View Full Version : Starnaman vs Fall-back
10-14-2016, 06:19 PM
I was reading Fallback again. And I realized a MAJOR hole in the logic of the scenario. IF KFS launches the Great War, then the Village of Starnaman and the Delta Base are HOSED. Hell the idea of KFS is directly opposed to Starnaman. A small, independent community that has withstood the ravages of time.
The KFS would swarm a small black powder community under with the artillery and armored cars.
Plus the idea of KFS having access to Delta Base???!!!?? AND surviving Morrow Teams?
Starnaman is not in Kentucky. Easiest and quickest fix. Still have to careful since the KFS Great War will range up and down the Mississippi.
KFS is NOT the big bad bogey man as portrayed in "Bullets and Bluegrass" or the monster that is in "Fallback". I really do not know how to re-write the KFS into something manageable. I think that your average recon group will be more like the Spartans at Thermopylae.
IMHO, the First Armored Division as it appears in "Operation Lonestar" MIGHT be a good opponent. Except for the KFS having P-47's. This could be offset with the 1st Armor being linked up with Morrow and Morrow using Stinger Anti-Air extensively. There are only 50 some P-47's per the KFS TO&E. This is doable.
The First Armor DOES have DUAPFSDS. The KFS has HE and solid shot. The armor battle SHOULD go to First Armored.
I think I will get off of my soap box now. (About damn time according to my wife.)
My $0.02
10-14-2016, 07:13 PM
I was reading Fallback again. And I realized a MAJOR hole in the logic of the scenario. IF KFS launches the Great War, then the Village of Starnaman and the Delta Base are HOSED. Hell the idea of KFS is directly opposed to Starnaman. A small, independent community that has withstood the ravages of time. I think Starnaman survives because it has nothing the KFS wants and cannot compete. At best, any notice the KFS gives the place is for someone to sabotage any schools or efforts to construct anything above the 19th century tech level. Really though, I think that Starnaman is just ignored as long as the KFS is unaware of the few high tech goodies that the villagers are blissfully ignorant of right in their midst. Not giving them away here just because someone might want to play this difficult and very demanding of role play versus roll play scenario.
The KFS would swarm a small black powder community under with the artillery and armored cars. Just the KFS infantry supported by horse cavalry is enough to smash this flat. .40 caliber flint locks and spicy mustard grenades versus Mini-14s and rifle grenade supported by LMGs.
Plus the idea of KFS having access to Delta Base???!!!?? AND surviving Morrow Teams? That would be very, very unfortunate for the resurrection of the Project and would make the KFS nearly undefeatable…… more fusion, tools, vehicles, HAAMs, etc in the hands of the Rich Five. Yeah, if it happened I would let it ride. It would be a few years before an impact was really felt.
Starnaman is not in Kentucky. Easiest and quickest fix. Still have to careful since the KFS Great War will range up and down the Mississippi. Well, the KFS is actually attacking to the east toward the coast for the most part. I would keep it in Kentucky right where it is….. Force the players to fight a guerilla war, destroy Delta base themselves, or bury it and hide.
KFS is NOT the big bad bogey man as portrayed in "Bullets and Bluegrass" or the monster that is in "Fallback". I really do not know how to re-write the KFS into something manageable. I think that your average recon group will be more like the Spartans at Thermopylae. Fallback is actually a hopeless scenario………. 10-14 Team Members and six Snake eaters versus an Army in the thousands trained as a combined arms force. For every ambush or delaying action the KFS army just flanks them. Hail Hydra.
IMHO, the First Armored Division as it appears in "Operation Lonestar" MIGHT be a good opponent. Except for the KFS having P-47's. This could be offset with the 1st Armor being linked up with Morrow and Morrow using Stinger Anti-Air extensively. There are only 50 some P-47's per the KFS TO&E. This is doable. Any team with a Stinger only has 2 -4 missiles…. With two reloads found in all of the six caches. Used once in a surprise the stingers will buy some time as the KFS pilots keep their distance…. Honestly, I don’t think a Stinger could bring down a P-47 with all its armor, self sealing tank, and radial engine.
The First Armor DOES have DUAPFSDS. The KFS has HE and solid shot. The armor battle SHOULD go to First Armored. The KFS has fully functioning power packs and full mobility. Even more the KFS enjoys the full electronics suite and radios. Lonestar has to manually aim with the back up sites and fire from a halt.
I think I will get off of my soap box now. (About damn time according to my wife.)
My $0.02
Thanks! I look forward to more.
10-16-2016, 11:09 AM
Certainly, the KFS seems an example of overkill. Not least of all that when one thinks about the Project; they're not exactly Green Beret Ninjas with state of the art killing machines bursting out of the ground to wreak havoc. Rather they're small groups of semi-trained, well-intentioned volunteers with some modern equipment.
The idea that the KFS would orient most of their military, industrial complex seems unlikely.
If the KFS is going to provide the level of comfort it's hoping for they will be spending as much effort building tractors and trucks as armoured vehicles.
So a few thoughts,
1 The standard KFS armoured vehicle will probably have the following wishlist.
1 Travel faster than a galloping horse (the fastest thing its likely to be encountering)
2 Be able to cover most terrain including rivers at fording points.
3 Be sufficently armoured to resist musket and possibly heavy rifle fire.
4 Be able to carry its crew and half a dozen or so extra
5 Be able to carry enough water, fuel and other supplies to be able to cover several hundred miles.
6 Have a sufficently heavy weapon to destroy any other light vehicle or damage a building out to a mile or so.
Whilst the V300 meets this requirement so do most lightweight wheeled vehicles, probably even an armoured Humvee would do the trick. No point ending up like Nazis with the worlds best tanks abandoned when they ran out of fuel or threw a track.
Probably the V300s would be there but as described in Fall Back as Tank Hunters for taking on the Morrow Project when needed etc.
Secondly would they really need 105mm artillery? Heavy guns, heavy ammo able to pound the enemy at 10 miles range. When if the enemy cant fire back, it'd be easier to do it from say 2-3 miles with mortars?
01-14-2017, 08:39 AM
My take on "Fall Back" and "Bullets and Bluegrass" is the key to winning lies in the bottom line. If the cost is too high the Five would abandon the effort, gutting the pro-war factions in the process. Also Memphis Village would be in more trouble as the source of percussion caps, unless they get them from the KFS.
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