOK was to be included in the cryo tube with the weapon in functioning order, not like the weapons stored in cosmoline in the rest of the bolt hole.
I included it just in case the bolt hole was breached and the characters need to defend themselves or had enough time to escape thru the emergency exit.
06-06-2016, 04:54 PM
Was it the "Bail Out Bag"?.... I think that is on Gary's website.
The title of the article is "Morrow Project Issue: Bug-Out Kit"
This kit is intended to be included in the cryo freeze chamber for an emergency situation that may arise, i.e. if the bolt-hole is breached and you can't get to your equipment in the vehicle. It can also double as an emergency bail out kit for a vehicle, once the bolt-hole is abandoned. This kit is not intended for long term survival.
Contents contained in a small olive drab (OD) backpack.
Weight: approx 5.50 kg w/o weapons
approx 9.75 kg w/ weapons
Kit includes:
1 M-6 Survival Rifle, .22 LR and .410 gauge shotgun. 50 rounds .22LR, 50 rounds .22 JHP Hornet, 25 Rounds .410 slug, 50 rounds .410 bird shot, 8 rounds each red, green, white flares.
1 Black-widow .22LR back-up pistol, 50 rounds .22LR Magnum JHP
1 Short range survival radio, range 10 kms. One channel only
1 Heavy duty reinforced space blanket, OD on one side, silver on other
1 Light weight OD rain poncho
2 Large heavy duty trash bags
1 Water filter straw
1 Personal MP Issue Survival Kit (see below)
1 Personal first-aid kit (see below)
1 Small collapsible plastic bucket
1 Water storage bladder
1 OD plastic canteen & canteen cup
1 OD BDU pants
1 OD tee-shirt
1 OD wool sweater
1 OD wool watch cap
2 Pair grey socks
1 OD light weight wind-breaker
1 Pair black leather gloves, w/ OD liners
4 Boxes of water/ wind proof matches, w/ OD plastic container
2 Disposable lighters
1 "Tommy" cooker and 3 boxes, of 25 fuel tablets
1 Set KFS (Knife, Fork, Spoon)
1 Folding pocket knife
1 Knife sharpening stone
20 m of OD para. cord
1 Note pad w/ pen & pencil
1 Signal mirror
1 Signal whistle
1 Small flashlight
1 Folded local map
1 Compass
Toilet paper in sealed plastic bag
2 MRE meals
The Springfield M6 Scout covers a variety of needs in both normal and emergency situations. Improved and updated from the original U.S. Air Force M6 Survival Rifle, the Springfield M6 Scout is a tough, reliable rifle you can depend on.
Stainless Steel construction resists sand and saltwater, and performs flawlessly in foul weather conditions. An optional lockable marine flotation carrying case affords maximum protection for the M6 and provides convenient storage. Emergency signal flares are available and store inside the weather-safe stock.
Just under 4 lbs., the M6 Scout is a no-nonsense rifle light enough to pack all day. The over-under barrel design features an upper rifle barrel chambered for a .22 rimfire or .22 Hornet cartridge and a lower .410 gauge shotgun barrel for magnum shot shells, slugs or flares. Cartridges and shells are conveniently stored in the butt stock. Each M6 is drilled and tapped to accommodate a Weaver base scope mount.
The M6 Scout features a folding stock which is easily detached via a quick-release pivot pin. An M6 breaks down in less than 5 seconds to a very compact overall length of 18 inches, providing easy storage on a boat, small plane, tractor or recreational vehicle. A specially designed trigger guard allows conventional finger firing, or full hand firing while wearing mittens or heavy gloves.
Rifle Barrel
Caliber: -.22 Long Rifle or .22 Hornet
Twist: -1:15 RH (.22 Long Rifle);1:13 RH (.22 Hornet)
Grooves : 6
Shotgun Barrel
Caliber: .410 gauge / 2-1/2" or 3" shot shells or 3" slugs
Weight: 4 lbs. (approx.)
