View Full Version : OT: America is not a country but a British owned corporation!!
Has anybody ever heard of this. I came across it recently and was actually stunned.
1) The Constitiution for the United States of America is written (notice I say for not of).
2) A war of independance begins.
3) The British Monarch finances both sides (directly and indirectly through France).
4) America wins the war and both sides sign the Treaty of Paris 1783
5) Article number 4 means America agrees to pay all debts owed to the British Crown - http://en.wikipedia...._of_Paris_(1783)
6) America is bankrupt forcing it to seek finance which it gets through a British bank (it later became the Rothschild Group).
7) Finance is only granted on the condition the USA as a country is abolished and replaced with a corporation of the same name. The reason being is Britain wants legal ownership of American land as security incase it cant meet its debt repayments.
8) The IRS is created to collect the taxes which are used for the debt repayments. The IRS pays the income tax to the IMF which pays it to the British Crown.
9) To make all these legal changes a new consitituition is written - The Constituition of the United States of America (for swapped to of which in legal jargon signifies the constituition of a corporation).
10) The US corporation is still repaying its debts to Britain today. Corporations have no legal authority to create laws but because of legal fiction it holds power over the American people. The Queen of England can and does create laws for the US which it has to obey because it isnt a country its a British corporation.
08-28-2017, 12:06 PM
I think Great Britain would have to fight with China for possession...
I think Great Britain would have to fight with China for possession...
Now that sounds more like it
I have to admit that this theory lies out there with the "Sovereign Nation" crackpot theories, but I do get a kick from it all.
However I really don't know if its true or not, and I've seen a few dubious articles online which claim it is true or that its just a myth. I think a lot of stuff is based around the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, and the fact that there in fact two legal United States. The main one formed in 1787, and another one formed in 1871 which only refers to the District of Columbia.
February 21, 1871: Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871. Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.
The Act of 1871 is I believe legally a corporation that does not affect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788. But it is were the US federal government is located, so what is going on?
One wacko theory believes that the three stars on the DC flag are part of a wider conspiracy, and represent (1) DC (2), the City of London (3), the Vatican. The City of London is in fact a distinctly weird legal entity known as the Crown (but distinct from the British monarchy) that is not legally part of London (it has a separate Mayor) and is a financial creation controlled by the banks or maybe some other mysterious group. They even have their own MP in the British parliament. Inflate that theory any you have the City of London controlling everything in the Western world and beyond. Some extreme theories have it controlled by a cartel of the Fabian Society, the Vatican and the Jewish bankers.
But getting back to if the US is still controlled by the British Monarchy, I cant find much but here are a few things.
In English Law courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas have jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task. First, through the 14th Amendment and then through the registration of our birth certificate and property. All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crown’s private commerce.
This is definitely I think on the Sovereign Nation waveband in legal nonsense, but parts of it could be looked into.
There is also this....
True of not I don't know. However there is some quirky law regarding British rights to use and have full access to the Mississippi River. It was made before the US expanded westwards when this area was not that important and largely inhabited by American Indians. I don't know if it was ever amended..
08-28-2017, 02:05 PM
8) The IRS is created to collect the taxes which are used for the debt repayments. The IRS pays the income tax to the IMF which pays it to the British Crown.
They know that that IRS was not created till 1862 right?
The IRS was created when the tempoary measure of income tax was brought in to help pay for the civil war. Before this US taxes were collected as excise taxes on the importation of goods (see the Tariff Act of 1789). Income tax was made a perment fixture as was the Congress`s power to pass tax laws with the rafication of the the 16 amendment in 1913.
Also the IMF was not founded till 1944, this statement also fails to meation the Anglo-American Loan Agreement which was made in 1946 and paid in full in 2006.
08-28-2017, 02:34 PM
The U.S. Constitution wasn't written until several years after the end of the Revolutionary War.
They know that that IRS was not created till 1862 right?
Yes you are right, but there is no actual date for when all this is supposed to have happened just that it came about sometime after American independence when the new United States could not pay its debt. There was no tax collection agency in the US before the IRS was created and as it states.......
" The IRS is created to collect the taxes which are used for the debt repayments".
So we can take from that that Britain secretly forced the US to create the IRS during the Civil War to pay its debts. The Civil War had nothing to do with this whatsoever, in fact the British bankers actually started the Civil War by funding the Confederacy........... It's the truth!!
Also the IMF was not founded till 1944.
Also true, but I suppose they are trying to term this in a way about how things are done in the modern world of today. Before the IMF the US had to ship gold bullion to London whenever they were told to do so as cheques can bounce!
this statement also fails to mention the Anglo-American Loan Agreement which was made in 1946 and paid in full in 2006.
Yes this statement and the most of the article fails to mention a lot of things.
The U.S. Constitution wasn't written until several years after the end of the Revolutionary War.
That's right Raellus because the US was to busy paying its debts!!
Silent Hunter UK
08-28-2017, 03:08 PM
Now that's an odd theory, considering some people think we (the UK) are the 51st state of the USA...
08-28-2017, 04:17 PM
I have to admit that this theory lies out there with the "Sovereign Nation" crackpot theories, but I do get a kick from it all.
However I really don't know if its true or not, and I've seen a few dubious articles online which claim it is true or that its just a myth. I think a lot of stuff is based around the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783, and the fact that there in fact two legal United States. The main one formed in 1787, and another one formed in 1871 which only refers to the District of Columbia.
February 21, 1871: Acts of the Forty-First Congress," Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871. Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.
The Act of 1871 is I believe legally a corporation that does not affect or control the 50 sovereign states that are protected from the federal government by the US Constitution for the United States adopted in 1788. But it is were the US federal government is located, so what is going on?
One wacko theory believes that the three stars on the DC flag are part of a wider conspiracy, and represent (1) DC (2), the City of London (3), the Vatican. The City of London is in fact a distinctly weird legal entity known as the Crown (but distinct from the British monarchy) that is not legally part of London (it has a separate Mayor) and is a financial creation controlled by the banks or maybe some other mysterious group. They even have their own MP in the British parliament. Inflate that theory any you have the City of London controlling everything in the Western world and beyond. Some extreme theories have it controlled by a cartel of the Fabian Society, the Vatican and the Jewish bankers.
But getting back to if the US is still controlled by the British Monarchy, I cant find much but here are a few things.
In English Law courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas have jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British Rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice in order to accomplish this task. First, through the 14th Amendment and then through the registration of our birth certificate and property. All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crown’s private commerce.
This is definitely I think on the Sovereign Nation waveband in legal nonsense, but parts of it could be looked into.
There is also this....
True of not I don't know. However there is some quirky law regarding British rights to use and have full access to the Mississippi River. It was made before the US expanded westwards when this area was not that important and largely inhabited by American Indians. I don't know if it was ever amended..
The British are major shareholders in the Federal Reserve, that's about it. And it's a private bank with a Govt. contract
The Dark
08-28-2017, 09:38 PM
Has anybody ever heard of this. I came across it recently and was actually stunned.
1) The Constitiution for the United States of America is written (notice I say for not of).
2) A war of independance begins.
3) The British Monarch finances both sides (directly and indirectly through France).
4) America wins the war and both sides sign the Treaty of Paris 1783
5) Article number 4 means America agrees to pay all debts owed to the British Crown - http://en.wikipedia...._of_Paris_(1783)
6) America is bankrupt forcing it to seek finance which it gets through a British bank (it later became the Rothschild Group).
7) Finance is only granted on the condition the USA as a country is abolished and replaced with a corporation of the same name. The reason being is Britain wants legal ownership of American land as security incase it cant meet its debt repayments.
8) The IRS is created to collect the taxes which are used for the debt repayments. The IRS pays the income tax to the IMF which pays it to the British Crown.
9) To make all these legal changes a new consitituition is written - The Constituition of the United States of America (for swapped to of which in legal jargon signifies the constituition of a corporation).