Overall Length: 32"
Barrel Length: 18-1/4"
Sight Radius: 16-1/8"
E-Factor: .22LR - 6,
.22 Hornet – 8
.22 LR Magnum JHP - 10
.410 Ga. slug -15
.410 # 7 shot - 2 x 1d20 pellets
.410 Flares Red, Green, White
1200 cp, for 4 minutes
.22 Black-widow
Length: 6.25 inches
Barrel length: 2 inches
Weight: 1.2 pounds
Bore diameter: .22 caliber
Maximum effective range: 82.02 feet(25 meters)
Rate of fire:
Rapid (w/o speed loader): 12-18 rounds/minute
Sustained: 12-18 rounds/minute
E-Factor: 8 .22LR JHP Magnum
Morrow Project, Personal Survival Kit
The survival kit is issued to all personal of the Morrow Project. The kit consists of two plastic containers, each measuring 11.43 cm x 13.97 cm x 3.81 cm with each container weighting 0.45 kg, curved to fit in chest or thigh pockets. They are sealed with O- rings and held together by "C" clamps that run the length of the long sides, the clamps being slid off when the contents are needed.
Container No.1
1 Aluminum dish
1 Lipstick, anti-chap and sunburn protective
50 Iodine water-purification tablets
1 bar of soap (3/8 ounce)
1 Tincture benzalkonium chloride bottle (2CC)
1 Illuminating candle
2 Waterproof receptacles (rubber prophylactics)
11 A.P.C. tablets
6 Waterproofed matches
1 Single edge razor blade
3 Band aids
1 Adhesive plaster
1 Boric acid ointment, tube (1/8 oz.)
1 Gauze
6 Salt tablets (sodium chloride)
6 D-Methemphet hydrochloride tablets
1 Mirror with cord attached
1 Snare wire assembly
Container No. 2
1 Gerber Multi-tool
16 Oxytetracycline tablets
1 Wrist compass and strap
1 Fishing kit (plastic container, 2 wet flies with snell, 15 fish hooks, nickel demon with double hook and 3 lead strip sinkers)
6 Waterproof matches
1 Single edge razor blade
1 Sewing kit (2 needles and thread)
1 Sparking metal (flint)
1 Fishing line
1 Sun and bug repellent, tube (1 oz.)
1 Absorbent cotton (2 grams)
1 Chamois
3 Band aids
2 Spare sinkers
9 MAINSTAY EMERGENCY FOOD BARS: Mainstay brand emergency food bars have been specifically formulated for LAND-BASED HIGH STRESS situations. Mainstay food bars are ready to eat and non-thirst provoking. Each package contains 9 pre-measured 400 calorie bars, or "meals". The individualized portions eliminate the messy breaking-up that occurs with other bars.
These emergency food bars are high in protein, allowing for on-land emergency consumption in a high stress active situation. Mainstay bars have a fat content of below 29% and contain no cholesterol or tropical oils.
Mainstay emergency food bars can withstand temperature extremes ranging from 40 degrees below zero to 300 F. Mainstay is enriched with vitamins and minerals exceeding the RDA requirements.
Mainstay emergency food bars are moist, but not crumbly, with a pleasant lemon-vanilla flavor that stimulates salivation, and avoids the need for liquids to "wash it down". Drinking of fluids with a Mainstay bar has the added advantage of producing a "full" feeling, after consumption, due to a slight expansion of the food matter. Mainstay bars are packaged 9 bars to a vacuum-sealed, mylar foil pouch. Mainstay food bars are for emergencies, and should not be consumed, if other foodstuffs are available. Weight is 0.15 lbs (0.07 kg) per Bar, or 1.35 lbs (0.61 kg) per Pouch.
Personal First Aid kit: is an economical trauma pack for on site response. It provides the basic supplies needed for most emergencies.
100 Adhesive Bandages various sizes
50 Antiseptic Wipes
5 Cold Packs
1 Sterile Sheet
1 EMT Shears
4 Eye Pads
2 Eye Wash powder mixed with water
1 First Aid Manual
1 Forceps
1 tube Burn Ointment 6 ozs.
4 pr. Latex Gloves
3 CPR Micro-shields
1 8 oz. Hydrogen Peroxide bottle
1 Rescue Blanket
25 Gauze Pads
5 Conforming Bandages
5 Combine Dressings
2 rolls Adhesive Tape
3 Triangle Bandages.
The nylon bag has 5 compartments for easy access.
Dimensions: 13" x 8" x 5 1/4".
Weight: 1.89 kgs.
I hope this helps.
My $0.02
06-06-2016, 05:14 PM
All of this is based on my kits at my site. I remember seeing this somewhere as well, I'll look thru my files and see.
06-06-2016, 05:47 PM
All of this is based on my kits at my site. I remember seeing this somewhere as well, I'll look thru my files and see.
If this is yours, I did not mean to steal it. It was posted as a text file. I copied it as a start point for discussion.
My $0.02
06-07-2016, 01:30 PM
"Morrow Project Issue: Bug-Out Kit"
This kit is intended to be included in the cryo freeze chamber for an emergency situation that may arise, i.e. if the bolt-hole is breached and you can't get to your equipment in the vehicle. It can also double as an emergency bail out kit for a vehicle, once the bolt-hole is abandoned. This kit is not intended for long term survival.
Contents contained in a small olive drab (OD) backpack.
Weight: approx 5.50 kg w/o weapons
approx 9.75 kg w/ weapons I include a Browning HP-35 and a TMP issue personal survival kit, which is part of their regular issue, in a sealed bag within the capsule. No additional equipment, just what they were already issued in an immediate use condition. The pistol is in a sealed mylar bag oiled with preservatives, two loaded magazines, and two replacement magazine springs.
Kit includes:
1 M-6 Survival Rifle, .22 LR and .410 gauge shotgun. 50 rounds .22LR, 50 rounds .22 JHP Hornet, 25 Rounds .410 slug, 50 rounds .410 bird shot, 8 rounds each red, green, white flares. Hornet and Long Rifle are not interchangeable……. So you have 3 kinds of .22 in your kit and the rifle and pistol ammo are not compatible.
1 Black-widow .22LR back-up pistol, 50 rounds .22LR Magnum JHP ….. absolutely not. A gimmick at best. Dump this and use the weight saved for something else.
1 Short range survival radio, range 10 kms. One channel only.
1 Heavy duty reinforced space blanket, OD on one side, silver on other
1 Light weight OD rain poncho
2 Large heavy duty trash bags . More… these get trashed fast and weigh under 4 oz.
1 Water filter straw
1 Personal MP Issue Survival Kit (see below)
1 Personal first-aid kit (see below)
1 Small collapsible plastic bucket Why?
1 Water storage bladder Why? Unless this holds a significant amount. However, there isn’t a way to purify a significant amount with this kit anyway.
1 OD plastic canteen & canteen cup all that is necessary.
1 OD BDU pants
1 OD tee-shirt
1 OD wool sweater
1 OD wool watch cap
2 Pair grey socks
1 OD light weight wind-breaker
1 Pair black leather gloves, w/ OD liners
4 Boxes of water/ wind proof matches, w/ OD plastic container (one maybe two)
2 Disposable lighters (these fail so much, but their light and I take them anyway.)
1 "Tommy" cooker and 3 boxes, of 25 fuel tablets (one box) I would sub the whole thing for a pot like a “corn boiler” that would boil significantly more water. There isn’t anything that needs to be cooked in the kit anyway.
1 Set KFS (Knife, Fork, Spoon) Why? The MRE has a spoon.
1 Folding pocket knife
1 Knife sharpening stone
20 m of OD para. cord
1 Note pad w/ pen & pencil
1 Signal mirror
1 Signal whistle
1 Small flashlight
1 Folded local map (probably useless with the speed and range of TMP vehicles.)
1 Compass
Toilet paper in sealed plastic bag
2 MRE meals (too bulky, LRRP rations maybe?)
06-07-2016, 01:41 PM
I was reading a file I had found a long time ago. I think it came from this forum, but not quite sure.
The article dealt with a Bug Out Bag for the Bolt Hole or the vehicle. It was designed to give some one about 3-5 days of supplies. The article proposed that the player did NOT have his backpack or weapon. The BOB had a M6 survival rifle and a .22 Black Widow hand gun as backup. 150 rounds of .22 LR, 50 rounds 410 slug, and 50 rounds of 410 birdshot.
I have been trying to envision a scenario where a team member or two have to rely on their BOB's due to some catastrophic disaster in the bolt hole. An earthquake comes to mind.
Thoughts, comments, ideas???
My $0.02
Flooding? Maybe the ground water has risen and the bolt hole integrity has failed..... The equipment is lost to rust.
Morlocks? Stubs? Some tunneler has made off with the bolthole contents... even the tires and anything that can be removed from the hull of the V-150 with a couple of wrenches.
Vermin.... the bolt hole has become a new for a rat colony. Most everything has atleast its container chewed open and exposed to air.
06-07-2016, 04:23 PM
If this is yours, I did not mean to steal it. It was posted as a text file. I copied it as a start point for discussion.
My $0.02
You didn't steal it. I posted it to my site and I believe someone else modified portions of it to better suit their game.
06-08-2016, 05:13 PM
I stick with the pocket survival kit. The problem with the BOB is yet another pack, two more weapons, two more calibers...from a logistical standpoint, yet another headache that isn't really needed.
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