10) The US corporation is still repaying its debts to Britain today. Corporations have no legal authority to create laws but because of legal fiction it holds power over the American people. The Queen of England can and does create laws for the US which it has to obey because it isnt a country its a British corporation.
Yeah, this is sovereign citizen woo that forms the basis of their claim that US courts are subject to British maritime law. They tend to wind up in prison when they start spouting their nonsense in court. Article 1 of the Treaty of Paris is still in effect today, which says "His Brittanic Majesty acknowledges the said United States, viz., New Hampshire, Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia, to be free sovereign and independent states, that he treats with them as such, and for himself, his heirs, and successors, relinquishes all claims to the government, propriety, and territorial rights of the same and every part thereof."
If the argument is that having a Constitution makes a land into a corporation, then Germany, Norway, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Luxembourg, Austria, Liechtenstein, Latvia, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Germany, France, and Malta are all corporations as well (and Liechtenstein does not belong to the IMF).
As mentioned, the order makes no sense. The IRS (1862 for founding, 1953 for the change to the name IRS) was created to pay the IMF (created in 1944), and to make the legal change, the Constitution was passed in 1787. The idea of a conspiracy needing over 150 years to start their plan seems ludicrously inefficient.
The idea also ignores the fact that a second war was fought in 1812, and another very nearly happened in the 1860s (when factions within the British government favored recognizing the Confederacy). Corporations don't generally declare open war on their owners.
That said, there is one British enclave within US territory; the grave of James Cook is considered sovereign British territory, granted by the Monarch of Hawaii to England in perpetuity in 1877 and honored by the US still.
The idea might be fun for an alt-history game (it would fit well in a cyberpunk or conspiracy game), but it's as fictional as T2K's 1990s nuclear war.
In 1604, the Virginia Company was formed with the purpose of establishing settlements on the coast of North America. Its main stockholder was British King James I.
The Virginia Company owned most of the land that is now called the USA.
The Virginia Company of the British Crown had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.
The lands of the British owned Virginia Company were granted to the American colonies under a Deed of Trust (lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land.
They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it.
The Virginia Company formed two companies. The “Virginia Company of London” and the “Virginia Company of Plymouth” operating with identical charters but covering different territories.
The Plymouth Company never fulfilled its charter and its territory became New England. A successor company to the Plymouth Company eventually established a permanent settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 in what is now New England.
In 1624, the King dissolved the London Company and made Virginia a “royal colony”.
In 1773, the United States ratified a contract in which loans were owed to the British Crown. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence. “All bills of credit omitted, monies borrowed and debts contracted by or under the authority of congress before the assembling of the US in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the US for payment and satisfaction where of the US and public and public faith are hereby solemnly pledged”.
After 1776, the Virginia royal colony became the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of the original thirteen states of the United States, adopting as its official slogan “The Old Dominion”.
After the United States was formed, the entire states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Ohio were all later created from the territory encompassed earlier by the Colony of Virginia.
Ownership was retained by the British Crown.
08-29-2017, 08:56 AM
In 1604, the Virginia Company was formed with the purpose of establishing settlements on the coast of North America. Its main stockholder was British King James I.
The Virginia Company owned most of the land that is now called the USA.
The Virginia Company of the British Crown had rights to 50%, yes 50%, of all gold and silver mined on its lands, plus percentages of other minerals and raw materials, and 5% of all profits from other ventures.
The lands of the British owned Virginia Company were granted to the American colonies under a Deed of Trust (lease) and therefore they could not claim ownership of the land.
They could pass on the perpetual use of the land to their heirs or sell the perpetual use of the land, but they could NEVER own it.
The Virginia Company formed two companies. The “Virginia Company of London” and the “Virginia Company of Plymouth” operating with identical charters but covering different territories.
The Plymouth Company never fulfilled its charter and its territory became New England. A successor company to the Plymouth Company eventually established a permanent settlement in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620 in what is now New England.
In 1624, the King dissolved the London Company and made Virginia a “royal colony”.
In 1773, the United States ratified a contract in which loans were owed to the British Crown. The purpose of the loans were to fund both sides of the War of Independence. “All bills of credit omitted, monies borrowed and debts contracted by or under the authority of congress before the assembling of the US in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the US for payment and satisfaction where of the US and public and public faith are hereby solemnly pledged”.
After 1776, the Virginia royal colony became the Commonwealth of Virginia, one of the original thirteen states of the United States, adopting as its official slogan “The Old Dominion”.
After the United States was formed, the entire states of West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Ohio were all later created from the territory encompassed earlier by the Colony of Virginia.
Ownership was retained by the British Crown.
Well that make sense except that
1. Virginia became a state in 1788 not 1776
2. The US had no formal government prior to the First Continental Congress which sat from September 5 to October 26, 1774, following by the Second Continental Congress, 1775–1781 and Confederation Congress, 1781–1789 The formal US Congress did not sit till 1789.
3. How dose on retian owership of a dissolved company?
Well that make sense except that
1. Virginia became a state in 1788 not 1776
2. The US had no formal government prior to the First Continental Congress which sat from September 5 to October 26, 1774, following by the Second Continental Congress, 1775–1781 and Confederation Congress, 1781–1789 The formal US Congress did not sit till 1789.
3. How dose on retian owership of a dissolved company?
According to the conspiracy themed website I copied and pasted it from it all makers perfect sense.
According to the conspiracy themed website I copied and pasted it from it all makers perfect sense.
... Exactly... That's the problem
08-29-2017, 02:11 PM
The British can't own our country. There are too many owners among the rich, the special interests, the millionaires and billionaires, the Defense Industrial Complex, special interests, the Republicans and Democrats, etc, etc, etc...
The Dark
08-29-2017, 05:44 PM
The British can't own our country. There are too many owners among the rich, the special interests, the millionaires and billionaires, the Defense Industrial Complex, special interests, the Republicans and Democrats, etc, etc, etc...
Clearly the United States is a timeshare.
08-29-2017, 09:33 PM
Shhhh what most people don't know is that Canada is the legal holder of the US. We took it when we burnt the White House in the War of 1812 and forced the President to sign it over to us.
We just let Trump think he is President.
08-30-2017, 10:21 AM
We took it when we burnt the White House in the War of 1812 and forced the President to sign it over to us.
Ahhh one of the great myths of Canadian History, the British burned the White House that why it's white
The Dark
08-30-2017, 09:01 PM
Shhhh what most people don't know is that Canada is the legal holder of the US. We took it when we burnt the White House in the War of 1812 and forced the President to sign it over to us.
We just let Trump think he is President.
Actually, we belong to Quebec, and the real reason they haven't seceded from Canada is so they can remain unrevealed as the secret masters of the United States, the Freemasons, and the Bavarian Illumi
<this transmission terminated for public safety>
After researching this subject intensely on the internet I have come to the conclusion that the U.S. is in fact an independent country.
However according to Mark Owens, Truth Control, Virginia Company, The Atlantean Conspiracy
" Through a legal loophole the royals have created, US citizens are considered property of the queen under British Maritime law. Since we are born of our mother’s water, from her “birth canal,” we are thereby a maritime product, a “shipped” commodity. Our mothers were delivering a product under maritime law and that’s why we are born in a “delivery room.”
So there!?!!
09-11-2017, 07:18 PM
Clearly the United States is a timeshare.
This would be really funny if it wasn't so close to the truth.
09-11-2017, 07:27 PM
I love it is funny when the typical Sovereign Citizen tries to "educate" me by saying that "The US is a British Corporation because the Rothchild's forced the founding fathers to do that in exchange for funding."
My next question is "Why would a family of Jewish bankers from Frankfurt want England to control THEIR asset (The US)?"
I never get any kind of logical response as to why the Rothchild's would give such financial control to England when they were betting against English Sovereign Power in many of their business deals anyway.
09-11-2017, 07:28 PM
That least Sovereign Citizens kept both my HTH and my Taser Skills sharp....
09-11-2017, 07:29 PM
But now we have ANTIFA too....
Because breaking all the stores' windows on Main Street demonstrates that they are looking out for the little guy?
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